.\" .\" Glenn Fowler .\" AT&T Research .\" .\" @(#)nmake.1 (gsf@research.att.com) 2005-03-08 .\" .ds nM nmake\" `make' someday .ds uM NMAKE\" upper case \*(nM .ds oM make\" `omake' someday .fp 5 CW .de Af .ds ;G \\*(;G\\f\\$1\\$3\\f\\$2 .if !\\$4 .Af \\$2 \\$1 "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" "\\$8" "\\$9" .. .de aF .ie \\$3 .ft \\$1 .el \{\ .ds ;G \& .nr ;G \\n(.f .Af "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" "\\$8" "\\$9" \\*(;G .ft \\n(;G \} .. .de L .aF 5 \\n(.f "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" .. .de LR .aF 5 1 "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" .. .de RL .aF 1 5 "\\$1" "\\$2" "\\$3" "\\$4" "\\$5" "\\$6" "\\$7" .. .de EX \" start example .ta 1i 2i 3i 4i 5i 6i .PP .RS .PD 0 .ft 5 .nf .. .de EE \" end example .fi .ft .PD .RE .PP .. .SS Makefiles .I makefiles are the main source of input to .IR \*(nM . A makefile contains a sequence of assertions and variable assignments that describe target files and their prerequisites. All parsing is ordered from left to right, top to bottom. .PP At least one makefile must be specified. If no .B file options are present then .I \*(nM attempts to read, in order, one of .B Makefile or .BR makefile . The first line of the first makefile determines the base rules context. If it is of the form .EX rules [ "\fIbase-rules\fP" ] .EE then .I base-rules will be used rather than the default .IR makerules . If "\fIbase-rules\fP" is not specified then no base rules are used. Omitting .B rules is equivalent to specifying \fBrules "makerules"\fP. The actual base rules file, which must be a compiled global makefile, is found by changing the .I base-rules suffix to .B .mo and binding the resulting name using the directories of .B .SOURCE.mk (see .BR Binding ). The following makefile descriptions rely on .I \*(nM engine constructs and are independent of the base rules context. .PP If a makefile contains .IR cpp (1) directives then it is first passed through a modified ANSI .IR cpp . Directives and C-style comments are treated as usual, but .I cpp macros are only expanded on directive lines. .L # preceded by zero or more space characters .RB ( space or .BR tab ) starting in column 1 is interpreted by .IR cpp , otherwise text between .L # (preceded by at least one space character) and .B newline is treated as a comment by .IR \*(nM . Blank lines are uniformly ignored. .PP After all the makefiles have been read in, and before any command line targets are made, the collective makefile information is automatically .I compiled into a single .I \*(nM object file. The next time .I \*(nM executes this object file is read in place of the makefiles. The object file is automatically regenerated whenever the makefiles or their prerequisites (.e.g., .B include dependencies) have changed. The .I \*(nM object file name is .IB base .mo where .I base is the base name of the first non-global makefile. For better performance makefiles specified by the .B global option should be precompiled .I \*(nM object files. Refer to the .B compile option below for more information. .SS Variables Variables are assigned by .EX variable = value .EE where .L variable may be any sequence of letters, digits, underscores and .BR dot s. Depending on the context (e.g., .B : dependency, operator dependency, assignment, action), subsequent appearances of .L $(variable) expand to .L value and .L $$(variable) expands to .LR $(variable) , otherwise .L $ is passed untouched. .L value is not expanded until .L $(variable) is encountered (see .BR "Variable Editing" ). .L variable := value causes .L value to be expanded before assigning it to .L variable and .L variable += value appends the expanded .L value to the current value of .LR variable . .L variable == value assigns .L value to .L variable and also marks .L variable as a candidate implicit state variable prerequisite. .L variable &= value defines the hidden (auxiliary) value of .LR variable . The auxiliary value is not saved in the statefile. The expansion of \f5variable\fP will include the primary and auxiliary values (see the :V edit operator of .BR "Variable Editing" ). .PP Variable assignments come from many sources. The precedence order (highest to lowest) is: .RS .TP 2i .PD 0 .B automatic Variables maintained by .I \*(nM (see .BR "Automatic Variables" ). .TP .B dynamic Assignments done while building targets. .TP .B "command line" Assignments in command line \fIscripts\fP. .TP .B "import variables" Colon separated environment variable names listed in the value of the .B MAKEIMPORT variable (see \fBENVIRONMENT\fP). .TP .B makefile Normal makefile assignments. .TP .B environment Variables defined in the environment (see .IR env (1)). .TP .B "global makefile" Includes base rule assignments. .PD .RE .PP Variable names containing .B dot cannot conflict with environment variables set by the shell; such variables are typically used by the base rules. To avoid base rule conflicts users should not define upper case variable names with .B dot as both the first and last character. .SS Assertions .I assertions specify dependency relationships between targets and prerequisites and provide actions that may be executed to build targets that are out of date with their prerequisites. An individual assertion is a list of target atoms, a .I "dependency operator" (see .BR "Assertion Operators" ), and an ordered list of prerequisite atoms for the targets. Subsequent lines with an indentation level greater than the first target comprise the action. The target list, the prerequisite list and the action may be empty. Variables in the target and prerequisite lists are expanded when the assertion is read, whereas variables in the action are not expanded until the action is executed. For portability only .B tab characters should be used for action indentation. .PP A single assertion with multiple targets associates the prerequisite list and action with the targets as if each target were in a separate assertion. Single assertions are more efficient in that the storage used by the action is shared among the targets. .PP An atom may appear as a target in more than one assertion. Prerequisites from successive assertions are simply appended to the prerequisite list of the target, with the exception that duplicate prerequisites are deleted (from the right) at assertion time. Only one action may be specified per target. The collection of all assertions for a given target is called the .I rule for that target. Atom names containing the special characters .LR :, .LR #, .L = and .L + must be enclosed in double quotes. For example: .EX target : ":file1" file2 action .EE .SS Binding In the process of making a target atom .I \*(nM .I binds the atom to either a .IR file , a .I "virtual atom" or a .IR "state variable" . This binding remains in effect for the entire .I \*(nM execution. .PP A .I "state variable" is an atom associated with an .I \*(nM variable that holds the variable value and the time the variable last changed. This information is retained in the .I statefile .IR base .ms where .I base is the base name of the first makefile. Statefiles are automatically generated and loaded using the .I \*(nM object file algorithms. The state variable atom for the .I \*(nM variable .I variable is .BI ( variable ) . For example: .EX x.o : (DEBUG) .EE specifies that .L x.o depends on the definition of the variable .LR DEBUG . The contents of the statefile can be listed by executing .EX \*(nM \-f \fIbase\fP.ms \-blr .EE .PP Atoms are bound to files using the prerequisites of the special .B .SOURCE and .BI .SOURCE .pattern atoms (see .BR "Special Atoms" ). The prerequisites of these atoms are ordered lists of directories to be scanned when searching for files. .PP A .I virtual atom binds neither to a file nor to a state variable. Virtual atoms are declared using the .B .VIRTUAL attribute. Virtual atom times are retained in the statefile. .SS Make Algorithm The steps taken to make a target atom are: .TP bind the atom An atom retains its binding until .I \*(nM exits unless it is explicitly unbound. .TP check if atom already made No work required for atoms that have already been made. If atom is active (action executing) then block until its action completes before returning. .TP check statefile consistency The current time, prerequisites and action are compared with those recorded in the statefile. Any differences force the target to be rebuilt. Notice that this type of rebuild may result in empty .B $(>) expansions in non-metarule actions. .TP check \fB.INSERT\fP and \fB.APPEND\fP Target prerequisites are modified according to these special atoms. .TP make explicit prerequisites The explicit prerequisites are (recursively) made from left to right. The most recent prerequisite time is saved. .TP make implicit prerequisites If the target has no explicit action and no explicit prerequisites and a metarule can be applied to generate the target then the metarule prerequisites are (recursively) made from left to right. Again the most recent prerequisite time is saved. .TP check if out of date If the most recent prerequisite is newer than the target or if the target information is not consistent with the statefile then the target action is triggered to build the target. .TP make scan prerequisites If the target atom is a file with a .BI .SCAN .x attribute (see \fBSpecial Atoms\fP) then the scan prerequisites are (recursively) made from left to right. The scan prerequisites are determined either from the statefile information (if consistent) or by reading the contents of the file using scan strategy .IR .x . The time noted for the target atom is the most recent of its own and all (recursively) of its scan prerequisite times. The scan prerequisites are saved in the statefile to avoid scanning during the next .I \*(nM execution. .TP sync statefile information When the target is built (action, if any, completed) its time, action and prerequisites are saved in the statefile in preparation for the next .I \*(nM execution. .SS Engine Control The global flow of control in the .I \*(nM engine is, in order: .TP read the args file The first file in .B $(MAKEARGS) (see \fBENVIRONMENT\fP) that exists in the current directory is read and the contents are inserted into the command line argument list. .TP read the command line arguments The \fIoptions\fP and command line \fIscript\fP arguments are parsed. .TP read the initialization script In addition to the variables listed in .B ENVIRONMENT section, the special atoms .B .VIEW and .B .SOURCE.mk are initialized. .TP read the base rules Determine which base rules are to be used (either user-defined or default) by checking the first line of the first explicit makefile for the \fBrules\fP statement. The first explicit makefile is determined by first ckecking the command line for the \fB\-f\fP file option. If the \fB\-f\fP option is not found, then the first file listed in \fB$(MAKEFILES)\fP (see \fBENVIRONMENT\fP) that exists is checked. If the \fBrules\fP statement is not found in that file, then the default base fules, .B $(MAKERULES), (see \fBENVIRONMENT\fP) are used. .TP read the global makefiles .TP read the explicit makefiles If no .B file options are given then the files listed in .B $(MAKEFILES) (see \fBENVIRONMENT\fP) are used. .TP compile makefiles to form the \fInmake\fP object file If the \fInmake\fP object file is out of date with the input makefiles then the makefiles are recompiled. .TP read the statefile The statefile is loaded as an \fInmake\fP object file. .TP initialize \fB.ARGS\fP The prerequisites of .B .ARGS are set to the list of command line \fItargets\fP. .TP make \fB.MAKEINIT\fP if defined .TP make \fB.INIT\fP if defined .TP check \fB.ARGS\fP If .B .ARGS has no prerequisites then append the prerequisites of .B .MAIN onto .BR .ARGS . .TP make the prerequisites of \fB.ARGS\fP This constitutes the actions requested either on the command line or in the makefile, subject to the actions of .B .MAKEINIT and .BR .INIT . .TP make \fB.DONE\fP if defined .SS Programming Constructs Stuctured programming constructs may appear inside .B .MAKE actions or outside assertions. The construct keywords must be the first word on a line. Atom names matching any of the keywords must be quoted (when the first word on a line) to avoid conflicts. .PP Each .I expression may be a combination of arithmetic and string expressions where the string expression components must be quoted. "..." strings use shell pattern matching (.e.g., "\fIstring\fP" == "\fIpattern\fP") whereas '...' strings use string equality. Empty strings evaluate to 0 in arithmetic expressions and non-empty strings evaluate to non-zero. Expression components may also contain optional variable assignments. All computations are done using signed long integers. .TP .BI error " level message" .I message is output as an .I \*(nM error message with severity level .IR level . .I level may be one of: .RS .TP .B "< 0" debug trace -- output only if .I level <= .BR debug . .TP .B 0 information .TP .B 1 warning .TP .B 2 error -- no exit .TP .B ">= 3" error -- exit with code .RI ( level \-2) .RE .TP .B eval .PD 0 .TP .B ... .TP .B end .PD The statements between .B eval and .B end are expanded an additional time. .B "eval ... end" pairs may nest to cause more than one additional expansion. .TP .B break Breaks out of the \fBfor\fP and \fBwhile\fP loops and resumes execution after the \fBend\fP statement. .TP \fBfor\fP \fIvariable\fP \fIpatterns\fP ... .PD 0 .TP .B ... .TP .B end .PD The statements between .B for and .B end are executed with .I variable assigned to the name of each atom matching one of the shell .IR patterns . A .B break statement breaks out of the loop and resumes execution after the .B end statement. .TP .BI if " expression" .PD 0 .TP .B ... .TP .BI elif " expression" .TP .B ... .TP .B else .TP .B ... .TP .B end .PD Nested .B if conditional construct. .TP \fBinclude\fP [ \- ] \fIpath\fP Include the file specified by \fIpath\fR. If \fI\-\fR is present, then the file is optionally included (no warning is generated if the file is not found). .TP .BI let " variable = expression" Sets the value of .I variable to the numeric value of .IR expression . .TP .BI local " var1 var2 ..." Declares variables local to the current action. .TP \fBreturn\fP [ \fIexpression\fP ] Return from the action with results specified by .IR expression : .RS .TP .I omitted If .I expression is omitted then return as if the action completed normally. .TP .B \-1 The action failed. .TP .B 0 The target exists but has not been updated. .TP .B >0 Set the target time to the value specified by expression. .RE .TP \fBset\fP [\fBno\fP]\fIname\fP=[\fIvalue\fP] Sets options using option-by-name format (see .BR OPTIONS ). .TP .BI while " expression" .PD 0 .TP .B ... .TP .B end .PD .B while loop construct. A .B break statement breaks out of the loop and resumes execution after the .B end statement. .TP .BI print " message" Prints .IR message to the standard output. (This is the same as \f3error\fP \f20 message\fP.) .TP \fBrules\fP ["\fIbase-rules\fP"] Determines the base rules context. If the \fBrules\fP statement is specified, it must be the first line of the first makefile. It will overwrite the context of the default base rules. Omitting the \fBrules\fP statement is equivalent to specifying \fBrules "makerules"\fP. The \fBrules\fP statement with no file name specified is a request that no base rules file is to be used. .SS Metarules Based on metarule patterns, .I \*(nM can infer prerequisites for files that have no explicit actions or prerequisites. The prototype metarule pattern is .IR prefix % suffix and is matched by any string containing the non-overlapping strings .I prefix at the beginning and .I suffix at the end. .B % matches the remaining characters and is called the .IR stem . .PP The following makefile specifies that .L program depends on two files .L a.o and .LR b.o , and that they in turn depend on .I .c files and a common file .LR header.h . .EX program : a.o b.o cc a.o b.o libx.a \-lm \-o program a.o : header.h a.c cc \-c a.c b.o : header.h b.c cc \-c b.c .EE .PP The .I metarule to create a file with suffix .I .s2 that depends on a file (with the same .I base name) with suffix .I .s1 is .LR "%.s2 : %.s1" . Any prerequisites following .L %.s1 are transferred to each target when the metarule is applied. For example, a metarule for making optimized .I .o files from .I .c files is .EX %.o : %.c (CC) (CCFLAGS) $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) \-c \-o $(<) $(>) .EE .PP Notice that the .I .o targets also depend on the values of the .L CC and .L CCFLAGS .I \*(nM variables. If the current target is .L a.o then .I \*(nM infers the following from the .L "%.o : %.c" metarule: .EX a.o : a.c (CC) (CCFLAGS) cc \-O \-c \-o a.o a.c .EE In this case the .I stem is \f5a\fP, \f5$(CC)\fP and \f5$(CCFLAGS)\fP expand to \f5cc\fP and \f5\-O\fP, respectively. .PP Assuming the .L "%.o : %.c" metarule has been asserted, the example can be stated more briefly: .EX program : a.o b.o $(CC) $(*) libx.a \-lm \-o $(<) a.o b.o : header.h .EE .PP Metarules are applied according to the order of the patterns listed as the prerequisites of the .B .METARULE atom. Pattern order is significant; the first possible name for which both a file and a metarule exist is inferred. .PP Metarules are chained as necessary. Given the metarules .L "%.z : %.m" and .L "%.m : %.a" and the source file .BR x.a , the target file .B x.z will be generated by first applying .L "%.m : %.a" to .B x.a to build .BR x.m , and then applying .L "%.z : %.m" to .B x.m to build .BR x.z . .PP Metarules with the .B % target pattern are called .B unconstrained metarules and are subject to additional constraints that control metarule chaining. .I unconstrained metarules with the .B .TERMINAL attribute are applied only when the prerequisite pattern matches an existing file. Otherwise an .I unconstrained metarule is applied only if there exists no other metarule (other than a .I unconstrained metarule) for which the target pattern matches the current target. For example .EX % : .TERMINAL RCS/%,v $(CO) $(COFLAGS) $(>) .EE is a metarule that generates source files from RCS version files in the .B RCS subdirectory. .SS Variable Editing Edit operators allow variable values to be tested and modified during expansion. The expansion syntax is: .EX $(\fIvariable\fP[:[@]\fIop\fP[\fIsep arg\fP]]...) .EE The operator groups, each preceded by .BR : , are applied in order from left to right to each space separated token in the expanded variable .IR value . The operator groups form a token pipeline where the output .RI ( returned or .I selected tokens) of any operator group becomes the input for the next operator group. .B newline is treated as a separate token. \fB"\fP, \fB'\fP and \e quote space characters, but they are considered part of the token and are not removed. If .B @ immediately precedes an \fIop\fR, then the entire .I value is treated as a single token for that operator. .I sep is usually .BR = , but, where appropriate, some operators support .B != and the arithmetic comparisons .BR < , .BR <= , .BR >= and .BR > . .PP The expansion algorithm first expands the variable name .I variable to determine the value to be edited. This value and the operator expressions ([:[@]\fIop\fP[\fIsep arg\fP]]...) are then expanded before the edit operators are applied. The ultimate expansion is formed by applying each operator to each token, separating adjacent results by a single .B space character. .PP .RI $( var1 " | " var2 ...) expands the value of the first (left to right) .RB non- null valued variable. If the last variable name is enclosed in \fB"\|"\fP then this string is used as the value if all preceding variables have .B null values. The standard .B \e character constants are interpreted within the string. .PP Some operators .I select tokens by simply returning the token value as the result; non-selected tokens produce .B null (the empty string). The operators are: .TP \fBA\fP[\fIsep\fP \fIexpression\fP] Selects tokens having one or more attributes or prerequisites listed in \fIexpression\fP. The tokens are treated as atoms. In case of \fIexpression\fP being a space or vertical bar separated list of \fIattributes\fP, if \fIsep\fP is [\|!\|]=, then atoms that [\fI\|do not\|\fR] have any of the listed .I attributes are [\fI\|not\|\fR] selected (see .BR "Special Atoms" ). \fIAttributes\fP defined through .B .ATTRIBUTE special atom may also be used. If \fIsep\fP is <, then the pattern association rule for the rule inferred from the input token and the pattern association rule base name specified in \fIattribute1\fR of \fIexpression\fP is returned (ex. $("stdio.h":A<.SOURCE.) would give .SOURCE.%.LCL.INCLUDE). .B A alone expands to the list of applicable user-defined attributes. .TP .PD 0 \fBB\fP[=\fIbase\fP] .TP \fBD\fP[=\fIdirectory\fP] .TP \fBS\fP[=\fIsuffix\fP] .PD As stated previously, the edit operators form token pipelines. The file component edit operators (\fB:D:B:S\fP) are the exception to the rule; they do not form token pipelines because .I \*(nM treats the file component edit operators as a group (although separated by \fB:\fP). Each is applied as a single edit operation. Pathnames are partitioned into three (possibly .BR null ) components. .I directory includes all characters up to but not including the last .BR / . .I base includes all characters after the last .B / up to but not including the last .BR . . .I suffix includes all characters from the last .B . on. Multiple .BR . 's are treated as a single .B . and if .B . is the first character after the last .B / and is the only .B . then it is included in .I base rather than .IR suffix . If the pipeline result is desired, extra \fB:\fP must be specified (e.g., \fB:D::B\fP will apply \fB:B\fP edit operation to the result of \fB:D\fP edit operation). .TP .BI C oldnew [G] Similar to the .IR ed (1) substitute command. Substitutes the first occurrence of the string .I old with the string .I new in each token. A trailing .B G causes all occurrences of .I old to be substituted. .I may be any delimiter character. .B C/ may be abbreviated as .BR / . .TP .BI E Evaluates the complete input string as a logical, string, or integer expression. .TP .BI F =format Converts tokens according to .IR format . .I format may be a concatenation of the following: .RS .TP .B L The token is converted to lower case. .TP .B U The token is converted to upper case. .TP .B V The token is converted to the valid .I \*(nM variable name. .TP \fB%\fP[\-][\fIn\fP][.\fIm\fP]\fIc\fP .IR printf (3) style formatting. Only the .IR s , .IR d , .IR o , .I x and .I u conversions are supported. .RE .TP .BI G =pattern Selects token files that can build (generate) files that match the metarule pattern .I pattern using the metarules. For example, a token .BI x .y is selected if a metarule .BI % .s " : %.y" has been asserted. .TP \fBH\fR [\fIsep\fP][\fBU\fR] Heap sorts the tokens in ascending (if \fIsep\fP is < or default) or descending (if \fIsep\fP is >) order. <= \fIsep\fP will give low to high numeric sort, and >= \fIsep\fP will give high to low numeric sort. If .B U is specified, the sort is unique (the duplicates are removed). .TP .BI I =list .I list is expanded and directory tokens in .I variable that also appear in the expanded value of .I list are selected. Each selected directory will appear at most once in the return value. The directory path names are canonicalized before comparison. .TP \fBK\fP=\fIpfx\fP Splits long lines like .IR xargs(1) into a number of tokens, applying optional \fIpfx\fP to each token. .TP \fBL\fR [\fIsep\fP [\fI]] Each token is treated as a directory name. For each token, the list of all files in the specified directories which match the optional \fIpattern\fR are returned. \fIsep\fP may be <= or >= and is used to specify that the list should be sorted in ascending or descending order respectively. The default order is unsorted. .TP \fBM\fP[\|!\|]=\fIpattern\fP Selects tokens .RI [ \|not\| ] matching the .IR egrep (1) style regular expression .IR pattern . .TP \fBN\fP[\|!\|]=\fIpattern\fP Selects tokens .RI [ \|not\| ] matching the .IR sh (1) file match expression .IR pattern . Multiple patterns separated by .B | denotes the inclusive or of the individual patterns. .TP \fBO\fP[\|!\|]\fP|\fR[\fI\fP] Each token is numbered by its left to right position, starting with 1. Tokens with positions satisfying the integer expression .I "position relop n" are selected. .I relop may be one of .BR < , .BR <= , .BR = , .BR != , .BR >= or .BR > . If .B O is specified alone, the output is the number count of tokens, .B O! gives the string length of each token. .TP \fBP\fP[\|!\|]=\fIop\fP Treats the tokens as file path names and applies the path name operator .IR op . .I op may be: .RS .TP .B A Returns the absolute path name for specified files. .TP .B C Returns the canonicalized path name. .BR . 's and redundant .BR / 's are removed (unless .B . is the only remaining character). Each .B .. cancels the path name component to its left (unless that component is also .BR .. ); .B .. 's are moved to the front of the name. .B /.. forms are preserved in deference to some remote file system implementations. .TP .B D For each token that is a bound atom, the directory where the atom was bound is returned. .TP \fBH\fP[=\fIsuffix\fP] Generates 9 character hash file name (or up to 14 character hash file name if .I suffix is used - takes first 5 characters in \fIsuffix\fP if it is greater than 5 characters) for the given token. .TP \fBI\fR=\fIfile\fR Selects tokens which are existing files and which have the same device and inode numbers as \fIfile\fR. If .B P!=I=\fIfile\fR is used, then those tokens which are existing files and are not the same file as \fIfile\fR are returned. .TP \fBL\fR[\fIlevel\fP] Selects tokens that are atoms bound in the level 0 .RI [ level ] view. Views are defined using the .B .VIEW special atom. .I relop may be one of .BR < , .BR <= , .BR = , .BR != , .BR >= or .BR > . .TP .B L* Returns all the views of a bound file. .TP .B L! Returns the first occurrence of a bound file from all the views. .TP \fBP\fR=\fIlang\fR Returns the pathname for the probe information file for the language specified by \fIlang\fR and the language processor specified in the input token. .TP .B R For each token, treated as a directory path name, a path name that leads to the (possibly relative) root of the token is returned. The return value is either .B . or a path name consisting of .B .. components. .TP .B S The bound name for each token that is bound to a file within a subdirectory of its view is returned. .TP .B U The unbound name for each token is returned. .TP .B V Returns the view directory path name of the makefile for each token that is an atom bound to a file (see \fB.VIEW\fP special atom). .TP .B X Returns each token that is the path name of an existing file. The tokens are not bound. .RE .TP .B Q Each token is quoted for literal interpretation by .IR sh (1). .TP .B R Each token is parsed as a makefile, each in a separate context. .B null is returned. .TP .PD 0 .BI T =type .TP .BI T =type ? return .PD The tokens are bound to atoms (unless stated otherwise) and are operated on according to .IR type . .BI ? return replaces the default .RB non- null return value with the expanded value of .I return for selected atoms and .B null otherwise. .I return is only expanded (a .I second expansion: the operators have already been expanded once) if the test succeeds. If .I type is preceded by .BR X , then no binding is done. .I type may be one of: .RS .TP .B A Returns the archive update action for each atom with the .B .ARCHIVE attribute. If the returned action is .BR non- null then it must be executed for any archive that has been modified or copied before the archive is used by the compilers or loaders (e.g., .IR ranlib (1) on BSD-based systems). .TP .B D The .IR cc (1) style definition of each token that binds to a state variable is returned. Given: .EX DEBUG = TEST = 1 SIZE = 13 STATEVARS = (DEBUG) (TEST) (SIZE) .EE .TP \& .L $(STATEVARS:T=D) expands to .LR "-DTEST -DSIZE=13" . .TP .B E Similar to .B T=D except that the expanded definitions are .IR name = value pairs. Given the above example, .L $(STATEVARS:T=E) expands to .LR "DEBUG= TEST=1 SIZE=13" . .TP .B F Each atom that binds to a file is selected. The bound atom name is returned. .TP .B G Each atom bound to a file that has been built (generated) is selected. The bound atom name is returned. .TP .B I[\-] Each input token is the name of an input file to be read. The contents of all the files are returned (including any newlines). A \- following the .B I inhibits the expansion of variable names in the file. .TP .B M Generates the parentage chain of each active token. .TP .B N If the unbound value of .I variable is .B null then .B 1 is returned, otherwise .B null is returned. .TP \fBO\fP[\fImode\fP][=\fItext\fP] Each input token is the name of the file to be written according to the specified .I mode . If no \fImode\fP is specified, \fItext\fP overrides the contents of each file. By default, the new line separator is attached to the end of the .I text. This edit operator is the complement to .B :T=I[\-]. .I mode may be: .RS .TP .B + Appends .I text. .TP .B \- Does not put the new line separator at the end of .I text. .RE .TP .B P Each atom that binds to a file and is also not a symbolic link is selected. The bound atom name is returned. If symbolic links .RI ( link (2)) are not implemented then .B :T=P: is equivalent to .BR :T=F: . .TP .B Q Each atom that exists is selected. .TP .B R Each token is treated as an atom and the relative time (number of seconds since the Epoch) of each atom is returned. .TP \fBS\fP[\fIconv\fP[\fIdata\fP]] Converts each atom to a new atom type specified by .I conv and .I data .RB ( null is returned when the conversion specifies an undefined atom). .I conv may be: .RS .TP .B A Given the internal name for a state rule, convert it to the original name. .TP .B F Forces creation of a new atom. Used in conjunction with the other conversion operators. .TP .B M Returns the metarule name that generates files matching the metarule pattern .I data from files matching the metarule pattern named by each token. .TP .B P Returns the alternate prerequisite state atom. .TP .B R Returns the primary state atom. This is the default when .I conv is omitted. .TP .B V Returns the state variable atom for each token that names a variable. .RE .TP .B T The format for this operator is \fBT\fR\fIrelop\fR\fBT\fR\fIatom\fR. A comparison is done between the time associated with \fIatom\fR and the times associated with the atoms in the token list. The tokens whose times are \fIrelop atom\fP are returned. \fIrelop\fP can be <, >, =, <=, >=, or !=. If \fIatom\fP is not specified, it defaults to the current target. For example, .EX $(*:T>T) .EE lists the prerequisites whose times are newer than the time for the current target. .TP .B U Returns the atom or variable name for each state atom token. .TP .B V If the unbound value of .I variable is .RB non- null then .B 1 is returned, otherwise .B null is returned. .TP .B W If a type operator is forcing a file to be bound, and the \fBW\fR operator is applied, do not wait for the bind to complete. .TP .B X Binding should not be done. Used in conjunction with other type edit operators. .RE .TP \fBV\fP[\fItype\fP] The .I value of .I variable is used without expansion. \fItype\fP may be: .RS .TP .B A Expands to the auxiliary (assigned to .I variable with .L &= assignment operator) .I value of .I variable (see .BR Variables ). .TP .B P Expands to the primary .I value of .I variable. .RE .TP .BI X =list The directory cross product of the tokens in .I variable and the tokens in the expanded value of .I list is returned. The first .B . .I lhs operand produces a .B . in the cross product. All .I rhs absolute path (rooted at .BR / ) operands are collected, in order, after all other products have been computed, regardless of the .I lhs operands. .TP .BI Y non-nullnull If .I value is \fBnull\fP then .I null is expanded and returned, otherwise .I non-null is expanded and returned. .I may be any delimiter character. .B Y? may be abbreviated as .BR ? . .PP To illustrate some of the above operators: .EX FILES = a.h b.h c.h x.c y.c z.c HEADERS = $(FILES:N=*.h) $(HEADERS:/^/-I/) \(-> -Ia.h -Ib.h -Ic.h $(FILES:N=*.c:/ /:/G) \(-> x.c:y.c:z.c .EE .SS Automatic Variables The following variables are automatically defined and updated by .IR \*(nM : .TP .B $(\-) The current option settings suitable for use on .I \*(nM command lines. The options are listed using the .B \-o option-by-name style and only those option settings different from the default are listed. .TP .BI $(\- option ) .B 1 if the named .I option is set and non-zero, otherwise .BR null . .TP .B $(\+) The current option settings suitable for use by .BR set . Only those option settings different from the default are listed. .TP .BI $(\+ option ) The current setting for the named \fIoption\fP, suitable for use by \fBset\fP. .TP .B $(=) The list of command line \fIscript\fP arguments and assignments for variables that are prerequisites of the atom .BR .EXPORT . .TP .B $(<) The current target name. .TP .B $(>) The list of all explicit file prerequisites of the current target that are out of date with the target. .B $(>) is always .RB non- null for triggered metarule actions but otherwise may be .B null (even if the current target action has triggered). .TP .B $(%) The .I stem of the current metarule match, or the arguments of a function (see \fB\.FUNCTION\fP in \fBSpecial Atoms\fP). .TP .B $(*) The list of all explicit file prerequisites of the current target. .TP .B $(~) The list of all explicit prerequisites of the current target. .TP .B $(&) The list of all implicit and explicit state variable prerequisites of the current target. Implicit state variable prerequisites are generated by the language dependent scan. .TP .B $(!) The list of all implicit and explicit file prerequisites of the current target. Implicit file prerequisites are generated by the language dependent scan. .TP .B $(?) The list of all prerequisites of the current target. This includes all implicit and explicit state variable and file prerequisites. .TP .B $(#) If the current target is a state variable then .B $(#) is the state variable value, otherwise it is the unbound atom name. .TP .B $(@) The action for the current target. .TP .B $(^) If the current target has been bound to a file in other than the top view then .B $(^) is set to the original (lower view) binding and .B $(<) is set to new (top view) binding, otherwise .B $(^) is .BR null . .TP .B "$(. . .)" Represents all the atoms, rules and state variables used when making .MAKEINIT. .PP Each repeated occurrence of the automatic variable name character in the variable expansion causes the .I parent of the current target to be used as a reference. For example, .B $(<<) is the name of the parent of the current target and .B $(**) is the list of all its prerequisites. .BI $(c atom ) references information for .I atom instead of the current target. Notice that .BR .IGNORE , .BR .STATE , .B .USE and .B .VIRTUAL atoms are not included in .BR $(<) , .BR $(>) , .BR $(*) , or .B $(!) automatic variable expansions. .SS Assertion Operators Assertion operators provide fine control over makefile assertions. Each operator is an atom whose action is executed whenever the atom appears as an operator in an assertion. Assertion operators are defined by assertions: .EX ":\fIoperator\fP:" : .OPERATOR \fIaction\fP .EE where the operator name syntax is .B :: and .BI : identifier : . and the operator name must be quoted in its defining assertion. An operator is activated by an assertion of the form: .EX \fIlhs\fP :\fIoperator\fP: \fIrhs\fP \fIcommands\fP .EE The operator action is executed with .B $(<) set to .IR lhs , .B $(>) set to .IR rhs , and .B $(@) set to .IR commands . No variable expansion is done on .IR lhs , .IR rhs , or .IR commands . .SS Special Atoms The Special Atoms defined by .I \*(nM all have the form .ID, where "ID" is any string of capital letters, dots, or numbers. Users can define their own Special Atoms, which do not have to begin with dot (.). .I \*(nM's Special Atoms. The following atoms are special to .I \*(nM and fall into one or more of these types, depending on the context: .RS .TP .PD 0 .I "action rule" Action used for .I \*(nM control. .TP .I "assertion attribute" Provides fine control over .B : dependency operator assertions. .TP .I "dynamic attribute" Assigned to target atoms by listing attribute names as prerequisites in assertions. Dynamic atom attributes may be tested using the .BI :A= attribute : edit operator. .TP .I "dynamic list" Prerequisites are used to control .I \*(nM actions. .TP .I "immediate rule" Invokes an .I \*(nM action when appearing as a target in assertions .I "at assertion time". The prerequisites and actions are cleared after the assertion. .TP .I "pattern association rule" The meaning of the attribute is applied to the atoms matching the specified \fIpattern\fR. \fIpattern\fR is given in one of the following formats: string match (SOURCE.%.c, .BIND.-l%), suffix match (.SOURCE.c), or attribute match (.INSERT.%.ARCHIVE). .TP .I "readonly attribute" Maintained by .I \*(nM and may not be explicitly assigned. .TP .I "readonly list" Prerequisites maintained by .IR \*(nM . .TP .I "sequence atom" Sequence atoms are made at specific times during .I \*(nM execution and are ignored if not specified. Sequence atom shell actions are always executed in the foreground. Assert intermediate rules (with actions) and append these to the sequence atom prerequisite list to avoid attribute or base and global rule clashes. .PD .RE The special atoms are: .TP .BI .ACCEPT "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Only file prerequisites can make .B .ACCEPT atoms out of date. .TP .BI .ACCEPT "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisite atoms are accepted as being up to date. However, subsequent file prerequisites may make the atoms out of date. .TP .BI .AFTER "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" .B .AFTER prerequisites are made after the action for the target atom has completed. .TP .BI .ALWAYS "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" The .B noexec option inhibits the execution of shell actions. However, shell actions for .B .ALWAYS targets are executed even with .B noexec on. .TP .BI .APPEND ".pattern\|\|\s-1[pattern\|association\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisites of .BI .APPEND .pattern are appended to the prerequisite list of each target atom which matches \fIpattern\fR immediately before the target prerequisites are made. Notice that .I pattern must be .B %.ARCHIVE for .B .ARCHIVE targets and .B %.COMMAND for .B .COMMAND targets. .TP .BI .ARCHIVE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Target atoms with the .B .ARCHIVE attribute are treated as archives (see .IR ar (1)). Binding a .B .ARCHIVE target atom also binds the archive members to the target. .B .ARCHIVE may be used as a pseudo-suffix for .B .APPEND and .BR .INSERT . .TP .BI .ARGS "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|list]\s+1" The prerequisites of .B .ARGS are the command line target arguments. If, after making the .B .INIT sequence atom .B .ARGS has no prerequisites then the prerequisites of .B .MAIN are copied to .BR .ARGS . As each prerequisite of .B .ARGS is made it is removed from the .B .ARGS prerequisite list. .TP .BI .ATTRIBUTE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Marks the target as a named attribute. Named attributes may be tested using the .BI :A= attribute : edit operator. A maximum of 32 named attributes may be defined. The prerequisites of .B .ATTRIBUTE constitute the list of all named attributes. .TP .BI .ATTRIBUTE ".pattern\|\|\s-1[pattern\|association\|rule]\s+1" When an atom which matches \fI.pattern\fR is bound, it inherits the attributes of \fB.ATTRIBUTE\fR\fI.pattern\fR. .TP .BI .BEFORE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" .B .BEFORE prerequisites are made just before the action for the target atom is executed. .TP .BI .BIND "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisite atoms are bound. .TP .BI .BIND ".pattern\|\|\s-1[pattern\|association\|rule]\s+1" Specifies binding rules to be used when an atom cannot be bound using the normal rules. The return value is new binding. .TP .BI .BOUND "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks bound atoms. .TP .BI .BUILT "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks state rule atoms corresponding to atoms that have been built. .TP .BI .CLEAR "\|\|\s-1[assertion\|attribute]\s+1" Clears the attributes, prerequisites and action for the targets in the assertion. .TP .BI .COMMAND "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Marks target atoms that bind to executable command files. .B .COMMAND may be used as a pseudo-suffix for .B .APPEND and .BR .INSERT . .TP .BI .COMPINIT "\|\|\s-1[sequence\|atom]\s+1" This atom is made when the input makefiles are (re)compiled, just before the make object file is written. .TP .BI .DEBUG "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule / action\|rule]\s+1" .B .DEBUG is an alias for .B .QUERY (see .BR .QUERY ). .TP .BI .DONE "\|\|\s-1[sequence\|atom]\s+1" This is the last atom made before .I \*(nM terminates execution. .TP .BI .DONTCARE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" If a .B .DONTCARE target cannot be made .I \*(nM continues as if it existed, otherwise an error is issued and .I \*(nM either discontinues work on the target parent and siblings if .B keepgoing is on or it terminates processing and exits. .TP .BI .ENTRIES "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks scanned directory or archive atoms that have entries (members). .TP .BI .ERROR "\|\|\s-1[sequence\|atom]\s+1" This atom is executed when an error is encountered and the compile option is off. If the .B .ERROR make action block returns 0 (default), control returns to the point after the error. If the action block returns -1, then the error processing continues. .TP .BI .EXISTS "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks atoms that have been successfully made. .TP .BI .EXPORT "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|list]\s+1" The prerequisites are treated as .I variable names to be included in .B $(=) automatic variable expansions. .TP .BI .FAILED "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks atoms that have been unsuccessfully made. .TP .BI .FILE "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks atoms bound to existing files. .TP .BI .FORCE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" An atom with this attribute is always out of date the first time it is made during a single .I \*(nM execution. .TP .BI .FOREGROUND "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" The target action blocks until all other actions have completed. Normally .I \*(nM makes future prerequisites while concurrent actions are being executed, however, a .B .FOREGROUND target causes .I \*(nM to block until the corresponding action completes. .TP .BI .FUNCTION "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" A compound .USE attribute used in the default base rules composed from .USE .ATTRIBUTE .MAKE .FUNCTIONAL .VIRTUAL .FORCE .REPEAT dynamic attributes. .TP .BI .FUNCTIONAL "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" A functional atom is associated with a variable by the same name. Each time the variable is expanded the corresponding atom is made before the variable value is determined. For example, .EX src : .MAKE .FUNCTIONAL return $(*.SOURCE:L<=*.c) .EE In this example, \f5$(src)\fP evaluates to all the .c files in the directories specified as prerequisites of \fB.SOURCE\fP (listed in the ascending order). Also, \fB.FUNCTIONAL\fP special atom provides argument support. For example, .EX V : .MAKE .FUNCTIONAL return $(%:T=F) .EE one can call it by $(V a1 ... an), where a1 ... an is the list of arguments that can be referenced by \f5$(%)\fP. .TP .BI .GLOBALFILES "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|list]\s+1" The prerequisites are the list of global makefiles specified by the .B global option. .TP .BI .IGNORE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Prevents any parent targets from becoming out of date with the target, even if the target has just been built. This allows initialization sequences to be specified for individual atoms: .EX main : init header echo "executed if header is newer than main" init : .IGNORE echo "always executed for main" .EE .TP .BI .IMMEDIATE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" An atom with this attribute is made immediately after each assertion of the atom. .TP .BI .IMMEDIATE "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisites and action are made each time this atom is asserted. .TP .BI .IMPLICIT "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" This target attribute causes the implicit metarules to be applied even if there is no action but prerequisites have been specified for the target. Otherwise the implicit metarules are only applied to targets with no explicit actions and prerequisites. This attribute turns the .B .TERMINAL attribute off at assertion time. .TP .BI .INIT "\|\|\s-1[sequence\|atom]\s+1" Made after the .B .MAKEINIT sequence atom. .TP .BI .INSERT "\|\|\s-1[assertion\|attribute]\s+1" Causes the prerequisites to be inserted before rather than appended to the target prerequisite list. .TP .BI .INSERT ".pattern\|\|\s-1[pattern\|association\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisites of .BI .INSERT .pattern are inserted onto the prerequisite list of each target atom which matches \fI.pattern\fR immediately before the target prerequisites are made. Notice that \fI.pattern\fR must be .B .ARCHIVE for .B .ARCHIVE targets and .B .COMMAND for .B .COMMAND targets. .TP .BI .INTERNAL "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|list]\s+1" This atom is used internally and appears here for completeness. .TP .BI .INTERRUPT "\|\|\s-1[sequence\|atom]\s+1" This atom is made when an interrupt signal is caught. The engine state may become corrupted by actions triggered while .B .INTERRUPT is active. If the interrupt occurs while .B .QUERY is being made and .B "set nointerrupt" is executed by .B .INTERRUPT then after .B .INTERRUPT is made .I \*(nM continues from the point where the interrupt occurred, otherwise .I \*(nM exits with non-zero status. .TP .BI .JOINT "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" The action causes all targets on the left hand side to be jointly built with respect to the prerequisites on the right. .TP .BI .LOCAL "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" An atom with this attribute is made on the local machine after each assertion of the atom when the coshell is active, no-op otherwise (see \fIcoshell\fP(1)). .TP .BI .LOCAL "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisites and action are made on the local machine each time this atom is asserted when the coshell is active, no-op otherwise (see \fIcoshell\fP(1)). .TP .BI .MAIN "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|list]\s+1" If, after the .B .INIT target has been made, .B .ARGS has no prerequisites then the prerequisites of .B .MAIN are appended onto .BR .ARGS . If not explicitly asserted in the input makefiles then the first prerequisite of .B .MAIN is set to be the first target in the input makefile that is neither a special atom nor a metarule. .TP .BI .MAKE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Causes the target action to be read by .I \*(nM rather than executed by the shell. Such actions are always read, even with .B noexec on. .TP .BI .MAKE "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisites and action are made each time this atom is asserted. .TP .BI .MAKEDONE "\|\|\s-1[sequence\|atom]\s+1" Made after the \fB.DONE\fP sequence atom. .TP .BI .MAKEFILES "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|list]\s+1" The prerequisites are the list of makefiles specified by the .B file option. .TP .BI .MAKEINIT "\|\|\s-1[sequence\|atom]\s+1" This target is made just after the statefile has been loaded. The base rules typically use this atom to initialize the .I \*(nM engine. For this reason the user should not redefine the .B .MAKEINIT action or attributes. However, it is safe to insert or append prerequisites onto .BR .MAKEINIT . .TP .BI .MAKING "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks each atom whose action is executing. .TP .BI .MEMBER "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks an atom that is a member of a bound archive. .TP .BI .METARULE "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|list]\s+1" The ordered list of LHS metarule patterns for all asserted metarules excluding the .B % match-all metarules. This list determines the metarule application order. .TP .BI .MULTIPLE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Normally each assertion removes duplicate prerequisites from the end of the target atom prerequisites list. .B .MULTIPLE atoms are allowed to appear more than one in a prerequisite list. .TP .BI .NOTYET "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks atoms that have not been made. .TP .BI .NULL "\|\|\s-1[assertion\|attribute]\s+1" Assigns the null action to the target atoms. Used when an action must be present, usually to force source files with prerequisites to be accepted. .TP .BI .OPERATOR "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" This attribute marks the target as an .I operator to be applied when reading makefiles. Assertion operator names must match either .B :: or .BI : identifier : . .TP .BI .PARAMETER "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" .\" Marks the target as a .\" .I parameter .\" file. .\" A .\" .I parameter .\" file only contains definitions (i.e., .\" .B #define .\" definitions), comments and .\" .B #include .\" statements to other files. .\" The modify time of a .\" .I parameter .\" file is ignored when determining the update status of corresponding targets. State variables with the .B .PARAMETER attribute are not expanded by the .B :T=D: and .B :T=E: edit operators. .TP .BI .QUERY "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" Full atom and state information is listed for each prerequisite. .TP .BI .QUERY "\|\|\s-1[action\|rule]\s+1" Making .B .QUERY places .I \*(nM in an interactive loop. Input entered at the .B make> prompt may be any valid makefile input. However, parsing readahead requires that a blank line follow an interactive assertion before it takes effect. If a list of atoms is entered without an assertion or assignment operator then the atoms are listed as if they were prerequisites of the .B .QUERY .IR "immediate rule" . The interactive loop is exited by entering \fBcontrol-D\fP (or \fBquit\fP) from the keyboard. The assertion .B ".INTERRUPT : .QUERY" causes the interactive loop to be entered on interrupts. The interactive loop can also be invoked by specifying the .B .QUERY Special Atom on the command line. The following command line will invoke the interactive loop: .sp .25 \f5$ nmake -f nmake_filename .QUERY\fP .sp .25 or, more commonly, .sp .25 \f5$ nmake -f nmake_filename query\fP .TP .BI .READ "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" The standard output of the action is read and interpreted as nmake statements. .TP .BI .REBIND "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" Each prerequisite is unbound and bound again as if it had already been made. .TP .BI .REGULAR "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks atoms that are bound to regular files. .TP .BI .REPEAT "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" By default an atom is made at most once per .I \*(nM invocation. .B .REPEAT marks atoms that are to be made repeatedly. .B .FORCE is required to force the action to be triggered each time the atom is made. .TP .BI .REQUIRE ".pattern\|\|\s-1[pattern\|association\|rule]\s+1" Modifies the binding algorithm to allow a bound atom to map to a list of bound atoms. For example: .EX \&.REQUIRE.\-lcs : .FUNCTION return \-lcs \-lnsl \-lsocket .EE will return the entire list specified above every time \f5\-lcs\fP is called: .EX \-lcs \(-> \-lcs \-lnsl \-lsocket .EE .TP .BI .RETAIN "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisites are variable names whose values are to be retained in the statefile. .TP .BI .SCAN "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Used for defining scanning rules for a project specific language that are not defined in the default base rules (see \fImakerules\fP(1) for the complete list of defined scan strategies). .TP .BI .SCAN ".x\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Marks an atom (when bound to a file) to be scanned for implicit prerequisites using the .I .x scan strategy. .BI .ATTRIBUTE .pattern " : .SCAN" .x is asserted for each of the scan strategies listed in \fImakerules\fP(1). .TP .BI .SCAN.NULL "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Inhibits scanning. Used to override .BI .ATTRIBUTE .pattern scan strategies. .TP .BI .SCAN.STATE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Marks candidate state variables for scanning. .TP .BI .SCAN.IGNORE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" No-op scan strategies. .TP .BI .SCANNED "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks archive and directory atoms that have been scanned for members (implicit prerequisites) and records this information in the \fIstatefile\fP. The \fB.SCANNED\fP attribute may be removed from the \fIstatefile\fP with \fB\-SCANNED\fP assertion, thus causing \fInmake\fP to rescan the file being scanned at a later time. For example, .EX t :: t.c t.c : -SCANNED .EE \f5t.c\fP file is being scanned by \fInmake\fP using \fB.SCAN.c\fP scan strategy and it is marked with \fB.SCANNED\fP attribute. \f5t.c : -SCANNED\fP nullifies this action. .TP .BI .SEMAPHORE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Limits the number of executing shell actions for target atoms having the same .B .SEMAPHORE prerequisite. Each .B .SEMAPHORE within an assertion increments the semaphore count by 1. The maximum semaphore count is 7. The following example makes the shell actions for a and b mutually exclusive. .EX set jobs=10 all : a b \&.sema : .SEMAPHORE a b : .sema action .EE .TP .BI .SOURCE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|list]\s+1" The prerequisites of .B .SOURCE are directories to be scanned when searching for files. The (left to right) directory order is important; the first directory containing the file is used. The directory .B . is always searched first. .TP .BI .SOURCE ".pattern\|\|\s-1[pattern\|association\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisites of .BI .SOURCE .pattern are directories to be scanned when searching for files which match suffix .IR .pattern . If the file is not found then the directories specified by the prerequisites of .B .SOURCE are checked. The (left to right) directory order is important; the first directory containing the file is used. The directory .B . is always searched first. The implicit dependency scan strategy (see .BR .SCAN ) may augment or override the default .B .SOURCE search for individual atoms. .TP .BI .SPECIAL "\|\|\s-1[assertion\|attribute]\s+1" Target atoms in the assertion are not appended to the prerequisites of .B .MAIN and multiple action diagnostics are inhibited. .TP .BI .STATE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" .RB Non- .STATEVAR atoms with this attribute are treated as state variables with no implied connection to an .I \*(nM variable. .TP .BI .STATE "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" The prerequisites are variable names that are marked as candidate implicit state variable prerequisites (see .BR Variables ). .TP .BI .STATERULE "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks internal state rule atoms that are used to store state information. .TP .BI .STATEVAR "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks state variable atoms. .TP .BI .TARGET "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks atoms that appeared as the target of an assertion. .TP .BI .TERMINAL "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" This attribute allows only .B .TERMINAL metarules to be applied to the target. Otherwise metarules are applied to targets with no explicit actions and prerequisites. This attribute turns the .B .IMPLICIT attribute off at assertion time. For metarule assertions, .B .TERMINAL marks .B unconstrained metarules that may be applied only to .B .TERMINAL targets or non-generated source files. \fB.TERMINAL\fP attribute may also be applied to directories that do not have subdirectories. If a \fB.SOURCE\fP directory has \fB.TERMINAL\fP attribute, \fInmake\fP will not search that directory for subdirectories. This can be used as an optimization technique when there are many \fB.SOURCE\fP directories that do not have subdirectories and there are many files with the directory prefixes (saves on unnecessary filename look-ups). .TP .BI .TMPLIST "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|list]\s+1" This atom is used internally and appears here for completeness. .TP .BI .TRIGGERED "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|attribute]\s+1" Marks atoms whose actions have triggered during the current .I \*(nM execution. .TP .BI .UNBIND "\|\|\s-1[immediate\|rule]\s+1" Each prerequisite is unbound as if it had not been bound. .TP .BI .USE "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" Marks the target as a .B .USE atom. Any target having a .B .USE atom as a prerequisite will be built using the .B .USE atom action and attributes. The leftmost .B .USE prerequisite takes precedence. .TP .BI .VIEW "\|\|\s-1[readonly\|list]\s+1" The prerequisites are view directory path names. .B . is by default the first view directory. A view directory is a directory from which .I \*(nM could be executed. .B .VIEW is initialized from the .B MAKEPATH and .B VPATH environment variables. .TP .BI .VIRTUAL "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|attribute]\s+1" A .B .VIRTUAL atom never binds to a file. .B .VIRTUAL atom times are saved in the statefile. .TP .BI "\-" "\|\|\s-1[dynamic\|list]\s+1" Used to control synchronization when making a list of prerequisites. A \fB\-\fR in a prerequisite list causes \*(nM to wait until the preceding prerequisite's actions are complete before continuing. .SS Command Execution Each shell action is sent as a unit to .I sh via .IR coshell (3). .I sh echos commands within actions as they are executed unless the .B silent option is on. Since actions are sent as a unit, special shell constructs .RB ( case , .BR if , .BR for , .BR while ) may cross .B newline boundaries without .B newline escapes. .PP Commands within actions returning nonzero status (see .IR intro (1)) cause .I \*(nM to stop unless the .B ignore or .B keepgoing option is on. .PP .I \*(nM works only with .BR Bourne -based shells such as .IR sh (1) and .IR ksh (1). .I \*(nM is optimized to work with .IR ksh (1). .B COSHELL environment variable must point to either .IR ksh , .IR sh , or the network shell server .IR coshell (1). .SS Special Commands .TP .BI ignore " shell-command" Causes the exit status of .I shell-command to be ignored. .TP .BI silent " shell-command" Prevents .I shell-command from being printed by the shell, if possible. .B silent must precede .B ignore if both are to be used. .B "set +x" prevents subsequent commands from being printed by the shell up to and including the next .BR "set \-x" . .SS Jobs The .B jobs option allows .I \*(nM to build many targets concurrently. The builds are synchronized using the target dependency graph. Actions for targets with the .B .FOREGROUND attribute block until all other jobs have completed. Prerequisites with the .B .SEMAPHORE attribute are used for mutual exclusion. .PP All actions should be written with concurrency in mind. Most problems occur when commands generate files with fixed names, such as .IR yacc (1) and .IR lex (1). .SS Conventions .I \*(nM attributes match the regular expression .BR .[.A-Z][.A-Z0-9]* . User attributes match the regular expression .BR .[.A-Z][.a-z0-9]* . Intermediate targets match the regular expression .BR .[.a-z][.a-z0-9]* . Use $COTEMP (see .BR ENVIRONMENT ) to generate temporary file names. To avoid conflicts with the base rules the user should not define upper case atom or variable names with .B . as the first character. .SH ENVIRONMENT The file names and directories used by the .I \*(nM engine are parameterized using variables. .SS Engine Variables These variables are assigned default values by the .I \*(nM engine itself. Some of the values are determined at installation time while others are determined by each invocation environment. .TP .B COTEMP The .B COTEMP environment variable is generated and set to a different value for each shell command. It is 10 characters long and can be used for temporary file names, so names of the form .EX $COTEMP .EE will be upto 14 characters to satisfy the system V file name length restriction. .TP .B MAKE The path name of the current .I \*(nM program suitable for use as a shell command or in an .IR execvp (3) system call. .TP .BI MAKEARGS= Makeargs : makeargs A colon separated list of the candidate argument file names. .TP .B MAKEFILE The name of the first makefile. .TP .BI MAKEFILES= Makefile : makefile A colon separated list of candidate implicit makefile names. .TP .B MAKELIB The directory for .I \*(nM related files, e.g., base rules. .TP .BI MAKEPP= $(MAKELIB)/../cpp The name of the (deprecated) makefile preprocessor. .TP .BI MAKERULES= makerules The name of the default base rules. The base rules file must be a compiled make object file and is named by changing the suffix in .B $(MAKERULES) to .B .mo and binding the result using the directories in .BR .SOURCE.mk . .I makerules may be an absolute path name. .TP .BI MAKERULESPATH= $(LOCALRULESPATH):$(MAKELIB):/usr/local/lib/make:/usr/lib/make Used to initialize .BR .SOURCE.mk . All makefiles, including compiled make object files and files included by makefiles, are bound using the directories in .BR .SOURCE.mk . .TP .B MAKEVERSION The .I \*(nM engine version stamp. .TP .B OLDMAKE Executed via .IR execvp (3) when the first input makefile is not a valid .I \*(nM makefile. .TP .B PWD The absolute pathname of the current directory. .SS Uninitialized Variables These variables have .B null default values and are used only when defined. .TP .B COSHELL The name of the shell used to execute shell actions. .IR execvp (3) is used to execute the shell. If .B COSHELL is not defined, then .BR ksh , .BR sh , and .B /bin/sh are tried in order. .TP .BR MAKECONVERT A space separated pair of the build tool script (other than \fInmake\fP) and the conversion tool. Used for compile time makefile conversion. For example: .EX export MAKECONVERT='Make.src "nmakegen $(>)"' .EE .TP .B MAKEIMPORT A colon separated list of environment variable names, the values of which override any makefile variable assignments. .TP .B MAKEPATH A colon separated list of directory names from which .I \*(nM could be run on the current makefile. These directories are used by the initialization script to initialize the .B .VIEW special atom. .B . is always the first view by default. .TP .B NPROC The maximum number of coshell processes that are to be executed simultaneously (the environment variable equivalent of -j). .TP .B VOFFSET .B VOFFSET is set to the path that goes from the viewpath node root to the current working directory. .TP .B VPATH A colon separated list of viewpath node names. The node names are converted to .B MAKEPATH directories that are used by the initialization script to initialize the .B .VIEW special atom. .B VPATH is ignored if .I \*(nM is not executing within the first viewpath node. .TP .B VROOT .B VROOT is set to the relative path that gets from the current working directory to the viewpath node root.