Instructions on how to write authentication module specific JSP templates as required in the module properties XML file.
After you copy the 'module_template.jsp (sample JSP file) from /<dsame_install_dir>/SUNWam/web-apps/services/config/auth/default to write your own module specific template JSP, you need to do following things :
1) Change <%@page info="Module Template Page".... to give your template
specific page name.
2) Change <TITLE>Module Template Page</TITLE>.... to display your template specific title.
3) Change 'charset' to the appropriate one in <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" %>
<p><B>Your static message goes here...</B></p>
<p><a href="/amserver/UI/Login?Login.Href=10345"><%=
viewBean.rb.getString("gotoLoginAfterFail") %></a></p>
<input type="submit" name="Login.ButtonLogin" value="<%=
viewBean.rb.getString("<your button1>") %>">
<input type="submit" name="Login.ButtonLogin" value="<%=
viewBean.rb.getString("<your button2>") %>">
<input type="submit" name="Login.ButtonLogin" value="<%=
viewBean.rb.getString("<your buttonN>") %>">
4) Change "Your static message goes here..." to display your template specific message.
5) Keep <p>.... href......</p> if you need as it is or remove it.
6) Keep <p>.... buttons......</p> if you need or remove it.
7) Change "<your button1...N>" strings with your button value localized keys
from the '/<dsame_install_dir>/SUNWam/locale/en_US/' file ( first add all those required
'keys' and 'values' in this file ).