/** * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License * (the License). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the License at * https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt * See the License for the specific language governing * permission and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL * Header Notice in each file and include the License file * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * $Id: DiscoUtils.java,v 1.5 2008/06/25 05:47:12 qcheng Exp $ * */ package com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.common; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.BitSet; import com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.NameIdentifier; import com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Statement; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.DiscoveryException; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.EncryptedResourceID; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.ResourceOffering; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.ResourceID; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.Description; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.jaxb.*; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.jaxb11.*; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.plugins.NameIdentifierMapper; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.disco.plugins.jaxb.*; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.interfaces.Authorizer; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.meta.jaxb.SPDescriptorType; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.security.*; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.soapbinding.Message; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.soapbinding.ProviderHeader; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.soapbinding.Utils; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.util.ProviderManager; import com.sun.identity.liberty.ws.util.ProviderUtil; import com.sun.identity.federation.message.common.EncryptedNameIdentifier; import com.sun.identity.federation.message.common.IDPProvidedNameIdentifier; /** * Provides utility methods to discovery service. */ public class DiscoUtils extends DiscoSDKUtils { /** * Constructor * iPlanet-PRIVATE-DEFAULT-CONSTRUCTOR */ private DiscoUtils() { } /** * Checks policy and returns resource offerings and credentials. * @param userDN user DN * @param message soap request Message received. * @param results Collection of InsertEntryType * objects. * @param authorizer Authorizer object. * @param invoSession SessionContext * @param wscID web service client ID. * @param token token of this soap session. * @return Map of following key value pairs: *
     *  Key: OFFERINGS
     *  Value: List of ResourceOfferings
     *  Key: CREDENTIALS
     *  Value: List of credentials (Assertions)
*/ public static Map checkPolicyAndHandleDirectives( String userDN, Message message, Collection results, Authorizer authorizer, SessionContext invoSession, String wscID, Object token) { DiscoUtils.debug.message("DiscoService.checkPolicyAndHandleDirectives"); List offerings = new LinkedList(); List credentials = new LinkedList(); Map env = null; Iterator k = results.iterator(); while (k.hasNext()) { InsertEntryType entry = (InsertEntryType) k.next(); if (authorizer != null) { if (env == null) { env = new HashMap(); env.put(Authorizer.USER_ID, userDN); env.put(Authorizer.AUTH_TYPE, message.getAuthenticationMechanism()); env.put(Authorizer.MESSAGE, message); } if (!authorizer.isAuthorized(message.getToken(), DiscoConstants.ACTION_LOOKUP, entry.getResourceOffering(), env)) { DiscoUtils.debug.error("DiscoveryService.checkPolicyAndHan" +"dleDirectives: WSC is not authorized to do lookup"); continue; } } ResourceOffering current = null; try { current = new ResourceOffering( Utils.convertJAXBToElement(entry.getResourceOffering(), false)); } catch (Exception ex) { DiscoUtils.debug.error("DiscoveryService.checkPolicyAndHandle" +"Directives:exception when constructing ResourceOffering:", ex); continue; } List directives = entry.getAny(); if ((directives == null) || directives.isEmpty()) { DiscoUtils.debug.message("DiscoService: no directives."); offerings.add(current); } else { DiscoUtils.debug.message("DiscoService: has directives."); handleDirectives(current, directives, userDN, message, invoSession, wscID, token, offerings, credentials); } } Map returnMap = new HashMap(); returnMap.put(OFFERINGS, offerings); returnMap.put(CREDENTIALS, credentials); return returnMap; } private static String ALL = "all"; private static int AUTHN = 0; private static int AUTHO = 1; private static int SESSION = 2; private static int BEARER = 3; private static int LOGOUT = 4; private static int SIZE = 5; private static BitSet EMPTY_BITSET = new BitSet(SIZE); private static void handleDirectives(ResourceOffering current, List directives, String userDN, Message message, SessionContext invoSession, String wscID, Object token, List offerings, List credentials) { Map descIDDirectiveMap = new HashMap(); BitSet all = new BitSet(SIZE); if (invoSession != null) { if (DiscoServiceManager.needSessionContextStatement()) { all.set(SESSION); } } Iterator iter0 = directives.iterator(); while(iter0.hasNext()) { Object directive = iter0.next(); List descIDRefs = ((DirectiveType) directive).getDescriptionIDRefs(); if (directive instanceof EncryptResourceIDElement) { debug.message("DiscoService: has encrypt D"); current = doEncryption(current); } else if (directive instanceof AuthenticateRequesterElement) { setMap(descIDRefs, AUTHN, descIDDirectiveMap, all); } else if (directive instanceof AuthorizeRequesterElement) { setMap(descIDRefs, AUTHO, descIDDirectiveMap, all); } else if (directive instanceof AuthenticateSessionContextElement) { setMap(descIDRefs, SESSION, descIDDirectiveMap, all); } else if (directive instanceof GenerateBearerTokenElement) { setMap(descIDRefs, BEARER, descIDDirectiveMap, all); } else { if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("DiscoUtils.handleDirective: directive not " + "supported."); } continue; } } Map directiveCredIDMap = new HashMap(); Map descIDCredIDMap = new HashMap(); Iterator iter2 = descIDDirectiveMap.keySet().iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { String descID = (String) iter2.next(); BitSet dirs = (BitSet) descIDDirectiveMap.get(descID); dirs.or(all); if (directiveCredIDMap.containsKey(dirs)) { descIDCredIDMap.put(descID, (String) directiveCredIDMap.get(dirs)); } else { String ref = generateCredential(dirs, current, message, userDN, credentials, invoSession, wscID, token); if (ref != null) { directiveCredIDMap.put(dirs, ref); descIDCredIDMap.put(descID, ref); } } } // loop though each description to add credIDRefs Iterator descIter = current.getServiceInstance().getDescription().iterator(); List credIDs = null; while (descIter.hasNext()) { credIDs = new ArrayList(); Description desc = (Description) descIter.next(); String id = desc.getId(); if ((id != null) && (id.length() != 0) && (descIDCredIDMap.containsKey(id))) { if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("DiscoUtils.handleDirective: containsKey:" + id); } credIDs.add((String) descIDCredIDMap.get(id)); } else { debug.message("DiscoUtils.handleDirective: not containsKey"); String allCred = (String) descIDCredIDMap.get("all"); if (allCred == null) { if (directiveCredIDMap.containsKey(all)) { allCred = (String) directiveCredIDMap.get(all); descIDCredIDMap.put("all", allCred); credIDs.add(allCred); } else { if (!all.equals(EMPTY_BITSET)) { allCred = generateCredential(all, current, message, userDN, credentials, invoSession, wscID,token); if (allCred != null) { descIDCredIDMap.put("all", allCred); credIDs.add(allCred); } } } } else { credIDs.add(allCred); } } if (!credIDs.isEmpty()) { desc.setCredentialRef(credIDs); } } // everything is done, add current to offerings offerings.add(current); } private static ResourceOffering doEncryption(ResourceOffering current) { ResourceID ri = current.getResourceID(); if (ri == null) { return current; } try { EncryptedResourceID eri = EncryptedResourceID.getEncryptedResourceID( ri, current.getServiceInstance().getProviderID()); current.setResourceID(null); current.setEncryptedResourceID(eri); } catch (Exception e) { debug.error("DiscoUtils.doEncryption: exception:", e); } return current; } private static void setMap(List descIDRefs, int type, Map descIDDirectiveMap, BitSet all) { if ((descIDRefs == null) || (descIDRefs.size() ==0)) { all.set(type); } else { Iterator iter1 = descIDRefs.iterator(); while (iter1.hasNext()) { String descID = ((DescriptionType) iter1.next()).getId(); BitSet cur = (BitSet) descIDDirectiveMap.get(descID); if (cur == null) { cur = new BitSet(SIZE); } cur.set(type); descIDDirectiveMap.put(descID, cur); } } } private static SessionContext getSessionContext(SecurityAssertion assertion) { if (assertion == null) { return null; } Iterator iter = assertion.getStatement().iterator(); SessionContext context = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { Statement st = (Statement) iter.next(); int type = st.getStatementType(); if (type == ResourceAccessStatement.RESOURCEACCESS_STATEMENT) { context = ((ResourceAccessStatement) st).getSessionContext(); if (context != null) { return context; } } else if (type == SessionContextStatement.SESSIONCONTEXT_STATEMENT) { context = ((SessionContextStatement) st).getSessionContext(); if (context != null) { return context; } } } return null; } private static String generateCredential(BitSet dirs, ResourceOffering current, Message message, String userDN, List credentials, SessionContext invoSession, String wscID, Object token) { SecurityAssertion assertion = null; try { SecurityTokenManager secuMgr = new SecurityTokenManager(token); NameIdentifier senderIdentity = null; String providerID = wscID; if ((providerID == null) || (providerID.length() == 0)) { ProviderHeader ph = message.getProviderHeader(); if (ph != null) { providerID = ph.getProviderID(); } } SessionContext invocatorSession = invoSession; if (invocatorSession == null) { invocatorSession = getSessionContext(message.getAssertion()); } String tproviderID = current.getServiceInstance().getProviderID(); if (invocatorSession != null) { try { ProviderManager pm = ProviderUtil.getProviderManager(); SessionSubject sub = invocatorSession.getSessionSubject(); NameIdentifier ni = sub.getNameIdentifier(); if ((ni.getFormat() != null) && (ni.getFormat().equals( "urn:liberty:iff:nameid:encrypted"))) { ni =EncryptedNameIdentifier.getDecryptedNameIdentifier( ni, pm.getDecryptionKey( DiscoServiceManager.getDiscoProviderID())); } NameIdentifier newNi = null; NameIdentifierMapper niMapper = DiscoServiceManager.getNameIdentifierMapper(); if (niMapper != null) { String discoEntityID = DiscoServiceManager.getDiscoProviderID(); newNi = niMapper.getNameIdentifier( tproviderID, discoEntityID, ni, userDN); } if ((newNi != null) && !newNi.equals(ni)) { sub.setNameIdentifier(newNi); // modify IDPProvidedNameIdentifier, this should be // a EncryptedIDPProvidedNameIdentifier, but not // defined by specification. // Or set this to null once we make it optional // in SessionSubject class implementation IDPProvidedNameIdentifier idpNi = sub.getIDPProvidedNameIdentifier(); if (idpNi != null) { IDPProvidedNameIdentifier newIdpNi = new IDPProvidedNameIdentifier( newNi.getName(), newNi.getNameQualifier(), newNi.getFormat()); sub.setIDPProvidedNameIdentifier(newIdpNi); } } else if (pm.isNameIDEncryptionEnabled(tproviderID)){ sub.setNameIdentifier( EncryptedNameIdentifier.getEncryptedNameIdentifier( ni, tproviderID, pm.getEncryptionKey(tproviderID), pm.getEncryptionKeyAlgorithm(tproviderID), pm.getEncryptionKeyStrength(tproviderID))); } else { sub.setNameIdentifier(ni); } invocatorSession.setSessionSubject(sub); } catch (Exception ex) { debug.error("DiscoUtils.handleDirective: En/Decryption" + " Exception:", ex); return null; } } Object resourceID = current.getEncryptedResourceID(); if (resourceID == null) { resourceID = current.getResourceID(); if (resourceID == null) { resourceID = (String) DiscoConstants.IMPLIED_RESOURCE; } else { resourceID = ((ResourceID) resourceID).getResourceID(); } } if (dirs.get(BEARER)) { if (dirs.get(AUTHN) || dirs.get(AUTHO) || dirs.get(SESSION)) { if ((providerID != null) && (providerID.length() != 0)) { senderIdentity = new NameIdentifier( providerID, null, DiscoConstants.PROVIDER_ID_FORMAT); } else { senderIdentity = new NameIdentifier(userDN); } if (resourceID instanceof String) { assertion = secuMgr.getSAMLBearerToken( senderIdentity, invocatorSession, (String) resourceID, dirs.get(AUTHN), dirs.get(AUTHO), tproviderID); } else { assertion = secuMgr.getSAMLBearerToken( senderIdentity, invocatorSession, (EncryptedResourceID) resourceID, dirs.get(AUTHN), dirs.get(AUTHO), tproviderID); } } } else { if ((providerID != null) && (providerID.length() != 0)) { senderIdentity = new NameIdentifier( providerID, null, DiscoConstants.PROVIDER_ID_FORMAT); } else { senderIdentity = new NameIdentifier(userDN); } if (providerID != null) { secuMgr.setCertAlias(ProviderUtil.getProviderManager() .getSigningKeyAlias(providerID)); } else { X509Certificate wscCert = message.getPeerCertificate(); if (wscCert == null) { wscCert = message.getMessageCertificate(); if (wscCert == null) { if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("DiscoUtils.generateCredential:" + "client cert is null. Cannot generate " + "credential."); } return null; } } secuMgr.setCertificate(wscCert); } if (resourceID instanceof String) { assertion = secuMgr.getSAMLAuthorizationToken( senderIdentity, invocatorSession, (String) resourceID, dirs.get(AUTHN), dirs.get(AUTHO), tproviderID); } else { assertion = secuMgr.getSAMLAuthorizationToken( senderIdentity, invocatorSession, (EncryptedResourceID) resourceID, dirs.get(AUTHN), dirs.get(AUTHO), tproviderID); } } } catch (Exception ex) { debug.error("DiscoUtils.generateCredential:" + "cannot generate credential: ", ex); } if (assertion == null) { debug.error("DiscoUtils.generateCredential: " + "cannot generate credential."); return null; } else { credentials.add(assertion); return assertion.getAssertionID(); } } }