/** * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License * (the License). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the License at * https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt * See the License for the specific language governing * permission and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL * Header Notice in each file and include the License file * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * $Id: AMIdentityRepository.java,v 1.21 2010/01/06 01:58:26 veiming Exp $ * * Portions Copyrighted 2011-2015 ForgeRock AS. */ package com.sun.identity.idm; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.security.auth.callback.Callback; import org.forgerock.openam.ldap.LDAPUtils; import com.google.inject.assistedinject.Assisted; import com.iplanet.am.sdk.AMHashMap; import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException; import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken; import com.sun.identity.common.CaseInsensitiveHashMap; import com.sun.identity.common.DNUtils; import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug; import com.sun.identity.sm.DNMapper; import com.sun.identity.sm.OrganizationConfigManager; import com.sun.identity.sm.SMSException; import org.forgerock.openam.utils.CrestQuery; /** * The class AMIdentityRepository represents an object to access * the repositories in which user/role/group and other identity data is * configured. This class provides access to methods which will search, create * and delete identities. An instance of this class can be obtained in the * following manner: *

* *

 * AMIdentityRepository idRepo = new AMIdentityRepository(ssoToken, realmName);
* * @supported.api */ public final class AMIdentityRepository { private SSOToken token; private String organizationDN; private String idRealmName; public static Debug debug = Debug.getInstance("amIdm"); public static Map listeners = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap(); private static Set creationListeners = new HashSet(); /** * @supported.api * * Constructor for the AMIdentityRepository object. If a null * is passed for the organization identifier realmName, then * the "root" realm is assumed. * * @param ssotoken * Single sign on token of the user * @param realmName * Name of the realm (can be a Fully qualified DN) * @throws IdRepoException Never thrown, required by legacy code. * @throws SSOException Never thrown, required by legacy code. * @deprecated in 13.0.0, use {@link #AMIdentityRepository(String, com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken)} instead */ @Deprecated public AMIdentityRepository(SSOToken ssotoken, String realmName) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { this(realmName, ssotoken); } /** * @supported.api * * Constructor for the {@code AMIdentityRepository} object. If a {@code null} is passed for * the organization identifier {@code realmName}, then the "root" realm is assumed. * * @param ssoToken Single sign on token of the user. * @param realmName Name of the realm (can be a Fully qualified DN). */ @Inject public AMIdentityRepository(@Assisted String realmName, @Assisted SSOToken ssoToken) { token = ssoToken; idRealmName = realmName; organizationDN = DNMapper.orgNameToDN(realmName); notifyCreationListeners(); } /** * Adds a creation listener that will be notified each time a {@code AMIdentityRepository} is created . * * @param listener The listener. */ public static void addCreationListener(IdRepoCreationListener listener) { creationListeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes a creation listener so that it will no longer be notified when a * {@code AMIdentityRepository} is created. * * @param listener The listener. * @return {@code true} if the listener was removed. */ public static boolean removeCreationListener(IdRepoCreationListener listener) { return creationListeners.remove(listener); } private void notifyCreationListeners() { for (IdRepoCreationListener listener : creationListeners) { listener.notify(this, idRealmName); } } /** * @supported.api * * Returns the set of supported object types IdType for this * deployment. This is not realm specific. * * @return Set of supported IdType objects. * @throws IdRepoException * if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException * if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public Set getSupportedIdTypes() throws IdRepoException, SSOException { IdServices idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices(); Set res = idServices.getSupportedTypes(token, organizationDN); res.remove(IdType.REALM); return res; } /** * @supported.api * * Returns the set of Operations for a given IdType, * IdOperations that can be performed on an Identity. This * varies for each organization (and each plugin?). * * @param type * Type of identity * @return Set of IdOperation objects. * @throws IdRepoException * if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException * if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public Set getAllowedIdOperations(IdType type) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { IdServices idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices(); return idServices.getSupportedOperations(token, type, organizationDN); } /** * * Return the special identities for this realm for a given type. These * identities cannot be deleted and hence have to be shown in the admin * console as non-deletable. * * @param type * Type of the identity * @return IdSearchResult * @throws IdRepoException * if there is a datastore exception * @throws SSOException * if the user's single sign on token is not valid. */ public IdSearchResults getSpecialIdentities(IdType type) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { IdSearchResults results = getSpecialIdentities(token, type, organizationDN); if (type.equals(IdType.USER)) { // Iterating through to get out the names and remove only amadmin // anonymous as per AM console requirement. IdSearchResults newResults = new IdSearchResults(type, organizationDN); Set identities = results.getSearchResults(); if ((identities != null) && !identities.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator i = identities.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { AMIdentity amid = ((AMIdentity) i.next()); String remUser = amid.getName().toLowerCase(); if (!remUser.equalsIgnoreCase(IdConstants.AMADMIN_USER) && !remUser.equalsIgnoreCase( IdConstants.ANONYMOUS_USER)) { newResults.addResult(amid, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } } results = newResults; } } return results; } /** * Searches for identities of a certain type. The iterator returns * AMIdentity objects for use by the application. * * @deprecated This method is deprecated. Use * {@link #searchIdentities(IdType type,String pattern, * IdSearchControl ctrl)} * @param type * Type of identity being searched for. * @param pattern * Search pattern, like "a*" or "*". * @param avPairs * Map of attribute-values which can further help qualify the * search pattern. * @param recursive * If true, then the search is performed on the entire subtree * (if applicable) * @param maxResults * Maximum number of results to be returned. A -1 means no limit * on the result set. * @param maxTime * Maximum amount of time after which the search should return * with partial results. * @param returnAttributes * Set of attributes to be read when performing the search. * @param returnAllAttributes * If true, then read all the attributes of the entries. * @return results containing AMIdentity objects. * @throws IdRepoException * if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException * if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public IdSearchResults searchIdentities(IdType type, String pattern, Map avPairs, boolean recursive, int maxResults, int maxTime, Set returnAttributes, boolean returnAllAttributes) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { IdSearchControl crtl = new IdSearchControl(); crtl.setSearchModifiers(IdSearchOpModifier.OR, avPairs); crtl.setRecursive(recursive); crtl.setMaxResults(maxResults); crtl.setTimeOut(maxTime); crtl.setReturnAttributes(returnAttributes); crtl.setAllReturnAttributes(returnAllAttributes); // Call search method that takes IdSearchControl CrestQuery crestQuery = new CrestQuery(pattern); return searchIdentities(type, crestQuery, crtl); } /** * @supported.api * * Searches for identities of certain types from each plugin and returns a * combined result. * * Note: The AMIdentity objects representing IdType.REALM can be * used for services related operations only. The realm AMIdentity * object can be used to assign and unassign services containing * dynamic attributes to this realm. * * @param type * Type of identity being searched for. * @param pattern * Pattern to be used when searching. * @param ctrl * IdSearchControl which can be used to set up various search * controls on the search to be performed. * @return Returns the combined results in an object IdSearchResults. * @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchControl * @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchResults * @throws IdRepoException * if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException * if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public IdSearchResults searchIdentities(IdType type, String pattern, IdSearchControl ctrl) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { CrestQuery crestQuery = new CrestQuery(pattern); return searchIdentities(type, crestQuery, ctrl); } /** * Searches for identities of certain types from each plugin and returns a * combined result * * Note: The AMIdentity objects representing IdType.REALM can be * used for services related operations only. The realm AMIdentity * object can be used to assign and unassign services containing * dynamic attributes to this realm. * * @param type * Type of identity being searched for. * @param crestQuery * Basically just an object which supports both _queryId and _queryFilter * @param ctrl * IdSearchControl which can be used to set up various search * controls on the search to be performed. * @return Returns the combined results in an object IdSearchResults. * @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchControl * @see com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchResults * @throws IdRepoException * if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException * if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public IdSearchResults searchIdentities(IdType type, CrestQuery crestQuery, IdSearchControl ctrl) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { IdSearchResults idSearchResults = null; if (type.equals(IdType.REALM)) { if (crestQuery.hasQueryFilter()) { throw new IdRepoException("realm searchIdentities does not support query filters"); } try { idSearchResults = new IdSearchResults(type, idRealmName); OrganizationConfigManager orgMgr = new OrganizationConfigManager(token, idRealmName); // Realm searches only support _queryId String pattern = crestQuery.getQueryId(); Set realmNames = orgMgr.getSubOrganizationNames(pattern, false); if (realmNames != null) { Iterator iterator = realmNames.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String realmName = (String) iterator.next(); AMIdentity realmIdentity = getSubRealmIdentity(realmName); Map attributes = new HashMap(); idSearchResults.addResult(realmIdentity, attributes); idSearchResults.setErrorCode(IdSearchResults.SUCCESS); } } } catch (SMSException sme) { debug.error("AMIdentityRepository.searchIdentities() - " + "Error occurred while searching " + type.getName() + ":", sme); throw new IdRepoException(sme.getMessage()); } } else { IdServices idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices(); idSearchResults = idServices.search(token, type, ctrl, organizationDN, crestQuery); } return idSearchResults; } /** * @supported.api * * Returns a handle of the Identity object representing this * realm for services related operations only. This AMIdentity * object can be used to assign and unassign services containing * dynamic attributes to this realm * * @return a handle of the Identity object. * @throws IdRepoException * if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException * if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public AMIdentity getRealmIdentity() throws IdRepoException, SSOException { return getRealmIdentity(token, organizationDN); } private AMIdentity getRealmIdentity(SSOToken token, String orgDN) throws IdRepoException { String universalId = "id=ContainerDefaultTemplateRole,ou=realm," + orgDN; return IdUtils.getIdentity(token, universalId); } private AMIdentity getSubRealmIdentity(String subRealmName) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { String realmName = idRealmName; if (LDAPUtils.isDN(idRealmName)) { // Wouldn't be a DN if it starts with "/" realmName = DNMapper.orgNameToRealmName(idRealmName); } String fullRealmName = realmName + IdConstants.SLASH_SEPARATOR + subRealmName; String subOrganizationDN = DNMapper.orgNameToDN(fullRealmName); return getRealmIdentity(token, subOrganizationDN); } /** * @supported.api * * Creates a single object of a type. The object is * created in all the plugins that support creation of this type of object. * * This method is only valid for: * *
  1. {@link IdType#AGENT IdType.AGENT}
  2. *
  3. {@link IdType#USER IdType.USER}
  4. *
  5. {@link IdType#REALM IdType.REALM}
  6. *
* *
* Note: For creating {@link IdType#REALM IdType.REALM} identities, * a map of sunIdentityRepositoryService attributes need to * be passed. Also, AMIdentity object representing this realm can be * used for services related operations only. This AMIdentity * object can be used to assign and unassign services containing * dynamic attributes to this realm * * * @param type * IdType of object to be created. * @param idName * Name of object. If the type is IdType.REALM * then enter a valid realm name. * @param attrMap * Map of attribute-values to be set when creating the entry. * @return Identity object representing the newly created entry. * @throws IdRepoException * if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException * if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public AMIdentity createIdentity(IdType type, String idName, Map attrMap) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { IdServices idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices(); return idServices.create(token, type, idName, attrMap, organizationDN); } /** * @supported.api * * Creates multiple objects of the same type. The objects are created in all * the IdRepo plugins that support creation of these objects. * * This method is only valid for: * *
  1. {@link IdType#AGENT IdType.AGENT}
  2. *
  3. (@link IdType#USER IdType.USER}
  4. *
  5. {@link IdType#REALM IdType.REALM}
  6. *
* *
* Note: For creating {@link IdType#REALM IdType.REALM} identities, * a map of sunIdentityRepositoryService attributes need to * be passed. Also, AMIdentity object representing this realm can be * used for services related operations only. This AMIdentity * object can be used to assign and unassign services containing * dynamic attributes to this realm. * * @param type * Type of object to be created * @param identityNamesAndAttrs * Names of the identities and their * @return Set of created Identities. * @throws IdRepoException * if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException * if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public Set createIdentities(IdType type, Map identityNamesAndAttrs) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { Set results = new HashSet(); if (identityNamesAndAttrs == null || identityNamesAndAttrs.isEmpty()) { throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, IdRepoErrorCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, null); } Iterator it = identityNamesAndAttrs.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = (String) it.next(); Map attrMap = (Map) identityNamesAndAttrs.get(name); AMIdentity id = createIdentity(type, name, attrMap); results.add(id); } return results; } /** * @supported.api * * Deletes identities. The Set passed is a set of AMIdentity * objects. * * This method is only valid for: *
  1. {@link IdType#AGENT IdType.AGENT}
  2. *
  3. {@link IdType#REALM IdType.REALM}
  4. *
  5. (@link IdType#USER IdType.USER}
  6. *
* * @param type Type of Identity to be deleted. * @param identities Set of AMIdentity objects to be deleted. * @throws IdRepoException if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException if user's single sign on token is invalid. * @deprecated As of release AM 7.1, replaced by * {@link #deleteIdentities(Set)} */ public void deleteIdentities(IdType type, Set identities) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { deleteIdentities(identities); } /** * @supported.api * * Deletes identities. The Set passed is a set of AMIdentity * objects. * * This method is only valid for: *
  1. {@link IdType#AGENT IdType.AGENT}
  2. *
  3. {@link IdType#REALM IdType.REALM}
  4. *
  5. (@link IdType#USER IdType.USER}
  6. *
* * @param identities Set of AMIdentity objects to be deleted * @throws IdRepoException if there are repository related error conditions. * @throws SSOException if user's single sign on token is invalid. */ public void deleteIdentities(Set identities) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { if (identities == null || identities.isEmpty()) { throw new IdRepoException(IdRepoBundle.BUNDLE_NAME, IdRepoErrorCode.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS, null); } Iterator it = identities.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { AMIdentity id = (AMIdentity) it.next(); IdServices idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices(); idServices.delete(token, id.getType(), id.getName(), organizationDN, id.getDN()); } } /** * Non-javadoc, non-public methods Returns true if the data * store has successfully authenticated the identity with the provided * credentials. In case the data store requires additional credentials, the * list would be returned via the IdRepoException exception. * * @param credentials * Array of callback objects containing information such as * username and password. * * @return true if data store authenticates the identity; * else false */ public boolean authenticate(Callback[] credentials) throws IdRepoException, com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException { IdServices idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices(); return (idServices.authenticate(organizationDN, credentials)); } /** * @supported.api * * Adds a listener, which should receive notifications for all changes that * occurred in this organization. * * This method is only valid for IdType User and Agent. * * @param listener * The callback which implements AMEventListener. * @return Integer identifier for this listener. */ public int addEventListener(IdEventListener listener) { ArrayList listOfListeners = (ArrayList) listeners.get(organizationDN); if (listOfListeners == null) { listOfListeners = new ArrayList(); } synchronized (listeners) { listOfListeners.add(listener); listeners.put(organizationDN, listOfListeners); } return (listOfListeners.size() - 1); } /** * @supported.api * * Removes listener as the application is no longer interested in receiving * notifications. * * @param identifier * Integer identifying the listener. */ public void removeEventListener(int identifier) { ArrayList listOfListeners = (ArrayList) listeners.get(organizationDN); if (listOfListeners != null) { synchronized (listeners) { listOfListeners.remove(identifier); } } } /** * @supported.api * * Clears the cache. */ public static void clearCache() { IdServices idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices(); idServices.reinitialize(); IdUtils.initialize(); } public IdSearchResults getSpecialIdentities(SSOToken token, IdType type, String orgName) throws IdRepoException, SSOException { IdServices idServices = IdServicesFactory.getDataStoreServices(); return idServices.getSpecialIdentities(token, type, orgName); } /** * Return String representation of the AMIdentityRepository * object. It returns realm name. * * @return String representation of AMIdentityRepository * object. */ public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append("AMIdentityRepository object: ") .append(organizationDN); return (sb.toString()); } // TODO: // FIXME: Move these utilities to a util class private Map reverseMapAttributeNames(Map attrMap, Map configMap) { if (attrMap == null || attrMap.isEmpty()) { return attrMap; } Map resultMap; Map[] mapArray = getAttributeNameMap(configMap); if (mapArray == null) { resultMap = attrMap; } else { resultMap = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap(); Map reverseMap = mapArray[1]; Iterator it = attrMap.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String curr = (String) it.next(); if (reverseMap.containsKey(curr)) { resultMap.put((String) reverseMap.get(curr), (Set) attrMap .get(curr)); } else { resultMap.put(curr, (Set) attrMap.get(curr)); } } } return resultMap; } private IdSearchResults combineSearchResults(SSOToken token, Object[][] arrayOfResult, int sizeOfArray, IdType type, String orgName, boolean amsdkIncluded, Object[][] amsdkResults) { Map amsdkDNs = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap(); Map resultsMap = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap(); int errorCode = IdSearchResults.SUCCESS; if (amsdkIncluded) { RepoSearchResults amsdkRepoRes = (RepoSearchResults) amsdkResults[0][0]; Set results = amsdkRepoRes.getSearchResults(); Map attrResults = amsdkRepoRes.getResultAttributes(); for (String dn : (Set) results) { String name = LDAPUtils.rdnValueFromDn(dn); amsdkDNs.put(name, dn); Set attrMaps = new HashSet(); attrMaps.add((Map) attrResults.get(dn)); resultsMap.put(name, attrMaps); } errorCode = amsdkRepoRes.getErrorCode(); } for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfArray; i++) { RepoSearchResults current = (RepoSearchResults) arrayOfResult[i][0]; Map configMap = (Map) arrayOfResult[i][1]; Map allAttrMaps = current.getResultAttributes(); for (String m : (Set) current.getSearchResults()) { String mname = DNUtils.DNtoName(m); Map attrMap = (Map) allAttrMaps.get(m); attrMap = reverseMapAttributeNames(attrMap, configMap); Set attrMaps = (Set) resultsMap.get(mname); if (attrMaps == null) { attrMaps = new HashSet(); } attrMaps.add(attrMap); resultsMap.put(mname, attrMaps); } } IdSearchResults results = new IdSearchResults(type, orgName); for (String mname : (Set) resultsMap.keySet()) { Map combinedMap = combineAttrMaps((Set) resultsMap.get(mname), true); AMIdentity id = new AMIdentity(token, mname, type, orgName, (String) amsdkDNs.get(mname)); results.addResult(id, combinedMap); } results.setErrorCode(errorCode); return results; } private Map[] getAttributeNameMap(Map configMap) { Set attributeMap = (Set) configMap.get(IdConstants.ATTR_MAP); if (attributeMap == null || attributeMap.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { Map returnArray[] = new Map[2]; int size = attributeMap.size(); returnArray[0] = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap(size); returnArray[1] = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap(size); Iterator it = attributeMap.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String mapString = (String) it.next(); int eqIndex = mapString.indexOf('='); if (eqIndex > -1) { String first = mapString.substring(0, eqIndex); String second = mapString.substring(eqIndex + 1); returnArray[0].put(first, second); returnArray[1].put(second, first); } else { returnArray[0].put(mapString, mapString); returnArray[1].put(mapString, mapString); } } return returnArray; } } private Map combineAttrMaps(Set setOfMaps, boolean isString) { // Map resultMap = new CaseInsensitiveHashMap(); Map resultMap = new AMHashMap(); Iterator it = setOfMaps.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map currMap = (Map) it.next(); if (currMap != null) { Iterator keyset = currMap.keySet().iterator(); while (keyset.hasNext()) { String thisAttr = (String) keyset.next(); if (isString) { Set resultSet = (Set) resultMap.get(thisAttr); Set thisSet = (Set) currMap.get(thisAttr); if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.addAll(thisSet); } else { /* * create a new Set so that we do not alter the set * that is referenced in setOfMaps */ resultSet = new HashSet((Set) currMap.get(thisAttr)); resultMap.put(thisAttr, resultSet); } } else { // binary attributes byte[][] resultSet = (byte[][]) resultMap.get(thisAttr); byte[][] thisSet = (byte[][]) currMap.get(thisAttr); int combinedSize = thisSet.length; if (resultSet != null) { combinedSize = resultSet.length + thisSet.length; byte[][] tmpSet = new byte[combinedSize][]; for (int i = 0; i < resultSet.length; i++) { tmpSet[i] = (byte[]) resultSet[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < thisSet.length; i++) { tmpSet[i] = (byte[]) thisSet[i]; } resultSet = tmpSet; } else { resultSet = (byte[][]) thisSet.clone(); } resultMap.put(thisAttr, resultSet); } } } } return resultMap; } }