/** * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2007 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License * (the License). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the License at * https://opensso.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html or * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt * See the License for the specific language governing * permission and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL * Header Notice in each file and include the License file * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * $Id: SAMLv2Model.java,v 1.34 2009/11/24 21:48:40 madan_ranganath Exp $ * * Portions Copyrighted 2010-2015 ForgeRock AS. */ package com.sun.identity.console.federation.model; import com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMConsoleException; import com.sun.identity.console.federation.SAMLv2AuthContexts; import com.sun.identity.saml2.jaxb.metadata.AssertionConsumerServiceElement; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public interface SAMLv2Model extends EntityModel { //SAMLv2 General attributes public static final String TF_NAME = "tfName"; public static final String TF_KEY_NAME = "keySize"; public static final String TF_ALGORITHM = "Algorithm"; public static final String httpRedirect = "HTTP-Redirect"; public static final String httpPost = "HTTP-POST"; public static final String soap = "SOAP"; public static final String artifact = "Artifact"; public static final String httpArtifact ="HTTP-Artifact"; public static final String post = "POST"; public static final String paos = "PAOS"; public static final String httpRedirectBinding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect"; public static final String httpPostBinding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST"; public static final String soapBinding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:SOAP"; public static final String httpartifactBinding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Artifact"; public static final String paosBinding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:PAOS"; public static final String uriBinding = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:URI"; //SAMLv2 IDP Standard attributes public static final String WANT_AUTHN_REQ_SIGNED = "WantAuthnRequestsSigned"; public static final String PROTOCOL_SUPP_ENUM = "protocolSupportEnumeration"; public static final String ART_RES_LOCATION = "artLocation"; public static final String ART_RES_INDEX = "index"; public static final String ART_RES_ISDEFAULT = "isDefault"; public static final String SINGLE_LOGOUT_HTTP_LOCATION = "slohttpLocation"; public static final String SINGLE_LOGOUT_HTTP_RESP_LOCATION = "slohttpResponseLocation"; public static final String SINGLE_LOGOUT_SOAP_LOCATION = "slosoapLocation"; public static final String MANAGE_NAMEID_HTTP_LOCATION = "mnihttpLocation"; public static final String MANAGE_NAMEID_HTTP_RESP_LOCATION = "mnihttpResponseLocation"; public static final String MANAGE_NAMEID_SOAP_LOCATION = "mnisoapLocation"; public static final String NAMEID_FORMAT = "nameidlist"; public static final String SINGLE_SIGNON_HTTP_LOCATION = "ssohttpLocation"; public static final String SINGLE_SIGNON_SOAP_LOCATION = "ssosoapLocation"; public static final String NAME_ID_MAPPPING = "NameIDMappingService"; public static final String SLO_POST_LOC = "slopostLocation"; public static final String SLO_POST_RESPLOC = "slopostResponseLocation"; public static final String MNI_POST_LOC = "mnipostLocation"; public static final String MNI_POST_RESPLOC = "mnipostResponseLocation"; public static final String SSO_SOAPS_LOC = "ssosoapsLocation"; public static final String SINGLE_LOGOUT_DEFAULT = "singleChoiceSingleLogOutProfile"; public static final String SINGLE_MANAGE_NAMEID_DEFAULT = "singleChoiceMangeNameIDProfile"; public static final String COT_LIST = "cotlist"; //SAMLv2 SP Standard attributes public static final String IS_AUTHN_REQ_SIGNED = "AuthnRequestsSigned"; public static final String WANT_ASSERTIONS_SIGNED = "WantAssertionsSigned"; public static final String SP_PROTOCOL_SUPP_ENUM = "protocolSupportEnumeration"; public static final String SP_SINGLE_LOGOUT_HTTP_LOCATION = "slohttpLocation"; public static final String SP_SINGLE_LOGOUT_HTTP_RESP_LOCATION = "slohttpResponseLocation"; public static final String SP_SINGLE_LOGOUT_SOAP_LOCATION = "slosoapLocation"; public static final String SP_MANAGE_NAMEID_HTTP_LOCATION = "mnihttpLocation"; public static final String SP_MANAGE_NAMEID_HTTP_RESP_LOCATION = "mnihttpResponseLocation"; public static final String SP_MANAGE_NAMEID_SOAP_LOCATION = "mnisoapLocation"; public static final String SP_MANAGE_NAMEID_SOAP_RESP_LOCATION = "mnisoapResponseLocation"; public static final String SP_SLO_POST_LOC = "slopostLocation"; public static final String SP_SLO_POST_RESPLOC = "slopostResponseLocation"; public static final String SP_MNI_POST_LOC = "mnipostLocation"; public static final String SP_MNI_POST_RESPLOC = "mnipostResponseLocation"; public static final String SP_LOGOUT_DEFAULT = "isDefaultSLO"; public static final String SP_MNI_DEFAULT = "isDefaultMNI"; //SAML2 IDP Extended Attributes public static final String IDP_SIGN_CERT_ALIAS = "signingCertAlias"; public static final String IDP_SIGN_CERT_KEYPASS = "signingCertKeyPass"; public static final String IDP_ENCRYPT_CERT_ALIAS = "encryptionCertAlias"; public static final String IDP_BASIC_AUTH_ON = "basicAuthOn"; public static final String IDP_BASIC_AUTH_USER = "basicAuthUser"; public static final String IDP_BASIC_AUTH_PWD = "basicAuthPassword"; public static final String IDP_AUTO_FED_ENABLED = "autofedEnabled"; public static final String IDP_AUTO_FED_ATTR = "autofedAttribute"; public static final String IDP_ATTR_MAP = "attributeMap"; public static final String IDP_NAMEID_ENCRYPTED = "wantNameIDEncrypted"; public static final String NAMEID_FORMAT_MAP = "nameIDFormatMap"; public static final String IDP_LOGOUT_REQ_SIGN = "wantLogoutRequestSigned"; public static final String IDP_LOGOUT_RESP_SIGN = "wantLogoutResponseSigned"; public static final String IDP_MNI_REQ_SIGN = "wantMNIRequestSigned"; public static final String IDP_MNI_RESP_SIGN = "wantMNIResponseSigned"; public static final String ASSERT_EFFECT_TIME = "assertionEffectiveTime"; public static final String IDP_ACCT_MAPPER = "idpAccountMapper"; public static final String IDP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_MAPPER = "idpAuthncontextMapper"; public static final String IDP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_CLASS_REF_MAPPING_DEFAULT= "idpDefaultAuthnContext"; public static final String IDP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_CLASS_REF_MAPPING = "idpAuthncontextClassrefMapping"; public static final String IDP_ATTR_MAPPER = "idpAttributeMapper"; public static final String ASSERT_NOT_BEFORE_TIMESKEW = "assertionNotBeforeTimeSkew"; public static final String BOOT_STRAP_ENABLED = "discoveryBootstrappingEnabled"; public static final String ARTIF_RESOLVE_SIGN = "wantArtifactResolveSigned"; public static final String AUTH_URL = "AuthUrl"; public static final String RP_URL = "RpUrl"; public static final String APP_LOGOUT_URL = "appLogoutUrl"; public static final String ASSERTION_CACHE_ENABLED = "assertionCacheEnabled"; public static final String IDP_META_ALIAS = "metaAlias"; public static final String IDP_SESSION_SYNC_ENABLED = "idpSessionSyncEnabled"; public static final String PROXY_IDP_FINDER_CLASS = "proxyIDPFinderClass"; public static final String ENABLE_PROXY_IDP_FINDER_FOR_ALL_SPS = "enableProxyIDPFinderForAllSPs"; public static final String PROXY_IDP_FINDER_JSP = "proxyIDPFinderJSP"; //SAML2 SP Extended Attributes public static final String SP_SIGN_CERT_ALIAS = "signingCertAlias"; public static final String SP_SIGN_CERT_KEYPASS = "signingCertKeyPass"; public static final String SP_ENCRYPT_CERT_ALIAS = "encryptionCertAlias"; public static final String SP_BASIC_AUTH_ON = "basicAuthOn"; public static final String SP_BASIC_AUTH_USER = "basicAuthUser"; public static final String SP_BASIC_AUTH_PWD = "basicAuthPassword"; public static final String SP_AUTO_FED_ENABLED = "autofedEnabled"; public static final String SP_AUTO_FED_ATTR = "autofedAttribute"; public static final String SP_ATTR_MAP = "attributeMap"; public static final String SP_NAMEID_ENCRYPTED = "wantNameIDEncrypted"; public static final String SP_LOGOUT_REQ_SIGN = "wantLogoutRequestSigned"; public static final String SP_LOGOUT_RESP_SIGN = "wantLogoutResponseSigned"; public static final String SP_MNI_REQ_SIGN = "wantMNIRequestSigned"; public static final String SP_MNI_RESP_SIGN = "wantMNIResponseSigned"; public static final String TRANSIENT_USER = "transientUser"; public static final String SP_ACCT_MAPPER = "spAccountMapper"; public static final String SP_USE_NAMEID = "useNameIDAsSPUserID"; public static final String SP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_MAPPER = "spAuthncontextMapper"; public static final String SP_ATTR_MAPPER = "spAttributeMapper"; public static final String SP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_CLASS_REF_MAPPING_DEFAULT= "spDefaultAuthnContext"; public static final String SP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_CLASS_REF_MAPPING = "spAuthncontextClassrefMapping"; public static final String SP_AUTHN_CONTEXT_COMPARISON = "spAuthncontextComparisonType"; public static final String SP_INCLUDE_REQUESTED_AUTHN_CONTEXT = "includeRequestedAuthnContext"; public static final String SAML2_AUTH_MODULE = "saml2AuthModuleName"; public static final String LOCAL_AUTH_URL = "localAuthURL"; public static final String INTERMEDIATE_URL = "intermediateUrl"; public static final String DEFAULT_RELAY_STATE = "defaultRelayState"; public static final String ASSERT_TIME_SKEW = "assertionTimeSkew"; public static final String WANT_ATTR_ENCRYPTED = "wantAttributeEncrypted"; public static final String WANT_ASSERTION_ENCRYPTED = "wantAssertionEncrypted"; public static final String WANT_ARTIF_RESP_SIGN = "wantArtifactResponseSigned"; public static final String WANT_POST_RESP_SIGN = "wantPOSTResponseSigned"; public static final String SP_META_ALIAS = "metaAlias"; public static final String ARTI_MSG_ENCODE = "responseArtifactMessageEncoding"; public static final String SP_SESSION_SYNC_ENABLED = "spSessionSyncEnabled"; //IDP PROXY public static final String ALWAYS_IDP_PROXY = "alwaysIdpProxy"; public static final String ENABLE_IDP_PROXY = "enableIDPProxy"; public static final String IDP_PROXY_LIST = "idpProxyList"; public static final String IDP_PROXY_COUNT = "idpProxyCount"; public static final String IDP_PROXY_INTROD = "useIntroductionForIDPProxy"; public static final String IDP_PROXY_FINDER = "useIDPFinder"; //ECP IDP public static final String ATTR_IDP_ECP_SESSION_MAPPER = "idpECPSessionMapper"; //ECP SP public static final String ATTR_ECP_REQUEST_IDP_LIST_FINDER_IMPL = "ECPRequestIDPListFinderImpl"; public static final String ATTR_ECP_REQUEST_IDP_LIST = "ECPRequestIDPList"; public static final String ATTR_ECP_REQUEST_IDP_LIST_GET_COMPLETE = "ECPRequestIDPListGetComplete"; // SAE IDP public static final String ATTR_SAE_IDP_APP_SECRET_LIST = "saeAppSecretList"; public static final String ATTR_SAE_IDP_URL = "saeIDPUrl"; //SAE SP public static final String ATTR_SAE_SP_APP_SECRET_LIST = "saeAppSecretList"; public static final String ATTR_SAE_SP_URL = "saeSPUrl"; public static final String ATTR_SAE_LOGOUT_URL = "saeSPLogoutUrl"; // Relay State URL List IDP public static final String ATTR_RELAY_STATE_IDP_URL_LIST = "relayStateUrlList"; // Relay State URL List SP public static final String ATTR_RELAY_STATE_SP_URL_LIST = "relayStateUrlList"; // SAMLv2 Service Provider Adapter feature public static final String ATTR_SP_ADAPTER = "spAdapter"; public static final String ATTR_SP_ADAPTER_ENV = "spAdapterEnv"; // SAMLv2 Service Provider Do not Write Federation Info Feature public static final String ATTR_DO_NOT_WRITE_FEDERATION_INFO = "spDoNotWriteFederationInfo"; //SAML AUTHORITY public static final String ATTR_SEFVICE_DEFAULT_LOCATION = "attrSerdefaultLocation"; public static final String ATTR_SEFVICE_LOCATION = "attrSerLocation"; public static final String SUPPORTS_X509 = "supportsx"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE_PROFILE = "AttributeProfile"; public static final String AUTHN_QUERY_SERVICE = "authnQueryServLocation"; public static final String ATTR_NAMEID_FORMAT = "attrnameidlist"; public static final String ASSERTION_ID_SAOP_LOC = "soapAssertionidrequest"; public static final String ASSERTION_ID_URI_LOC = "uriAssertionIDRequest"; //SAML AUTHORITY Extended public static final String SIGN_CERT_ALIAS = "signingCertAlias"; public static final String ENCRYPT_CERT_ALIAS = "encryptionCertAlias"; public static final String DEF_AUTH_MAPPER = "default_attributeAuthorityMapper"; public static final String X509_AUTH_MAPPER = "x509Subject_attributeAuthorityMapper"; public static final String SUB_DATA_STORE = "x509SubjectDataStoreAttrName"; public static final String ASSERTION_ID_REQ_MAPPER = "assertionIDRequestMapper"; public static final String AFFILIATE_MEMBER = "memberlist"; public static final String AFFILIATE_OWNER = "affiliationOwnerID"; // XACML PDP/PEP public static final String ATTR_TXT_PROTOCOL_SUPPORT_ENUM = "txtProtocolSupportEnum"; public static final String ATTR_XACML_AUTHZ_SERVICE_BINDING = "XACMLAuthzServiceBinding"; public static final String ATTR_XACML_AUTHZ_SERVICE_LOCATION = "XACMLAuthzServiceLocation"; public static final String ATTR_WANT_ASSERTION_SIGNED = "wantAssertionSigned"; public static final String ATTR_SIGNING_CERT_ALIAS = "signingCertAlias"; public static final String ATTR_ENCRYPTION_CERT_ALIAS = "encryptionCertAlias"; public static final String ATTR_BASIC_AUTH_ON = "basicAuthOn"; public static final String ATTR_BASIC_AUTH_USER = "basicAuthUser"; public static final String ATTR_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD = "basicAuthPassword"; public static final String ATTR_WANT_XACML_AUTHZ_DECISION_QUERY_SIGNED = "wantXACMLAuthzDecisionQuerySigned"; public static final String ATTR_WANT_XACML_AUTHZ_DECISION_RESPONSE_SIGNED = "wantXACMLAuthzDecisionResponseSigned"; public static final String ATTR_WANT_ASSERTION_ENCRYPTED = "wantAssertionEncrypted"; public static final String ATTR_COTLIST = "cotlist"; // SAMLv2 IDP Adapter feature public static final String ATTR_IDP_ADAPTER = "idpAdapter"; /** * Returns a map with standard identity provider attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with standard attribute values of Identity Provider. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the Identity Provider * attrubutes based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getStandardIdentityProviderAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with extended identity provider attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with extended attribute values of Identity Provider. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the Identity Provider * attrubutes based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map> getExtendedIdentityProviderAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with standard service provider attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with standard attribute values of Service Provider. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the Service Provider * attrubutes based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getStandardServiceProviderAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a List with Assertion Consumer Service attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return List with Assertion Consumer values of Service Provider. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the Service Provider * Assertion Consumer values based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public List getAssertionConsumerServices( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /* *Returns a new AssertionConsumerServiceElement. * * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve. */ AssertionConsumerServiceElement getAscObject() throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with extended service provider attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with extended attribute values of Service Provider. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the Service Provider * attrubutes based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getExtendedServiceProviderAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the standard attribute values for the Identiy Provider. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param idpStdValues Map which contains the standard attribute values. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ void setIDPStdAttributeValues( String realm, String entityName, Map idpStdValues ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the extended attribute values for the Identity Provider. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param idpExtValues Map which contains the standard attribute values. * @param location has the information whether remote or hosted. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ void setIDPExtAttributeValues( String realm, String entityName, Map idpExtValues, String location ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the standard attribute values for the Service Provider. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param spStdValues Map which contains the standard attribute values. * @param assertionConsumer List with assertion consumer service values. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ void setSPStdAttributeValues( String realm, String entityName, Map spStdValues, List assertionConsumer ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the extended attribute values for the Service Provider. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param spExtValues Map which contains the standard attribute values. * @param location has the information whether remote or hosted. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ void setSPExtAttributeValues( String realm, String entityName, Map spExtValues, String location ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider attribute values. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider attribute values. */ Map getSPEXDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider values for Assertion Content. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider values for Assertion Content. */ Map getSPEXACDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider values for Assertion Processing. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider values for Assertion Processing. */ Map getSPEXAPDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider attribute values for Services. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider attribute values for Services. */ Map getSPEXSDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider attribute values for Advanced. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Service Provider attribute values for Advanced. */ Map getSPEXAdDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider attribute values. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider attribute values. */ Map getIDPEXDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider values for Assertion Content. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider values for Assertion Content. */ Map getIDPEXACDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider values for Assertion Processing. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider values for Assertion Processing. */ Map getIDPEXAPDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider attribute values for Services. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider attribute values for Services. */ Map getIDPEXSDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider attribute values for Advanced. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Identity Provider attribute values for Advanced. */ Map getIDPEXAdDataMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Xacml PEP ExtendedMeta * * @return SAMLv2 Xacml PEP Extended Meta. */ public Map getXacmlPEPExtendedMetaMap(); /** * Returns SAMLv2 Xacml PDP ExtendedMeta * * @return SAMLv2 Xacml PDP Extended Meta. */ public Map getXacmlPDPExtendedMetaMap(); /** * Returns a Map of PEP descriptor data.(Standard Metadata) * * @param realm realm of Entity * @param entityName entity name of Entity Descriptor. * @return key-value pair Map of PEP descriptor data. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the PEP * standard metadata attribute */ public Map getPEPDescriptor(String realm, String entityName) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a Map of PDP descriptor data.(Standard Metadata) * * @param realm realm of Entity * @param entityName entity name of Entity Descriptor. * @return key-value pair Map of PDP descriptor data. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the PDP * standard metadata attribute */ public Map getPDPDescriptor(String realm, String entityName) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a Map of PEP config data.(Extended Metadata) * * @param realm realm of Entity * @param entityName entity name of Entity Descriptor. * @param location entity is remote or hosted * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the PEP * extended metadata attribute */ public Map getPEPConfig( String realm, String entityName, String location ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a Map of PDP Config data.(Extended Metadata) * * @param realm where entity exists. * @param entityName entity name of Entity Descriptor. * @param location entity is remote or hosted * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the PEP * extended metadata attribute */ public Map getPDPConfig( String realm, String entityName, String location ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * save data for PDP descriptor data.(Standard Metadata) * * @param realm where entity exists. * @param entityName entity name of Entity Descriptor. * @param attrValues key-value pair Map of PDP standed data. * @throws AMConsoleException if there is an error */ public void updatePDPDescriptor( String realm, String entityName, Map attrValues ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * save data for PDP Config data.(Extended Metadata) * * @param realm realm of Entity * @param entityName entity name of Entity Descriptor. * @param location entity is remote or hosted * @param attrValues key-value pair Map of PDP extended config. */ public void updatePDPConfig( String realm, String entityName, String location, Map attrValues ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * save data for PEP descriptor data.(Standard Metadata) * * @param realm realm of Entity * @param entityName name of Entity Descriptor. * @param attrValues key-value pair Map of PEP descriptor data. * @throws AMConsoleException if there is an error */ public void updatePEPDescriptor( String realm, String entityName, Map attrValues ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Save the configuration data for the policy enforcment point (PEP) entity. * * @param realm where entity exists. * @param entityName name of Entity Descriptor. * @param location entity is remote or hosted. * @param attrValues key-value pair Map of PEP extended config. * @throws AMConsoleException if there is an error */ public void updatePEPConfig( String realm, String entityName, String location, Map attrValues ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns the object of Auththentication Contexts in IDP. * * @param realm Realm of Entity * @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor. * @return SAMLv2AuthContexts contains IDP authContexts values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the IDP * Authentication Contexts */ public SAMLv2AuthContexts getIDPAuthenticationContexts( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException ; /** * Returns the object of Auththentication Contexts in SP. * * @param realm Realm of Entity * @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor. * @return SAMLv2AuthContexts contains SP authContexts values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the SP * Authentication Contexts */ public SAMLv2AuthContexts getSPAuthenticationContexts( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException ; /** * update IDP Authentication Contexts * * @param realm Realm of Entity * @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor. * @param cxt SAMLv2AuthContexts object contains IDP * Authentication Contexts values * @throws AMConsoleException if fails to update IDP * Authentication Contexts. */ public void updateIDPAuthenticationContexts( String realm, String entityName, SAMLv2AuthContexts cxt ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * update SP Authentication Contexts * * @param realm Realm of Entity * @param entityName Name of Entity Descriptor. * @param cxt SAMLv2AuthContexts object contains SP * Authentication Contexts values * @throws AMConsoleException if fails to update SP * Authentication Contexts. */ public void updateSPAuthenticationContexts( String realm, String entityName, SAMLv2AuthContexts cxt ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with standard AttributeAuthority attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with AttributeAuthority values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the std * AttributeAuthority values based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getStandardAttributeAuthorityAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with extended AttributeAuthority attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with extended AttributeAuthority values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve the extended * AttributeAuthority attributes based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getExtendedAttributeAuthorityAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with standard AuthnAuthority attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with AuthnAuthority values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve std AuthnAuthority * values based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getStandardAuthnAuthorityAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with extended AuthnAuthority attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with extended AuthnAuthority values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve ext AuthnAuthority * attributes based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getExtendedAuthnAuthorityAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with standard AttrQuery attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with AttrQuery values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve std AttrQuery * values based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getStandardAttrQueryAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with extended AttrQuery attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with extended AttrQuery values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve ext AttrQuery * attributes based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getExtendedAttrQueryAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the standard attribute values for Attribute Authority. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param attrAuthValues Map which contains standard attribute auth values. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ public void setStdAttributeAuthorityValues( String realm, String entityName, Map attrAuthValues ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Attribute Authority values. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Attribute Authority values. */ public Map getattrAuthEXDataMap(); /** * Saves the extended attribute values for Attribute Authority. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param attrAuthExtValues Map which contains the extended values. * @param location has the information whether remote or hosted. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ public void setExtAttributeAuthorityValues( String realm, String entityName, Map attrAuthExtValues, String location ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the standard attribute values for Authn Authority. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param authnAuthValues Map which contains standard authn authority values. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ public void setStdAuthnAuthorityValues( String realm, String entityName, Map authnAuthValues ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Authn Authority values. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Authn Authority values. */ public Map getauthnAuthEXDataMap(); /** * Saves the extended attribute values for Authn Authority. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param authnAuthExtValues Map which contains the extended authn values. * @param location has the information whether remote or hosted. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ public void setExtauthnAuthValues( String realm, String entityName, Map authnAuthExtValues, String location ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the standard attribute values for Attribute Query. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param attrQueryValues Map which contains standard attribute query values. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ public void setStdAttributeQueryValues( String realm, String entityName, Map attrQueryValues ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns SAMLv2 Extended Attribute Query values. * * @return SAMLv2 Extended Attribute Query values. */ public Map getattrQueryEXDataMap(); /** * Saves the extended attribute values for Attribute Query. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param attrQueryExtValues Map which contains the extended values. * @param location has the information whether remote or hosted. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ public void setExtAttributeQueryValues( String realm, String entityName, Map attrQueryExtValues, String location ) throws AMConsoleException; /** *Returns the metaAlias of the entity. * *@param realm to which the entity belongs. *@param entityName is the entity id. *@param role the Role of entity. *@return the metaAlias of the entity. *@throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve metaAlias. */ public String getMetaalias( String realm, String entityName, String role ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with standard Affiliation attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with Affiliation values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve standard Affiliation * values based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getStandardAffiliationAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a map with extended Affiliation attributes and values. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @return Map with extended Affiliation values. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve extended Affiliation * attributes based on the realm and entityName passed. */ public Map getExtendedAffiliationyAttributes( String realm, String entityName ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the standard attribute values for Affilaition. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param affiliationValues Map which contains standard affiliation values. * @param members Set which contains all members. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ public void setStdAffilationValues( String realm, String entityName, Map affiliationValues, Set members ) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Returns a set with all Service Providers under the realm. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @return Set with all service providers under the realm passed. * @throws AMConsoleException if unable to retrieve service providers. * */ public Set getallSPEntities(String realm) throws AMConsoleException; /** * Saves the signing and encryption values for entity. * * @param realm to which the entity belongs. * @param entityName is the entity id. * @param extValues Map which contains the extended attribute values. * @param stdValues Map which contains the standard attribute values. * @param isIDP has information whether entity is an idp or sp. * @throws AMConsoleException if saving of attribute value fails. */ public void updateKeyinfo( String realm, String entityName, Map> extValues, Map> stdValues, boolean isIDP ) throws AMConsoleException; }