/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE * or https://OpenDS.dev.java.net/OpenDS.LICENSE. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at * trunk/opends/resource/legal-notices/OpenDS.LICENSE. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed * by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: * Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END * * * Copyright 2007-2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Portions Copyright 2012-2013 ForgeRock AS */ package org.opends.admin.ads; import static org.opends.messages.QuickSetupMessages.*; import java.io.File; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.CompositeName; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; import javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException; import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.NoPermissionException; import javax.naming.NotContextException; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; import javax.naming.directory.SearchResult; import javax.naming.directory.Attribute; import javax.naming.directory.Attributes; import javax.naming.directory.BasicAttribute; import javax.naming.directory.BasicAttributes; import javax.naming.directory.SearchControls; import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName; import javax.naming.ldap.Rdn; import javax.naming.ldap.Control; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext; import org.opends.admin.ads.util.ConnectionUtils; import org.opends.messages.Message; import org.opends.quicksetup.Constants; import org.opends.quicksetup.util.Utils; import org.opends.server.schema.SchemaConstants; /** * Class used to update and read the contents of the Administration Data. */ public class ADSContext { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ADSContext.class.getName()); /** * Enumeration containing the different server properties syntaxes * that could be stored in the ADS. */ public enum ADSPropertySyntax { /** * String syntax. */ STRING, /** * Integer syntax. */ INTEGER, /** * Boolean syntax. */ BOOLEAN, /** * Certificate;binary syntax. */ CERTIFICATE_BINARY } /** * Enumeration containing the different server properties that are stored in * the ADS. */ public enum ServerProperty { /** * The ID used to identify the server. */ ID("id",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The host name of the server. */ HOST_NAME("hostname",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The LDAP port of the server. */ LDAP_PORT("ldapport",ADSPropertySyntax.INTEGER), /** * The JMX port of the server. */ JMX_PORT("jmxport",ADSPropertySyntax.INTEGER), /** * The JMX secure port of the server. */ JMXS_PORT("jmxsport",ADSPropertySyntax.INTEGER), /** * The LDAPS port of the server. */ LDAPS_PORT("ldapsport",ADSPropertySyntax.INTEGER), /** * The administration connector port of the server. */ ADMIN_PORT("adminport",ADSPropertySyntax.INTEGER), /** * The certificate used by the server. */ CERTIFICATE("certificate",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The path where the server is installed. */ INSTANCE_PATH("instancepath",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The description of the server. */ DESCRIPTION("description",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The OS of the machine where the server is installed. */ HOST_OS("os",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * Whether LDAP is enabled or not. */ LDAP_ENABLED("ldapEnabled",ADSPropertySyntax.BOOLEAN), /** * Whether LDAPS is enabled or not. */ LDAPS_ENABLED("ldapsEnabled",ADSPropertySyntax.BOOLEAN), /** * Whether ADMIN is enabled or not. */ ADMIN_ENABLED("adminEnabled",ADSPropertySyntax.BOOLEAN), /** * Whether StartTLS is enabled or not. */ STARTTLS_ENABLED("startTLSEnabled",ADSPropertySyntax.BOOLEAN), /** * Whether JMX is enabled or not. */ JMX_ENABLED("jmxEnabled",ADSPropertySyntax.BOOLEAN), /** * Whether JMX is enabled or not. */ JMXS_ENABLED("jmxsEnabled",ADSPropertySyntax.BOOLEAN), /** * The location of the server. */ LOCATION("location",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The groups to which this server belongs. */ GROUPS("memberofgroups",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The unique name of the instance key public-key certificate. */ INSTANCE_KEY_ID("ds-cfg-key-id",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The instance key-pair public-key certificate. Note: This attribute * belongs to an instance key entry, separate from the server entry and * named by the ds-cfg-key-id attribute from the server entry. */ INSTANCE_PUBLIC_KEY_CERTIFICATE( "ds-cfg-public-key-certificate", ADSPropertySyntax.CERTIFICATE_BINARY); private String attrName; private ADSPropertySyntax attSyntax; /** * Private constructor. * @param n the name of the attribute. * @param s the name of the syntax. */ private ServerProperty(String n, ADSPropertySyntax s) { attrName = n; attSyntax = s ; } /** * Returns the attribute name. * @return the attribute name. */ public String getAttributeName() { return attrName; } /** * Returns the attribute syntax. * @return the attribute syntax. */ public ADSPropertySyntax getAttributeSyntax() { return attSyntax; } } /** Default global admin UID. */ public static final String GLOBAL_ADMIN_UID = "admin"; private static HashMap nameToServerProperty = null; /** * Get a ServerProperty associated to a name. * @param name The name of the property to retrieve. * * @return The corresponding ServerProperty or null if name * doesn't match with an existing property. */ public static ServerProperty getServerPropFromName(String name) { if (nameToServerProperty == null) { nameToServerProperty = new HashMap(); for (ServerProperty s : ServerProperty.values()) { nameToServerProperty.put(s.getAttributeName(), s); } } return nameToServerProperty.get(name); } /** * The list of server properties that are multivalued. */ private final static Set MULTIVALUED_SERVER_PROPERTIES = new HashSet(); static { MULTIVALUED_SERVER_PROPERTIES.add(ServerProperty.GROUPS); } /** * The default server group which will contain all registered servers. */ public static final String ALL_SERVERGROUP_NAME = "all-servers"; /** * Enumeration containing the different server group properties that are * stored in the ADS. */ public enum ServerGroupProperty { /** * The UID of the server group. */ UID("cn"), /** * The description of the server group. */ DESCRIPTION("description"), /** * The members of the server group. */ MEMBERS("uniqueMember"); private String attrName; /** * Private constructor. * @param n the attribute name. */ private ServerGroupProperty(String n) { attrName = n; } /** * Returns the attribute name. * @return the attribute name. */ public String getAttributeName() { return attrName; } } /** * The list of server group properties that are multivalued. */ private final static Set MULTIVALUED_SERVER_GROUP_PROPERTIES = new HashSet(); static { MULTIVALUED_SERVER_GROUP_PROPERTIES.add(ServerGroupProperty.MEMBERS); } /** * The enumeration containing the different Administrator properties. */ public enum AdministratorProperty { /** * The UID of the administrator. */ UID("id",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The password of the administrator. */ PASSWORD("password",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The description of the administrator. */ DESCRIPTION("description",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The DN of the administrator. */ ADMINISTRATOR_DN("administrator dn",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING), /** * The administrator privilege. */ PRIVILEGE("privilege",ADSPropertySyntax.STRING); private String attrName; private ADSPropertySyntax attrSyntax; /** * Private constructor. * @param n the name of the attribute. * @param s the name of the syntax. */ private AdministratorProperty(String n, ADSPropertySyntax s) { attrName = n; attrSyntax = s ; } /** * Returns the attribute name. * @return the attribute name. */ public String getAttributeName() { return attrName; } /** * Returns the attribute syntax. * @return the attribute syntax. */ public ADSPropertySyntax getAttributeSyntax() { return attrSyntax; } } private static HashMap nameToAdminUserProperty = null; /** * Get a AdministratorProperty associated to a name. * @param name The name of the property to retrieve. * * @return The corresponding AdministratorProperty or null if name * doesn't match with an existing property. */ public static AdministratorProperty getAdminUserPropFromName(String name) { if (nameToAdminUserProperty == null) { nameToAdminUserProperty = new HashMap(); for (AdministratorProperty u : AdministratorProperty.values()) { nameToAdminUserProperty.put(u.getAttributeName(), u); } } return nameToAdminUserProperty.get(name); } // The context used to retrieve information private final InitialLdapContext dirContext; /** * Constructor of the ADSContext. * @param dirContext the DirContext that must be used to retrieve information. */ public ADSContext(InitialLdapContext dirContext) { this.dirContext = dirContext; } /** * Returns the DirContext used to retrieve information by this ADSContext. * @return the DirContext used to retrieve information by this ADSContext. */ public InitialLdapContext getDirContext() { return dirContext; } /** * Method called to register a server in the ADS. * @param serverProperties the properties of the server. * @throws ADSContextException if the server could not be registered. */ public void registerServer(Map serverProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = makeDNFromServerProperties(serverProperties); BasicAttributes attrs = makeAttrsFromServerProperties(serverProperties, true); try { // This check is required because by default the server container entry // does not exist. if (!isExistingEntry(nameFromDN(getServerContainerDN()))) { createContainerEntry(getServerContainerDN()); } dirContext.createSubcontext(dn, attrs).close(); if (serverProperties.containsKey( ServerProperty.INSTANCE_PUBLIC_KEY_CERTIFICATE)) { registerInstanceKeyCertificate(serverProperties, dn); } // register this server into "all" groups HashMap serverGroupProperties = new HashMap(); Set memberList = getServerGroupMemberList(ALL_SERVERGROUP_NAME); if (memberList == null) { memberList = new HashSet(); } String newMember = "cn=" + Rdn.escapeValue(serverProperties.get(ServerProperty.ID)); memberList.add(newMember); serverGroupProperties.put(ServerGroupProperty.MEMBERS, memberList); updateServerGroup(ALL_SERVERGROUP_NAME, serverGroupProperties); // Update the server property "GROUPS" Set rawGroupList = (Set) serverProperties.get(ServerProperty.GROUPS); Set groupList = new HashSet(); if (rawGroupList != null) { for (Object elm : rawGroupList.toArray()) { groupList.add(elm.toString()); } } groupList.add(ALL_SERVERGROUP_NAME); serverProperties.put(ServerProperty.GROUPS, groupList); updateServer(serverProperties, null); } catch (ADSContextException ace) { throw ace; } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ALREADY_REGISTERED); } catch (Exception x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Method called to update the properties of a server in the ADS. * @param serverProperties the new properties of the server. * @param newServerId The new server Identifier, or null. * @throws ADSContextException if the server could not be registered. */ public void updateServer(Map serverProperties, String newServerId) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = makeDNFromServerProperties(serverProperties); try { if (newServerId != null) { HashMap newServerProps = new HashMap(serverProperties); newServerProps.put(ServerProperty.ID,newServerId); LdapName newDn = makeDNFromServerProperties(newServerProps); dirContext.rename(dn, newDn); dn = newDn ; serverProperties.put(ServerProperty.ID,newServerId); } BasicAttributes attrs = makeAttrsFromServerProperties(serverProperties, false); dirContext.modifyAttributes(dn, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs); if (serverProperties.containsKey( ServerProperty.INSTANCE_PUBLIC_KEY_CERTIFICATE)) { registerInstanceKeyCertificate(serverProperties, dn); } } catch (ADSContextException ace) { throw ace; } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.NOT_YET_REGISTERED); } catch (Exception x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Method called to unregister a server in the ADS. Note that the server's * instance key-pair public-key certificate entry (created in * registerServer()) * is left untouched. * @param serverProperties the properties of the server. * @throws ADSContextException if the server could not be unregistered. */ public void unregisterServer(Map serverProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = makeDNFromServerProperties(serverProperties); try { // Unregister the server from the server groups. String member = "cn=" + Rdn.escapeValue(serverProperties.get(ServerProperty.ID)); Set> serverGroups = readServerGroupRegistry(); for (Map serverGroup : serverGroups) { Set memberList = (Set)serverGroup.get(ServerGroupProperty.MEMBERS); if (memberList != null) { if (memberList.remove(member)) { HashMap serverGroupProperties = new HashMap(); serverGroupProperties.put(ServerGroupProperty.MEMBERS, memberList); String groupName = (String)serverGroup.get(ServerGroupProperty.UID); updateServerGroup(groupName, serverGroupProperties); } } } dirContext.destroySubcontext(dn); } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.NOT_YET_REGISTERED); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } // Unregister the server in server groups NamingEnumeration ne = null; try { SearchControls sc = new SearchControls(); String serverID = getServerID(serverProperties); if (serverID != null) { String memberAttrName = ServerGroupProperty.MEMBERS.getAttributeName(); String filter = "("+memberAttrName+"=cn="+serverID+")"; sc.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); ne = dirContext.search(getServerGroupContainerDN(), filter, sc); while (ne.hasMore()) { SearchResult sr = ne.next(); String groupDn = sr.getNameInNamespace(); BasicAttribute newAttr = new BasicAttribute(memberAttrName); NamingEnumeration attrs = sr.getAttributes().getAll(); try { while (attrs.hasMore()) { Attribute attr = attrs.next(); String attrID = attr.getID(); if (attrID.equalsIgnoreCase(memberAttrName)) { NamingEnumeration ae = attr.getAll(); try { while (ae.hasMore()) { String value = (String)ae.next(); if (!value.equalsIgnoreCase("cn="+serverID)) { newAttr.add(value); } } } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ae); } } } } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(attrs); } BasicAttributes newAttrs = new BasicAttributes(); newAttrs.put(newAttr); if (newAttr.size() > 0) { dirContext.modifyAttributes(groupDn, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, newAttrs); } else { dirContext.modifyAttributes(groupDn, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, newAttrs); } } } } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.BROKEN_INSTALL); } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ne); } } /** * Returns whether a given server is already registered or not. * @param serverProperties the server properties. * @return true if the server was registered and * false otherwise. * @throws ADSContextException if something went wrong. */ public boolean isServerAlreadyRegistered( Map serverProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = makeDNFromServerProperties(serverProperties); return isExistingEntry(dn); } /** * Returns whether a given administrator is already registered or not. * @param uid the administrator UID. * @return true if the administrator was registered and * false otherwise. * @throws ADSContextException if something went wrong. */ public boolean isAdministratorAlreadyRegistered(String uid) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = makeDNFromAdministratorProperties(uid); return isExistingEntry(dn); } /** * A convenience method that takes some server properties as parameter and * if there is no server registered associated with those properties, * registers it and if it is already registered, updates it. * @param serverProperties the server properties. * @return 0 if the server was registered; 1 if updated (i.e., the server * entry was already in ADS). * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public int registerOrUpdateServer( Map serverProperties) throws ADSContextException { int result = 0; try { registerServer(serverProperties); } catch(ADSContextException x) { if (x.getError() == ADSContextException.ErrorType.ALREADY_REGISTERED) { updateServer(serverProperties, null); result = 1; } else { throw x; } } return result; } /** * Returns the member list of a group of server. * * @param serverGroupId * The group name. * @return the member list of a group of server. * @throws ADSContextException * if something goes wrong. */ public Set getServerGroupMemberList( String serverGroupId) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = nameFromDN("cn=" + Rdn.escapeValue(serverGroupId) + "," + getServerGroupContainerDN()); Set result = new HashSet() ; NamingEnumeration srs = null; NamingEnumeration ne = null; try { SearchControls sc = new SearchControls(); sc.setSearchScope(SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE); srs = getDirContext().search(dn, "(objectclass=*)", sc); if (!srs.hasMore()) { return result; } Attributes attrs = srs.next().getAttributes(); ne = attrs.getAll(); while (ne.hasMore()) { Attribute attr = ne.next(); String attrID = attr.getID(); if (!attrID.toLowerCase().equals( ServerGroupProperty.MEMBERS.getAttributeName().toLowerCase())) { continue; } // We have the members list NamingEnumeration ae = attr.getAll(); try { while (ae.hasMore()) { result.add((String)ae.next()); } } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ae); } break; } } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { result = new HashSet(); } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(srs); handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ne); } return result; } /** * Returns a set containing the servers that are registered in the * ADS. * * @return a set containing the servers that are registered in the * ADS. * @throws ADSContextException * if something goes wrong. */ public Set> readServerRegistry() throws ADSContextException { Set> result = new HashSet>(); NamingEnumeration ne = null; try { SearchControls sc = new SearchControls(); sc.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); ne = dirContext.search(getServerContainerDN(), "(objectclass=*)", sc); while (ne.hasMore()) { SearchResult sr = ne.next(); Map properties = makePropertiesFromServerAttrs(sr.getAttributes()); Object keyId = properties.get(ServerProperty.INSTANCE_KEY_ID); if (keyId != null) { NamingEnumeration ne2 = null; try { SearchControls sc1 = new SearchControls(); sc1.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); final String attrIDs[] = { "ds-cfg-public-key-certificate;binary" }; sc1.setReturningAttributes(attrIDs); ne2 = dirContext.search(getInstanceKeysContainerDN(), "(ds-cfg-key-id="+keyId+")", sc); boolean found = false; while (ne2.hasMore()) { SearchResult certEntry = ne2.next(); Attribute certAttr = certEntry.getAttributes().get(attrIDs[0]); properties.put(ServerProperty.INSTANCE_PUBLIC_KEY_CERTIFICATE, certAttr.get()); found = true; } if (!found) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not find public key for "+ properties); } } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not find public key for "+properties); } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ne2); } } result.add(properties); } } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.BROKEN_INSTALL); } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch(NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ne); } return result; } /** * Creates a Server Group in the ADS. * @param serverGroupProperties the properties of the server group to be * created. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public void createServerGroup( Map serverGroupProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = makeDNFromServerGroupProperties(serverGroupProperties); BasicAttributes attrs = makeAttrsFromServerGroupProperties( serverGroupProperties); // Add the objectclass attribute value Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectclass"); oc.add("top"); oc.add("groupOfUniqueNames"); attrs.put(oc); try { DirContext ctx = dirContext.createSubcontext(dn, attrs); ctx.close(); } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ALREADY_REGISTERED); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.BROKEN_INSTALL, x); } } /** * Updates the properties of a Server Group in the ADS. * @param serverGroupProperties the new properties of the server group to be * updated. * @param groupID The group name. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public void updateServerGroup(String groupID, Map serverGroupProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = nameFromDN("cn=" + Rdn.escapeValue(groupID) + "," + getServerGroupContainerDN()); try { // Entry renaming ? if (serverGroupProperties.containsKey(ServerGroupProperty.UID)) { String newGroupId = serverGroupProperties .get(ServerGroupProperty.UID).toString(); if (!newGroupId.equals(groupID)) { // Rename to entry LdapName newDN = nameFromDN("cn=" + Rdn.escapeValue(newGroupId) + "," + getServerGroupContainerDN()); dirContext.rename(dn, newDN); dn = newDN ; } // In any case, we remove the "cn" attribute. serverGroupProperties.remove(ServerGroupProperty.UID); } if (serverGroupProperties.isEmpty()) { return ; } BasicAttributes attrs = makeAttrsFromServerGroupProperties(serverGroupProperties); // attribute modification dirContext.modifyAttributes(dn, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs); } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.NOT_YET_REGISTERED); } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ALREADY_REGISTERED); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Updates the properties of a Server Group in the ADS. * @param serverGroupProperties the new properties of the server group to be * updated. * @param groupID The group name. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public void removeServerGroupProp(String groupID, Set serverGroupProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = nameFromDN("cn=" + Rdn.escapeValue(groupID) + "," + getServerGroupContainerDN()); BasicAttributes attrs = makeAttrsFromServerGroupProperties(serverGroupProperties); try { dirContext.modifyAttributes(dn, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs); } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ALREADY_REGISTERED); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Deletes a Server Group in the ADS. * @param serverGroupProperties the properties of the server group to be * deleted. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public void deleteServerGroup( Map serverGroupProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dn = makeDNFromServerGroupProperties(serverGroupProperties); try { dirContext.destroySubcontext(dn); } catch(NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Returns a set containing the server groups that are defined in the ADS. * @return a set containing the server groups that are defined in the ADS. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public Set> readServerGroupRegistry() throws ADSContextException { Set> result = new HashSet>(); NamingEnumeration ne = null; try { SearchControls sc = new SearchControls(); sc.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); ne = dirContext.search(getServerGroupContainerDN(), "(objectclass=*)", sc); while (ne.hasMore()) { SearchResult sr = ne.next(); Map properties = makePropertiesFromServerGroupAttrs(sr.getAttributes()); result.add(properties); } } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.BROKEN_INSTALL); } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ne); } return result; } /** * Returns a set containing the administrators that are defined in the ADS. * @return a set containing the administrators that are defined in the ADS. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public Set> readAdministratorRegistry() throws ADSContextException { Set> result = new HashSet>(); NamingEnumeration ne = null; try { SearchControls sc = new SearchControls(); sc.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); String[] attList = { "cn", "userpassword", "ds-privilege-name", "description" }; sc.setReturningAttributes(attList); ne = dirContext.search(getAdministratorContainerDN(), "(objectclass=*)", sc); while (ne.hasMore()) { SearchResult sr = ne.next(); Map properties = makePropertiesFromAdministratorAttrs( getRdn(sr.getName()), sr.getAttributes()); result.add(properties); } } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.BROKEN_INSTALL); } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ne); } return result; } /** * Creates the Administration Data in the server. * The call to this method assumes that OpenDS.jar has already been loaded. * So this should not be called by the Java Web Start before being sure that * this jar is loaded. * @param backendName the backend name which will handle admin information. * null to use the default backend name for the admin * information. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public void createAdminData(String backendName) throws ADSContextException { // Add the administration suffix createAdministrationSuffix(backendName); createAdminDataContainers(); } // Create container entries. private void createAdminDataContainers() throws ADSContextException { // Create the DIT below the administration suffix if (!isExistingEntry(nameFromDN(getAdministrationSuffixDN()))) { createTopContainerEntry(); } if (!isExistingEntry(nameFromDN(getAdministratorContainerDN()))) { createAdministratorContainerEntry(); } if (!isExistingEntry(nameFromDN(getServerContainerDN()))) { createContainerEntry(getServerContainerDN()); } if (!isExistingEntry(nameFromDN(getServerGroupContainerDN()))) { createContainerEntry(getServerGroupContainerDN()); } // Add the default "all-servers" group if (!isExistingEntry(nameFromDN(getAllServerGroupDN()))) { Map allServersGroupsMap = new HashMap(); allServersGroupsMap.put(ServerGroupProperty.UID, ALL_SERVERGROUP_NAME); createServerGroup(allServersGroupsMap); } // Create the CryptoManager instance key DIT below the administration suffix if (!isExistingEntry(nameFromDN(getInstanceKeysContainerDN()))) { createContainerEntry(getInstanceKeysContainerDN()); } // Create the CryptoManager secret key DIT below the administration suffix if (!isExistingEntry(nameFromDN(getSecretKeysContainerDN()))) { createContainerEntry(getSecretKeysContainerDN()); } } /** * Removes the administration data. * * @param removeAdministrators * {@code true} if administrators should be removed. It may not be * possible to remove administrators if the operation is being * performed by one of the administrators because it will cause the * administrator to be disconnected. * @throws ADSContextException * if something goes wrong. */ public void removeAdminData(boolean removeAdministrators) throws ADSContextException { String[] dns = {getServerContainerDN(), getServerGroupContainerDN(), removeAdministrators ? getAdministratorContainerDN() : null }; try { Control[] controls = new Control[] { new SubtreeDeleteControl() }; LdapContext tmpContext = dirContext.newInstance(controls); try { for (String dn : dns) { if (dn != null) { LdapName ldapName = nameFromDN(dn); if (isExistingEntry(ldapName)) { tmpContext.destroySubcontext(dn); } } } } finally { try { tmpContext.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while closing LDAP connection after removing admin data", ex); } } // Recreate the container entries: createAdminDataContainers(); } catch(NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Returns true if the server contains Administration Data and * false otherwise. * @return true if the server contains Administration Data and * false otherwise. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public boolean hasAdminData() throws ADSContextException { String[] dns = {getAdministratorContainerDN(), getAllServerGroupDN(), getServerContainerDN(), getInstanceKeysContainerDN(), getSecretKeysContainerDN()}; boolean hasAdminData = true; for (int i=0; i adminProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dnCentralAdmin = makeDNFromAdministratorProperties(adminProperties); BasicAttributes attrs = makeAttrsFromAdministratorProperties( adminProperties, true, null); try { DirContext ctx = dirContext.createSubcontext(dnCentralAdmin, attrs); ctx.close(); } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ALREADY_REGISTERED); } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Deletes the administrator in the ADS. * @param adminProperties the properties of the administrator to be deleted. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public void deleteAdministrator( Map adminProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dnCentralAdmin = makeDNFromAdministratorProperties(adminProperties); try { dirContext.destroySubcontext(dnCentralAdmin); } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.NOT_YET_REGISTERED); } catch (NotContextException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.NOT_YET_REGISTERED); } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Updates and administrator registered in the ADS. * @param adminProperties the new properties of the administrator. * @param newAdminUserId The new admin user Identifier, or null. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public void updateAdministrator( Map adminProperties, String newAdminUserId) throws ADSContextException { LdapName dnCentralAdmin = makeDNFromAdministratorProperties(adminProperties); boolean updatePassword = adminProperties .containsKey(AdministratorProperty.PASSWORD); NamingEnumeration currentPrivileges = null; try { // Entry renaming if (newAdminUserId != null) { HashMap newAdminUserProps = new HashMap(adminProperties); newAdminUserProps.put(AdministratorProperty.UID,newAdminUserId); LdapName newDn = makeDNFromAdministratorProperties(newAdminUserProps); dirContext.rename(dnCentralAdmin, newDn); dnCentralAdmin = newDn ; adminProperties.put(AdministratorProperty.UID,newAdminUserId); } // if modification includes 'privilege', we have to get first the // current privileges list. if (adminProperties.containsKey(AdministratorProperty.PRIVILEGE)) { SearchControls sc = new SearchControls(); sc.setSearchScope(SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE); String[] attList = {"ds-privilege-name"}; sc.setReturningAttributes(attList); NamingEnumeration ne = dirContext.search( dnCentralAdmin, "(objectclass=*)", sc); try { while (ne.hasMore()) { SearchResult sr = ne.next(); currentPrivileges = sr.getAttributes().get("ds-privilege-name") .getAll(); } } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ne); } } // Replace properties, if needed. if (adminProperties.size() > 1) { BasicAttributes attrs = makeAttrsFromAdministratorProperties( adminProperties, updatePassword, currentPrivileges); dirContext.modifyAttributes(dnCentralAdmin, DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs); } } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.NOT_YET_REGISTERED); } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(currentPrivileges); } } /** * Returns the DN of the suffix that contains the administration data. * @return the DN of the suffix that contains the administration data. */ public static String getAdministrationSuffixDN() { return "cn=admin data"; } /** * This method returns the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given host * name and installation path. * @param hostname the host name. * @param ipath the installation path. * @return the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given host name and * installation path. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private static LdapName makeDNFromHostnameAndPath(String hostname, String ipath) throws ADSContextException { String cnValue = Rdn.escapeValue(hostname + "@" + ipath); return nameFromDN("cn=" + cnValue + "," + getServerContainerDN()); } /** * This method returns the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given host * name port representation. * @param serverUniqueId the host name and port. * @return the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given host name and * port. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private static LdapName makeDNFromServerUniqueId(String serverUniqueId) throws ADSContextException { String cnValue = Rdn.escapeValue(serverUniqueId); return nameFromDN("cn=" + cnValue + "," + getServerContainerDN()); } /** * This method returns the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given * server group properties. * @param serverGroupProperties the server group properties * @return the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given server group * properties. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private static LdapName makeDNFromServerGroupProperties( Map serverGroupProperties) throws ADSContextException { String serverGroupId = (String)serverGroupProperties.get( ServerGroupProperty.UID); if (serverGroupId == null) { throw new ADSContextException(ADSContextException.ErrorType.MISSING_NAME); } return nameFromDN("cn=" + Rdn.escapeValue(serverGroupId) + "," + getServerGroupContainerDN()); } /** * This method returns the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given * server properties. * @param serverProperties the server properties. * @return the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given server * properties. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private static LdapName makeDNFromServerProperties( Map serverProperties) throws ADSContextException { String serverID ; if ( (serverID = getServerID(serverProperties)) != null ) { return makeDNFromServerUniqueId(serverID); } String hostname = getHostname(serverProperties); try { String ipath = getInstallPath(serverProperties); return makeDNFromHostnameAndPath(hostname, ipath); } catch (ADSContextException ace) { ServerDescriptor s = ServerDescriptor.createStandalone(serverProperties); return makeDNFromServerUniqueId(s.getHostPort(true)); } } /** * This method returns the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given * server properties. * @param serverProperties the server properties. * @return the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given server * properties. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public static String getServerIdFromServerProperties( Map serverProperties) throws ADSContextException { LdapName ldapName = makeDNFromServerProperties(serverProperties); String rdn = ldapName.get(ldapName.size() -1); int pos = rdn.indexOf("="); return rdn.substring(pos+1); } /** * This method returns the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given * administrator properties. * @param adminProperties the administrator properties. * @return the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given administrator * properties. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private static LdapName makeDNFromAdministratorProperties( Map adminProperties) throws ADSContextException { String adminUid = getAdministratorUID(adminProperties); return makeDNFromAdministratorProperties(adminUid); } /** * This method returns the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given * administrator properties. * @param adminUid the administrator uid. * @return the DN of the entry that corresponds to the given administrator * properties. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private static LdapName makeDNFromAdministratorProperties(String adminUid) throws ADSContextException { String dnCentralAdmin = getAdministratorDN(adminUid); return nameFromDN(dnCentralAdmin); } /** * Returns the attributes for some administrator properties. * @param adminProperties the administrator properties. * @param passwordRequired Indicates if the properties should include * the password. * @param currentPrivileges The current privilege list or null. * @return the attributes for the given administrator properties. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private static BasicAttributes makeAttrsFromAdministratorProperties( Map adminProperties, boolean passwordRequired, NamingEnumeration currentPrivileges) throws ADSContextException { BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectclass"); if (passwordRequired) { attrs.put("userPassword", getAdministratorPassword(adminProperties)); } oc.add("top"); oc.add("person"); attrs.put(oc); attrs.put("sn", GLOBAL_ADMIN_UID); if (adminProperties.containsKey(AdministratorProperty.DESCRIPTION)) { attrs.put("description", adminProperties .get(AdministratorProperty.DESCRIPTION)); } Attribute privilegeAtt; if (adminProperties.containsKey(AdministratorProperty.PRIVILEGE)) { // We assume that privilege strings provided in // AdministratorProperty.PRIVILEGE // are valid privileges represented as a LinkedList of string. privilegeAtt = new BasicAttribute("ds-privilege-name"); if (currentPrivileges != null) { while (currentPrivileges.hasMoreElements()) { privilegeAtt.add(currentPrivileges.nextElement().toString()); } } LinkedList privileges = (LinkedList) adminProperties.get(AdministratorProperty.PRIVILEGE); for( Object o : privileges) { String p = o.toString() ; if (p.startsWith("-")) { privilegeAtt.remove(p.substring(1)); } else { privilegeAtt.add(p); } } } else { privilegeAtt = addRootPrivileges(); } attrs.put(privilegeAtt); // Add the RootDNs Password policy so the password do not expire. attrs.put("ds-pwp-password-policy-dn", "cn=Root Password Policy,cn=Password Policies,cn=config"); return attrs; } /** * Builds an attribute which contains 'root' privileges. * @return The attribute which contains 'root' privileges. */ private static Attribute addRootPrivileges() { Attribute privilege = new BasicAttribute("ds-privilege-name"); privilege.add("bypass-acl"); privilege.add("modify-acl"); privilege.add("config-read"); privilege.add("config-write"); privilege.add("ldif-import"); privilege.add("ldif-export"); privilege.add("backend-backup"); privilege.add("backend-restore"); privilege.add("server-shutdown"); privilege.add("server-restart"); privilege.add("disconnect-client"); privilege.add("cancel-request"); privilege.add("password-reset"); privilege.add("update-schema"); privilege.add("privilege-change"); privilege.add("unindexed-search"); privilege.add("subentry-write"); return privilege; } /** * Returns the attributes for some server properties. * @param serverProperties the server properties. * @param addObjectClass Indicates if the object class has to be added. * @return the attributes for the given server properties. */ private static BasicAttributes makeAttrsFromServerProperties( Map serverProperties, boolean addObjectClass) { BasicAttributes result = new BasicAttributes(); // Transform 'properties' into 'attributes' for (ServerProperty prop: serverProperties.keySet()) { Attribute attr = makeAttrFromServerProperty(prop, serverProperties.get(prop)); if (attr != null) { result.put(attr); } } if (addObjectClass) { // Add the objectclass attribute value // TODO: use another structural objectclass Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectclass"); oc.add("top"); oc.add("ds-cfg-branch"); oc.add("extensibleobject"); result.put(oc); } return result; } /** * Returns the attribute for a given server property. * @param property the server property. * @param value the value. * @return the attribute for a given server property. */ private static Attribute makeAttrFromServerProperty(ServerProperty property, Object value) { Attribute result; switch(property) { case INSTANCE_PUBLIC_KEY_CERTIFICATE: result = null; // used in separate instance key entry break; case GROUPS: result = new BasicAttribute(ServerProperty.GROUPS.getAttributeName()); for (Object o : ((Set) value)) { result.add(o); } break; default: result = new BasicAttribute(property.getAttributeName(), value); } return result; } /** * Returns the attributes for some server group properties. * @param serverGroupProperties the server group properties. * @return the attributes for the given server group properties. */ private static BasicAttributes makeAttrsFromServerGroupProperties( Map serverGroupProperties) { BasicAttributes result = new BasicAttributes(); // Transform 'properties' into 'attributes' for (ServerGroupProperty prop: serverGroupProperties.keySet()) { Attribute attr = makeAttrFromServerGroupProperty(prop, serverGroupProperties.get(prop)); if (attr != null) { result.put(attr); } } return result; } /** * Returns the attributes for some server group properties. * @param serverGroupProperties the server group properties. * @return the attributes for the given server group properties. */ private static BasicAttributes makeAttrsFromServerGroupProperties( Set serverGroupProperties) { BasicAttributes result = new BasicAttributes(); // Transform 'properties' into 'attributes' for (ServerGroupProperty prop: serverGroupProperties) { Attribute attr = makeAttrFromServerGroupProperty(prop,null); if (attr != null) { result.put(attr); } } return result; } /** * Returns the attribute for a given server group property. * @param property the server group property. * @param value the value. * @return the attribute for a given server group property. */ private static Attribute makeAttrFromServerGroupProperty( ServerGroupProperty property, Object value) { Attribute result; switch(property) { case MEMBERS: result = new BasicAttribute( ServerGroupProperty.MEMBERS.getAttributeName()); for (Object o : ((Set) value)) { result.add(o); } break; default: result = new BasicAttribute(property.getAttributeName(), value); } return result; } /** * Returns the properties of a server group for some LDAP attributes. * @param attrs the LDAP attributes. * @return the properties of a server group for some LDAP attributes. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private Map makePropertiesFromServerGroupAttrs( Attributes attrs) throws ADSContextException { HashMap result = new HashMap(); try { for (ServerGroupProperty prop : ServerGroupProperty.values()) { Attribute attr = attrs.get(prop.getAttributeName()); if (attr == null) { continue ; } Object value; if (attr.size() >= 1 && MULTIVALUED_SERVER_GROUP_PROPERTIES.contains(prop)) { Set set = new HashSet(); NamingEnumeration ae = attr.getAll(); try { while (ae.hasMore()) { set.add((String)ae.next()); } } finally { ae.close(); } value = set; } else { value = attr.get(0); } result.put(prop, value); } } catch(NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } return result; } /** * Returns the properties of a server for some LDAP attributes. * @param attrs the LDAP attributes. * @return the properties of a server for some LDAP attributes. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private Map makePropertiesFromServerAttrs( Attributes attrs) throws ADSContextException { HashMap result = new HashMap(); try { NamingEnumeration ne = attrs.getAll(); while (ne.hasMore()) { Attribute attr = ne.next(); String attrID = attr.getID(); Object value; if (attrID.endsWith(";binary")) { attrID = attrID.substring(0, attrID.lastIndexOf(";binary")); } ServerProperty prop = null; ServerProperty[] props = ServerProperty.values(); for (int i=0; i= 1 && MULTIVALUED_SERVER_PROPERTIES.contains(prop)) { Set set = new HashSet(); NamingEnumeration ae = attr.getAll(); try { while (ae.hasMore()) { set.add((String)ae.next()); } } finally { ae.close(); } value = set; } else { value = attr.get(0); } result.put(prop, value); } } } catch(NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } return result; } /** * Returns the properties of an administrator for some rdn and LDAP * attributes. * @param rdn the RDN. * @param attrs the LDAP attributes. * @return the properties of an administrator for the given rdn and LDAP * attributes. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ private Map makePropertiesFromAdministratorAttrs(String rdn, Attributes attrs) throws ADSContextException { Map result = new HashMap(); LdapName nameObj; nameObj = nameFromDN(rdn); String dn = nameObj + "," + getAdministratorContainerDN(); result.put(AdministratorProperty.ADMINISTRATOR_DN, dn); NamingEnumeration ne = null; try { ne = attrs.getAll(); while (ne.hasMore()) { Attribute attr = ne.next(); String attrID = attr.getID(); Object value; if (attrID.equalsIgnoreCase("cn")) { value = attr.get(0); result.put(AdministratorProperty.UID, value); } else if (attrID.equalsIgnoreCase("userpassword")) { value = new String((byte[]) attr.get()); result.put(AdministratorProperty.PASSWORD, value); } else if (attrID.equalsIgnoreCase("description")) { value = attr.get(0); result.put(AdministratorProperty.DESCRIPTION, value); } else if (attrID.equalsIgnoreCase("ds-privilege-name")) { LinkedHashSet privileges = new LinkedHashSet(); NamingEnumeration attValueList = attr.getAll(); while (attValueList.hasMoreElements()) { privileges.add(attValueList.next().toString()); } result.put(AdministratorProperty.PRIVILEGE, privileges); } } } catch(NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } finally { handleCloseNamingEnumeration(ne); } return result; } /** * Returns the parent entry of the server entries. * @return the parent entry of the server entries. */ public static String getServerContainerDN() { return "cn=Servers," + getAdministrationSuffixDN(); } /** * Returns the parent entry of the administrator entries. * @return the parent entry of the administrator entries. */ public static String getAdministratorContainerDN() { return "cn=Administrators," + getAdministrationSuffixDN(); } /** * Returns the parent entry of the server group entries. * @return the parent entry of the server group entries. */ public static String getServerGroupContainerDN() { return "cn=Server Groups," + getAdministrationSuffixDN(); } /** * Returns the all server group entry DN. * @return the all server group entry DN. */ private static String getAllServerGroupDN() { return "cn=" + Rdn.escapeValue(ALL_SERVERGROUP_NAME) + "," + getServerGroupContainerDN(); } /** * Returns the host name for the given properties. * @param serverProperties the server properties. * @return the host name for the given properties. * @throws ADSContextException if the host name could not be found or its * value is not valid. */ private static String getHostname( Map serverProperties) throws ADSContextException { String result = (String)serverProperties.get(ServerProperty.HOST_NAME); if (result == null) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.MISSING_HOSTNAME); } else if (result.length() == 0) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.NOVALID_HOSTNAME); } return result; } /** * Returns the Server ID for the given properties. * @param serverProperties the server properties. * @return the server ID for the given properties or null. */ private static String getServerID( Map serverProperties) { String result = (String) serverProperties.get(ServerProperty.ID); if (result != null) { if (result.length() == 0) { result = null; } } return result; } /** * Returns the install path for the given properties. * @param serverProperties the server properties. * @return the install path for the given properties. * @throws ADSContextException if the install path could not be found or its * value is not valid. */ private static String getInstallPath( Map serverProperties) throws ADSContextException { String result = (String)serverProperties.get(ServerProperty.INSTANCE_PATH); if (result == null) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.MISSING_IPATH); } else if (result.length() == 0) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.NOVALID_IPATH); } return result; } /** * Returns the Administrator UID for the given properties. * @param adminProperties the server properties. * @return the Administrator UID for the given properties. * @throws ADSContextException if the administrator UID could not be found. */ private static String getAdministratorUID( Map adminProperties) throws ADSContextException { String result = (String)adminProperties.get( AdministratorProperty.UID); if (result == null) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.MISSING_ADMIN_UID); } return result; } /** * Returns the Administrator password for the given properties. * @param adminProperties the server properties. * @return the Administrator password for the given properties. * @throws ADSContextException if the administrator password could not be * found. */ private static String getAdministratorPassword( Map adminProperties) throws ADSContextException { String result = (String)adminProperties.get( AdministratorProperty.PASSWORD); if (result == null) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.MISSING_ADMIN_PASSWORD); } return result; } // // LDAP utilities // /** * Returns the LdapName object for the given dn. * @param dn the DN. * @return the LdapName object for the given dn. * @throws ADSContextException if a valid LdapName could not be retrieved * for the given dn. */ private static LdapName nameFromDN(String dn) throws ADSContextException { LdapName result; try { result = new LdapName(dn); } catch (InvalidNameException x) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error parsing dn "+dn, x); throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } return result; } /** * Returns the String rdn for the given search result name. * @param rdnName the search result name. * @return the String rdn for the given search result name. * @throws ADSContextException if a valid String rdn could not be retrieved * for the given result name. */ private static String getRdn(String rdnName) throws ADSContextException { CompositeName nameObj; String rdn; // // Transform the JNDI name into a RDN string // try { nameObj = new CompositeName(rdnName); rdn = nameObj.get(0); } catch (InvalidNameException x) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error parsing rdn "+rdnName, x); throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } return rdn; } /** * Tells whether an entry with the provided DN exists. * @param dn the DN to check. * @return true if the entry exists and false if * it does not. * @throws ADSContextException if an error occurred while checking if the * entry exists or not. */ private boolean isExistingEntry(LdapName dn) throws ADSContextException { boolean result; try { SearchControls sc = new SearchControls(); sc.setSearchScope(SearchControls.OBJECT_SCOPE); sc.setReturningAttributes(new String[] { SchemaConstants.NO_ATTRIBUTES }); NamingEnumeration sr = getDirContext().search(dn, "(objectclass=*)", sc); result = false; try { while (sr.hasMore()) { sr.next(); result = true; } } finally { sr.close(); } } catch (NameNotFoundException x) { result = false; } catch (NoPermissionException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ACCESS_PERMISSION); } catch(javax.naming.NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } return result; } /** * Creates a container entry with the given dn. * @param dn the entry of the new entry to be created. * @throws ADSContextException if the entry could not be created. */ private void createContainerEntry(String dn) throws ADSContextException { BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectclass"); oc.add("top"); oc.add("ds-cfg-branch"); attrs.put(oc); createEntry(dn, attrs); } /** * Creates the administrator container entry. * @throws ADSContextException if the entry could not be created. */ private void createAdministratorContainerEntry() throws ADSContextException { BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectclass"); oc.add("groupofurls"); attrs.put(oc); attrs.put("memberURL", "ldap:///" + getAdministratorContainerDN() + "??one?(objectclass=*)"); attrs.put("description", "Group of identities which have full access."); createEntry(getAdministratorContainerDN(), attrs); } /** * Creates the top container entry. * @throws ADSContextException if the entry could not be created. */ private void createTopContainerEntry() throws ADSContextException { BasicAttributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute oc = new BasicAttribute("objectclass"); oc.add("top"); oc.add("ds-cfg-branch"); attrs.put(oc); createEntry(getAdministrationSuffixDN(), attrs); } /** * Creates an entry with the provided dn and attributes. * @param dn the dn of the entry. * @param attrs the attributes of the entry. * @throws ADSContextException if the entry could not be created. */ private void createEntry(String dn, Attributes attrs) throws ADSContextException { try { DirContext ctx = getDirContext().createSubcontext(nameFromDN(dn), attrs); ctx.close(); } catch(NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } } /** * Creates the Administration Suffix. * @param backendName the backend name to be used for the Administration * Suffix. If this value is null the default backendName for the * Administration Suffix will be used. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ public void createAdministrationSuffix(String backendName) throws ADSContextException { ADSContextHelper helper = new ADSContextHelper(); String ben = backendName ; if (backendName == null) { ben = getDefaultBackendName() ; } helper.createAdministrationSuffix(getDirContext(), ben); } /** * Removes the administration suffix. * @throws ADSContextException if something goes wrong. */ //private void removeAdministrationSuffix() throws ADSContextException //{ //ADSContextHelper helper = new ADSContextHelper(); //helper.removeAdministrationSuffix(getDirContext(), //getDefaultBackendName()); //} /** * Returns the default backend name of the administration data. * @return the default backend name of the administration data. */ public static String getDefaultBackendName() { return "adminRoot"; } /** * Returns the LDIF file of the administration data. * @return the LDIF file of the administration data. */ public static String getAdminLDIFFile() { return "config"+File.separator+"admin-backend.ldif"; } /* *** CryptoManager related types, fields, and methods. *** */ /** Returns the parent entry of the server key entries in ADS. @return the parent entry of the server key entries in ADS. */ public static String getInstanceKeysContainerDN() { return "cn=instance keys," + getAdministrationSuffixDN(); } /** Returns the parent entry of the secret key entries in ADS. @return the parent entry of the secret key entries in ADS. */ public static String getSecretKeysContainerDN() { return "cn=secret keys," + getAdministrationSuffixDN(); } /** * Tells whether the provided server is registered in the registry. * @param server the server. * @param registry the registry. * @return true if the server is registered in the registry * and false otherwise. */ public static boolean isRegistered( ServerDescriptor server, Set> registry) { boolean isRegistered = false; for (Map s : registry) { ServerDescriptor servInRegistry = ServerDescriptor.createStandalone(s); if (servInRegistry.getId().equals(server.getId())) { isRegistered = true; break; } } return isRegistered; } /** Register instance key-pair public-key certificate provided in serverProperties: generate a key-id attribute if one is not provided (as expected); add an instance key public-key certificate entry for the key certificate; and associate the certificate entry with the server entry via the key ID attribute. @param serverProperties Properties of the server being registered to which the instance key entry belongs. @param serverEntryDn The server's ADS entry DN. @throws NamingException In case some JNDI operation fails. @throws CryptoManager.CryptoManagerException In case there is a problem getting the instance public key certificate ID. */ private void registerInstanceKeyCertificate( Map serverProperties, LdapName serverEntryDn) throws ADSContextException { ADSContextHelper helper = new ADSContextHelper(); helper.registerInstanceKeyCertificate(dirContext, serverProperties, serverEntryDn); } /** Unregister instance key-pair public-key certificate provided in serverProperties.. @param serverProperties Properties of the server being unregistered to which the instance key entry belongs. @param serverEntryDn The server's ADS entry DN. @throws NamingException In case some JNDI operation fails. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void unregisterInstanceKeyCertificate( Map serverProperties, LdapName serverEntryDn) throws ADSContextException { ADSContextHelper helper = new ADSContextHelper(); helper.unregisterInstanceKeyCertificate(dirContext, serverProperties, serverEntryDn); } /** Return the set of valid (i.e., not tagged as compromised) instance key-pair public-key certificate entries in ADS. NOTE: calling this method assumes that all the jar files are present in the classpath. @return The set of valid (i.e., not tagged as compromised) instance key-pair public-key certificate entries in ADS represented as a Map from ds-cfg-key-id value to ds-cfg-public-key-certificate;binary value. Note that the collection might be empty. @throws ADSContextException in case of problems with the entry search. @see org.opends.server.crypto.CryptoManagerImpl#getTrustedCertificates */ public Map getTrustedCertificates() throws ADSContextException { final Map certificateMap = new HashMap(); final String baseDNStr = getInstanceKeysContainerDN(); try { ADSContextHelper helper = new ADSContextHelper(); final LdapName baseDN = new LdapName(baseDNStr); final String FILTER_OC_INSTANCE_KEY = new StringBuilder("(objectclass=") .append(helper.getOcCryptoInstanceKey()) .append(")").toString(); final String FILTER_NOT_COMPROMISED = new StringBuilder("(!(") .append(helper.getAttrCryptoKeyCompromisedTime()) .append("=*))").toString(); final String searchFilter = new StringBuilder("(&") .append(FILTER_OC_INSTANCE_KEY) .append(FILTER_NOT_COMPROMISED) .append(")").toString(); final SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls(); searchControls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE); final String attrIDs[]= { ADSContext.ServerProperty.INSTANCE_KEY_ID.getAttributeName(), ADSContext.ServerProperty.INSTANCE_PUBLIC_KEY_CERTIFICATE .getAttributeName() + ";binary"}; searchControls.setReturningAttributes(attrIDs); NamingEnumeration keyEntries = dirContext.search(baseDN, searchFilter, searchControls); try { while (keyEntries.hasMore()) { final SearchResult entry = keyEntries.next(); final Attributes attrs = entry.getAttributes(); final Attribute keyIDAttr = attrs.get(attrIDs[0]); final Attribute keyCertAttr = attrs.get(attrIDs[1]); if (null == keyIDAttr || null == keyCertAttr) { continue;// schema viol. } certificateMap.put((String)keyIDAttr.get(), (byte[])keyCertAttr.get()); } } finally { try { keyEntries.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error closing enumeration on ADS key pairs", ex); } } } catch (NamingException x) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, x); } return certificateMap; } /** * Merge the contents of this ADSContext with the contents of the provided * ADSContext. Note that only the contents of this ADSContext will be * updated. * @param adsCtx the other ADSContext to merge the contents with. * @throws ADSContextException if there was an error during the merge. */ public void mergeWithRegistry(ADSContext adsCtx) throws ADSContextException { try { // Merge administrators. mergeAdministrators(adsCtx); // Merge groups. mergeServerGroups(adsCtx); // Merge servers. mergeServers(adsCtx); } catch (ADSContextException adce) { Message msg = ERR_ADS_MERGE.get( ConnectionUtils.getHostPort(getDirContext()), ConnectionUtils.getHostPort(adsCtx.getDirContext()), adce.getMessageObject()); throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_MERGING, msg, adce); } } /** * Merge the administrator contents of this ADSContext with the contents of * the provided ADSContext. Note that only the contents of this ADSContext * will be updated. * @param adsCtx the other ADSContext to merge the contents with. * @throws ADSContextException if there was an error during the merge. */ private void mergeAdministrators(ADSContext adsCtx) throws ADSContextException { Set> admins2 = adsCtx.readAdministratorRegistry(); SortedSet notDefinedAdmins = new TreeSet(); for (Map admin2 : admins2) { String uid = (String)admin2.get(AdministratorProperty.UID); if (!isAdministratorAlreadyRegistered(uid)) { notDefinedAdmins.add(uid); } } if (!notDefinedAdmins.isEmpty()) { Message msg = ERR_ADS_ADMINISTRATOR_MERGE.get( ConnectionUtils.getHostPort(adsCtx.getDirContext()), ConnectionUtils.getHostPort(getDirContext()), Utils.getStringFromCollection(notDefinedAdmins, Constants.LINE_SEPARATOR), ConnectionUtils.getHostPort(getDirContext())); throw new ADSContextException(ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_MERGING, msg, null); } } /** * Merge the groups contents of this ADSContext with the contents of the * provided ADSContext. Note that only the contents of this ADSContext will * be updated. * @param adsCtx the other ADSContext to merge the contents with. * @throws ADSContextException if there was an error during the merge. */ private void mergeServerGroups(ADSContext adsCtx) throws ADSContextException { Set> serverGroups1 = readServerGroupRegistry(); Set> serverGroups2 = adsCtx.readServerGroupRegistry(); for (Map group2 : serverGroups2) { Map group1 = null; String uid2 = (String)group2.get(ServerGroupProperty.UID); for (Map gr : serverGroups1) { String uid1 = (String)gr.get(ServerGroupProperty.UID); if (uid1.equalsIgnoreCase(uid2)) { group1 = gr; break; } } if (group1 != null) { // Merge the members, keep the description on this ADS. Set member1List = getServerGroupMemberList(uid2); if (member1List == null) { member1List = new HashSet(); } Set member2List = adsCtx.getServerGroupMemberList(uid2); if (member2List != null && !member2List.isEmpty()) { member1List.addAll(member2List); Map newProperties = new HashMap(); newProperties.put(ServerGroupProperty.MEMBERS, member1List); updateServerGroup(uid2, newProperties); } } else { createServerGroup(group2); } } } /** * Merge the server contents of this ADSContext with the contents of the * provided ADSContext. Note that only the contents of this ADSContext will * be updated. * @param adsCtx the other ADSContext to merge the contents with. * @throws ADSContextException if there was an error during the merge. */ private void mergeServers(ADSContext adsCtx) throws ADSContextException { Set> servers2 = adsCtx.readServerRegistry(); for (Map server2 : servers2) { if (!isServerAlreadyRegistered(server2)) { registerServer(server2); } } } private void handleCloseNamingEnumeration(NamingEnumeration ne) throws ADSContextException { if (ne != null) { try { ne.close(); } catch (NamingException ex) { throw new ADSContextException( ADSContextException.ErrorType.ERROR_UNEXPECTED, ex); } } } }