need to use JAVA_HOME JDK1.5 or above. replace these properties in the ant file build.xml REPLACE_WEB_LOGIC_10_SERVER_LIB set it to your installation of \bea\wlserver_10.0\server\lib and REPLACE_JAVA_HOME_LIB set to something like \bea\jdk150_06\lib Run 'ant'. The default target is "build" which will generate an amauthprovider.jar There is another target called "rebuild" which does the build target plus copies into the ..\etc directory. So you can choose to copy existing ..\etc amauthprovider.jar or generate a new one for each weblogic 10 agent build ********************************************************************** OPTIONAL STUFF BELOW If you want to generate the amauthprovider.jar at the command line, and not use ant, then follow the instructions below. ********************************************************************** C:\workspace\test3-bea10\bea\wlserver_10.0\server\lib C:\workspace\test3-bea10\bea\jdk150_06 0) download and install BEA 10 or have some of the libraries and artifacts available 1)change to this directory ... opensso\products\j2eeagents\weblogic\v10\mbeans 2) set to JDK1.5 or above, note there is jdk in bea 10 downloads so consider using JAVA_HOME=C:\workspace\test3-bea10\bea\jdk150_06 3) make a dist directory inside current directory for example opensso\products\j2eeagents\weblogic\v10\mbeans\dist 3) make a build\ directory inside current directory for example opensso\products\j2eeagents\weblogic\v10\mbeans\build 4) copy these two files into the build directory AgentAuthenticator.xml(found in current directory) commo.dtd (found in weblogic 10 server\lib directory such as C:\workspace\test3-bea10\bea\wlserver_10.0\server\lib) 4) run this java command java -classpath C:\workspace\test3-bea10\bea\wlserver_10.0\server\lib\weblogic.jar; C:\workspace\test3-bea10\bea\jdk150_06\lib\tools.jar; .\build -files build -MDF build\AgentAuthenticator.xml -createStubs -verbose 5) run this java command java -classpath C:\workspace\test3-bea10\bea\wlserver_10.0\server\lib\weblogic.jar; C:\workspace\test3-bea10\bea\jdk150_06\lib\tools.jar; .\build -files build -MJF dist\amauthprovider.jar -createStubs -verbose