ast-open package

The AT&T Software Technology ast-open package from AT&T Research contains all of the ast open source commands and libraries. Components in this package:

3d    html    pax    tksh    libdll    libtk
at    ie    paxlib    tw    libdss    libtksh
builtin    jcl    probe    vczip    libexpr    libuu
bzip    ksh93    proto    warp    libjcl    libvcodex
codex    kshlib    pzip    libardir    libmam    libvdelta
codexlib    mailx    re    libast    libodelta    libvgraph
coshell    mam    sort    libbz    libpp    libz
cpp    msgcc    sortlib    libcmd    libpz
cs    ncsl    ss    libcodex    librecsort
dss    nmake    std    libcoshell    libsum
dsslib    pack    tests    libcs    libtaso

This package is a superset of the following packages: ast-base ast-make ast-ksh ksh ast-ast ast-dss; you won't need these if you download ast-open. The software is covered by this license:

Individual components may be covered by separate licenses; refer to the component source and/or binaries for more information.

A recent release change log is also included.


3d is the historical name for nDFS, the multiple dimension file system. It is implemented as a shared library that is preloaded before any other shared library using the recently documented (ahem) LD_PRELOAD or _RLD_LIST feature of the runtime linker. 3d intercepts pathname system calls (and other calls if tracing is turned on) and provides a logical namespace on top of the underlying physical file system. The shared library implementation currently works only on bsd.i386, linux.i386, osf.alpha, sun4, sol.*, and sgi.*.

3d works in conjunction with ksh88 or ksh93. The 3d command with no arguments enters a 3d shell. The vpath builtin controls the logical filesystem view:

vpath dir_1 dir_2
mounts the directory hierarchy dir_1 on top of dir_2. Files under dir_1 overlay files under dir_2. Files under dir_2 are readonly; any files under dir_2 that are modified are first copied to the corresponding place in dir_1. vpaths may be chained:
vpath dir_2 dir_3
vpaths are per-process; every process may have a different view. vpaths are a handy way to separate source and generated files. Typical advsoft users set up 3d at login or xterm time:
export HOSTTYPE=$(package)
vpath $HOME/arch/$HOSTTYPE $HOME
with source files in $HOME/src/(cmd|lib)/*. nmake is run in $HOME/arch/$HOSTTYPE/src/(cmd|lib)/* and generated files (objects and executables) are dropped in the top hierarchy.

2d can prefix any command to disable 3d for that command:

2d ls *.c

3d also provides tracing, monitoring and call intercept services. vpm uses monitoring to graph the process and io hierarchy. The cs name server uses pathname call intercepts to translate network pathnames. Try this for any host:

cat /dev/tcp/hostname/inet.daytime


The ast at command is a re-implementations of at(1) and crontab(1), including a cs(1) service \bat.svc\b for the \bat\b and \bcron\b daemons. On most systems the at and crontab commands are installed as ast_at and ast_crontab because the \bat\b service executor \b$INSTALLROOT/lib/at/jobs/atx\b must be installed setuid \broot\b so the daemon can operate multi-user (enabling \broot\b privelege is always a manual operation with package(1) packages.)


The ast builtin commands are stand-alone implementations of the section 1 command in libcmd(3). See the ksh(1) builtin(1) command for information on loading command DLLs at runtime.


coshell executes blocks of shell commands on lightly loaded hosts in the local network. There is one coshell server per user. This server runs as a daemon on the user's home host, and only processes running on the home host have access to the server. The server controls a background ksh shell process, initiated by rsh, on each of the connected hosts.

coshell is easy to use and administer. The only privilege required for installation, administration or use is rsh access to the local hosts. coshell does requires a uniform file namespace across all hosts on the local network.

nmake and gmake users can take advantage of network execution with no makefile modifications. Shell level access is similar to but more efficient than rsh and allows host expression matching to replace the explicit host name argument.

Factor of 5 compilation speedups are typical.

To start your local daemon:

coshell +
To send nmake or gmake actions to coshell at concurrency level 8:
export COSHELL=coshell
export NPROC=8
To run shell commands on a lightly loaded host:
coshell -r - 'hostname; sort a > b' &
# other stuff
wait $pid
For interactive coshell status:
coshell -
coshell> s
... status ...
coshell> h
... help ...
coshell> q
package generates static host information and ss lists the dynamic status of hosts on the local network.


ie executes a dynamically linked command with the ksh(1) input line edit discipline pushed on the standard input. All child processes will also have input line editing enabled.

ie intercepts the read(3) system call by preloading a DLL (shared library) at runtime, so it only works on architectures that support DLL preload. Statically-linked, set-uid or set-gid commands will not work with ie.


KSH-93 is the most recent version of the KornShell Language described in "The KornShell Command and Programming Language," by Morris Bolsky and David Korn of AT&T Bell Laboratories, ISBN 0-13-182700-6. The KornShell is a shell programming language, which is upward compatible with "sh" (the Bourne Shell), and is intended to conform to the IEEE P1003.2/ISO 9945.2 Shell and Utilities standard. KSH-93 provides an enhanced programming environment in addition to the major command-entry features of the BSD shell "csh". With KSH-93, medium-sized programming tasks can be performed at shell-level without a significant loss in performance. In addition, "sh" scripts can be run on KSH-93 without modification.

The code should conform to the IEEE POSIX 1003.1 standard and to the proposed ANSI-C standard so that it should be portable to all such systems. Like the previous version, KSH-88, it is designed to accept eight bit character sets transparently, thereby making it internationally compatible. It can support multi-byte characters sets with some characteristics of the character set given at run time.

KSH-93 provides the following features, many of which were also inherent in KSH-88:

  • Enhanced Command Re-entry Capability: The KSH-93 history function records commands entered at any shell level and stores them, up to a user-specified limit, even after you log off. This allows you to re-enter long commands with a few keystrokes - even those commands you entered yesterday. The history file allows for eight bit characters in commands and supports essentially unlimited size histories.
  • In-line Editing: In "sh", the only way to fix mistyped commands is to backspace or retype the line. KSH-93 allows you to edit a command line using a choice of EMACS-TC or "vi" functions. You can use the in-line editors to complete filenames as you type them. You may also use this editing feature when entering command lines from your history file. A user can capture keystrokes and rebind keys to customize the editing interface.
  • Extended I/O Capabilities: KSH-93 provides several I/O capabilities not available in "sh", including the ability to:
    • specify a file descriptor for input and output
    • start up and run co-processes
    • produce a prompt at the terminal before a read
    • easily format and interpret responses to a menu
    • echo lines exactly as output without escape processing
    • format output using printf formats.
    • read and echo lines ending in "\".
  • Improved performance: KSH-93 executes many scripts faster than the System V Bourne shell. A major reason for this is that many of the standard utilities are built-in. To reduce the time to initiate a command, KSH-93 allows commands to be added as built-ins at run time on systems that support dynamic loading such as System V Release 4.
  • Arithmetic: KSH-93 allows you to do integer arithmetic in any base from two to sixty-four. You can also do double precision floating point arithmetic. Almost the complete set of C language operators are available with the same syntax and precedence. Arithmetic expressions can be used to as an argument expansion or as a separate command. In addition there is an arithmetic for command that works like the for statement in C.
  • Arrays: KSH-93 supports both indexed and associative arrays. The subscript for an indexed array is an arithmetic expression, whereas, the subscript for an associative array is a string.
  • Shell Functions and Aliases: Two mechanisms - functions and aliases - can be used to assign a user-selected identifier to an existing command or shell script. Functions allow local variables and provide scoping for exception handling. Functions can be searched for and loaded on first reference the way scripts are.
  • Substring Capabilities: KSH-93 allows you to create a substring of any given string either by specifying the starting offset and length, or by stripping off leading or trailing substrings during parameter substitution. You can also specify attributes, such as upper and lower case, field width, and justification to shell variables.
  • More pattern matching capabilities: KSH-93 allows you to specify extended regular expressions for file and string matches.
  • KSH-93 uses a hierarchal name space for variables. Compound variables can be defined and variables can be passed by reference. In addition, each variable can have one or more disciplines associated with it to intercept assignments and references.
  • Improved debugging: KSH-93 can generate line numbers on execution traces. Also, I/O redirections are now traced. There is a DEBUG trap that gets evaluated before each command so that errors can be localized.
  • Job Control: On systems that support job control, including System V Release 4, KSH-93 provides a job-control mechanism almost identical to that of the BSD "csh", version 4.1. This feature allows you to stop and restart programs, and to move programs between the foreground and the background.
  • Added security: KSH-93 can execute scripts which do not have read permission and scripts which have the setuid and/or setgid set when invoked by name, rather than as an argument to the shell. It is possible to log or control the execution of setuid and/or setgid scripts. The noclobber option prevents you from accidentally erasing a file by redirecting to an existing file.
  • KSH-93 can be extended by adding built-in commands at run time. In addition, KSH-93 can be used as a library that can be embedded into an application to allow scripting.
Documentation for KSH-93 consists of an "Introduction to KSH-93", "Compatibility with the Bourne Shell" and a manual page and a README file. In addition, the "New KornShell Command and Programming Language," book is available from Prentice Hall.


msgcc and msgcpp extract message text from C source for gencat(1) message catalogs. msggen(1) is a gencat(1) replacement that generates machine independent binary message catalogs that are compatible with the ast catgets(3) implementation. catgets also supports native message catalogs where available. msgcvt(1) and msgadmin(1) are administrative commands that support machine translation of C locale message catalogs.


nmake is the AT&T nmake, first released in 1985. nmake is a modern variant of the traditional Feldman make with an important difference: nmake maintains state that records information for future runs. The state includes:
  • file modification times
  • explicit prerequisites (from makefile assertions)
  • implicit prerequisites (from #include scanning)
  • action text (used to build targets)
  • variable values
  • target attributes
State and a language to manipulate it finally makes concise makefiles a reality; concise because rules traditionally placed in each makefile can now be implemented in a general way in a single base rules file. The base rules are such a fundamental part of nmake that most of its visible features are controlled by them.

Most makefiles are just a few lines:


xgame :: README xgame.6 xgame.h xgame.c xutil.c -lXaw -lXmu -lXt
Automatically generated probe information provides convenient compiler abstractions:

ast 4.0 :LIBRARY: ast.c strmatch.c
In this case if the compiler supports shared libraries (aka dlls) then nmake install will generate libast.a and (or the appropriate shared library suffix determined by CC.SUFFIX.SHARED). There are no nmake makefile generators (because the makefiles are so small), there is no separate make depend (because the files with .SCAN attributes are automatically scanned for implicit prerequisites), and there is no cheating (because all time stamp changes are detected, not just newer-than).


pax is a POSIX 1003.2 conformant replacement for tar and cpio that handles most UNIX archive and tape formats. pax uses the vdelta algorithm to construct efficient delta archives that contain bytewise changes from a given base archive. gzip and compress archives are also handled on input and output.

To create a vdelta compressed base archive:

tw | pax -w -f base -z -
To create a delta archive on the base above (record file changes only):
tw | pax -w -f delta -z base
To read the delta archive:
pax -r -f delta -z base
To create a delta archive from linux-1.2.0 to linux-1.2.5:
pax -rf linux-1.2.5.tar.gz -wf 0-5.pax.gz -x gzip -z linux-1.2.0.tar.gz
To create the linux-1.2.5 archive:
pax -rf 0-5.pax.gz -z linux-1.2.0.tar.gz -wf linux-1.2.5.tar.gz -x tar -x gzip
The bax script, shipped with pax, combines tw and pax for handy backup control.


proto converts ANSI C prototype constructs to constructs compatible with K&R C, ANSI C, and C++. Only files with the line
#pragma prototyped
in the first 64 lines are processed; other files are silently ignored. This is how advsoft source is first shipped to foreign architectures. Once advsoft is bootstrapped the non-proto source can be built using the advsoft tools.

proto also converts in the other direction by providing extern prototypes for a collection of K&R source files and by converting K&R source files in place. K&R to ANSI is not 100%, but is a good starting point for manual conversion.

proto is token based (no C grammar); this allows it to convert before C preprocessing, and also allows proto to be inserted into the standalone cpp. This is how nmake compiles ANSI C source with K&R compilers.


Fixed length record data is often viewed as a waste of space, too sparse for production use. Much effort is then put into optimizing the data schema, and in the process complicating the data interface. pzip shows that in many cases this view of fixed length data is wrong. In fact, variable length data may become more compressible when converted to a sparse, fixed length format. Intense semantic schema analysis can be replaced by an automated record partition, resulting in compression space improvements of 2 to 10 times and decompression speed improvements of 2 to 3 times over gzip for a large class of data.


sort is a POSIX 1003.2 conformant implementation based on -lrecsort by Phong Vo and Glenn Fowler with key encoding by Doug McIlroy. The recsort discipline/method interface allows sort to double as a test harness for different sort algorithms.


The ast std commands are re-implementations of some of the standard section 1 commands. On most systems the mount and ps commands are installed as ast_mount and ast_ps because the author either could not keep up with option proliferation or the commands must be installed with sufficient privelege to operate multi-user.


tksh is an implementation of the Tcl C library written on top of the library for the new KornShell (ksh93). tksh emulates the behavior of Tcl by using the API that is provided for extending ksh93, which is similar to the Tcl library in that it allows access to variables, functions and other state of the interpreter. This implementation requires no modification to ksh93, and allows Tcl libraries such as Tk to run on top of ksh93 unchanged, making it possible to use shell scripts in place of Tcl scripts. ksh93 is well suited for use with Tk because it is backward compatible with sh, making it both easy to learn and easy to extend existing scripts to provide a graphical user interface.

tksh is not yet another port of Tk to another language -- it allows Tcl scripts to run without modification using the ksh93 internals. This makes it possible to combine Tcl and ksh93, which is useful for writing ksh93 scripts that use components that have been implemented in Tcl (such as Tk widgets).

tksh was developed by Jeff Korn and is distributed by For the latest information vist the tksh home page.


tw is a combination of find and xargs that applies C style expressions on the stat structure of each file in a directory hierarchy.
lists the directory hierarchy under the current directory,
tw chmod go-rwx
changes the mode of all files in the directory hierarchy under the current directory by calling chmod as few times as the exec arg limit allows.
tw -d /usr/src -e "name=='*.[chly]'" grep FOOBAR
greps for FOOBAR in all the C source files in /usr/src.

tw efficiently prunes the file tree search; it follows symbolic links by default (logical walk). The getconf variable PATH_RESOLVE controls the default behavior for all advsoft commands:

getconf PATH_RESOLVE - physical
sets the default to not follow symbolic links, logical to follow, and metaphysical to follow only command line symbolic links (corresponding to the -P, -L and -H command options that override the default).
tw -P -e type==LNK
does a physical walk that lists all symbolic links.
tw -e "mtime>='yesterday morning'"
lists all files modified since yesterday morning. The magic file types from the file command are available in tw expressions (tw and file use the same library routine in libast):
tw -e "(mode & 'u+s') && magic == '*script*'" chmod u-s
finds all setuid scripts and turns off the setuid mode bit. The magic file also contains MIME types:
tw -e "mime == '*/exe'"
lists all executable programs (a.out's).


warp executes a dynamically linked command in a different time frame. It intercepts time related system calls and modifies the times seen by the command using the formula:
time' = time + warp + (time - base) * (factor - 1)
  • time' The logical system time seen by the command process.
  • time The physical system time.
  • warp A fixed offset from the physical system time (i.e., the warp.)
  • base The physical system time when warp was first applied to the process or any ancestor process.
  • factor The rate of logical time change with respect to the physical clock (i.e., the warp factor.)
warp, base, and factor are inherited by children of warped processes so that a child process is warped in the same time frame as its parent. Time progresses for warped processes at the rate of factor times the physical system clock. Any files created by a warped process will appear to be in the warped logical time frame for that process but will appear in physical system time frame for non-warped processes.

Statically-linked, set-uid or set-gid commands are not warped.


warp [ -b base ] [ -f factor ] [ -n ] [ -t ] date [ command [ arg ... ] ]

The components of the warp formula are set as follows: the warp offset warp is date-now, base is date by default, and factor is 1 by default.

Command argument date specifications support common conventions:

next week
50 days
feb 28 2000
Absolute seconds since the epoch, a.k.a. time_t values, are represented by #seconds.

The -n option shows how command would be executed without actually executing it. The -t option traces each intercepted system call.

warp executes command with optional args, or $SHELL if command is omitted.


$ date -f %Y-%m-%d/%H:%M
$ warp 2000-02-29/12:30:30 date -f %Y-%m-%d/%H:%M
$ date -f %Y-%m-%d/%H:%M
$ warp +57060970 date

# get a shell where 1 logical day passes for each physical second
$ PS1='(warp) ' warp -f $(60*60*24) 2000-02-29/12:30:30
(warp) date -f %Y-%m-%d/%H:%M
(warp) sleep 1
(warp) date -f %Y-%m-%d/%H:%M

release change log

All recorded changes follow.

ksh93 changes

12-08-01  --- Release ksh93u+ ---
12-08-01  A bug that ignored interrupts for some builtins (e.g. cmdtst::grep) 
	  that read from stdin has been fixed.
12-08-01  A bug that interpreted "cd .foo" as "cd foo" has been fixed.
12-07-30  Added automatic restart for EINTR for ioctl, tcgetattr, and tcsetattr.
12-07-23  A scoping error with namrefs to compound associative arrays has
	  been fixed.
12-07-20  A bug where builtin -d /path/foo deleted foo has been fixed.
12-07-18  A bug in which /dev/stdout did not work in command substitution on
	  some systems has been fixed.
12-07-17  A bug in which the restricted option set in a subshell prevented
	  some variables from getting restored when the subshell completed
	  has been fixed.
12-07-09  A bug in which the directory is not restored after a subshell changes
	  the name of the directory for subshells executed in the same process
	  has been fixed.
12-07-09  A bug in which file descriptors created with {n}< file were not being
	  closed has been fixed.
12-07-09  The 12-04-04 fix for cd .. was not correct causing cd /etc;cd .. to
	  remain in /etc.  This has been fixed.
12-07-02  A bug in which builtin name did now work for builtins found in a
	  library added by builtin -f lib has been fixed.
12-07-02  A bug in the edit modes which <tab> after a directory did not refresh
          the input line has been fixed.
12-07-02  A bug in which an exit status > 256 corresponding to a signal was
          not returned by a function to indicate a signal exit has been fixed.
12-06-28  Fix ulimit -a to list (Kibytes) instead of (kbytes).
12-06-27  Fix unitialized data reference for <CR> as first char in --vi mode.
12-06-26  The formatting of printf "%q" for multibyte locales has changed to
	  output using \u[xxx] format for valid wide characters.
12-06-25  The size limit for read -N and read -n has been raised to INT_MAX.
12-06-22  A bug in which an exit trap set in a subshell might not be triggered
	  when the last command was a simple executable has been fixed.
12-06-22  A bug which could cause the shell to hang when a coprocess exits
	  while a command inside a command substitution is reading from it has
	  been fixed.
12-06-21 +ksh new accepts for commands of the form for i; <nl> do;...;done
12-06-19  Tab completion after a / when there is only one match not completes
	  with that match rather than generating a menu of matches.
12-06-19  A bug in which patterns containing {...} where not processed
	  correctly inside ${var/pattern/string} has been fixed.  
12-06-18  Code modified to eliminate fts_notify variable.
12-06-15  Change the .paths plugin/builtin library variable name from
	  BUILTIN_LIB to PLUGIN_LIB to prevent new plugin_version() aware
	  -lcmd from causing older non-plugin_version() aware ksh to dump core.
12-06-14  builtin without argument no longer lists .sh.tilde as a built-in.
12-06-12  For assignments if the form x=(foo bar), foo is only check for an
	  alias if it is float, integer, compound, or nameref.
12-06-12 +The shell supports 64 bit i-nodes even for 32 bit binaries.
12-06-11  A bug wth >; redirection systems for which vfork() was the same a
	  fork() has been fixed.
12-06-11  A bug in path lookup that ignored buffer boundaries has been fixed.
12-06-08  typeset -a var and typeset -A var, first unset var when var is
	  a compound variable.
12-06-08  A bug in which running shcomp on a program containg namespace
	  could core dump has been fixed.
12-06-06  A bug in which unset of an associative array of compound variables
	  did not completely unset the variable has been fixed.
12-06-06  A bug in which exporting left or right justfied fields could loose
	  the field width has been fixed.
12-06-06  A bug on Solaris11 in which >; did not work for /dev/null was fixed.
12-06-05  A race condition which occured when stopping a builtin command
	  invoked from a subshell has been fixed.
12-06-05  A bug with appending elements to an empty indexed array has been
12-06-04  A bug in which continuing a stopped builtin could cause it to
	  terminate has been fixed.
12-06-04  By default, builtins added at runtime will restore the current
	  directory if they are killed or stopped.
12-06-04  A bug in handling \ in read has been fixed.
12-05-31  Use getrlimit64/setrlimit64 on systems that support it.
12-05-31  Fix 64 bit big-endian arithmentic bug that mishandled nan and inf.
12-05-31  Handle ECONNRESET like EPIPE.
12-05-31  Change .paths parse to use only the last BUILTIN_LIB from the top
	  and treat BUILTIN_LIB value as a ':' separated list of lib names.
12-05-29  Fix BUILTIN_LIB binding bug that ignored subsequent lookups.
12-05-29  shtests: --nocompile omits the compile test and --compile does only
	  the compile test.
12-05-25  A command subsitution containing a here-document that itself contains
	  a here-document no longer hangs.
12-05-24  When the redirection operatory >; is directed to a symlink, it now
	  overwrites the file named by the link rather than the link.
12-05-21 +Added printf formats %(type)q where type can be html, url, pattern,
	  ere, or csv. 
12-05-18  A bug with appending elements to an indexed array has been fixed.
12-05-18  The exit status from getopts --man interactively was 0 instead of 2
	  and has been fixed.
12-05-18  Another bug with SHOPT_EDPREDICT which could cause a core dump has
	  been fixed.  
12-05-17  A bug with fixed size arrays which could cause a core dump has been
12-05-17  A bug in which the here-document <<< $(<file) was not processed
	  correctly has been fixed.
12-05-15  The default value for -L, -R, and -Z when the size was not set was
	  incorrectly defaulting to 1 and has been fixed.
12-05-15  A bug in which a subshell of the form (name=value exec ...) could
	  coredump when name is an environment variable and xtrace is on has
	  been fixed.
12-05-15  Fixed a .paths bug in which only the first BUILTIN_LIB assignment worked.
12-05-14  Arithmetic expressions and subexpressions that are not floating point
	  now treat -0 as 0, so that $((-0)) is 0 and $((-0.0)) is -0. 
12-05-11  'unset .sh' now fails with readonly message instead of coredump. 
12-05-11  A bug which left an associative array arr containing one element in
	  the wrong state after expanding with ${arr[@]} has been fixed. 
12-05-10  A bug in which typeset -f did not display options that called getopts
	  has been fixed.
12-05-08  Fixed a number of potential bugs uncovered by valgrind.
12-05-08  A bug in which typeset -b -Z10 var did not initialize var to the
	  empty string has been fixed.
12-05-07  A bug in which the exit value of an interactive shell could be
	  affected by the evaluation of the PS1 prompt has been fixed.
12-05-04  A bug in which x=() was not unsetting the old value of x before
	  creating an empty compound variable has been fixed.
12-05-01  A bug in vi edit mode in which after <ESC>^V, the terminal was not
	  restored to insert mode after a character is entered has been fixed.
12-04-27  A bug in which old attributes were not cleared when assigning a
	  value using typeset has been fixed.
12-04-26 +Enabled multiline editing by default.  set +o multiline can disable.
12-04-25  The 12-04-17 PATH fix created a new bug which was fixed.
12-04-25  Fixed a big memory leak problem in which unsetting compound variables
	  did not free all the space.
12-04-25  A bug in which test ! ! ! was treated as an error has been fixed.
12-04-24  A bug with print -v for a compound variable that contained fixed
	  arrays which prevented the output from being used again as input
	  has been fixed.
12-04-23 +kill provides the STKFLT signal on systems that support it.
12-04-23 +The -L option was added to kill.  The -L option is the same as -l
	  except that without arguments the output format is in the form of
	  a select menu.
12-04-23  A bug in which the exit status for an interactive shell was always 
	  0 has been fixed. 
12-04-20  Entering blank lines interactively no longer resets the exit status.
12-04-18  A bug in file completion in which the second tab completion on a file
	  would list the completion rather than inserting the completion has
	  been fixed.
12-04-18  A bug in which "${arr[@]:i:j}" and "${@:i:j}" generated the empty
	  string when i was a valid subscript and j was <=0 rather than
	  generating nothing has been fixed.
12-04-17  A bug in which read -d delim from a terminal did not respond to
	  interrupt and did not termrinate when the delimiter was entered
	  has been fixed.
12-04-17  A bug in which a directory in PATH containing a .paths file that
	  contains a line with FPATH=dir, where dir does not exist could
	  cause the path search to fail has been fixed.
12-04-16  A bug in which $(trap -p) did not display traps such as ERR and
	  DEBUG that are not associated with signals has been fixed.
12-04-11  A bug in which unsetting a variable did not unset attributes when
	  the variable did not have a value has been fixed.
12-04-11  A bug in which read -A for an array whose index is an enumeration
	  type, lost the enumeration type has been fixed.
12-04-10  Shared libraries loaded from a library named by a BUILTIN_LIB= found
	  in a .paths file found in a directory on PATH now add builtins that
	  are associated with the directory in PATH containing the .paths file.
12-04-09  Increased I/O buffer sizes for better performance.
12-04-09  A bug in which the leading 0 was stripped from $x, when $x contained
	  a heximadecimal constant inside an arithmetic expression inside
	  a for or while loop.
12-04-06  Modified namespaces to hand variabes FPATH, PATH, and OPTIND that
	  are defined in name spaces appropriately.  This also fixed OPTIND
	  and OPTARG processing for functions.
12-04-04  A bug in which cd .. fails when the current directory has been
	  renamed has been fixed.
12-04-02  Made some namespace changes and added a regression test.
12-03-30  A bug with namespaces in which PATH and FPATH set in a namespace was
	  not restored when leaving the namespace has been fixed.
12-03-29  A bug in which appending an index array onto an array without elements
	  caused the first element to be 1 rather than 0 has been fixed.
12-03-29  A bug which could cause a core dump when copying a large index array
	  has been fixed.
12-03-28  The shell now generates an error message when the sizes with L, Z, and
	  R are > 32767 on 32 bit binaries instead of generating a core dump.
12-03-28  A bug in left and right justification in which the width of invalid
	  characters was not taken as zero has been fixed.
12-03-26  A bug in which typeset -p ref, when ref is a reference to an index
	  array element did not display the subscript has been fixed.
12-03-23  A bug in lowercase and uppercase fields when expanding ${name:=val}
	  when name is the empty string has been fixed.
12-03-22  A namespace bug in which a type t defined in namespace foo could not
	  be referenced outside the namespace as .foo.t has been fixed.
12-03-22  A bug in name reference scoping in which a name function called from
	  another function is pass a name reference to a compound variable
	  instance to be created and the compound variable is in the global
12-03-22  A bug in which ${ref[@}} did not behave like ${arr[i][@]} when
	  ref is a name reference to arr[i] has been fixed.
12-03-21  A bug in which assigning a compound variable into arr[i], where
	  arr[i] is an array variable did not work correctly has been fixed.
12-03-21  A bug with multi-dimenstional index arrays in which ${arr[i][j]}
	  could generate a bogus error message when i was > 9 has been fixed.
12-03-21  A bug in which typeset v=foo, typeset -p v[0] generated a core dump
	  has been fixed.
12-03-20  A bug in vi edit mode in which the sequence bar<ESC>0i<ESC>l left the
	  cursor on the b rather than the a has been fixed.
12-03-20  A bug which caused a core dump when defining a type with a field
	  as ' integer -a data=([0]=0)' has been fixed.
12-03-19  Using typeset -a array when array is an associative arry not
	  generated an error message.
12-03-19  typeset +a, typeset +A, and typeset +C not displays the variables
	  with the attributes a, A, and C respectively instead of an error.
12-03-19  A bug in which typeset -pC, typeset -pa, and typeset -pA output all
	  variables rather than those of type C, a, or A only has been fixed.
12-03-18  A bug in which unset foo where foo is a name reference to a compound
	  variable defined inside a function is not unset has been fixed.
12-03-18  A bug with SHOPT_EDPREDICT which could cause a core dump when the
	  list of matches became empty has been fixed.  
12-03-15  The assignment, typeset -C foo=(a b c) now generates a syntax
	  error since a is not an assignment command.
12-03-16  A bug in which an unset discipline from a variable defined in a
	  subshell is not invoked in the subshell has been fixed.
12-03-08  The assignment typeset -a (x=1 y=2) now creates an index array
	  of two elements rathern than an array of one element which is
	  a compound variable.
12-03-02 +The vi and emacs edit modes now list all the entries in a directory
	  when entering a <tab> for completion after a /.  
12-03-02  A bug in which a program that exits with value 12 when called
	  from a command substitution in which standard output has been
	  redirected caused the shell to hang has been fixed.
12-03-01  A bug in which the shell could not parse [[ ']' == ~(E)[]] ]]
	  has been fixed.

12-02-29  --- Release ksh93u+ ---
12-02-29  A bug in which ~user expanded first in a subshell prevented it
	  from expanding later in a program has been fixed.
12-02-29  A bug which could lead to a core dump when more that four shared
	  libraries were added with the builtin command has been fixed.
12-02-29  Fixed a few bugs which caused SIGCHLD to be blocked preventing
	  background jobs from being reaped until a foreground job was run.
12-02-27  A bug in which sh -c for a simple command caused a fork() has been
12-02-27  A timing bug on systems such as AIX that doesn't support vfork()
	  that could cause the exist status to get lost has been fixed.
12-02-22  A private file descriptor that was not close-on-exec for a command
	  substitution and has been fixed.
12-02-14  A bug in which ^Z did not stop a pipeline when the last component
	  was a shell built-in has been fixed.
12-02-14  getconf("PATH") used to initialize ed(1) path.
12-02-13 +In earlier version read from standard input would fail when called
	  from the KEYBD trap.  Now read options -N, -n, and -t should work
	  when called from a KEYBD trap.
12-02-13  If FCEDIT is not set and fc is invoked without the -e option,
	  ed will be invoked if found instead of /bin/ed. 
12-02-10  Another bug in the saving and restoring of IFS in a subshell
	  that caused a core dump has been fixed.
12-02-08  A bug in which disciplines could be cleared after a
	  function completes has been fixed.
12-02-08  A bug in job control in which the foregroup process group was not
	  set correctly after restarting a stopped pipeline has been fixed.
12-02-07  A bug in which numbers with leading zeros could be treated as
	  octal constants outside of ((...)) has been fixed.
12-02-06  A bug in arithmetic with compound variables containing multiple
	  array elements has been fixed.
12-02-02  A bug in the ulimit option table was fixed.
12-01-26  A bug in which a set command that did not change monitor could
	  effect the behavior of the monitor when monitor mode is on is fixed.
12-01-21 +You can now test whether the shell implements a math function using
	  typeset -f, where name is the name of the function.
12-01-21  A bug in which typeset -L and typeset -R did not handle multibyte
	  characters correctly has been fixed.
12-01-20  A bug that could cause the shell to hang waiting for an incorrect
	  job pid has been fixed.
12-01-19  A memory leak which occured for a nested command subtiution has been
12-01-17  A bug in which typeset -u PS1 could enable the uppercase attribute
	  for some other variables, for exampe, HISTFILE has been fixed.
12-01-16  A bug in which .sh.match was not correct after a substring match when
	  the replacement string contained a substring match has been fixed.
12-01-12 +Files that are sourced from profile files are now read and executed
	  one command at a time so that alias definitions take effect as they
	  do for profile files.
12-01-12  A bug in which whence -p would find a function if one existed and
	  there was no command of that name on PATH.
12-01-11  Change b_* prototype (int, char**, void*) => (int, char**, Shbltin_t*).
12-01-05  A bug in which read was not terminating for a signal that had a trap
	  set has been fixed.
12-01-01  A timing problem with >; has been fixed.
12-01-01  A macro expansion memory leak has been fixed.
11-12-26  A bug in array assignments of the form arr=( $arr[i] ...) in which
	  arr was not unset before the assignment has been fixed. 
11-12-20  A number of code changes were made based on the results of errors
	  indicated by static code analysis.
11-12-13  In vi edit mode a lteral <TAB> can now be entered by preceding it
	  with a backshash.
11-12-13  When tab is entered for completion after a ' or ", the ' and "
	  characters are no longer deleted.
11-12-07  A bug in which a program in the current direcotry with a . in the
	  name could fail to execute when both PATH and FPATH end with :. has
	  been fixed.
11-12-07  I fixed a bug in which a variable expansion in a large here-document
	  could be expanded to a null string.
11-12-06  An optimization to read was added in the case the the read command
	  was redirected from a file.
11-12-06  Changes were made to make the line limit for read unlimited by
11-12-05  A bug in which unsetting an array variable did not completely clear
	  the variable in some cases has been fixed.
11-12-02 +The printf alternative character # when applied to the %q format will
	  quote argument in a form suitable for a field in a .csv format file.
11-12-02 +A -S option was added to read to be able to read .csv format files.
11-11-28  A bug in which redirection of standard error in a function called from
	  command substitution caused standard error to be lost has ben fixed.
11-11-21  [[ (-n foo) ]] no longer requires a space before (.
11-11-11  The readonly attribute for a variable now applies to compound
	  assignments to that variable.
11-11-07  Changes were made to reduce the stack size to allow deeper function
11-10-10 +Added alternate flag to printf %H for encoding of URI's.
11-10-10  A bug which could lead to a core dump when the shell was invoked
	  with more than twenty five open files has been fixed.
11-10-06  A bug in the scoping of name references in functions called by other
	  functions has been fixed.
11-10-05  A bug in which wait on a pid may return the exit status of an
	  earlier background job with that pid instead has been fixed.
11-09-22  A bug in which a read timed out with TMOUT did not always restore
	  the terminal state has been fixed.
11-09-21  An optimization that allowed the last command in a script to use
	  the same process id as the script has been eliminated.
11-09-21  Added letoctal option that enables the let command to recognize
	  octal constants starting with 0.
11-09-20  A bug in which ${var.} could cause a core dump has been fixed.
11-09-20  A bug with SHOPT_EDPREDICT when neither vi or emacs was enabled for
	  lines beginning with # when in a multibyte locale has been fixed.
11-09-20  A bug in emacs edit mode with SHOPT_EDPREDICT that would cause
	  history searches matching comments lines to generate predictions
	  has been fixed.  Only user typed comment lines generate predictions.
11-09-20  A bug in emacs edit mode with a search that matches a comment line
	  that could cause a core dump has been fixed.
11-09-16  A bug in which a command name ending in .. could cause the shell to
	  abort has been fixed.
11-09-16  The characters ! + - % and @ in file names are no longer escaped with
	  file name completion.
11-09-13  The let command no longer treats numbers starting with 0 as octal
11-09-08  A bug in which printf "%R" could cause a core dump for invalid shell
	  patterns has been fixed.
11-08-09  With set -u, ${var#pattern} reported that var was unset for special
11-08-03  A bug in which the shell did not preserve the exit status for a
	  coprocess has been fixed.
11-08-02  A bug in the saving and restoring of IFS in command substitution that
	  caused a core dump has been fixed.
11-07-21  Modified the 10-08-27 bug fix so that background jobs started in for
	  and while loops created interactively generate completion messages.
11-07-20  I fixed a bug in here documents in which multi-byte characters that
	  crossed buffer boundaries were not processed correctly.
11-06-22  The shell compiler now supports process substitution.
11-06-22 +Added code to support process substitution on systems that do
	  not supply the /dev/fd directory.
11-06-21  Fixed extraneous jobs Done messages when builtin is at the end of a
11-06-20  Fixed two regression tests.
11-06-20  Fixed a bug introduced on last update.
11-06-14  A bug with pipefail in which the shell would wait for background
	  jobs to complete has been fixed.
11-06-09  A bug which caused the regression test to fail on OS390
	  Linux has been fixed.  The bug could also have affected other systems.
11-06-07 +A number of changes to support the still undocuments namespace option
	  have been added.
11-06-06  A bug in which command substitution of eval would hang when it  had
	  standard error redirected to standard output has been fixed.
11-06-01  A bug in case statement fall through (;&) ignoring set -e was fixed.
11-06-01  A bug in which creating a left or right justified upper or lowercase
          variable with an empty string has been fixed.
11-06-01  A bug in which the .paths directory wasn't read when a subshell was
	  executed before any other command has been fixed.
11-05-31  The shell now gives an error when a type variable is assigned to
	  an array instance when the array has been declared a compound variable
11-05-31  A bug in which typeset -m of an array instance did not remove the
	  original instance has been fixed. 
11-05-28  A bug in which typeset -m dest=src fails when src and are passed as
	  name references was fixed.
11-05-28  A bug in which typeset -m "c.board[1][i]=el", where el is a compound
	  variable core dumps has been fixed.
11-05-28  Two bugs in the display of arrays of compound variables with print -v
	  have been fixed.
11-05-27  A bug with command substitution with the shift jis locale has been
11-05-25  A bug in which unset -f foo, called within function foo could cause
	  the shell to core dump has been fixed.
11-05-24  A bug in unsetting arrays of compound variables that could lead to
	  a core dump has been fixed.
11-05-24  A scoping bug in with typeset -m for variables passed as references
	  has been fixed. 
11-05-09  A bug in which 'typeset +p array[$i]' in a subshell could cause an
	  exception has been fixed.
11-05-03  Two more scoping bugs with name references and read -C were fixed.
11-05-03  A potential race condition which occurs when here-documents are
	  processed in asynchronous blocks has been eliminated.
11-05-02  Another scoping bug with name references defined in a function has
	  been fixed.
11-05-02  A bug in which the shell discards saved exit status of a job if it is
	  followed by a subshell execution has been fixed.
11-04-28  The shell now checks for numerical overflows with process ids.
11-04-28  Another scoping bug with compound variables defined by name references
	  inside a function has been fixed.
11-04-28  A bug which caused a core dump on 32 bit systems with the
	  regression test has been fixed.
11-04-27  A scope binding error for name references has been fixed.
11-04-27  Assignment of compound variable to compound array element by name
	  is now working.
11-04-26  I fixed a bug with SHOPT_FIXEDARRAY compilation that could cause
	  an a core dump for not fixed arrays.
11-04-25  A bug in the references to two dimensional compound arrays has
	  been fixed.
11-04-20  A bug in which a name reference to a multidimentional index array
	  index, nameref x=foo[3][4], did not work correctly has been fixed.
11-04-18  Changes were added to allow fixed size arrays of variable sized
	  objects when the SHOPT_FIXEDARRAY compile option defined on 10-09-28.
11-04-18  A bug in which name references to array elements could fail has
	  been fixed.
11-04-15 +A compile option, SHOPT_2DMATCH, has been added which causes
	  .sh.match to be a two dimensional array after ${var//pat/str} 
	  where the first dimension is the pattern number and the second is
	  the match instance.
11-04-11  A bug in which readonly var, where var is exported could cause var
	  to be unset has been fixed.
11-04-06  A tokenizer bug in which ${x/{3}(\d)/ } would cause in infinite
	  loop has been fixed.
11-04-05  A bug in which ${!x.} could cause a core dump has been fixed.
11-04-04  A bug in which cleaning out the history file could terminate before
	  keeping all the recent history events has been fixed.
11-03-29  A bug in which ${#array[@]} was 1 rather than 0 after issuing
	  typeset array[7] has been fixed.
11-03-29  The subscript out or range message for fixed arrays has been fixed.
11-03-29  A bug in which suspend could cause a core dump has been fixed.
11-03-24  For the showme option added 09-09-09, commands beginning with a ;
	  inside an arithmetic for loop, no longer produce syntax errors.
11-03-18  A bug in _WINIX ~domain/user expansion has been fixed.
11-03-16  A bug in the pipefail option which could cause a script to hang
	  has been fixed.
11-03-12  The shell no longer treats ${##pattern} as a syntax error.
11-03-11  A bug in typeset -u on systems that don't supply the towctrans()
	  function has been fixed.
11-03-11  A bug in which a compound assignment of the form var[sub]=(...)
	  would evaluate sub for each assignment has been fixed.
11-03-07  A bug in which reassigning a compound variable to an associative
	  array index could incorrectly increase the count of the number
	  of elements has been fixed.
11-03-04 +The tilde expansion on windows has been modified to handle user
	  names of the form domain/user so that ~domain/user now expands
	  to the home directory of that domain user.
11-03-03  A bug in which the width of the prompt was calculated incorectly
	  which cause the wrong line length for edit commands has been fixed.
11-03-02  A bug in which a global variables set from within a function inside
	  a subshell can leave side effects in parent shell has been fixed.
11-03-01  A bug in which whence -a could dump core when the first match
	  was due to : in PATH and the program was in the current directory.
11-02-28  A bug in emacs mode with SHOPT_EDPREDICT (added on 10-05-20) which
	  disabled prediction on a line starting with # when the cursor was not
	  at the end of line has been fixed.
11-02-28  The output format for compound variables with set has been fixed.
11-02-25  A bug which could lead to a core dump occurred when a shell script
	  without #! is invoked by name from a parent shell that has name
	  references defined and the script creates name references of the
	  same name.
11-02-21  The shell now fails with a syntax error when a here-document in a
	  command substition is not completed before the closing ), for
	  example, $( foobar <<! )
11-02-18  A bug in which the value of $0 in a function defined by name()
	  was changed to name has been fixed.
11-02-17  A bug in which the declaration typeset var[100] did not work
	  correctly has been fixed. 
11-02-15  A bug in which [[ -v sh.match ]] did not work correctly has been

11-02-08  --- Release ksh93u  ---
11-02-08  A bug in which opening standard output after it has been closed with
	  exec 1>&- doesn't work has been fixed.
11-02-07  A bug on some systems for which a command subtitution could hang
	  has been fixed.
11-01-28  A bug in file name completion for files containing both multibyte
	  characters shell special characters has been fixed.
11-01-18  The .sh.match variable now shows elements that do not match as
	  as not set rather than an empty string.
11-01-18  A bug with typeset -m of an array into an element of an indexed
	  array has been fixed.
11-01-13  A bug in handling of arrays of compound variables inside ((...)) which
	  reported a syntax error been fixed.
11-01-10  A bug in arithmetic assignment operators of the form op= for array
	  variables when the same array was referenced on the left and the
	  right hand side with different indices has been fixed.
11-01-10  A bug in which the output of time was lost when { time...;} 2>&1
	  occurred inside command substition has been fixed.
11-01-07  [[ -v sh.match[i] ]] was returning false when sh.match[i] was set.
11-01-05  Added and modified warning messages with sh -n.
11-01-02  Fixed bugs with typeset -l/-u/-M and arrays.
10-12-28  Fixed a bug with typeset -l/-u/-M values in arithmetic expressions.
10-12-26  Fixed a time parsing bug in sleep and localeconv() initialization.
10-12-23  Prevented the shell from generating a core dump when it sends itself
	  a termination signal because the last command terminated with that
	  signal.  This prevents a core dump to be overwritten by the shell.
10-12-22  A bug in the expansion of  ${A[@]} ${B[@]}, introduced in 10-12-01
	   when A="" B=B has been fixed.
10-12-21 +Use MS_3D in b_vpath() for setting win32 WoW mount defaults.
10-12-17  A bug in the expansion of ${var:i:j} which caused a core dump when
	  i > ${#var} has been fixed.
10-12-16 +sleep now treats . as decimal point even in locales that use comma.
10-12-16 +typeset -M mapname was added to generalize on toupper and tolowwer
	  mapping as provided with wctrans(). 
10-12-10  A bug in which typeset -l displayed namespaces as well as lower case
	  variables has been fixed.
10-12-06  A bug in which a pipeline could terminate prematurely for a pipeline
	  whose right hand side is a builtin, and whose left hand side ends in
	  a simple command that has standard output redirected has been fixed.
10-12-06  A bug in hexfloat assignments when the right hand side is a string
          variable starting with 0x has been fixed.
10-12-01  A bug in the expansion of ${$1+"$@"} which causes the last positional
	  parameter to disappear when it is empty has been fixed.
10-12-01  A number of changes were made to reduce the startup time.
10-11-29  When wait is interrupted by a signal that is caught, it now exits
	  with a non-zero exit status.
10-11-29  When a variable is used directly in an arithmetic expression,
	  leading zeros no longer cause the value to be treated as an
	  octal constant.  This was true in previous versions for justified
10-11-29  An incorrect warning message was eliminated with the -n option for
	  arithmetic expressions with associative arrays.
10-11-29  Some changes were made to slightly reduces startup time.
10-11-24  A bug in which a name reference is make to arr[0] when arr is not
	  an array has been fixed.
10-11-23  If a type definition is made without a compound variable assignment it
	  produces an error message and no longer shows up as a defined type. 
10-11-22  The handling of  inside [...] for for shell and ~(E) patterns has
	  been fixed.
10-11-22  A patch was made to pfsh to handle an error case.
10-11-22 +Modified types defined in namespace so that they do not clash with
	  types in other namespaces.  Types can be referenced using
10-11-22  A bug which caused functions addressed as .namespace.funct to not
	  work has been fixed.
10-11-22  A bug in which if nr was a name reference to an unset associative
	  array subscript, then ${!nr} did not output the subscript correctly
	  has been fixed.
10-11-18  A bug in which shcomp -n was not processing double quotes correctly
	  has been fixed.
10-11-18  Fixed a bug in which typeset -T foo; typeset -T could cause a
	  core dump.
10-11-17  Fixed a bug in which the error message for set -u could come out
10-11-17  Modified the parser so that typeset -a var=(...) no longer checks
	  the first index for aliases and reserved words.
10-11-17  A bug in which a subshell command consisted of only a for or until
	  command has been fixed.
10-11-16  Fixed a bug in which typeset -u would display namespace variables
	  as well as upper case variables.
10-11-16  A bug which could cause a core dump when unsetting a type variable
	  when there are references to type elements has been fixed.
10-11-15  A bug which could cause a core dump when unsetting a compound
	  array variable when there are references to array subscripts has
	  been fixed.
10-11-15  A bug in which using typeset -m to move an indexed array instance
	  to another array could cause the array to display incorrectly has
	  been fixed.
10-11-12  A bug in which the unset discipline function for a type is called
	  when the type is initialized has been fixed.
10-11-12  The sequences \< and \> are now preserved after patterns containing
	  ~(E) in ${var/pattern/string} expansions.
10-11-11  A bug in typeset -m when the variables were compound arrary instances
	  has been fixed.
10-11-10  A bug in output of a compound variable with types containing types
	  has been fixed.
10-11-10  Fixed ``name=value export [-p]'' to list environment.
10-11-09  shtests resets SIGPIPE to SIG_DFL for all tests.
10-11-09  Fixed a bug in expansion of $"..." when used in assignments.
10-11-09  Fixed a getaddrinfo() memory leak that didn't call freeaddrinfo()
	  after an interrupt.
10-11-08  Modified the behavior of set -u so that the shell terminates with
	  error message when when var is unset with ${!var} and ${#var}.
10-11-02  Fix a bug in which a signal received while in a subshell could be
10-10-26  Fix a bug where terminal interrupt was ignored while in vi/emacs
	  edit search mode.
10-10-26  Fix $'a b'c to expand to 'ac'.
10-10-26  Provide user defined round() if not in <math.h>.
10-10-26  Fix bug where $((undefined_function(1))) dumped core.
10-10-22  Provide user defined iszero() if not in <math.h>.
10-10-22  Fixed a bug with BGX compile option that could cause the shell to
10-10-22  Fixed a bug with user define math function on systems for which
	  char is unsigned.
10-10-21  A bug in which function autoloaded in a function leaves a file open
	  has been fixed.
10-10-20  Modified the behavior of set -u so that the shell terminates when
	  when var is unset with ${var op string} when op is #, % or /.
10-10-20  Fixed a bug with the AUDIT option in which the audit file was not
	  not close-on-exec.
10-10-20 +Made a number of changes and fixes for the NAMESPACE compile option
	  which as added on 10-06-09 but some problems still remain.
10-10-15  Fixed a bug in which arithmetic functions (added on 10-03-24) did
	  not work when the function definition was in the same compound
	  command in which the function was referenced.
10-10-13  A bug in which creating an associative array of compound variables
	  with no members as an element of a compound variable did not work
	  has been fixed.
10-10-08  A bug in which killing the last command in a function defined
	  with function name, terminated the calling script has been fixed. 
10-10-08  A bug which could cause a core dump if IFS is unset inside a function
	  has been fixed.
10-10-07 +To reduce unwanted side effects, invoking typeset without the export
	  option and without an assignment now causes the variables to be unset
	  if the variable is inherited from the environment.
10-10-06  The closing brace for ${ command } is now a token no matter what
	  character follows it.
10-10-04  The change for $'...' expansion on 10-08-09 did not expand parameters
	  contained in the error message and this has been fixed.
10-10-04  A bug in which a declaration of indexed array (-a_ in a type
	  definition would be displayed as a compound indexed array (-C -a)
	  has been fixed.
10-09-30  The C99 math function ldexp has been added.
10-09-30  A bug with two dimensional arrays with expansion of the form
	  ${ref[0..5]} where ref is a nameref to array[i] has been fixed.
10-09-29  A bug in which an eval with redirections invoked from a dot script
	  would not restore the file has been fixed.
10-09-29  A bug in which loading a function from FPATH could leave a file
	  descriptor open has been fixed.
10-09-28 +A new compile option SHOPT_FIXEDARRAY has been added and is being
	  evaluation.  It allows fixed sized indexed arrays be to defined
	  using "typeset array[dim1][dim2]...[dimn]".  Fixed sized arrays
	  are used the same way indexed arrays are.  Currently, only fixed
	  arrays of fixed objects (float, int, and justifies objects) are
10-09-22  A bug which could cause an exception when a function with static
	  variables was redefined has been fixed.
10-09-21  A bug in the processing of (command&) which created a job in the
	  parent process has been fixed.
10-09-21  A for loop optimization bug with arithmetic expression evaluation
	  has been fixed.
10-09-21  A bug in which a recursive function containing a pipeline could
	  lead to an exception fixed after 8 levels of recursion has been
10-09-18  A bug in which the count of elements in an array was wrong leading
	  to an exception has been fixed.
10-09-13  A bug which occurred when both xtrace and showme options where
	  specified in which the xtrace option disabled showme has been fixed.
10-09-13  A bug in which creating a reference to an array variable with any
	  elements could cause subsequent array elements to be treated as
	  compound variables has been fixed.
10-09-09  A bug which caused (([x][y])) to be treated as a syntax error
	  has been fixed.
10-09-08  A bug in the processing of references to multidimensional arrays
	  in arithmetic expressions has been fixed.
10-09-08  A bug in the handling of multi-dimensional arrays which caused
	  the number of elements in each dimension to be incorrect has
	  been fixed.
10-09-07  The change for messages on 10-08-09 did not handle message in
	  assignments and this has been fixed.
10-09-07  A bug in the indentation of compound variables in arrays when
	  output with print -v has been fixed.
10-09-07  A rare bug with indexed arrays when assigned a null string that could
	  cause a core dump has been fixed.
10-09-03  A number of changes were made for jobs pools.
10-08-31  typeset -p was modified to output name references after other
	  variables so that the output could be used as input.
10-08-31  A bug with typeset -p in which variables with attributes but
	  without attributes were not displayed correctly has been fixed.
10-08-27 +When running a subshell, the current pool is unset.
10-08-27  A bug in which jobs started from within for or while lists in
	  interactive shells could generate completion messages has been fixed.
10-08-25  Fixed a couple of bugs related to job pools. 
10-08-24 +[[ -e /dev/xxx/ ]] can be used to check whether special files of
	  those names are handled by the shell.
10-08-24  A bug in the running of a compiled dot script in which only the
	  first command was executed has been fixed.
10-08-23  A bug which sometimes caused a core dump with a configure script
	  has been fixed.
10-08-20  A bug in command substitution which caused a configure script to
	  hang has been fixed.
10-08-19  Eliminated unnecessary ; from output of compound variable with
	  typeset -p.
10-08-17  Fixed a bug in command substitution in which under certain
	  circumstances a file whose size is a power of 2 plus one, and the last
	  character was not a new-line, could cause memory corruption.
10-08-13 +Added static discipline functions to type similar to C++ static
	  class functions.
10-08-11  A bug in time when applied to a pipeline in which the shell did
	  not wait for all elements of the pipeline to complete has been fixed.
10-08-11  Restored sh_fmtq() quoting to not quote NAME= in NAME=VALUE.
10-08-09 +Modified the expansion of message strings, $"...", so that they
	  are expanded each time they are referenced rather than expanding
	  them when the script is compiled or read in.
10-08-06 +The process id for jobs in job pools is now of the form poolname.n
	  where n is the jobid in that pool.  Commands that accept job names
	  or numbers now understand names in this format.
10-08-05  A bug in which an assignment from within an arithmetic expression
	  inside a function would create a local variable has been fixed.
10-08-04  A bug in the expanding of variables whose names contain multibyte
	  characters has been fixed.
10-08-04  A bug which caused an exception when processing scripts compiled
	  with shcomp -n has been fixed.
10-08-02  Tests using very small buffer sizes uncovered a number of bug most
	  connected with here documents which have been fixed.
10-07-27  The format modifier , used for digit grouping with d and f formats
	  has been documented.
10-07-26  cd '' now produces and error rather than changing to the current
10-07-26  A bug in multi-byte locales which the last character of a
	  multi-byte character is a  or pattern character which could occur
	  when the character was the last character of a command substitution
	  has been fixed.
10-07-23  Another bug in the processing of ${var:offset;len} in multi-byte
	  locales when len is larger than the number of characters has been
10-07-23  Many coding changes have been made to eliminate most of the uses
	  of global variables in the shell code.
10-07-22  Fixed a bug in which discipline functions were not being invoked
	  when it was invoked as ref.discipline where ref was a name reference
	  to an array instance.
10-07-22  Fixed a bug in which discipline functions were not being invoked it
	  was invoked on a two dimensional array, i.e., arr[5][9].discipline.
10-07-19  Fixed a buffering problem which occurred when running a script with
	  ssh and the parent ssh process is killed.
10-07-14  Modified the parser to treat ((...)) inside [[...]] as ( (...) ) to
	  that it is a nested (...).
10-07-09  A bug in the handling of process substitution inside command
	  substitution as part of a pipeline has been fixed.
10-07-07  A bug in the output for compound variables containing
	  multi-dimensional arrays has been fixed.
10-07-06  ksh now recovers from changes made by bash to the history file without
	  loosing history commands.
10-06-25  A bug in which a large here document containing command substitutions
	  of a dynamically loaded function that contained a here document
	  could get truncated has been fixed.
10-06-24  If after executing a script found in FPATH, if a function, builtin,
	  or type name corresponding to that script is not defined, the shell
	  now outputs an error message and returns value 126.
10-06-23  Floating point functions that happened to return integer values
	  were being treated as if the function returned integers so that
	  integer division could be used instead of floating point division.
10-06-22  Fixed a bug in earlier ksh93u in which an arithmetic assignment to a
	  variable in the global scope would instead create a local variable if
	  the variable had an attribute but did not have a value.
10-06-18  Modified trap handling so that if the same signal is received when
	  executing the handler, it is deferred until the handler completes.
10-06-16  Fixed a bug in which ulimit -v was setting the the cpu limit
	  on Linux.
10-06-14 +The command 'typeset -T' now generates the list of type definitions
	  in a format that can be used as input to the shell.
10-06-09  Put in patch from Solaris for output quoting with %q.
10-06-09 +Made changes to the NAMESPACE compile option so that it now seems
	  to work.  With this option, namespace <name> { command;} will
	  run command in the namespace .name so that all variables and
	  functions created by command are accessible outside the name
	  space via .name.var and  Variables and functions that
	  are not in the namespace are not modified when running command.
10-06-07  Change most internal interfaces to take Sh_t* argument.
10-06-03 +Types can be loaded on first reference by putting definitions in
10-06-03 +The shell is now able to parse commands which use type statements
	  before the typeset -T command to define the type executes.
10-06-03  A bug in the quoting for name reference declarations which did
	  not properly handle [ and ] in subscripts for associative arrays.
10-06-02  A bug in which a discipline function defined by a type instance to
	  override the default was not being registered has been fixed.
10-06-02  A bug in which read -C of an associative array of compound variables
	  was not working has been fixed.
10-06-02  A bug in which the error message for an unset parameter with set -u
	  did not contain the name of the variable has been fixed.
10-06-01  A bug in typeset -m for moving an indexed array instance to a variable
	  has been fixed.
10-06-01  A bug in which caused memory to be freed twice when unset was called
	  for an indexed array that had get or set disciplines has been fixed.
10-06-01  A bug in which the %b format of printf was not preserving NUL bytes
	  with   has been fixed.
10-06-01  A bug in the handling of name references to array variables in
	  arithmetic expressions has been fixed.
10-05-28  Fixed bugs in changing attributes for two dimensional arrays.
10-05-28  Eliminated a few unreferenced variables and a reference to
	  uninitialized memory.
10-05-27  Rewrote the subshell code to avoid using pipes an many cases.
10-05-24  Fixed a bug which cause an exception when both -l and -s were
	  specified with typeset -i.
10-05-21  Inputting of three dimensional indexed arrays with ( ( (...)...)...) 
          was not working and has been fixed.
10-05-21  A bug in which adding the attributes -Ai to a variable via a name
	  reference could cause the value to display incorrectly has been fixed.
10-05-21  A bug in which using $var inside ((...)) did not work when var was
	  a hex float variable.
10-05-20 +The compile option SHOPT_EDPREDICT has been added.  When this option
	  is on, as you type a line beginning with a # the following characters
	  are treated as a shell pattern and cause matching lines from the
	  history file to be displayed as a numbered list as you type.
	  You can scroll up and down this list or you can use <ESC>nTAB
	  to make this the current line (n defaults to 1 of omitted) or
	  <ESC>n<cr> to execute.
10-05-20  A bug which caused an exception when multiple levels of composite
	  functions in arithemtic expressions has been fixed.
10-05-19  <<< with an empty string no longer gives an error.
10-05-19  A bug in arithmetic evaluation when a name reference to an array
	  instance was used has been fixed. 
10-05-14  A bug in which the shell treats a valid index array assignment,
	  typeset -a x=(foo (x=3;y=4) bar) as a syntax error has been fixed.
10-05-13  A bug in creating name references to associative array variable
	  after a lookup of one of its elements has been fixed.
10-05-12  Two bugs in the handling of function static type variables in
	  subshells have been fixed.  One could cause an exception and the
	  other would leave side effects in the parent shell.
10-05-10  A bug in which static variables in functions were not being saved and
	  restored properly when running subshells has been fixed.
10-05-05  A bug in which print -v did not work correctly when an operand was an
	  indexed array element referring to a compound variable has been fixed.
10-05-05  A change to improve performance by special casing empty string
	  assignments to avoid repeated malloc() and free().
10-05-05  A bug in which creating a name reference to a non-existent associative
	  array element would create the array element has been fixed.
10-05-04  A bug in which name references to static variables in the static
	  scope were not found has been fixed.
10-04-30  Do not use socketpair() on systems that implement ioctl(I_PEEK)
	  on pipes.
10-04-29 +When the current job pool is set, coprocess are run in a job pool.
10-04-28  A type defined with a member foo that is an associative array without
	  elements followed by an expansion ${[a]} and an assignment[a]=b, no longer indicates that ${[@]} has 0 members.
10-04-27  Another bug in which a nested command substitution could hang if it
	  generated too much data has been fixed.
10-04-26  A type defined with a member that is an indexed array without elements
	  would behave as if the 0th element of each instance was defined after
	  a non-zero element was specified and this has been fixed.
10-04-26  A bug in which types defined in a subshell were not undefined when
	  the subshell completed has been fixed.
10-04-23  For file completion in commmand line editing, file names starting
	  with # are now escaped so that they are not treated as comments.
10-04-23  A bug in which ${t.var:=value}, where t is an instance of a type
	  variable, could assign value to the type variable rather than to
	  the type instance has been fixed.
10-04-23 +Added &| which can be used in place of | to have portions of a
	  pipeline executed in the pool.
10-04-22 +The .sh.pool variable was added for use with job pools.
10-04-22  A bug in which a nested command substitution could hang if it
	  generated too much data has been fixed.
10-04-20  A bug which corrupted one byte of memory when read was called with
	  reads that did not use a delimiter has been fixed.
10-04-19  The display of a compound variable with an embedded array with
	  attributes was sometimes not working correctly and has been fixed.
10-04-16  A bug in which attributes were not be propagated to elements in
	  an associative array has been fixed.
10-04-15  A bug which caused scripts containing user defined math functions to
	  fail to compile with shcomp has been fixed.
10-04-15 +Job pools have been added with the SHOPT_COSHELL compilation option.
	  A job pool allows a collection of background jobs to run either locally 
	  or remotely and to be managed as a unit.  The command '& name ...'
	  creates or uses a named job pool for subsequent background jobs.
	  kill, wait, and jobs allow the pool name as operands.
10-04-14  A bug in which a coprocess connection could terminate prematurely
	  when running a nested subshell has been fixed.
10-04-12 +Enumeration constants can be used in arithmetic expressions with the
	  ==, != and = operators when the left hand side is an enum variable
	  and the right hand side is an enumeration constant.
10-04-07  A bug in which setting the trap on CHLD to ignore could cause
	  an incorrect exit status has been fixed.
10-04-06  A bug in which LINENO was not incremented for a here-document when
	  the here-document word was followed by a comment has been fixed.
10-04-06  The optimization that execs the last process of a script rather
	  than creating a new process has been removed when a trap on
	  interrupt has been set.
10-04-06  Unsetting the 'C', 'A' or 'a' typeset attribute now produces an
	  error message rather than generating an exception.
10-04-06  A bug in which contained the subscript and .sh.subscript
	  was empty in some cases with discipline functions on array instances
	  has been fixed.
10-04-05  A bug in the edit modes where preceding the interrupt character with
	  the literal next character did not work has been fixed.
10-04-05  A bug in the creation of type instances of arrays which could cause
	  an exception has been fixed.
10-03-30  A bug in the display of a compound variable containing an indexed
	  array of compound variables has been fixed.
10-03-24 +Arithmetic functions can be defined using the shell function syntax,
	  'function x y z{...}' , where name is the function name
	  invoked within ((...)) and x y z are long double arguments passed
	  as name references.  y and z are used for functions with two and
	  three arguments respectively.  The value of the function is the value
	  of the long double .sh.value variable when the function returns.
10-03-24  A bug in which integer division was mistakenly used when the
	  numerator was a binary operator with the first operand floating
	  point and the second integer, e.g. (.1**3)/3, has been fixed.
10-03-24  The >; file operator was modified so that the temporary file is
	  created in the same physical directory as file.
10-03-23  A warning message was added to sh -n when $var was used inside
	  ((...)) instead of var.
10-03-19  fmin was added to the list of math function on the man page.
10-03-19  Fixed the return value for unalias when the alias did not
10-03-19  A bug in which the SHLVL variable exported the value it had on
	  input rather than the incremented value has been fixed.
10-03-19  A bug which causes whence -q to go into an infinite loop has been
10-03-19  Removed space between Stopped message and (SIGTTIN) and (SIGTTOUT).
10-03-17  Modified profile shell execution so that when builtins that
	  correspond to executable have extended attributes, they are
	  executed by pfksh instead of being treated as built-ins.
10-03-16  A bug in whence -a which produced duplicate lines of output has
	  been fixed.
10-03-16  A bug in the handling of process groups in monitor mode for
	  command substitutions has been fixed.
10-03-15  Fixed a bug in which read -u[fd] could cause the shell to core
	  dump when fd was greater than open_max.
10-03-15 +Modified the shell I/O so that the shell will not fail if the
	  ulimit for open_max is increased as part of the script.
10-03-12  A bug in which a here-document containing command substitutions
	  that contained here-documents did not process correctly has been
10-03-12  A bug in which the terminal is not restored to canonical mode
	  after read times out when in a multibyte locale with no edit mode
	  enabled has been fixed.

10-03-05  --- Release ksh93t+  ---
10-03-05  A variable unset memory leak has been fixed and tests/
	  has been added to verify the fix.
10-03-04  Documentation, comment, and diagnostic spelling typos corrected.
10-02-14  Fix sh_getenv() initialization to cooperate with the 3d fs.
10-02-12  A bug in which the get discipline function was not invoked for
	  associative array subscripts for unset array elements has been fixed.
10-02-12  A bug which could occur if the last line of a script was an eval
	  that executed multiple commands has been fixed.
10-02-02  A buffer overflow in read and another in binary type base64
	  encoding were fixed.
10-01-20  A bug in the evaluation of arithmetic expression in which the
	  subscript was evaluated twice for $((foo[x++]++)) has been fixed.
10-01-19  A workaround for a double-free of a trap in both a subshell and its
	  parent has been added.
10-01-18  A bug in type handling of typeset -H has been fixed.
10-01-15  The "adding empty subscript" warning now only emitted with -x set.
10-01-01  A bug in the parser in which '$((case i in i):;esac);:))' was not
	  parsed correctly was fixed.
10-01-01  A bug in the parser in which '$(( 2 , 3.6 ))' dumped core for locales
	  with radix char , and thousands separator . has been fixed.
09-12-28  A bug in the handling of SIGCLD on systems that generated SIGCLD
	  while blocked waiting for process to complete has been fixed.
09-12-24  ast setlocale() reworked to differentiate env var changes from user
09-12-18  A bug with the SHOPT_BGX option set which disabled traps for signals
	  < SIGCHLD when a trap for a signal > SIGCHLD was set has been fixed.
09-12-18  A bug where [[ -v var ]] was incorrect for some variables (including
	  LC_* vars) has been fixed.
09-12-15  A bug that produced a syntax error when a multibyte character
	  straddled a buffer boundary has been fixed.
09-12-11  A bug where the subscript of an unset variable was not evaluated has
	  been fixed.
09-12-09  A bug where shcomp dumped core on certain syntax errors has been fixed.
09-12-07  A bug where a parent shell environment var reset in a subshell removed
	  the value in subsequent children of the parent shell has been fixed.
09-12-04  A bug in which in some cases a trap in a function executed in
	  a subshell could trigger twice has been fixed.
09-12-03  A bug in which SHLVL exported with some attributes could cause
	  the shell to abort at startup has been fixed.
09-12-02  A bug with pipefail in which the shell could hang waiting for the
	  writer to complete before the last reader command has been fixed.
09-11-30  A bug in which a trap could be inherited by the first element of
	  a pipeline when the command had more than 63 arguments that did
	  not contain any macro expansions has been fixed.
09-11-19  When read from a terminal was called from with a while or for loop,
	  and an edit mode was on, a backspace or erase no longer will
	  overwrite the prompt.
09-11-17 +Change .paths parse to handle BUILTIN_LIB=foo BUILTIN_LIB=foo-1.2.
09-11-17  Inside a function, typeset will bind foo to global variable
	  foo if local variable foo does not exist, instead of creating a 
	  local variable.
09-11-17  "read -n1" from the terminal has been fixed to read exactly one character.
09-11-11  Job control now works for subshell commands, (...).
09-11-11  If set -e is on for an interactive shell errors in special builtins
	  now cause the shell to exit.
09-11-11  A bug in which an interrupt handler processed during the read builtin
	  when IFS did not contain a new line has been fixed.
09-11-09  A bug in which a variable that has been unset in a subshell and then
	  exported from that subshell does not show up in the environment
	  has been fixed.
09-11-02  ``,2'' is now a valid numeric constant for locales with
09-11-02  A bug where "return" in .profile did not restore the shell state
	  has been fixed.
09-10-31  A bug that corrupted saved exit status when pids wrapped around has
	  been fixed.
09-10-26  A bug in { LANG LC_ALL LC_category } ordering has been fixed in -last.
09-10-16  A bug where notification to libast that the environment has changed
          has been fixed.
09-10-12  A bug in which a function loaded in a subshell could leave side
	  effects in the parent shell has been fixed.
09-10-12  A bug in converting a printf %d operand to a number when the operand
	  contains multiple subscripts for the same variable has been fixed.
09-10-09  A bug in the handling of the escape character  in directory prefixes
	  in command completion has been fixed.
09-10-09  $PATH processing has been changed to delay dir stat() and .paths
	  lookup until the directory is needed in the path search.
09-09-28  Call the ast setlocale() intercept on unset too.
09-09-24  A bug in which LANG=foo; LC_ALL=foo; unset LC_ALL; did not revert
	  LC_CTYPE etc. to the LANG value has been fixed.
09-09-17  A bug in which unsetting SVLVL could cause a script invoked by
	  name without #! to core dump has been fixed.
09-09-16  A bug in which a pipeline in a here-document could hang when the
	  pipefail option was on has been fixed. 
09-09-09  A bug in the processing of line joining in here documents which
	  occurred when a buffer began with <escape><new-line> has been fixed.
09-09-09 +A leading ; with commands in a brace group or parenthesis group
	  no longer causes an error.  It now is used for the "showme" option.
09-09-09  A bug in which a subshell containing a background process could
	  block until the background process completed has been fixed.
09-09-04  A bug in handing ${var[sub]}, where var is a nameref has been fixed.
09-09-03  A bug which caused an index array to have the wrong number of elements
	  when it was converted from a compound variable by adding an another
	  element has been fixed.
09-09-03  Specifying export for a compound variable now generates an error.
09-09-02  $"..." localizations strings are no longer recognized inside `...`.
09-09-01  A bug in the for loop optimizer in the handling of type static
	  variables has been fixed.
09-09-01  An error message is not displayed when * and @ are used as subscripts.
09-09-01  Several bugs in the processing for types that included an associative
	  array of another type has been fixed.
09-09-01  A bug in the tracing of [[ a < b ]] and [[ a > b ]] has been fixed.
09-08-26  The .sh.file variable was not being set for a script that was run
	  by name and didn't start with #! and this has been fixed.
09-08-25  A bug in which a function called to deeply from command substitution
	  did not display an error message has been fixed.
09-08-24 +When processing profiles, ksh93 now violates the POSIX standard and
	  treats &> as a redirection operator similar to bash.
09-08-23  A bug in the handling of the trap on SIGPIPE that could lead to a
	  memory fault has been fixed.
09-08-21  A bug in the handling of the comma operator in arithmetic expressions
	  that could cause a core dump on some systems has been fixed.
09-08-20  A bug in which a compound variable containing an array of a type
	  that doesn't have any elements now expands correctly.
09-08-19  A bug which disabled function tracing inside a function after
	  a call to another function has been fixed.
09-08-19  A bug in which initializing a compound variable instance to another
	  compound variable by name has been fixed.
09-08-18  A bug in which compound variable instances could be lost after
	  an instance that invoked a type method discipline has been fixed.
09-08-18  A bug in which a discipline function for a type applied to an
	  array instance when invoked in a function ignored the subscript
	  has been fixed.
09-08-18  A scoping error with variables in arithmetic expression with
	  type variables when reference with a name reference has been fixed.
09-08-10  Several memory leaks were fixed primarily related to subshells.
09-08-06  A bug in which setting the trap on CHLD to ignore could cause
	  a script to hang has been fixed. 
09-07-08  A bug in the processing of name reference assignments when it
	  contained pattern expansions with quoting has been fixed.
09-06-22 +The default width for typeset -X has been changed so that there
	  should be no loss of precision when converting to a string.
09-06-19  A bug in the printing of array elements for binary variables with
	  printf %B has been fixed.
09-06-19  A bug which caused a core dump with trap DEBUG set with an array
	  assignment with no elements has been fixed.
09-06-19  A bug with read with typeset -b -Z<num> has been fixed.
09-06-19  Two bugs related to read -b for array variables has been fixed.
09-06-19  A bug with typeset for compound variables containing arrays of
	  compound variables has been fixed.
09-06-18  A bug in appending a compound variable to a an indexed array of
	  compound variables has been fixed.
09-06-18  A bug which occurs when appending a compound variable to an indexed
	  array element has been fixed.
09-06-18  Setting VISUAL to a value other than one ending in vi or emacs will
	  no longer unset the edit mode.
09-06-17  A bug in typeset -m when moving a local compound variable to a
	  global compound variable via a name reference has been fixed.
09-06-17  A bug in appending to nodes of an array of compound variables when
	  addressing them via nameref has been fixed.
09-06-17  A bug in typeset -p var, when var is an array of compound variables
	  in which the output only contained on array element has been fixed.
09-06-17  The prefix expansion ${!y.@} now works when y is a name
	  reference to an element of an array.
09-06-16  Traps on signals that are ignored when the shell is invoked
	  no longer display.  Previously they were ignored as required but
	  would be listed with trap -p.
09-06-12  A bug in vi edit mode in which hitting the up arrow key at the
	  end of a line longer than 40 characters which caused a core dump
	  has been fixed. 
09-06-11  A bug in which "eval non-builtin &" would create two processes,
	  one for the & and another for non-builtin has been fixed.
09-06-08  When var is an identifier and is unset, ${var} no longer tries to
	  run command substitution on the command var.
09-06-08 +Process substitution arguments of the form <(command) can now be
	  used following the < redirection operator to redirect from command.
09-05-13  A bug in which redirections of the form 2>&1 1>&5 inside command
	  substitution could cause the command substitution to hang has been
09-05-12  To conform with POSIX, the -u option only checks for unset variables
	  and subscript elements rather than checking for all parameters.
09-05-12  A bug which could cause a core dump when a variable whose name
	  begins with a . was referenced as part of a name reference inside
	  a function has been fixed.
09-05-01  A bug that caused a core dump when SIGWINCH was received and
	  both vi and emacs mode were off has been fixed.
09-04-22 +Default alias compound='typeset -C' added.
09-04-15  A bug that caused ${...;} to hang for large files has been fixed.
09-04-08  A change was made in the -n option which printed out an incorrect
	  warning with <>.
09-04-07  The emacs edit command M-_ and M_. and the vi command _ was fixed
	  to handle the case there there is no history file.
09-04-05  A bug in handling new-lines with read -n has been fixed.
09-04-05  The ENV variable defaults the the file named by $HOME/.kshrc rather
	  then to the string $HOME/.kshrc.
09-03-31  A bug in which a nested command substitution with redirections could
	  leave a file descriptor open has been fixed.
09-03-24 +ksh now only uses the value of the _ variable on startup if it can
	  verify that it was set by the invoking process rather than being
	  inherited by some other ancestor.
09-03-24 +When ksh is invoked without -p and ruid!=euid, and the shell is
	  compiled without SHOPT_P_UID or ruid<SHOPT_P_UID, the shell now
	  enables the -p option.  The previous version instead set the
	  euid to the ruid as it does for set +p.
09-03-24 +When SHOPT_P_UID is defined at compile time and the shell is started
	  without -p and ruid!=euid and ruid>=SHOPT_P_UID then euid is set
	  to ruid. A bug that did the wrong test (ruid<SHOPT_P_UID) was fixed.
09-03-17 +The sleep(1) builtin now accept and ISO 8601 PnYnMnDTnHnMnS
	  duration or date(1) compatible date/time operand.
09-03-10  If a variable that was left or right justified or zero-filled was
	  changed with a typeset statement that was left or right justified
	  or zero-filled, then the original justification no longer affects
	  the result.
09-03-10  A bug in the handling of traps when the last command in a script
	  is a subshell grouping command has been fixed.
09-03-03  A bug in which an expansion of the form ${!prefix@} could generate
	  an exception after the return from a function has been fixed.
09-02-02  A bug in restricted mode in which the value of ENV could be
	  changed from within a function has been fixed.
09-02-02  A bug in which an erroneous message indicating that a process
	  terminated with a coredump has been fixed.
09-02-02  The exit status when exit was called without an argument from
	  a signal handler was incorrect and has been fixed.
09-02-02  A bug in which a function autoloaded in a subshell could cause
	  a core dump when the subshell completed has been fixed.
09-02-02  A bug in which 2>&1 inside a command substitution wasn't working
	  correctly has been fixed.
09-02-02  A bug in the call stack of arithmetic function with 2 args
	  returning int has been fixed.
09-01-30  A bug in which 'eval print \$0' inside a function was giving the
	  wrong value for $0 has been fixed.
09-01-28  A bug in which a command substitution could return an exit status
	  of 127 when the pipefail option is enabled has been fixed.
09-01-26  ksh93 now generates an error message if you attempt to create
	  a global name reference to a local variable.
09-01-26 +The [[ -v var ]] operator was modified to test for array elements.
09-01-23 +The redirection operator <>; was added.  It is similar to <>
	  except that if the command it is applied to succeeds, the file
	  is truncated to the offset at the command completion.
09-01-23  The default file descriptor for <> was changed to 1.
09-01-20  A bug in which the exit status specified in an exit trap was
	  not used when a process terminated with a signal has been fixed.
09-01-19  A bug in which a signal whose default action is to terminate
	  a process could be ignored when the process is running a sub-shell
	  has been fixed.
09-01-19  A bug in which sending SIGWINCH to a process that reads from a pipe
	  could cause a memory fault has been fixed.
09-01-16 +The -R unary operator was added to [[...]] and test to check whether
	  a variable is a  name reference.
09-01-16 +The -v unary operator was added to [[...]] and test to check whether
	  a variable is set.
09-01-14  The unset built-in was modified to return 0 exit status when
	  unsetting a variable that was unset to conform with the POSIX
09-01-14  The unset built-in was modified to continue to unset variables
	  after encountering a variable that it could not unset to
	  conform to the POSIX standard.
09-01-14  The parameter expansion ${x+value} no longer expands the value of
	  the variable x when determining whether x is set or not.
09-01-13  A bug in which background jobs and pipelines that were not waited
	  for could, in rare instances, cause the shell to go into an infinite
	  loop or fail has been fixed.
09-01-06  A bug in indexed arrays of compound variables in which referencing
	  non-existent sub-variable in an arithmetic expression could cause
	  the sub-variable to be created has been fixed.
09-01-05  A bug in which the  character did not escape extended regular
	  expression pattern characters has been fixed.
08-12-24  A bug in which killing the last element of a pipe did not cause
	  a write to the pipe to generate a SIGPIPE has been fixed.
08-12-19  A bug which could cause command substitution to hang when the
	  last element of a pipeline in a command substitution was a built-in
	  and the output was more that PIPE_BUFF.
08-12-18  A bug which occurs when a here documented marker embedded in a
	  command substitution occurs on a buffer boundary has been fixed.
08-12-17  A bug in the output of typeset -p for variables that had attributes
	  but did not have a value has been fixed.
08-12-16  A bug in which a name reference to a name reference variable that
	  references an array element has been fixed.
08-12-16  A bug in which a variable given both the -A and -C attribute along
	  with an initial assignment didn't work correctly has been fixed.
08-12-10  The [[ -t fd ]] test was fixed to handle fd>9.
08-12-10  A bug where function stack misalignment could cause a bus error
	  has been fixed.
08-12-09  Command completion was changed to use  to quote special characters
	  instead of quoting the argument in single quotes.
08-12-07  A bug in typeset -m which occurred when the target node was an
	  associative array element has been fixed.
08-12-07  A timing bug on some systems (for example darwin), that could
	  cause the last process of a pipeline entered interactively to fail
	  with an "Exec format error" has been fixed.
08-12-04 +SHOPT_BGX enables background job extensions. Noted by "J" in
	  the version string when enabled. (1) JOBMAX=n limits the number
	  of concurrent & jobs to n; the n+1 & job will block until a
	  running background job completes. (2) SIGCHLD traps are queued
	  so that each completing background job gets its own trap; $! is
	  set to the job pid and $? is set to the job exit status at the
	  beginning of the trap. (3) sleep -s added to sleep until the time
	  expires or until a signal is delivered.
08-12-04  The sign of floating point zero is preserved across arithmetic
	  function calls.
08-12-04  A bug that caused print(1) to produce garbled stdout/stderr
	  output has been fixed.
08-12-04  A bug in which printf "%d "'<euro>'" did not output the
          numerical value of the EURO symbol, 8354, has been fixed.
08-11-24 + /dev/fd* and /dev/std* redirections are first attempted with
	  open() to preserve seek semantics; failing that the corresponding
	  file descriptors are dup()'d.
08-11-20  A bug which could cause a core dump if a function compiled with
	  shcomp was found has been fixed.
08-11-20  A bug in which jobs were not cleared from the jobs table for
	  interactive shells when the pipefail option is on has been fixed.
08-11-11  A bug in which a field that was unset in a type definition and later
	  set for an instance could appear twice when displaying the variable
	  has been fixed.
08-11-11  A bug in which running a simple command & inside a function would
	  not return the correct process id has been fixed.
08-11-10  A bug in which the exit status of a command could be lost if the pid
	  was that of the most recent command substitution that had completed
	  has been fixed.
08-11-10  The maximum depth for subshells has been increased from 256 to 65536.
08-11-06  A bug which could cause a core dump when the _ reference variable was
          used as an embedded type with a compound assignment has been fixed.

08-10-31  --- Release ksh93t  ---
08-10-31  Variable scoping/initialization bugs that could dump core were fixed.
08-10-24  The lexer now accepts all RE characters for patterns prefixed
	  with a ksh ~(...) option expression.
08-10-24 +For ${var/pat/sub}   in sub expands to the text matched by pat.
08-10-18  A bug in array scoping that could dump core has been fixed.
08-10-10  read -n and -N fixed to count characters in multibyte locales.
08-10-10  A bug that mishandled _.array[] type references has been fixed.
08-10-09 +${.sh.version} now contains a concatenation of the following (after
	  'Version') denoting compile time features:
08-10-09  A bug that caused subshell command substitution with redirection
	  to hang has been fixed.
08-10-08  Output errors, other than to stderr, now result in a diagnostic.
08-10-08  ksh93 now supports types that contain arrays of other types as
	  members.  Earlier versions core dumped in this case.
08-10-05  A bug which caused the shell to emit a syntax error for an arithmetic
	  statement of the form (([sub] = value)) has been fixed.
08-10-01  A bug that caused subshell command substitution to hang has
	  been fixed.
08-09-29  When the -p export option of typeset is used with other options,
	  only those variables matching the specified options are displayed.
08-09-29  When the shell reads the environment and finds variables that are
	  not valid shell assignments, it now passes these on to subsequent
	  commands rather than deleting them.
08-09-29  A bug in the display of compound variables containing an indexed
	  array of compound variables has been fixed.
08-09-29  A bug in the display of compound variables containing an associative
	  array with a subscript containing a . in the name has been fixed.
08-09-26  A core dump in the subshell environment restore has been fixed.
08-09-24  $(...) has been fixed to properly set the exit status in $?.
08-09-23  $(<...) with IFS=$'n' has been fixed to retain all but the last
	  of multiple trailing newlines.
08-09-23  The -p option to typeset when used with other attributes, restricts
	  the output to variables with the specified attributes.
08-09-22  A bug that sometimes lost the exit status of a job has been fixed.
08-09-21  A bug that retained trailing command substitution newlines in
	  cases where the command caused the shell to fork has been fixed.
08-09-19  type, whence -v, and command -v were fixed to comply with POSIX
	  by writing 'not found' diagnostics to the standard error.
08-09-18  test and [...] were fixed to comply with POSIX in the case
	  of test '(' binop ')' where binop is a valid binary test operator.
08-09-16 +If a method discipline named create is specified when defining a
	  type, this function will be called when an instance is created.
08-09-15 +The variable _ is now set as a reference to the compound variable
	  when defining a compound variable or a type.
08-09-10  The shell now prints an error message when the type name specified
	  for an indexed array subscript is not an enumeration type.
08-09-10  A bug in which a subshell that spawned a background process could
	  loose output that was produced after the foreground completed
	  has been fixed.
08-09-10  A timing bug on some systems that could cause coprocesses started by a
	  subshell to not clean up and prevent other coprocesses has been fixed.
08-09-09  The typeset -m option is now able to rename array elements from
	  the same array.
08-09-09  The exit status of 2 from the DEBUG trap causes the next command
	  to be skipped.  An exit value of 255 from a DEBUG trap called from
	  a function causes the function to return. 
08-09-08  A bug in which a coprocess created in a subshell that did not
	  complete when the subshell terminated could prevent a coprocess
	  from being created in the parent shell has been fixed.
08-09-05  An assignment of the form name1=name2 where name1 and name2
	  are both compound variables causes name1 to get a copy of name2.
	  name1+=name2 causes name2 sub-variables to be appended to name1.
08-09-05  A bug in which unsetting a compound variable did not unset all
	  the sub-variables has been fixed.
08-09-01  A bug in the subshell cleanup code that could cause SIGSEGV has
	  been fixed.
06-08-26 +The SHLVL variable which is an environment variable used by bash
          and zsh that gets incremented when the shell starts.
08-08-25 +For an indexed array, a negative subscript now refers to offsets
	  from the end so that -1 refers to the last element.
08-08-24  An alignment error for shorts on 64 bit architectures has been fixed.
08-08-22  If oldvar is a compound variable, typeset -C newvar=oldvar creates 
	  newvar as a copy of oldvar.
08-08-19 +The ALRM signal no longer cause the sleep builtin to terminate.
08-08-13  When used in an arithmetic expression, the .sh.version variable  
	  now produces a number that will be increasing for each release.
08-08-11  A bug in which type instantiation with a compound assignment in
	  a dot script in which the type is defined has been fixed. 
08-08-07 +The -m option has been added to typeset to move or rename a
	  variable.  Not documented yet.
08-08-06  A bug in read when used in a loop when a prompt was specified
	  when reading from a terminal has been fixed.
08-08-01  A bug with the pipefail option in which a nested pipeline could
	  cause an asynchronous command to block has been fixed.
08-08-01  A for loop optimizer bug that treats .sh.lineno as an invariant
	  has been fixed.
08-07-30  A bug in which expanding compound variable that had a get discipline
	  from with a here document could cause a syntax error has been fixed.
08-07-18  A bug in which a nameref caused a local variable to be created
	  rather than binding to an existing variable in the global scope
	  has been fixed.
08-07-17  A bug which occurred when a nameref was created from within a
	  function that was  part of a pipeline has been fixed.
08-07-14 +The compile option SHOPT_STATS was added. With this option the
	  compound variable .sh.stats keeps usage statistics that could help
	  with performance tuning.
08-07-10 +The output of set now always uses a single line for each variable.
	  For array variables, the complete set of values is now displayed.
08-07-09 +The typeset -C option can be used with arrays to indicate that
	  each element should default to a compound variable.
08-07-08 +The %B format now outputs compound variables and arrays.  The
	  alternate flag # can be used to cause output into a single line.
08-07-03  When the window change signal, WINCH, is received, the current
	  edit line is redrawn in place. 
08-07-01  A bug in the handling of shared variables when inside an embedded
	  type has been fixed.
08-06-29  A bug in multiline edit mode which occurred when the prompt length
	  was three characters or less has been fixed.
08-06-23  A bug in which the SIGCLD was not be triggered when background
	  jobs completed has been fixed.
08-06-23  _KSH_VERSION added as a name reference to .sh.version.
08-06-20  type now outputs 'special builtin' for special builtins.
08-06-19  A couple of bugs in multi-dimensional arrays have been fixed.
08-06-19  A bug in which a syntax error in a dot script could generated
	  a syntax error in the next subsequent command has been fixed.
08-06-17  Reduced the maximum function call depth to 2048 to avoid exceptions
	  on some architectures.
08-06-16  A bug in which printf "%B" could generate an exception when the
	  specified variable was not set has been fixed.
08-06-16 +When typeset -p is followed by variable names, it now displays
	  the attributes names and values for the specific names.
08-06-14  A bug that could effect the drawing of the screen from multiline
	  emacs or gmacs mode when walking up the history file has been fixed.
08-06-13  A bug in which a compound variable defined in a subshell could
	  have side effects into the parent shell has been fixed.
08-06-13  A number of bugs related to using .sh.level to set the stack from
	  for DEBUG traps have been fixed.
08-06-13 +The .sh.lineno variable has been added.  When .sh.level is changed
	  inside a DEBUG trap, the .sh.lineno contains the calling line number
	  for the specified stack frame.
08-06-13  The .sh.level variable has been documented and now works.
08-06-11 +The -C option has been added to read for reading compound command
	  definitions from a file.
08-06-11 +The . command is now permitted inside a compound command definition.
	  The dot script can contain declaration commands and dot commands.
08-06-09 +Add -C option to typeset so that typeset -C foo, is equivalent
	  to foo=().
08-06-09  Added -n warning message for typeset option orderings that are valid
	  with ksh88 but not valid with ksh93, for example Lx5.
08-06-09  A bug in which the return value for an assignment command containing
	  a command substitution with that failed was zero when the assignment
	  contained redirections has been fixed.
08-06-09  A bug in the quoting of $ inside a ERE pattern ~(E)(pattern)
	  has been fixed.
08-06-06  A bug when processing `` command substitution with the character
	  sequence \$' has been fixed.
08-06-02 +When defining a type, the typeset -r attribute causes this field
	  to be required to be specified for each instance of the type and
	  does not allow a default value.
08-06-02  Several bugs in which compound variables were modified by
	  subshells have been fixed.
08-05-22 +The ceil function has been added to the math functions.
08-05-21  A bug in which a name reference defined in a function and passed
	  as an argument to another function could cause an incorrect binding.
08-05-21  A bug in freeing compound variables that are local to functions
	  has been fixed.
08-05-19 +The array expansions ${array[sub1..sub2]} and ${!array[sub1..sub2]}
	  to expand to the value (or subscripts) for array between sub1 and
	  sub2 inclusive.  For associative arrays, the range is based on
	  location in the POSIX locale.  The .. must be explicit and cannot
	  result from an expansion.
08-05-15  The trap on SIGCLD is no longer triggered by the completion of
	  the foreground job as with ksh88.
08-05-14  A bug in the implementation of the editing feature added on 
	  07-09-19 in emacs mode has been fixed.
08-05-12  A bug in processing the test built-in with parenthesis has been
08-05-12  The unset built-in now returns non-zero when deleting an array
	  subscript that is not set.
08-05-08 +Changing the value of HISTFILE or HISTSIZE will cause the old
	  history file to be close and reopened with the new name or size.
08-05-08  When FPATH is changed functions that were found via a path search
	  will be searched for again.
08-05-08  A parser bug in which reserved words and labels were recognized
	  inside compound indexed array assignment after a new-line has
	  been fixed.
08-05-07  A bug in getopts when handling numerical option arguments has
	  been fixed.
08-05-07 +The typeset -S option was added for variables outside type
	  definitions to provide a storage class similar to C static
	  inside a function defined with function name.  When outside
	  type definitions and outside a function, the -S option cause
	  the specified variable so be unset before the assignment and
	  before the remaining attributes are supplied.
08-05-07  A bug that affected the cursor movement in multiline mode when
	  a character was deleted from near the beginning of the any
	  line other than the first.
08-05-01  In multiline edit mode, the refresh operation will now clear
	  the remaining portion of the last line.
08-05-01  A bug in computing prompt widths for the edit modes for prompts
	  with multibyte characters has been fixed.
08-05-01  A bug in the multiline edit mode which could cause the current
	  line to be displayed incorrectly when moving backwards from third
	  or higher line to the previous line has been fixed.
08-05-01  A bug in which options set in functions declared with the function
	  name syntax were carried across into functions invoked by these
	  functions has been fixed.
08-04-30  A bug which could cause a coprocess to hang when the read end
	  is a builtin command has been fixed.
08-04-30 +The emacs and vi editors have been modified to handle window
	  change commands as soon as they happen rather than waiting for
	  the next command.
08-04-28  A bug in which ${!x} did not expand to x when x was unset has been
08-04-27  A bug in which the assignment x=(typeset -a foo=([0]=abc)) created as an associative array has been fixed.
08-04-25  A bug in which $# did not report correctly when there were more
	  than 32K positional parameters has been fixed.
08-04-04  Choose the name _ as the sub-variable that holds type or instance
	  specific data used by discipline functions.
08-03-27  A bug in which the terminal group was not given back to the parent
	  shell when the last part of a pipeline was handled by the parent shell
	  and the other parts of the pipeline complete has been fixed. 
	  The symptom was that the pipeline became uninterruptable.
08-03-25  A bug in restricted mode introduced in ksh93s that caused scripts
	  that did not use #! to executed in restricted mode has been fixed.
08-03-25  A bug in which the pipefail option did not work for a pipeline
	  within a pipeline has been fixed.
08-03-24  A bug in which OPTIND was not set correctly in subshells has
	  been fixed.
08-03-24  A bug which could cause a memory exception when a compound variable
	  containing an indexed array with only element 0 defined was expanded.
08-03-20  A bug in which ${!var[sub].*} was treated as an error has been fixed.
08-03-20  Associative array assignments of the form ([name]=value ...)
	  now allow ; as well as space tab and new line to separate elements.
08-03-18  A buffering problem in which standard error was sometimes
	  not flushed before sleep has been fixed.
08-03-17  A bug in which a signal sent to $$ while in a subshell would be
	  sent to the subshell rather than the parent has been fixed.
08-03-17 + A --default option added to set(1) to handle set +o POSIX semantics.
	  set --state added as a long name alias for set +o.
08-03-14  A bug in which using monitor mode from within a script could
	  cause the terminal group to change has been fixed.
08-03-10  The new ${...} command substitution will treat the trailing }
	  as a reserved word even if it is not at the beginning of a command,
	  for example, ${ date }.
08-03-10  If the name of the ENV begins with /./ or ././ then the
	  /etc/ksh.kshrc file will not be executed on systems that support
	  this interactive initialization file.
08-03-07  A bug in which ksh -i did not run the ENV file has been fixed.
08-03-07  A bug in which ulimit did not always produce the same output as
	  ulimit -fS has been fixed.
08-03-04  A bug in multiline mode in emacs and vi mode which could cause the
	  cursor to be on the wrong line when interrupt was hit has been fixed.
08-03-03  The change made in ksh93s+ on 07-06-18 in which braces became
	  optional for ${a[i]} inside  [[...]] was restored in the case
	  where the argument can be a pattern.
08-03-03  A bug in which creating a name reference to an associative array
	  instance would fail when the subscript contained characters [ or
	  ] has been fixed.
08-02-29 +The redirection operator >; has been added which for non-special
	  files, generates the output in a temporary file and writes the
	  specified file only of the command has completed successfully.
08-02-15  A bug in ${var/pattern/string} for patterns of the form ?(*) and +(*)
	  has bee fixed.
08-02-07  A bug in which test \( ! -e \) produced an error has been fixed.
08-02-14 +The typeset -a option can now optionally be followed by the name
	  of an enumeration type which allows subscripts to be enumerations.
08-02-14 +The enum builtin which creates enumeration types has been added.
08-02-12  The backoff logic when there are no more processes has been fixed.
08-02-07  The -X option has been added to typeset.  The -X option creates
	  a double precision number that gets displayed using the C99 %a
	  format.  It can be used along with -l for long double.
08-01-31  The -T option to typeset has been added for creating typed
	  variables.  Also the -h and -S options have been added to
	  typeset that are only applicable when defining a type.
08-01-31  The prefix expansion operator @ has been added.  ${@name}
	  expands to the type of name or yields the attributes.
07-11-15  A bug in the macro expander for multibyte characters in which
	  part of the character contains a file pattern byte has been fixed. 
07-10-03  A bug in which : was not allowed as part of an alias name has been
07-09-26  A bug in which appending a compound variable to a compound variable
	  or to an index array didn't work has been fixed.
07-09-19  In both emacs and vi edit mode, the escape sequence \E[A (usually
	  cursor up, when the cursor is at the end of the line will fetch
	  the most recent line starting with the current line.
07-09-18  The value of ${!var} was correct when var was a reference to an
	  array instance.
07-09-18  The value of ${!var[sub]} was not expanding to var[sub] and this
	  was fixed.  It also fixed ${name} where name is a name reference
	  to var[sub].
07-09-18 +It is now legal to create a name reference without an initialization.
	  It will be bound to a variable on the first assignment.
07-08-30 +A discipline function can be invoked as ${} and is equivalent
	  to ${;} and can be invoked as inside ((...)).
07-07-09  A bug in which typeset -a did not list indexed arrays has been
07-07-03 +The command substitution ${ command;} has been added.  It behaves
	  like $(command) except that command is executed in the current
	  shell environment.  The ${ must be followed by a blank or an

08-04-17  --- Release ksh93s+  ---
08-04-17  A bug in which umask was not being restored correctly after a
          subshell has been fixed.
08-04-15  A bug in which sending a STOP signal to a job control shell started
	  from within a shell function caused cause the invoking shell to
	  terminate has been fixed.
08-04-11  A bug which caused $(exec > /dev/null) to go into an infinite loop
	  has been fixed.
08-03-27  A bug in which typeset -LZ was being treated as -RZ has been fixed.
08-03-06  A bug with ksh -P on systems that support the the profile shell,
          in which it would exit after running a non-builtin has been fixed.
08-01-31  A bug in which command substitution inside ((...)) could cause
	  syntax errors or lead to core dumps has been fixed.
08-01-17  A bug in which discipline functions could be deleted when invoked
	  from a subshell has been fixed.
08-01-17  A bug in which a command substitution consisting only of
	  assignments was treated as a noop has been fixed.
08-01-17  A bug in which discipline functions invoked from withing a
	  compound assignment could fail has been fixed.
08-01-16  Incomplete arithmetic assignments, for example ((x += )), now
	  generate an error message.
08-01-16  A bug in which a set discipline defined for a variable before
	  an array assignment could cause a core dump has been fixed. 
08-01-03  A bug in on some systems in which exit status 0 is incorrectly
	  returned by a process that catches the SIGCONT signal is stopped 
	  and then continued.
07-12-13  A race condition in which a program that has been stopped and then
	  continued could loose the exit status has been fixed.
07-12-12  Code to check for file system out of space write errors for all
	  writes has been added.
07-12-11  A bug in the macro expander for multibyte characters in which
	  part of the character contains a file pattern byte has been fixed. 
07-12-06  A bug in the emacs edit mode when multiline was set that output
	  a backspace before the newline to the screen has been fixed.
07-12-04  A bug in which using <n>TAB after a variable name listing expansion
	  in the edit modes would cause the $ to disappear has been fixed.
07-11-28  A bug in which setting IFS to readonly could cause a subsequent
	  command substitution to fail has been fixed.
07-11-27  A work around for a gcc 4.* C99 "feature" that could cause a job
	  control shell to go into an infinite loop by adding the volatile
	  attribute to some auto vars in functions that call setjmp().
07-11-27  A bug in which the shell could read ahead on a pipe causing the
	  standard input to be incorrectly positioned has been fixed.
07-11-27  A bug in which compound variable UTF-8 multibyte values were not
	  expanded or traced properly has been fixed.
07-11-21  A bug where an unbalanced '[' in a command argument was not treated
	  properly has been fixed.
07-11-15  A bug in which compatibility mode (no long option names) getopts(1)
	  incorrectly set the value of OPTARG for flag options has been fixed.
07-11-15  A bug in which "hash -- name" treated "--" as an invalid name operand
	  has been fixed.
07-11-15  typeset now handles "-t -- [-r] [--]" for s5r4 hash(1) compatibility.
07-11-15  A bug in which the umask builtin mis-handled symbolic mode operands
	  has been fixed.
07-11-15  Bugs in which shell arithmetic and the printf builtin mis-handled the
	  signs of { -NaN -Inf -0.0 } have been fixed.
07-11-15 +The full { SIGRTMIN SIGRTMIN+1 ... SIGRTMAX-1 SIGRTMAX } range
	  of signals, determined at runtime, are now supported.
07-11-15  A bug in which creating an index array with only subscript 0 created
	  only a simple variable has been fixed.
07-11-14  A bug in which appending to an indexed array using the form
	  name+=([sub]=value) could cause the array to become an associative
	  array has been fixed.
07-11-14  A bug in which typeset without arguments could coredump if a
	  variable is declared as in indexed array and  has no elements has
	  been fixed.
07-11-14  A bug in which creating a local SECONDS variable with typeset in
	  a function could corrupt memory has been fixed.
07-11-14  A bug which could cause a core dump when a script invoked by name
	  from a function used compound variables has been fixed.
07-11-05  A bug in which printf %d "'AB" did not diagnose unconverted characters
	  has been fixed.
07-11-05  printf %g "'A" support added for all floating point formats.
07-11-01  A bug in which typeset -f fun did not display the function definition
          when invoked in a subshell has been fixed.
07-10-29  The sleep builtin was fixed so that all floating point constants
	  are valid operands.
07-10-10  A bug in which the locale was not being restored after
          LANG=value command has been fixed.
07-09-20  A bug in which a nameref to a compound variable that was local
	  to the calling function would not expand correctly when displaying
	  is value has been fixed.
07-09-19  A bug which cause cause a core dump if .sh.edchar returned
	  80 characters or more from a keyboard trap has been fixed.
07-09-14  A bug in which could cause a core dump when more than 8 file
	  descriptors were in use has been fixed.
07-09-10  A bug in which creating a name reference to an instance of
	  an array when the array name is itself a reference has been fixed.
07-09-10  The file completion code has been modified so that after an = in
	  any word, each : will be considered a path delimiter.
07-09-06  A bug in which subprocess cleanup could corrupt the malloc() heap
          has been fixed.
07-08-26  A bug in which a name reference to an associative array instance
	  could cause the subscript to be evaluated as an arithmetic expression
	  has been fixed.
07-08-22  A bug in which the value of an array instance was of a compound
	  variable was not expanded correctly has been fixed.
07-08-14  A bug which could cause a core dump when a compound assignment was
	  made to a compound variable element with a typeset -a attribute
	  has been fixed.
07-08-08  A bug in which a trap ignored in a subshell caused it to be
	  ignored by the parent has been fixed.
07-08-07  A bug in which the set command would generated erroneous output
	  for a variable with the -RZ attribute if the variable name had been
	  passed to a function has been fixed.
07-08-02  A bug in which read x[1] could core dump has been fixed.
07-08-02  A second bug in which after read x[sub] into an associative array
	  of an element that hasn't been assigned could lead to a core dump
	  has been fixed.
07-07-31  A bug in which a pipeline that completed correctly could have
	  an exit status of 127 when pipefail was enabled has been fixed.
07-07-09 +The SHOPT_AUDIT compile option has been added for keyboard logging.
07-06-25  In vi insert mode, ksh no longer emits a backspace character
	  before the carriage return when the newline is entered. 
07-06-25  A bug in which pipefail would cause a command to return 0
	  when the pipeline was the last command and the failure happened
	  on a component other than the last has been fixed.
07-06-25  A bug in the expansion of ${var/pattern/rep} when pattern or rep
	  contained a left parenthesis in single quotes has been fixed.
07-06-18  The braces for a subscripted variable with ${var[sub]} are now
	  optional when inside [[...]], ((...)) or as a subscript.
07-05-28  A bug in brace expansion in which single and double quotes did
          not treat the comma as a literal character has been fixed.
07-05-24  The -p option of whence now disables -v.
07-05-23  Several bug fixes in compound variables and arrays of arrays
	  have been made.
07-05-15  A bug in which the %B format of printf was affected  by the
	  locale has been fixed.
07-05-14  A bug in which  was not removed in the replacement pattern with
	  ${var/pattern/rep} when it was not followed by  or a digit has
	  been fixed.
07-05-10  A bug in which ksh -R file core dumped if no script was specified
	  has been fixed.  it not displays an error message.
07-05-07  Added additional Solaris signals to signal table.
07-04-30  A bug in which a pipeline with command substitution inside a
	  function could cause a pipeline that invokes this function to
	  hang when the pipefail option is on has been fixed.
07-04-30 +Added -q to whence.
07-04-18  A small memory leak with each redirection of a non-builtin has
	  been fixed.
07-03-08  A bug in which set +o output command line options has been fixed.
07-03-08  A bug in which an error in read (for example, an invalid variable
	  name), could leave the terminal in raw mode has been fixed.
07-03-06  A bug in which read could core dump when specified with an array
	  variable with a subscript that is an arithmetic expression has
	  been fixed.
07-03-06  Several serious bugs with the restricted shell were reported and
07-03-02  If a job is stopped, and subsequently restarted with a CONT
	  signal and exits normally, ksh93 was incorrectly exiting with
	  the exit status of the stop signal number.
07-02-26 +M-^L added to emacs mode to clear the screen.
07-02-26  A bug in which setting a variable readonly in a subshell would
	  cause an unset error when the subshell completed has been fixed. 
07-02-19 +The format with printf uses the new = flag to center the output.
07-02-19  A bug in which ksh93 did not allow multibyte characters in
	  identifier names has been fixed.
07-02-19  A bug introduced in ksh93 that causes global compound variable
	  definitions inside functions to exit with "no parent" has been fixed.
07-02-19  A bug in which using compound commands in process redirection
	  arguments would give syntax errors <(...) and >(...) has been fixed.
07-01-29  A bug which caused the shell to core dump which can occur when a
	  built-in exits without closing files that it opens has been fixed.
07-01-26  A bug in which ~(E) in patterns containing  that are not inside ()
	  has been fixed.

06-12-29  --- Release ksh93s  ---
06-12-29  A bug in which the value of IFS could be changed after a command
	  substitution has been fixed. 
06-12-22 +/dev/(tcp|udp|sctp)/HOST/SEVRICE now handles IPv6 addresses on
	  systems that provide getaddrinfo(3).
06-12-19 +A -v option was added to read.  With this option the value of
	  the first variable name argument will become the default value
	  when read from a terminal device. 
06-11-20  A bug in which "${foo[@]:1}}" expands a null argument (instead of
	  no argument), when foo[0] is not empty has been fixed. 
06-11-16  The discipline functions have been modified to allow each subscript
	  to act independently.  Currently the discipline function will not
	  be called when called from a discipline function of the same variable.
06-11-14  A bug which could cause a core dump if a file descriptor for
	  an internal file was closed from with a subshell has been fixed.
06-10-30 +The redirections <# pattern, and <## pattern have been added.
	  Both seek forward to the beginning of the next line that contains
	  the pattern.  The <## form copies the skipped portion to standard
06-10-26 +On systems that support stream control transport, the virtual file
	  name /dev/sctp/host/port can now be used to establish connections.
06-10-26 +The printf modifier # when used with d produces units in thousands
	  with a single letter suffix added.  The modifier # when used with
	  the i specification provides units of 1024 with a two letter suffix.
06-10-24  The value of $! is now set to the process id of a job put
	  into the background with the bg command as required by POSIX.
06-10-23  A bug in which the value of $! was affected by a background
	  job started from a subshell has been fixed.
06-10-23  A bug in ${var:offset:len} in multibyte locales has been fixed.
06-10-15 +The remaining math functions from C99 were added for any system
	  that supports them.
06-10-13  The software detected a few coding errors that
	  have been fixed.
06-10-12  A bug when skipping over `...` with ${x:=`...`} when x is set
	  has been fixed.
06-10-11  A bug in process floating constants produced by the %a format
	  of printf has been fixed.
06-10-06  A bug in which IFS was not being restored correctly in some
	  cases after a subshell has been fixed.
06-10-06  A bug in which pipefail was not detecting some failures in
	  pipelines with 3 or more states has been fixed.
06-10-03  A bug in the processing of >(...) with builtins which could
	  cause the builtin to hang has been fixed.
06-10-03  A bug in the for loop optimizer which causes >(...) process
	  substitution to be ignored has been fixed.
06-09-17 +The -a option was added to typeset for indexed arrays.  This
	  is only needed when using the ([subscript]=value ...) form.
06-09-06 +The showme option was added.  Each simple command not beginning
	  with a redirection and not occurring with in the while, until, if,
	  select condition can be preceded by a semi-colon which will
	  be ignored when showme is off.  When showme is on, any command
	  preceded by a colon will be traced but not executed.
06-08-16 +As a new feature, a leading ~(N) on a pattern has no effect 
	  except when used for file expansion.  In this case if not
	  matches are found, the pattern is replaced by nothing rather
	  than itself.
06-08-11  A bug in the expansion of ${.sh.match[i]:${#.shmatch[i]}} has
	  been fixed.
06-08-10 +The read builtin options -n and -N have been modified to treat
          the size as characters rather than bytes unless storing into a
	  binary (typeset -B) variable.
06-07-27 +When the here document operator << is followed directly by a #
	  rather than a -, the first line of the here-document determines
	  how much whitespace is removed for each line.
06-07-26  A bug in the C-shell history (enabled with set -H) in which the
	  history event !$ was not processed has been fixed.
06-07-21  A bug on some systems in which assigning PATH on a command line
	  would not take effect has been fixed.
06-07-20  Add ksh93 and rksh93 as allowable names for ksh binaries.
06-07-20  Removed the SHOPT_OO compilation option which was only partially
06-07-20  The ability to use egrep, grep, and fgrep expressions within
	  shell patterns has been documented.
06-07-17  A bug with arithmetic command expressions for locales in which
	  the comma is a thousands separator has been fixed. 
06-07-13 +The default HISTSIZE was increased from 128 to 512.
06-07-13  A multibyte problem with locales that use shift codes has been fixed.
06-06-23  A number of bug fixes for command, file, and variable completion
	  have been mode.
06-06-20 +Floating point division by zero now yields the constant Inf or -Inf
	  and floating functions with invalid arguments yield NaN. 
06-06-20 +The floating point constants Inf and NaN can be used in arithmetic
06-06-20 +The functions isinf(), isnan(), tanhl() have been added for
	  arithmetic expressions.
06-06-13  Internal change to use ordering for variables instead of hashing
	  to speed up prefix matching.
06-06-13  A window between fork/exec in which a signal could get lost
	  and cause a program to hang has been eliminated
06-06-13  A bug in edit completion with quoted strings has been fixed.
06-06-07  The restricted options can now be enabled by set as well as on
	  the command line.  Once set, it can not be disabled.
06-06-04  Modified built-in binding so that for systems for which /bin
          and /usr/bin are the same, a builtin bound to /bin will get
	  selected when either /bin or /usr/bin is scanned.
06-06-04 +Added literal-next character processing for emacs/gmacs mode. 
	  This change is not compatible with earlier versions of ksh93
          and ksh88 when the stty lnext is control-v.  The sequence
	  escape-control-v will display the shell version.
06-05-31 +Modified emacs and vi mode so that entering a TAB after a partial
	  TAB completion, generates a listing of possible completions.
	  After the second TAB, a number followed by a TAB will perform
	  the completion with the corresponding item.
06-05-19 +Modified arithmetic so that conversions to strings default to
	  the maximum number of precision digits.
06-05-16  Bug fixes for multibyte locales. 
06-05-10  The =~ operator was added to [[...]] and  [[ string ~= ERE ]]
	  is equivalent to [[ string == ~(E)ERE ]].
06-04-25  A bug in the vi edit mode which could cause the shell to core dump
	  when switching from emacs mode.
06-04-17  A bug in which using LANG or LC_ in assignment lists with builtins
	  did not restore the localed correctly has been fixed.
06-04-04  A bug in which discipline functions could not be added to variables
	  whose names started with .sh has been fixed.
06-03-28 +The -s option to typeset was added to modify -i to indicate short
06-03-28  A bug in which variables assignment lists before functions
	  defined with function name were not passed on the functions
	  invoked by this function has been fixed. 
06-03-28  A bug in which name references defined within a function defined
	  with function  name could not be used with compound variables has
	  been fixed.
06-03-27  A bug in which read <&p (print >&p) would cause the coprocess input
	  (output) pipe to close before reading from (after writing to)
          it has been fixed.
06-02-28  A bug in which stopping a job created with the hist builtin command
	  would create a job that could not be restarted has been fixed.  

06-01-24  --- Release ksh93r  ---
06-01-24  A bug in which running commands with standard output closed would
	  not work as expected has been fixed.
06-01-23  A bug in which print -u<n> could fail when file descriptor <n> was
	  open for writing has been fixed.
06-01-19  The ?: arithmetic operator fixed to work when the operation after
	  the colon was an assignment.
05-12-24  A bug which could lead to a core dump when elements of a compound
	  variable were array elements, i.e. foo=(bar=(1 2)), has been fixed.
05-12-13  An arithmetic bug in which x+=y+=z was not working has been fixed. 
05-12-13  An arithmetic bug in which x||y was returning x when x was non-zero
	  rather than 1 has been fixed.
05-12-07 +The aliases for integer and float have been changed to use attributes
	  -li and -lE to handle long long and long double types.
05-12-07 +The histexpand (-H) option has been added which allows C-shell
	  style history expansions using the history character !.
05-12-07 +The multiline option was added which changes that way the edit
	  modes handle lines longer than the window width.  Instead of
	  horizontal scrolling, multiple lines on the screen are used.
05-12-05  The whence builtin now returns an absolute pathname when the
          command is found in the current directory.
05-11-29  A bug which caused ksh -c '[[ ! ((' to core dump rather than
	  report a syntax error has been fixed.
05-11-29  A bug when reading fixed length records into typeset -b variables
	  which caused a zero byte to terminate the value has been fixed.
05-11-22 +The ability to seek to an offset within a file has been added
	  with the new I/O redirection operators, <#  and >#.  Currently,
	  these redirection operators must be followed by ((expr))
	  but in a future release, it should be able to used to seek forward
	  to the specified shell pattern.  In addition $(n<#) expands to the
	  current byte offset for file descriptor n.
05-11-22 +The .sh.match array variable is now set after each [[ ... ]]
	  pattern match.  Previously it was only set for substring matches.
05-10-17  A bug in which the library path variable could be prefixed
          with a directory when a .path file was not encountered in
	  the directory of the executable has been fixed.
05-09-15  A for/while loop optimizer bug in which $OPTIND was not
	  correctly expanded has been fixed.
05-09-05  A bug in which a history command that invoked a history
	  command could go into an infinite loop has been fixed.
05-08-31 +In the case that IFS contains to adjacent new-lines so that
	  new-line is not treated as a space delimiter, only a single
	  new-line is deleted at the end of a command substitution.
05-08-19 +When a tilde substitution expands to the / directory and is
	  followed by a /, it is replaced by the empty string.
05-08-16  A bug in which n<&m did not synchronize m has been fixed.
05-08-16  A bug in which process substitution  ( <() and >() ) was not
	  working within for and while loops has been fixed.
05-07-24  A bug in which the pattern ~(E)(foo|bar) was treated as a syntax
	  error has been fixed.
05-07-24  A bug in completion with <n>=, where n was the one of the
	  previous selection choices has been fixed.
05-07-21  A bug with multibyte input when no edit mode was specified which
	  caused the input line to shift left/right has been fixed.
05-06-24  A race condition which could cause the exit status to get lost
	  on some fast systems has been fixed.
05-06-21  A bug in which nested patterns of the form {m,n}(pat) would cause
	  syntax errors has been fixed.
05-06-21  A bug in the macro expander has been fixed which could cause a
          syntax error for an expansion of the form ${x-$(...)} when
	  x is set and the command substitution contained certain strings.
05-06-08 +On systems for which echo does not do System V style  expansions,
	  the -e option was added to enable these expansion.
05-06-08  A bug in which ${var op pattern} to not work when inside an
	  arithmetic expression has been fixed.
05-05-23 +An extension to shell patterns that allows matching of nested
	  groups while skipping over quoted strings has been added.
05-05-18  A bug in which the line number for errors was not correct for
          functions loaded from FPATH has been fixed.
05-04-18  A bug in which the exit status $? is not set when a trap triggered
	  by the [[...]] command is executed has been fixed.
05-04-08 +Redirection operators can be directly preceded with {varname}
	  with no intervening space, where varname is a variable name which
	  allows the shell to select a file descriptor > 10 and store it
	  into varname.
05-04-08 +SHOPT_CMDLIB_BLTIN=1 now includes <cmdlist.h> generated table.
05-04-07 +[[ -o ?option ]] is true if "option" is a supported option.
05-04-05  A bug in handling file completion with spaces in the names
          has been fixed.
05-03-25 +The SIGWINCH signal is caught by default to keeps the LINES and
	  COLUMNS variables in sync with the actual window size.
05-03-25 +Building ksh with SHOPT_REMOTE=1 causes ksh to set --rc if stdin is
	  a socket (presumably part of a remote shell invocation.)
05-03-25 +Building ksh with SHOPT_SYSRC=1 causes interactive ksh to source
	  /etc/ksh.kshrc (if it exists) before sourcing the $ENV file.
05-03-25 +{first..last[..incr][%fmt]} sequences added to brace expansions
	  when braceexpand is enabled.
05-03-03  A bug where a SIGCHLD interrupt could cause a fifo open to fail has
	  been fixed.
05-02-25  A bug in which a builtin command run in the background could
	  keep a file descriptor open which could cause a foreground
	  process to hang has been fixed.
05-02-24  A bug where builtin library commands (e.g., date and TZ) failed to
	  detect environment variable changes has been fixed.
05-02-22 +The read builtin and word splitting are now consistent with respect
	  to IFS -- both treat IFS as field delimiters.
05-02-22 +The read builtin no longer strips off trailing delimiters that
	  are not space characters when there are fewer variables than fields.
05-02-17  A builtin bug on systems where dlsym(libcmd) returns link-time
	  bindings has been fixed.
05-02-12  A bug in which the lib_init() function for .paths BUILTIN_LIB
	  libraries was not called has been fixed.
05-02-06  A bug on some systems in which moving the write end of a co-process
	  to a numbered file descriptor could cause it to close has been fixed. 
05-02-06  A bug in the vi-edit mode in which the character under the cursor
	  was not deleted in some cases with the d% directive has been fixed.
05-02-06  A bug where external builtin stdout/stderr redirection corrupted
          stdout has been fixed.
05-02-04  A bug where times formatting assumed CLK_TCK==60 has been fixed.

05-01-11  --- Release ksh93q  ---
05-01-11  A bug in the integral divide by zero check has been fixed.
05-01-11 +The -l option has been added to read /etc/profile and
	  $HOME/.profile, if they exist, before the first command.
05-01-11  An argument parsing bug that caused `kill -s x -- n' to fail has
	  been fixed.
05-01-11 +The .paths file, introduced in ksh93m, which can appear in
	  any directory in PATH, now allows a line of the form 'BUILTIN_LIB=.'
	  When a command is searched for this directory, and the full path
	  matches the path of the built-in version of the command (listed
	  by the 'builtin' command) then the built-in version of the command
	  is used.  When ksh is built with SHOPT_CMDLIB_DIR=1 then all libcmd
	  functions become builtins with the '/opt/ast/bin/' directory prefix.
05-01-10  A bug in which a nameref to a compound name caused a core dump has
	  been fixed.
05-01-09  A bug in which some SIGCHLD interrupts (from child processes exiting)
	  caused a fatal print/echo error diagnostic has been fixed.
04-12-24  A bug in which some SIGCHLD interrupts (from child processes exiting)
          corrupted the internal process/job list, sometimes causing the shell
	  to hang, has been fixed.
04-12-01  A bug in which typeset -Fn truncated less than n digits for large
	  numbers has been fixed.
04-11-25  A bug in which standard error could be closed after a redirection
	  to /dev/stderr has been fixed.
04-11-17  A bug in which an expansion of the form ${array[@]:3} could expand
          to ${array[0]} when ${array[3]} was not set has been fixed.
04-10-22 +The -E or -orc command line option reads ${ENV-$HOME/.kshrc} file.
04-10-22 +`-o foo' equivalent to `+o nofoo', `-o nobar' equivalent to `+o bar'.
          `--foo' equivalent to `-o foo', `--nofoo' equivalent to `+o foo'
04-10-05 +The .paths file, introduced in ksh93m, which can appear in
	  any directory in PATH, now allows a line of the form
	  'BUILTIN_LIB=libname'.  When a command is searched for this directory,
	  the shared library named by libname will first be searched for a
	  built-in version of the command.
04-09-03  <<< here documents now handle quotes in the word token correctly. 
04-08-08 +The maximum size for read -n and and read -N was increased from
	  4095 to 32M.
04-08-04 +printf %q was modified so that if an no operand was supplied, no
	  no output would be generated rather than a quoted empty string.
04-08-01 +The -n and -N options of the read builtin has been modified
	  when reading variables with the binary attribute so that the
	  data is stored directly rather than through assignment.
04-08-01 +The shcomp command has been modified to process alias commands
	  under some conditions.
04-07-31 +The .sh.match variable added in ksh93l, now works like other
	  indexed arrays.
04-07-08  A loop optimizer bug which occurs when typeset is used in
	  a for or while loop inside a function has been fixed.
04-06-24 +The number of subexpressions in a pattern was increased to 64
	  from the current number of 20.
04-06-17 +The -t option to read was modified to allow seconds to be
	  specified as any arithmetic expression rather than just
	  an integral number of seconds, for example even -t 'sin(.5)'
	  is now valid.
04-06-16  Two small memory leak problems were fixed.
04-06-15  A bug in ${var/pattern/"string"} which occurred when string
	  contained pattern matching characters has been fixed.
04-05-08  printf $'%d produced an erroneous error message and has
	  been fixed.
04-05-24  A bug in which an associative array without any elements could
	  cause a core dump when a script with an associative array with
	  the same name was declared in a script invoked by name has
	  been fixed.
04-05-11  A bug in which an exec statement could close the script that
	  is being processed in a script that is run by name causing
	  a failure has been fixed.
04-04-28 +If the first character of assignment to an integer variable was 0,
          the variable had been treated as unsigned.  This behavior was
          undocumented and has been removed.
04-04-05  A bug in which the positioning of standard input could be incorrect
	  after reading from standard input from a subshell has been fixed.
04-03-30  A bug in the for loop optimizer which in rare cases could cause
	  memory corruption has been fixed.
04-03-29 +The preset alias source='command .' has been added.
04-03-29  A bug introduced in ksh93p on some systems in which invoked by
	  name with #! on the first line would not get the signals handling
	  initialized correctly has been fixed. 
04-03-29  A bug introduced in ksh93p in which a HUP signal received by
	  a shell that is a session group leader was not passed down to
	  its children has been fixed.

04-02-28  --- Release ksh93p  ---
04-02-28 +The ability to apply an append discipline to any variable has
	  been added.
04-02-14  A bug in which the exportall option (set -a) would cause incorrect
	  results for arrays has been fixed.
04-02-02  A bug in which an exported array would pass more than
	  the first element to a script invoked by name has been fixed.
04-02-02  A bug on some systems in which name=value pairs preceding a script
	  invoked by name was not getting passed to the script has been fixed.
04-01-20  A bug in which an unset discipline function could cause a core
	  dump on some systems has been fixed.
04-01-12  A bug in which a continue or break called outside a loop from
	  inside a function defined with name() syntax could affect 
	  the invoking function has been fixed.
04-01-08  If a command name begins with ~, only filename completion will be
	  attempted rather than pathname completion using the builtin editors. 
04-01-08  A bug in the vi edit mode in which the wrong repeat count on
	  multiple word replacements with the . directive has been fixed.
04-01-06  Backspace characters are now handled correctly in prompt strings.
04-01-06 +The getopts builtin has been modified to accept numerical
	  arguments of size long long on systems that support this.
04-01-06  A bug in which unsetting all elements of an associative array
	  would cause it to be treated as an indexed array has been fixed.
03-12-15  A bug in which a quoted string ending with an unescaped $ would
	  delete the ending $ in certain cases has been fixed.
03-12-05  A bug in which the shell could hang when set -x tracing a command
	  when an invalid multibyte character is encountered has been fixed. 
03-12-05  On some systems, if the KEYBD trap is set, then commands that use
	  the meta key were not processed until return was hit.  This
	  has been fixed.
03-12-05  A problem which occurred when the login shell was not a group
	  leader that could cause it to fail has been fixed.
03-12-05  A problem in which a shell could core dump after receiving a signal
	  that should cause it to terminate while it was in the process
	  of acquiring more space has been fixed.
03-12-05 +If ENV is not specified, the shell will default to $HOME/.kshrc
	  for interactive shells.
03-11-21  A bug introduced in ksh93o in which the DEBUG trap could get
	  disabled after it triggered has been fixed. 
03-11-04  A bug in which using arithmetic prefix operators ++ or -- on a
	  non-lvalue could cause a core dump has been fixed.
03-11-04  A bug in which leading zeros were stripped from variable
	  expansions within arithmetic computation to avoid being treated
	  as octal constants when they should not have, has been fixed.
03-10-08  A bug introduced in ksh93o in which a large here document inside
	  a function definition could get corrupted has been fixed.
03-09-22  A bug in which the .get discipline function was not being
	  called when a string variable was implicitly referenced from
	  within a numerical expression has been fixed.
03-09-22  A bug in which a script without a leading #! could get executed
	  by /bin/sh rather than the current shell on some systems has
	  been fixed.
03-09-12 +To improve conformance with ksh88, leading zeros will be ignored
	  when getting the numerical value of a string variable so that
	  they will not be treated as octal constants.
03-09-03 +The builtin kill command now processes obsolete invocations
	  such as kill -1 -pid.
03-09-02  The restriction on modifying FPATH in a restricted shell (sh -r)
	  has been documented.
03-09-02 +The restricted shell (sh -r) has been modified to disallow
	  executing command -p.
03-08-07  A bug in which the KEYBD trap was not being invoked when
	  characters with the 8th bit set has been fixed.
03-08-02  A parser bug introduced in ksh93o which caused the character
	  after () in a Posix function definition to be skipped 
	  when reading from standard input has been fixed.
03-08-01  A bug in which "${foo#pattern}(x)" treated (x) as if it were
	  part of the pattern has been fixed.
03-08-01 +The command -x option has been modified so that any trailing
	  arguments that do expand to a single word will be included
	  on each invocation, so that commands like command -x mv * dir
	  work as expected.

03-07-20  --- Release ksh93o+  ---
03-07-20  A bug in which could cause memory corruption when a posix
	  function invoked another one has been fixed.
03-07-15  A bug in which a file descriptor>2 could be closed before
	  executing a script has been fixed.
03-07-15  A parsing error for <() and >() process substitutions inside
	  command substitution has been fixed.
03-07-15  A parsing error for patterns of the form {...}(...) when
	  used inside ${...} has been fixed.
03-07-15  An error in which expanding an indexed array inside a compound
	  variable could cause a core dump has been fixed.
03-07-15  A bug in which on rare occasions a job completion interrupt
	  could cause to core dump has been fixed.
03-06-26  A bug in which process substitution embedded within command
	  substitution would generate a syntax error has been fixed.
03-96-23  A bug in which ${@:offset:len} could core dump when there
	  were no arguments has been fixed.
03-96-23  A bug in which ${X[@]:offset:len} could core dump when X
	  was unset has been fixed.
03-06-22 +The -x option was added to the command builtin.  If this
	  option is on, and the number of arguments would exceed ARG_MAX,
	  the command will be invoked multiple times with a subset of
	  the arguments.  For example, with alias grep='command -x grep,
	  any number of arguments can be specified.
03-06-14  A bug in which could cause a core dump on some systems with
	  vi and emacs editors with the MULTIBYTE option has been fixed.
03-06-06  A bug in which the shell could core dump when a script was
	  run from its directory, and the script name a symlink to a file
	  beginning with .., has been fixed.
03-06-05  A bug in which the shell could core dump when a child process
	  that it is unaware of terminates while it is calling malloc()
	  has been fixed.
03-06-02 +An option named globstar (set -G) has been added.  When enabled,
	  during pathname expansion, any component that consists only of ** is
	  matches all files and any number of directory levels.
03-05-30  A bug in which the PATH search could give incorrect results when
	  run from directory foo and PATH contained .:foo:xxx has been fixed.
03-05-29 +Some changes were made to the code that displays the prompt in edit 
	  mode to better handle escape sequences in the prompt.
03-05-27  I added = to the list of characters that mark the beginning of
	  a word for edit completion so that filenames in assignments
	  can be completed.
03-05-20  A bug in which read -N could hang on some systems when reading
	  from a terminal or a pipe has been fixed.
03-05-19  A bug in which the output of uname from a command substitution
	  would go to the standard output of the invoking command when
	  uname was invoked with a non-standard option has been fixed.
03-05-19  A job control bug which would cause the shell to exit because 
	  it hadn't take back the terminal has been fixed.  The bug
	  could occur when running a function that contained a pipeline
	  whose last element was a function.
03-05-19  A job control timing bug introduced in ksh93o on some systems
	  which could cause a pipeline to hang if the first component
	  completed quickly has been fixed.
03-05-13 +The read builtin has been modified so that the builtin editors
	  will not overwrite output from a previous incomplete line. 
03-05-13  A bug in which the name of an identifier could have the string
	  .sh. prefixed to it after expanding a variable whose name begins
	  with .sh. has been fixed.
03-05-13  A bug in the expansion of $var for compound variables in which
	  some elements would not be output when the name was a prefix
	  of another name in the compound variable has been fixed.
03-05-08  The last item in the ksh93o release on 03-01-02 has been
	  altered slightly to preserve the leading 0's when the
	  preceding character is a digit.  Thus, with typeset -LZ3 x=10,
	  $(( 1$x)) will be 1010 whereas $(( $x) will be 10.
03-04-25  A bug in which if x is a name reference, then nameref
	  did not follow x has been fixed.

03-03-18  --- Release ksh93o  ---
03-03-18 +A -N unary operator was added to test and [[...]] which returns
	  true if the file exists and the file has been modified since it
	  was last read.
03-03-18 +The TIMEFORMAT variable was added to control the format for
	  the time compound command.  The formatting description is
	  described in the man page.
03-03-06 +A -N n option was added to read which causes exactly n bytes
	  to be read unlike -n n which causes at most n bytes to be read.
03-03-03 +Three new shell variables were added.  The variable .sh.file
	  stores the full pathname of the file that the current command
	  was found in.  The variable names the current function
	  that is running.  The variable .sh.subshell contains the depth
	  of the current subshell or command substitution.
03-03-03 +When the DEBUG trap is executed, the current command line after
	  expansions is placed in the variable .sh.command.  The trap
	  is also now triggered before each iteration of a for, select,
	  and case command and before each assignment and redirection.
03-02-28 +Function definitions are no longer stored in the history file so
	  that set -o nolog no longer has any meaning.
03-02-28 +All function definitions can be displayed with typeset -f not
	  just those stored in the history file.  In addition, typeset +f
	  displays the function name followed by a comment containing the
	  line number and the path name for the file that defined this function.
03-02-28  A bug in which the value of $LINENO was not correct when executing
	  command contained inside mult-line command substitutions has been
03-02-19 +Since some existing ksh88 scripts use the undocumented and
	  unintended ability to insert a : in front of the % and # parameter
	  expansion operators, ksh93 was modified to accept :% as equivalent
	  to % and :# as equivalent to # with ${name op word}.
03-02-14  A bug which could cause a core dump when reading from standard
	  error when standard error was a pty has been fixed.
03-02-14 +The shell arithmetic was modified to use long double on systems
	  that provide this data type.
03-02-09  A bug in which a function located in the first directory in FPATH
	  would not be found when the last component of PATH was . and the
	  current directory was one of the directories in PATH has been fixed.
03-02-07 +The trap and kill builtin commands now accept a leading SIG prefix
	  on the signal names as documented.
03-02-05  A bug in the expansion of ${var/$pattern}, when pattern contained
	  \[ has been fixed.
03-02-05  A bug in which .sh.match[n], n>0, was not being set for substring
	  matches with % and %% has been fixed.
03-01-15  A bug in which getopts did not work for numerical arguments specified
	  as n#var in the getopts string has been fixed.
03-01-09  A bug in which using ${.sh.match} multiple times could lead to
	  a memory exception has been fixed.
03-01-06  A bug in the expansion of ${var/pattern/$string} in the case that
	  $string contains \digit has been fixed. 
03-01-02 +A -P option was added for systems such as Solaris 8 that support
	  profile shell.
03-01-02  For backward compatibility with ksh88, arithmetic expansion
	  with ((...)) and let has been modified so that if x is a zero-filled
	  variable, $x will not be treated as an octal constant.

02-12-05  --- Release ksh93n+  ---
02-11-30  A bug that can show up in evaluating arithmetic statements that
	  are in an autoloaded function when the function is autoload from
	  another function has been fixed.
02-11-30  An optimization bug in which an expansion of the form ${!name.@},
	  which occurred inside a for or a while loop, when name is a name
	  reference, has been fixed.
02-11-18  A bug in which modifying array variables in a subshell could leave
	  side effects in the parent shell environment has been fixed.
02-11-18  A memory leak when unsetting an associative array has been fixed.
02-11-14 +The code to display compound objects was rewritten to make
	  it easier for runtime extensions to reuse this code.
02-11-14 +A change was made to allow runtime builtins to be notified when
	  a signal is received so that cleanup can be performed.
02-10-31 +User applications can now trap the ALRM signal.  Previously,
	  the ALRM signal was used internally and could not be used
	  by applications. 
02-10-31  A bug in which signals received while reading from a coprocess
	  for which traps were set was not handled correctly has been fixed.
02-10-31  A bug in which a file opened with exec inside a subshell could
	  be closed before the subshell completed has been fixed.
02-10-21  A bug in which setting PATH or FPATH inside a function might not
	  take effect has been fixed.
02-10-21  A bug which could cause a core dump when a local SECONDS variable
	  is defined in a function has been fixed.
02-10-15  A bug in which the associate array name operator ${!array[@]}
	  could return the same name multiple times has been fixed.
02-10-15  A bug in which the zero'th element of an associative array was
	  not getting set when an assignment was made without a subscript
	  specified has been fixed.

02-09-30  --- Release ksh93n  ---
02-09-30 +The maximum indexed array size was increased to 16Megs.
02-09-30  A bug which could cause a core dump when changing attributes
	  of associative array has been fixed.
02-09-30  A bug in which exporting an array variable would not export the
	  0-th element has been fixed.
02-09-30  A bug in which an array assignment of the form a=($a ...) would unset
	  'a' before the right hand side was evaluated has been fixed.
02-09-27  A bug in which the error message for ${var?message} when var was
	  null or unset did not contain the variable name var has been fixed.
02-09-27  A bug in which closing file descriptors 0 through 2 could
	  cause a subsequent here document to fail has been fixed. 
02-09-14  A bug in whence which occurs when the specified name contained
	  a / has been fixed.
02-09-14  A bug in the parser for strings of the form name$((expr))=value
	  has been fixed.
02-09-14  A for loop optimization bug in which the number of elements in
	  an array was treated as an invariant has been fixed.
02-09-09  A bug in which redirection or closing of a file descriptor between
	  3 and 9 could cause a subsequent here document to fail has been
02-09-09  A bug in which a background job was not removed from the job list
	  when a subshell completed has been fixed, for example (prog&). 
02-09-03  A bug in which an assignment of the form name=(integer x=3)
	  could be interpreted as an array assignment rather than a
	  compound variable assignment has been fixed.
02-08-19  A command completion bug which occurred on file systems that
	  are case insensitive has been fixed.
02-08-19  A bug which could lead to an exception on some systems (for
	  example FREEBSD) which occurred when setting PATH has been fixed.
02-08-11  A bug in arithmetic rounding in which a value input as a decimal
	  string would output as a rounded version of the string has
	  been fixed.
02-08-11  A bug in which the last character could be deleted from shell
	  traces and from whence when called from a multibyte locale
	  has been fixed.
02-08-01  A bug which could cause a core dump to occur when a shell script
	  is executed while a coprocess is running that has closed the
	  output pipe has been fixed.
02-08-01  A bug in which command completion in multibyte mode could
	  corrupt memory for long command lines has been fixed.

02-06-17  --- Release ksh93n-  ---
02-06-17  A bug in which user defined macros could cause a core dump in
	  with MULTIBYTE mode has been fixed.
02-06-17  A bug in which printf format specifiers of the form %2$s were causing
	  a core dump has been fixed.
02-06-17  A bug in which setting stty to noecho mode did not prevent the
	  echoing of characters by ksh when emacs or viraw mode
	  was enabled has been fixed.
02-06-17  A bug in which background job completion could cause the sleep
	  builtin to terminate prematurely has been fixed.
02-06-17  A bug in which the shell could core dump if getopts was called
	  when the OPTIND variable contained a negative value has been fixed. 
02-06-10 +The edit mode prompt has been modified to handle escape sequences.  
02-06-10  A bug which occurred for interactive shells in which the builtin
	  cat command was used in command substitution on a file whose
	  size was larger than PIPE_BUF has been fixed.
02-06-10  A bug in which the trap on ERR was not being processed when
	  set inside a function has been fixed.
02-06-07  A bug in which function definitions could cause the history count
	  to be decremented by one (and even become negative) has been fixed.
02-06-05  A bug in read in which share mode could be enabled has been fixed.
02-05-28  A bug which could occur when the last command of a script was
	  a case statement and the action selected ended in ;& instead of ;;
	  has been fixed.
02-05-23  A bug with unary + introduced in ksh93k has been fixed.
02-05-07  A bug in substitutions of the form ${var/pattern/string} in which
	  a backslash was inserted in the replacement string when it contained
	  a special pattern character has been fixed.
02-05-01  A bug in the emacs edit mode which occurred in versions compiled
	  for multibyte character sets which occurred when a repeated search
	  was requested after a long line had been returned for the previous
	  search has been fixed.
02-04-02 +vi and emacs edit modes were modified so that tab completion is
	  disabled when invoked from the read built-in.

02-03-26  --- Release ksh93m+  ---
02-03-26  A bug in which  was not handled correctly when used in file
	  expansion has been fixed.
02-02-18  A bug in which lines beginning with a # were deleted from here
	  documents when the here-document delimiter was followed by
	  a comment has been fixed.
02-12-06  An optimization bug in which ${!x[@]) was treated as invariant in
	  a for loop has been fixed.
02-02-06  A bug in which the ERR trap is not cleared for a script invoked
	  by name from within a function has been fixed.
02-01-08  A bug in which a shell script executed from within a subshell
	  could cause this script to have an invalid pointer leading
	  to a memory fault has been fixed. 
02-01-07 +Added here documents of the form <<< word (as per zsh) which
	  is equivalent to << delimordelim.
02-01-07  A bug in which the first word of a compound assignment,
	  x=(word ...), was treated as a reserved word has been fixed.
02-01-07  A bug in the handling of  when noglob was enabled and a
	  substitution of the form ${word op pattern} occurred in the
	  same word has been fixed.
02-01-07 +A compilation option, CMDLIB_BLTIN in the file OPTION, has
	  been added.  When this options is set, all commands implemented
	  in libcmd become shell builtin commands by default.
02-01-07  A bug in which builtin foo, where foo is already a builtin
	  would result in the builtin foo getting removed has been fixed. 
02-01-07  A bug which the shell executed a command found in the current
	  directory when PATH have no valid directories has been fixed.
01-11-28  The value of $? was not being set when called with exit.
01-11-28  If the last command was of the form (...) and a trap on EXIT or
	  ERR was set, and the command inside () modified the trap, then
	  the original trap wasn't executed.
01-11-26 +The value for 0 is now preceded by the base number when
	  the base was not 10.
01-11-26 +The default has compilation mode has been changes so that
	  viraw mode will always be on.

01-10-31  --- Release ksh93m  ---
01-10-31  A for loop optimizer bug for subshells contained withing for
	  loops has been fixed.
01-10-16  typeset without arguments no longer outputs variable names
	  that do not have any attributes that are set.
01-10-16  A bug introduced in ksh93l in which assignments specified with
	  the exec built-in were not being expanded properly has been
01-10-11  An optimization bug in which ${!x) was treated as invariant in
	  a for loop has been fixed.
01-10-11  Unsigned integer variables in bases other than 10 are printed now
	  expand in that base with the base prefix.
01-10-10  A number of typos in the self generating man pages for shell
	  built-ins have been fixed.
01-10-04  The self generated man pages for hist and fc were not working
	  correctly and have been fixed.
01-10-03  Yet another optimizer bug in which shell patterns were
	  treated as invariants has been fixed.
01-09-27  Two bugs relating to multibyte history searches and to find
	  have been fixed.
01-09-27  A bug introduced in ksh93k in which the PATH searching was
	  not restored after running a command with an assignment list 
	  has been fixed.
01-09-26  A bug in which a zero filled field was treated as octal when
	  converted to integer has been fixed.
01-09-26  Yet another bug in the optimization of for loops related to
	  recursive functions with break or continue statements has been fixed.
01-09-25 +The exponentiation operator ** was added to the shell arithmetic
	  evaluation.  It has higher precedence than * and is left
01-09-25  The code was modified to use the ast multibyte macros
	  and functions for handing multibyte locales.
01-09-25 +The expansion ${parameter:offset:length} now handles negative
	  offsets which cause offsets to be measured from the end.
01-09-25  Some spelling errors in the documentation were corrected.
01-09-24 +The /dev/tcp/host/port and /dev/udp/host/port now allow
	  the ports to be specified by service name. 
01-09-24 +The change staring with ksh93g in which the the appropriate
	  library path variable is prepended with a corresponding library
	  directory has been modified.  With the new method, only the
	  library path defined in the file named .paths in the directory
	  where the executable is found will be modified.  See the
	  man page for more details.
01-09-23 +The .fpath file (see ksh93h) is no longer looked for in each
	  directory on the path to locate function directories.  The
	  file named .paths is used instead.
01-09-23  A bug in which IFS was not being restored after being changed in
	  a subshell has been fixed.
01-09-16 +With the vi and emacs edit modes, after a list of command
	  or functions is generated with = or M-= respectively,
	  any element from the list can be pasted on the command line
	  by preceding the = or M-= with a numeric parameter specifying
	  the position on the list.
01-09-16  A bug in ksh93l caused command completion not to find aliases
	  and functions.  Command listing from the edit mode was presented
	  in reverse order.  This has been fixed.
01-09-13  Another bug in the optimization of for loops related to subshells
	  when traps were set has been fixed.
01-09-07  A change in ksh93l caused brace expansion to stop working
	  and this has been fixed.
01-09-04  A bug introduced in ksh93k in which an arithmetic statement
	  within a function that used name references did not follow the
	  reference has been fixed.
01-09-04  A bug introduced in ksh93l in which export -p did not prefix
	  each export with the word export has been fixed.
01-08-29  A bug in multibyte input which occurred when a partial multibyte
	  character was received has been fixed.
01-08-29  A bug introduced in ksh93l which could cause a core dump
	  when an assignment list containing PATH is specified inside
	  command substitution has been fixed.
01-08-09  Another bug in the optimization of for loops in ksh93l caused
	  errors in recursive functions using local variables that
	  contained for loops has been fixed.
01-07-27  A bug in which IFS would be unset after a command substitution
	  inside a here document has been fixed.
01-07-26  To conform to the POSIX standard, if you invoked ksh name,
	  and name does not contain a /,  it will first try to run
	  one in the current directory whether it is executable or not
	  before doing a path search for an executable script.  Earlier
	  versions first checked for an executable script using the
	  PATH variable.
01-07-23  A bug in which unset -f invoked in a subshell could unset a
	  function defined in the parent has been fixed.
01-07-16  A bug in the optimization of for loops in ksh93l caused
	  name references to be treated as invariants has been fixed.
01-07-09  A bug in which a discipline function applied to a local variable
	  could cause a shell exception has been fixed.  Discipline
	  functions can only be specified for global variables. 

01-06-18  --- Release ksh93l  ---
01-06-18  A bug in assigning integers larger than can be represented as
	  long integers to floating point variables has been fixed.
01-06-18  A bug in the handling of unsigned integers (typeset -ui) has
	  been fixed.
01-06-04  The evaluation of the PS1 prompt no longer effects the value
	  of the $? variable.
01-06-01  A small memory leak from subshells has been fixed.
01-05-22  A bug in which attributes for variables that did not have
	  values would be lost after a subshell has been fixed.
01-05-22 +The %R format has been added to convert a shell pattern into
	  an extended regular expression.
01-05-22 +The escape sequences \, X, \C[.collating-element.], and
	  \x{hex} have been added to ASCII-C strings and to printf format
01-05-20 +Patterns of the form {n}(pattern) and {m,n}(pattern) are now
	  recognized.  The first form matches exactly n of pattern whereas,
	  the second form matches from m to n instances of pattern.
01-05-20 +The shell allows *-(pattern), +-(pattern),  ?-(pattern),
	  {m,n}-(pattern}, and @-(pattern) to cause the minimal
	  match of pattern to be selected whenever possible rather
	  than the maximal (greedy) match. 
01-05-20 +The character class [:word:] has been added to patterns.
	  The word class is the union of [:alnum:] and the character _.
01-05-20 +Inside (...) pattern groups, the  character is now treated
	  specially even when in an enclosing character class.  The
	  sequences, \w, \d, \s are equivalent to the character classes
	  word, digit, and space respectively.  The sequences \W, \D,
	  and \S are their complement sets. 
01-05-20 +The shell now recognizes pattern groups of the form
	  ~(options:pattern) where options or :pattern can be omitted.
	  Options use the letters + and - to enable and disable options
	  respectively.  The option letters g (greedy), i (ignore case)
	  are used to cause maximal matching and to cause case
	  insensitive matching respectively.  If :pattern is also
	  specified, these options are only in effect while this
	  pattern is being processed.  Otherwise, these options remain
	  in effect until the end of the pattern group that they are contained
	  in or until another ~(...) is encountered.  These pattern groups
	  are not counted with respect to group numbering.
01-05-14  When edit completion, expansion, or listing occurs in the
	  middle of a quoted string, the leading quote is ignored when
	  performing the completion, expansion, or listing.
01-05-14  A small memory leak from subshells has been fixed.
01-05-10  A bug in which open files were not restored after a subshell
	  that had used exec to replace a file has been fixed. 
01-05-10 +Redirection to a null file name now generates an error message. 
01-05-09  The shell now rejects some invalid parameter substitutions that
	  were previously processed in undefined ways.
01-05-09  A bug in which the output of select was not flushed before the
	  read when input did not come from the terminal has been fixed. 
01-05-08  A bug in which job ids would not be freed for interactive shells
	  when subshells ran built-ins in the background has been fixed.
01-05-08 +The FPATH variable now requires an explicit . to cause the
	  current directory to be treated as a function directory. 
01-05-08  A bug in read -n when echo mode was disabled has been fixed.
01-05-07  A bug in which function definitions could be listed as part
	  of the history has been fixed.
01-04-30 +This release uses a new and often much faster pattern matcher than
	  earlier releases.
01-04-30 +An optimizer now eliminates invariant parameter expansions from
	  for while and until loops.
01-04-30 +The variable .sh.match is set after each pattern match (# % or /)
	  in a variable substitution.  The variable .sh.match is an
	  indexed array with element 0 being the complete match. 
	  The array is only valid until the next subsequent pattern
	  match or until the value of the variable changes which ever
	  comes first.
01-04-30 +A self generating man page has been added to shcomp.  Also,
	  shcomp now stops compiling when it finds an exit or exec
	  command and copies the remainder so that it can be used
	  for standard input.
01-04-30 +The shcomp command was modified so that it can work in an
	  EBCIDIC environment and that binary scripts are portable
	  across environments.
01-04-30  A bug in the handling of a trailing : in PATH has been fixed.
01-04-30  A bug in which the builtin version of a command would get invoked
	  even though the full pathname for the command was specified
	  has been fixed.
01-04-30  A bug in which read would loose the last character when
	  reading the last line of a file that did not contain a new-line
	  character has been fixed.
01-04-23  A bug on some systems in which in vi mode the end of file
	  character and end of line character could be swapped has
	  been fixed.
01-04-23  A bug on some systems in which invoking a shell script that
	  did not have execute permission could set the exit value to
	  127 rather than 126 has been fixed.
01-04-20  A bug in which read -n from a pipe would block if fewer than
	  n characters was received has been fixed.
01-04-09  A bug in which invalid patterns, for example, ) by itself,
	  was not treated as a string has been fixed so that if i=')',
	  then [[ $i == $i ]] is true.
01-04-09 +The shell arithmetic now interprets C character constants.
01-04-09  A bug in which a non-zero return from a function defined
	  with the function reserved word did not trigger the ERR
	  trap or exit with set -e has been fixed.
01-04-02  A bug on some systems, in which characters above 127 were
	  not displayed correctly in vi or emacs edit mode has been fixed.
01-04-02  A bug on some systems, introduced in the 'k' point release, in
	  which the erase character in viraw mode was moving the cursor
	  to the left without erasing the character has been fixed.
01-04-02  On some systems the wcwith() function was returning a wrong
	  value for characters and caused characters to be displayed
	  incorrectly from the shell edit modes.  A work around for
	  this problem has been added. 
01-03-26  A bug in which valid scripts could produce syntax errors
	  when run with locales that considered characters such as "'"
	  to be space characters has been fixed.
01-03-20  A bug in which an syntax error in an arithmetic expression
	  entered interactively could cause the shell to go into
	  an infinite loop outputting the error message has been fixed.
01-03-10 +ksh93 accepts -l as a synonym for -L in test on systems for
	  which /bin/test -l tests for symbolic links.
01-03-10  A bug in parsing scripts in which { and } are used in place of
	  in and esac in case statements embedded in compound commands
	  has been fixed.  Use of { and } for in and esac is obsolete.
01-03-06  A bug in which an argument of the form foo=bar was not
	  being passed correctly to a traced function whose name
	  was foo has been fixed.
01-03-02  Using $(trap -p name) did not print the name of the current
	  trap setting for trap name.
01-02-26  Exported floating point variables gave incorrect results
	  when passing them to ksh88.  This has been fixed.
01-02-25  A race condition in which a coprocess which completed too quickly
	  would not allow subsequent coprocesses to start has been fixed.
01-02-25  The 'g' format specifier is now handled by printf.  It had
	  inadvertently been omitted.
01-02-20  The + was not being displayed during an execution trace
	  with the += assignment operator.
01-02-19  The error message which occurs when the interpreter name
	  defined on the #! line does not exist is more informative.
01-02-19  A bug in which $0 would not be set correctly when a
	  script with #! was invoked by full pathname from the
	  directory of the script has been fixed.
01-02-19  A shell script did not always pick up tty mode changes
	  made by external commands such as stty which could
	  effect the behavior of read.
01-02-19  The -u, -g, and -k unary tests did not give the correct
	  results when used with negation and this has been fixed.

01-02-05  --- Release ksh93k+  ---
01-02-05  The sequence \<newline> inside $'...' was not incrementing
	  the line count and this has been fixed.
01-02-05 +Modified expansion of "${@-}" so that if no arguments are set
	  it results in null string rather than nothing.
01-02-02  memory leak problem with local variables in functions fixed.
01-01-25 +allow arithmetic expressions with float%int and treat them
	  as ((int)float)%int rather than as an error. 
01-01-19  read -n1 was not working and has been fixed.
01-01-17 +ksh now handles the case in which a here document in command
	  substitution $() is terminated by the trailing ).  Previously,
	  a new-line was needed at the end of the delimiter word. 
01-01-02  A bug in which a KEYBD trap would cause a multi-line token
	  to be processed incorrectly has been fixed.
00-12-10 +Arithmetic integer constants can now have L and U suffices. 
00-12-10  A bug in the processing of arithmetic expressions with compound
	  variables when the -n option is on has been fixed.
00-12-08  A bug in M-f and M-b from emacs mode has been fixed.  This
	  bug only occurs when ksh93 is compiled without MULTIBYTE enabled.
00-11-29  A bug in which jobs -p would yield 0 for background
	  jobs run in a script has been fixed.
00-11-21  A bug in integer arrays in which the number of elements is
	  incorrect when the ++ operator is applied to a non-existing
	  element has been fixed.  For example, integer x; ((x[3]++)).
00-11-20  A timing bug in which the shell could reset the terminal
	  group to the wrong value in the case that the a new process
	  changes the terminal group during startup has been fixed.

00-10-27  --- Release ksh93k  ---
00-10-27  Using tab for completion now works only when applied
	  after a non-blank character at the end of the current line.
	  In other case a tab is inserted.
00-10-27  A bug in the emacs edit mode for ^X^E has been fixed.
	  The ^X^E sequence is supposed to invoke the full editor
	  on the current command.
00-10-18  A bug in which expansions of the form ${var//pattern/string}
	  did not work correctly when pattern was '/' or "/" has
	  been fixed.
00-10-18 +The output format for indexed arrays in compound variables
	  has been modified so that it can be used as input.
00-10-18  Assignments with name references (typeset -n) will now
	  implicitly unreference an existing name reference.
00-10-17  A bug the += append operator when a single array element
	  is appended to a variable that is not an array has been fixed.
00-10-16  A bug in which the SIGCONT signal was being sent to
	  each process will kill -0 or kill -n 0 has been fixed.
00-10-12 +The arithmetic evaluation portion has been rewritten to
	  perform a number of optimizations.
00-10-10  A bug in which name prefix matching ${!name.*} was not
	  checking name to see if it was a name reference has been fixed.
00-09-26  A bug in the multibyte version in which the width of for
	  non-printing characters was not correct has been fixed.
00-09-12 +Made changes to get multibyte editing work on UWIN for windows
00-09-12  A bug in which multibyte characters would be displayed incorrectly
	  has been fixed.
00-08-08  Removed build dependency on iswprint() and iswalph().
00-07-20  In some cases the read builtin would read more than a single
	  line from a pipe on standard input and therefore leave the seek
	  position in the wrong location.
00-07-05 +If the directory / is on the path, a / will not be inserted
	  between the directory and the file name during path searching
	  to avoid searching // for systems that treat this specially.
00-06-26  A bug in which on rare occasions wait could return before all
	  jobs have completed has been fixed.
00-06-21  A bug in which backspace did not work correctly during the
	  R replace directive in vi-mode has been fixed.
00-06-12 +Added variable name completion/expansion/listing  to the set of
	  completions.  Variable name completions begin with $ or "$ followed
	  by a letter. 
00-05-09  --- Release ksh93j  ---
00-05-09  Modified command substitution to avoid using /tmp files when
          run on read-only file systems. 
00-04-17 +Modified printf to handle '%..Xc' and '%..Xs' options where X
	  is not an alpha character.  Previous versions core dumped with this.
00-04-10 +Changes to multibyte editing code were made to use standard
	  ISO C functions rather than methods devised before the standard.
00-04-09  Add %H options to printf to output strings with <"'&\t> properly
	  converted for use in HTML and XML documents.
00-04-07 +Modified getopts builtin to handle <.>..< >in usage string
	  by invoking specified function.
00-04-04  Added self generating man pages for bg, fc, fg, disown, jobs,
	  hist, let, ., and ulimit.
00-03-30 +The append operator += has been added and can be used
	  for all assignments, strings, arrays, and compound variables.
00-03-30 +Code was modified in several places to support automatic
	  generation of C locale dictionaries.
00-03-28  A bug in which the set and trap commands invoked with --name
	  type arguments would terminate the invoking script  has
	  been fixed.
00-03-27  A bug in which the library path variable was not updated  
	  correctly on some systems as described in the 'g' point
	  release has been fixed. 
00-03-07  printf now returns a non-zero exit status when one of
          its arguments cannot be converted to the given type. 
00-03-05  The return value and error message for a command that
          was found on the path but was not executable was set
00-03-05  A prototype for ioctl() was removed from the vi edit mode.

00-01-28  --- Release ksh93i  ---
00-01-28 +Most of the built-in commands and ksh itself are now
          self documenting.  Running command --man will produce
          screen output.  Running command --html produces the
          man page in html format.
00-01-28 +The getopts builtin can process command description
          strings to produce man pages.
00-01-28  A bug in which a script could terminate when getopts
          encountered an error when invoked inside a function
          has been fixed.
00-01-28  When a symbolic link was specified as the name of
          the script to invoke by name, the value of $0 was
          set to the real file name rather than the link name
          in some cases and this has been fixed.
00-01-28  A bug in which the precision given as an argument
	  to printf was not working has been fixed.

99-03-31  --- Release ksh93h  ---
99-03-31 +The PATH search algorithm has been modified to look
	  for a file named .fpath in each bin directory and if
	  found, to search for functions in this directory if
	  it cannot find the command in that directory.
99-03-31 +When performing pathname expansion, the shell checks
	  to see whether each directory it reads is case sensitive
	  or not, and performs the matching accordingly.
99-03-31 +The %T format for printing formatted date/time.
99-03-31 +The emacs and vi modes now handle arrow keys when
          they use standard ANSI escape sequences.
99-03-31 +The TAB key can be used for completion in emacs and viraw mode.
99-03-31  A bug in setting .sh.editchar during the KEYBD trap
	  for the MULTIBYTE option was fixed in release ksh93h.
99-03-31  A bug in shcomp for compilation of unary operators with [[...]]
	  has been fixed.
99-03-31  A bug in which the value of $? was changed when executing
	  a keyboard trap has been fixed. 
99-03-31  The handling of SIGCHLD has been changed so that the
	  trap is not triggered while executing trap commands
	  to avoid recursive trap calls.
99-03-31  A bug in which a local variable in a function declared readonly
	  would generated an error when the function went out of
	  scope has been fixed.
99-03-31  A bug in which \<new_line> entered from the keyboard
	  with the KEYBD trap enabled has been fixed.
99-03-31  The error message for a misplaced ((, for example print ((3),
	  was often garbled and has been fixed.
99-03-31  A bug in the KEYBD trap in which escape sequences of the form
	  <ESC>[#~ were not being handled as a unit has been fixed.
99-03-31  A bug in which ksh would consider expressions like [[ (a) ]]
	  as syntax errors has been fixed.
99-03-31  A function defined as foo() without a function body
	  was not reported as a syntax error.
99-03-31  A bug in which ksh could run out of file descriptors when
	  a stream was repeatedly opened with exec and read from
	  has been fixed.

98-04-30  --- Release ksh93g  ---
98-04-30 +The pipefail option has been added.  With pipefail
	  enabled, a pipeline will not complete until all
	  commands are complete, and the return value will
	  be that of the last command to fail, or zero if
	  all complete successfully.
98-04-30 +The name-value pair library uses the cdt library rather
	  than the hash library.  This change should be transparent
	  to applications.
98-04-30 +On the U/WIN version for Window 95 and Windows NT,
          when a directory beginning with a letter followed by
          a colon is given to cd, it is assumed to be an absolute
98-04-30 +When an executable is found on a given path,
	  the appropriate library path variable is prepended
	  with a corresponding library directory.
98-04-30  A bug in which a name reference could be created to
	  itself and later cause the shell to get into an infinite
	  loop has been fixed.
98-04-30  A bug in shcomp relating to compound variables was fixed.
98-04-30  A bug introduced in ksh93e in which leading 0's in -Z
	  fields caused the value to be treated as octal for arithmetic
	  evaluation has been fixed.
98-04-30  A bug when a name reference with a shorter name than
          the variable it references was the subject of a compound
	  assignment has been fixed. 
98-04-30  A bug which in which assignment to array variables in
	  a subshell could effect the parent shell has been
98-04-30  read name?prompt was putting a 0 byte at the end of the
	  prompt on standard error.
98-04-30  A bug in [[ string1 > string2 ]] when ksh was run with -x
	  has been fixed.
98-04-30  A bug in which the escape character was not processed
	  correctly inside {...} when brace expansion is enabled
	  has been fixed, for example {\$foo}.
98-04-30  A bug in line continuation in here-documents has been
98-04-30  The default base when not specified with typeset -i is
	  10 in accordance with the documentation.  Previously,
	  the value was determined by the first assignment.   
98-04-30  A parsing bug in which a # preceded alphanumeric
	  characters inside a command substitution caused
	  a syntax error to be reported has been fixed.
98-04-30  A bug in which a decimal constant represented as 10#ddd
	  where ddd was more than five digits generated a syntax
	  error has been fixed.
98-04-30  A bug in here document expansion in which ${...} expansions
	  were split across buffer boundaries has been fixed.
98-04-30 +The sh_fun() function now takes third argument which
	  is an argument list for the invoked discipline function
	  or built-in.
98-04-30 +A callback function can be installed which will give
          notification of file duplications and file closes.
98-04-30  When ksh is compiled on systems that do not use fork()
	  current option settings where not propagated to sub-shells.

97-06-30  --- Release ksh93f  ---
97-06-30 +Hostnames in addition to host addresses can be given in
	  /dev/tcp/host/port virtual file names.
97-06-30  File name completion and expansion now quotes special
	  characters in file names from both emacs and vi edit modes.
97-06-30  An empty for list behave like a for list with null expansions.
	  It produces a warning message with sh -n.
97-06-30 +The code has been modified to work with EBCDIC as well as ASCII.
97-06-30  A bug which would cause the secondary prompt to be
	  displayed when a user entered a literal carriage
	  return has been fixed.
97-06-30  A bug which caused ksh read -s name to core dump was
97-06-30  A bug with the expansion of \} and \] inside double
	  quoted strings that also contained variable expansions
	  has been fixed
97-06-30  Changes in the ksh93e point release caused autoload
	  functions invoked from within command substitution
	  to fail.  This has been fixed.
97-06-30  A bug in the processing of here-documents that could
	  prevent variable substitution to occur after $(...) command
	  substitution for long here documents has been fixed.
97-06-30  A bug caused by a race condition that could cause SIGTERM
	  to be ignored by a child process has been fixed.
97-06-30  A bug which prevented the startup of a coprocess immediately
	  after killing a running coprocess has been fixed.
97-06-30  ulimit foobar, where foobar is not an arithmetic
	  expression, now gives an error message as it did with ksh88
	  instead of setting the file size limit to 0.
97-06-30  A bug which could cause an interactive shell to terminate when
	  the last process of a pipeline was a POSIX function was fixed.
97-06-30  A bug which could cause command substitution of a shell script
	  to core dump has been fixed.
97-06-30  A security hole was fixed in suid_exec.
97-06-30  Arithmetic functions such as pow() that take more than
	  one argument, did not work if arguments other than the
	  first contained parenthesized sub-expression.
97-06-30  The error message from a script containing an incomplete
	  arithmetic expression has been corrected.
97-06-30  A bug which caused a core dump on some machines when
	  the value of a name reference contained a positional
	  parameter and the name reference was not defined inside
	  a function has been fixed.
97-06-30  Arithmetic expressions now correctly handle hexadecimal
97-06-30  A bug in which integer variables could be expanded
	  with a leading 10# when declared with typeset -i
	  multiple times has been corrected.
97-06-30  A bug in which IFS wasn't correctly restored when
	  set within command substitution has been fixed.
97-06-30  The _ character is now considered as part of a word
	  with the M-f and M-b emacs directives as it was in ksh88.
97-06-30  A bug in brace pattern expansions that caused expressions
          such as {foo\,bar,bam} to expand incorrectly have been fixed.

96-07-31  --- Release ksh93e  ---
96-07-31 +The math functions, atan2, hypot, fmod, and pow were added.
96-07-31 +When a shared library is loaded, if the function lib_init()
	  is defined in the library, it is invoked the first time that
	  the library is loaded with builtin -f library.
96-07-31  The k-shell information abstraction database option, KIA,
          has been revamped.
96-07-31  Empty command substitutions of the form $() now work.
	  whence -v foo now gives the correct result after calling
	  builtin -d foo. 
96-07-31  A bug in right to left arithmetic assignment for which
	  the arithmetic expression (( y = x = 1.5 )) did not
	  yield 1 for y when x was declared typeset -i was fixed.
96-07-31  printf has been fixed to handle format  containing  
	  and/or  145 correctly.  In addition, characters following
	  %b in the format string are no longer displayed when
	  the operand contains .
96-07-31  A bug in printf that could cause the %E format to
	  produce unnormalized results has been fixed.
96-07-31  A bug which causes some arithmetic expressions to be
	  incorrectly evaluated as integer expressions rather
	  that floating point has been fixed.
96-07-31  Functions defined inside a subshell no longer remain
	  defined when the subshell completes.
96-07-31  The error message from sh -c ';echo foo' has been
96-07-31  The format for umask -S has been changed to agree
	  with the specification in the POSIX standard.
96-07-31  A bug that caused side effects in subscript evaluation
	  when tracing was enabled for subscripts using ++ or --
	  has been fixed.
96-07-31  To conform to the Posix standard getopts has been changed
	  so that the option char is set to ? when it returns with
	  a non-zero exit status.
96-07-31  The handling of \} inside ${name...} has been fixed so
	  that the  quotes the }.
96-07-31  A bug that caused the read builtin to resume execution
	  after processing a trap has been fixed.
96-07-31  [[ -s file ]] has been fixed so that if file is open
	  by ksh, it is flushed first.
96-07-31  In some cases attributes and sizes for non exported
	  variables weren't being reset before running a script.
96-07-31  The value of TMOUT was affected by changes make to
	  it in a subshell.
96-07-31  The jobs command did not reflect changes make by
	  sending the CONT signal to a command.
96-07-31  The error message for ksh -o unknown was incorrect.
96-07-31  Functions invoked as name=value name, did not use
	  values from the calling scope when evaluating value.
96-07-31  A bug in which the shell would reexecute previously
	  executed code when a shell script or coprocess was
	  run in the background has been fixed.
96-07-31  A bug in which an empty here-document would leave
	  a file descriptor open has been fixed.
96-07-31  A bug in which $(set -A array ...) would leave a
	  side effect has been fixed.
96-07-31  A discipline function for a global variable defined
	  within a function defined with the function keyword,
	  incorrectly created a local variable of the same name
	  and applied the discipline to it.

95-08-28  --- Release ksh93d  ---
95-08-28  The  character was not handled correctly in replacement
	  patterns with ${x/pattern/replace}.
95-08-28  A bug with read in which the line did not end with
	  a new-line has been fixed.
95-08-28  A bug in file name generation which sometimes
	  appended a . for filenames that ended in / has
	  been fixed.
95-08-28 +If a process is waited for after a status has
	  been returned by a previous wait, wait now
	  returns 127.
95-08-28  A bug with hist (fc) -e which prevented a command
	  to re-executed after it had been edited has been fixed.
95-08-28  A bug which prevented quoting from removing the meaning
	  of unary test operators has been fixed.
95-08-28  A bug with typeahead and KEYBOARD traps with the
          MULTIBYTE option set has been fixed.
95-08-28 +Builtin functions can take a third argument which is
          a void*.
95-08-28  The nv_scan() function can restrict the scope of a walk
          to the top scope.

95-04-31  --- Release ksh93c  ---
95-04-31  The expansion of "$@" was incorrect when $1 was the null
95-04-31  A bug which could incorrectly report a syntax error in
	  a backquoted expression when a $ was preceded by \\
	  has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which prevented the shell from exiting after
	  reporting an error when failing to open a script
	  has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug that could lead to memory corruption when a
	  large here document that required parameter or command
	  substitution was expanded has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug that could cause a core dump on some systems
	  after ksh detected an error when reading a function
	  has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which could cause a coprocess to hang when
	  reading from a process that has terminated has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which caused a script to terminate when set -e
	  was on and the first command of and && or || list
	  failed has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug with here documents inside $(...) when the delimiter
	  word is an identifier has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which caused $0 to display the wrong value when
	  a script was invoked as an argument to the . command
	  and the eval command has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug that could cause the built-in sleep to hang
	  has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug introduces in 12/28/93b which caused the backslash
	  to be removed when it was followed by digit inside double
	  quotes in some instances has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which could cause a core dump if ksh was invoked with
	  standard input closed has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which could cause a core dump if typeset -A was
	  specified for an existing variable has been fixed.
95-04-31  Variables that were unset but had attributes such as readonly
	  and export were not listed with readonly, export and typeset.
95-04-31  Several problems with signals have been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which prevented ulimit -t from working has been fixed. 
	  Also, a bug in which failed ulimits could cause a core dump
	  has also been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug in expansion of the form ${name/#pattern/string} and
	  ${name/%pattern/string} has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which caused read -r on a line that contained only
	  blanks to get a non-null value has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug introduced in the 'a' point release in which
	  ${x='\'} expanded to  when x was unset has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which prevented a trap on EXIT from being executed
	  when the last command in a script was a function invocation
	  has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which caused an interactive shell ignore input when
	  standard error was redirected to a file with exec,
	  and then restored with exec 2>&1 has been fixed.
95-04-31  An interactive shell turns on monitor mode even when
	  standard error has been redirected to a file.
95-04-31  A bug which could cause standard input to be incorrectly
	  positioned for the last command of a script has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug in the edit modes which allowed walking back in
	  the history file for more than HISTSIZE commands has
	  been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug which could cause a core dump if variable TMPDIR was
	  changed between two command substitutions has been fixed.
95-04-31. A bug which prevented a trap on EXIT from being cleared
	  has been fixed.
95-04-31  A bug fixed for the v directive in vi MULTIBYTE has been
95-04-31  Code to for IFS handling of multibyte characters has
          been added.
95-04-31  The displaying of multibyte strings in export, readonly,
          typeset, and execution traces has been fixed.
95-04-31  Variables inside functions are now statically scoped.
	  The previous behavior was never documented.
95-04-31  Variables inside functions are now statically scoped.
          The previous behavior was never documented.
95-04-31  A few changes have been made to the name-value library
          that affect built-ins that use disciplines.  The
          changes allow disciplines to be shared by variables
          and should make it possible to add new disciplines
          without recompilation.
95-04-31 +The name-value library interface has undergone significant
          change for this revision.  See the new nval.3 man page.

94-12-31  --- Release ksh93b  ---
94-12-31 +Variables inside functions are now statically scoped.
          The previous behavior was never documented.
94-12-31 +If IFS contains two consecutive identical characters belonging
	  to the [:space:] class, then this character is treated as
	  a non-space delimiter so that each instance will delimit
	  a field.  For example, IFS=$'\t\t' will cause two consecutive
	  tabs to delimit a null field.
94-12-31 +The getopts command has a -a name option that specifies a
	  name that will be used for usage messages.
94-12-31  A bug which caused unset RANDOM to dump core has been
94-12-31  A bug which prevented return for terminating a profile
	  or ENV file has been fixed.
94-12-31  A bug which prevented standard input from being
	  directed to /dev/null for background jobs when
	  monitor mode was turned off has been fixed.
94-12-31  Statements of the form typeset -options var[expr]=value
	  did not perform substitutions on expr as expected.
94-12-31  A bug which prevented the shell from sending a HUP
	  signal to some background jobs that were not disowned
	  has been fixed.
94-12-31  A bug which allowed a script to trap signals that are
	  ignored at the time that the shell was invoked by exec
	  has been fixed.
94-12-31  A bug which could cause a core dump when a discipline
	  function was unset within a discipline was fixed.
94-12-31  The typeset builtin now accepts a first argument of
	 + or - for compatibility with ksh88.
94-12-31  For compatibility with ksh88, the results of expansions
	  of command arguments will treat the extended character
	  match characters ()|& as ordinary characters.
94-12-31  A bug which caused read to fail on a file that was
	  open for read/write with <> when the first operation
	  was print or printf has been fixed.
94-12-31  When a job is suspended, it is put on the top of
	  the job list as required by the POSIX standard.
94-12-31  The value of OPTARG when an option that required
	  an argument but didn't have one was incorrect in the
	  case the the option string began with a :.
94-12-31  A bug which caused the terminal to get into a bad
	  state with some KEYBD traps in vi-mode has been fixed.
94-12-31  A bug which caused an invalid trap to cause a script
	  to terminate, rather than just return an error, has
	  been fixed.
94-12-31  Backreferencing sub-expressions in patterns and replacement
	  strings now works.
94-12-31  A bug in chmod which caused the -R option to fail has
	  been fixed.
94-12-31 +More signal names have been added for Solaris

94-06-30  --- Release ksh93a  ---
94-06-30  An expansion bug which causes portions of a word after
	  a $((...)) expansion that contains a nested $var expansion
	  to be lost has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug that caused a core dump when a script that did not
	  have PWD set and did a cd inside command substitution
	  has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug which caused a core dump on some machines when
	  the LANG variable was assigned to has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug which incorrectly handled set disciplines that
	  performed arithmetic evaluation when the discipline
	  was called from the arithmetic evaluator has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug caused by an EXIT trap inside a function that
	  was executed in a subshell was fixed.
94-06-30  If foo is a function, and not a program, then command foo
	  now reports that foo isn't found rather than invoking foo.
94-06-30  The previous version incorrectly listed -A as an
	  invocation option.  The -A option is only for set. 
94-06-30  A bug was fixed which caused ksh to loop when execution trace
	  was enabled and the PS4 prompt required command substitution.
94-06-30  A bug which could cause the job control switch character
	  to be disabled when a script that enabled monitor mode
	  terminated was fixed.
94-06-30  A bug in the macro expansion global replacement operator //,
	  when the pattern began with a [ or +( has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug which prevented ~ expansion from occurring when
	  it was terminated with a colon inside an assignment
	  has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug in the dot command which prevented autoload functions
	  from working has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug which caused a variable to be unset if the
	  its value were expanded inside a set discipline has
	  been fixed.
94-06-30  Whence -a now longer reports that a defined function
	  is undefined.
94-06-30  A bug on some systems in which $0 would be incorrect
	  in scripts invoked by name has been fixed.
94-06-30  Here documents with an empty body now work.
94-06-30  A bug which disabled argument passing and resetting
	  of options for a script invoked by name inside a
	  function has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug in which an EXIT trap set the caller of a function
	  would be executed if a command called inside a function
	  was not found has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug which allowed a script to trap signals that are
	  ignored at the time that the shell was invoked has
	  been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug which caused 2<&1- when applied to a shell built-in
	  to leave standard input closed has been fixed.
94-06-30  A bug which caused the shell to incorrectly parse
	  $() command substitutions with nested case statements
	  has been fixed.

pax changes

12-05-25 file.c: #include <tm.h> for tmdate() prototype
12-05-14 pax.c: use Format_t.match to eliminate explicit format references
12-05-14 pax.c: add xz format -- requires local system standalone xz command
12-05-07 fix file/option quoting, --show
12-05-04 snarf update from Brian Russell
12-04-20 pax.c: verify that --maxout > --blocksize (else it recurses on newio()!)
12-04-17 pax.c,copy.c: fix multiple prompt for --write --yes
12-04-17 misc.c: --yes accepts { 'y' 'Y' '1' }, { 'q' 'Q' '-' } => remaining no
11-06-21 pax.c,copy.c,file.c: add --filter option mtime=<date-string>
11-03-17 copy.c: fix bug that didn't list special files for --verbose
11-02-11 pax-tnef.c: handle "" member names -- really?
11-02-02 pax-pds.c: ident now requires at least one dir entry
10-10-10 file.c: don't prune state.update dirs based on time -- doh
10-10-04 pax.c,misc.c: fix --meter off-by-one bugs for long paths
10-10-04 pax.c: add #updated files to --update --verbose summary
10-10-04 pax.c: --meter implies --verbose summary
10-09-01 pax.c: RE errors => exit(2)
10-08-27 add -U, --different to update files with different <mtime,size,mode>
10-08-22 format.c: archive update requires (ap->io->mode & O_RDWR)
10-08-11 use conformance("standard",0) test
10-08-09 fix extended header size key precedence/performance
10-08-09 use { SEEK_DATA SEEK_HOLE } for -rw if available
10-08-08 disable SOKTYPE
10-06-21 align { --append --update } with posix
10-06-14 ug+s only for -p [eo]
10-06-14 atime in archive by default for formats that support it
10-06-14 add state.resetacctime to separate -t from state.acctime
10-06-12 fix --exact to list matched directory hierarchies
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-01-22 pax.c: fix -rw to 1 char dir name that dropped '/' separator
09-09-09 ax-tar.c: handle gnu tar octal overflow extensions for all octal fields
08-12-31 pax.c,pax-vczip.c: add vczip compression format
08-05-08 pax.tst: handle systems with privileged chmod +t / mkfifo
08-05-01 pax-tar.c: handle sfsprintf() ' '
07-12-11 drop pax -v, add pax --nosummary
07-12-06 add
07-09-21 format.c: add sumprint() default scale arg
07-05-01 pax-tar.c,options.c: fix pax extended header for >=2**32 size
07-03-14 pax-tnef.c: swap op == 3 for all arch!
06-10-31 delta.c,format.c: fix ar=>ar delta bug that skipped data twice
06-10-11 add sfstropen()/sfstruse() error checks
06-09-27 pax.tst: fix uid etc. tests to use --listformat -- duh
06-09-12 delta.c: delta for any X_IPERM st_mode changes
06-06-07 pax: add -U --delta.update to update only delta members
05-12-14 pax: fix --filter to work for --read and expand command %(...)
05-06-07 format.c: fix inter volume fill logic
05-05-28 pax: improve "junk data after volume" checks
05-05-22 pax: fix --append for the formats that can handle it
05-05-18 pax-flash.c: add solaris flash embedded archive format read
05-03-19 options.c: -l == --link (not --local) per posix
05-02-08 misc.c: fix interaction between delta and --meter
05-02-07 delta.c,pax.h: don't output delta when src==tar -- duh
04-12-25 bio.c: fix (*putheader)() return value logic, especially for ENOSPACE
04-12-08 listformat now handles high resolution time
04-12-01 tv.h,tv.c,features/tv move to libast
04-09-25 bio.c: fix ap->io->count for skipped data -- wow
	 pax-rpm.c: fix header padding logic
04-09-01 bio.c: fix bread() seek logic
04-08-11 pax.c,options.h,options.c: add -C,--chmod=mode to control header modes
04-08-05 bio.c: fix bread() pointer arith 64 bit assumption (pax#15)
04-08-01 delta.c: fix checksum 32-bit logic (pax#11) (testpax#01)
04-07-19 delta.c,format.c,pax-tar.c: { O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_RDWR } are values
04-03-17 pax-tar.c: add tar_putepilogue to *all* tar variants
	 format.h: let pax-tar.c determine tar variant order
	 bio.c: fix a few printf format long long mismatches: %ld => %I*d
	 format.c: map ident buffer CC_ASCII => CC_NATIVE
04-02-29 format.c: drop ap->format=0 for possible deltaverify()
	 format.c: handle CC_ASCII=>CC_NATIVE getprologue() header translation
	 options.h,options.c: add --forceconvert to force --from
04-02-25 pax.c: regcomp REG_SHELL => REG_LEFT|REG_RIGHT
04-02-24 pax.c: add --action
	 copy.c: fix file list peek premature ' => ' ' bug
	 pax.tst: add --action,--checksum,--filter,--install tests
04-02-21 file.c: fix VPATH state.pwd corruption
04-02-14 add -F --fsync to call fsync(2) for each copied file
04-01-27 bio.c: fix bget() buffer size alignment/mismatch overflow
04-01-24 pax-*.c: use paxlib.h interfaces
04-01-03 pax-cab.c: move to paxlib/cab as standalone plugin
	 pax-calib.c: move to paxlib/calib as standalone plugin
04-01-01 add --passphrase=passphrase, -E
03-12-24 pax-zip.c: move to paxlib/zip as standalone plugin
03-12-18 paxlib.h: add paxpart(), link with -lcodex for paxlib plugins
03-12-05 pax-zip.c: fix EXT header logic
03-12-01 rename OPT_delta_size to OPT_uncompressed: !=0 => compressed
	 list compression % in delta op field
03-11-25 paxlib.h: add external format dll interface
03-11-20 pax-calib.c: add file suffix heuristics
03-11-19 pax-calib.c: convert ibm -INC [edit comment] to COPY [REPLACING]
         pax-calib.c: handle line size > 80
03-11-11 pax-pds.c: add mvs pds listing
03-11-06 regression tests finally pass after Format_t method switch
03-10-31 Format_t converted to true method
03-10-20 initial readonly ca-librarian support
03-10-01 add pax delta format -- groundwork for vcdiff deltas
03-09-23 pax.tst: change test file names for same ascii/ebcdic sort
	 pax.c: extended header values with length need no quoting
03-09-11 default output format now ustar -- should eventually be pax
	 format rename: tar=>oldtar, ustar=>ustar|tar
	 add --testdate=date regression test hook
	 add --uid=id --gid=id
	 ascii vs. ebcdic cleanup
03-09-10 private static cleanup
03-09-09 xopen sync and { pax ustar } format fixes, <tv.h> interface
03-06-21 format.c: add ccode conversion check to putheader()
03-05-28 file.c: fix -vrw directory double list
	 update to new <ccode.h> interface
03-03-05 pax.c: tgz => ustar:gzip, tbz => ustar:bzip
03-02-28 pax.c: handle a few common -x aliases
03-01-14 misc.c: fix meter sign overflow for sizeof(off_t)==sizeof(int)
02-12-13 format.c: fix TNEF bug that did bget(n) for n>buffersize
02-10-23 misc.c: fix meter buffer overflow
02-10-20 pax: drop experimental OMF; use ardirlist() to list ar types
	 pax: add -t for x/open
02-10-18 pax: add tar/ustar swap and inter-volume junk block checks
02-09-09 format.c: handle all 11 octal digits in cpio format size
02-09-05 file.c: fix chmod() loop at exists=0011 on case ignorant filesystems
02-08-19 pax: cmd line patterns applied before -i or -s path edits
	 pax: add posix -c for --invert
02-08-06 pax: change --meter to use * instead of non-portable inverse video
02-07-17 pax: handle gnu tar largefile size extension
02-06-26 pax: fix regsubexec() edited symlink text buffer clobber
02-05-24 pax: update to use regsubcomp(),regsubexec()
02-05-07 pax: use <ardir.h>,-lardir for library archives
02-04-23 pax: add dos omf library read
01-12-07 pax: fix --meter to retain paths containing " -- "
01-12-06 pax: fix --meter to stop at 100% (don't tell coach)
01-10-20 pax: describe the 4 operation modes in separate paragraphs
01-10-18 pax: fix --meter for paths containing <\>n\r\v
01-09-06 pax: add ms tnef (transport neutral encapsulation format) archive read
01-08-11 pax: fix tar_checksum() w.r.t. CC_NATIVE!=CC_ASCII
01-06-28 pax: fix --from --to bio logic that sometimes double converted
01-04-24 pax: --from & --to now associated with archive instead of global state
01-04-17 pax: --from conversion only done if no control chars in first 256
01-04-01 pax: fix --intermediate to create missing dirs first
01-02-27 pax: add lchmod() and lchown() for symlink() restoration
01-02-08 pax.tst: add -L and -P to symlink edit test
01-02-07 format.c: fix malloc off-by-one for vdb format read
01-02-02 file.c: fix duplicate -s map in addlink()
00-12-20 bio.c: include <sys/ioctl.h> for systems that miss _IOW() etc.
00-10-31 format.c: handle rpm 4.0 and newer
00-09-20 copy.c: always allocate state.tmp.lst!
00-08-31 change paths in delta archive: -rf i -z - -s e -wf o -z - [almost]
00-08-11 copy.c: drop memalign() call for _std_malloc==1 in libast
	 copy.c: save filter path from sfgetr() reset
00-06-01 pax: fix mime format size by dropping last \r
00-05-26 pax: astconf("CONFORMANCE",0,0)=="standard" inhibits some extensions
	 pax: check USTAR file and link name lengths
00-04-01 pax.tst: export TZ=EST5EDT; new tests should be UCT
00-03-11 pax: add encapsulated mime format read
	 pax: fix vdb block count
00-02-14 pax: fix hard link read that didn't apply -s edit
	 pax: logical|physical filter options
00-01-04 pax: fix rpm embedded archive hard seek
	 pax: --filter implies --nodescend
	 pax: add --meter
	 pax: handle ms PORTAR '' => '/' path separator
99-11-19 pax: try `ratz -c' if `gunzip' not found
99-11-11 add --checksum, --install, --local, --preserve=s
99-11-04 fix zip for archives with EXTLOC headers
	 don't generate //* file names
99-10-31 pax: add tgz == tar:gzip, --filter=-
99-08-11 bio: fix end of medium handling
99-06-01 restore -T == --test
99-05-28 pax: add rpm read
99-05-21 pax: fix -rw umask(0) bug
99-05-17 pax: fix chmod() delay for ug+s,+t
99-05-11 nocom: long options
99-05-09 pax: sfopen(sfstdin,0,"rt") for input file list
99-05-01 pax: state.xdev => FTW_MOUNT!!
99-04-01 pax: fix Integral_t for sizeof(long)==8
	 pax: fix ]] in optget usage
99-03-17 pax: better st_mode preservation
99-03-01 pax: fix dirprefix() prune to work in all cases
	 pax: add savepath() to handle >PATH_MAX paths
99-02-06 pax: update to new optget()
99-01-11 pax: add bzip2 compression support
98-10-01 pax: fix -rw hard link bug
	 pax: fix -o preserve=* option.level inconsistencies
98-08-11 fix with getopts
	 pax: increase -rw default buffer size
	 pax: use REG_DELIMITED to parse -s
98-04-01 fix tar delta bug that set st_size=0 before consuming delta head/tail
	 pax -<flag> '?' lists help info for flag
	 fix -rw bugs introduced by recent delta fixes
	 testpax: add regression tests
	 fileout: add EIO memalign fallback to track sgi bug
98-03-19 fix tar delta epilogue check
	 fix delta pass checks
	 fix off_t vs. file size mismatches
98-03-17 umask(0) only if -o preserve=* in effect
	 add to mark readonly files/paths
98-02-14 add -o intermediate to copy output to intermediate before commit
98-01-23 use %I#d scanf format to get off_t right
98-01-11 -K == -o keepgoing
	 -x format on read accepts that format only (useful with -o keepgoing)
97-12-07 add 4 NULs to work around gunzip bug that peeks beyond EOF
97-11-11 use PROC_FD_PARENT to let procopen() close parent fd
97-10-31 cab list works; anyone have LZX or QUANTUM decompress code?
97-09-22 fix vdb format write
97-08-11 fix omitted missdir() call
97-07-17 -r attempts chmod u+w along with missdir and remove
	 -rl preserves existing links if possible
	 beginnings of cab file read
97-05-09 fix putepilogue() with off_t boundary
96-12-25 zip archive header magic fix
	 use MTIOCGETBLKINFO to determine default tape blocksize
	 -o eom=!command uses $(command read|write part [file]) for next file
	 -s ',.*,-,' cats to stdout
	 -x pax support for >2GB file size
96-11-28 off64_t tweaks
	 drop -r -w -x order dependency
	 undo ccmaps() in bunread()
	 add explicit O_RDONLY checks (!= 0 on some systems)
96-10-11 change to <ccode.h> from mem[ae]to[ae]()
96-08-11 add -o to={ascii|ebcdic} -o from={ascii|ebcdic} from mvs
96-02-29 enable -rw setfile() -- why was it disabled in the first place?
	 fix stdin file list peek bug that dropped leading files
96-02-09 handle zip archives on input
96-01-18 AT&T Research now
	 switch to <regex.h>
95-11-24 don't check for compressed format if already uncompressing
95-11-18 ignore empty file list lines
95-10-31 fix and compensate for cpio header hard link size bug
95-10-11 drop "blocking ignored in pass mode" message
	 aschk symlink data need not have trailing ' '
95-09-01 fix nocom  handling
95-08-11 builtin nocom for -o filter=nocomment
	 more delta tracing
	 vd02 delta algorithm
95-07-17 fix -w output to stdout initialization bug
	 fix stdin file list peek bug that dropped trailing files
95-05-09 don't check member count unless its really a trailer
	 sfkeyprintf lookup string arg is now the format conversion character
	 initialize output archive for -rw to stdout archive
	 misc.c had putc() and fgets()!
	 unused var cleanup
	 add return to listprintf()
	 fix delta pass missing dir fd bug
	 fix dirprefix for /
	 add as an *example*
95-04-01 with proto va_start() must come before any arg references
	 fix delta bug that failed to mark emitted or skipped members
	 allow -z for patch deltas
	 be sure to set ap->format before binit()
	 fix ordering bug that botched most deltas!
	 use (after -s maps) rather than file.path in delta hash
	 fix bget() bug that skipped checksum
95-03-19 first round with POSIX 1003.2 1995 
	 handle file holes on input
	 delta header contains member index and trailer size
	 delta trailer contains member checksum
	 delta epilogue contains member count
95-03-01 internal redesign using Archive_t handles instead of global state
	 -o ordered (-O) allows single pass through base
95-02-14 make -u work with VPATH
	 -x composes gzip,compress,delta,delta88,ignore,patch with real formats
	 -x gzip:tar, -x gzip,tar, -x 'gzip tar' accepted
	 -x delta is equivalent to -z -
	 -o delta deleted
	 fix OPT_owner null dereference
	 fix archive pass bug that didn't update DELTA_create members
95-01-19 detect compress and gzip on input
	 add -f -z grouping with -r -w to support -r -f -z -w -f -z
	 fix a few compress/delta ineraction bugs
	 add -t s[#]k[#] to skip all [#] and/or keep all [#] tape volumes
	 use new <align.h> ALIGN_ identifiers
95-01-11 add s option to -s to stop on success
	 add delta 94 (vdelta)
	 add long option names
	 deprecate most flag options
	 DELTA_TEMP <64K avoids temp file
	 add -o delta=patch for patch archives
94-12-25 add lib/pax/*.fmt args files for unknown formats
	 fix mknod() calls to use the right file type!
94-11-11 fix ar out of phase warning
94-08-11 add -Rh'header' and -Rt'trailer' for vdb write
	 -e now works for -rw
93-08-11 add vdb `virtual database' r/w format
93-06-11 fix bug that didn't output non-regular files
	 -w now uses FTW_POST to preserve dir modes
93-04-01 handle PORTAR long member name table
92-04-01 copy all 0 length files out regardless of read permission
91-08-11 add check for garbage after end tar implementation bug
90-10-01 add mips ar format out of date check
90-08-11 header/trailer alignment now table driven
90-07-20 fix binary output bug that set header size and time to 1
90-06-01 fix misc delta compression bugs
90-05-01 fix DELTA_create bug that did not check COMPRESS
90-03-28 bump regular output block size to 8k
90-02-11 delta changes held off by #if new_delta_format until new libdelta
	 base archive checksums incompatible with previous versions
90-02-06 fix newio() bug that looped when write() returned 0
90-01-25 add proposed posix 1003.1b archive/interchange format
	 tune buffering
	 change -R option for general record support
	 generalize delta id file name -- incompatible with old format
	 prepare for new libdelta and subsequent incompatibilities
89-12-01 add self-delta support, delete -A option (one algorithm with versions)
89-11-18 fix dir mode restoration bug
89-11-11 fix delta update with older file
89-10-31 add portarch and randarch readonly object formats
89-10-11 allow -f with -rwz
89-10-01 add -Bmaxblocks and -C to match latest tar/cpio extensions
89-08-22 align read() buffers to IOALIGN
89-07-27 add EFBIG & EDQUOT checks to newio()
89-07-04 fix cpio binary header mtime and size swab bug
	 fix -rw bug that makes it work now!
	 redo file post processing restoration
89-05-11 handle GNU-tar USTAR format botch
	 missing intermediate directories inherit mode of nearest ancestor
	 fix names on stdin bug that only did -P
	 incorporate lar changes from David Muir
	 expand -R arg syntax
	 handle ansi/ibm D,F,S,U,V formats on output
89-03-28 fix bget() buffer boundary error for reads < buffersize
89-03-01 ignore DELTA_PASS file set*() calls
89-02-22 fix bread bug for 0 count and bget memcpy overlap
89-01-18 fix copyout() rfd<0 delta bug that generated multiple entries
89-01-11 fix dirsize!=0 bug; change ftwalk XDEV implementation
88-12-11 fix symlink->nowhere bug
88-11-22 add vmsbackup readonly format; fix lseek validity checks
88-11-17 add -T040 to simulate tape device blocking on input
88-11-11 add s5r4 asc and aschk formats
88-11-07 hard links and deltas don't cross volumes
88-11-01 add -n to read exact file list
88-10-20 add bread(0,...) to skip, bget() and bput() io optimizations
88-10-11 fix delta ops to use pattern args
88-10-04 fix argc bug that botched -rw with file args
88-10-01 for delta update, verify that untouched files match base archive
88-09-30 fix allocate() bug: malloc() -> calloc()
88-08-23 use libx/memsum() for checksum calculations
88-08-20 add `![command]' to end of medium replies
88-08-18 table of contents output to stdout
88-08-08 update for libx/ftwalk() and libx/strls()
88-07-28 streamline ftwalk() interface
88-07-21 finish up -a and -u tar compatibility
88-07-17 add and interface scripts
88-07-15 convert to pax

html changes

12-02-29 mm2html: fix so stack bug that popped one too many
12-01-11 mm2html: fix [1] to use <SUP>...</SUP>
12-01-01 htmlrefs: add <SCRIPT src=...> to include list
11-12-30 mm2html: add .xx faq
11-09-11 mm2html: add .H n "title" link="href"
11-08-06 mm2html: use optget() style for .SH and .TP
11-04-18 htmlrefs: don't symlink .html for --copy (doh)
10-09-07 use += to append to compond values
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-05-28 mm2*.sh: use --???MAN=nx for man section titles
10-04-11 headings now internal anchors by default
10-01-31 handle bsd mandoc
10-01-25 handle optget --nroff { .H[01234] .OP }
10-01-15 handle <name>(<number><chars>) references
09-09-17 .sn now uses expand(1) instead of cat(1)
09-07-01 --frame=foo for man generates side content frame
09-07-01 add redirection hackery to insert html.labels
09-06-30 increase heading level for -o html.labels
09-05-08 add for mm => twiki markups
07-12-11 fix bb list and fill logic, add long name #0091;CC...]
07-12-11 add long name #0091;CC...]
07-08-11 --texish for tex style bb markups
07-04-20 add for mm => bb markups
07-02-09 expand  rather than escape to \\(*..
06-10-31 mm2html: fix tager=_top omission bug
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
06-05-03 htmlrefs.c: add COPY to avoid e.g. cgi symlinks
05-10-15 add BP name=value parameters
05-10-10 add .CE, .BP *.@(gif|png) ... => <IMG...>
05-02-22 htmlrefs.c: rel=internal ignored if --external
05-02-14 add .xx linkframe="" for no target=_top
05-02-01 IFS may be unset!
05-01-11 add --top
04-12-22 fix .xx link unverified rm
04-08-01 htmlrefs.c: symlink only if different mtime
04-06-18 htmlrefs.c: add -S,--symlink to symlink() rather than copy
04-04-26 troff2html: handle .ta
04-04-04 mm2html: .xx link|text separated by tab for table entry urls
04-02-29 mm2html: .TS box => void lines
03-08-11 mm2html: handle man .TH args>2
03-03-25 mm2html: table border size '' => 0
03-02-06 troff2html.c: fmtquote() FMT_ALWAYS update
02-10-24 mm2html: viewgraph link target is _top too
02-10-15 mm2html: ident footer is now a TABLE instead of a DIV
02-08-30 mm2html: .AL with no args is equivalent to .NL
02-08-26 mm2html: fix .VL mark indent logic
02-08-19 mm2html: ignore .fp
02-06-09 mm2html: expand mailto address pattern match
02-05-31 mm2html: check .vG arg count before shift
	 mm2html: \ => &#0092;
02-03-17 mm2html: add .SG no-op
	 mm2html: check .EX figure# label args
	 mm2html: add .so/.sn dir search to .BP
02-03-15 mm2html: add LC_NUMERIC=C for floating point constants
02-02-14 mm2html: shorten indentation
02-01-16 mm2html: handle .so and .xx in getline
	 mm2html: .sn and .so look in dir of including file
01-10-20 htmlrefs: fix <!--INTERNAL--> filter delete detection, GLOB_AUGMENTED
01-05-09 mm2html: ignore a few more requests
01-05-04 mm2html: more tbl adjustments from Bruce Lilly
01-05-02 mm2html: tweak tbl column spacing, handle .TH [N]
01-05-01 mm2html: tbl fixes
01-04-27 mm2html: fix .SH,.SH indentation; ignore { .nh .hc .hy }
01-03-22 mm2html,troff2html: ignore { .hw .lw }
01-03-01 troff2html: fix bug that treated 0093;? as #0093;?
01-02-28 troff2html: add  and fix macros for y2k -- oops
01-01-31 htmlrefs: fix nul char bug in <!--INTERNAL--> filter
01-01-01 mm2html: fix incorrect \h'... #local refs
	 mm2html: append <!--LABELS-->...<!--/LABELS--> for second pass
	 mm2html: add .xx [no]index to inhibit or restart index labels
	 mm2html: add .xx noFOO, .xx [no]index
	 mm2html: .xx begin|end before <BODY> gets copied to <HEAD>
	 mm2html: identification trailer aligned right
	 htmlrefs: <!--INTERNAL--> in index.html <HEAD> skips file/dir
00-12-14 mm2html: fix tbl colspan
00-12-12 mm2html: ignore bgcolor for table with no box
00-12-07 download: .tar.gz => .tgz
	 htmlrefs: add --delete
00-12-05 mm2html: add .PM
	 mm2html: <> => mailto:
00-11-27 mm2html: --frame is now 1 level instead of 2; no *-body and *-head
	 mm2html: add .IS ... .IE indentation
	 mm2html: .LR foo (1) generates man link
	 htmlrefs: add https support
00-10-31 htmlrefs: remove if internal filter leaves <= 1 line
00-05-25 mm2html: add viewgraph outline and navigation
00-05-11 mm2html: add .vG viewgraph macros
00-03-04 htmlrefs: add <LINK rel=dynamic>
00-02-14 htmlrefs: add .htaccess and <LINK> checks
	 mm2html: add .xx ref=...
	 mm2html: use "..." tag attribute quote instead of '...'
	 mm2html: .BL => <UL> square circle disc
00-02-03 mm2html: fix -o nohtml.ident
00-01-20 mm2html: fix -o quoted arg parse
	 htmlrefs: add --perlwarn for embedded perl constructs
99-08-11 mm2html,troff2html: add .xx begin=x end=x
	 mm2html: handle simple .TS ... .TE; room for improvement
	 mm2html: fix <TABLE><TR>...</TR></TABLE> nesting
	 mm2html: add SEE ALSO hot links
	 mm2html: hot link man name not (section)
99-05-17 download,html2db,mm2html: long options
99-05-13 html2rtf: long options
99-04-01 fix .xx link
	 long options, macro search bug fix
99-01-01 html2rtf: fix </LI> with no <LI> core dump
98-04-01 add company corporation location meta.* organization
97-05-09 info tollbar=path for junk before </BODY>
97-05-01 \h'0...' for hyperlinks
97-04-01 first release

proto changes

12-02-20 proto.c: bump version to match astlicense() { since start source } change
12-02-14 protp.tst: update for libpp/ppproto.c fix
12-01-01 proto.c: add epl to the license type list
11-03-04 add { sear32.ico sear64.ico }, $(dirname -r lib/$COMMAND/...)
11-02-02 Makefile: don't update ../INIT/proto.c if no change or if cpp hack failed
10-10-10 retain .exe suffix in sear -- its dos on the other side!
10-09-10 add --args=args
10-08-22 ratz+sear now requires -ladvapi32
10-01-20 avoid nmake variable expansions in sh!
09-03-02 Makefile: eliminate master src paths from ../INIT/proto.c
09-01-15 update for msvcrt.dll link
08-11-15 add manifest logic
06-12-04 proto.c: add utime() prototype
06-06-28 proto.tst: add more externalize tests
06-05-09 proto.c: add --externalize, -x
06-05-09 proto.tst: add -x tests
05-12-25 ratz.c: fix sear CreateDirectory(tmp) permissions
05-09-16 proto.c: add <stdio.h> for standalone rename() prototype
05-07-31 proto.c: finally trust __STDC__ headers
05-05-11 add
04-10-24 note in docs that ratz options apply to sear .exe's
04-10-22 proto.tst: add array arg prototype tests
04-10-01 proto.c: add CPL docs
04-09-24 add cc -c to avoid nativepp "ratz.c" message
04-05-20 proto.tst: add `int fun __P((int));' test
04-03-19 proto.c: add { .cpp .hpp }, fix standalone -c parse
04-02-29 proto.tst: add -f -p option tests
04-01-14 proto.c: add suffix-comment table
04-02-11 proto.c: default comment style set to match file suffix
03-06-21 proto.tst: add T_INVALID ? splice bug test
02-07-31 make sure output files has a suffix
02-03-12 proto.c: add type=free
02-01-07 proto.tst: add TEST 05 -- no fix yet
01-12-12 fix rc ICON path  escapes
01-10-31 add sear.ico
01-10-16 _SEA_* => _SEAR_*
01-10-05 rename from
01-09-11 add
01-06-26 proto.tst: add another buffer boundary test (large of course)
01-04-01 proto: preserve file mode for -r
01-02-06 proto.tst: add (finally)
99-11-19 add --license, --shell, --copy, --verbose
99-08-11 long options

bzip changes

02-02-14 bzip2.c: fix uwin core dump
02-01-24 bzip2.c: use _PACKAGE_ast touch(3) instead of <utime.h>
	 bzip2.c: fix strstr() loop
01-01-01 bzip2.c: include bzlib.h first
99-01-01 package for ast

tests changes

12-02-02 add timeout to { testlib terror.h }
11-10-20 add, common { testlib terror.h }, and test.aso
11-09-26 vmalloc: sync with kpv
10-05-28 date.dat,datey2k.dat: update for ast move to %Q? %K
10-04-05 opt.tst: add head --nroff .TH fix tests
10-04-02 opt.tst: add head --version bug fix test
09-12-17 opt.tst: update for solaris short/long mix
09-11-13 vmalloc/trandom.c: fix test logic
09-07-22 ip6.rt: add trailing :0 tests
09-04-27 sfio/tpool.c: update to match libast/sfio/sfpool.c patch
09-02-22 date.dat: add iso duration tests
09-02-02 sfio/tprintf.c: fix sfaprints() test
08-12-30 date.dat: add TM_WORK tests
08-12-19 date.dat,datey2k.dat: update for %_K
08-06-24 date.dat: update for tmxfmt() %z fix
08-05-22 add date.dat supplement test case generator
08-05-20 strtof*.rt: reorganize strtof tests for easy(ier) change
08-02-11 date.dat: add more ISO 8601:2000 tests
08-01-18 strn*.tst: consolidate into str*.tst
08-10-15 strn*tof.(c|tst): handle +/- nan|inf|0
08-10-15 strn*toi.(c|tst): handle bitsof(long) -- {32 64 }
07-05-21 date*.*: update for ISO 8601:2000 %F == %Y-%m-%d
07-04-11 sfio/tprintf.c: update for { inf INF nan NAN }
06-09-14 datey2k.dat: yield to the gentlemen from congress
06-08-25 opt.tst: update for leading 0 numeric option arg strip
05-04-30 sfio: tgetr: add sfmaxr() tests
05-04-20 cdt: snarf cdt tests from kpv
05-01-04 date.c: add ``FMT time format answer''
04-10-31 date.dat: add { hours days weeks months } ago tests
04-10-27 opt.tst: TESTs 9? for astsa (stanadalone ast)
04-09-14 date.dat: add %| and %& tests
04-09-08 opt.tst: add :!value: omitted optional arg value TEST 47
04-04-15 date.dat: add specific and ordinal day tests
04-04-01 vmalloc: snarf vmalloc tests from kpv
04-02-29 sfio/tscanf.c: add %! test
	 opt.tst: add html escape test
04-02-04 sfio/texcept.c: add sfraise(0,a,b) test
04-01-14 sfio/tmmap2read.c: fix mmap() override for linux/bsd
03-10-12 strtoi.tst: add strton[ll] suffix multiplier tests
03-09-23 opt.tst: more optstr() tests
03-09-11 opt.tst: add n:=v tests
03-09-05 opt.tst: [f:l*?] test 43 update
03-08-11 date.dat: add arithmetic tests
03-05-25 opt.tst: add optstr() ???* internal option tests
03-05-11 strtoi.tst: add malformation tests
03-05-06 opt.tst: add getopt_long() compatibility tests
03-04-22 date.dat: add last, this, next tests
03-03-21 date.dat,datey2k.dat: add %Q/recent/distant/
	 opt.tst: add trailing '*' option and option args tests
03-02-13 base64.c: add base64encode()/base64decode() tests
02-10-04 strtof.tst: add simple cases
02-09-15 sfio/tscanf.c: add NaNS test
02-09-05 opt.tst: add .fp 5 CW for *roff tests
02-08-21 strelapsed.tst,strelapsed.c: add
02-07-27 sfio/tpoll.c: fix for rw pipes
02-06-26 opt.tst: fix debug locale message numbers
02-05-16 date.dat: add '60+n min/sec ago' tests for n min/sec after the hour
	 data.dat,datey2k.dat: update for %u addition to tmfmt()
02-03-14 opt.tst: update <.>..< >--keys tests
02-02-02 sfio/(tclose|ttpopenrw|ttell).c: add alarm to handle hung coproc
02-01-27 sfio/terror.h: handle non-idempotent <varargs.h>
02-01-12 date.dat,date2k.dat: fix EST/EDT %z tests
01-12-18 date.dat,datey2k.dat: update for %z change from SHH to SHHMM
	 date.dat: add YYYY/MM/DD tests
01-11-24 opt.tst: update --?+SECTION tests
01-10-31 opt.tst: add --?+SECTION tests
01-10-30 date*.dat: fix cron tests where both mday and wday are specified
01-10-18 strtof.tst: adjust for sfprintf()/printf() rounding
01-10-18 sfio/twchar.c: add wchar_t tests
01-10-11 opt.tst: add example and literal tests, . nroff tests
01-10-10 opt.tst: sync with optget() i18n fixes
01-08-11 test.sf*: need $(LDFLAGS) for -L* library link paths!
01-03-26 test.strtoi,test.strtof: add
01-02-14 sfio: add tmpread
01-01-31 sfio: uniform test exit codes
01-01-01 opt.tst: add enumerated option argument values
00-12-11 date.dat: add a few more crontab(1) forms
00-10-31 date.dat: add date(1) and touch(1) forms
	 sfio: kpv updates to handle mac os X
00-10-17 sfio/thole.c: move large buffer from stack to global
00-10-03 testy2k.dat: `Feb 29 01:02' => `Feb 29  2000'
00-04-01 Makefile: add ../../lib/libast to .SOURCE for features/sfio
00-03-07 opt.tst: add printf +1 bug fix test
00-02-14 opt.tst: fix for "..." attribute quote
	 datey2k.dat: oops: %l fails for old (2000-02-29) NOW
00-01-10 opt.tst: fix USAGE_LICENSE
99-10-22 date: test all % formats
99-08-11 sfio: fix 3 tests for uwin
	 sfio: tscanf for netbsd
99-03-25 :TEST: don't forget about foo.c for foo.tst
	 sfio/testsfio: fix option parse for `-x *,*' and cc.* and *.cc
99-01-23 moved library tests from std to here
	 added optget() tests

3d changes

12-06-25 change strcpy() within buffer to strcopy()
12-06-22,utimensat3d.c: add utimensat()
12-05-25 handle missing getdents64 on linux+gcc-4.4
12-05-25 syscall3d.c: tweak _exit() logic (really?) to dumped core on recent solaris
11-12-01 fix fcntl 3rd arg int vs void*
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-04-10 mkdir3d.c: fix mkdir() intermediate dir logic
10-01-19 3d.h: increase some path buffer sizes -- these need to be dynamic!
09-05-15 dll_3d.h: handle dllopen => dlopen
08-12-04 fs.c: change open(/dev/fd/NN,...) try open(2) first, then dup(2)
08-06-20 ast_3d.h,ast.c: add libast/misc/setenviron.c
07-03-26 Makefile: drop -L* from IFFEREFS -- handled by .IFFE.REF.
07-03-21 lib_3d.h,error.c: handle error_info => *_error_data_
06-12-04 3d.h: strmode() bsd conflict tweak
06-11-23 finally get linux to pass regression tests
06-11-21 fchdir3d: let chdir do the work if fd matches cached path
06-09-28 used getconf LIBPATH|LIBPREFIX|LIBSUFFIX -- how novel
06-09-26 3d.h,dir3d.c,dll3d.c: fix strtou*l*l maps for __int64 vs. long long
06-09-18 strmatch.c,touch.c: add private obsolete api copies
06-08-27 mkdir3d.c: foloow mkdir -p mode rules for missing intermediates
05-02-01 IFS may be unset and { ash bsh } don't on startup -- wow
05-01-01,utimets3d.c: add utimets() intercept
04-12-15 pathreal.c: "..." should fail if no lower view -- doh
04-10-01 features/syslib: _exit test now uses SIGKILL (openbsd abort() hangs)
04-07-26 update runtime docs
	 3d.1: drop in deference to the runtime docs
04-07-20 3d.h: undef _BLD_DEBUG to avoid raw libast symbols
04-07-19 fs.c,lib.c,open3d.c,vcs_3d.h: { O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_RDWR } are values
04-07-19 dir3d.c: rewinddir643d() must call seekdir643d() (not seekdir64())
04-07-01 3d.tst: TMP => TWD to match regress(1)
04-06-16 3d.tst: coordinate $TMP with regress(1)
04-06-14 lib.c: fix fs3d() 2d return value
04-06-11 3d.tst: fix test and error counts
04-05-04 open3d.c: create missing lower level dirs for O_CREAT ... file paths
03-08-15 mount3d.c: change 3d intercept test to handle NiL || ""
03-06-11 ast.c: add _map_malloc checks for _ast_malloc => malloc
03-06-05 pathreal.c: fix ancient multiple relative|.. symlink bug
03-06-04 change `shift $OPTIND-1' to `set x "@"; shift $OPTIND'
03-03-28 dir3d.c,rmdir3d.c,syscall3d.c: add D_FILENO and D_TYPE ifdefs
03-03-25 dup3d.c: fix bug that cleared Dir_t pointer just after allocation
03-03-07 ftruncate3d.c,lseek3d.c,truncate3d.c: check _typ_off64_t
02-10-18 features/ handle pseudo files in cc -E line syncs
02-07-17 syscall3d.c: clean up user level intercept code
02-06-25 open3d.c: fix bug that created 0 mode file with only O_RDWR
02-06-14 ast_3d.h,cs.c: move fmttime() macro override to cs.c
02-06-06 dir3d.c: fix rewinddir() bug that did not decrement intercepted count
02-04-01 Makefile,cs.c,cs_3d.h,ast_3d.h: _WIN32 tweaks
01-11-26 pathreal.c: empty path is an error
01-11-16 ftruncate3d.c,truncate3d.c: use lseek3d indirection via sysfunc()
01-10-31 fchdir3d: add along with state.file[].dir to cache open dir paths
	 dir3d.c: add recursive call intercepts
	 error.c: add recursive call intercepts
	 pathreal.c: add buffer size check
	 features/ add bsd syscall __RENAME() checks
	 syscall3d.c: check _lib_syscall before using it!
01-10-30 features/,syscall3d.c: handle -ldl calls back into 3d
01-09-20 drop extra } in USAGE that emitted -} for --?
01-07-17 Makefile: don't link 3d dll against ast dll
01-02-19 close3d: dup reserved fd's higher
01-02-14 add :VARIANT: to build dll's for CC.DLL.VARIANTS
01-01-01 dir_3d.h: real readdir must be struct dirent, not dirent64
00-12-14 fix -c
00-10-31 ast.c add pathtemp.c
00-10-19 init.c: initialize _3d_2d
00-07-17 fix fchown to call MSG_fchown (not MSG_fchown); fixes vim dump!
00-02-14 3d command long options (finally)
99-01-01 --- release 4.0 ---
99-04-01 dll: sfsprintf => _3d_sfsprintf
	 check for __*_nc (osf.alpha)
99-02-14 pathreal: copy to if not already there
	 rewinddir3d: just call seekdir(p,0); fixes `top' core dump
99-01-11 lseek3d,syscall3d: add sysfunc() for off_t!=long
99-01-01 --- release 3.0 ---
98-02-14 fix _RLD32_LIST => _RLDN32_LIST typo
	 pathreal: fix (P_LSTAT|P_READLINK) under pwd bug that did phys on .
	 features/ tighten up version __call header grep
	 unlink: trap remove() too
	 features/ favor strong (_ prefix) name for some arch's
98-02-06 syscall3d: handle longjmp with cp->active
98-01-23 features/ check for _xstat vs __xstat
98-01-01 add readdir64 rewinddir64 seekdir64 telldir64
97-10-11 fix lefty's virtual dir touch bug -- recursive doubling on stbuf
97-07-17 CS_INTERFACE=2
97-04-01 features/ fix __exit() test for new sgi
96-12-25 handle stat64() implementations on top of _xstat()
	 3d.tst must be run under 3d!
	 _SCO_STAT_VER tweaks
	 sgi _RLD_NEXT_PATHNAME fix for -32 -n32 -64 differentiation
	 _*xstat() hacks around proto in *stat3d.c
	 add constant casts for long shift counts
	 fix pathnext() to report version instance level in state.path.level
96-11-28 fix rename() to do physical stat on subject path!
96-02-29 handle syscall loops caused by botched libs like solaris
	 generalize name service interface to handle ifs+vcs
	 catch acl,facl even if not on local sys
	 fix features/ bug that set $stdc incorrectly
	 use alloca() in execve() if possible
	 add 3d.tst and test makefile action
	 fix a few important virtual dir / create / append bugs
	 fix null dereference in open3d() for state.in_2d
96-02-14 add NFS acl,facl
96-02-08 fix 2d bug in link,rename,symlink that generated empty arg 1
96-01-30 fix features/ for compilers that ignore prototypes
96-01-22 P_TOP only takes effect for files in virtual dir!
95-11-24 optimize exec $shell to eval in
95-11-11 don't fs3d_copy opaqued files
95-10-11 fs3d_mkdir virtual dir fix 
	 fix 2d virtual dir test in pathreal()
	 solaris _rename() != weak rename()
	 solaris exit() doesn't call _exit()
	 all static data in state
	 test state.in_2d in link3d()
	 fix that was broken sometime after 91
	 linux LD_BIND_NOW not needed with
95-07-17 handle irix-5.3 struct stat64 and off64_t
	 dlsym(__exit) before dlsym(_exit)
95-05-09 fix pathcanon() bug that incremented state.path.level too far on ...
	 percolate inode metadata changes to the top level too (no more EROFS)
	 add P_TOP to truncate() too!
	 feature/ does not generate #include, up to *3d.c
	 spawnveg.c must come after spawnve.c in ast.c
	 cspoll.c must come after cs*.c in cs.c
	 fix 3d to work like $SHELL if no shared 3d lib found
	 fix chdir .. symlink bug that set state.pwd to physical path
	 add %n.n.nd to bvprintf
	 ignore a few more non-initialization setcwd() errors
95-01-19 fix undefined var ref for _VER_ hack calls in features/
95-01-11 access W_OK succeeds if on lower view
94-12-01 add /#fs/NAME/load to load shared lib fs
	 add user system call trap() stack
	 VPATH=*::* or VPATH=*:-:* to separate disjoint views
	 change trap() to intercept()
94-07-17 add /#fs/safe
94-06-01 fix symlink() and link() bug that didn't instantiate virtual dir
	 fix [f]statvfs() infinite loop for att hybrids
94-05-11 merge with the real vcs
	 add char*_3d_2d: if _3d_2d!=0&&getenv(_3d_2d)==0 then 2d
	 trailing slash in pathreal() interpreted as slash dot (off/w test=010)
93-05-28 add /#option/limit=n to limit view depth
93-04-01 --- release 2.0 ---
93-03-11 change /dev/3d/* to /#*
	 remove anno and rpl specific hooks
	 add name,monitor,active fs mounts
92-04-01 --- release 1.1 ---
92-02-11 change retained mounts to /dev/3d/dev
92-01-11 add $SHELL and /bin/sh exec() checks to force 3d sh
	 fix checklink() to concatenate relative links with original prefix
91-11-11 --- release 1.0 ---
	 add feature/ to handle att s5r4, hp snake, sun 4.1
	 change umask() 3d state toggle to mount(-,/dev/3d/option/{2d,3d})
	 fix creat() virtual dir bug for umteenth time
	 link() and rename() now migrate to top instead of EROFS

coshell changes

10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
08-04-08 event.c: use dbmlib.iffe
07-10-23 main.c: avoid UOUT CO_SERIALIZE cswrite hangs via O_NONBLOCK
07-09-25 handle CO_SERIALIZE
06-10-11 add sfstropen()/sfstruse() error checks
06-09-19 command.c,cotest.c: sysconf() => astconf()
06-08-15 shell.c: unset CO_ENV_SHELL
06-08-11 main.c: handle CO_ENV_MSGFD msgfd != 3
06-08-11 handle connect=*
06-08-04 shell.c: handle CO_APPEND for job out|err
06-06-21 event.c: add --older, --newer, REQ_all
06-06-18 event.c: add event name pattern match/glob
06-06-11 event.c, add
03-03-04 add state.remote=CS_REMOTE_SHELL
01-12-12 resolve SETSHELL local vs. global conflict -- its both
	 ignore attr now really ignores host -- duh
01-12-11 add global maxidle=0 to ignore idle
	 split readonly and user settable values in `g' command output
00-12-14 shell is per host attribute
00-02-01 --- release 2.2 ---
99-06-24 cosh: change exit to return
99-06-24 --- release 2.1 ---
97-12-07 update for CS_SVC_SUFFIX
96-12-25 add constant casts for long shift counts
96-05-09 coinit(CO_SERVER)
96-02-29 use <hashkey.h>
96-01-31 AT&T Research
96-01-31 --- release 2.0 ---
95-07-17 add perhost job limit
	 all specific misc attr expr to override idle
95-05-09 convert init script to hostinfo
	 fix indirect bug that forgot to poll the command stream!
95-04-01 change streval() to strexpr()
95-01-01 don't bias out home host with cpu>1
	 add shell=path to set remote shell path
	 add debug=level to set debug level as an attribute
	 add identify=1 to identify remote command output
	 identify="format with %s"
	 attributes may be set on the command line
	 add COINIT to cosh so .coshrc can check for new coshell
	 add state.grace to g output
94-11-11 csstat() lazy evaluation in expressions
94-07-17 --- release 1.1 ---
94-06-11 add disable=secs to disable hosts of jobs killed by SIGKILL
	 handle shell quoted space in -r strings
94-04-01 add per host access=(expression) to control access
	 add per host bypass=(expression) to bypass min idle
	 add uid, gid, day (monday:1,sunday:7), hour, min to expressions
	 add periodic check for share/lib/cs/access for access control
	 add grace=n for busy job grace running time
	 add scale=n (default == # cpu) load average scale
	 add migrate="command" to override default SIGSTOP for hogs
	 add profile="command" to override default ". .profile"
94-03-11 fix pseudo-float and elapsed-time constant operand conversions
	 add static minidle to disambiguate from dynamic idle
	 fix remote shellopen to work for csh users (there's still some left?)
94-03-01 fix maxload to be pseudo-float
93-10-11 add CO_OPT_ACK coexec() ack
	 add maxload,percpu,perserver,peruser job limits
93-03-11 reschedule jobs queued on hung shells
92-11-11 minor fixes to handle `coshell -' on pipeline
92-09-26 /dev/tcp/* supported as alternative to /dev/fdp/*
92-04-01 --- release 1.0 ---
92-02-29 fix COATTRIBUTES quote bug, handle aaa==bbb@ccc in expressions
92-02-11 add `noattr' to delete misc attributes
91-10-11 add COTEMP temp file base to job environment
91-08-11 jobs queued for shell open now in job table
91-07-17 add heterogenous pool support
	 add % weight for additional cpus
	 fix (type@xxx) expression evaluation
91-03-11 fix handling of down hosts
91-02-11 add string comparisons to attribute evaluation
	 update for new message interface
91-01-31 add -?
90-12-11 if . has idle=0 then local bias entry is ignored
90-11-11 local host not reported down if status missing
90-10-11 . $ENV after .profile in $COINIT
	 add -l <expr> to list hosts matching <expr>
	 change CO_{attr,close,open} msgs to CO_server
	 add load and up readonly attributes
90-10-01 libx/cs -> libcs
90-08-11 check auto=0 file attribute
	 fix bug that dropped multiple SHELL job status messages
	 arbitrary attributes and C-style attribute expressions supported
	 ks <job> and kc <job> added to stop and continue jobs
	 signals sent to remote shells use signal name rather than number
	 add shell/job label attribute
90-07-17 add auto=[01] attribute for automatic scheduling pool
	 tune scheduling
	 add server protocol check (narrows unix-domain socket panic window)
	 catch SIGHUP to reconnect connect stream path
90-07-11 bad rank shells dropped from pool
	 more rank tuning
90-06-01 --- release 0.0 ---

cpp changes

09-01-06 cpp.tst: add macro definition overwrite test
09-01-05 cpp.tst: add another multiple include guard test
08-10-31 cpp.tst: add #x and pp:nomultiple tests
06-05-09 cpp.tst: add pp:externalize tests
	 cpp.tst: add compatibility ul numeric qualifier tests
06-01-11 cpp.tst: update pp:passthrough tests
05-12-16 cpp.tst: add imake pp:passthrough comment splice test
05-04-11 cpp.tst: add '"a" #s' catliteral + stringize
04-10-01 cpp.tst: adjust for hidden line patch
04-08-11 cpp.tst: adjust for ppproto.c patch
03-12-12 cpp.tst: add empty macro actual tests
03-11-25 cpp.tst: add -D-d test
03-11-12 cpp.tst: add #if expression tests
03-06-21 cpp.tst: add T_INVALID ? splice bug test
03-05-19 cpp.tst: add stray SKIPMACRO test
03-05-18 cpp.tst: add SYS_FUNCTION ungetchr() bug fix test
03-04-30 cpp.tst: add pp:mapinclude tests
02-11-07 cpp.c: exit() => return for lame linters
02-10-10 cpp.tst: add does not end with `newline' tests
02-05-24 cpp.tst: add TEST 15 pragma space canonicalization tests
02-03-15 cpp.tst: add TEST 14 for libpp/ppproto.c memory fault fix
01-10-20 cpp.tst: add pp:splicespace "..." tests
01-06-01 cpp.tst: add -M* dependency generation tests
01-02-14 cpp.tst: pp:pragmaexpand pp:catliteral # operator interactions
01-02-05 cpp.tst: add (finally)
96-01-31 --- release 2.0 ---
92-04-01 update for new libpp
92-04-01 --- release 1.1 ---
90-10-11 update cpp.1
88-06-08 update makefile to install ALTPP.LINK links
88-02-29 redo PP_INITDIR initialization
87-10-11 update man page
87-09-18 add ppop(PP_DONE) call
87-04-24 recode for updated library interface
87-04-03 add -D-Ttest to enable debugging test code
87-04-02 add -I-Rfile for PP_READ
	 move #include "ppdefault.h" to ppargs.c using PP_READ
	 add -D-I[id] to name line sync directive ("line" if id omitted)
87-03-31 change -Nfilename to -D-Ffilename
87-03-30 add -D-Llanguage for PP_LANGUAGE,language
	 add -D-H for PP_NOHOSTED
	 add -I-H for PP_HOSTED
87-03-24 --- release 1.0 ---

cs changes

10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
06-10-11 add sfstropen()/sfstruse() error checks
06-06-11 cs.c: switch to csclient()
02-10-02 tst.c: tmform() => fmttime()
01-01-01 vcs_src/*: drop old notices, fix signal handler prototype
00-05-09 mbb: add (message bulletin board service)
99-09-22 cs: update for CS_MNT_TAIL
99-05-18 cs,css: long options
98-05-01 css: add
97-05-09 imount: add
96-12-25 cs: fix -i eof logic
96-02-29 nam protocol change
	 add vcs+ifs beta
	 drop getdomainname() call
	 vcs: use ast equivalents for strstr ftruncate realpath
95-12-08 add -r raw interactive mode
95-07-17 add /trust=user when server not in PATH
95-04-01 start this file
	 fix cat server read bug CS_LINE -> CS_EXACT

mam changes

10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
04-02-29 self-document

msgcc changes

10-10-20 add raw type (like str) for ksh -D style strings
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
06-11-15 date -f x => date +x for ast-base portability
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
02-03-11 msgcc: fix merge replacement threshhold logic
	 msggen: convert { \a \b < >\r \v } back to C escapes
	 msgcpp: set pp:modern
02-02-14 msggen: add -f to list printf format signatures
01-10-10 msgcc: allow some email forms to pass
01-06-10 msgcpp: add proper escapes to OMIT pattern
01-05-29 msgcc: add similar unused message replacement, -M-similar
01-04-22 msgcc,msggen,msgget: use mcindex()
01-01-31 ignore ls generation errors
00-04-20 first release

nmake changes

12-06-20 O_cloexec|F_dupfd_cloexec edit
12-05-22 bind.c,dump.c,make.c,mam.c,rule.c: fix --mam=static 3d vs VPATH diffs
12-05-14 make.c: .IGNORE disables non-file "must"
12-05-04 option.c: add 'set --global...set --noglobal' scoping for :OP: makefiles
12-05-03 don't use ``grep -q'' until sun/oracle gets on board
12-04-20 option.c,load.c, add Op option .mo reread prereqs
12-03-22 .BIND.-l% in STDLIB dir with only CC.SUFFIX.ARCHIVE => -lfoo
12-03-22 bind.c: add .BIND.-l% --debug=3 trace
12-03-22 expand.c: SORT_qualified '!' and SORT_first '>' no longer mutually exclusive
12-02-29 fix ``lhs :MAKE: rhs'' logic for lhs and rhs makefile
12-02-29 option.c: fix regress option doc typo
12-02-20 update for astlicense() { since start source }
12-02-14 ignore MAKE_OPTIONS for --mam
12-02-14 add PWD edit ala MAKEPATH to PAXFLAGS
12-02-07 metarule.c: fix read string past terminator bug
12-02-02 add [[ a || b ]] to the $SHELL -n compatibility test
12-01-30 fix .INSTALL* to better handle 'text file busy'
12-01-26 add to rule install list
12-01-21 --- release 5.7 ---
12-01-21 internal tmfmt() must use user format on special times too
12-01-09 fix .MAMEDIT. to elide -[DI]-*
11-12-13 option.c: fix off by 1 undermalloc
11-12-13 fix MAKE_OPTIONS to peoperly handle --*=* options
11-11-01 omit .TARGETs from manifest
11-10-28 command.c: expand .EXPORT values at export time -- doh
11-10-10 parameter (PROTO) (PROTOFLAGS) -- doh
11-09-11 parse.c: fix ``local ( A B ... ) 1'' that did not declare B
11-09-09 check $PACKAGE_foo and then $FOO_HOME
11-09-07 add
11-08-31 mam.c,option.c: add state.mam.hold, set mam=[no]hold
11-08-30 object.c: drop OLD_header_t.version union for old cc
11-08-28 add $(ARHYPHEN) for ancient sun4-vintage ar(1)
11-08-25 change obsolete name=value option timeout to 20121221
11-08-11 fix :READONLY: typo
11-05-09 add .SOURCE.h : $(INSTALLROOT)/include
11-05-09 fix .LIST.PACKAGE.LICENSE to include .'d def files
11-03-03 add %.rc -DRCWOW=...
11-03-02 fix :LIBRARY: --plugin=foo --static to generate the plugin!
11-02-11 add '### .*archaic.* ###' test for install to diable sh -n check
11-02-02 --- release 5.6 ---
11-02-02 command.c: fix .AFTER prereq bug that executed target twice
11-02-02 add :LIBRARY: --static --private
11-02-02 fix mam %.req to check for $INSTALLROOT/lib/lib/%
11-01-21 expand.c: fix active() non-terminating loop for joint targets
11-01-21 add "::" (.OPTIONS.$(<)) : .PARAMETER
11-01-18 handle sh patterns on rhs of :MAKE:
11-01-11 handle .INSTALL.COMMON - - -
11-01-04 add 32/64 conditionals for c++ mangle compatibility
10-11-12 add .MAM.STATE.VARS. for FOO=BAR => -DFOO=BAR in mamake!
10-11-12 command.c: fix .AFTER .FORCE .REPEAT infinite loop -- wow
10-11-10 object.c: fix old_header.version puns for strict-aliasing
10-10-20 fix .SHARED.LIST. to honor top level .MULTIPLE
10-10-20 ksh -D strings => raw string
10-08-24 bind.c: glob_diropen() gs->name absolute path
10-08-23 bind.c: drop GLOB_NOCHECK so *.notthere => empty
10-08-15 mam.c: fix joint target make-done imbalance
10-07-17 option.c: expand external.old for execve() -- doh
10-06-21 use CC.SUFFIX.DEBUG instead of .pdb
10-06-21 add "idxxx ... id=id :LIBRARY: ..." to preserve _BLD_id==1
10-06-17, finally a general solution to -I- vs prefix-include?
10-06-01 ast api 20100601
10-06-01 :PACKAGE: --latest --api=YYYYMMDD|latest FOO:YYYYMMDD
10-05-25 add CC.STDLIB.BASE checks for PACKAGE_X11_LIB
10-04-15 command.c: update to latest cowait() api
10-03-11 object.c: fix rare 0 complink compile bug
10-03-11 option.c: handle delayed option quoting if needed
10-03-10 expand.c: add '-' to order prereq token char set
10-03-09 read.c: fix ancient makefile cpp comment check that missed /**...
10-03-04 LC_ALL=C for $SHELL -n to avoid 1.2 arith syntax errors
10-02-24 rule.c: add .GETOPTS and b_getopts() builtin for optget()
10-02-14 add .INSTALL.COMMON. directory arg
10-02-14 bind.c: add bind_p "- ..." and "... ..." virtual logic
10-02-14 set --nonativepp -- doh
10-02-14 make.c,metarule.c: change metget() prereqs arg to active frame
10-02-14 expand.c,make.c,metarule.c: .IMPLICIT metarules not applied to implicit prereqs
10-02-02 fix LICENSEINFO search to check $(.PACKAGE.)-foo.lic
10-01-19 fix .RECURSE to handle install or .INSTALL
10-01-01 --- release 5.4 ---
10-01-01 parse.c: ['"] following # always ignored
09-12-09 .EXPORT => .SCRIPT, internal.exported => internal.script
09-12-09 .EXPORT now adds vars to coshell coexport(3) list
09-12-04 rename PACKAGE_OPTIMIZE=foo to PACKAGE_OPTIONS=optimize-foo
09-11-13 fix .req logic for virtual -lfoo
09-10-28 command.c: disable *** error status message for .FAILURE targets
09-10-27 parse.c,make.c: a - b : .JOINT => b:.DONTCARE (b optionally generated)
09-10-27 install .pdb if it exists in .lib dir
09-10-09 --- release 5.4 ---
09-10-07 bind.c: makerule(path) == makerule(base) && !alias && terminal => drop path
09-10-06 add '-' prefix to ARFLAGS for posix portability
09-10-05 consult REQUIRE libs for CC.DLL targets
09-09-28 retract: if -lfoo binds to CC.STDLIB dir then bind to -lfoo
	 (it makes a difference for some cc!)
09-09-22 CC='' or --cctype=- or --cctype=0 => no C probe
09-09-22 if -lfoo binds to CC.STDLIB dir then bind to -lfoo
09-09-22 main.c: missing default makefile diagnostic is warning if --errorid
09-09-09 fix CC.AR.ARFLAGS logic
09-09-01 handle { libfoo.a foolib.a foo.a } prereqs
09-08-20 add :LIBRARY: name=soname and CC.SHARED.NAME logic
09-08-20 add :PACKAGE: --soname[=-n], -n to drop n suffixes in soname
09-07-31 add CC.AR.ARFLAGS
09-05-05 scan.c: reject implicit prereq names containing space
09-03-24 --option[=value] compatibility with option[=value] until 2011
09-03-02 use $(-recurse:/:/ /G:N=[0-9]*:O=N) for recursion limit
09-02-02 reset :PACKAGE: pkg:noinstall for each pkg
09-01-09 fix .TGZ to handle large manifests
09-01-09 ::[=N] installs in man/manN/foo.N (default 1)
09-01-06 bind.c: fix 2d .SOURCE* cross product virtual+dir bug
08-12-08 -lfoo/bar => bar plugin for foo
08-12-08 expand.c: handle -lfoo/bar prereqs
08-11-11 add => % for perl scripts
08-11-11 rc requires native path to .rc file
08-11-04 bind.c: handle non-3d VPATH for absolute dirs in .SOURCE*
08-10-24 fix install --link=* to handle directories
08-10-24 command.c: work around another gcc code generation bug -- ouch
08-10-16 fix :NOOPTIMIZE: to cooperate with :NOPROTECT:
08-09-24 add --recurse=only
08-09-10 add :NOPROTECT:, fix CC.DIALECT=VERSION shared lib bind
08-08-08 state.c: do not use low res virtual st.st_mtime
08-08-08 always include explicit :: files in manifest
08-06-06 drop -G from _BLD_DEBUG trigger -- doh
08-05-22 $(CC.ARFLAGS) also needs $(CCLDFLAGS)
08-05-20 tests/test.def: add SET local -- nfs can't keep up
08-04-28 make.c: fix .ACCEPT to propagate state event time
08-04-28 option.c: split --regress into --regress={message|sync}
08-04-28 tests: --regress for all tests, --regress=sync for timing only
08-04-01 .SCAN.c <nosuffix> => nosuffix : .TERMINAL
08-03-27 add --ignorecase option to .INCLUDE.SUFFIX.
08-03-27 scan.c: fix buffer boundary slide bug
08-02-29 --- release 5.3 ---
08-02-29 option.c,variable.c: $(-+name) => option value
08-02-29 expand.c: add :H=O: to reverse token list
08-02-09 fix .SHARED.LIST. to allow multiple explicit lib prereqs
08-02-02 add LDRUNPATH init from $(CC.RUNPATH)
07-12-15 add "set stdio HEADER" to .SCAN.iffe
07-11-26 handle a.req => -lfoo -lbar, and -la does not exists
07-10-22 initialize ( to match .SHARED.LIST.LIBS.
07-10-18 parse.c: handle .assoc.*%* : .INSERT to insert into assoc list
07-09-11 fix --force-shared docs to match semantics
07-09-07 scan.c: tweak ANY logic (leading ANY still does not play nice)
07-09-07 handle ``ID. COPY ...''
07-08-28 bind.c: handle assoc foo=>bar alias
07-07-31 rule.c,object.c: handle include - f, f missing in .mo, then exists
07-06-28 fix .SHARED.LIST.EXCLUDE. plugin bug (sortlib/vcodex)
07-06-25 let $(CPP) do the %.rc=>%.res preprocessing
07-06-21 .IGNORE shared only if ! "$(CC.SUFFIX.DYNAMIC)"
07-06-21 flush dir cache after each :MAKE: recursion
07-06-21 option.c: handle set --option=';foo;sa;...'
07-06-21 expand.c: handle --recurse=*implicit* and clean up order_*() apis
07-06-21 expand.c: + ... intermediate makefile dirs in :W: (-Q0x40000000)
07-06-20 add --recurse=leaf to terminate leaf recursion
07-06-20 handle "lhs :ALL:"
07-06-15 expand.c: add :W: . alias check
07-06-11 variable.c: foo:bar==1 equiv to bar==; foo : bar=1
07-06-06 bind.c: fix ancient internal.openfile bug -- wow
07-06-06 add .SHARED.LIST.EXCLUDE. to exclude self
07-06-06 rule.c: add self to IGNORECHANGE(), only check primary joint
07-05-25 retry package sans version if version fails
07-05-21 misc.c: invalidate openfile if _WINIX && st_nlink>1
07-05-09 fix %.req logic
07-04-20 fix PROTOINSTALL sed <ast_*.h> => <ast/ast_*.h>
07-04-18 add :REQUIRE:
07-03-26 make.h: add state.expall to detect and disable $(...) recursion
07-03-26 fix .IFFE.REF. to handle -l* reqs
07-03-23 handle -G <number>
07-03-11 add --shared as an alternative to CCFLAGS+=$(CC.DLL)
07-02-23 add :PACKAGE: foo:private for +lfoo but not in *.req
07-02-14 expand.c: tweak :P=D: alias check (-Q0x10000000)
07-01-11 --- release 5.2 ---
07-01-09 expand.c: add :P=D: alias check (-Q0x10000000)
07-01-01 add --local-static with dynamic targets now default
07-01-01 cmd+dll installs dll before command compile/link
06-12-24 expand.c: handle $("":T=ZW) (equivalent to $("":T=R))
06-12-24 misc.c: fix :F=T: to handle sec[.nsec]
06-12-22 add CC.STDLIB.BASE to differentiate 32 vs 64 arch
06-12-22 use CC.STDLIB.BASE
06-12-15 set up PACKAGE rules to search CC.STDLIB -- doh
06-12-14 add (RC) (RCFLAGS) to %.rc => %.res
06-12-12 bind.c: handle win32 dir vs. dir.exe => not aliased
06-12-07 expand.c: add $("<table>":L...) for { FILES RULES VARIABLES }
06-12-07 expand.c: add :VX: to still expand value
06-12-07 use $("<VARIABLES>":L=CC.+([[:upper:].])) in .MAM.INIT
06-11-23 fix .BIND.-l% for -g only bootstrap
06-11-15 fix :: vs :LIBRARY: ordering bug for .o prereqs
06-11-11 fix :PACKAGE: vs lib64
06-09-28 add $(IFFEREFS)
06-09-15 fix .SHARED.DEF.* scope prereq logic
06-09-01 Makefile: no -O for command.c on darwin (probably gcc 4.0's fault)
06-08-15 command.c: handle no action but .AFTER|.BEFORE prereqs 
06-08-11 .PACKAGE.INIT now checks lib64 for HOSTTYPE==*64
06-08-11 command.c: pass $(COSHELL) to coopen()
06-08-07 command.c,parse.c: add 'query - blocked' for blocked jobs
06-08-02 command.c: cokill(state.coshell,0,0) to kill event jobs
06-07-31 metarule.c: handle dynamic metarule rhs
06-07-27 command.c: clear job->cojobs to prevent concurrent use
06-07-17 cc-...~... => cc-...,...
06-06-21 expand.c: add :Z[=C]: for closure and cycle detection
06-06-11 command.c: update to use copending() cojobs() cozombie()
06-05-09 command.c: pass CO_ENV_OPTIONS to coopen()
06-03-29 fix +l* explicit binding override
06-03-08 fix :JOINT: rhs double eval
06-02-08 drop -g from COBOLFLAGS
06-01-31 fix :PACKAGE: P:static to honor .PACKAGE.P.library
06-01-25 { -ldl -lm } dynamic unless explicitly overridden
06-01-21 --- release 5.1 --- fix list.package.binary INSTALLROOT edit
	 command.c: add gcc 4.*.* ppc code generation bug workaround
	 read.c: handle /dev/* mtime==0
	 version.c: fix { VROOT VOFFSET } initialization
06-01-08 pkg-cobol-*.mk: handle --debug-symbols
05-12-25 fix :LIBRARY: plugin bind for exe/dll
05-11-22 variable.c: restore $(+...)==$(-...) until 2009
05-11-07 fix :YYPREFIX: to handle YY in new prefix
05-11-03 expand.c: add :H=P: directory prefix sort
05-11-01 pkg-cobol-*.mk: add :VARARGS:
05-10-14 pkg-cobol*.mk: add COBOL.PLUGIN.LIBRARIES for mfcobc plugins
05-10-12 handle "foo :LIBRARY: -lfoo" to gen dll from lib
	 tests/cc.def: add test version of
05-10-11 :PACKAGE: foo:bar => add special char extern demangle :PACKAGE: cobol:always => .COBOL.INIT
05-09-15 quote .PROBE.SPECIAL return to disable time arith
05-08-11 rule.c,state.c,tests/attribute.tst: fix .RETAIN
05-08-08 add :A!=.TERMINAL: to .BUILT. -- doh
	 tests/recurse.tst: add test for .BUILT. vs .TERMINAL
05-07-17 move cobol specifics to add CCSPECIALIZE $(CC.OPTIMIZE) override add include - + add $(-mam) test for .MAM.INIT in .mo --mam=static set noreadstate reread strictview handle package named by root dir: :PACKAGE: /a/b/name generic cobol package setup open source cobol package setup microfocus cobol package setup
	 options.h: OPT_reread is boolean, not numeric
	 rule.c: add .FREEZE state.freeze
	 tests/recurse.tst: add
05-05-25 use $(CC.INCLUDE.LOCAL) instead of -I- CC.DIALECT
05-05-18 fix --static-link typo disable .MAMACTION "setv FOO ${FOO}" add (CC.SHARED.LIBS.*) to capture -l* bind changes
05-05-11 fix --nolib-type to work for referenced libs too
05-05-05 handle cobol COPY "book" optional quotes
05-05-01 drop -D* from COBOLFLAGS :PACKAGE: :dynamic => :notype
05-04-26 add COBOLDIALECT
05-04-20 add :P=A: to .LIST.PACKAGE.BINARY VROOT logic fix PACKAGE_%_LIB logic to handle /usr/%/lib64 etc.
	 version.c: fix OLDMAKE to search $(PATH) for { gmake make }
05-04-15 option.c: fix regress state.start for hi res clock lo res filesystem
	 state.c: failed statevar action must set statevar time to 0 change manifest edit op :P=F: => :P=F:T=FR:
05-04-14 drop /usr/common from LCLDIRS, /home from OPTDIRS
05-04-11 command.c: set internal.openfd FD_CLOEX before coopen()
05-04-08 parse.c: revisit space indentation [syntax:10]
         object.c: pre-2005-03-01 corruption repair drops 0 prereq list items
05-04-03 variable.c: fix += vs space inconsistencies [assign:09] restore $(PACKAGE_LOCAL) -- used in user makefiles
05-03-31 add --lib-type
	 object.c: move bound object prereq name to COMP_NSEC
	 parse.c: fix assertion/assignment intercept $(%) to be operator name
05-03-19 chmod only if not already writeable&executable mam ${-debug-symbols...} defaults to ${CCFLAGS.FORCE}
	 make.c: fix optional joint metarule prereq state check
	 metarule.c: fix closure ordering bug (metarule:23)
	 object.c: don't mark (P_joint|P_target) garbage
	 object.c: fix makefile prereq subsecond truncation time check
	 object.c: fix makefile prereq change bug (diagnostics:14)
	 parse.c: .SPECIAL not interpreted as metarule -- doh
	 state.c: triggered state var time now synced after action completes
05-03-17 state.c: fix statefile() to return non-null for --nowritestate
	 state.c: demote "file timestamp subsecond truncation" to --warn fix .SHARED.LIST. to honor --all-static _PACKAGE_foo=0 => ignore :PACKAGE: foo
05-03-11 state.c: handle linux subsecond truncation after state lock inode flush
	 expand.c: handle */foo?* : lib/libfoo in :W=O:
05-03-09 cobol accepts "\T \D COPY ..." !
	 rule.c: clarify prereq list change explanations
05-03-08 Makefile: generate nmake.1 from --nroff + make.1.body + make.1.tail
05-03-01 object.c: fix compcheck() bug that missed some prereq->complink
         object.c: repair pre-2005-03-01 compcheck() corruption in load() fix .LIST.PACKAGE.EDIT. , delimiter clash fix binary .LIST.PACKAGE.EDIT. to retain arch/HOSTTYPE fix plugin static :LIBRARY: dll install bug --static-link => _BLD_STATIC_LINK==1
05-02-28 object.c: reset errno for "object file io" EOF messages
05-02-22 make.c: fix joint metarule time comparison
05-02-14 object.c: object option strings must be utf8
05-02-11 check :MAKE: recursion on .
05-02-08 shared lib link now uses ./*.req too
05-02-06 .FIND. lib/package checks $(PACKAGEROOT) first
05-02-04 drop .LIBRARY.CLEANUP. old plugin cleanup
05-01-01 --- release 5.0 ---
	 high resolution time stamps
04-12-25 handle cc-,a=b check for -I. after -I- add MVFLAGS=-f for install actions relax .PACKAGE.INIT. PACKAGE_%_INCLUDE search fix list.manifest recursion add experimental --recurse=combine assert .LCL.INCLUDE before .PREFIX.INCLUDE :T=G: bind fix _PACKAGE_ID
	 bind.c: disable bindalias() for unbound files -- doh
	 misc.c: fix { %C %S } core dump (after a warning!)
	 parse.c: drop CON_scan for over all rules; $(...) does it
	 parse.c: drop { .ASSERT .ASSIGN } lists, add { .ASSERT. .ASSIGN. }
	 state.c: ignore file timestamp subsecond truncation -- willya fix ext3
04-12-08 add .SCAN.iffe for `include previous-iffe-output' fix $(prefixinclude:?...) => $(-prefix-include:+...) no -g CC.LIB.TYPE (in ar name) if CC.OPTIMIZE also set
	 rule.c: don't propagate .DONTCARE .IGNORE to bound rule
	 parse.c: association pattern ending in % is appended
	 expand.c: fix :P=A: 3d logic to retain pwd prefix -- doh
	 expand.c: fix makefile scan to ignore lib*.[hH]
	 bind.c: fix bug that missed bind dir for x given explicit d/x (edit#18)
	 misc.c,option.c: *,*=* is a target/prereq, not a (scoped) var assignment
04-12-01 object.c,state.c: tmsleep() on statefile time for 1 sec granularity
04-11-25 expand.c: handle :T=<op>=<ops>: for all <op>
	 command.c: maintain error state for cancelled actions
	 command.c: add .AFTER .FAILURE to capture action errors LEX = $(FLEX) if flex exists add :YYPREFIX: fallback to previously generated
04-10-22 check for package-pwd in LICENSEFILES mam ${(debug|strip)...} => ${-(debug|strip)-symbols...} add $(LICENSECLASS) add $(package.license.class) pattern for .LIST.PACKAGE.* add $(.SELECT.EDIT.) for omitting .RECURSE subdirs
	 expand.c: fix recursive order logic
04-10-01 metarule.c: metaget assumes % target for ... : % .NULL (-Q0x08000000)
	 scan.c: add \T token match for (\D|\V) :PACKAGE: --option checked first, "set" by default .SCAN.cob COPY has "\T" lead-in instead of " \D"
04-09-28 expand.c: fix operator separator parse (edit#17)
	 option.c: fix $(-c) option flag lookup (option#14)
04-09-24 option.c: optcheck() after each option table change
04-09-21 add --option prereq scope with getopt() style "--" terminator
	 expand.c: :P=A: now acts like :P=L!: fix $(-static) => $(-static-link) /bin/cat.exe => "%.exe : % .NULL"
04-09-09 expand.c: add :T=QO: (isoption()) and :T=QR: (!!getrule())
	 object.c: finally stomp the complist() panic via compcheck()
	 object.c: fix loadstring() to detect early EOF
	 option.c: add isoption(), --name[[-+&|^]=value]
	 option.c: fix set option table format to handle future extensions drop PACKAGE_LOCAL definition -- not used anywhere add rules options, syn with options.c this version incompatible with make < 2004-09-09
04-09-01 add .LIST.PACKAGE.RUNTIME fix recursive .LIST.PACKAGE.EDIT.
	 make.h,options.h,option.c,command.c: add --serialize, state.serialize
	 expand.c: sync :W: 2d and 3d logic
	 option.c: add --option values subarg for optget(3) value list
	 read.c: fix MAKERULES vs. explicit rules statement logic
	 variable.c: change $(+) to $(--[name]), add $(-?[name])
04-08-31 fix -D-d vs -dD logic
04-08-11 expand.c: :W=O: scans INIT files too -- duh
	 expand.c: fix :P=H: sufix checks
	 expand.c: handle :P!=S:
	 command.c: fix .JOBDONE rule arg (internal#05)
	 command.c: fix --targetcontext directory commit logic
	 metarule.c: add --targetprefix=prefix to handle source base clashes
	 parse.c: fix local ( a ... ) $(%) (statement#10) fix :PACKAGE_INSTALL: to use .ACCEPT (e.g. for proto) fix .MAMEDIT. initialization for 2d vs. 3d YACCFIX now applies proto to ignore VERSION==- for default output file names fix :DLL: to work -- wow fix synthesized rule names to avoid .. canonicalization fix :PACKAGE: to handle `foo=bar' rhs add .LIST.PACKAGE.LICENSE add separateinclude=1 to override CC.DIALECT=-I- handle --targetprefix
04-08-10 add :PACKAGE: { atl crt mfc } support -- puke
04-07-27 move :: related files to msg specific action
04-07-22 tests/*.tst: more test additions
04-07-17 archive.c: --regress enables ranlib for all archive types
	 bind.c: fix binding guess for unbuilt targets
	 bind.c: fix overzealous dir HASH prune for 2d views
	 bind.c: allow D_source&P_target to inherit lower view (assert#29)
	 expand.c: add :T=B..: unbind pre-op
	 main.c: move the .INIT trap after candidate state variable freeze
	 main.c,read.c: update MAKECONVERT to handle 'file1:file2 action ...'
	 make.c: let joint prereq share sibling frame for binding (assert#34)
	 make.c: fix require_p loop detection
	 object.c: add objectfile() to unify with statefile()
	 object.c: fix lower view state var time propagation
	 object.c: -nbf file inhibits frozen var check
	 object.c: use complink() skip logic in comprule() -- wow
	 option.c: --writestate and --writestate can specifiy dir only
	 rule.c: add .GLOBAL and
	 state.c: drop leads/lags warning for --regress handle multiple :LINK: lhs fix .DO.INSTALL.DIR view logic with .DO.TOP.LEVEL add ".ATTRIBUTE.%.h : .SCAN.c" for .PARAMETER files add $'...' quotes
04-06-30 parse.c: pass blank lines at all input levels to preserve numbering
	 parse.c: no space indent warning for blank lines
	 parse.c,syntax-08: handle quote after expansion in expression
04-06-28 make.c: preserve joint metarule prereq list order
	 diagnostics.tst: add
04-06-21 make options env ignored if MAKE_OPTIONS set
	 make.h: add state.import with increment/decrement semantics
	 options.h,options.c,variable.c,object.c: add import state option
	 parse.c: fix here action parse to honor quotes and nesting
	 parse.c: retain blank/hidden action lines for line number consistency
	 trap.c: fix functional vs. obsolete virtual interrupt logic
	 assert.tst,automatics.tst,interrupts.tst,syntax.tst: add
04-06-20 dump.c: drop dumprule() trailing ' ' by adding "state" status
	 expand.c: skip tst=='F' for :T=XG:
	 make.c: maketop() rule rename disabled (what did that do?)
	 misc.c: handle %o in printext() -- oops
	 misc.c: %t %T calls tmdate() if not a number
	 parse.c: D_scope prereqs do not set P_target if ! "$(CC.DIALECT:N=-I-)" then no -I- -- duh
04-06-19 implicit.tst: add
04-06-18 rule.c: add nametype() to unify is*() name type macros
04-06-17 options.h: add -q, --regress to massage output for testing
	 misc.c: add numtime() for mam/regress/trace numeric times
	 prereqs.tst: add
04-06-12 assignment.tst: add
04-06-11 fix per-target +l vs. -l
	 nmake.tst: split into attributes.tst edit.tst options.tst
	 options.c: recode to pass options.tst
04-06-10 nmake.tst: initialize in 2d with no VPATH
04-06-08 drop :PACKAGE: nolibrary => -l%:.VIRTUAL
04-06-06 rule.c: fix associate() .SCAN match
04-06-04 add :PACKAGE: foo:notype bar:type=-p --type=-g fix .REQUIRE.* to handle libfoo.a etc.
	 scan.c: add 'O' option to inhibit scan override warning
	 parse.c: debug=7 for active statements, debug=8 for skipped
04-05-31 fix :PACKAGE: version logic add .FLAGSINIT, called in .MAKEINIT, strip to generic cobol
	 expand.h,expand.c: add ^ edit op sep
04-05-20 fix .OFFICIAL to not diff dirs
04-05-19 parse.c: make the read builtin interruptable
04-05-18 rule.c: move b_*() builtins here, add b_syscall()
04-05-11 mam.c: add "bind ..." to match the mam doc
	 make.c: add "meta ..." to match the mam doc tweak cobol sql scan
	 scan.c: fix ancient dup pattern prefix bug
04-05-06 fix CCLD CCLDFLAGS semantics
04-04-15 expand.c: fix :V: operand check
	 expand.c: check var alternation only before first delimiter
	 expand.c: add :P=F: to recursively expand dir hierarchies
	 expand.c: fix ancient $(...) non-tokenizing edit op bug
	 parse.c: fix dup scope prereq value append
	 bind.c: check for consistent ../* bound directory rebind fix :PACKAGE: :noinclude:nolib:noroot add :P=F: to .MANIFEST. add :INIT: drop obsolete MAKESKIP var definition proto notice generation disabled unless LICENSE=="*=*" package/PACKAGE.(lic|pkg) on PKGDIRS inhibits "not found" "test" action checks for gnu "check" fix recurse action target selection fix .INCLUDE.cob to search lower and upper case suffixes add SYSDIR
04-04-12 Makefile: add STDCHMOD (for osf.alpha cmd :LIBRARY:)
04-04-04 bind.c: don't alias 2d directories -- duh
04-04-01 .BIND.+l% checks .REQUIRE.-l% for disable
04-03-31 expand.c: add :VB: for VAL_BRACE { ... } fix .SHARED.LIST. again add :PACKAGE: noCC.* CC.*=value probe overrides
04-03-30 omit -L*/local/* if in CC.STDLIB (00-03-17 repeal)
04-03-25 drop openbsd.i386 -lc_r workaround fix .SHARED.BIND. CC.SUFFIX.STATIC -l* expansion bug
04-03-17 expand.c: check { :: :LIBRARY: } lhs
	 option.c: fixed bug that looped on `-' or `+' arg -- wow atom arg disables foo => .FOO checks for subsequent args fix .LIST.PACKAGE.BINARY :P=A: misplacement fix inappropriate .BIND.-l% CC.SUFFIX.ARCHIVE .IGNORE fix .SHARED.REF.* to bind before return :NOTHING: now does `exit 0' -- almost nothing I not appended to ARFLAGS if .def :LIBRARY: rhs handle /usr/include/X11R* /usr/lib/X11R*, deprecate contrib
04-02-29 state.c: fix `another make running' message to handle <=0 elapsed time CC.LD.RUNPATH used only if LDRUNPATH set (. to kick in) mam ${MAKE} => ${NMAKE}, ${MAKEFLAGS} => ${NMAKEFLAGS} localize plugin DLLDIR and CC.SHARED.REGISTRY do not install plugin CC.SUFFIX.SHARED libs fix CC.SUFFIX.SHARED CC.SUFFIX.ARCHIVE clash
	 variable.c: mam $(-): $MAKEFLAGS => ${NMAKEFLAGS}
	 nmake.tst: 001 now ebcdic immune
04-02-14 scan.c: add class identifier match action 'C'
	 expand.c: add :P=E: for PATH independent executable name
	 expand.c: static mam :P=A: expands ``.'' for pwd
	 expand.c: :N=pat: now uses regcomp() instead of strmatch()
	 expand.c: :T=F: lstat() (as always) :T>F: pathstat()
	 read.c: extend new vs. old makefile type check
	 parse.c: add <<'end' ... end for literal actions let proto -c '' determine .LIST.PACKAGE.* comment style add $(CC.EXPORT.DYNAMIC) to default cobol LDFLAGS add $(CC.SHARED.LD) to differentiate -r and $(CC.SHARED)
         option.c: add --writeobject[=file] --writestate[=file]
04-02-11 .LIST.PACKAGE.* generates top view relative paths add $(CC.AR) for ar
	 option.c: fix optget() usage bug that treated --nofoo as --foo
04-02-02 :LIBRARY: plugin static still installs req fix :PACKAGE: foo:nolibrary ignore C++ include <foo> (no suffix)
	 object.c: retain reference .IGNORE in state
	 option.c: non-0 exit for invalid command line options
	 parse.c: don't check D_scope for D_dynamic
	 rule.c: add external.order for .ORDER, :W=[OPR]:, :PACKAGE: X:order
	 scan.c: null map means ignore; handle |A.IGNORE|
04-01-30 add .LIBRARY.CLEANUP.* to clean up after plugin renam :PACKAGE_INIT: lhs for pre-installed $(BINDIR) files
04-01-28 add ``lib version plugin=id :LIBRARY: ...''
	 expand.c: :W=[OPR]: now favors make if its in the mix
04-01-22 add .PREQUIRE check to ensure up to date *.req
04-01-20 expand.c: :T=F: includes triggered time==0 targets
04-01-01 --- release 4.4 ---
03-12-31 $(LDRUNPATH) overrides defaults for CC.LD.RUNPATH
03-12-19 expand.c: add `foolib:foo:libfoo' to :W=[OPR]:
03-11-25 CC=c++ not found => search for any existing c++ compiler
03-11-19 default cobol include suffix is .CPY (or .cpy)
03-09-29 fix $(PACKAGES) logic inversion typo (:VARIANT: bug)
03-09-22 don;t clobber $(CATALOG).msg
03-09-19 fix USAGE_LICENSE quoting
	 expand.c: fix :T=E: quoting
03-09-16 archive.c: inhibit `member newer than archive' for ranlib time skew
03-08-27 honor explicit :MAKE: rhs order
03-08-11 make.c: change -T0x00300000 to -Q0x00300000 as documented
03-07-17 archive.c: add arupdate()
	 state.c: don't skew sync archives (avoids possible ranlib interference)
03-06-21 parse.c: fix expr() quote recursion bug fix .DLL.INSTALL logic
	 object.c: add initcode() to initialize the ccode maps early enough
	 main.c: add initcode() startup call
03-06-11 reinstate install .a on .dll+.lib systems inhibit libast.a install since cc does implicit ast.lib drop DIALECT==CLOSURE check for new -l* binding add --mam ${mam_cc_FLAGS} to handle user CCFLAGS override fix :DLL: to honor CCFLAGS add -D_BLD_DEBUG to mam CCFLAGS
03-06-10 add libpp(3) -D-d to %.i rules
03-06-09 main.c: wait for jobs to finish before making .DONE
	 expand.c: change `V edit op value' error to be a warning fall back to flex if lex not found
03-06-06 expand.c: add :VFU: to expand unbound internal var names use .SHARED.LIST. to generate -l* +l* list
03-06-02 -o C++ implies -o PPLD for link time instantiation
03-05-21 fix>% :T=E: echo quote bug
03-05-19 runtime check for flex -[oP] and bison -[op] add strip=1 ala debug=1
03-05-11 rule.c: fix MAKEPATH=$PWD:$PWD loop
03-05-09 command.c: add "init TARGET CURTIME" dynamic mam
	 command.c: add CURTIME to mam "code TARGET STATETIME CURTIME ..."
03-05-07 add COBOL COBOLFLAGS COBOLMAIN COBOLLIBRARIES .SUFFIX.cob add .SCAN.cob, `*( MAIN )*' for main source
	 scan.c: add \D (0 or more digits), \V (0 or more variable chars)
03-04-27 don't build dlls in subdir for CC.SUFFIX.SHARED==".x"
03-04-22 drop :PACKAGE: Xm override -- handled by uwin
03-04-15 mam.c: output P_ignore attribute fix the mam .DO.INSTALL to compare before mv to .old!!
03-04-05 expand.c: add :W=P: for ordered recursive prereqs add recurse=prereqs add openbsd.* -lc_r pthread workaround add .PACKAGE.$(P).found:=1 if package lib or header found optional :PACKAGE: rhs must now be marked :dontcare pure recursion makefiles make .RECURSE first by default .NORECURSE inhibits default .RECURSE first fix .DO.INSTALL directory prereq omission add .BELIEVE for initialization, e.g., after mamake
	 bind.c: fix rebind alias bug
	 misc.c: limit `mtime after the epoch' warnings to { S_ISREG S_ISDIR }
03-03-28 eliminate CC.STDINCLUDE before -I- too
03-03-27 add :PACKAGE: *:attributes:* fix CC.REQUIRE.Xm add :PACKAGE: Xm:attributes:static
03-03-21 command.c,object.c: always emit target name for --mam=dynamic
03-03-19 expand.c: add :W=R: for true :MAKE: recursion order
	 state.c: add test 0x00040000 to set failed event to staterule event
	 nmake.tst: add first regression tests since 1984 -- yes, I'm ashamed change :W=O: to :W=R: use CC.LD.RUNPATH for LDRUNPATH and non-std dirs drop MAKEDIRS .RECURSE.OFFSET. -- not needed with :W=R:
03-03-15 fix debug=1 to delete $(CC.OPTIMIZE) from CCFLAGS
	 expand.c: fix SORT_* comparison function selection
03-03-11 expand.c: add ~ edit op sep
	 expand.c: limit edit op [~!<>=] sep to one occurrence
	 expand.c: add :H=[FINUV]: alternative to edit sep overload
	 expand.c: add :L~: to use version comparison use :H=[FINUV]: and :L~: add pkgconfig(1) .pc file support in :PACKAGE: fix>% :T=E: misquote (ancient!)
03-03-03 .MAM.INIT handles debug=1 for CC.DEBUG vs. CC.OPTIMIZE add 'test : .DONTCARE .ONOBJECT' another prefixinclude fix -- my head hurts pass recursive $(=) by value ( $(=:V) )
	 misc.c: fix :F=[LUV]: translation
03-02-28 YACCFIX workaround for bison yytoken addition include $(LDLIBRARIES) in %.req fix .BIND.-l% comparison on CC.PREFIX.SHARED handle .o scope prereqs
	 variable.c: fix $(!) internal.val conflict
03-02-24 option.c: drop --mismatch alias for --corrupt
03-02-12 handle multiple lhs for :INSTALLDIR:
03-02-06 add
03-01-31 mark .PACKAGE.LIBRARIES. hints .DONTCARE :PACKAGE: add to .PACKAGE. first, then include pkg-*.mk
03-01-23 more prefixinclude tweaks
03-01-11 CATALOG default is $(.CATALOG.NAME.)
03-01-10 parameterize all silent => $(SILENT)
02-12-21 --- release 4.3 ---
02-12-18 :NOOPTIMIZE: "..."'d operator arg shenanigans
02-12-16 disable .ARCOPY for linked targets
02-12-06 sync CC.MAKE.OPTIONS,nativepp,prefixinclude logic
02-12-04 fix contorted .so editing for - and  n.n.n versions parameterize CC/cc suffixes in { .SUFFIX.c .SUFFIX.C } use { .SUFFIX.c .SUFFIX.C } in :cc: list generation parameterize fortran suffixes in { .SUFFIX.f .SUFFIX.r } %.f is now equivalent to %.F use { .SUFFIX.c .SUFFIX.C .SUFFIX.f .SUFFIX.r } change .SCAN.F to .SCAN.fql -- who cares?
02-12-03 rule.c: don't .UNBIND M_bind rules (questionable=0x02000000)
02-12-02 prefixinclude=0 if CC.DIALECT has -I-
	 make.c: add mutually dependent requirement loop check (for -l loops)
02-11-28 main.c: don't close error_info.fd in startup
02-11-21 dll version "-" bug that removed the installed dll!
02-11-20 fix :cc: to handle all C source suffixes
02-11-12 handle CC.LD.ORIGIN and CC.LD.STRIP
02-10-31 main.c: change exit()=>return for pedantic lint
02-10-28 bind.c: add GLOB_NOTDIR optimization to gl_dirnext
02-10-25 eliminate a few uninitialized variable references
02-10-20 add :NOTHING: (:ALL: or ...)
02-10-16 fix :MAKE: for rhs files
02-10-02 state.c: (-Q0x01000000) $(>) use min(r->time,state(r)->time)
	 misc.c: tmform() => fmttime(); %K default time format
02-09-22 drop ${mam_cc_STATIC} for +l binding
	 expand.c: fix mam $(FOO|BAR) => ${mam_cc_FOO-${mam_cc_BAR}} conversion
02-09-11 make.probe,probe.win32: move to INIT src to share with mamprobe add a few more mam_cc_* refs (mamprobe mostly complete) don't install .a only on .dll+.lib systems add :PACKAGE: :ignore=dir:, PACKAGE_IGNORE .PACKAGE.INIT. always initializes .PACKAGE.GLOBAL. add STDCMP to MAM install action
02-09-07 disable lib REQUIRE closure if from CC.REQUIRE.*
02-09-05 drop .NO.STATIC foo.a => foo-static.a rename
02-09-01 add RMRECURSEFLAGS=-r assume mkdir -p (handled by INIT install)
02-08-30 make.c: modified .JOINT siblings now trigger action
02-08-06 make.h: { setbit shquote } macro rename to appease netbsd -- barf
02-07-17 make.c,parse.c: allow keepgoing to be set by .QUERY
02-06-11 :F=%(...)S: => :F=%(...)s:
	 misc.c: %S %C obsolete warning
	 variable.c: fix $(!) that improperly skipped !rule.scan && PREREQS.scan
02-06-07 state.c: stat() after close() instead of fstat() before for cygwin
02-06-06 fix $(output) to handle -$(VERSION) already in $(PWD)
02-05-28 probe.win32: updates for { mingw }
02-05-24 probe.win32: updates for { digital-mars borland lcc }
02-05-20 expand.c: update to use regsubcomp(),regsubexec()
02-05-09 expand.c: fix cross() so / X foo generates /foo, not //foo
02-05-07 archive.c: use <ardir.h>,-lardir for library archives
02-05-06 probe.win32: add more win32 compilers
02-04-15 fix .DO.INSTALL ln-s to use proper source path
02-03-29 CC.SUFFIX.SHARED==".lib" => CC.SUFFIX.DYNAMIC==".dll"
	 make.probe: cygwin CC.PREFIX.SHARED=lib CC.SUFFIX.SHARED=.dll.a
02-03-27 fix .BIND.-l% and .REQUIRE.-l% recursion checks
02-03-23 ensure that _BLD_<variant> is valid identifier add .LIST.INSTALLED for existing files only add $(LICENSEFILE) to .FILES.
02-03-14 variable.c: add label to --mam "setv" 
02-02-14 makerules: add and use CMPFLAGS
	 makerules: add win32 ar I flag only when installing .a
	 makerules: iffe { CC CCFLAGS LDFLAGS } => { IFFECC ... }
	 scan.c,variable.c: .SCAN.IGNORE must ignore state prereqs too
	 main.c: fix final message sequence for .ERROR intercept
	 state.c,variable.c: fix $(?x) when state(x) exists but rule(x) doesn't
	 makerules: add .SHARED.UNIQ. to .COMMAND.o (required by sgi.mips3)
02-02-02 makerules: mark :VARIANT: target .SPECIAL
	 makerules: use STDED & STDEDFLAGS to differentiate from ED=vi
	 makerules: drop ED & EDFLAGS add STD* probe with possible execrate(1)
	 makerules: inhibit lib/lib closure for CC.DIALECT==CLOSURE
	 probe.win32: add CC.DIALECT CLOSURE to inhibit .lib closure
	 option.c: -S => -S0
	 makerules: fixed .SHARED.UNIQ. to ignore .MULTIPLE -- duh
02-02-01 makerules: fix .IFFE.REF. for \rsystems -- barf
02-01-22 makerules: ARFLAGS += I for CC.DLL on win32.*
02-01-15 makerules: fix $(CC.PREFIX.DYNAMIC) logic in .BIND.-l%
	 makerules: mark $(CC.SUFFIX.DYNAMIC) .SCAN.IGNORE
02-01-11 makerules: fix $(CC.SUFFIX.LD) prereqs for :LIBRARY: dlls
	 make.probe: add .ign to cygwin CC.SUFFIX.LD
02-01-10 makerules: add proto -e arg to lhs of :INSTALLPROTO:
	 probe.win32: add .ign to CC.SUFFIX.LD
02-01-08 makerules: initialize HOSTCC to $(CC)
02-01-07 makerules: fix .LIBRARY.STATIC.* binding
02-01-04 makerules: .REQUIRE.-l% includes of lib+prereqs before bind
01-12-26 makerules: .REQUIRE.-l% includes if it exists
01-12-24 add CC.REQUIRE.Xaw3d
01-12-20 makerules: fix .RECURSE.INIT to use only first match of $(MAKEFILES)
01-12-19 makerules: foo :VARIANT: ... implies _BLD_foo==implies _BLD_foo==1
01-12-18 makerules: sync .SOURCE.a between .BIND* and .PACKAGE* (again!)
01-12-15 command.c: fix bug that discarded a running job twice
01-11-30 command.c: exit 128 silently marks job error but continues
01-11-25 command.c: add .JOBDONE(target status user sys) .FUNCTION
01-10-31 makerules: adjust to ensure user specified dir order
	 makerules: search MAKERULESPATH for ppcc rather than just MAKELIB
	 makerules: delay CC.SHARED.REGISTRY expansion
	 bind.c: add debug=14 directory search order trace
	 make.probe: fix CC.SHARED.REGISTRY probe typo
01-10-30 makerules: _BLD_foo==1 only for foo :LIBRARY: source
01-10-20 makerules: fix --mam bug that didn't parameterize HOSTCC
	 makerules: fix .PACKAGE.INIT. and .BIND.-l% to use the same search!
	 bind.c: foiled alias still allows bind questionable=0x40
	 expand.c: allow all edit op delimiter combinations (e.g., !>, <>)
	 make.probe: fix CC.DLL probe for gcc __ia64
01-10-18 misc.c: clear SFFMT_LONG for %[cCsS] to avoid wide char conversions
01-10-17 misc.c: add %a %A format, fix unknown format core dump
01-10-15 makerules: fix .SELECT. bug that improperly dropped .ARCHIVE
01-10-11 make.probe: fix CC.WARN probe for C++
01-10-10,make.probe: add { SHELLMAGIC CC.SHELLMAGIC }
01-10-05 make.c: add -Q0x00800000 to disable r->status=FAILED when errors!=0 !!
01-10-02 makerules: :YYPREFIX: invert case for macro prefix
01-09-28 makerules: fix .RWD. and .OWD. usage
01-09-24 fix $(.GETCONF x) builtin
01-09-19 make.probe: add cygwin dll build probes
	 probe.win32: sync with make.probe
	 makerules: include by default
	 makerules: .dll+.lib rule now passes .dll suffix to $(CC.LD)
	 make.probe,makerules: add CC.PREFIX.(ARCHIVE|DYNAMIC|SHARED)
	 make.probe,makerules: change CC.SYMPREFIX to CC.PREFIX.SYMBOL
	 makerules: fix .RECURSE and .ONOBJECT to hit sub :MAKE: levels
01-09-17 makerules: fix PACKAGE_OPTIMIZE logic
01-09-11 expand.c: use pathnative() for native fs representation
	 openar(): must open with "b" mode
	 state.c: open state with "b" mode
01-09-08 makerules: add *.a prereqs to dll link
01-09-04 makerules: +l* bind conditioned on .LIBRARY.LIST. for dll builds
01-08-11 makerules: reference $(CC.DLL.LIBRARIES) last and in link args only
	 makerules: +l* in req list now checks .PACKAGE.*.library for -l*
	 parse.c: fix `\\\r to act like `\\\n'
	 make.h: add FSWINDOWS to include { _WIN32 _UWIN __CYGWIN__ }
01-07-17 makerules: fix :LIBRARY: to honor LDLIBRARIES
01-06-21 misc.c: fix strtoll and strtoull macro rename
01-06-10 makerules: add CC.NATIVE for native objects
01-06-07 command.c: fix job deadlock bug that improperly broke the loop
01-05-31 makerules: add option rhs to :DLL:
	 makerules: :PACKAGE: add :(optimize|space|time) for PACKAGE_OPTIMIZE
	 make.probe: add CC.EXECTYPE
	 make.probe: fix { ld nm size strip } search
	 make.probe: adjust probe_shared order for linux.arm gcc
	 option.c: add --cross to not run generated executables
01-05-30 make.probe: add CC.NATIVE
01-05-28 make.probe: add CC.STRIP and CC.STRIP.FLAGS
	 makerules: add PACKAGESTRIP check for .LIST.PACKAGE.BINARY
01-05-26 expand.c: add :T=Y: for mime type
01-05-09 --- release 4.2 ---
	 make.h: isdynamic,isglob,isstatevar: functions to factor out strmatch()
	 expand.c: add T=XQ[S[AV]|V[I]] to factor out strmatch() in base rules
	 rule.c: speed up associate() by factoring out attributes
01-05-01 expand.c: order() now handles :PACKAGE: foo:command
01-04-26 makerules: null out cctype and .CC.PROBE. for --base
	 makerules: fix .REQ. bug that missed :LIBRARY: targets
01-04-25 makerules: add variants=pattern to select cc- variants
	 makerules: add .VARIANTS alias for .CC-
	 option.c: fix bug that omitted readonly option values in .mo
01-04-24 makerules: :DLL: sets VARIANT=DLL
01-04-18 object.c: fix CC_NATIVE!=CC_ASCII buffer overflow
	 make.probe,makerules: mvs.390 adjustments for CC.LIB.DLL=symbol
01-04-01 scan.c: fix * scan match bug that gave up too soon
01-03-08 printext: handle %*C
01-02-26 makerules: CC.SUFFIX.STATIC get .ARCHIVE attribute
	 makerules: add .NO.ARPROFILE to defer to dll prereqs for dll target check for openwin
01-02-14 make.probe,makerules: add CC.DLL.LIBRARIES, CC.DLL.ALTERNATES
	 make.probe: linux needs CC.DLL.LIBRARIES=-lc for binary compatibility
	 probe.win32: change to CC.STATIC=-Bstatic, dynamic is now the default
	 makerules: drop .SCAN.IGNORE for .DO.INSTALL.DIR
	 makerules: fix .SHARED.BIND. to pull in dynamic refs
	 makerules: change .OFFICIAL diff style to -u
	 mam: add `bind -lX [dontcare]' to simplify library binding
	 command.c: fix job deadlock bug that used archive before it built
01-02-07 add .cxx for C++
01-02-02 makerules: bias package search to viewpath and make installroot
	 makerules: *.req can be down the view
01-01-01 --- release 4.1 ---
	 expand: fix :D: to preserve leading / -- how long has this been wrong?
	 makerules: fix .PACKAGE.INIT. for dir == /
	 makerules: $(PACKAGE_PATH) is list of default package root dirs
	 makerules: add recurse=list to list recursion order and exit
	 makerules: _BLD_DLL==1 when building dll's
	 makerules: link dll with static -l*
	 makerules: check =l% bound dir in .REQUIRE.-l% PACKAGE_%_LIB
	 expand: eliminate loops from :W=O:
	 parse: add exit [code]
	 bind: eliminate dups for 2d glob
00-12-25 makerules: add header arg to :YYPREFIX:
	 makerules: add :T=AF: for .ARCOPY
	 probe.win32: add cc path *and* args to first line to avoid hash clash
00-12-18 ppcc: check for old bash
00-12-15 makerules: handle uwin $(CC.DLL) => -D_BLD_DLL change
00-12-14 main: initialize version with fmtident()
00-12-12 makerules: bias :PACKAGE: search for $(INSTALLROOT)
	 make: use stat() instead of access() for better NFS behavior
00-12-11 makerules: _BLD_DLL only for _DLL lib members
00-12-03 add for -H include nesting
00-10-31 option: --corrupt={accept|error|ignore}, --mismatch => --corrupt
	 makerules: req file must be seen at of before the lib
	 makerules: fix AWK and NAWK default definitions
	 makerules: physical=1 => 2d iff in 3d add CC.DLL, don't clobber TCLROOT
	 makerules: define _PACKAGE_foo in .PACKAGE.INIT.
	 makerules: add .VIEW to .MAMEDIT and .MAMACTION
00-10-28 makerules: drop MAKEFILES filter on .SELECT. (why was it there?)
00-10-26 make.c: fix .JOINT sync bug
	 makerules: add $(PACKAGES expr) and :VARIANT: rhs expr
	 expand.c: add :T=F[BCFLPR]: to test file type
	 makerules: cut down the number of --mam -L options for .req
00-10-25 makerules: set +x => set -
	 makerules: add set - to .req MAM action for zsh
00-10-24 makerules: add :PACKAGE: name:lib=lib:include=include name:command
	 makerules: add :VARIANT: to cc-%
00-10-18 C+probe: mac os10 additions
	 add cc.darwin.ppc for max os10
00-10-16 object.c: don't compile makefile prereqs if state.base
00-10-12 misc.c: add %x and %X formats to printf extension
00-10-04 makerules: fix bug that passed -I- to non--I- CC
00-10-03 makerules: add :YYPREFIX:
00-09-21 expand.c: add libxxx and xxx to makefile ordered prereqs
00-09-07 makerules: handle rhs a=b in :LIBRARY:
00-08-11 archive.c: add aix <bigaf> archive format
	 bind.c: add glob() gl_intr check
00-07-17 makerules: fix $(cctype) freeze in
00-06-20 makerules: mam_lib_* always checks lib/lib/* file
00-06-19 makerules: generate dll in
00-06-01 main,state: a few _UWIN tweaks for W98 FAT
00-05-31 shquote: fix for `foo == bar'
00-05-26 option: fix scanargs() bug that skipped some targets before options
00-05-22 makerules: drop .ORIGINAL.ALL
00-05-11 makerules: add :PACKAGE: { a b } to pick first of a b (thanks Dr. ek)
00-05-01 makerules: add $(STDCAT) initialization
00-04-01 makerules: add skeleton=1 to mkdir virtual directories in 2d
	 makerules: add CATALOG and ERROR_CATALOG
00-03-17 make.probe: fix CC.NMEDIT to grab only external text symbols
	 makerules: add :NOOPTIMIZE:
	 makerules: allow N.Ntag :LIBRARY: versions (and dll.custom)
	 makerules: insert $(*FLAGS_DEFAULT) on *FLAGS
	 makerules: don't omit -L*/local/* even if in CC.STDLIB
	 parse.c: `unknown operator' now a warning
00-03-07 add -lXaw candidate required libraries
00-03-06 add probe.lcl check
00-02-14 --- release 4.0 ---
00-02-10 Makerules: add CC.DLLBIG, :PACKAGE_INIT:
	 Makerules: add .ARCHIVE.OMIT. to .ARCLEAN.LIST.
	 Makerules: adjust :PACKAGE: search for X11 => X
	 Makerules: add .COMMON.SAVE to .LIST.PACKAGE.* source actions
	 Makerules: fix setv PACKAGE dirs
	 Makerules: add $(PACKAGE_LOCAL) and package_local=arch cmd prefix
	 Makerules: apply %.X>% for `f :: b.X'
	 state.c: add local skew test for touch(3) { utime(2) or utimes(2) }
	 make.c: don't apply metarule if lhs has dir and metarule doesn't
00-02-08 believe if state.believe>0 and  view level >= (state.believe-1) add PACKAGE_X11_VERSION=6 for X11R6 installations add -ldnet_stub for osf.alpha
	 Makerules: fix .REQUIRE.-l%
00-01-31 Makerules: add $(CC.SUFFIX.LD) in .SHARED.REF.lib
00-01-25 Makerules: add _MAKE_PROBE_WORKAROUND_ for broken cc -G like sco.i386
00-01-11 Makerules,probe.win32: -Bwhole-archive + -Bstatic -- whew!
	 Makerules: make $(LICENSEFILES) for --mam
	 Makerules: add $(DICTIONARY) to USAGE_LICENSE
	 make.probe: hosttype now in C.probe
	 expand: fix :P=L: path buffer overrun
99-11-11 expand: add :P=W: for astlicense()
	 expand: :P=N: null input generates null (not '')
	 bind: fix 2d globv() and bindfile() by adding state.view[].root - wow
	 bind: fix 2d :P=L=*:
	 mam: capture important empty exec make-done pairs
	 main: make sure external.pwd is valid
	 Makerules: iffe --static=x => iffe -S x
	 Makerules: explicit :INSTALL: inhibits :: install
	 Makerules: add MM2HTML
	 Makerules: install cc- => cc-install
	 Makerules: add .MAM.CCFLAGS to handle .CC.NOOPTIMIZE
	 option.c: clean up --errorid
	 option.c: add set readonly for state.readonly hook
	 Makerules: use set readonly for INSTALLROOT and PACKAGEROOT
	 make.probe: sco CC.WARN=-w3
	 expand: add :U[!]: for uniq [file equality] list
	 Makerules: IFFEFLAGS initialized in .MAKEINIT
	 rule: make sure PWD and VPATH are both logical or physical
	 parse: add "x" <|>[=] "y"
	 Makerules: add LDLIBRARIES to .SHARED.lib
99-10-31 Makerules: add :PACKAGE: => :package: if lhs
	 Makerules: :MAKE: with no rhs driven by MAKEDIRS and MAKESKIP
	 Makerules: add :Q: to "::" assertion scope items (yuk)
	 Makerules: add LICENSE hooks, USAGE_LICENSE
	 expand.c: add :P=G: to do viewpath glob, :W=O: to order subdir descent
	 expand.c: add :O=N:
	 expand.c: pretty up :Q:
	 expand.c: add :P=V0: for top view logical name of bound file
	 rule.c: add globv() for rhs patterns -- strictly . relative down view
	 make.probe: fix nmflags logic (for aix -p, portable not)
99-10-01 Makerules: add %.iffe
	 make.c: handle metarule .ACCEPT
99-07-17 mam.c: outer make...done for virtual joint target
	 command.c: fix job deadlock detection
	 Makerules: don't pp probe if CC.CC == ""
	 Makerules: allstatic=1 for +l propagation, 0 for item only
	 Makerules: fix $(.SHARED. ...) usage
	 Makerules: :INSTALL*: now handles dir on rhs
	 Makerules: add %.cxx
	 Makerules: add .ti to clobber list
	 Makerules: cc-: `~' => space if specified, otherwise `,' => space
	 Makerules: add recurse_enter and recurse_exit
	 misc.c: add %[eFfFgG] print formats
	 expand.c: generate() lists primary and secondary by default
	 Makerules: add .author and PROTOID to PROTOCOPYRIGHT
	 Makerules: allow state on :INSTALL*: rhs
	 Makerules: .CC.MEMBER: jobs>0 workaround: a bug coverup
	 Makerules: add :PACKAGE: debug profile CC.LIB.TYPE
	 expand.c: fix putptr(0) base addr switch
	 .SCAN.IGNORE: don't block on these - duh
99-07-17 --- release 3.6 ---
99-06-24 Makerules: fix .SHARED.ON. test
99-06-15 make.probe: shlib before others, /var/shlib, -none == ! -all
99-06-14 Makerules: +lfoo applies to self, not to .req members
99-05-09 option: separate usage string stream
99-05-01 main: long options
99-04-22 Makerules: fix :LIBRARY: for version "-" (no version)
99-04-01 Makerules: -mam cleanup
	 Makerules: %.req version bug fix
	 Makerules: :PACKAGE: :nolibrary means it -- don't pull it in
	 Makerules: .REQ. fix
	 Makerules: fix .req -mam cc script
	 expand: regfatalpat() for regcomp() pattern in error messages
	 option: first optget() interface -- could be more complete
99-03-17 Makerules: %.req just binds -- duh
	 Makerules: .RECURSE clears .RWD.
	 Makerules: handle `lib - :LIBRARY: ...' => no VERSION
	 main.c: command line scripts done after .MAKEINIT
	 main.c: test 0x00020000 to close openfd before coexec
	 make.c: D_scope prereqs take effect in make() too
99-03-01 Makerules: add :P=C: to .MANIFEST.
99-02-14 make.probe: move some init stuff from C.probe
	 make.probe: deal with gcc/ld writing errors to stderr with 0 exit code
	 trap: clean up .INTERRUPT interface
	 Makerules: :PACKAGE: -l* .MULTIPLE
	 Makerules: fix :: :LIBRARY: for cmd and lib by same name
	 object.c: retain D_global in load()
	 Scanrules: fix .PFX.INCLUDE test
99-01-23 Makerules: *.req.REQUIRE : .IGNORE
	 Makerules: add -f $(MAKEFILE) to .RECURSE $(MAKE) args
	 Makerules: .REQUIRE.-l% checks $(PACKAGE_%_LIB)/lib/% first
	 Makerules: make :PACKAGE: search picky about version
	 Makerules: handle :PACKAGE: -lfoo
	 Makerules: PACKAGE_%_VERSION defined
	 make.probe: use full path for NM, etc.
	 make.probe: libpath not added to CC.STDLIB
99-01-11 Makerules,make.probe: CC.MEMBERS.UNDEF
	 Makerules: fixed .SHARED.lib wrt :PACKAGE:
	 make.probe: tweak CC.STDLIB
98-12-25 Makerules: :LIBRARY: initializes VERSION var if not set
	 Makerules: add tgz, tarball; drop update*; pax and tgz recursive
	 Makerules: tarball uses VERSION
	 Makerules: `:: dir' adds dir to manifest
	 Makerules: arch-$(_hosttype_).mk architecture specific additions
	 Makerules: $(CC.DLL) uses local *.lib
	 expand: add :P=N: for 'native-path'
	 expand: :P=S=subdir: to handle recursive manifest
	 parse: fix \\n splice bug that activated rules direcive
	 rule: .READONLY external support
	 bind: (P_readonly|P_terminal) does not get attribute assoc
	 bind: add rule_compare() and rule_hash() for case hacks
	 option: -o writeobject (on by default)
	 expand: regcomp(REG_SHELL) needs REG_LEFT|REG_RIGHT -- duh
	 rule: include + "file" to include file as global makefile
	 make,rule: fix state.force and P_force for P_dontcare
98-12-25 --- release 3.5 ---
98-11-11 expand: :G=x: tokenized
	 add ms %.def:%.sym
	 make: recheck require_p prereqs
98-11-01 expand: fix ignorecase bug in :L:
98-08-11 probe: add probe.ini for arch specific shortcuts
	 probe: add opional CC.MAKE.OPTIONS
	 Makerules: check CC.MAKE.OPTIONS
	 bind.c,scan.c: a few more uwin file path workarounds
	 parse.c: readline() now converts \r=> 
	 variable.c: V_functional looks for "v->name" and ".v->name." rule
98-07-17 Makerules: check before assuming /usr/lib or /lib
	 command.c: fix P_before P_repeat FAILED bug
	 Makerules: add .UNBIND to .PACKAGE.LIBRARIES. (must be a better way)
	 Makerules: add static=1 to favor lib instead of dll (except for std)
98-05-26 make.probe: add /usr/lib /lib verification
98-05-01 rule.c: add .RUN .WAIT for background job control
	 rule.c: add .MAKEPROMPT .MAKERUN sequence points
	 rule.c: add .RESET to reset rule info to start state
	 parse.c: interactive sfpoll sfstdin and state.coshell->msgfp
98-04-01 expand: plug leak by calling regfree() for :C:
	 Makerules: adjust .IFFE.REF. fix to not include package being built
	 Makerules: add %.cpp for C++
	 scan.c: don't tokenize quoted implicit prereqs!
98-03-17 Makerules: fix .IFFE.REF. to expand package include dirs
98-02-14 Makerules: fix .IFFE.REF. to expand required libraries
98-01-23 Makerules: add _hosttype_ to .MAM.INIT
	 Makerules: :PACKAGE: x attempts include - ""
	 Makerules: handle :LIBRARY: rhs +l* initial release
98-01-11 Makerules,probe: add CC.SHARED.REGISTRY and CC.SHARED.REGISTRY.PATH
97-10-31 Makerules: CC.PIC not that easy to deprecate!
	 Makerules: fix -L option for *.req rule
	 Makerules: LDRUNPATH unset by default
	 Makerules: no CC.SUFFIX.LD to AR
97-10-11 Makerules: fix :LIBRARY: *.req prerequisites
	 probe: fix ld probe, add CC.SUFFIX.LD=".def .exp" for uwin
	 make.c: REQUIRE map => - marks rule virtual
97-08-11 Makerules: .BASE.DATE.FORMAT. for y2k
	 Makerules: drop weird xxx.a install in .SHARED.DEF.lib
	 Makerules: add $(.sh.) as non-frozen version of $(sh)
97-07-17 Makerules: move $(MAKELIB) to the front of PACKAGE search
	 Makerules: required libraries linked with dll too
	 version.c: tighten initdynamic[] loop termination
97-05-09 Makerules: /usr/local/arch/$(_hosttype_) first in LCLDIRS
	 Makerules,make.probe: add mvs.390 dll support
	 expand: don't :T=A: if .SCAN.IGNORE
	 variable: allow `export name=value'
	 Makerules: allow `:MAKE: name=value' => `export name=value'
	 Makerules: bias package binding to fully qualified PATH dirs
	 Makerules: IFFEFLAGS uses CCLDFLAGS instead of LDFLAGS
	 Makerules: don't change -Wl., in cc-% (hack alert)
	 Makerules: CC.PIC deprecated for CC.DLL
	 Makerules: _INSTRUMENT_ deprecated for _BLD_INSTRUMENT
	 Makerules: _TRACE_ deprecated for _BLD_DEBUG
	 command: -t attempts to touch fs .o as well as .a/.o
96-12-25 --- release 3.4 ---
	 add CC.LD.DYNAMIC and CC.LD.STATIC to make.probe and makerules
	 add .PROBE.LOAD and .PROBE.SPECIAL. to catch/start early probe
	 addfile(xxx) for xxx.exe on _WIN32
	 bind.c: check for _WIN32 C:/ prefix
	 parse.c: -FUNCTIONAL now clears var.functional too
	 Makerules: .CC.MEMBERS. fixed for small ARG_MAX systems
	 Makerules: OFFICIAL file now in lower view
	 Makerules: drop -G* from CC.PROFILE
	 Makerules: remove global +lxxx => -lxxx==+lxxx
	 archive.c: add `/*/' to SYMDIR_port (for sgi.mips4)
	 Makerules: if $(CC.PROFILE) and $(CC.PIC) then don't install .ARCHIVE
	 make.c: relax `modifying lower view file' message via dontcare
	 Makerules: fix +lxxx MAM bind
	 Makerules: fix :LIBRARY: req file generator
	 Makerules: fix :PACKAGE: LIBDIR search
	 ppcc: install in $(MAKELIB)
	 ARG_SCRIPT: fix bug that mishandled `+' and `&' in cmd line targets
	 Makerules,probe: add CC.SUFFIX.LD and ldscript for ld scripts
	 Makerules: add $(sh command): where has this been hiding
	 a:-TARGET now works
	 .ARCHIVE not scanned if rule.scan==.SCAN.IGNORE
	 :LIBRARY: sets .MAIN.TARGET. too
	 make.probe: don't automatically place /usr/lib last
	 make.probe: add CC.SUFFIX.LD
	 Makerules: handle cc-opt1,-opt2 by splitting options on ,
	 bind.c,metarule.c: handle _WIN32 directory ignorecase
	 Makerules: add :DLL: .DLL for dll generation
	 Makerules: fix .MAKEINIT premature :T=F: that botched .SOURCExVPATH
	 object.c: fix to handle 01/24/89 format objects (yes it still works)
	 ppcc,makerules: generalize $(CC.DIALECT) option passing
	 metarule: case sensitive match for patterns matching `[-+]*'
	 archive.c,object.c: (Sfoff_t) for K&R compilers
	 MAKEFILES=Nmakefile:nmakefile:Makefile:makefile -- thanks bill
	 MAKEARGS=Nmakeargs:nmakeargs:Makeargs:makeargs -- thanks again bill
	 probe: add CC.LD.RUNPATH
	 makerules: add LDRUNPATH and CC.LD.RUNPATH support
	 makerules: tone down PTR prereq scan
	 .GETCONF: first builtin function
96-11-28 ccmaps .mo for ascii/ebcdic compatibility
96-10-31 outstanding bug reports addressed
	 :LIBRARY: defines _BLD_<lib>==1
	 use PATH=$(STDDIRS):$PATH to find STDRM etc. in
	 add CC.SUFFIX.DYNAMIC for win32 .dll .lib .a
96-10-11 metarule rhs prefix dir check even if rhs has prefix questionable=0x8
	 alias check path suffix in bindfile questionable=0x10000
	 add more instrument guesswork
	 .PFX.INCLUDE headers must be .TERMINAL
	 fix $(...) bug that let some unselected items slip through
96-10-01 update make.probe for probe_libdir to catch alpha /usr/shlib
96-09-09 add CC.PROBEPP to override pp probe info
	 add $(INCLUDEDIR) and $(LIBDIR) to .SOURCE* from $(ancestor_list)
96-08-11 --- release 3.3 ---
96-07-17 don't pass -D-* to cc in ppcc
	 add ``X|external-scan $(%)'' external scan
	 clean up makerules/probe readonly
96-05-31 fix $(".":P=L*) for no views
96-05-09 make.probe: drop multiple / in stdlib
	 try to stat non-readable files
96-04-22 fix staterule()->scan assignment evaluation order ambiguity in scan.c
96-02-29 -lxxx binds to +lxxx if +lxxx bound first
	 add pkg to OPTDIRS
	 cut off botched metaclose recursion unless questionable=0x100
	 `.XXX : .USE .IMMEDIATE .ATTRIBUTE' -> `xxx yyy' -> `xxx : yyy'
	 fix :PACKAGE: search bug that forced package name to be in root path
	 aliases may produce more than one :P=D: bound dir
	 fix nonterminating D_scanned loop in scan()
	 handle -L* on :LIBRARY: rhs
96-02-14 $(CC.SUFFIX.COMMAND) appened only if no suffix
	 :PACKAGE: xxx:version=n.m:static:dynamic:nolibrary:noinstall:
96-02-07 archive scan handles multiple port|rand meta entries
	 rescan check on (s|alt)&P_force
	 scan A action can now set (.+) or clear (-) attributes
96-01-31 :PACKAGE: libs now .DONTCARE
	 fix touch bug that kept the blasted libast conf*.[ch] out of date
96-01-01 AT&T Research
	 uwin and make.probe tweaks
	 :I<: for literal intersection, otherwise pathname intersection
	 convert to <regex.h>
	 condition LN on _feature_=ln
95-12-08 fix :LIBRARY: -lxxx probe
	 add uwin dll to make.probe and :LIBRARY:
95-11-24 . :INSTALLDIR: does not add to all or man
95-11-11 installed CC.SUFFIX.SHARED are now readonly
	 CC.SUFFIX.SHARED installed readonly
	 CC.SUFFIX.SHARED hard linked to CC.SUFFIX.SHARED.major.minor
	 P_target && D_dynamic does not imply generated (questionable=0x4000)
95-10-11 fix :TABLE: options `no' and `NO' entries
	 D_source is now cleared in make object for .SOURCE cross product
	 $(^) subject to localview() too
	 fix :WORKAROUND: for in-place changes
	 set include=dir appends to
	 .ASSERT intercepts not applied to .IMMEDIATE targets
	 -d4 lists make object prerequisite file info
	 fix state.targetcontext expand bug that dropped too many marks
	 add %.o:%.S to makerules/scanrules
	 intersect() now handles invented :P=D: .. dirs not in .SOURCE*
	 drop $(CC.REPOSITORY:@?-l??) from PPCC
	 add sun -[Qq](dir|option|path|produce) to ppcc
	 add proto -x to :INSTALLPROTO:
	 fix compvar() V_oldvalue bug that put command line def in .mo
	 internal.export -> internal.exported for proto export keyword
	 :T=G: never matches non-target .TERMINAL
95-10-01 add :TABLE: novariables to inhibit leaf variable assignments
	 add preliminary long edit op names and converter
	 D_global if not P_target (questionable=0x800 for old behavior)
	 alias if !streq(name,r->name) (questionable=0x1000 for old behavior)
	 fix scanrules .PREFIX.INCLUDE. handling of ../*
	 more aggressive putbound() in bindalias() (-Q0020000 for old)
	 `.FORCE : x' sets P_force too
	 longest metarule patterns applied first
	 more alias fixes
	 move scan attribute/property additions before staterule() call
	 :INSTALLMAP: ... scan now more selective
	 .UNBIND now sets rule.time=0
95-07-17 --- release 3.2 ---
	 :F=%x: sfio 'u' internal format now handled
	 fix .PTR.OPTIONS. initial condition
	 fix .ERROR to work like 2.2 if !.FUNCTIONAL
	 .FUNCTIONAL .ERROR return value: new level, no msg if already printed
95-06-28 add *.ii to .CLOBBER. for EDG C++
95-05-09 add SYMDIR_strict for strict ranlib uptodate check
	 change $(!$(*:O=1)) to $(!$(*)) since lists are ok now
	 drop .SAVE. since :: already handles it
	 add old value to state variable changed explanation
	 add .DO.READONLY.-xMerge
	 unused var cleanup
	 another make.probe preroot workaround
	 add .CC.NOOPTIMIZE local scope
	 handle `t {}' and strip lead space in {...}
	 fix r==0 dereference in :P=B:
	 don't force CCFLAGS=-g for instrument=purify
	 fix .BIND.-l% version interactions with -lxxx.[0-9]
	 add -o noalias to diable directory aliasing (for .INSTALL.LIST)
	 make.probe pic test must check linker too
	 calm down +([a-z]) => .+([A-Z]) conversion for :ALL: and .ARGS
	 &error_info cannot be in a static initializer
	 .OFFICIAL uses .MANIFEST. instead of .SOURCES.
	 fix scope var bug that appended twice
	 add - stack debug command to query
	 drop extra .so's from ship.list.bin
	 state.mam.out && !state.mam.port doesn't rebind after build
95-04-01 `:: xxx' marks xx .TERMINAL
	 fix recursion bug in :G:
	 define PACKAGE_* vars if !mam too
	 fix ciadb to exclude headers that may generate %.o (e.g., *.c)
	 fix stray M_mark bug caused by expand() inside intersect()
	 fix :INSTALLMAP: with no lhs
	 :PACKAGE: is a little less restrictive on package root search
	 use $(CCLDFLAGS) in %:%.s
	 change :T=G: to check .TERMINAL state before .TERMINAL
	 fix pattern match ksh93ism for bsh compatibility
	 fix PROTOFLAGS expansion with :Q:
	 generated .SCAN.c do not get .PFX.INCLUDE
	 scan prereqs for .JOINT targets are in staterules(PREREQS)
	 change obsolete MAM -expandview ref to static*,port*
	 fix trap bug that used elementsof(int*caught)
	 makerules PTRMUST -> PTRMKDIR
	 alpha archive symbol directory has word size embedded _64E[BL]E[BL]_
	 fix   in output of recursive print -um
	 fix bindfile() .. test for terminal directories [via Rich Drechsler]
	 tablook() prototype tweak
	 fix putbound() test in bindfile [via Dan Tiernan]
	 beef up makerules $SHELL -n test
	 drop newlines from PROTOCOPYRIGHT for MAM
95-03-19 fix .AFTER job freelist bug in trigger() [via Rich Drechsler]
	 add makerules STDDIRS; SYSRM -> STDRM {cmp,cp,ln,mv,rm}
	 clean up makerules INSTRUMENT_* interface
	 -v no longer turns on ppcc verbose
	 fix cc- MAKEPATH override by $(=)
95-02-14 fix targetcontext mkdir() test
	 fix printarg() for proper sfio interface
95-01-19 add CC.ARFLAGS for $(CC) that generates libraries
	 add CC.DIALECT=PTRIMPLICIT for implicit C++ ptr dir name
	 add CC.DIALECT=PTRMKDIR if C++ local ptr must exist
	 add CC.DIALECT=PTRCOPY if C++ PTRMKDIR contents copied 
	 fix CC.READONLY probe to cast the const pointer assignment
	 punt() now assumes oldmake has mam if options set
	 add a few .SPECIAL's in ::
	 fix rule.time update for .NULL action in trigger()
	 add A_* flags instead of assertion() set.clear, etc.
	 OP_NONE assertions are A_special
	 x :LIBRARY: makes x virtual prereq of .ALL
	 "local" statement mods for operator and function arg handling
	 local same-name same-name gives dup name initial value of 1
	 local name=value now accepted
	 local -[n] arg ... sets $(1) ... [empties missing up to n]
	 local (formal ...) actual ... sets formals from actuals
	 $(;) returns the state data (formerly $(#))
	 $(#) is the arg count from local -[n] | (formal ...) ...
	 add for :TABLE: table and map lookup
	 add for :SS: directory hierarchy subsystems
	 don't forceread if global (questionable=0x400 for old behavior)
	 add -o targetcontext to expand action in target dir context
	 add state.context and MARK_CONTEXT for state.targetcontext
	 fix a few more alias bugs
	 .MAKE .LOCAL actions can contain parent scope assignments
	 add base and delta common actions for pax -z support
	 add :SYSTEM: to :SS: in and delete
	 fix rebind to first clear D_entries|D_scanned
	 add "*.[sS]|*.[aA][sS][mM]" to ppcc source list
95-01-01 fix .CLOBBER $(-global) expansion
	 .NULL metarule now provides equivalence for :G:
	 avoid multiple entries in make.probe CC.REQUIRE.++ 
94-12-25 ppcc, MAM -l<shared>, probe tweaks
	 fix port/rand ar touch bug that modified member terminator
	 fix .DO.INSTALL bug that asserted x : x
	 avoid a few more 'not compiled' panics
	 add -o mam=<type>[,noport] to inhibit porting hints
	 drop mam_port and use noport mam option
	 fix V_retain bug that took value from lowest view statefile
	 fix PACKAGE .SOURCE.(h|a) that blew the CC.STD(INCLUDE|LIB) order
	 fix .REBIND to work like .UNBIND on directories
	 PACKAGE lib not .DONTCARE by default
94-11-11 --- release 3.1 ---
	 detect loops in complete() to avoid `did not complete'
	 fix D_entries|D_scanned propagation in merge()
	 fix .BIND. view and state.targetview propagation
	 add :WORKAROUND: for external distribution workarounds
	 merge(MERGE_ALL) does not propagate rule.scan==SCAN_NULL
	 .OFFICIAL diffs changed files into ./OFFICIAL
	 fix scan attribute propagation interaction with dirscan()
	 fix uninitialized od reference in bindfile()
	 fix ppcc -O over shift and empty rm
94-10-01 CC.DIALECT DOTI : *.i accepted as preprocessed input
	 CC.DIALECT TOUCHO : cc link may touch *.o
	 $(CCC) dropped in favor of simpler $(PPCC)
	 $(FEATURE) changed to $(IFFE)
	 add -o mam=<type>[,dontcare] to list dontcare targets too
	 fix staterule() to accept top view state if time matches
	 fix bindfile()+putbound() for ..
	 fix VOFFSET,VROOT for non-3d
	 fix bindstate() recursion
	 fix metaclose() bug that forced artificial metarule ordering
94-08-11 add state.questionable mask (looks like it should go but not sure)
	 move some state.test bits to state.questionable
	 add MAM generated attribute
	 add fs3d view loop test
	 Os option arguments must be specified
94-07-17 --- release 3.1 ---
94-06-11 add -o believe=level (-B level) for 2d
	 -b no longer implies -c
	 -b implies no makerules
	 uncouple state.keepgoing from state.mam (should have learned by now!)
	 dirscan() sets rule.bound and rule.time
	 add .SYNC : file [edit-select]
	 fix .QUERY longjmp active frames and error trap hold
	 fix pattern association parse that botched ../*%*
	 avoid pathcanon() in metarule makerule() calls
	 change include from control statement to immediate rule
	 use rule in include list uses action as include file filter
	 add makerules mam_port=0 to inhibit -o mam=static ${mam_*} mappings
	 promote lower view state to top on load if no previous top iview state
94-05-22 virtual preview not propagated
	 fix nested loops in file input
	 fix unalias() bug that dropped original binding
	 fix merge() bug that called bind() while bind in progress
	 fix -ptr *again* for CC 3.0.3
	 add $(^) for current line in scan
	 :A>pattern: matches rule prereqs
	 fix statevar stateview search that unnecessarily forced re-scan
	 .PARAMETER file checks now done after .INIT
	 update CIA rules to use DOT instead of DAG
94-04-01 .ERROR made for levels > 0; return 1 inhibits message print
	 $(.ERROR) set to level and message text inside .ERROR
	 stateview() now binds before searching state views
	 fix CC.SO install for live replacement
	 add .COMPDONE to fit the .INIT+.DONE pattern
	 add rule.mark and M_* to eliminate mark clashes
	 add .INTERRUPT.<signal> for signal specific handlers
	 add .ALARM:<elapsed> immediate rule to set alarm
	 add $(.ALARM) to be absolute time for next alarm, 0 for no alarm
	 add .SYNC immediate rule to sync statefile
	 maketop() now resets property when complete
	 maketop(P_ignore) temporarily sets keepgoing=1
	 xxx -> .XXX immediate test for all `no operator on line' statements
	 .FORCE : xxx forces xxx to be new
	 { action } -> .ALWAYS :$("t")action
	 immediate a b c -> .IMMEDIATE : a b c
	 attribute a b c -> a b c : .ATTRIBUTE
	 a b c { action } -> a : b c$("t")action
	 :MAKE: allows rhs a/b
	 .DO.l.CC dropped -- let C++ fend for itself
	 (<id>*)<stuff> can appear as target
	 $("":D) no longer produces ``.''
	 print -n -u[0-9m] -f "format" +-[io] path -p command data ...
	 read -n -u[0-9m] +-i path +-o path -p command variable
	 -uxxx may appear in $(INSTALLROOT)/lib/lib/<LIB>
	 fix scan | ... % | bug that forced trailing space
	 replace CC.OBJ and CC.SO with CC.SUFFIX.*
	 .MAKE .OPERATOR prereqs made before operator applied
	 add .PROBEINIT to .MAKEINIT and "::"
	 .SHARED. now links with CC.SUFFIX.SHARED sibling library if it exists
	 fix alias .UNBIND
94-03-01 unify mam with gmake (additions done by gsf)
	 -o mam={dynamic|regress|static}[:file[:[label][:root]]]
	 -M no longer implies -nF
	 -o mamtrace=file (-m) dropped
	 -o regress=root dropped
	 -o never (-N) added to override .ALWAYS
	 fix scan bug that assigned strategy before binding
	 frozen V_functional always causes .mo recompile
	 add oldname(r) to fix unbind bug that omitted putbound(r,0)
	 ``else if'' now accepted for ``elif''
	 complain about extra chars after else and end
	 add :T=Z[CERS]: for {cancel,event,relative,state} time
	 fix circular implicit prereq actions
	 fix aix shared library probe
	 finish now handles errors in .MAKEDONE and .DONE
	 fix stray D_mark unbind with D_markbind,D_markprereq,D_markscan 
	 fix :READONLY: probe for mips
	 base rules unbound after reading (so make can install them!)
	 delay statefile load until after makefile read
	 add complete() for MAKING implicit prereq
	 add CC.REPOSITORY with repository dir value
	 stop .INSERT|.APPEND from adding duplicate prereqs unless .MULTIPLE
	 .QUERY now pushes an active frame (shows up in $(<))
	 fix state view resolution in stateview()
	 fix :G=a/b: with no %
94-02-14 warn about implicit reference while action in progress
	 add print -opath
94-01-31 .CLEAR now checks staterule before freeing prereq list
	 .UNBIND now clears D_global, D_regular and preview
	 add :F=%(time-format)T:
	 add :F=%(invert|lower|upper|variable)S:
	 change :F=[LUV]: to :F=%(lower|upper|variable)S: with obsolete warning
	 fix .MEMBER view/preview mismatch that triggerred unnecessary actions
94-01-11 $("":T=R) operates on current date
	 add print -n -u[12m] -f "format"
	 fix \<newline> action parse
93-12-01 --- release 3.0 ---

probe changes

10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
07-02-22 probe.c: fix double sfclose(fp)
06-09-05 probe.c: add -f, --force
02-10-30 probe.c: reset proc->rfd after sfnew() to avoid close() error
02-09-21 probe.c: handle strlen(base) != BASE_MAX
02-09-11 probe.c: add more override docs
02-01-30 probe.c: add probe.ini check to match libast/pathprobe()
01-12-03 probe.c: return HOME relative path if readonly/non-suid fs
00-08-11 probe: fix non-suid generation check
00-01-11 probe: fix -t with writable info
99-09-01 probe: add --override
99-05-09 probe: long options

ss changes

10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
04-07-22 ssd.c: access() => eaccess()
03-07-29 ssd.c,features/cmd: add utmpx support
99-05-18 ss: long options
97-08-11 ssd: fix now used before defined bug
95-05-09 fix ssd nlists feature tests
	 add a few more utmp file macros from <utmp.h>
95-02-14 fix an extremely botched since() macro
95-01-19 fix user idelt time check that broke loop too soon
	 checks every 10s, updates every CS_STAT_FREQ if not interesting

at changes

12-02-29 atd.c,atx.c: fix uid/gid sequencing for unix/winix compatibility
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-03-19 atd.c,atx.c: each job in separate session
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
06-09-19 atd.c: sysconf() => astconf()
06-05-17 handle empty or nonexistent crontab
05-06-29 fix (...) => @(...) syntax error
02-02-14 atd: add strdup(argv[1]) to workaround argv[1]=>0 mystery
01-06-18 crontab: clarify the command<=>job relationship
01-03-28 atd: fix log file rollover infinite loop
01-02-14 atd: monitor daemon and restart if it dies
01-01-01 atd: add actual and expected info to atx log messages
00-09-28 crontab: update USAGE
00-06-16 atd,atx: use base 36 instead of 64 in job names (now just lower case)
00-05-22 crontab: clarify crontab jobs w.r.t at(1)
00-05-09 atd: ": LABEL; command" sets job label to LABEL
	 atd: roll over log file to AT_LOG_FILE.old each month
00-03-14 at,atd: add at.allow and at.deny checks; tweak uwin verifcations
00-01-22 --- release 1.2 ---
00-01-22 crontab: fix getopts check
99-10-11 at,atd: fix job dictionary bugs
99-08-11 at: fix usage for at+batch
	 at.h: add AT_STRICT
99-06-23 atd: fix job queue handle lookup that dropped jobs
99-06-23 --- release 1.1 ---
99-05-09 tweak uwin FAT checks -- how do you get FAT security?
	 at,batch,crontab: long options
99-04-01 "..." path vars
	 the official off-by-one bug of the millenium
98-07-17 fix bad scanf base 64 format
98-02-14 get it working
	 add -A for admin commands (all entries, all queues)
97-11-11 atd: use csread(CS_RESTART) to avoid SIGCHLD interrupts
	 atd: add state.atxd in.atxd code for systems with incomplete chmod u+s 
97-10-31 fix `at date ...' arg parse bug
96-05-24 --- release 1.0 ---

builtin changes

12-05-31 od,tr: errno!=EPIPE => !ERROR_PIPE(errno)
12-02-28 pty.c: change --verbose[=level] to --debug=level
12-02-11 what.c: fix boyer moore cut n paste bug -- thanks werner
12-01-26 pty.c: fix --man docs
10-04-22 dlls.c: fix --path to only list the path -- doh
10-11-03 od.c: use is[w]print() for printable char check
10-10-19 od.c: speed up inner loop
10-09-15 od.c: fix (unsigned char*) (char*) mismatches
10-09-08 tr.c: handle tr abc '[%*]xyz'
10-08-04 dlls.c: add -l to list plugin version stamps
10-06-21 pty.c: add 4 sec timeout for initial handshake -- fix me!!
10-06-01 od.c: add -c locale checks (and undo some fmtesc() work), add ast -tC1
10-04-12 pty: fix sfpoll() result read/write bug
10-04-12 cat.rt: add -v tests
10-04-11 cmp.rt: add
10-04-01 pty: add --tty='stty-settings'
10-03-23 tail.tst: add -f large initial offset test
10-03-19 pty: add --dialogue
10-03-15 pty: fix select() fd management
10-03-07 tail.tst: add partial line -f test
10-03-05 mktemp.rt: add
09-09-24 uuencode,uudecode: use uumeth(0) to generate usage method list
09-08-18 add fifo tests
09-08-01 join.tst: TEST 19 for empty field defref bug
09-05-24 tail.tst: add r combinations
09-03-31 features/pty,Makefile: add pty.h and -lutil refs for linux -- great, another util library
09-02-14 join.tst: add a VSC test
09-02-14 tail.tst: add some VSC tests
09-02-02 mktemp: add
09-02-02 tail.tst: update for -b[blocks], +cl, -cl
09-01-30 pty.c: add <ast_time.h> (for fd_set!! on mvs.390)
09-01-12 tr.tst: add tests for trailing '-' in source and/or destination sets
09-01-03 mkfifo.rt: add
08-10-15 rm.rt: add to test rm -f x x
08-02-14 look.c: fix operand parse / diagnostic bugs
08-01-30 expr.tst: add substr * 1 * tests
07-09-21 cksum.tst: drop sha1, add -r compatibility
07-02-23 cksum.tst: add -x tw tests
07-02-07 cksum: handle std => libcmd move
06-12-12 chmod.rt,mkdir.rt: add absolute mode tests
06-11-15 cp.tst,ln.tst,mv.tst: add initial regression tests
06-10-31 global edit to eliminate most non-const static data
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
06-08-25 uniq.rt: add initial regression tests
06-08-23 mkdir.tst: add -p final dir mode tests
06-07-20 pty.c: add
06-06-25 chmod.rt,mkdir.rt: add initial regression tests
06-06-24 dlls.c: add --containing
06-01-30 od.c: add -tb binary character format
05-12-06 od.c: handle od() static split buffer overflow
05-08-07 tr.c: fix a-b- and a-b-c
05-03-07 od.c: handle -t ...z for --printable
04-10-01 fmt.tst: update for --optget
04-09-30 od.c: -v does not accept an offset operand
04-08-08 uuencode.c: fix -x docs, add -b == --method=binhex
04-07-22 look.c: access() => eaccess()
04-07-01 pr.c: add -c and -v via sfio input discipline
04-05-27 expr.tst: add string and `:' operator tests
04-04-14 tr.c: char* => unsigned char* to avoid sign extension
03-10-11 od.c: add --map=ccode, -tm, generate doc from tables
03-09-18 tail.tst: add header and timeout tests
03-07-28 expr.tst: add
03-07-14 fmt.tst: add
03-06-10 who.c: ctime() arg must be time_t* (linux.s390-64)
03-05-21 asa.c,asa.tst: add
03-05-15 join.tst: add -v2 tests
03-04-05 nl.tst: generate test data file
03-02-24 nl.c,nl.tst: add
03-02-14 od.c,tr.c: no error message for EPIPE
03-02-11 dlls.c: add Dllinfo_t.env
02-11-14 what.c: stop on < to catch html/xml
	 update cmdinit() calls for 4th flag arg
02-09-11 dlls.c: add --base & --path
02-09-05 eliminate case ignorant file name clashes (for mac os X)
02-08-30 dlls.c: exit 1 if no matching dll found
02-08-28 od.c: check and report write errors -- ouch
	 dlls.c: add --info
02-08-23 dlls.c: add
02-08-19 chown.tst: add chow regression tests
02-04-15 look.c: add look.tst, fix hang
02-03-24 uudecode,uuencode: sfopen "rt" for \r-- puke
02-01-24 look.c: drop <strings.h> ref
01-11-26 what.c: fix doc type, add --matched
01-10-31 what.c: fix omitted file arg doc
01-06-06 who.c: fix entry skip logic that listed too many entries
01-05-31 Makefile: add PACKAGE_OPTIMIZE=space checks
01-05-29 Makefile: if -lcmd is dll then BUILTINS linked to one a.out
01-05-21 tr: regcollate() interface update
01-04-17 date.tst: move from std
01-04-01 uudecode: fix -o decode-file and add regression test
01-03-39 uudecode: add --local for UU_LOCAL
00-12-04 look: add
00-12-01 what: add RCS ident(1) $Id:
00-04-01 uuencode: umask 022 for consistent header comparisons
00-02-14 fmt: move to libcmd
00-01-06 pr: fix empty field in multi-col output
99-11-19 pr: -t == -T
99-10-01 strings: add --long-strings
99-08-11 mime,strings: fix usage[]
99-06-25 who: fix printing of data strings with no  
99-06-20 who: fix -i
99-06-17 who: add
99-06-11 pr: fix date failure logic
99-06-08 expr.tst: add -- it needs more too
99-05-21 paste.tst: add -- but it needs more
99-05-01 mime,strings,what: long options
99-04-28 uuencode,uudecode: long options, file arg interpretation fix
99-03-17 od: --swap=0 for testing
	 od: allow space and , in --format, --type==--format
99-03-11 od: add -w number-per-line, long options
	 strings: drop debug error(1) call
99-03-01 tr: fixes for gnu tests, long options
	 join.tst,tr.tst: add gnu tests
	 cut.tst: create from gnu tests
99-01-11 tail.tst
98-12-25 od: fix cform() for fmtesc 
	 uuencode.tst: update for uulib/uu_encode fill bug fix
98-11-11 uuencode.tst
98-08-11 uuencode,uudecode: use <uu.h> and -luu
98-07-01 strings: fix for default format!
98-06-01 strings: fix offset format with I*
98-05-29 join.tst: TEST 09
98-05-18 what: change "%s%-*s" to "%s%-.*s" and fix buffer boundary bug
98-03-01 tr: fix char class range bugs
	 tr.tst: add
97-10-01 strings: add -m for multibyte
97-07-17 join: more tests in join.tst
	 uudecode: ignore chars after counted limit
	 uudecode: add binhex (decode only)
	 uudecode: fix posix/ucb uu_decode()! time for uu.tst
96-12-25 od: add od.tst
	 od: off_t -> int_max
96-11-28 uudecode: fix buffer boundary bug in qp_decode
96-09-06 tr: fix [A-Z] [a-z] bug
96-05-09 what: I don't know (third base)
	 uuencode: add
	 uudecode: add
	 tr: add
96-04-15 od: add
95-10-11 grab b_* list from cmd.h
	 add void* context 3rd arg to b_main()

codex changes

09-04-15 codex.c: add --passfile=file
08-05-08 codex.c: Codexdisc_t can't be on main()'s stack due to SF_ATEXIT
06-08-23 codex.tst: add uu boundary and text tests
04-01-11 doc update
04-01-01 add --passphrase
03-12-18 add to ast -- still working on relationship with { -lvcodex -lz -lbz }

dss changes

11-09-11 dss.c: its --map=file, not --map --- doh
11-06-15 dss.c: document '< expr-file' '< file-list-file'
10-05-21 dss.c: add SEE ALSO \bdss::dss\b(5P) (after libast::optget() fix)
10-05-11 dss.c: drop --info=style in favor of generic --plugins=style
10-05-04 dss.c: change -i,--info to -i,--info={man|html|nroff|usage}
09-07-02 dss.c: fix EXAMPLES typo
08-07-17 dss.c: tweak self-docs
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
03-02-06 dss.c: convert main loop to dssrun()
03-01-23 dss.c: update stamp to reflect library version 20030123
03-01-15 dss.c: fix match docs for Cxmatch_t
02-12-25 dss.c: fix default expression logic -- dsscomp() requires {...} at top
02-12-24 dss.c: init checks now done by dssbeg()/dssend()
02-12-17 propagate -ldss changes
02-12-04 dss.c: dssopen() and method option check before main arg check
02-12-01 dss.tst: move to method specific source dirs
02-11-27 dss.c,dss.tst: change --format => --print, --type => --format
02-11-22 dss.tst,Makefile: redo data file naming
02-10-18 dss.c: handle DSS_NOOUTPUT after dssbeg()
02-10-17 dss.c: drop ancient argv[0] method initialization
02-10-09 dss.tst: add bgp-ipma and flat tests, rename test data files
02-09-24 bgp.prt,netflow.prt: move to src/lib/libdss/dss-*.prt
02-09-11 dss.c: add -n, query dssbeg() and dssend() calls, -c matched/total
02-08-29 move pta to separate source directory
02-08-11 update --method docs
02-07-31 dss.c: optout() now handles usage string as well as text
02-07-19 dss.tst: add text method =~ and !~ tests
02-06-14 add Dssflags_t arg to dssfopen()
02-05-29 standalone command source

dsslib changes

11-08-19 add DSS_BASE method flag to handle cx scoping
02-11-22 */*.c: add unsigned => signed casts for msvc long long => double 
02-11-20 split support libs from libdss main source
	 flat: add lazy field recognition

att changes

08-08-11 dss.tst: %K.%6N for 18 digit long double limitation
07-11-14 dshield.dss: add
07-02-14 mrd-mail.dss: add

bgp changes

12-06-14 bgp.c: document int mvpn.type == route type index
12-06-13 bgp.c: add "bgp_t mvpn.key" for mvpn route key
12-05-31 bgp.c: add bgp_t mvpn.<member> support
12-02-20 bgp.c,bgplib.h: drop unused ip4toip6()
11-09-11 bgp-mrt.c: fix debug trace offset when bgp messages skipped
11-08-25 bgp-mrt.c: streamline BGP_best logic and drop Mrtpart_t
11-08-25 bgp-mrt.c: drop state->v6 and use rp->afi
11-08-24 bgp-mrt.c: fix MRT_ATTR_MP_REACH_NLRI => STATE_TABLE_DUMP_V2_RIB logic again
11-08-23 bgp-mrt.c: fix as_path element counts to handle |{a,...}|==1
11-08-21 bgp-mrt.c: fix "old bgp" vs "new bgp" AS16 vs AS32 logic
11-08-19 bgp-mrt.c: (dss->test&0x0010) enables payload trace
11-08-15 bgp-mrt-anonymize.c: first release
11-08-12 bgp-mrt.c: change most integer indices to macros for readability/debugging
11-08-11 bgp-mrt.c: first hack at mcast_vpn_*
11-08-09 bgp-mrt.c: fix typo TABLE_DUMP_V2 bug that set addr instead of src_addr
11-08-08 bgp-mrt.c: fix TABLE_DUMP.TABLE_IPV6_UNICAST
11-06-21 bgp-mrt.c: first hack at STATE_TABLE_DUMP_V2_RIB_GENERIC
11-04-22 bgp-mrt.c: fix bug that didn't set mp announce type
11-03-31 bgp-mrt.c: retain BGP_TYPE_table_dump for pseudo-announce
11-03-30 bgp-mrt.c: fix AS_SET allocation logic for AS16 and AS32
11-03-30 bgp.c: afi/safi default is 1/1
11-03-29 bgp.c: change "mime" doc refs to the more precise "base64"
11-03-28 bgp.c: change bgp.originator type from number to ipv4addr_t
11-03-15 bgp-mrt.c: fix nlri pointer initialization bug
10-05-25 bgp-mrt.c: mark record type BGP4MP_ET==17 implemented -- doh
10-02-02 bgp.c,bgp-mrt.c: handle rfc3107
09-09-28 dss.tst: adjust for ip_t/fv.c fix
09-03-19 bgp-mrt.c: fix DUMP_V2 ipv6 => as32
09-03-11 bgp-mrt.c: handle TABLE_DUMP_V2 <13> records
08-11-13 bgp-mrt.c: handle undocumented BGP4MP <16,20> records
08-11-12 bgp-mrt.c: forgot to set rp->afi!
08-08-28 bgp-mrt.c: add afi=1/safi=128 nlri
08-08-28 bgp.c: add { afi label rd_admin rd_number rd_type }
08-08-11 bgp.c,bgp-mrt.c: add extended community support
08-07-16 bgp-mrt.c: fix MP_UNREACH_NLRI parse bug
08-06-24 bgp-mrt.c: handle ipv6 extensions
08-01-15 bgp.c,bgp-cisco.c: add { BGP_rib_failure BGP_stale }
07-12-13 bgp-mrt.c: unknown format: <hex-flag>:<dec-type>:<dec-size>:<mime-encoded-data>;
07-12-06 bgp.c: add { agg_addr32 agg_as32 path32 path32_len unknown }
07-09-12 bgp-ipma.c,bgp-mrt.c: <(~0),1> is the value (~0), not a group marker
07-09-06 dss.tst: add message group and dss {return} tests
07-09-05 bgp.c: add MESSAGE group bit and message index
07-08-08 data/,bgp-map.dss: add atomic map { NAG AG }
06-01-25 bgp.h: move to dsslib/ip_t/
05-03-08 lib.c: add for dssstatic()
03-04-15 bgp-mrt.c: fix mrt as path segment bug that ignored all but the first!
	 dss.tst: add TEST 02 as path segment on rrc08 updates.20030403.2200
	 dss.tst: add TEST 10 to check expression signed/unsigned boundaries
03-02-24 bgp.h: add record size field to account for variable data
03-02-19 bgp.c: add { cluster_len community_len path_len }
03-02-11 bgp-mrt.c: change swapget(0,p,n) to BEn() -- 30 sec down to 24 -- wow
03-01-24 bgp.c: move { as_t aspath_t cluster_t community_t } to the ip_t lib
03-01-22 bgp.c: add path,community,cluster internalf; DEBUG for buffer debug
03-01-16 bgp.c: convert to Cxmatch_t
03-01-15 ire.c,ire.h: replace bgpre.c with general integer list re's
03-01-13 bgp-mrt.c,dss.tst: fix path attribute parse bug
03-01-06 bgp.h,bgp-mrt.c: handle all packet types
03-01-03 bgp-ipma.c,bgp-cisco.c: fix junk skip logic
02-12-17 propagate -ldss changes
02-12-01 move bgp specific tests and data to this dir

dibbler changes

06-10-11 dibbler.c: add sfstruse() error checks
04-02-29 dibbler_sum.c: fix cxlocation() record arg
03-02-11 dibbler_re.c: Vmbest => Vmlast
03-01-28 dibbler.c: update for Cxtype_t.Cxmember_t
03-01-23 update for void* => Dssrecord_t*
03-01-21 dibbler_outsum.c: add cxlocation() to errorf messages

fix changes

03-02-11 Vmbest => Vmlast
03-01-30 add --stamp=date/version-stamp
03-01-29 first release

flat changes

10-11-12 flat.c: eliminate strict-aliasing puns
08-08-30 flat.c: work around macos cc struct copy bug
07-06-05 flat.c: <COUNT>*</> => <COUNT>0</> => 0 or more
07-01-17 flat.c: don't sfsetbuf() on an active stream!
06-10-11 flat.c: add sfstruse() error checks
05-09-16 flat.c: fix <QUOTEALL> q=-1 vs. \xff data bug
05-05-09 flat.c: literal quote is "" inside "..." for quote+noescape
	 flat.c: add <QUOTEALL>
05-04-18 flat.c: fix escape quote delimiter terminator interactions
05-04-12 flat.c: fix <WIDTH>constant</> with <WIDTH>variable</>
05-03-08 lib.c: add for dssstatic()
04-10-20 flat.c: verify variable field width against maximum width
04-08-20 flat.c: handle <HEADER><PATTERN> <DELIMITER><MULTIPLE>
04-06-06 flat.c: flat->record trumps flat->variable
04-05-31 flat.c: handle mixed fixed/variabled fields
04-05-27 flat.c: add --emptyspace for empty field value => space
04-05-26 flat.c: handle <RECORD><FIXED>n</></>
04-05-25 flat.c: handle fixed width (sort of) flat records with terminator
04-05-11 flat.c: add header option to generate dynamic query header
04-05-09 flat.c: handle nested structures with/without non-member value
         flat.c: fix convert ccmap() logic
03-10-09 flat.c: fix ambiguous key checks
03-09-23 flat.c: add <PHYSICAL><KEY>{<SPAN>,<ID1>,<ID2>} for maillennium
03-09-22 flat.c: speed up ccode conversion in flatget()
03-09-19 flat.c: handle nested <FIELD> structs
03-08-11 flat.c: add <PRINT>, <KEY>
03-08-08 flat.c: fix unknown type message; add <BLOCK> and <RECORD>
03-05-24 flat.c: drop Attribute_t table and use cxattr()
03-02-11 flat.c: Vmbest => Vmlast
03-01-29 flat.c: fix binary and buffer output for struct option
03-01-28 flat.c: update for Cxvariable_t.Cxreference_t
03-01-23 flat.c: update for void* => Dssrecord_t*
03-01-21 flat.c: move fundamental type internalf/externalf to libdss
02-12-24 flat.c: use cxstring() instead of base search
02-12-18 flat.c: flat convert query working
02-12-17 propagate -ldss changes
02-12-05 flat.c: fall back to map on invalid numeric fields
02-12-04 flat.c: fix convert bug that applied map when not needed
02-12-03 flat.c: fix void_external() to zero out all bytes
02-11-28 flat.c: fix non-global swap checks
02-11-27 flat.c: add [no]binary option
02-11-25 flat.c: add header and magic support
02-11-22 flat.c: initial convert implementation

gdat changes

10-04-10 add html payload details -- this should have a general solution
10-04-09 first (working) release -- original attempted 2003-08-07

ip_t changes

12-06-13 bgp.h: add BGP_key for mvpn route key
12-05-15 bgp.h: change BGP_PMSI_* to BGP_pmsi
12-02-24 *sa.omk: clean up standalone old make makefiles
12-02-24 README-*: bring standalone READMEs up to date
11-10-06 testiv.c: add { -ip4 -ip6 } options
11-10-06 ivstr.c,ivfmt.c: add for iv addr size 1..255
11-10-06 iv-nested.c: fix bug that called nested freef on internal flat intervals
11-08-11 bgp.h: add mcast vpn definitions
11-03-02 bgp.h: add packet time usec part
11-01-21 testiv.c: change to store hop prefix&name in segment data
10-02-02 bgp.h: add rfc3107 BGP_labels
10-02-02 ip_t.c: add labels_t -- pairs of 32 bit integers
09-09-28 fv.c: fix off-by-one bug in fvplo() and fvphi()
09-09-28 ptfmin.c,ptvmax.c: call fvplo() and fpvhi()
09-07-28 fv.h,fv.c: add fvplo(), fvphi()
09-03-19 ip_t.c,itlie.h: elide leading 0.* for 2-tuple external conversion
09-03-15 pt[v].h,pt[v]open.c: add Pt[v], pt[v]insert() returns new prefix
09-03-15 itlie.h: handle as set marker in last element
08-08-11 bgp.h,ip_t.c: add extended community type support
08-07-31 ptvopen.c: fix ptvinsert() interval bug
08-07-25 ip_t.c: add { %(prefix:C)s %(addr:C)s } for 0x%02x comma-separated value
08-06-11 add { fv ptv } for ipv6
08-01-15 bgp.h: add { BGP_rib_failure BGP_stale }
07-12-06 ip_t.c: add as32 support
07-12-06 ire,itl: add dots arg for dotted representation
07-10-25 ptrebit.c: add
07-09-12 itlie.h: <(~0),1> is the value (~0), not a group marker
07-09-05 ip_t.c: handle ("" =~ prefix)
06-10-11 itlie.h: add sfstruse() error checks
06-01-24 bgp.h: bring over from dsslib/bgp.h
05-03-08 lib.c: add for dssstatic()
03-05-21 itlie.h: fix aspath_t external
03-04-15 itlie.h: fix external() bug that did not re-initialize the separator
03-02-18 itlie.h: change details to format char and separator string
03-02-11 ire.c: Vmbest => Vmlast
03-02-07 ip_t.c: add Cxformat_t.print width hints
03-01-28 ip_t.c: update for Cxtype_t.Cxmember_t
03-01-24 ip_t.c: move { as_t aspath_t cluster_t community_t } from bgp
03-01-20 ip_t.c: fix match message
03-01-16 ip_t.c: convert to Cxmatch_t
03-01-15 ip_t.c: prefix matching via =~ and !~ only
02-12-17 propagate -ldss changes
02-11-27 ip_t.c: fix Cxunsigned_t/Cxinteger_t casts for lame long double cc
02-11-22 ip_t.c: don't assume the "bgp" method -- duh

lookup changes

10-04-20 first release

lsa changes

12-02-29 add { lsag pmcoa } formats
12-01-15 ospf_lsa.c: handle generic ip address type binding
03-02-07 change "time" to "ns_t" and u_int64 in the canonical record
03-01-31 update rtid doc
03-01-23 update for void* => Dssrecord_t*
02-12-17 propagate -ldss changes
02-11-28 convert from sfprintf to errorf

merge changes

03-02-14 first release

netflow changes

08-09-02 netflow.c,flowlib.h: add ipv6 support
05-06-15 netflow.c: add default {print} format
04-04-01 data/netflow-sample.dss: append 3 fields
03-07-24 netflow.c: add sentinel to fields[]
	 flowlib.h: hide flow_tool_format
03-06-04 flow-tool.c: change u_int* typedefs to macros to avoid ibm.risc clash
03-05-16 flow-tool.c: add flow-tools formats
03-04-05 netflow-map.dss, add 
	 dss.tst: add netflow-map tests
03-01-23 update for void* => Dssrecord_t*
03-01-21 add cxlocation() to errorf messages

num_t changes

11-02-02 num_t.c: pow10 => pow_10 to avoid <math.h> clash

opaque changes

03-01-23 update for void* => Dssrecord_t*
03-01-21 add cxlocation() to errorf messages

sort changes

11-10-18 first release

stats changes

11-09-11 fix %(GROUP)s for the OVERFLOW total
03-05-05 fix --print OVERFLOW key lookup to return 0/nil value
03-04-05 avoid possible floating point underflow/overflow
03-02-19 add `-' field operand to just count records or groups
03-02-11 add --print=format; Vmbest => Vmlast
03-02-07 add --count; check variable/type print width hint; allow width overflow
03-01-24 use cxcast() for group value pretty print
03-01-08 fix bucket alloc size
02-12-25 first release

tests changes

03-09-22 first release

text changes

02-12-17 propagate -ldss changes
02-11-01 a rudimentary alternative to the flat method

time_t changes

09-01-30 handle TMX_FLOAT (mvs.390)
08-08-22 fix time_t => Time_t typo
08-08-11 update timestamp_t logic to tmx*()

validate changes

03-04-05 avoid possible floating point underflow/overflow
03-02-11 Vmbest => Vmlast
03-01-27 keep per field dict of all invalid values for summary
03-01-26 add unknown map value dictionary
03-01-21 add cxlocation() to errorf messages
03-01-11 first release

xml changes

10-04-22 fix jsonident(), xmlread(), jsonread(), xmlwrite(), jsonwrite()
10-04-21 handle json [...,...] array values
10-04-20 json working
10-04-12 first release

ie changes

05-02-01 IFS may be unset and { ash bsh } don't on startup -- wow
04-07-26 update runtime docs
04-07-23 Makefile: link with static ast libraries
04-02-29 history.c: use pathtemp() instead of mktemp()
01-04-25 vi.c: handle implementations with VEOL but not VEOL2
00-02-14 ie: script replaces ie fun
	 ie: convert configure/* => features(ielib|
99-11-19 Makefile: fix sh_config.h for 2d -- eventually should use iffe
98-03-11 workaraound for sgi dllnext() botches
98-02-02 initial release snarfed from ksh88i source

mailx changes

12-06-05 spam.c: fix insider() domain check that skipped pure domain with not host
12-04-13 cmd1.c: fix empty list null pointer deref
12-02-29 add headfake boolean option to fake 'From ' line in saved message
11-09-11 add sender=/address/head/pattern/[&|]/head/pattern/...
11-07-17 fix message list to apply mimeview() to part 0 (main message body)
10-09-08 fix edited To: in message to override command line recipients
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
09-06-09 names.c,vars.c: fix alias expansion cross-dictionary bug
09-05-15 proc.c,quit.c: add buffer checks to filetemp()
08-11-04 spam.c: fix 0-terminated overrun in usermatch() -- wow
08-02-12 local.c: favor fcntl() lock over flock() for N(otan)FS
08-01-15 cmd3.c: add `if f?path' so old Mail doesn't carp
07-02-06 cmd2.c: "S name" => .../From/name
06-10-11 data.c: ARG_MAX => private ARGMAX
06-10-11 add sfstropen()/sfstruse() error checks
06-06-24 fio.c: fix nul count scan bug
06-04-17 head.c,spam.c: catch and normalize inventive subject spaces
05-03-28 main.c: add -r address; add L variable attribute
05-02-17 head.c: CONTENT_type PART_text trumps CONTENT_encoding binary
05-02-08 local.h: blankline=>allblanks (lynxos libc symbol hijack)
04-08-17 head.c: handle Content-Type: message
04-07-22 lex.c: access() => eaccess()
04-04-15 spam.c: add spamtest mask names, fix spam() ordering
04-03-25 mailx.h: shquote=>shellquote to avoid netbsd clash in <stdlib.h>!!
04-03-17 spam.c: fix usermatch() loop
04-01-28 data.c: k,K are now autoprint (like d)
04-01-22 data.c: K is alias for mark; omitted mark defaults to nospam
	 list.c: addr- shorthand for addr-$
04-01-20 data.c: k is alias for mark; omitted mark defaults to spam
04-01-16 main.c: mark -f option value optional
03-12-10 spam.c: fix word match bug that matched prefixes instead of full word
03-11-20 main.c: optget() if _PACKAGE_ast -- finally
03-11-14 add spamsubhead=1 to edit spam subject heading list
03-01-17 add shquote() to quote popen pathnames; fix save to -f core dump
02-12-12 imap.c: handle no-name attachments
02-12-11 head.c: application of DeMorgan's law proves Murphy's
02-12-04 local.h: include FEATURE/lcl from lcl.iffe to avoid local.h clash
02-11-22 head.c: convert unfriendly attachment path name characters to '_'
02-10-31 imap.c: drop obsolete RFC2060 FETCH args
02-10-20 spam.c: test=0x0060 for Authentication-Warning: checks
02-10-16 spam.c: test=0x0010 to verify From: in domain matches Received: hosts
02-10-08 mailx: fix a few strncopy() size off-by-ones
02-10-01 mailx: fix ancient buffer overflows by comitting to ast -- bye bsd
02-09-22 local.c: honor MAIL if its a regular file
02-09-08 add spambody to catch mail filter warnings embedded in message bodies
02-09-07 head.c: fix bug that retained mime boundary from previous message
02-09-04 head.c: add call to isdate() to verify ishead() dates
02-09-03 handle \r=> on input
02-08-28 vars.c: fix ${domain} initialization
02-08-21 spam.c: test=0x0004 for X-Authentication-Warning
	 send.c: disable interpolation "-- " signature test
02-06-07 spam.c: delay lower priority tests until all headers seen
02-05-31 imap.c: error messages to stderr -- duh
02-03-17 spam.c: add spamtest=bitmask: 0x0001: content-type==text/html
02-01-31 data.c: clarify imap var docs
02-01-30 local.iffe: add to handle no <termios.h> and ftruncate()
02-01-24 ifdef { SIGTSTP SIGTTOU SIGTTIN }
02-01-16 properly update References: in replies
01-10-15 `get attachment dir' copies attachment to dir
01-04-01 add state.var.hostname for smtp HELO
	 add fmtident() to initialize state.version 
01-01-01 fix map bug that retained alias after expansion
	 smtp: add domain to RCPT TO: if omitted
00-11-27 add Date: and From: to smtp
00-09-21 drop leading */ from user name
00-05-09 add cd,pwd,${PWD},${OLDPWD} with ${CDPATH} check
00-05-04 lex: flush stdout before prompt!
00-03-17 add -Qn to get status of n most recent messages
	 fix imap -NS unread count
	 loosen up headerbotch header checks
00-02-29 handle multiline SMTP responses
99-07-17 fix imap reply via imap_setinput() omission
	 @x.y.z in spam list matches x.y.z domain suffix
	 tone down hostmatch(), check unknown in Received:
	 fix $MAIL lock by checking syscall return value -- how novel
	 add -S, -o justfrom
	 add -NS to print info and exit
	 spam: Message-Id: <>
	 spam: To: suppressed
	 spam: strgrpmatch() instead of strcasecmp()
	 imap: normalize imap message before send
98-12-25 "text/enriched" treated like "text/plain"
	 PART_text && PART_inline => in the body
98-11-11 `save +' with `set followup=+From' saves msg in `+From/sender'
98-06-01 fix header parse for message/rfc822
	 add sendmail=smtp://host sendmail=/dev/tcp/host/inet.smtp
98-02-14 more spam stuff
	 to==from==user isn't spam
	 Status: header means already scanned (MSCAN)
	 spam check in setinput() (either here or in setptr())
	 `---*' can separate headers from body
98-02-07 defined(SFIO_VERSION) insead of defined(printf) for sfio disciplines
98-01-11 set spam to mark spam candidates X
	 set spamlog=file to automatically log spam msgs on quit
	 set spamto=addr1,...,addrN for candidate spam recipients
	 set spamfrom=addr1,...,addrN for candidate spam senders
	 set spamsub=word1,...,wordN for candidate subject word prefixes
	 add :!x for messages not matching x
	 set local=domain1,...,domainN
	 check for nuls in mail file
	 set headerbotch treats nReturn-Path: as From line if not in header
97-11-27 couldn't resist the date
97-11-11 change fflush() (in stdio.h) to do physical seek to logical position
	 this should squash the empty message bug
97-10-31 replace ferror() checks with checks at the io ops
97-08-11 ~m with no messages no longer dumps core
	 sendmail="<_PATH_SENDMAIL> -oi" to retain `.' lines (least suprise?)
	 keep most descriptive content-type
97-07-17 -t implies SEND mode
	 set quiet still lists folder status on startup
	 attachments named n-m instead of n:m for fat fs
	 if no encoding type and mimeview(encoding) then its an encoding
97-02-14 [Ss]plit now takes message list arg, Split ignores headers
	 no longer dumps for non-empty files with no From
	 ~f preserves attachment encoding/boundaries
	 text/plain with name="" is now an attachment
	 ${MAIL} is default system mailbox
	 ${MAIL}/.. is default system mailbox dir
96-09-06 version 9.6
	 set headerbotch to handle mailers that add space between std headers
	 set more[=prompt] to enable sfio more discipline (overrides PAGER)
	 alias < file (note space around <) to read sendmail alias file for map
	 join [messagelist] -- reply with auto ~m ~v
	 Join [messagelist] -- Reply with auto ~m ~v
	 multipart content converted to print/type/split (attachment) lines
	 get attachment-index [path] after print/type decodes attachment to file
	 ~g file interpolates content for multipart message
	 ~g `uuencode -h -x base64': no header/trailer, base64 encoding
	 set fixedheaders="hdr1dr2..." added to outgoing message header
	 help [ command | ~ [ command ] set [ variable ] ]
	 set MAILCAP; get checks ${MAILCAP} for view command(s), Get doesn't
	 mime [ pattern[;] command | < file ] -- add/del/list mime capabilities
	 alias case insensitive -- mail addrs and sendmail aliases are anyway
	 use <cdt.h>
	 use <mime.h>
	 mark [messagelist] mark
	 folder directories treated as mh folders
	 set inbox=+inbox -- SAVE messages not held in this mh folder
	 SAVE messages deleted from any mailbox
	 cast off_t %ld to (long) -- how do you say long long in portable?
	 if displayed message from me then don't ignore To:
	 mailbox() attempts all standard places
	 retain mime type/encoding in lower case
96-08-11 version 9.0
	 convert to prototyped ANSI C
	 all non-shared externs static
	 globals into state.*
	 internalize and mail.tildehelp
	 alternates: equivalent to: alias alt[i] myname
	 split to split messages into numbered files
	 blast,Blast to blast message headers and body into name=value list
	 if "a" [ == != ] "b"
	 ${mode} is readonly with value either "send" or "receive"
	 some options are readonly
	 some options may only be set on command line
	 some options may not ne set while sourcing
	 most command line flags have option names
	 set all shows unset vars too

ncsl changes

99-09-01 add usage[]
96-10-11 first release

pack changes

2003-05-21 pack.tst: add
2003-04-28 pack,unpack: handle file size > 2Gb (and > 4Gb)
2002-03-09 pack,unpack: diagnostic if no file operands
1999-05-03 add optget() docs

pzip changes

03-07-17 pzip.c: update --split doc
	 pin.c: add --maxhigh=N% high frequency column hard limit
	 pin.c: fix tsp cost matrix free() bug
03-04-05 pop.c: add OP_VERBOSE for cut() trace
03-01-04 pin.c: list range only if more than 2 elements
02-12-25 pin: add --sort
02-02-14 Makefile: add explicit -lz references
01-10-31 pin: add --reorder=tsp via -ltsp
01-10-30 pzip: fix --window doc typo
01-10-08 pin: add --optimize={dynamic|greedy|non|transitive}
	 pin: add --optimize method table for easy expansion
01-08-11 pzip: set from argv for statically linked disciplines
01-06-28 pzip: --split turns implies PZ_READ even with -p
01-02-02 pzip.tst: add -w window size test
00-10-04 pin: add -T0x800 TSP v3 dump
00-10-03 pin: add -T0x400 TSP v2 dump
00-10-02 pin: fix -p bug that botched the input read
	 pin: TSP dump now computes exact big value
00-09-29 pin: add -T0x200 TSP v1 reorder matrix dump
00-05-31 pin: --size does filter() to verify guess, 0 if wrong
00-02-11 pin: always have, even with no freq filter
99-11-03 pin: alb optimize()+solution() update (quadratic loop)
99-09-25 pzip: change --split to --split[=pattern]
99-09-11 pzip: change --split=dir to --split
99-08-11 pzip: add --append, --split=dir
	 pzip: fix SEE ALSO
99-06-23 pin: add --cache to enable pin-* cache; off by default now
99-06-22 pin,pop: add --prefix
99-06-20 pzip: add --prefix
99-03-22 rectify: add
99-03-17 pin,pzip: add --bzip for investigation
	 pin,pop: -r row-size now optional thanks to pzfixed()
	 pin: fix bugs for high==0
99-03-11 pin,pop,pzip: long options
	 pin: -hn% for % frequency cutoff, default is -h10%
98-11-01 pzip: delete sfclose(sfstdout) since SF_ATEXIT handles it now
98-10-20 pin: maintain frequency and pair compress size cache
	 pop: -s schema => -f pop-schema || mps-style-format
98-08-11 initial release

re changes

12-06-25 test*.c: handle \u[U+...]
12-06-23 testoldmatch.c: add tests for legacy astsa/strmatch.c
12-05-07 grep.c: add case 'y': to *really* ignore --color
12-05-03 grep.c: add -Y, --color -- ignored for GNU compatibility
12-04-20 grep.c: always enable FTS_META (to disable pure FTS_PHYSICAL)
12-04-17 type.dat: add type.dat re-type switch tests
12-03-38 sed?.[ch]: 64 bit cleanup for msvc
11-06-25 grep.c: handle FTS_SLNONE
10-12-10 grep.c: fix some empty line buffer boundary bugs
10-11-22 testregex.dat: add more [......] tests
10-09-01 grep.c: RE errors => exit(2)
10-08-11 ed,grep,sed: use conformance("standard",0) test
10-08-11 sed: align y \  \? logic with standard
10-07-31 grep: add --recursive,-r for the linux for dummies crowd -- barf
10-06-11 sed: drop space|semicolon separators warning
10-06-11 sed: fix G to always emit newline
10-06-11 sed: change 'l' command max line size to 72
10-01-01 testfnmatch.c,testmatch.c: ignore 'v' test option
09-12-11 grep.tst: add more -x + -e combos for regcomb() fix
09-12-11 testregex.dat,regex++.dat: posix semantics for [z-a]
09-11-20 sed: handle mb chars in y/from/to/
09-10-31 sed: add a few gnu compatibility options
09-02-02 repetition.dat,haskell.dat: add tests by Chris Kuklewicz
08-11-04 iso8859-1.dat: add [!-...] and [^-...] locale tests
08-09-04 nested.dat,noop.dat: nested match beyond end of subject fix
08-07-29 testglob.c: add workspace symlinks
08-07-29 testglob.dat: add ** symlink => dir tests
08-05-14 *.dat: update tests for UTF-8 vs. ISO-8859-1
08-03-05 testregex.dat: add K {,*}(...) tests
08-02-14 sed.tst: sync with regsubexec() fixes
08-02-02 sed: add -m, --multi-digit-reference
07-11-19 sed: /RE/I *except* for substitute command
07-10-16 sed: add /RE/I... => ignore case
07-03-19 testregex.c: add regdecomp() harness
07-03-19 testdecomp.dat: add regdecomp() tests
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
06-08-16 testglob.dat,noop.dat: add KRE ~(N) tests
06-07-28 testglob.(c|dat): add gl_extra tests
06-07-17 reg.dat: handle (?p) (pedandic RE checks)
06-07-17 zero.dat: update inline option tests
05-12-14 grep.c: add --name=name (-N) for stdin file label
05-08-18 grep.c: add --label, -m and --total, -t
05-06-06 reg.dat: transcribe from tcl 8.3 Spencer reg.test
05-05-20 test(fmt|fnmatch|match|regex): handle file args for rt(1)
	 nested.dat: add
05-04-03 sed: change regexec() => regnexec() to handle embedded ' '
05-03-30 testmatch.dat,testregex.dat: add '[*' REG_SHELL pattern tests
04-06-08 ed.c: fix move() bug that botched pointers across append()
04-05-24 testregex.dat: add more backreference tests
04-05-11 testregex.c: matchprint() now lists (?,?) up to nsub
04-02-13 testmatch.dat: add strmatch() cache boundary tests
03-10-17 testregex.c: add regexec() REG_LEFT tests, fix \x.... tests
03-08-11 ed.c: fix . value after s
03-08-08 ed.c: fix bug that botched the remembered RE parse
03-07-17 testregex.dat: add REG_SHELL|REG_AUGMENTED tests
03-06-09 minimal.dat: add tests
03-03-17 ed.tst: add ! command tests for sfpopen() "" mode fix
03-02-17 testregex.dat: add bm tests
03-01-13 sed0.c: operate on all input files, even if some fail
	 testfnmatch.c,testmatch.c: ignore testmatch -o option
03-01-03 testregex.c,testregex.dat: add REG_SHELL_GROUP options and tests
02-10-10 grep.c: ignore -a for GNU compatibility: gnugrep=tw+astgrep
02-08-12 testregex.dat,locale.dat: add REG_MINIMAL tests for mb bug
02-08-07 *.dat: recognize anchors in BRE subexpressions
02-07-17 testregex.c: fix basic re support test
02-07-15 locale.dat: add S and K tests for testfnmatch
02-06-20 testregex.c: handle invalid (?,*) and (*,?) in match[]
02-06-11 ed.c: fix global EOF test
02-06-10 testregex.c: add -x to inhibit REG_NOSUB
	 libtre.dat: add libtre regression tests
02-06-06 ed.c: fix substitute line splice
02-05-31 ed.c,sed.c: update to use regsubcomp(),regsubexec()
02-05-30 testregex.c: add -R to replace answers with implementation answers
02-05-20 testregex.c,ed.c,sed1.c,sed3.c: update to regsubcomp(),regsubexec()
	 testsub.dat: add new regsubcomp(),regsubexec() tests
02-05-14 testregex.c: add 'p' for REG_NOSUB, null regsub() 'g' match tests
02-05-09 testregex.c: handle 'x' for implememntations with no REG_LENIENT
02-05-08 testregex.c: fix "did not terminate" message
02-04-12,,re.tgz: update standalone test tarball
02-04-05 locale.dat: split from testre.dat
02-03-27 testglob.c: fix double escape() call for GLOB_LIST
	 testglob.dat: update tests for original pattern on no match
02-02-14 grep: add -P,--perl-regexp == REG_EXTENDED|REG_LENIENT
02-02-12 ed.c: add \r hacks
02-02-02 sed0.c: add \r to blank() set
01-12-06 grep.c: add -b,--highlight to highlight matched text on ansi terms
01-11-20 minimal.dat: add tests for regnexec() REG_MINIMAL char class bug
01-10-31 sed: all space before ; command separator for REG_LENIENT
01-10-20 testglob.c: handle  in pattern and result field parse
	 testglob.dat: add tests for  in pattern and GLON_NOCHECK
	 sed1.c: fix instruction cast pun
01-10-18 testmatch.c,testre.c: all test failure messages contain the text `fail'
01-10-17 testre.dat: add []{}() imbalance tests
01-10-05 testglob.c: update --help, add GLOB_LIST and GLOB_STACK tests
	 testglob.dat: add a few more tests
01-10-03 testmatch.dat: add ancc cc trigraph prone patterns
01-09-11 ed: fix t command bug, add regression test
	 ed: fix RE error intercept via REG_DISCIPLINE errorf
01-09-06 testfnmatch,testmatch: add --help
01-09-04 testre: update test data
01-06-11 testre: handle embedded   in subject string, add   tests
01-05-24 testre: add (?{...}) test support
01-05-22 testre: add regsub() tests, testsub.dat
01-05-16 regex.h update
	 test*.c,*.dat: update for sensible test \ expansion
01-04-18 testglob.dat: add no metachar tests
01-03-19 testglob: add
01-03-08 testre,testmatch: update for I18N and strgrpmatch() regex wrapper
99-12-12 sed: delay peek for .==$
99-08-11 grep: don't complain about EISDIR read error
	 ed: usage to stderr
99-05-01 ed,sed: long options
99-04-23 testre.dat: add ksh pattern parse tests
99-03-01 grep: long options
98-11-11 testmatch: add STR_ICASE tests
98-09-22 sed: REG_LENIENT => delim not special inside [...]
98-07-17 grep: add -w, -G
98-04-01 sed: => newline for LHS and RHS of y if REG_LENIENT
98-03-01 grep.tst,testre.dat: update for regcollate() [..] fix
98-02-06 testre: char class range bug fix checks
	 testmatch: char class range bug fix checks
98-01-23 sed: use regerror(0 for more informative error messages
97-05-09 sed: fix adrs[] by adding ccmapc()
97-04-01 sed: fix s/old/new/w file
96-12-25 sed: uchar -> unsigned char for the bsd holdouts
	 sed: sfset(sfstdin,SF_SHARE,1) if q command compiled
	 sed: ccmapc() command table indices
	 sed: ; separator warning only if CONFORMANCE==standard
	 ed: add <sfdisc.h>
	 sed: cpp can't handle #define f(/*a z*/a)
	 ed: line mark bit constants now use sizeof(off_t)*CHAR_BIT
96-08-31 testre: add BM tests
96-08-11 ed: -? and arg errors now verbose
96-05-09 testre: add RE_SHELL_* tests
96-02-29 grep: fix line buffer span bug that forgot to add the newline
	 grep: fix -h, add -H
	 sed: fix compiled expression alignment errors by typedef word
	 regress: move to lib0ast
	 grep: fix exit status and keep going on input open error
96-02-14 grep: -Ts keeps SF_SHARE input
96-02-09 grep: fix end of buffer test
96-02-06 grep: add regrexec() -- now its close to gre speed
96-01-30 ed: ,==.,$ ;==1,$ %==1,$
	 grep: turn off SF_SHARE on input pipe
	 ed,grep,sed: unused var cleanup
96-01-22 testre: add match overrun test
	 testre: drop dups from testre.dat
	 ed: add trap() call to append()
	 ed: drop malloc/realloc ptr diff hack in append() 
	 ed,grep,sed: REG_LENIENT (-O) is default, -S for strict
	 ed,grep,sed: astconf("CONFORMANCE")=="posix" for strict
	 sed: REG_LENIENT allows space between addresses
96-01-19 regress: INPUT|OUTPUT|ERROR -n for no trailing newline
	 sed: fix incomplete last line handling
	 grep: add incomplete last line handling
	 testre: handle \r \t \xXX in re and s fields
96-01-16 testre: standardize for outside exchange
96-01-11 sed: convert sed.h enum to #define for K&R
	 ed: add restricted red
	 ed: fix s///g bug that botched more than 1 sub!
	 ed: fix s///<num> bug that missed the point
96-01-08 regex: convert from C++ to C
	 regex: drop REG_ANCH, reganch() -- REG_LEFT|REG_RIGHT always done
95-12-21 regex: snarf from Doug; now we have negation and conjunction
	 regex: REG_MINIMAL converts pattern to pattern&(pattern.+)!
95-12-19 regress: new
	 convert test*.sh to *.tst for use with regress
95-12-11 ed: undo for all ops
	 ed: initial
95-12-08 ed: no hard limits
	 ed: !command added
	 ed: a,b!command writes to command and reads back
	 ed: program state in ed struct
95-12-04 regex: add REG_SHELL,REG_LEFT,REG_RIGHT and strgrpmatch()
	 regex: add REG_MINIMAL placeholder
	 ed: new from v10
	 ed: posix update
95-12-01 regex: snarf Doug McIlroy's C++ implementation

sort changes

10-08-11 main.c: use conformance(0,0) for "standard"
10-05-25 main.c: handle mb -t
10-05-11 main.c: add -p,--plugins=style -- common to all command swith plugins
10-04-22 main.c: -C => -E, add posix --silent-check, -C
10-04-11 main.c: drop -S,--unstable, handle --nostable, -[Sy]N => -zpN
10-04-03 main.c: add locale reference to the sort order description
09-12-09 main.c: add -h, --scaled|--human-readable
08-04-24 main.c: add optget() 'n' option for -1 => -K1
07-10-30 main.c: default insize == procsize -- worth ~25% time!
07-10-30 sort.tst, export LC_ALL=C
07-01-25 main.c: v format size is max of all input files
06-07-17 main.c: RS_POP before checking output
06-07-17 main.c: handle empty file for record format data sample
06-05-09 main.c: add path to record format determination message
	 main.c: fix -o path to inherit -R% format from input
	 sort.tst: fix -R% v format test
06-04-19 main.c: fix minor merge file list bug
06-01-21 fix pure sum command search logic
05-11-01 rec.c: add --count
05-06-30 main.c: add -zbBUFSIZE for regression testing
05-06-27 main.c: convert sftmp() etc. to rstmp*()
05-06-24 sfopen.c: allow multiple io intercepts per program
05-06-11 main.c: fix duplicate sfdcgzip() bug that corrupted input
05-05-31 main.c: mv rslib() before key->input[] record format processing
05-05-17 main.c: delay -l* => rslib() until all options parsed
05-05-11 main.c: fix -R* parse, preserve output zip/record attributes
04-12-01 main.c: fix -zI bug that only worked for 1 input file (sort#26)
04-09-28 main.c: fix ERROR_USAGE logic
04-08-11 main.c: add #intermediates to -Xdump, limit intermediates to 64
04-07-22 main.c: acces() => eaccess()
04-06-16 main.c: -R% -R- use recfmt() to sample for record format
04-02-11 main.c: document the obsolescent -k reclen:fieldlen:offset
	 sort.tst: add -k reclen:fieldlen:offset vs. -k .r -k .o.f tests
03-11-11 main.c: fix sfread vs. sfreserve logic fooled by SFOPEN_INTERCEPT
03-11-04 sfopen.c: add SFOPEN_INTERCEPT experiment 
03-10-16 main.c: add RS_CAT check
03-10-11 main.c: add RS_IGNORE checks, -R% to get size from path%lrecl
	 sort.tst: add -R% tests
03-09-06 main.c: add -Z, --zd, --zoned-decimal
03-09-04 main.c: change -R to --record=format | --recfmt=format
03-08-31 main.c: -l implemented by rslib()
03-08-15 main.c: add -J, --shuffle=seed
03-05-27 main.c: add -C, --codeset={a,e,i,o,n}, -p, --bcd, --packed-decimal
03-05-23 main.c: add -R, --reclen=reclen
03-03-11 initialize $CC from :TEST: TESTCC state var
03-03-07 Makefile: +lsort for now
01-04-19 sort.tst: add -s tests
00-03-09 main.c: fix infomation typo
00-12-25 main.c: close input before final overwrite ops
00-08-31 main.c: add -zcCHUNK to sort in chunks with merge disabled
99-11-19 main.c: use rskeylist() for method usage
99-11-11 main.c: unstable sort is the default for backwards compatibility
99-08-11 main.c: fix usage[]
99-06-07 main.c: add -o in any file position for backwards compatibility
99-03-03 main.c: add long options
	 sort.tst: add gnu tests; `b' is tricky
99-01-11 fix buffer boundary bug that emitted `newline appended' on 4k systems
98-03-17 add -zI -zO to zip input/output
98-03-11 fix sfmove() error checks
	 close output before rename
97-12-07 -Td1:d2:...:dn works via pathtmp(0,p,"/TMP_PATH",0)
	 pathtmp(0,0,"/cycle",0) could be used to control phase tmp files
96-07-17 insize is much less aggressive -- must nail down reasonable proc mem
	 fix bug that required 2 ^D for interactive input
96-12-25 drop sfset(sfstdin,SF_SHARE,0)
96-10-22 sfreserve tweaks
	 multi-stage merge now keeps previous stages out until next stage
	 sfreserve() only if 1 S_ISREG() input file
96-10-17 increase merge file limit to (OPEN_MAX-16) where possible
	 update testsort TEST=15 input file size to force multi-stage merge
96-10-11 all regression tests pass for all methods

std changes

12-06-06 use echo instead of print if no $KSH_VERSION
12-04-20 ls.c: FTW_META default
12-02-14 add
12-01-23 du.c: the rightmost of { -b -h -k -K -m } overrides the others
11-12-13 features/procfs, pss-procfs.c: check _PS_task for { st_uid st_gid }
11-08-24 ls.c: fix { linkop linktext } to check for FTS_SLNONE too
11-08-01 file.c: add -b, --brief | --no-filename
11-06-10 ls.c: add %(view)d for 3d fs view level (iview(struct stat*))
11-05-09 ps,pss: handle pr_npid in /proc/<pid>/stat
11-04-26 ps.c: increase COMMAND width from 16 => 24
11-04-26 features/procfs: fix uwin /proc probes
11-04-21 dd.c: turn stdin O_NONBLOCK off
11-04-21 dd.c: fix SI vs US numeric suffix docs
11-04-15 ls.c: add KEY_dev for all file types
11-03-10 ps.c: use %0<width>s for string fields to retain last <width> chars of long strings
11-03-03 dd.c: fix writes beyond count for piped input across partial input blocks (thanks ggreen)
11-02-11 mount.c: fix umount operand verification
11-01-28 file.c: add -a, --all to list all magic table matches
11-01-11 dd.c,iconv.c: convert Iconv_disc_t* for iconv_move() and iconv_write()
11-01-11 iconv.c: add posix { -c,--omit -l,--list -s,--silent }
10-12-01 ps*: update freebsd procfs logic
10-08-11 df.c: use conformance("standard",0) test
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-05-25 ls.c: back off 09-07-02 logical|(meta)physical change
10-02-09 ps.c: fix --tree --format=... => \\_ instead of \_
10-02-09 ps.c: ntpid not hex by default
10-01-01 ps.c: fix { -T -C -P } child detection logic
09-12-09 du.c: add -h, --binary-scale|human-readable; -K, --decimal-scale
09-11-11 features/procfs: handle linux /proc pr_tgrp == pr_tpgid
09-10-21 locale.c: use fmtquote() to print key values
09-07-02 ls.c: ftwflags() default only if not --recursive
09-05-15 ps.c: fix format field alias logic
09-04-15 ls.c: add --sort=version
09-01-30 mount.c: hide mount prototype too (for mvs.390)
09-01-20 dd.c: fix counting logic
08-12-08 ls.c: at least one space before link count for -l
08-12-07 ls.c: use %[_][EO]K for [space pad] [full|long] iso
08-10-28 pss-procfs.c: use hz = getconf("CLK_TCK")
08-09-10 features/procfs,pss-kvm.c: netbsd 4.0 kvm tweaks
08-01-31 features/procfs,pss-kvm.c: freebsd6 kvm tweaks -- stop already
08-01-26 df.c: belay some of that delay (automounts foiled it)
07-11-19 df.c: delay stat()/statfs() until necessary
07-11-15 pss-procfs.c: handle pr_pgrp and (...) with embedded space
07-08-03 ls.c: use return from main() instead of exit()
07-06-27 error messages to the standard error -- oops
07-06-01 Makefiles: add $(PACKAGE_LOCALE)umount link
07-05-05,seq.rt: new
07-04-25 locale.c: defer unknown keywords to /usr/bin/locale
07-03-19 du.c: fix 0 pointer deref
07-03-19 pss.c: initialize not found process placeholders
07-02-07 sum.c: move to libcmd & builtin
06-12-11 ls.c: disable LS_PRINTABLE for utf-8
06-12-04 du.c: handle > 2Ti in local.pointer
06-11-23 ps.c: --escape now the default: -E => --noescape
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
06-10-11 ls.c: header/trailer must honor state.scale too
06-09-19 split.c: pathconf() => astconf()
06-05-23 ps.c: add but ignore -w, --wide
06-01-11 pss-kvm.c: handle struct eproc.e_xsize
06-01-03 ls.c: add --show-control-characters, handle --no*
05-07-25 touch.c: eith => either
05-07-17 dd.c: fix ccode conversion diagnostic
05-06-16 ps.c: fix parent chain lookup infinit loop
05-06-14 ls.c: fix divide by 0 in col()
05-06-11 ls.c: sharpen the optimal row/col search
	 ls.tst: normalize 02 test sizes
05-04-22 ps.c: add --branch --escape
05-04-06 df.c: fix -k F_FRSIZE() to always return > 0
05-03-29 ps.c: check /bin/ps punt recursion when ast_ps is /bin/ps
05-03-11 features/procfs: cygwin tweaks
05-03-10 ls.c: fix -s arithmetic and column output
05-02-14 sum.tst: add SHA { 256 384 512 } tests
05-02-11 pss-info.c: add lynxos info(2) proc table
04-12-25 ls: -e == --time-style=long-iso, -E == --time-style=full-iso
	 ls: fix --quote-style=literal to bet literal -- doh
04-12-15 ls: --time-style=long-iso
04-12-12 touch.c: add high resolution time support
04-10-28 ls.c: add space between group/size so they won't run together
04-10-01 dd.c: drop ancient unused map code
04-09-14 ls.c: add -w[linesX]cols, last col must be visible in window
04-07-17 ls.c: rename -f => -Z, add x/open -f
04-03-28 ls.c: add variable column widths for minimal { -C -x } footprint
04-02-29 pss-getprocs.c: fix readf/partf semantic mixup
04-02-26 ls.c: handle solaris S_ISDOOR for -F
04-02-11 df.c: rescan mount table to avoid more expensive stat()/statvfs()
04-01-14 split.c: fix csplit {*} EOF detection
03-12-17 sum.c: update docs for new -lsum interface
03-12-09 df.c: don't stat() mount table fs paths that don't start with /
03-11-17 ps.c: fix --children bug that lost lower level ancestor links
03-10-12 dd.c: add ast iconv identity check
03-10-08 dd.c: fix count=n short-read when bs > underlying read size
03-10-07 df.c: fix -Pi to do "portable" -i
03-09-23 ls.c: call fmtmode() with internal mode
	 ls.c: -L => ~FTS_SEEDOTDIR
03-09-18 dd.c: numeric option arg values are now intmax
	 split.c: -b -C -l are now intmax
03-09-11 ls.c: add --testdate=date for testing
03-08-21 split.c: fix csplit pattern matching -- did it ever work?
	 csplit.tst: add regression tests
03-06-21 pss-procfs.c: fix PR_TIME(),PR_CTIME() normalization
03-06-11 mount.c: reorder includes for mvs.390
03-05-26 dd.tst: add
03-04-28 sum.tst: add sha1 tests
03-03-21 ls.c: add -z,--time-style
	 ls.c: if only -t is set then set FTW_SEEDOTDIR to keep configure happy
03-03-11 pss.c: pid <= 1 => ppid == 0 to avoid ancestor loop
03-03-06 ps.c: add pgid alias for pgrp
03-02-28 pss*.[ch]: add Pss_dev_t and Pss_id_t
	 ps.c: don't warn about unsupported fields for [cfjl]
03-02-21 pss-*.c: initf errors except no space now warnings for ps fallback
	 Makefile: hosttype workaround to avoid botched -lkvm
03-02-11 ps.c: flags width 2 => 3 since posix says its octal
03-02-07 ps.c: add --children and --parents, --tree == --children --parents
03-02-06 locale.c,ls.c: fmtquote() FMT_ALWAYS update
03-02-01 ps*.[ch]: convert to independent Pssmeth_t methods 
	 pss-ps.c: export _PSS_ps=1 to force for testing
03-01-31 pss.c: add darwin.ppc kvm_getprocs() -- still needs work
03-01-29 ps.c: check for obvious invalid pids
03-01-10 locale.c: don't list default after unknown category/keyword
02-12-04 du.c: add -H -L -P(default) symlink options
02-11-22 file.c: add version type description
02-10-10 pss.c: redefine only if not defined -- duh
02-10-02 pss.c: move <ast_windows.h> to first #if __CYGWIN__
02-09-30 dd.c: honor both count*bs *and* count
02-09-24 dd.c: fix partial record computations and printf format
02-09-11 pss.c: _WIN32 SF_ERROR <windows.h> workaround
	 touch.c: drop TM_DATESTYLE (snarfed too much from date.c)
02-09-09 ls.c: really ignore -T<n>
02-08-13 touch.tst: fix 10 digit ambiguity test
02-08-05 ls.c: add %(perm)[os]
02-07-31 file.c: add -[cdiM] and swap (old ast) -m and -M semantics for posix
02-06-25 ps.c: handle %s vs. %d --format inconsistencies
02-02-14 touch.c: explicit epoch dates (0) are different from now (also 0)
	 locale.c: don't output on unknown keyword
02-02-11 ps.c: validate input pid strings
02-02-04 ps.c: --format subformat => heading
02-02-02 pss.c: handle __CYGWIN__ bug where sizeof(TTY_CONSOLE)>sizeof(dev_t)
02-01-31 pss.c: add aix getprocs()
	 ps.c: ntpid=>npid, ntpid now a deprecated alias
02-01-28 ls: fix devmajor/devminor to use st_rdev where appropriate
02-01-22 ps: fix `not available' warning to attempt subsequent fields
02-01-21 ps: recode to use pss.[ch] process status stream interface
02-01-06 touch: clarify --time doc
01-10-31 df: increase the fs stat timeout from 2 to 4 sec
01-09-04 locale: add new catagories
01-08-11 ls: fix nonprintable test for mb locales
01-08-01 features/procfs: note that synthesized psinfo doesn't have pr_psargs
01-06-27 dd: fix conv=[lu]case|x2y logic botch
01-06-08 ps: option `-' is optional for ancient compatibility
01-06-06 ls: drop octets for bytes -- yay
01-05-25 locale: -m runs local locale until the standard comes to its senses
	 locale: add --element to list collation element weights
01-04-20 df: --man now says --scale is the CONFORMANCE!=standard default
01-04-17 date,rm: move to -lcmd
01-04-01 locale: fix LC_ALL listing
01-03-23 tsort: fix typo that goofed up $'b c c b'
01-03-22 ps: %(ntpid)d takes precedence over hex attribute
01-03-17 date: update --man for tmfmt() changes
	 locale: add with regression test
01-03-09 df: fix cannot stat filesystem typo
01-03-05 ls: add --dump to dump generated --format string
01-03-01 ps: fix iffe logic that disabled too much for /proc synthesis
	 ps: fix -T -p that missed some children
	 ps: fix -x to include session leaders
01-02-14 ps: disable some iffe results for synthesized /proc structs
	 ps: use sfstrbase() and sfstrsize() instead of member names
	 mount: define NGROUPS for freebsd -- how does <sys/ucred.h> make it?
	 df: add scaled sizes, no sync(2) unless -s,--sync
	 df: add statvfs() timeout for good ol NFS
01-01-31 ls: handle --sort=size
01-01-01 ps: change (-x,--hex)=>(-X,--hex), add (-x,--detached)
	 ls: really ignore --tabs, add --quote-style --scale, --thousands
	 rm: -i and -f cancel each other
00-12-13 df: change type default width to 10 for linux
	 ps: fix --format '%(time)d'
00-12-11 ps: fix --tree graph
00-12-08 ps: no -e for pid args
	 ps: add --heading
00-10-31 date: mmddHHMMccyy doc and code fixes, test
	 touch: ccyymmddHHMM doc and code fixes, --time=mtime common sense, test
00-10-23 ps: -Tp pid gets pid and all children
00-10-06 du: fix roundup error by delaying until the totals
00-09-21 touch: fix to handle obsolete MMDDhhmm[YY]
00-08-11 ps: fix man typo
00-06-10 dd: add swap=op
00-05-24 ls: fix --kilobytes, add --block-size
00-05-11 df,ls,ps: unknown format id is fatal error
00-05-02 dd: use iconv() for from=x to=y conversions
00-04-01 ls.tst: export TZ=EST5EDT; new tests should be UCT
00-03-17 rm: add PATH_ATTRIBUTES 'l' check (no hard links to directories)
	 date: --elapsed accepts odd arg count
	 catmerge: add
00-03-09 df: add --format
	 date: add --elapsed
00-02-07 ls: -a and -A now mutually exclusive
	 shar: add $USAGE_LICENSE
00-01-25 touch: add invalid st_mtime value CAVEAT
	 ls.tst: limit max st_mtime to 0x7fffffe to avoid stat(2) EOVERFLOW
00-01-11 tsort: fix
99-12-25 ps: fix linux -o args
99-11-19 mount,umount: fix umount usage[]
	 ls: fix --format doc
99-11-18 ls: -H + cmd link non-dir symlink => lstat() (H == hairbrained)
99-10-31 sum: change --check, add --header --permissions for verifcation
99-10-22 date: fix %C %k %y doc
99-08-11 ps: netbsd + unixware fixes
	 ls: fix SEE ALSO
99-07-17 ps: fix cancel logic to eliminate (null) header
99-06-23 rm: fix -f exit status to be !=0 on errors, even if no diagnostic
99-06-17 expand/unexpand: long options
99-06-14 rm: dir arg requires -r, diagnostic even with -f
99-06-11 df: minimize mntread calls when args given
	 ps: all key.cancel format mods on rhs
	 sum: binary mode by default, local text mode implementation
99-06-01 dd: fix conv=* bitmasks
99-05-20 df: F_BASETYPE() for redhat 6.0 linux statvfs incompatibility
99-05-18 date: add settimeofday() and stime() checks/calls
	 date: use %Y in /bin/date punt
99-05-11 ps: use pr_sid for session leader checks
99-05-09 sum: sfopen(sfstdin,0,"rt") file lists
99-05-06 date: fix inconsistency between date(1) touch(1) tmdate(3)
	 shar: add
99-05-05 sum: add md5sum options
99-05-01 touch,tsort: long options
99-04-28 banner,df,du,file,mesg,mount,ps,sum: long options
99-04-01 ls: long options, gnu compatibility
	 date: fix +format for new optget()
99-03-11 dd: convert to optget()
	 ls: (time_t) cast fmttime() arg
99-03-01 ps: fix static key table inititialization
99-02-04 ps: add maxval to determine default width 
99-01-23 testdate: check date output format too
	 move sfio,date,opt tests to src/cmd/tests
	 move pax tests to src/cmd/pax
99-01-11 sfio/t*.c: make a few tests more portable
98-11-21 touch: add obsolete mmddhh & mmddhhyy
98-10-20 dd: fix in/out partial block reports
	 sum: add ast4|32x4|tw checksum
98-08-11 ps: implement -G
98-07-17 ps: fix -t dump
98-06-26 rm: tighten hard link to directory test
98-04-01 sfio: fix ttmpfile by intercepting open64() and creat64()
98-03-11 dd: fix conv=* check
	 du: list all command line args
98-02-18 date: modify tests for tmfix() 1900+tm_year leap year fix
98-01-23 df: add -O for mnt.options
	 date: add y2k date tests
97-12-20 ps: add (but name ast_ps until it's broken in)
97-12-11 rm: fix -r bug that looped when remove() silently failed
97-07-17 rm: `rm -rf' just prints usage; it used to do `rm -rf .'
	 du: change -kblocksize to -bblocksize, -k => -b1024
	 date: a few more tests
97-05-09 rm: fix FTW_AGAIN code for multi-getdents() dirs
	 df: add ERROR_SYSTEM to -v output
96-12-25 dd: add from=<ccode> to=<ccode>
	 tsort: fix empty list bug
	 df: fix sync() prototype
	 date: add -p input-format to supplement DATEMSK
	 ls: fix boundary problem with %(path) by using %(name)
	 ls: add -A
	 rm: add -F to clear and sync data before remove()
96-10-11 file: update for magic discipline
	 dd: update for <ccode.h>
	 *: change opt_arg to opt_info.arg
	 mesg: add
	 df: "UNKNOWN" fs type -> "local"
96-08-11 dd: set error_info.exit after options
96-06-19 fix ftwalk() top level children anomalies (fts is underneath now)
96-05-09 date: Xopen DATEMSK tests
	 df: Xopen update
	 du: Xopen update
	 ls: Xopen update
	 find: move to tw
	 rm: add
96-02-29 df: list some stat errors -- well, maybe not
	 sum: add cksum link and att,bsd,posix,zip,md5 algorithms
96-02-07 df: (long) cast to handle (unsigned long) vs. (long) header diffs
96-01-30 banner: unused var cleanup
96-01-01 AT&T Research now
	 banner: add
	 split: add
95-12-25 find: add -nouser, -nogroup POSIX unary ops
95-12-08 df: cap = use / (use + avail)
	 expand: new
	 unexpand: new
95-11-18 file: ignore empty file list lines
	 df: add Mnt_t.options and Mnt_t.flags
95-11-16 this is the place for single file standard commands
95-11-11 df: new
	 tsort: new
	 file: fix aix shared library
95-07-17 date: add gnu -d string
	 ls: fix "total..." aggressive output
95-05-09 file: switch to <magic.h> and libast/magic()
	 file: add posix -h == -P
	 ls: sfkeyprintf lookup string arg is now the format conversion char
	 ls: #ifdef check S_ISSOCK
95-04-01 ls: fix -c botch that treated it like -u
95-03-19 ls: add -H for posix FTW_META|FTW_PHYSICAL
	 ls: add -f format to match pax -o listformat
	 ls: add -D key=value to match pax -o listmacro
	 ls: to mimic dos -- ouch
	 ls: don't stresc() possibly readonly string literals
95-03-11 find: add -metaphysical (posix -H) for FTW_META|FTW_PHYSICAL
95-02-14 file: add -p pattern to select types that match pattern
95-01-19 file: add linux kernel and minix as,ld
95-01-01 file: start RELEASE file
	 file: add JPEG, dot
	 file: fix GIF
	 file: stresc() match strings too
	 file: add pax compressed and delta formats
	 ls: add -n for LS_NUMBER
	 ls: -C if argv[0] base is lc

tksh changes

05-06-14 uinit.c: trap "tkloop" only if it is defined
04-03-31 uinit.c: unalias ksh "source" to uncover tcl builtin by same name
03-01-02 Makefile: dynamic -lshell on CC.HOSTTYPE=*win*
02-08-27 tkMain.c: wait loop recode to avoid WNOHANG cascade
02-02-14 Makefile: shell:static because dll is -g => fix this situation
01-01-01 separate -ltksh from tksh main

tw changes

12-04-11 find,tw,xargs: update to cmdopen() discipline api
12-02-29 find.c: fix ``! -type f'' vs ``! -type f -print'' bug
11-10-31 tw.c: handle -lexpr X2I change -- scary
11-07-25 expr.c: fix -e sort:url core dump
11-06-30 tw.tst: add symbol table scope tests
11-05-05 tw.c,find.c,xargs.c: update to cmdopen_20110505 api
11-03-03 expr.c: add sum("method") for all libsum methods
10-11-30 tw.tst: add "begin" scope tests
10-09-01 find.c: RE errors => exit(2)
10-08-18 tw.tst: add expr scope tests
10-08-18 find.c: document -exec command ... {} +
10-08-15 tw.h,tw.c,expr.c: add file arg to compile() for --file=expr-file
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-04-05 find.c: vmclose() after all usage -- doh
10-04-05 find.c: handle -exec|-xargs with multiple {}
07-10-26 find.c: fix default -print w.r.t. -o
07-10-03 find.c: fix { -atime -ctime -mtime } [-+]N logic
07-09-21 expr.c: add sumprint() default scale arg
07-08-17 tw.c: add --snapshot
07-05-08 find.c: fix -printf => sfvprintf() translation
07-05-08 tw.c: provide empty *ftw for -n actions
07-04-24 cmdarg.c,cmdarg.h: move to src/lib/libast
07-01-06 find.c: fix dumb -empty coding bug
06-12-07 find.c,find.tst: fix -exec/-xargs vs {} +
06-12-07 cmdarg.c,xargs.tst: adjust ARG_MAX logic
06-10-11 add sfstropen()/sfstruse() error checks
06-09-27 find.c: peel off leading [-+] from all -perm
06-07-17 find.tst: fix -perm tests
06-05-25 find.c: fix inum (and all but size) default units
05-06-13 tw.c: sort:path == sort:name, handle ,-separated keys
05-03-07 xargs.c: fix -i to treat each line as an arg
05-02-23 tw.c: add --error-exit=code to exit if cmd exit >= code
	 find.c: ignore cmd errors
	 cmdarg.c: fix bug that dropped a path on cmd error
05-01-11 tw.c: --local test for directories only
04-12-24 tw.c: cmd non-zero exit status causes tw to terminate
04-12-08 find.c: fix `option ... path ... option' logic *again*
04-08-01 find.c: really fix -size
04-04-15 tw.tst: add %s scanf tests
04-04-01 find.c: handle `-sort -KEY' and `-sort KEY'
	 find.tst: add `-sort -name' for uniform results -- duh
04-02-26 tw.tst: add scanf tests
03-12-02 find.c: -print does not require leaf stat -- duh
03-11-16 find.tst,tw.tst: add leading . pattern match tests
03-11-14 add /proc to default prune paths
03-09-23 tw.c: -L => ~FTS_SEEDOTDIR
02-01-10 tw,find: add sfsync(sfstdout) check
02-11-07 tw: add type==DOOR (solaris S_ISDOOR)
	 find: add -type D (solaris S_ISDOOR)
02-07-17 add --local to skip non-local directories
02-04-18 find: fix lookup() bug that dumped on unknown keys
02-04-03 find: add FTW_DELAY logic, fix directory -empty
	 tw: add FTW_DELAY logic
02-01-16 tw: add symlink to EXPRESSIONS doc
01-10-31 tw,find: add slocate(1) refs
01-07-17 xargs: fix -e -i -l option parse for backwards compatibility
	 cmdarg(): fix CMD_INSERT copy that omitted leading chars
01-05-02 tw: fix -a to use CMD_POST instead of CMD_INSERT
01-02-06 tw,find: move --local test fslocal()
01-01-01 find: fix -newer -anewer -cnewer -perm
00-11-14 updatedb: add --dir-format (it was already the default)
00-08-11 tw: add --recursive
00-05-23 cmdarg: fix -a strchr loop (thanks dr ek)
00-05-01 find: add [f]printx and %[xX] -- or use tw
00-03-12 find: fix multiple PRINT with -print imbeded in ( ) -o ( )
99-10-11 tw: tighten up --generate exit codes
	 updatedb: add a few options
99-08-11 find: fix -size
	 find: undef NOGROUP NOUSER -- (net)bsd stomps again
99-07-17 xargs: newline *and* space separated args -- duh
99-05-24 find: fix PRINT!=0 enum logic bug
	 find.tst,tw.tst: add
99-05-21 tw: fix print --man
99-05-09 tw,xargs: sfopen(sfstdin,0,"rt") file list
99-04-01 find: get -o -or and -a -and disambiguation order correct
	 find: -*time -*min fix
	 find: -exec {} malloc bug fix
	 find: fix exit status
	 xargs: long options, \r fix exit status
	 tw: long options, fix exit status
99-03-11 find: convert to optget()
99-03-03 tw: CMD_INSERT instead of CMD_POST, fix `-' file list on stdin
99-02-14 cmdarg: use astconf("ARG_MAX")
	 find: -fast to execute() just like tw
	 find: -xargs command ';'
99-01-23 locate,updatedb: add
	 cmdarg: fix bug that did not 0 last terminator in file list
98-11-11 find: -ls => ls -lis
	 find,tw: add astconf("PATH_ATTRIBUTES") and strmatch(STR_ICASE)
98-08-11 tw: add 32x4 file content checksum
	 cmdarg: fix off-by-1 bug that lost 1 arg per cmdflush()
98-07-01 tw: fix expr convert disc
98-05-28 find: add -magic pattern and -mime pattern
98-03-11 tw: fix p=pwd initialization bug
	 tw: fix -m interaction bug with action
98-02-14 find: add -icase for -fast ignorecase
	 tw: add -I for -f ignorecase
	 use FTW_MULTIPLE to get ordering on cmd arg dir list too
	 pass dir list to findopen(read)
	 tw: -G now takes format arg
98-02-04 find: add -fast primary to handle std `find x' == `find x -print'
97-05-09 tw: mime && magic now use PATH(ftw)
96-11-28 find: add optget()
96-10-11 find: fix multiple -exec bug
	 tw: strdup() compile time strings!
96-10-01 update for magic discipline
96-05-09 add find and xargs
	 tw,find,xargs now use cmdarg.[ch] for exec arg limits
	 tw: add -F codes to read/write fast find codes
96-02-29 use EXIT_STATUS() to properly report command exit status
95-05-09 add string magic field
	 add -X (don't cross device boundaries)
95-03-11 create this file

warp changes

12-06-22 warp.c: add utimensat()
08-11-15 warp.c: fix time() _WIN32 intercept
05-02-01 IFS may be unset and { ash bsh } don't on startup -- wow
05-01-01 warp.c,feature/lib: add utimes() intercept with struct timespec
04-12-09 %s instead of %#, add clock_gettime() intercepts
04-07-26 update runtime docs
04-07-23 Makefile: link with static ast libs
01-10-20 warp: drop :WWW: standalone distribution
99-11-19 warp: fix _RLD_LIST for sgi.mips4-n32
99-05-21 add: _xstat64
99-04-01 add :WWW:, change from function to script
98-04-01 add in factor code and intercepts
98-03-11 initial release
98-03-05 first implementation

vczip changes

09-10-01 vczip.c: make discipline data static -- it may be accessed after main() returns
09-07-04 vczip.c: first attempt to unify vcodex(--method) and codex(--transform)
09-02-02 vczip.c: -u is now a flag (no optional arg)
09-01-18 vczip.c: fix bug that forgot to assign src file path
08-11-04 vczip.c: change date to official kpv -lvcodex release
08-06-06 sync with kpv; add ast plugins and optget() usage
05-09-25 vczip.c: fix empty input test for pipes
05-06-16 vczip.c: snarf from kpv
05-06-30 vczip.c: handle vcsfmeth interface change
05-06-28 vczip.c: snarf from kpv

jcl changes

07-12-07 jcl.rt: add prefix '/' delimiter tests
07-06-06 add USR1 USR2 interrupt handlers
07-02-20 cpy2dss.c: handle POINTER, ignore IS
06-11-11 jcl.c: fix map vs name=value arg precedence
06-11-11 export JCL_AUTO_* instead of via command line
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
06-08-15 add --index=n
06-08-11 add JCLGROUP for shared coshell
06-08-08 parameterize to JCLROOT=$(PACKAGEROOT)
06-08-03 jcm.c: fix group base prereq
06-07-31 parameterize event db path
06-06-21 jcm.c, .EVENT.WAIT and .EVENT.RAISE update
06-05-25 cpy2dss.c: handle PIC -9(3).9(2)
06-05-22 jcm.c, add .EVENT.GET .EVENT.SET
06-05-18 jcl.c: exit code cleanup
06-05-17 jcl.c: update docs
06-05-16 jcm.c: add job.base and user 'O' for if specified
05-09-22 jcm.c: add --initialize=file, handle 'T' card prescan
	 jcm.rt: add tests
05-09-15 cpy2dss.c: ebcdic-m (mvs) now the default
05-09-12 jcm.c: ~PX0000 => $(JCL_AUTO_PX)0000
05-08-31 jcl.rt, add
05-08-29 jcm.c: add JCL_AUTO prefix to makefile jcl action vars
	 jcl.c: add -O, --odate, -R, --rdate, -S, --date
05-05-31 cpy2dss.c: add typename()
05-05-09 cpy2dss.c: add <QUOTEALL>
05-04-18 cpy2dss.c: add --escape, --quote-begin, --quote-end
05-04-11 cpy2dss.c: handle accumulated fields > fixed record size
	 cpy2dss.c: handle --sized --text --variable
05-02-14 jcl.c: add --import env var precedence over --map definitions
04-12-23 cpy2dss.c: mark structs and struct arrays for --offsets
04-12-21 cpy2dss.c: add type field to --offsets
04-10-31 jcl.tst: add JCL_DD_ALIAS tests
	 jcl.c: add -r,--resolve to resolve/map path operands
04-10-20 cpy2dss.c: add -C,--comp=from:to
04-09-27 cpy2dss.c: fix OCCURS and structure offsets, add -k,--keep
04-09-21 jcl.c: add -s,--subdir
04-09-20 jcl.tst: handle "export JCL_AUTO_JOB=job" change
04-09-15 jcl.c: fix optset() to honor jcl->roflags
	 jcl.tst: add * prefix match tests
04-08-24 cpy2dss.c: handle REDEFINES => <UNION>, add --offsets
04-08-06 split cmd/jcl => lib/libjcl + cmd/jcl
	 jcl.c: --list=dd => --list=inputs or --list=outputs
	 cpy2dss.c: add --bytemask
04-06-09 jcl.c: default JCL_MAPFILE is now optional
04-05-31 cpy2dss.c: fix structure pop logic, add --sized
04-05-20 cpy2dss.c: fix --variable to *also* emit <VARIABLE>1</>
04-05-19 cpy2dss.c: fix --variable to emit terminator and width
04-05-14 cpy2dss.c: add --terminator=char and --variable
04-05-06 cpy2dss.c: handle nested structs and out of sync level indices
04-05-04 cpy2dss.c: promote from test area
04-02-29 jcl.tst: add empty PARM test
03-11-14 jcm.c: add from control-m experiments
03-10-20 --map=prefix by default, --map=- to disable
	 --map file now a sequence of ops: "map" and "set" for now
03-10-15 add --map=prefix-map
03-10-10 more tests
03-10-08 reliable -x output with regression tests
03-10-01 first code

libast changes

12-07-25 pathprobe.c: fix read() loop to handle EINTR
12-06-28 vmalloc/malloc.c: use sbrk() unless VMALLOC_OPTIONS=mmap or asoinit(0,0,0)!=0 (workaround until next malloc update)
12-06-28 aso/aso.c: asoinit(0,0,0): 0: no specific init, 1: app initialized
12-06-27 sfio/sfvprintf.c: allow { L* z* } aliases for I* -- posix will probably pick one
12-06-26 regex/regnexec.c: fix uninitialized variable reference
12-06-26 comp/setlocale.c: utf8_wctomb() now calls (the corrrect) wc2utf8()
12-06-25 string/chresc.c: accept \u[U+<hex>] and \u{U+<hex>}
12-06-24 regex/regcomp.c: mb [^...] must be marked "complicated"
12-06-20 port/astconf.c: increase DEBUG_astconf error debug levels (may leach into rt output)
12-06-18 sfio/_sfopen.c: add 'e' => O_CLOEXEC
12-06-18 features/fcntl.c: add #define O_CLOEXEC 0 if not defined
12-06-13 features/float: handle __mips c99 peculiarities
12-06-13 features/standards: handle __MACH__ posix peculiarities
12-06-08 sfio/sfclose.c,sfmode.c: sfclose() for sfopopen() stream returns sh-compatible $?
12-06-08 comp/strtold.c: fix header botch that missed ldexpl() prototype -- ouch
12-06-06 misc/proclib.h: partially undo <ast_standards.h> for leaked ancient bsd-isms
12-05-31 misc/proclib.h: <ast_standards.h> for linux undefined struct mmsghdr*
12-05-31 error.h: add ERROR_PIPE(errno) to handle EPIPE and ECONNRESET
12-05-31 Makefile: don't install $(INCLUDEDIR)/prototyped.h: src/cmd/INIT does it
12-05-31 regcomp.c: add (?V...) ~(V...) REG_REGEXP switch
12-05-28 regex: regoff_t in => ssize_t via api 20120528
12-05-21 features/asometh: split intrinsic and method tests so code only instantiated in aso.c
12-05-21 comp/strdup.c: use oldof() since mem overwritten by string copy
12-05-18 misc/stk.c: fix access of moved realloc() data
12-05-15 misc/optget.c: #? option with no value should have opt_info.num==0
12-05-11 misc/stk.c: fix memmove() read of 1 uninitialized byte
12-05-11 regex/regcoll.c: avoid memcpy() to self
12-05-01 port/astconf.c: fix astconflist() to list standard minmax value if defined
12-04-26 sfio/sftmp.c: fix memory leak due to inadvertent SF_STATIC copy
12-04-26 sfio/sfwrite.c: fix subtle memory leak (with Vmlast or Vmpool or freeBSD malloc)
12-04-26 vmalloc/vmbest.c: SIGSEGV overcommit check for __linux__ only
12-04-25 vmalloc: add _vmfd() for private close-on-exec fds
12-04-23 sfio_t.h: change getr to 32 bits to prepare for UTF-8 delimiters
12-04-23 features/signal.c: add SIGSTKFLT
12-04-17 regex/regcomp.c: fix (E:...) vs (E)... scoping
12-04-11 features/sys: add aix's _LARGE_FILE_API to the _LARGEFILE(64)?_SOURCE mix -- anyone else?
12-04-11 include/cmdarg.h,misc/cmdarg.c: (finally!) add a discipline with Cmdrun_f
12-03-28 vmalloc: int vs [s]size_t cleanup
12-03-27 sfio: fix #if logic that caused syntax errors (on 64 bit uwin)
12-03-10 misc/optget.c: HELP_index for "PLUGIN" too
12-02-29 include/shcmd.h: PLUGIN_VERSION 20111111 for cdt disc/meth change
12-02-29 comp/spawnveg.c: fix sigcritical() to include waitpid() for internal child
12-02-29 malloc.c: make __malloc_hook initialization thread safe
12-02-24 comp/iconv.c: fix winix UTF-8 vs UCS-2 over-conversion
12-02-24 astsa/*.h: clean up header guards
12-02-24 astsa/astsa.omk: clean up standalone old make makefile interactions
12-02-21 misc/cmdarg.c: fix bug that set argv[0]
12-02-10 sfvprintf.c: fix 1 byte too long buffer access
12-02-07 malloc.c/features/vmalloc: add gnu __malloc_hook tests
12-02-06 vmmopen.c: fix ALIGN vs sys/param.h macro conflict
12-02-02 astlicense.c: add license.component for component-specific licenses
12-01-31 spawnveg.c: fix transient bug that made invalid setpgid() call
12-01-27 pathpath.c: fix buffer size math when internal allocation requested
12-01-24 malloc.c: fix _vmkeep() bug that did not return previous state
12-01-23 malloc.c: add VMALLOC_OPTIONS=break to try sbrk() block allocator first
12-01-21 astlicense.c: option style only overrides default license.type
12-01-18 malloc.c: disable multiple regions for tracing or !vmbest or ASO_SIGNAL
12-01-12 sfpkrd.c: add __sun I_PEEK+rsh runtime workaround
12-01-10 shcmd.h: void* => Shbltin_t*
12-01-10 tmxdate.c: handle { n>=1000 } TM_PARTS
11-12-21 plug up some memory links -- thanks mhlavink
11-12-21 vmprivate.c: enclose VM_NONMEM exception in CLRLOCK(vm,0) ... SETLOCK(vm,0)
11-12-13 aso: in -lposix for uwin, not -last -- just like vmalloc
11-12-13 sfpoll.c: all streams SF_IOINTR => don't ignore EINTR
11-12-13 sfdcslow.c: set SF_IOINTR
11-12-09 malloc.c: add _vmkeep() for setlocale() intercept _SYS_setlocale_free_OK
11-12-04 sfio: _Sfmaxr=0 (unlimited) by default; use ulimit -M|-d or SFIO_OPTIONS
11-12-01 aso: sync to new api
11-11-11 optget.c: move .TH to the top for --nroff to get our macros first
11-11-11 aso,cdt,vmalloc: resync with kpv
11-11-11 cdt: preserve bits and Dt_link_t for CDT_VERSION < 20111111
11-10-24 sfvprintf.c: %.-ns truncate from left to n chars
11-10-21 sfvprintf.c: fix %0s (no width) core dump
11-10-10 aso: add _WIN32 support
11-09-26 vmalloc: sync with kpv
11-08-29 features/{dirent,wchar,wctype}: eliminate #include with no header
11-08-25 #pragma prototyped tweaks -- sun4 is dead, long live sun4
11-08-25 ftwalk.c: FTS_SLNONE => FTW_SL
11-08-11 features/wchar: fix #include _nxt_wchar for K&R C
11-08-04 optget.c: tweak --html rendering
11-07-24 mime.c: add %(default)[st] default if arg == ""
11-07-21 setlocale.c: fix debug locale to treat "<<" as two single byte chars
11-06-14 spawnveg.c: pgid -1: new session -2: setpgrp()&&tcsetpgid()
11-06-14 pathprog.c: add darwin _NSGetExecutablePath
11-05-14 features/common,features/align.c: { _X86_ _X64_ } conditionals for generic uwin
11-05-13 tm/tminit.c: tweak tzname[] prototype
11-05-09 astlicense.c: add ". file" parent-relative include and depth 4 input stack
11-05-05 cmdarg: update to cmdopen_20110505 api
11-05-03 sfio/sfclose.c: make sure close() errors propagate to sfclose() return value
11-04-20 port/astlicense.c: add { id name } keys
11-04-15 fmtdev.c: fix to work for non-{blk,chr} special
11-04-12 stk: change size args to size_t and stseek() offset to ssize_t
11-04-12 sfio: sync with kpv to optimize large SF_STRING sfputr() buffer allocation
11-03-28 misc/fts.c: fix FTS_SLNONE logic to set it when it should!
11-03-17 misc/stk.c: fixed bug that could delete an active stack frame
11-03-10 sfio/sfvprintf.c: add %0<width>s to preserve <width> trailing chars in string arg
11-03-09 misc/magic.c: add %d...%s where if %d==1 then %s=="" else %s=="s"
11-03-09 misc/ add windows ico
11-02-08 misc/stk.c: change STK_FSIZE to (1024*sizeof(char*)) for 64 bit normalization
11-02-02 sfio/sfmode.c: don't call sfsetbuf() on unbuffered stream to make it unbuffered
11-02-02 features/wchar: handle hp.ia64 va_list interactions
11-02-02 comp/omitted.c: fix mismatch between stat() vs _stat()
11-01-31 std/wctype,features/wctype: add to handle <wchar.h> interactions
11-01-28 add -lw for ancient sunos
11-01-28 include/magic.h,misc/magic.c: add MAGIC_ALL
11-01-27 tm/tmxfmt.c,tmpoff.c: %_z for SHH:MM
11-01-25 features/wchar: change <wctype.h> <wchar.h> ordering
10-12-24 sfstrtof.h: fix thousand grouping bug that did not check last group
10-12-21 pathkey.c: add win32 { /32 /64 } preroot to hash
10-12-09 pathprog.c: handle intermediate path != '* and fix invalid pathpath() call
10-12-01 astconf.c: fix look.standard undefined variable reference
10-12-01 sfset.c: SF_LINE|SF_WCWIDTH => no need for sfsetbuf() to call isatty()
10-12-01 sfsetbuf.c: cache /dev/null <dev,ino> to cut down /dev/null stat()'s
10-12-01 optget.c: delay dictionary initialization until needed
10-11-30 malloc.c: drop { VMDEBUG VMETHOD VMPROFILE VMTRACE } env checks
10-11-30 port/astconf.c: eliminate esaccess() calls for OP_universe checks
10-11-24 regcomp.c: [[=]=]] must at least match itself in non-C locales
10-11-23 glob.h,glob.c: add GLOB_GROUP => REG_SHELL_GROUP
10-11-20 glob.c: handle mode switches across /
10-11-19 regcomp.c: REG_SHELL => REG_CLASS_ESCAPE
10-11-16 vmalloc.h: add VMFL tracing to vmstrdup()
10-11-16 ast.h: simplify VMDEBUG _BLD_DEBUG and VMFL logic
10-11-12 tm/tmlocale.c: ast TM_* extensions default to C locale
10-11-10 regex/regnexec.c,vmalloc/vmstat.c: eliminate strict-aliasing puns
10-10-20 misc/translate.c: change debug translation to drop " in (a,b,c,"d")
10-10-10 misc/glob.c: drop ancient D_FILENO(d)!=0 test and trust readdir()
10-10-06 misc/translate.c: fix "debug" locale logic
10-10-04 misc/magic.c: fix magic() skip check to honor the continuation
10-10-04 regex/regcoll.c: add wchar_t* args to regcollate(), drop ucs name lookup
10-09-28 comp/setlocale.c: add utf8_wctomb()
10-09-28 string/chresc.c,regex/regcoll.c: fix \S[.X.] (\C[.X.] never worked!)
10-09-24 string/chresc.c: \Cc for control c, \S[.X.] for collating symbol X
10-09-24 string/chresc.c: { c \ } deprecated
10-09-22 regex/regcomp.c: fix off-by-one collation class allocation bug
10-09-20 regex/regclass.c: fix CTYPES off-by-one bug
10-09-14 comp/ const int conf_elements, prefix_elements;
10-09-08 add features/sizeof => ast_sizeof.h
10-08-31 comp/getopt[l].c: export functions for dlls
10-08-25 port/lc.c: add features/locale check for canonical UTF-8 spelling
10-08-20 include/ast.h: add export plugin_version() prototype
10-08-20 comp/ add SF_BUFSIZE
10-08-11 misc/conformance.c: conformance(0,0) => "standard"
10-08-11 misc/conformance.c: check ast_env_serial for dynamic astconf() changes
10-08-11 port/lcgen.c: remember to fudge Table_t.count for synthesized entries
10-08-04 include/ast.h,comp/setlocale.c: add { debug C.UTF-8 } mbalpha() mbwidth()
10-08-02 misc/translate.c: add NLSPATH message cache check 
10-07-29 string/fmtint.c: fix nasty bug that rendered "1000" as "1"
10-07-27 setlocale,lsgen,localeconv: handle C vs C_EU decimal thousands sep
10-07-26 misc/optget.c: fix interaction with nested plugin/builtin calls
10-06-29 string/strtoi.h: strton() multiplier 1 => power of two suffix
10-06-28 features/wchar: handle systems that require __va_list => va_list
10-06-28 comp/ another PID_MAX tweak -- default to 99999 for most
10-06-28 port/astconf.c: lone "CONFORMANCE = standard" => all defaults standard
10-06-25 misc/optget.c: avoid sfprints() call during initialization
10-06-01 features/api, ast_api.h: formalized forwards/backwards api compatibility
10-06-01 _AST_API=20100601: add size_t args for all path*() output buffers
10-06-01 comp/setlocale.c: handle C.UTF-8 test locale
10-06-01 include/mc.h: add size_t to mcfind() for result buffer (internal api)
10-06-01 use strlcpy() instead of strncpy()
10-05-28 include/ast_version.h: add AST_PLUGIN_VERSION for dllplugin()
10-05-28 include/shcmd.h: add SH_PLUGIN_VERSION for dllplugin()
10-05-28 misc/conformance.c: add conformance(3)
10-05-28 misc/optget.c: add [(id1|id2)...] conformance("id1|id2",0) conditionals
10-05-25 include/sfhdr.h: adjust SF_NMAP according to _ptr_bits
10-05-25 include/shcmd.h: add sh_builtin() macro for lib_init() table initialization
10-05-21 misc/optget.c: --html \bfoo::bar([[:digit:]][[:upper:]]*) => foo-bar.html
10-05-15 include/proc.h,misc/procopen.c: add PROC_ORPHAN
10-05-09 misc/optget.c: add --???MAN[section] --???SECTION
10-05-07 sfio,stdio: fix all snprintf() variants to handle buf==0 and/or n==0
10-05-04 string/fmtesc.c: add mb iswsoace() and iswcntrl() quoting checks
10-05-03 fix LC_MESSAGES catalog lookup bugs, check for $set==3, accept $set==1
10-04-30 string/chresc.c: add chrexp() for FMT_EXP_*
10-04-30 string/stresc.c: add strexp() for FMT_EXP_*
10-04-30 string/chresc.c: fix \uXXXXY bug that consumed Y
10-04-22 misc/optget.c: check for html entities in <A name="...">
10-04-22 misc/getcwd.c: add features/syscall check for SYSGETCWD() { linux solaris }
10-04-22 string/stresc.c: wide chars absent locale guidance default to UTF-8
10-04-12 port/mnt.c: favor bsd getfsstat() over getmntinfo()
10-04-11 string/strtoi.h: k (1000) and ki (1024) now differentiated
10-04-10 misc/recstr.c: fix 'd[delimiter]' parse
10-04-08 include/vmalloc.h,vmalloc/vmstat.c: add Vmstat_t.mode region mode bits
10-04-05 misc/fts.c: drop 1997-01-07 fts_open()=0 is one file and stat() fails
10-04-05 misc/optget.c,optlib.h: add Optpass_t.release for --nroff .TH
10-04-02 misc/optget.c: fix $'[-n?..]' --version bug
10-04-02 regex/regcomp.c: ~(X) => REG_EXTENDED|REG_AUGMENTED, ~(PU) instead of ~(U)
10-03-24 misc/procopen.c: add PROC_FD_CTTY(fd)
10-03-24 path/pathtemp.c: fix pointer => int casts
10-03-15 regex/regcache.c: fix 1 byte buffer overflow (didn't count trailing  )
10-03-08 features/tvlib: fix utimensat probe to include all macros/structs
10-03-07 features/lib: change stream_peek to test pipes only
10-03-07 string/strelapsed.c: fix next char return overrun
10-03-06 tm/tvtouch.c: use runtime fallback if utimensat() fails with ENOSYS
10-03-05 path/pathtemp.c: add pfx /seed for regression testing
10-03-04 vmalloc/vmwalk.c: add user supplied handle arg
10-03-04 path/pathtemp.c: properly handle mktemp()-style *+(X) templates
10-03-03 include/ast_getopt.h: remove NULL guard - _AST_GETOPT_H now handles it
10-02-24 comp/getopt.h: fix ast_std.h interactions
10-02-24 vmalloc/malloc.c: empty { VMALLOC_OPTION VMDEBUG ... } => no debug!
10-02-02 string/base64.c: fix corner case output buffer overflow
10-02-02 features/fs: sys/mnttab.h requires stdio.h on some systems!!
10-02-01 misc/optget.c: uppercase --html heading -- doh
10-01-29 misc/optget.c: [+NAME?...] overrides for >= STYLE_man
10-01-25 vmalloc/vmprivate.c: fix seg ptr initialization bug (24 years old!!)
10-01-20 misc/optget.c: handle nested {...} rendering
10-01-20 misc/state.c: add ast.version for runtime api version
10-01-20 port/astconf.c: "_AST_VERSION" now returns ast.version
10-01-20 include/ast_std.h: add ast.version for runtime api version
10-01-19 astlicense.c: add epl
10-01-01 vmalloc: VMALLOC_OPTIONS env var for all runtime options
10-01-01 include: change some <ast.h> refs to less intrusive <ast_*.h>
10-01-01 setlocale.c,translate.c,fmterror.c: AST_LC_internal retains prev state
10-01-01 comp/setlocale.c: AST_LC_setenv defers to LC_ALL (for sh)
10-01-01 ast_std.h: add { AST_LC_internal AST_LC_setenv }
09-12-24 comp/setlocale.c: fix setlocale(LC_ALL,"") when already initialized
09-12-17 misc/optget.c: handle mixed solaris usage="x:f:(in)yo:(out)"
09-12-11 regex/regcomp.c: posix semantics for [z-a]
09-12-11 regex/regcomp.c: fix BRE/ERE ^^ logic
09-12-11 regex/regcomp.c: fix regcomb() for REG_LEFT|REG_RIGHT
09-12-11 regex/regcomp.c: bm complete=0 if REX_END
09-12-11 comp/sigflag.c: add with npt check in features/
09-12-11 tm/tminit.c: fix _tzset_environ logic
09-12-09 tm/tmlocale.c: include "ast_nl_types.h" to pull nl_langinfo in!
09-12-04 features/options: add "opt map-libc" check
09-12-03 tm/tmxdate.c: fix 'next month final day' for dec -> jan
09-11-21 misc/ add gimp XCF
09-11-20 vmalloc/vmtrace.c: add pid to assertion disgnostics
09-11-11 regex.h,regcomp.c: add REG_CLASS_ESCAPE,  inside [...] literal by default
09-11-03 regex/regcache.c: change to variable length pattern strings
09-10-28 include/error.h: fix ERROR_translate() arg parens
09-10-26 port/lcgen.c,comp/setlocale.c: handle LANG init after LC_* already defined
09-10-05 _sfopen.c: add but ignore 'F' flags for stdio compatibility
09-09-28 fts.h,ftwalk.h,fts.c: promote { namelen pathlen level } to (s)size_t
09-09-28 locales: add AST_LC_LANG for $LANG
09-09-28 setlocale.c: fix logic for dynamic { LANG LC_ALL LC_* } changes
09-09-17 include/sfio.h,sfio/sfwalk.c: add sfwalk()
09-09-09 sfio/sfputr.c: add SIGPIPE hang fix
09-08-24 sfio/sfreserve.c: fix SF_UNBOUND logic with pushed streams
09-08-18 include/ast_std.h,ast.h: add ast.mb_sync to sync mbchar() after error
09-08-17 comp/setlocale.c: add AST_LC_utf8 and { utf8_mbtowc() utf8_mblen() }
09-08-11 comp/setlocale.c: treat "en"/"en_US" AST_LC_MESSAGES as "C"/"POSIX"
09-08-10 vmalloc/vmhdr.h: add user-defined _AST_PAGESIZE and computed VMHEAPINCR
09-08-09 comp/ add NPROCESSORS_MAX
09-07-29 astlicense.c: fix first name=value logic error
09-07-22 string/fmtip6.c: don't drop trailing 0 in 44::1:0:0
09-06-30 port/astconf.c: standard PATH_RESOLVE is "physical" (not "metaphysical")
09-06-19 vmalloc: sync with kpv
09-06-19 include/shcmd.h: add sh_context(p) cast
09-06-11 misc/ differentiate pc 386 32/64 bit dll/exe/obj
09-06-06 port/astconf.c: fix look->name null pointer reference
09-06-05 port/astconf.c: fix 'UNIVERSE = value' synthesize logic
09-05-25 tm/tmxduration.c: add
09-05-08 comp/syslog.c: add _UWIN /var/log/syslog preference
09-05-01 comp/setlocale.c: fix _UWIN intercepts to return NiL on unknown locales
09-04-27 sfio/sfpool.c: fix bug that did not return pool on delete
09-04-22 include/regex.h,regex/regcomp.c: add REG_REGEXP <regexp.h> compatibility
09-04-15 tm/tmxdate.c: handle "4th thursday in november"
09-03-31 string/strvcmp.c,string/strnvcmp.c: add version strcmp(3)
09-03-31 string/strpcmp.c,string/strnpcmp.c: add path prefix strcmp(3)
09-03-29 misc/optget.c: clean up num = number casts
09-03-04 tm/tmxmake.c: add tmxtm() with zone override
09-03-03 tm/tmxfmt.c: add %(...)<c>, specifically %(...)z for output zone
09-02-22 tm/tmxdate.c: add iso P... durations
09-02-02 path/pathprog.c: add
09-02-02 misc/opthdr.h,optget.c: fix flags mixup, handle old '-' as option
09-02-02 sfio/sfprints.c: fix sfvaprints() return value to not count trailing ' '
09-02-02 misc/cmdarg.c: handle !defined(ARG_MAX)
09-02-02 port/astconf.c: fix UNIVERSE overwrite of null[] value!
09-01-31 features/sys: drop header sys/localedef.h
09-01-28 include/fs3d.h,misc/fs3d.c: mount() => fs3d_mount() for diff std prototypes
09-01-14 misc/fts_open.c: delay top list reorder until first fts_read()
09-01-14 include/ls.h: LS_W_INUMBER => 9 to accomodate large st_ino
09-01-14 misc/optget.c: expand STYLE_usage input text
09-01-09 features/uwin,stdio/_stdfun.c: iffe for _p__iob and __p__iob
09-01-09 misc/ add ISO filesystem image entries
09-01-07 string/strtoi.c: strtol() etc. do not consume [lLuU] suffix -- thanks jkf
09-01-07 sfio/sfstrtof.h: strtod() etc. do not consume [fFlL] suffix -- thanks jkf
09-01-05 string/strlcat.c: fix logic to match docs (not that easy)
08-12-30 tm/tmxdate.c,include/tm.h: add TM_WORK { "workday" "working" "work" }
08-12-28 sfio/sfcvt.c: fix 'a' format rounding
08-12-21 tm/tmdata.c: add 2008-12-31+23:59:60-0000 leap second event
08-12-19 tm/tmxdate.c: check for dates near the epoch rolling back to the future
08-12-19 tm/tmxfmt.c: change %s for now==0 to be the epoch
08-12-07 include/ast_std.h,misc/getenv.c: no _ast_getenv for uwin ast54 compatibility
08-12-07 tm/tmxfmt.c: add %[_][EO]K for [space pad] [full|long] iso
08-12-07 sfio/sfvscanf.c: fix ok[] short by one allocation
08-12-07 comp/setlocale.c: fix off by one composite initialition loop test
08-12-07 path/pathkey.c: fix off by one loop test
08-12-04 vmalloc/vmbest.c: catch sbrk() wraparound
08-12-04 comp/spawnveg.c: clean up attrs on failure too
08-11-04 regex/regcomp.c: fix locale [!-...] and [^-...] re-initialization
08-11-04 stdio: add flockfile.c ftrylockfile.c funlockfile.c
08-10-24 port/astconf.c: handle multiple/trailing '/' in universe initialization
08-09-10 misc/magic.c: handle old vcodex() indices
08-09-10 sfio/sfvprintf.c: drop SF_WCWIDTH, use %Lc or %Ls instead
08-09-05 Makefile: ibm.risc joins the :NOOPTIMIZE: crowd
08-09-04 regex/regnexec.c: fix nested delimiter match beyond end of subject
08-08-20 misc/fts.c: fix st_nlink stat() optimization logic
08-08-19 sfio/sfpkrd.c: workaround macosx recv(PEEK) data consumption on non-socket
08-08-19 strn?tol?d: handle long double with smaller exponent range than double
08-08-18 sfio/sfcvt.c: eliminate excessive multiplies and integral overprecision
08-08-11 tm/tmxfmt.c: handle %10N and %010N
08-08-06 include/shcmd.h: add 'int invariant;' for builtin invariant arg count
08-08-05 features/ndbm: favor sleepycat ndbm compatibility
08-07-21 include/glob.h,misc/glob.c: GLOB_STARSTAR only forces lstat on chdir
08-07-17 sfio: sync with kpv
08-07-17 misc/optget.c: call astwinsize() each time terminal width required
08-07-16 sfio/sfvscanf.c: fix %% to skip leading space per posix
08-07-16 vmalloc/vmbest.c: add VMCHECK=m, VM_mmap to favor mmap() alloc
08-07-16 features/stdio,stdio/f(read|write).c: size_t return value!! ouch
08-06-24 tm/tmxfmt.c: fix %z to handle tm_isdst -- doh
08-06-24 misc/astintercept.c,misc/getenv.c: split from misc/setenviron.c
08-06-17 misc/setenviron.c: add { astintercept() getenv() }
08-06-09 tm/tmlocale.c: use _DATE_FMT if defined for TM_DEFAULT
08-06-06 misc/optget.c: handle sub-component about details
08-06-04 misc/optget.c: fix [-n?..#0093; version parse
08-06-04 include/debug.h,misc/debug.c: merge with kpvdebug.h
08-06-02 features/ndbm: add to tame dbmlib.iffe replication
08-06-01 comp/resolvepath.c,realpath.c: fix resolvepath() return value type
08-05-22 tm/tmxdate.c: fix a few ordinal/last/this/next bugs
08-05-18 string/fmtre.c: fix omitted stack var initialization bug
08-05-14 regex/regcomp.c,regcoll.c: fix UTF-8 collation sequence logic
08-05-11 tm/tmxfmt.c: :NOOPTIMIZE:, otherwise %Q/../../ fails
08-05-01 tm/tmxdate.c: mon 1..12 => mon[13] -- doh
08-04-30 misc/glob.c,reegex/regcomp.c: ~(R) => ~(O) to avoid pcre clash
08-04-24 port/astconf.c: 'name = value' does assignment without system init
08-04-15 port/astconf.c: SC#N treated like 'SC(N)'
08-04-14 misc/optget.c: clean up nroff output
08-04-01 port/astconf.c: add RELEASE => /proc/version fallback
08-03-30 misc/optget.c: [-n]... to enable -number & +number options
08-03-06 misc/optget.c: ---* and +++* are now operands
08-03-06 misc/errorx.c: fix old error_info.translate workaround
08-02-05 regex/regcomp.c: allow REG_SHELL {,n}... => {0,n}...
08-02-27 misc/stk.c: top element during allocation relocated to top 
08-02-18 include/ip6.h,string/strtoip6.c,fmtip6.c: add ipv6 addr support
08-02-14 regex/regsubexec.c: fix null match (tricky)
08-02-14 regex/regsubcomp.c: fix SRE to match ksh
08-02-11 comp/spawnveg.c: return proper errno on [v]fork() failure
08-02-11 tm/tmxdate.c,tmdata.c: handle more ISO 8601:2000 forms
08-02-02 regex/reglib.h: add REGMULTIREF to REG_COMP
08-02-02 string/strmatch.c: fix str="" pat="" sub values
08-01-31 comp/, handle /bin/sh  in read data, redir subshell
08-01-18 misc/ amd-x68, 64-bit => x86-64
08-01-18 string/strnton.c,strntonll.c: add
07-12-10 string/strelapsed.c: "0" is a valid elapsed time!
07-12-02 sfio/sfreserve.c: preserve SF_SHARE sfrd() via sfreserve(f,0,0)
07-11-21 comp/setlocale.c: add sjis_mbtowc() to work around [\~] translation
07-11-15 features/signal.c: RT(1) .. RT(MAX-1) => RTMIN+1 .. RTMAX-1
07-11-14 features/float: favor sscanf() due to gnu strto[l]d() nan bugs
07-10-31 regex/regcomp.c: fix REX_COLL_CLASS node allocation size
07-10-31 sfio/sfcvt.c: use signbit() if available
07-10-31 features/isoc99: _ISOC99_SOURCE tests
07-10-31 port/astmath.c: add -DN=8 for signbit()
07-10-31 sfio/sfstrtod.h: don't forget about -0.0
07-10-26 features/map.c: add { optopt optarg optind opterr }
07-10-26 features/stdio: add _filbuf => _ast__filbuf
07-10-26 comp/getsubopt.c: fix #undef that interfered with <ast_map.h>
07-10-26 regex/regcomp.c: fix bug that missed ')' in ~(F)...
07-10-12 port/astconf.c: fix CONF_ALLOC 16 bit overflow
07-10-12 misc/fts.c: fix fts_close() to free the handle -- doh
07-10-11 comp/setlocale.c: second and subsequent setlocale(*,"") reverts to previous
07-10-11 path/pathprobe.c: add vfs ST_NOSUID check
07-10-10 comp/ add a few more xpg6 deferrals
07-09-28 astsa: update to share with mainline src via _PACKAGE_astsa
07-09-25 sfio/sfgetr.c: no limit on string stream line size
07-09-25 sfio/sfextern.c: increase _Sfmaxr to 256*1024
07-09-18 misc/procopen.c: tighten up SIGCHLD logic between parent/child
07-09-18 misc/signal.c: unblock SIG_DFL after setting handler, sig<0 => don't unblock
07-09-13 misc/fs3d.c: no $LD_PRELOAD => no 3d and avoids invalid mount(2) call
07-09-11 vmalloc: vmstat(0,0)==1 => region in use, drop VM_primary|VM_secondary
07-09-05 misc/recstr.c: handle [lL] gobbled by strtol() -- ouch
07-08-17 path/pathprobe.c: handle '\r' in VERSION string
07-07-17 regex/regcache.c: regcache(0,n,0) extends cache to size n (no shrinking)
07-07-16 tm/tmdata.c: add 2005-12-31, drop 1999-12-31 (where did that come from?)
07-05-21 tm/tmxfmt.c,tmxscan.c: %F => %L (TM_DEFAULT); %F => %Y-%m-%d
07-05-15 sfio/sfvprintf.c: %h? and SFFMT_SHORT => raw bytes
07-05-09 features/signal.c,features/siglist: use kill -l & strsignal()
07-04-25 misc/optctx.c: add for opt_info switching
07-04-24 misc/cmdarg.c,include/cmdarg.h: add CMD_CHECKED, CMD_SILENT
07-04-24 misc/procopen.c,include/proc.h: add PROC_CHECK
07-04-24 misc/procrun.c: add flags arg (current use PROC_ARGMOD)
07-04-24 misc/cmdarg.c,include/cmdarg.h: move from src/cmd/tw
07-04-20 port/(lclang.h|lc.c|mc.c|lclib.h|lcgen.c): separate lctab.c
07-04-20 comp/ defer to systems without 'grep -q' -- sigh
07-04-20 comp/ probe for LL integer constant initializer suffix
07-04-20 include/syslog.h: <namval.h> => <ast_namval.h> for win32
07-04-20 ast_namval.h: add as copy of include/namval.h for win32
07-04-19 comp/ fix SVID SI entries to probe SI_* (not _SI_*)
07-04-13 tm/tmxdate.c,tm/tmzone.c: handle [-+]0000 UTC zone offset
07-04-11 sfio/sfvprintf.c: add %F, propagate SFFMT_UPPER
07-04-11 sfio/sfcvt.c: handle SFFMT_UPPER => nan/inf vs. NAN/INF
07-04-02 comp/,comp/ add C/POSIX <stdint.h> symbols
07-03-28 misc/optget.c: fix l10n --?-
07-03-25 features/common: fix { ast_std.h ast_map.h stdint.h } logic
07-03-21 error.h: move from error_info to (*_error_data_)
07-03-21 misc/error.c: add errorctx() for error_info switching
07-03-21 option.h: move from opt_info to (*_opt_data_)
07-03-19 regex/regdecomp.c: fix REX_ONECHAR escapes and add REX_KMP
07-03-11 tm/tmxscan.c,regex/regnexec.c: fix strict-alias transgressions
07-02-27 comp/ handle native getconf invalid numeric values
07-02-21 comp/,comp/ handle SSIZE_MAX vs _POSIX_SSIZE_MAX
07-02-20 sfio/sfvprintf.c: handle SF_WCWIDTH justification
07-02-14 features/common: cover <stdint.h>, move to int_(bits)_t
07-02-14 include/int.h: drop
07-02-14 include/sfio.h: add SF_WCWIDTH
07-02-12 comp/ fix CONF_LIMIT bug that missed ULONG_MAX etc.
07-02-12 comp/ *LONGLONG* => *LLONG* to match posix
07-02-12 features/float: *LONGLONG* => *LLONG* to match posix
07-02-12 port/astconf.c: handle CONF_LIMITS_DEF with no deferral
07-02-12 stdio/vasprintf.c: add trailing ' ' -- doh
07-02-04 string/fmtelapsed.c: fix naive multi month/year logic
07-02-02 misc/optget.c: add --??posix for getopts(1)/getopt(3)
07-01-26 string/chresc.c: use mbchar()
07-01-26 misc/optget.c: handle "o:-:" usage for old-style long options
07-01-22 sfio/sfdisc.c,sfpool.c: handle push on streams with pending peek
07-01-22 include/sfio.h: mv Sfieee_t to sfio/sfhdr.h
07-01-17 tm/tmxfmt.c: fix terminating nil logic which clobbered size-1
07-01-11 misc/stk.c: a 2 day marathon bug fix (can we release now dr ek?)
07-01-05 comp/spawnveg.c: posix_spawnattr_setflags(POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP)
07-01-05 misc/error.c: fix multibyte vs. printable logic
07-01-01 comp/ LC_ALL=C
06-12-26 tm/tmxdate.c: handle nn*.nnnn* == sec.ns
06-12-20 features/ generalize sol.* LIBPATH patterns
06-12-18 comp/setlocale.c: include ast_standards.h and ast_wchar.h !
06-12-12 string/strperm.c: octal modes are absolute!
06-12-11 comp/ always defer ARG_MAX
06-12-07 Makefile: fix conftab.c generation CCFLAGS to match build - doh
06-12-04 sfio/sfcvt.c: fix (int) vs. (long) cast mismatches
06-12-01 comp/ add changes to cover solaris { bin xpg4 xpg6 }
06-12-01 regex/reginit.c: adjust { SRE KRE } escaped (){}*? inside [...]
06-12-01 sfio/sfcvt.c: add signbit/copysign tests
06-11-22 comp/spawnveg.c: fix _real_vfork logic to work with 3d
06-11-20 features/common: bias _ast_int8_t "long long" before "__int64"
06-11-20 string/strperm.c: fix X to work with all ops (not just +)
06-11-15 astconf.c, add CONF_DEFER_* for variable constants
06-11-11 port/astconf.c: validate path arg w.r.t. underlying calls
06-11-11 comp/ fix S CONF_STANDARD bug, add D to defer to native
06-11-11 comp/ add D to defer to native
06-11-01 include/vmalloc.h: avoid VM_FLAGS sys/v*.h clash
06-11-01 include/ast.h: add FMT_PARAM for fmtquote()
06-10-31 disc/sfdcseekable.c: add SFSK_DISCARD for seekable window control
06-10-31 comp/spawnveg.c,features/lib: handle posix_spawn exit status 127
06-10-30 features/lib: fix posix_spawn() fork() prototype conflicts
06-10-30 string/fmtscale.c: fix 1024 rounding bugs
06-10-27 disc/sfkeyprintf.c: handle 'i' (=='d') -- oops
06-10-26 sfio/sfvprintf.c: %#d => fmtscale(1000), %#i => fmtscale(1024)
06-10-26 features/map.c: _map_libc cleanup
06-10-26 features/fcntl: add to the circle of trust
06-10-26 features/sys: add <sys/socket.h> socklen_t
06-10-26 include/regex.h: handle include before <ast_map.h>
06-10-25 astconf "SHELL" => "SH" to avoid _POSIX_SHELL conflict
06-10-25 comp/conf.*: drop no-op duplicate conftab.c entries
06-10-18 string/fmtscale.c: 1000: n[.]n[n](kMGTPE), 1024: n[.]n[n](KMGTPE)i
06-10-11 ast_std.h: now implies <sys/stat.h> (did on most before anyway)
06-10-11 strtoi.h: ignore sign for 0, validate scale shift
06-10-11 strdup.c,vmstrdup.c: handle 0 arg
06-10-11 add sfstruse()/sfstropen() error checks
06-10-10 misc/procopen.c: envv==environ => don't modify environ
06-10-10 misc/procclose.c: return valid exit(1) status
06-10-06 port/astconf.c,comp/,comp/ play nice with getconf(1)
06-10-01 comp/ SHELL default checks { _CS_PATH } X { ksh ksh93 sh }
06-10-01 comp/ export CONF_getconf to shell actions
06-10-01 comp/putenv.c: always enable setenv() for procopen()
06-10-01 misc/procopen.c: use pathshell() or astconf("SHELL",0,0) if PARANOID
06-10-01 path/pathshell.c: localize the shell path patterns and accept ksh93
06-09-28 Makefile: avoid ast <stdio.h> vix iffe -X ast -- doh
06-09-27 regex/regdecomp.c: add
06-09-26 regex/regcomp.c: handle KRE ~(...)<invalid-kre>
06-09-25 reorganize to avoid native header intercepts
06-09-15 uwin/crypt.c: _UWIN only!
06-09-14 Makefile: tweak the ast_common.h bootstrap again (finally?)
06-09-14 misc/optget.c: noncommercial => OPT_proprietary
06-09-12 string/strelapsed.c: fix multi-char qualifier parse
06-09-12 string/strtoi.h: drop [cClLqQwW] multipliers
06-09-11 misc/optget.c: add numeric arg validity check
06-09-07 misc/optget.c,tm/tmfix.c: fix uninitialzed var refs
06-09-05 path/pathprobe.c: add version header verification
06-08-01 Makefile: handle iffe vs FEATURE/common vs ast_common.h
06-08-31 Makefile: add ast_map.h to the bootstrap list
06-08-30 misc/glob.c: fix ~(E)re bug that stripped ~(E) before regcomp
06-08-30 include/ast.h: add { integralof(x) pointerof(x) }
06-08-27 string/strelapsed.c: fix off-by-one (too little) parse bug
06-08-25 misc/optget.c: 0*<n>.* numeric option args => <n>.*
06-08-22 misc/glob.c: handle ~(...) pattern options
06-08-16 string/strelapsed.c: fix off-by-one (too far) parse bug
06-08-16 regex/regcomp.c: accept but ignore ~(N)
06-08-14 features/ add solaris LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64 check
06-08-05 sfio/sfpool.c: pool SF_READ|SF_WRITE loop fix
06-08-02 misc/fts.c: fix FTS_NOSTAT optimization to check for ..
06-07-28 include/glob.h: add gl_extra for user globlist_t expansion
06-07-27 features/common: #include "ast_map.h"
06-07-26 comp/fnmatch.[ch]: allow <ast_map.h> to map fnmatch()
06-07-22 cdt: snarf from kpv
06-07-17 string/strperm.c: perm==-1 skips umask(1)
06-07-17 sfio/sfvprintf.c: handle format invalid mb seq
06-07-17 regex/regcomp.c: inline REG_SHELL => anchored, otherwise not
06-07-17 regex/regcomp.c: inline B|G:basic E:REG_EXTENDED F|L:REG_LITERAL
06-07-17 regex/regcomp.c: inline l:REG_LEFT r:REG_RIGHT
06-07-17 regex/regcomp.c: inline a:REG_LEFT|REG_RIGHT p:~REG_LENIENT
06-07-17 string/chresc.c: add \Uxxxxxxxx
06-07-17 sfio/sfstrtof.h: ignore thousands sep after decimal
06-07-17 string/tokline.c: splice() => spliceline() for bsd
06-06-27 features/float,sfio/sfcvt.c: fix Nan logic
06-06-27 port/astmath.c: fix long double isnan() test
06-06-27 features/map.c: _map_libc for std => _ast_std
06-06-25 string/strperm.c: handle posix = w.r.t. umask
06-06-19 port/mnt.c,features/fs: handle netbsd getmntent api change
06-06-18 regex/regstat.c: add REG_LITERAL check
06-06-11 cdt/dtview.c: update from kpv
06-05-31 sfio/sfhdr.h: fix _SFOPEN() typo
06-05-09 comp/ add native getconf -a names to the mix
06-04-28 misc/optget.c: add solaris long option name compatibility
06-03-09 string/strmatch.c: add REG_ADVANCE => REG_* flags
06-02-14 comp/iconv.c: fix uwin iconv_list() /reg/ generator
06-02-10 port/astconf.c: relax standard prefix filter
06-02-08 sfrd.c,sfsync.c: lock logic bug fix
06-02-01 port/astlicense.c: add { parent incorporation }
06-01-26 port/astconf.c: fix { LIBPREFIX LIBSUFFIX } length
06-01-06 features/lib: change _UNIV_DEFAULT probe to use cross{...}
06-01-04 misc/stk.c: fix n**2 realloc behavior
06-01-01 include/sfio.h: export { _Sfi _Sfmaxr }
05-12-13 string/chresc.c: handle \C-X => control-X, \M- => ESC
05-11-22 regex/regcache.c: add, convert string/strmatch.c to regcache()
05-10-06 string/ccmap.c: update ebcdic-u to be idempotent
05-09-28 vmalloc: snarf from kpv; fixes large block brk() thrashing
05-09-26 misc/magic.c,misc/ handle latest vcodex header
05-09-12 misc/optget.c: reset opt_info.offset on error
	 string/strtoi.h: strton() '.' multiplier only if m>1
	 string/fmtesc.c: add unadvertized FMT_PARM for FMT_SHELL
05-09-09 string/fmtesc.c: fix FMT_SHELL logic w.r.t. [$`]
05-08-11 string/strerror.c: fix { sys_errlist sys_nerr } prototypes
05-08-03 sfio: snarf sfvaprints sfaprints
05-07-21 port/astconf.c: retain most recent synthesized lookup
05-07-20 sfio/sfsetbuf.c: default file io size now 64K on all systems
05-07-17 ccmap*: add microfocus cobol EBCDIC_U
05-06-29 regex/regcomp.c: fix the A & B inline flag logic
05-06-15 include/recfmt.h: add fs format flag to fmtrec()
05-06-14 error.c: add ERROR_OPTIONS { break count match }
05-06-07 features/stdio: drop FEATURE/limits to fix bootstrap circular dep
05-06-02 features/*,Makefile: drop vestigel iffeio.h bootstrap workaround
05-05-31 string/fmtbuf.c: unlock (spin) before each return -- doh
05-05-30 sfio/sfpkrd.c: work around macos 10.4 recv(MSG_PEEK) bug
05-05-27 regex: add REX_NEST (?%[S.][T.][OT]) ammend bsd db magic
05-05-23 regex: REX_NEST (?%[D.][E.][L.][Q.][oc]...)
05-05-21 regex: state.fold[] is now locale specific -- doh
05-05-19 regex: add REX_NEST (?%\\()<>[]""...) %(...) nested match
05-05-15 recfmt.h: add recstr() reclen() fmtrec()
05-05-13 optget.c: allow boolean options to take numeric values
05-05-12 recfmt.c: add to recfmt.h, adjust Recfmt_t encodings
05-04-30 sfio: add sfmaxr(), default 64K
05-04-22 comp/omitted.c: fix magic() logic for files < 512 bytes
05-04-20 cdt: snarf update from kpv; void* Dt_t.user added
	 misc/error.c: library => ERROR_LIBRARY
05-04-19 regex/regcomp.c: handle REG_SHELL [^...] == [!...]
05-04-11 tm/tmxscan.c: handle[-+.]
05-04-07 regex/regnexec.c: fix out of bounds boundary check -- ouch
	 features/align.c: add jmp_buf to the alignment mix (ia64)
	 vmalloc/vmhdr.h: add jmp_buf to the alignment mix (ia64)
05-03-31 misc/optget.c: fix option { - _ } separator matching
05-03-30 misc/glob.c: eliminate superfluous GLOB_NOMATCH stat() calls
05-03-24 port/astwinsize.c: include <sys/ioctl.h> if possible
05-03-23 string/ccmap.c: add ebcdic-m mvs cobol table
05-03-11 comp/omitted.c: handle utime[s](const,const)
	 comp/ fix linux PID_MAX probe
05-03-10 comp/setlocale.c: LC_* value "" => unset -- doh
	 misc/optget.c: reorder _PACKAGE_astsa code for msgcc
05-03-08 misc/optget.c: delete leading space in STYLE_nroff output
05-03-07 sfio/sfhdr.h: drop extern _sfdscan -- clashes with sfvscanf.c static
05-03-01 tm/tminit.c: add tmlocaltime() for tzset() getenv() override workaround
05-02-20 features/tvlib: tmsettimeofday only for systems that have settimeofday
	 features/float: fix mvs.s390 NaN tests
05-02-18 tm/tmxmake.c: fix <0 west of GMT bug that warped to 1800's -- wow
05-02-11 port/mnt.c: handle lynxos MOUNTED=/etc/fstab
05-02-08 features/float,sfio.h,sfcvt.c,sftable.c: add INF and fix NAN
05-02-04 features/lib: add _std_strtol (for lynxos)
	 include/ast_std.h: add _std_strtol tests
	 comp/strtod.c: #define S2F_function strtod
	 misc/signal.c: fix ancient bsd SV_INTERRUPT vs. SV_ABORT clash
05-01-11 sfio/sfmove.c: try to seek(fr) when fw==0
	 comp/omitted.c: intercept utimes() too
	 comp/omitted.c: add DOSPATHVARS env var path value conversions
	 features/tvlib,tm/tvtouch.c: check for utimets()
	 misc/optget.c: handle '-' or '_' option word separators
	 sfio/_sfopen.c: allow stream mode changes after initialization
	 sfio: sync with kpv: SF_SYNCED fix for ksh input loss bug
05-01-09 tm/tmxfmt.c: fix %6N for n<100000000
05-01-08 regex/regcomp.c: conj() => con() to avoid C99 clash
05-01-05 tm/*: fix { %U %V %W } logic -- my head hurts
04-12-30 tm/tmxtime.c: fix tm_isdst<0 loop
04-12-23 vmalloc/vmbest.c: fix vmresize bug that didn't 0 new data
04-12-19 misc/optget.c: broaden - long option match
04-12-09 string/strtoi.h: fix terabyte 't' suffix math
	 string/strmatch.c: flush cache on locale change
04-12-01 tm/tmsleep.c: add
	 tv.h,tv*.c,tv.3: move from pax
	 tmx.h,tmx*.c,tmx.3: add high resolution tm(3) counterparts
	 features/lib: add *another* sgi linux.ia64 memccpy bug check
04-10-31 Makefile: __OBSOLETE__ now computed <6 months ago year>0101
	 ccode.h,ccmapid.c: add ccmaplist(Ccmap_t*) iterator
	 option.h,optesc.c: add 3rd arg, 1 => quote '?' too
	 misc/magic.c: fix bug that terminated `string  a' at  
	 misc/magic.c: handle vcodex() via decompose()
	 misc/ add vcodex magic
	 features/stdio: handle _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -- oops
	 stdio/(fseek|ftell|fseeko|fsetpos|fgetpos|ftello).c: oops^2
04-10-28 string/swapop.c: size==-4 => size=4 and extend op=3 to op=7
	 tm/tmfix.c: fix tm_mon<0 logic
04-10-22 tm/tmdate.c: handle 'final day feb 2004'
	 port/astlicense.c: add query=all|id|${...}${...}
	 port/astlicense.c: "free" => "mit"
	 comp/omitted.c: revert to the open source license
	 string/stropt.c: drop siz==0 => tab is hash table
	 include/sfio.h: incorporate <sfstr.h>
	 include/sfstr.h: drop
	 disc/sfstrtmp.c: drop -- use sfstrbuf()
04-10-20 misc/ update tar magic
04-10-18 ufc-crypt.h,crypt_util.c: drop GPL code
	 crypt.c: add BSD code
	 pathpath.c: disable { $0 $_ $PWD } related root search
04-10-01 normalize ident stamps
	 port/astlicense.c: add type=cpl -- yeah
04-09-25 string/swapop.c: return op < size -- duh
04-09-23 comp/spawnveg.c: :NOOPTIMIZE: -- volatile sometimes ignored
04-09-21 comp/spawnveg.c: exec_errno_ptr is volatile -- duh
04-09-14 tm/tmscan.c: add %| alternation and %& => tmdate()
04-09-08 misc/optget.c: add :!value: omitted optional arg value
	 misc/optget.c: fix --noNAME ambiguous option logic
04-08-26 string/strperm.c: add who^mode to propagate least restrictive up
	 astmath.c: add { frexpl ldexpl } checks for ast.req
	 port/astlicense.c: ignore first option if non-assignment
	 include/ast_dir.h: move d_fileno map before struct defs -- duh
04-08-24 vmalloc/vmbest.c: add {VM_region} VMCHECK=+r for region segment checks
	 misc/recfmt.c,include/recfmt.h: add
04-08-23 vmalloc/vmbest.c: add {VM_primary VM_secondary} VMCHECK=-s for primary
	 features/common: punt to <stdarg.h> for unknown va_list
04-08-11 vmalloc: sync _UWIN libposix hooks
04-07-27 features/common,features/limits.c: ULL suffix for unsigned _ast_int8_t
04-07-22 include/ast.h,comp/eaccess.c: add eaccess() for effective access()
04-07-19 comp/open.c,sfio/_sfopen.c: { O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_RDWR } are values
04-06-28 misc/error.c: check level after error_info.auxilliary
04-06-24 string/strmatch.c: strgrpmatch() match[] now variable size array
04-06-17 features/common: change _DLL null define to (the standard ast) 1
04-06-11 misc/optget.c: allow optional [-|+|--|++] optstr() option prefix
	 misc/optget.c: reset optstr() state on 0 return
	 misc/optget.c: text()=>textout() linux.ppc symbol hijack workaround
04-05-31 sfio/sfreserve.c: no side buffer if user buffer is large enough
04-05-27 string/fmtbuf.c: handle one concurrent buf > sizeof(buf)
04-05-24 regcomp.c: fix no-advance initialization
04-05-05, update to align with standards ms suffix update
04-05-04 port/lcgen.c: fix territory initialization
04-04-15 tm/tmdate.c,include/tm.h: fix specific and ordinal days
04-04-08 astconf: retain { HOSTTYPE LIBPATH LIBPREFIX LIBSUFFIX } strict vals
04-04-07 vmalloc/vmbest.c: fix alpha tiny block bug
	 vmalloc/malloc.c: re-enable on alpha
04-03-30 tm/tminit.c: GMT => UCT only if tz.daylight not defined
04-03-25 vmalloc/malloc.c: _AST_std_malloc=1 for __alpha
	 path/pathprobe.c: per-user probe dir => $HOME/.probe/$HOSTTYPE
04-03-23 regex/reglib.h: fix isw*() redefines
04-03-17 features/stdio: no __FILE override for __CYGWIN_ (sys/reent.h clash)
	 sfio/sfhdr.h,sfio/sfsetbuf.c: lower sfmove() default buf size 4x
04-02-29 comp/omitted.c: move env trace after PATH fixup
	 comp/omitted.c: cygwin spawn _P_DETACH => _P_NOWAIT+setpgid(pid,0)
	 misc/optget.c: fix html mailto: match
	 port/astlicense.c: add type=test for fixed 2001 date
	 features/float: check local NaNQ first
	 vmalloc/vmhdr.h: fix _vmextern_ vm_truncate return type
	 misc/ add elf s390 index=22
04-02-26 vmalloc: VMCHECK a:assertions c:arena-check w:warn-instead-of-abort
	 sfio/sfvscanf.c: fix extf arg selection
04-02-24 features/dirent: set nodefine to avoid ast_std.h _typ_off64_t undef
	 disc/sfkeyprintf.c: only case pattern must be ()[] balanced
04-02-14 include/sfio_t.h: add SF_DCDOWN, SFDCNEXT(), SFDCPREV()
04-02-13 string/strmatch.c: fix bug that didn't save one-time sub[] size
	 vmalloc: -g: export VMCHECK=1 enable malloc/free checks
	 vmalloc: -g: free(0) to check and disable malloc/free checks
	 vmalloc: -g: free(1) to check and enable malloc/free checks
04-02-11 Makefile: add :P=A: to conf and lcgen exec for cross-compile
	 regex: use MBSIZE() instead of mbsize() to grab 1 char on err
	 vmalloc/vmbest.c: updated to do more comprehensive DEBUG tests
04-02-04 sfio/sfraise.c: add sfraise(0,a,b) to iterate over all streams
04-02-01 vmalloc/vmbest.c: _BLD_DEBUG free(0) checks the arena
04-01-31 features/vmalloc: fix typo that missed _mmap_zero
04-01-23 string/strerror.c: handle real strerror() return value overwrite
04-01-11 path/pathpath.c: fix size vs. sizeof(buf) typo
03-12-22 misc/ dos EXE tweaks
03-12-05 vmalloc: sync with kpv, adding exceptf announcements
03-12-04 port/astlicense.c: fix expand() loop sentinel bug
03-12-02 include/ast.h: mbchar() advances by 1 on mbtowc() error
	 misc/fts.c: increase MINNAME to 32
03-11-21 vmalloc/vmbest.c: export VMCHECK=1 to enable $(CC.DEBUG) vmcheck()
         vmalloc/vmbest.c: export VMCHECK=2 to disable KPVCOMPACT
	 misc/magic.c: add { cobol copybook pl1 } and suffix preference
03-11-12 features/stdio: drop cuserid,getopt for SUSV3
03-11-11 vmalloc/*: merge kpv update -- this should stomp the compaction bug
03-10-23 comp/iconv.c: fix sfreserve lock fallback
03-10-20 sfio/_sfopen.c: add to allow user sfopen() intercept
03-10-17 regnexec.c: fix exec time REG_LEFT, \x.... => wctomb()
03-10-12 string/strtoi.h: fix strton '.' overconsumption
03-10-12 comp/iconv.c: identity is always (iconv_t)0
03-10-09 string/fmtesc.c: fix FMT_SHELL to check for all shell magic chars
03-10-01 port/astlicense.c: unknown authors copied verbatim (instead of ignored)
03-09-30 string/chresc.c: handle \u..., \x... consumes all trailing hex digits
	 string/stresc.c: \u... and \x... > UCHAR_MAX => wctomb()
03-09-29 fnv.h: add
03-09-23 modedata.c: table is for external modes, so no arch specific hacks
	 optget.c: fix option prefix match translation bug
	 optget.c: add `<length> <name>=<value> to optstr()
	 features/lib: add memcmp() test for sgi optimzation bug
03-09-22 regex.h,regcomp.c: add regncomp()
	 regclass.c: fix for loop dangling ; in regaddclass()
03-09-20 sftable.c,sfvprintf.c: fix SFFMT_CHAR handling to match extf api
03-09-19 sfmode.c: update release to kpv's
03-09-17 regcomp.c: add pedantic backref error checks
03-09-16 regnexec.c: exec time REG_LEFT => don't advance past initial position
	 regclass.c: add regaddclass() for user defined [:class:]
	 regexec.h: REG_VERSION_N2X, add redisc_t {re_map} ccode map
	 regstat.c: add regstat_t
03-09-11 optget.c: --n:=v sets opt_info.assign=':', opt_info.number enabled
03-09-09 disc/sfkeyprintf.c: *pn on lookup is arg separator; lookup "" arg too
03-09-05 optget.c: [f:l*?] preserves user long name past '*' in[]
03-09-03 sfstr.h: add sfstrpend() for #pending bytes in read buffer
03-08-25 regex: add REG_FIRST, optimize bm
	 features/lib: _AST_no_spawnveg==1 falls back to fork/exec
03-08-22 features/stdio,stdio/asprintf.c,stdio/vasprintf.c: add
03-08-21 path/pathnative.c,path/pathposix.c: interix updates
	 features/botched: add cygwin _stat => _stat64
03-08-15 include/ast.h: map out bsd strmode()
	 features/common: add interix _ast_intmax_t workarounds
	 misc/fs3d.c: 3d mount test now uses "" instead of NiL (or cygwin dumps)
03-08-11 string/fmtesc.c: fix optional quoting checks
	 tm/tmdate.c: fix > 1 year of seconds arithmetic
	 tm/tmfix.c: fix leap year adjustments
03-08-01 features/lib: beef up sock_peek test for interix
03-07-29 features/float: add -lm to frexp... test
	 Makefile: fix -lm astmath test sense
03-07-26 features/mem.c: favor _mem_sbrk over _mem_mmap_*
03-07-22 vmalloc/vmbest.c: fall back to sbrk() if mmap() fails
	 features/mem.c: _mem_sbrk means sbrk() and brk() work
03-07-17 regex/regcomp.c: fix bug that treated KRE X{n,m} like {n,m}(X)
	 misc/magic.c: check MAGIC_VERBOSE for all load() messages
03-07-14 misc/optget.c: handle [...]{[...]<.>..<.>..}
03-06-21 misc/sigcrit.c: block SIGCHLD if _lib_sigprocmask || _lib_sigsetmask
	 comp/spawnveg.c,sfio/sfmode.c: use sigcritical() SIG_REG_* macros
	 comp/spawnveg.c: drop ENOEXEC logic
	 vmalloc/*: snarf kpv KPVCOMPACT() fix
	 vmalloc/vmbest.c: export VMCHECK=2 to disable KPVCOMPACT (just in case)
	 string/strdup.c: drop __strdup() etc. intercepts -- malloc gets it
	 features/mem: define _mem_method and _mem_* possible values
	 vmalloc/malloc.c: _AST_mem_method==_mem_* to force mem get method
	 sfio/sfputr.c: __ia64 memccpy is bogus -- how many tries do they get?
	 path/pathshell.c: verify abs path and access(path,X_OK) -- duh
	 vmalloc/vmhdr.h: add private _Vmessage() for non-sfio ASSERT() 
	 port/astconf.c: fix bug that always returned the minmax value
03-06-11 comp/*.c: reorder macro hding for mvs.390 and <ast_map.h> 
	 features/vmalloc: add _lib_brk and _lib_sbrk verification
	 include/ast_std.h,etc.: add _map_malloc for malloc => _ast_malloc
	 comp/ fix SI_* and *_SI_* macro redefs
	 ast.h: VMDEBUG or _BLD_DEBUG enable <vmalloc.h> and VMFL tracing
	 vmalloc/vmtrace.c: _PACKAGE_ast __FUNCTION__ is a string
	 vmalloc/vmtrace.c: set trace file fd FD_CLOEXEC
	 vmalloc/vmbest.c: set /dev/zero mmap fd FD_CLOEXEC
	 features/mmap: fix ancient read() vs. mmap() time arithmetic typo
	 vmalloc/malloc.c: _AST_std_malloc==1 to force standard malloc
03-06-09 comp/omitted.c: add _imp__FUNCTION sybols for __CYGWIN__ static link
	 vmalloc/vmbest.c: handle systems with sbrk() but no brk()
03-06-04 port/astconf.c: drop non-standard diagnostics
03-06-03 comp/ rework symbol collision logic
03-05-30,,astconf.c: add <sys/systeminfo.h> sysinfo() SI_*
03-05-29 ccode.h: rework for extensibility, drop obsolete mematoe(), memetoa()
03-05-28 regex/*: recode to use isw*() directly when needed, is*() otherwise
03-05-27 features/vmalloc: fix _std_malloc test
03-05-25 misc/optget.c: fix optstr() ???* internal options
03-05-24 misc/optget.c: fix (ancient) argv null dereference
03-05-23 comp/getcwd.c: don't intercept on _WINIX -- unreliable st_ino
03-05-22 sfio/sfsprintf.c: n<0 => don't append ' '
03-05-18 misc/fts.c: re-stat FTS_DP to update nlink/times 
	 misc/fts.c: add FTSENT.stack to eliminate getlist() recursion
	 regex/ucs_names.h: use "..." catenation to placate some cc's
03-05-11 string/strtoi.h: handle "-" "+" "0x" "11#"
03-05-09 vmalloc/vmbest.c: large memory allocation tweaks
03-05-06 misc/optget.c: fix getopt_long() prefix==1 bug that missed short flags
03-04-27 comp/system.c: handle <ast_map.h>
03-04-24 vmalloc/vmmopen.c: drop dup <unistd.h>
03-04-21 tm/tmdate.c: fix next hour/min logic
03-04-15 vmalloc/malloc.c: intercept __malloc() along with __libc_malloc()
	 string/strdup.c: intercept __strdup() along with __libc_strdup()
	 features/mmap: consolidate from features/(lib|sfio|vmalloc)
	 add _NO_MMAP==1 to disable all mmap()/munmap() calls
	 path/pathposix.c: add
03-04-14 comp/setlocale.c: fix debug_mbtowc() return value for *s==0 || n < 1
	 comp/iconv.c: fix error return errno values
03-04-11 misc/stk.c: fix stkgrow() realloc bug
03-04-05 string/tok.c: support readonly single token input strings
	 disc/sfdcdio.c: fix F_DIOINFO and FDIRECT #ifdef's
	 include/ast_std.h: allow _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE on __hppa
	 features/common: fix `tst _foo_' => `tst foo_' typo
	 features/float: fix `tst _foo_' => `tst foo_' typo
	 comp/omitted.c: fix pathconf => _pathconf => _ast_pathconf loop
03-04-03 features/float: add _ast_no_um2fm: no usinged intmax => floatmax cast
	 vmalloc/vmbest.c: add getenv("VMCHECK") to initialize Vmcheck
03-03-28 include/ast_dir.h: add D_TYPE; { D_FILENO D_TYPE } must be #ifdef'd
	 misc/fts.c|getcwd.c|glob.c,preroot/getpreroot.c: add D_FILENO #ifdef's
	 Makefile: make sure _BLD_ast is defined for all compiles
03-03-27 ast_vfork.h: generate from features/vfork to pick up headers/pragmas
03-03-25 comp/omitted.c: drop free() of live environ
	 path/pathshell.c: allow trailing .exe -- pox on that
	 string/strtoi.h: fix bug leading 3 digits before thousands sep bug
	 string/(fmt|str)[gu]id.c: we know root when we see it
03-03-24 misc/optget.c: handle : and ? in := default value
03-03-21 ast_std.h: drop all spawn*() but spawnveg()
	 obsolete/spawn.c: add for dropped spawn*()
	 features/lib: _use_spawnveg if spawnveg() is a win over fork()/exec()
	 features/lib: drop NutForkExecve() and _map_spawnve
	 features/lib: fix memccpy test to clean up /tmp droppings
	 comp/spawnveg.c: call posix_spawn() if implemented
	 comp/omitted.c: add spawnve() intercept
	 comp/getoptl.c: set getopt_long() optind even if no options
	 tm/tmfmt.c: add %Q<delim>recent<delim>distant<delim>
	 misc/optget.c: fix trailing '*' for option and option args
	 sfio/sfmode.c: getenv("_AST_SFIO_OPTIONS") [,]SF_LINE[,] for fd {0,1,2}
	 vmalloc/*: kpv sync for uwin build independent of libast
03-03-18 port/astconf.c: switch to dynamic string values (saves 7K data/bss)
	 string/strmatch.c: switch to dynamic regex cache (saves 3K data/bss)
	 regex/regcoll.c,ucs_names.h: initialize rw tables from smaller ro data
	 features/lib: add vfork test for passing SIG_IGN across exec
	 features/lib: add spawn test for passing SIG_IGN across spawn
03-03-17 comp/omitted.c: unlink() renames to .deleted dir in case file open
	 sfio/sfpopen.c: handle mode "" for spawn with no pipe
	 features/float,comp/frexp.c,comp/frexpl.c: add pow2() table alternative
03-03-12 features/lib: fix linux.ia64 memccpy() tests -- now its their turn
	 features/vmalloc: fix /dev/zero test
	 features/align: _ast_intmax_t and _ast_fltmax_t join the union
	 misc/stk.c: fix struct frame size to align data
	 disc/sfdcdos.c: change sfslen() => sfvalue(f)
03-03-10 misc/optget.c: handle [f<:>x:lllddd]
03-03-07 port/astconf.c: uninitialized CONFORMANCE + POSIXLY_CORRECT => standard
03-03-05 comp/omitted.c: make sure at least /bin is in PATH to find cygwin dlls
03-03-02 path/pathshell.c: write access to /bin is effectively root
03-02-28 features/float: add (FLT|DBL|LDBL)_U?(LONG|LONGLONG|INTMAX)_(MIN|MAX)
03-02-25 features/lib: change vfork() test to use _exit() instead of exit()
03-02-23 include/error.h: update ERROR_VERSION for error_info.number space
03-02-22 comp/ wrap ksh check in eval to avoid premature exit
03-02-21 misc/fts.c: verify chdir(..) to avoid malicious dir rename()
03-02-19 string/strtoip4.c: isspace() instead of ' '||'\t'
03-02-17 regex/regcomp.c: fix stats.l REX_REP logic that botched REX_BM
03-02-13 string/base64.c: handle catenated encodings
03-02-11 features/ change LIBPATH to <dir>[:<env>[:<pat>]][,...]
03-02-07 path/pathfind.c: allow "/dev/null" to be PATH_REGULAR
03-02-06 include/ast.h,fmtquote.c: add FMT_ALWAYS|FMT_ESCAPED|FMT_SHELL|FMT_WIDE
03-02-05 tm/tmdate.c,tm/tmword.c,string/strelapsed.c: '_' treated like ' '
03-02-01 string/strelapsed.c: handle ps style [day-][hour:]min:sec
03-01-31 port/astlicense.c: fix author=* match
03-01-30 include/tm.h: add tmisleapyear() macro
03-01-29 comp/getopt.h,comp/getoptl.c: add gnu getopt_long(), getopt_long_only()
	 include/ast_getopt.h: for non-gnu part of comp/getopt.h
	 include/ast_std.h: include <ast_getopt.h> instead of <getopt.h>
03-01-28 ast.h,string/base64.c: add base64encode() and base64decode()
	 path/pathfind.c: verify S_ISREG()
03-01-24 path/pathexists.c: fix abs dir bug and deal with case ignorance
03-01-23 path/pathpath.c: honor PATH_ABSOLUTE for the easy case too
03-01-22 path/pathprobe.c: fix search to find both the probe script and command
03-01-17 misc/ application/zip => appplication/(gzip|pzip|zip)
03-01-14 misc/optget.c: change href="" to href="."
03-01-10 include/ast_std.h: strtold() import hackery for static __CYGWIN__
03-01-03 include/regex.h,regex/regcomp.h: add REG_SHELL_GROUP
	 include/ast.h,string/strmatch.c: add STR_GROUP for REG_SHELL_GROUP
02-12-15 include/error.h: errorcontext => Error_context_s (compatible til 2004)
02-12-06 misc/sigdata.c: add NoF(sigdadata) -- why nmake was uninterruptable!
02-12-03 comp/omitted.c,features/omitted: handle cygwin alarm() return botch
02-11-27 misc/swapop.c: op=3,size=4 => op=7
	 string/strlcat.c,strlcpy.c: fix uwin decl clash
02-11-26 sfio/sfvprintf.c: fix sfsprintf() ' ' termination bug
02-11-22 misc/glob.c: move static struniq() to libast extern
	 string/fmtversion.c,include/ast.h: add fmtversion
02-11-18 string/strncopy.c: add
	 misc/ list size for magicid.h magic
02-11-14 sfio/sfvprintf.c: add %#c for C escapes
	 include/error.h: add ERROR_NOTIFY context flag for builtin commands
02-11-11 string/strtoi.h: add S2I_size for strnto*() size_t 2nd arg
	 sfio/sfstrtof.h: add S2I_size for strnto*() size_t 2nd arg
	 comp/putenv.c: add setenv() and unsetenv() wrappers for setenviron()
02-10-31 path/pathfind.c: add dir of including file to the pathinclude() list
	 misc/optesc.c: add
02-10-30 string/strtoip4.c: set next char pointer even on error
02-10-29 comp/resolvepath.c: add (size_t version of realpath())
	 misc/mime.c: fix mimehead() to ignore null content values
02-10-28 misc/glob.c: add GLOB_STARSTAR for /**/ and GLOB_NOTDIR optimization
02-10-27 string/struniq.c: add
02-10-23 features/common: fix off-by-one loop check
02-10-18 include/ast_std.h: avoid off_t,ftruncate,lseek,truncate redefinitions
02-10-17 misc/mime.c: handle type/* match, fix bogus header parse
02-10-04 sfio/sfstrtof.h: S2F_static <0:export =0:private >0:static
02-10-02 features/common: don't define _WIN32; define _WINIX => unix on windows
	 features/tty: finally stomp the bsd _POSIX_VDISABLE redefinition
	 misc/fastfind.c: add more specific findwrite() error messages
	 comp/omitted.c: fix cygwin utime() to update st_ctime
	 comp/strtol.c,strtoul.c: __CYGWIN__ static link workaround XXX
	 string/fmtls.c,fmttime.c: tmform() => tmfmt()
02-09-22 port/astconf.c: return values in fmtbuf() buffer instead of stack
	 port/mnt.c: don't set MNT_REMOTE for win32 ?:paths
	 sfio/sfvscanf.c: _sfdscan() is library global (not static)
02-09-21 path/pathkey.c: add tool arg for mamake compatible hash
	 features/fcntl.c: handle iffe _hdr_lcl_* => _lcl_* change
02-09-15 comp/ fix enum vs. macro test
	 cdt: kpv sync
02-09-11 ast.h,features/common: move _WIN32 macro init to features/common
	 features/common: enable __EXTERN__ and __DEFINE__ for _WIN32&!_UWIN
	 features/float: add -lm to _ast_*_nan_init tests
	 vmalloc: kpv sync with vmresizef => vmgetmem
	 features/iconv: must have both <iconv.h> and iconv_open()!
	 features/vmalloc: alloca test must compile *and* link
	 sfio/sfvscanf.c,sfstrtof.h: add flag arg to char get, fix NaN loop
02-09-10 vmalloc/vmhdr.h: enable getpagesize() and sbrk() prototypes
	 features/fcntl.c: enable mmap64() prototype
	 include/ast_windows.h: windows.h wrapper with ast namespace workarounds
02-09-07 misc/mime.c: fix quoted value parse bug that ate the whole line
02-09-05 features/vmalloc: add free() to _std_malloc test
	 include/ast.h: NoF(x) now defines _DATA_x for !_BLD_DLL too
	 tm/tmlocale.c: { C POSIX en } == unix dadgummit
02-08-29 path/pathfind.c: initialize
02-08-28 uwin/rint.c: update
	 features/ "bin" is now the default value
02-08-22 vmtrace.h: add for debugging
02-08-20 misc/magic.c: convert to use <cdt.h>
	 vmalloc/vmresizef.c: add for generic discipline resizef default
	 string/strelapsed.c: allow long time component names
02-08-19 misc/optget.c: add `.fp 5 CW' to --nroff output
	 string/(fmtfs|fmtuid|fmtgid|strgid|struid).c: convert to use <cdt.h>
	 include/dt.h,cdt/dtnew.c: add for dtopen() in specific vm region
02-08-13 comp/omitted.c: fix bzero logic for e.g. unixware.i386
	 include/ast.h: add fmtbase->fmtbasell; swap in 2003-09-01
02-08-12 regex/regnexec.c: fix REG_MINIMAL REX_DOT mb bug
02-08-08 features/iconv: <ast_common.h> instead of <sys/types.h> <ast_common.h>
02-08-07 regex/regcomp.c: recognize anchors in BRE subexpressions
02-08-06 comp/iconv.c: handle win32 cpNNNN == windows-NNNN aliases
02-08-05 cdt/*: sync with kpv src
02-08-02 features/iconv: include sys/types.h for ast_types.h
02-08-01 misc/magic.c: magic file "." names the default
	 misc/magic.c: handle addr type (from irix string)
	 features/lib: move malloc tests to features/vmalloc
	 features/vmalloc: snarf tests from features/lib
	 vmalloc/*: sync with kpv src
	 comp/libc.c: dropped -- __libc_* intercepts moved to vmalloc/malloc.c
02-07-30 features/lib: handle __libc_malloc() in _std_malloc test
	 vmalloc/malloc.c: add gnu pvalloc()
	 features/vmalloc: fix alloca check
02-07-29 features/limits.c: handle netbsd guards
02-07-27 sfio/sfpoll.c: handle rw pipes
02-07-25 features/iconv: include ast_types.h for size_t in ast_iconv.h
02-07-18 apply LARGEFILE64 header prototype clash patches
	 misc/optget.c: __EXTERN__ _opt_info_ instead of opt_info
02-07-17 ast_std.h: memzero() now defaults to memset() instead of bzero()
02-07-16 ast_std.h: add ast.env_serial
	 misc/setenviron.c: increment ast.env_serial
	 include/tm.h: tmset() now calls tminit() directly
	 tm/tminit.c: check ast.env_serial for env change
	 tm/tmfix.c: speed up for large values of tm_mday
02-07-15 comp/fnmatch.c: fix memory leak caused by missing regfree()
	 comp/strstr.c: fix broken interpretation and implementation
	 comp/iconv.c: intercept (but no-op) null to and from buffer pointers
02-06-27 ast_std.h: map _sysconf => _ast_sysconf for sun
02-06-26 cdt,sfio,vmalloc: kpv sync -- is this ever easy?
02-06-24 sfio: kpv sync, vfwscanf(),fputw() fix (wcslen(x)*sizeof(wchar_t)!!)
	 misc/fts.c: fix symlink chdir() optimzation bug
02-06-11 sfio/sfwrite.c: string to file fix
	 Makefile: __OBSOLETE__==20020101
02-06-01 regex/regcomp.c: REG_DELIMITED now consumes the delimiter
02-05-31 regex/reglib.h,regcomp.c,regnexec.c: null subexpression fixes
02-05-24 misc/fts.c: disable dir link counts in 3d
	 misc/magic.c: fix "*(mkfile)" sh pattern to "*@(mkfile)"
02-05-20 regex.h,regex/regsubcomp.c,regex/regsubexec.c: add
	 regex/regsub.c: deprecate
02-05-16 tm/tmfix.c: fix '60+n min/sec ago' bug for n min/sec after the hour
02-05-14 regex/regsub.c: fix (^|x) null match early termination bug
02-05-13 dir/dirlib.h: drop errant extern==__EXPORT__
	 features/uwin: add uwin lib tests
	 uwin/*.c: check features/uwin for stubs
	 features/float: add nan representation generation
	 sfio/sftable.h: used _ast_*_nan_init for huge values
02-05-09 misc/fts.c: fix virtual top to force ``child'' stat()
	 features/common: define va_copy() only if not in <stdarg.h>
02-05-01 string/strtoip4.c: cisco inverted quad mask must have 4 parts
02-04-30 misc/ fix pzip version check
02-04-19 string/strtoip4.c: handle cisco inverted quad mask n.n.n.n/i.i.i.i
02-04-18 misc/fts.c: add chdir() verification stat() optimizations
	 path/pathkey.c: check PROBE_ATTRIBUTES for list of vars
02-04-12 port/astlicense.c: type=open tweak, fix author list spacing
02-04-11 regex/regcomp.c: check for pattern number overflow
02-04-05 tm/tmfmt.c: add %u
02-04-04 sfkeyprintf.c: fix %c numeric value
	 path/pathpath.c: check plain path first -- duh
02-04-03 misc/fts.c: fix (FTS_PHYSICAL|FTS_NOSTAT) stat optimizations
	 ftwalk.c: only clear FTW_DELAY if FTW_CHILDREN
	 ftwalk.h: add FTW_NSOK for FTW_DELAY
02-03-29 ast.h: drop strerror() prototype -- already in <ast_std.h>
	 features/stdio: check for _SFIO_H redundant _Sfstd* declarations
02-03-26 misc/glob.c: fix GLOB_LIST gl_flags values
02-03-24 port/mnt.c: update bsd fstype name and mount option logic
02-03-23 Makefile: add ast_wchar.h to the .check.hdr list (for mamake)
02-03-17 features/stdio: hack around g++ 3.* clashes
	 Makefile: add ast_nl_types.h to the .check.hdr list (for mamake)
	 string/strtoip4.c: fix validity check bug that only checked last part
02-03-14 misc/optget.c: fix --keys to not expand inline <.>..\f
02-03-12 port/astlicense.c: add type=free
	 path/pathaccess.c: sibling ".." search ignores relative dirs
	 sfio/sfvscanf.c: sfstrtof get() must return 0 on eof
02-03-11 path/pathexists.c: check path by pairs checking {ENOTDIR,ENOENT}
02-02-14 features/float: copy local min/max macros to avoid printf roundoff
	 features/wchar: include <ast_common.h>, not <ast_std.h>
	 misc/magic.c: match[]=>matches[] to fix K&R match() macro conflict
	 include/vmalloc.h: include <stdlib.h> for !_PACKAGE_ast
	 uwin/mini.sym: add sprintf (now required by features/common)
	 regex/regnexec.c: truncate wide chars for <ctype.h> functions
	 Makefile: fix MAM ast_common.h sequencing bug by making it first
	 cdt/dthash.c: fix DT_DELETE memory leak (DT_DETACH typo)
	 cdt/dthash.c: fix DT_DELETE double free (dt->data->here typo)
	 regex/regcomp.c: fix recomb() to reject RE with backref
	 features/iffeio: explicitly generate stdio.lcl
	 stdio: add {fcloseall,f(get|put)s_unlocked,fmemopen,getdelim,getline}
	 tmmake,tmtime: allow negative time_t if native localtime/gmtime do
	 tmdate: allow years before 1969
	 fmtfmt: add
	 Makefile: add std/*.h for std header iffe overrides
	 comp/iconv.c: fix non-C win32 sfreserve() loop
02-02-11 features/common: separate long long / long double tests
	 features/common: verify printf handles long long / long double
02-02-02 include/ast_std.h,sfio/sfhdr.h: drop _hdr_locale tests -- always on now
	 include/ast_std.h: trust _UWIN <unistd.h>
02-01-31 port/mnt.c: add aix options field
02-01-30 comp/strstr.c: add for ancient s5
	 stdio/_flsbuf.c: only on systems that transfer to native (e.g., uwin)
	 string/strtoi.h: cat min/max error return values
02-01-28 features/tty: add cf[gs]et[io]speed macros for <termio.h>
	 comp/rename.c: punt to (ancient) /usr/lib/mv_dir on EISDIR
02-01-24 sigcrit.c: fix SIGCLD!=SIGCHLD interrupt loop
	 sfvprintf.c: convert fast io macros to functions for uts.390 cc
	 string/strtoi.h: drop #pragma prototyped for standalone sfio
	 sfdcsubstr.c: rename from sfdcsubstream.c for 14 char fs
02-01-22 execlp,execvp,execvpe,spawnlp,spawnvp,spawnvpe: fix __EXPORT__
	 spawnlp,spawnve,spawnvp,spawnvpe: handle ms mode arg -- barf
	 sftable.c: ifdef hacks for _WIN32&_ALPHA_ fp exception
	 _stdfun.c: add _UWIN&_ALPHA_ iob map
02-01-18 sfio/sfstrtof.h: drop #pragma prototyped for standalone sfio
02-01-17 features/hdr: don't include <stddef.h> after it doesn't check out!
02-01-16 misc/magic.c: add version type for YYYYMMDD or [a.][b.]c.d
	 misc/magic.c: recode mime %s parse -- sensible and no buffer overflow
02-01-15 misc/,magicid.h: add generic binary magic number and header
02-01-12 tm/tmlocale.c: override win32 default date for {C,POSIX,en} locales
	 comp/omitted.c: fix cygwin workaround logic bugs
02-01-09 stdio/fseeko.c,ftello.c: add from UNIX98
02-01-08 comp/ use $cc instead of cc
02-01-07 string/strlcat.c,string/strlcpy.c: add bsd api
01-12-18 comp/ fix LFS_CFLAGS default for sun _CS_LFS_CFLAGS botch
	 features/common: add hdr stdarg test
	 tm/tmdate.c: handle YYYY/MM/DD
01-12-10 misc/ add generic 0x00010203 binary magic
01-12-03 path/pathprobe.c: return HOME relative path if readonly/non-suid fs
01-11-30 misc/optget.c: add simple cache for repeat offenders (like ksh read)
	 sfio/sfhdr.h: preserve errno across SFMMSEQON-SFMMSEQOFF
01-11-29 fix GIF version number listing
01-11-28 string/fmtbase.c: p!=0 => base always included in output
01-11-26 misc/fts.c: empty path is an error
01-11-14 misc/optget.c: fix --?+SECTION queries to include paragraphs
01-11-20 regex/regnexec.c: fix REG_MINIMAL character class match bug
01-11-19 features/lib: retain _lib_confstr for all solaris releases
01-11-16 comp/setlocale.c: fix !_lib_setlocale typo
01-10-31 regex/ucs_names.h: add string catenation to keep line length low
	 misc/fastfind.c: handle gnu slocate db read
	 misc/optget.c: add --?+SECTION queries
	 comp/fnmatch.h: add FNM_NOSYS
01-10-30 tm/tmdate.c: fix cron specs when both wday and mday are specified
01-10-20 misc/glob.c: fix bug that called  trim() twice on same path
	 misc/glob.c: fix  trim() bug that restored / to wrong position
	 string/fmtre.c: fix { ^ . $ } translations
	 misc/optget.c: use original string if translation fails -- duh
	 sfio/sfhdr.h: assume <errno.h> assigns proper atttibutes to errno
	 comp/regcmp.c: __ia64 workaround fixed by proper CC.DLL probe
	 comp/getdate.c: __ia64 workaround fixed by proper CC.DLL probe
	 features/lib: add lib getdate
01-10-18 features/lib: check for strtod static link collision
	 features/float: add another signed cast for old bsd cc
	 features/wchar: add <stdlib.h> <stdio.h> before <wchar.h> for old bsd
01-10-17 sfio/sfcvt.c: limit max precision to { FLT_DIG DBL_DIG LDBL_DIG }
	 sfio/sfcvt.c: fix %[aA] format to always have leading 0[xX]1.
	 sfio/sfvprintf.c: handle %C %lc %S %ls for wchar_t args
	 sfio/sfvscanf.c: handle %C %lc %S %ls for wchar_t args
	 string/fmtmode.c: fix bug that omitted trailing ' '
01-10-12 misc/optget.c: . => . for --??nroff
	 comp/wc.c: fix mbstate_t initialization typo
	 features/float: fix max integer / float loop termiation
	 features/float: fix LDBL_UINTMAX_MAX typo that did DBL_UINTMAX_MAX
01-10-11 include/sfio.h: fix _Sfstd* import/export
	 features/common: fix _UWIN __DYNAMIC__() definition
01-10-06 features/fcntl.c: { O_BINARY O_TEXT } default to 0
	 features/omitted: add for comp/omitted.c
	 sfio/sfopen.c: O_BINARY default for _WIN32&&!_UWIN
01-10-05 misc/glob.c: fix `\(x/*' GLOB_NOMATCH bug that returned `(x'
	 misc/optget.c: fix localization lookup that didn't drop doubled : ? ]
01-10-04 comp/setlocale.c: handle sizeof(wchar_t)!=4 in debug locale
	 comp/ handle sytems where _SC_* is both an enum and a macro
01-09-25 astconf: add LIBPREFIX
01-09-20 features/common: add __DYNAMIC__() for dll externs
01-09-19 cdt: kpv update
	 mb*() macros: update for ksh conversion, extend debug locale
01-09-16 tm/tmlocale.c: add compiled in defaults for C locale
	 misc/glob.c: add gl_nextdir callback for GLOB_COMPLETE
01-08-14 clarify _WIN32 vs. _UWIN vs. __CYGWIN__
	 tminit: fix standard & daylight initialization
01-09-11 pathnative.c: add for native fs representation
	 regex.h: fix regerror_t prototype
01-09-04 regex/regnexec.c: fix REG_ICASE for multi-char collating elements
	 tm/tmlocale.c: fix old ascii LC_TIME load
	 locale*: add new LC_* categories
	 comp/omitted.c: add CYGWIN workarounds
	 features/lib: add CYGWIN workarounds
01-08-11 features/common: some compilers have long long but no LL constants!
	 features/lib: add mmap64 implementation test (for linux.s390)
	 regex/regcomp.c: fix  in [...] parse
	 setlocale: retain user locale spelling in setlocale() return value
	 features/limits.c: don't include ./limits.h -- duh
	 fmtesc: don't escape multibyte chars
	 tm/tmlocale.c: fix native C locale default
01-08-08 features/float: some compilers (msdev) forget long long vs. double
01-07-31 misc/optget.c: handle suboptions
01-07-27 cdt.h: add DTDISC()
01-07-17 iffeio.h: move to include for stdio bootstrap iffe workarounds
01-06-25 regex: perl extensions added and tested
01-06-21 misc/error: add ERROR_OPTIONS=prefix=string for message processing
01-06-15 string/chresc: only 2 hex digits max for \xxx
	 regex/regsub: handle REG_SHELL ~(nnn) rhs backrefs
01-06-11 regex: handle embedded   in pattern and subject string
	 regex: add (?nnn) for backrefs > 9
	 comp/fnmatch: add FNM_LEADING_DIR for gnu compatibility
	 features/float: _ast_flt_unsigned_max_t for bsd.i386 omission
01-06-06 misc/optget.c: add o option for old ps,ar,tar with optional leading -
	 regex/regcomp.c: REG_LENIENT|REG_DELIMITED \<newline> => <newline>
	 regex/regcomp.c: REG_LENIENT  00 => NUL
01-06-04 features/dirent: replace Makefile hack with iffe semi-hack
	 regex/regnexec.c: negation must also check REG_SHELL_DOT
01-06-03 sprintf.c: change buf size from SF_BUFSIZE to INT_MAX
01-05-31 glob: fix gl_fignore to ignore leading . by default
	 features/lib: add botch_d_ino_dirent64 for linux botch
01-05-25 port/ add a few missing language_territory's
01-05-23 string/chresc: \C[.collation-element.]
	 fmtmatch,fmtre: update for <regex.h> syntax extensions
01-05-21 regex: add perl extensions, unicode names for collation elements
01-05-11 string/chresc: \ == \E == escape, X == control X, \x{..} == \x..
01-05-09 path/pathtemp.c: pathtemp(0,0,0,"/private",0) for mode S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR
	 port/touch.c: handle utime(2) EPERM to fix bug that truncated
	 regex: change REG_MINIMAL to avoid negation -- much faster now
01-05-08 *.h: add some off_t macro guards for suse linux
01-05-03 regcomp.c: optimize ((x)!)* to ((x)!)
	 wchar: add <wchar.h> and stdio wchar routines
01-05-02 feaures/wchar: add <wchar.h> intercept, add stdio wchar functions
01-05-01 string/strtoi.h: signed strtoi accepts qualified unsigned constants
01-04-30 comp/setlocale.c: fix code that relied on 2 simultaneous getenv()'s
	 tm/tmlocale.c: check for UTF-8 encoded LC_TIME files
	 misc/ add utf-8 and utf-16 U+FEFF magic
01-04-26 features/common: some cc's have _ast_int8_t but not LL constants
01-04-24 features/lib: add _std_strtod for mac os X
01-04-23 ccode: add CC_sub for ms embedded EOF char on ebcdic -- no joke
01-04-20 iconv: handle ebcdic<=>utf
	 mc.h,mc.c: add mcindex()
	 ast_std.h: add AST_MESSAGE_SET
01-04-18 features/ fix mvs probe
	 *: sundry mvs fixes
	 glob: fix GLOB_NOCHECK to avoid stat() and properly trim patterns
01-04-01 strtod,strtold: add
	 strtol,strtoul,strtoll,strtoull,strton,strtonl: handle locale & ERANGE
	 sfvprintf,sfvscanf: handle locale decimal_point,thousands_sep
	 sfvprintf,sfvscanf: handle %a,%A
	 setlocale: add LC_NUMERIC decimal_point,thousands_sep init
	 ast_std.h: __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__==1 to disable non-std __GNUC__ inlines
	 pathexists: path cache to cut down pathpath() access(2) calls
	 features/stdio: __FILE_TAG == _sfio_s for solaris
01-03-23 iconv: fix iconv_move buffer boundary bug that stopped at 1 block
01-03-19 glob: add GLOB_AUGMENTED
	 regex: REG_SHELL syntax error implies REG_LITERAL match
	 strto[ln][ll]: add overflow checks
01-03-17 locale: reimplemented to provide canonical locale namespace
	 locale: add LC_ALL=local for local system user default
	 tm.h: TM_*_3 => TM_*_ABBREV
	 tmfmt: handle standard E and O format modifiers
	 tmlocale: consult nl_langinfo() if defined
01-03-08 regex: handle multibyte chars and collation classes
	 strmatch,strgrpmatch: now a wrapper on regex
	 ast_std.h: add mb*() multibyte and collation support
	 sfvscanf: handle locale decimal and thousand
	 proc*,system: handle ignored SIGCHLD
	 sfkeyprintf: handle %*C
01-03-06 locale: add locale data cache for efficient multiple locale switching
	 optget: fix LC_MESSAGES!=C --man bug
01-03-01 Makefile: HEADEROPT is not optional for win32.*
	 comp/syslog.h: comply with the de factos
	 optget(): fix <.>..< >stack bug that referenced data after pop
01-02-27 *locale*: a batch of fixes for native LC_MESSAGE&LC_TIME hooks
01-02-22 pathprobe: reprobe test now checks probe.ini too
	 sfio_s.h: advertize public Sfio_t members with _ prefix
	 sfio.h,features/stdio: add <sfio_s.h> reference
	 sfhdr.h: map <sfio_s.h> _foo to foo
01-02-14 comp/ probe <unistd.h> for _(CS|PC|SC)_* getconf symbols
	 stdio/*: update for uwin stdio.dll binary compatibility
	 sfread: finally fixed premature pipe read EOF bug
	 fmtscale: format tenths for number > 0 && number < 10
01-02-09 _sfmode(),_sftype(),_Sfextern: UWIN binary stdio compatibility exports
01-02-08 sfgetm,sfputm,_sfputm: fix max clash with k&r max() macro
	 setlocale: undef valid for sun4 k&r valid() macro
01-02-07 catopen.c: don't do native catopen for the debug locale
01-02-06 sfraise.c: add SF_FINAL check to avoid (posibly) freed disciplines
01-01-01 features/common: fix uwin __DEFINE__
	 sftable: initialize decimal and thousand add corel wordperfect document
	 syslog: add LOG_LEVEL, add ' only if needed
	 include/tm.h: #undef daylight for _WIN32
	 sfio.h: add _SF_APPEND and _SF_CLOSE for native namespace incursion
	 ast_std.h: add AST_LC_multibyte for MB_CUR_MAX>1
	 setlocale: set AST_LC_multibyte
	 strmatch: check AST_LC_multibyte
	 features/limits.c: add _BITS_POSIX1_LIM_H guard for linux
	 features/ fix for aix LIBPATH
	 procopen,procclose: block SIGCHLD if PROC_FOREGROUND (e.g., system(3))
	 optget.c: add enumerated option argument values
	 optget.c: add <!--INTERNAL--> for private --html
	 optget.c: fix memory leak that hit shell builtins hard
	 sfio: drop sfread small chunk logic
00-12-25 mnt.c: handle " and ' quoting for fstab
	 sftmp.c: let pathtemp() open the fd O_EXCL
00-12-15 add -v for verbose trace
	 features/(limits|unistd).c: no FEATURE/types because of _POSIX_SOURCE
	 features/time: add default for CLOCKS_PER_SEC
	 features/lib: std_malloc now handles NeXT
00-12-13 strton: recognize qualifier only if preceded by a digit
	 features/lib: change return in vfork() test to exit() for linux sparc
	 fmtquote: fix $'...' quote logic
00-12-11 tmdate: fix cron format bug that mishandled months
00-12-01 optget: handle $Id: ... $ in --?-version
	 features/fcntl.c: fix _STDPP_ mmap munmap
00-11-27 magic: drop dup sfclose() in load()
	 optget: handle
00-11-22 features/stdio: add _FILEDEFED for sol9.sun4
	 strton,stronll: handle [u|U][l|L][ll|LL] qualifiers
00-10-31 tmdate: add TM_DATESTYLE and mmddHHMM[cc]yy
	 astlicense.c: #include <hashkey.h> MAM workaround
	 astlicense.c: check for non-empty CONTRIBUTORS
00-10-26 features/stdio: add _FILE and __FILE for gnu
	 misc/stk.c: fix stack pointer check off-by-one (dgk does it too!)
00-10-23 syslog.h: sync with bsd values
00-10-18 _STUB_* now functions instead of common symbols
	 all extern data declared with definition to eliminate common symbols
	 fastfind: add mac/bsd /var/db/locate.database
00-10-17 features/lib: add apple osX (darwin.ppc) workarounds
00-10-12 add: fmtbuf(), fmtclock(), fmtip4(), strtoip4()
	 fmt*() now use fmtbuf() for tmp fmt buf allocation
00-10-05 regex: add REG_DISCIPLINE and regdisc_t for alloc/error disc
00-09-29 features/lib: pipe_rw==0 for sgi: boot rw == bin incompatibility
00-09-21 astlicense: handle ' and 
00-09-20 sfwrite: fix write() error in sfprintf() loop
00-08-11 hdr,vmhdr.h: check/hide { getpagesize sbrk } prototypes
	 astlicense: add noncommercial
00-07-31 fflush: don't seek on pipes
	 sfresize: add
	 setlocale: fix bad newof() call
00-06-01 strmatch: initialize match.current.beg[0] to avoid dump at line 670
	 sfio/stdio: a few more errno tweaks
	 astquery: sfstdin/sfstderr by default
00-05-26 sfmode: errno=EBADF for invalid stream use
00-05-22 rewind: fix for xopen test
00-05-18 mcfind: returns absolute path
00-05-16 optget: --keys must catch <.>..< >too
	 translate,mc: errno cleanup
00-05-09 magic: add netbsd binary magic
	 ftwflags: call fts_flags()
	 astconf: astconf(0,0,0) re-syncs with _AST_FEATURES
00-05-08 optget: --usage & --keys for last -catalog group only
00-05-02 iconv.c: add; use codes[] in ccmapid() and ccmapname(); "" for native
00-05-01 pathtmp: copy env values (libshell or putenv may change)
00-04-01 optget: drop bar from [-foo?bar] for --??keys
	 sfvscanf: add %X -- duh
	 features/common: fix va_listval() for power pc
	 findopen: fix FIND_GENERATE codes file search
	 magic: add ERROR_translate() and msgcat.key
	 tmlocale: add for LC_TIME locale info
	 tmlex: check tm_info.format and tm_data.format
	 tmfix: fix for tm_wday special case (via nl_langinfo on LC_TIME fields)
	 strftime: fix for nl_langinfo special case
	 ast_std.h: provide LC_* defauls if not defined
	 sfnew: check ${_AST_sfio_bufsize} -- don't tell kpv
	 catopen,nl_types.h: add intercept to mc* routines add ast message catalog
	 strerror: add _ast_strerror intercept with ERROR_translate("errno")
	 fmtquote: escapes >0177 only if (flags&2)
00-03-17 feof: stdio macro functions only for _UWIN
	 optget: proper ERROR_translate() calls
	 astgetconf: add for thread safe error message control
	 astlicense: fix type=special but with non-null notice
	 errorx: add for ERROR_translate() support
	 ERROR_translate: add locale id args for alternate dictionary
	 option.h: move _OPT_PRIVATE_ to pointer to avoid dll size mismatch
	 ftwalk: fix FTW_CHILDREN bug that hit top level non-dirs twice
	 translate.c: default error_info.translate
	 astconf: fix dup loop thrash that never returns, add _AST_VERSION
00-03-10 ast_std.h: do _LARGEFILE_SOURCE initialization before std headers
	 fmtquote: handle $'...' quotes
00-03-07 optget: fix numeric option support test
	 sfkeyprintf: add %q for '...' quoting with ansi escapes
00-03-06 features/stdio: fix _sfflsbuf prototype (
00-02-14 pathtmp: fix pid cache bug that sometimes repeated after ~10 attempts
	 optget: "..." attribute quote
	 pathfind: eliminate *: prefix in lib, not type
	 proc: PROC_FOREGROUND for system(3) semantics (wait status return)
	 pathtmp: fix mktemp() logic
	 fts: fix FTS_NOSEEDOTDIR bug that botched ./* in top list
	 include/ast/prototyped.h includes include/prototyped.h
	 pathpath: fix strdup(0) bug
	 optget: --html <foo@bar> => ...mailto:foo@bar...
	 sscanf: fix sfsscanf => sfvsscanf typo strengthen tar recognition
00-02-08 fix ifdef for systems that think sysconf(FOO) is const
00-02-04 glob: fix globlist_t.gl_flags
00-02-02 vm*: add NoF() for data only files
00-01-27 fts: fix top level .==.. statp bug (thanks to dr. ek)
00-01-25 fix LFS*_*LAGS typo
00-01-24 astlicense: handle type=verbose, license.notice, author=*
00-01-11 pathprobe: generate info for first probe script on PATH - duh
	 ast.h: add NoF(x) for files that define no functions
	 tmpfile: fix implementation
	 global change for string ERROR_translate() dictionary names
	 optget: fix new way but no long names off by one
	 optget: handle [--dictionary?name]
99-11-19 comp/ `expr length XXX` is not universal
	 drop sfstdio; stdio via functions everywhere
	 drop Makefile conditionals (and follow our own advice for once)
	 sfio: new stream after atexit() bug fix
	 tm: Tm_zone_t.daylight=0 for standard time within zone
	 stdio: fopen => _ast_fopen: only way short of binary compatibility
	 Makefile: atmain.C falls back to atmain.c
	 optget: add --keys, s<section> option
	 stdio: _UWIN check for foreign stdio
99-11-11 astlicense: add
99-10-31 glob: fix regexec pattern; add PATH_ATTRIBUTES case check
	 pathpath: path==0 means malloc space
99-10-22 tmfmt: %C=2-digit-century, %k=date(1), %y=2-digit-year-in-century
99-10-18 fastfind: expanded default db lookup
99-08-11 magic: fix off by one registry malloc
	 features/fs: add __RENAME checks for stat familiy (netbsd)
	 features/fs: major()/minor() fixes for s5
	 features/ netbsd fix -- not in std places
	 misc/fastfind: fix codes path generation bug
	 optget: beef up --?* description, fix <TR>...</TR> nesting
	 pathprobe: check for override (writable key file) first
	 features/time: int tmtimeofday(struct timeval*);
	 optget: fix opt_info.num, even if opt_info.arg!=0
	 fastfind: init dir tab with logical and physical name
	 glob: add gnu GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC
99-07-17 sfio: kpv update and sfhdr.h sync!
99-06-24 stdio: fix fflush() to ignore sfseek(0) return value
99-06-23 magic: '\r' is text not control to placate m$
99-06-08 stdio: fix fseek,ftell semantics
	 uwin stdio: fflush() => _doflsh() to avoid __cplusplus clash
	 getopt: call liberror() to avoid error() conflict
	 tmfmt,tmscan: %N zone type (nation code), %z zone minutes west offset
	 tmfmt: - no pad _ space pad 0 leading 0 pad
99-05-28 magic: fix 'x' == '*' for any number, tweaks
	 features/lib: verify that stat64 really works
99-05-21 tm*: add TM_WINDOW==69 for consistent century windowing guard year
99-05-18 tmtime: add century leap year calc anticipating unsigned time_t
99-05-17 sfkeyprintf: handle %o and %x!!
99-05-09 pathprobe: $HOME/.probe if not suid and st_uid!=geteuid()
99-04-28 magic, add registry()
99-04-24 regcomp: fix ksh pattern +! parse
	 regfatalpat: add
	 optget: make : ? ] double escape consistent in all contexts
99-04-01 features: drop iffeio.h and stdio.h when only printf() used
	 regex: fix stats() .l and .k count
	 fmtquote: added; most general fmtesc() form
99-03-22 fmtesc.c,ast.h: add fmtnesq()
	 optget: --?x works for -x option flag
99-03-17 features/limits.c: workaround solaris __EXTENSIONS__ _timespec bug
	 workaround limits.h circular prereq with ignore stdio.h
	 sfvprintf: %04e left-pad zero fixed
99-03-03 fts: uncle already: add FTS_SEEDOTDIR to retain leading ./
	 regex: REG_MULTIPLE, BM for fixed string alternation
	 optget: embedded `-' optional in long options, prefix={0,1,2}
99-02-14 fastfind: fix dir format bug that emitted wrong paths
	 astconf: fix redef off by one bug
99-02-11 pathcanon(): don't cache astconf("PATH_LEADING_SLASHES", NiL, NiL)
99-01-23 optget: move <old_opt.h> back into <option.h>, no open-close
	 optget: add "[index:long-name:description]" for --long-name
	 comp/gross: add weak __libc_attr for irix < 6.5 compatibility
	 features/limits.c: tweak the guards again
99-01-11 fastfind: handle old format count byte order fix elf to use real phdr offset
	 magic.c, fix | to act like switch/case
	 comp/fross.c,features/hack: for gross hacks
	 features/stdio: avoid sfio namespace pollution
98-12-25 tmdate:
	 pathprobe: fix procrun() cmd path bug
	 fmtesq: add
	 features/common: win32.alpha va_list
	 magic: add pc alpha object
98-11-11 strmatch: add STR_ICASE
	 pathprobe: punt to $HOME/.probe/<key+HOSTTYPE> if not S_ISUID
	 tmzone,tmdate: handle +-minutes, nn/MMM/yyyy
	 stropt: fix nested quote pop
	 tmfmt: add %K => %Y-%m-%d/%H:%M:%S
	 sfio/stdio: fix fseek() SF_PUBLIC omissions
	 fmtesc: catch '\' (duh)
	 vmalloc: vmbest round bug fix
98-11-01 fts.c: no pathcanon() if (fts_flags & FTS_PHYSICAL)
98-10-01 features/stdio prototype fixes
	 optget: strton() instead of strtol() for #
98-09-22 regcomp: add REG_DELIMITED and REG_ESCAPE delimited re support
98-09-15 fix _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE stuff
	 ast_std.h: provide mmap() prototype
98-08-11 fix sfpopen() to ignore SIGPIPE by ignoresig() for sfio but not stdio
	 fix procopen() to ignore SIGPIPE by ignoresig() for PROC_IGNORE
	 sfio sfpopen/popen update
	 magic.src: fix ustar entry
98-07-17 fix ftwalk() short by one malloc()
	 add fts_notify()
98-06-25 sfdcmore,sfdcprefix: add
98-06-19 tokscan: add %f %g
98-06-01 disc/sf*.c: memset(0) after disc malloc()
98-05-11 strelapsed: y==Y
	 fts: pathcanon() top list 
98-04-01 error: error_info.time for all msgs, just after cmd id
	 error: no sfsync(sfstdin)
	 sfio: sfpool, Sffmt_t update sgi core dumps -- why aren't these elf?
	 stropt: (v+n) for unknown option is option value if n!=0
	 procopen: fix setsid() for spawnveg() only
98-03-19 malloc: add realloc foreign region check
	 sfdisc.h: rename to match kpv disciplines
	 fastfind: fix strcasecmp/strcmp directory prefix mixup
98-03-17 features/fcntl.c,pathtmp,sftmp: add O_TEMPORARY
98-03-01 pathcanon: fix PATH_LEADING_SLASHES to stat() both slashes
	 pathcanon: add PATH_VERIFIED
	 tmdate: add skip[] to expand separator char set
	 fastfind: FIND_OLD for old 7 bit db, FIND_TYPE for new 8 bit typed db
	 fastfind: default generates gnu LOCATE02 8 bit db
	 magic: handle %s in mime description
	 cdt: kpv update
	 sfio: kpv update
	 stdio: fpos64_t fseek64(), ftell64(), fgetpos64(), fsetpos64()
	 stdio: fseek() => sfseek(SF_PUBLIC) to avoid locking
	 fts: initialize parent stat[bp] from top level *after* statf done
	 astmath: add -lm requirement test
	 *: Astlong_t => _ast_*_t
	 regex: simplify regcollate() (from doug)
	 tmtime: preserve Tm_t*tm when calling tminit()
	 astconf: add readonly PATH_ATTRIBUTES=[cirw]
98-02-14 fastfind: add FIND_ICASE to ignore case
	 tmdate,tmgoff: handle (+|-)hh[[:]mm[[:]ss]] absolute timezone
	 tmdate: `<n> <part>' now assumes `next <n> <part>' instead of `this'
	 tmfix: fix leap year bug that forgot to add 1900
	 proc: add PROC_ZOMBIE
98-02-06 strmatch() char class range bug fix
	 regex char class range bug fix
98-01-23 _WIN32: changed the #if logic again to accomodate _GNUC_
	 mnt: grab the mount options too
	 ast_std.h: hide getopt,getsubopt from stdlib.h
	 features/limits.c: add gnu guard macros to avoid limits.h recursion
	 features/mode.c: include "limits.h" instead of "FEATURE/limits.lcl"
98-01-11 sfio.h: use Astlong_t, move Sfio_t Sfdisc_t typedef to top for stdio.h
	 sfhdr.h: #undef SETLOCAL for hpux
	 sfvprintf,sfvscanf: %I*x for sizeof(int_arg)
	 handle ftruncate64 and truncate64
	 dtopen.c: __hppa dll needs Dtset Dtlist Dttree refs here
97-12-18 fmtnum: add
97-12-11 magic: handle sgi 64 bit core dumps
97-12-07 pathtmp: add override for TMPPATH,TMPDIR and cycling
97-11-11 tm: handle 0 return from gmtime(),localtime() (dos negative time_t)
	 features/stdio: fix fflush() macro to do physical sync
97-10-31 astconf PATH_RESOLVE is logical if 3d&&!std, metaphysical otherwise
	 magic: fix #! mime bug
	 tm: tmtime() now calls tmfix() and adjusts tm_isdst too=>mtime() works
97-10-11 dllfind,dlfcn: move to separate -ldll so -last can link static, duh
	 Makefile,state.c: move forced header generation state.c => Makefile
	 sfio: update including SF_WHOLE
97-10-01 sfdostext: add \r=> sfio discipline
	 stropt: NiL table => p=name for all name=value
97-08-11 pathtmp: check pid to note forks
	 procopen: FD_CLOEXEC rfd && wfd
	 fts: fts_close() after fts_children() with no fts_read() now works
97-07-17 error: sfsync(sfstdin,sfstdout,sfstderr) instead of sfsync(NiL)
	 _sfcvinit: add sfio internal interface to base conversion tables
	 strton: use _Sfcv* base conversion tables instead of sfsscanf()
	 sfvscanf: use _Sfcv* base conversion tables
	 mime: x- permutations now matched if exact fails
	 mime: original- stripped from content-* headers
	 tmdate: add yyyy-jjj, yyyy-mm-dd
	 dllfind: add
	 ccmapid: fix buf copy loop limit
	 ccmapname,ccmapcpy: add
	 sfstrtmp: add
97-05-09 streval: fix up casts for pseudo-ansi cc
	 features/types: use _ast_int_8 vars to verify support
	 string/modedata: check for mvs.390 S_IFMT
	 include/ast(_std).h: add #define __FILE_typedef
	 magic: add ccode text check
	 include/ftwalk.h: FTW_PATH=>FTS_NOCHDIR to avoid FTS_AGAIN (duh)
	 fts: clear status for FTS_AGAIN (fixes rm -r bug)
	 mnt: add mvs openedition w_getmntent()
	 sfhdr: _hdr_float && <float.h> for correct MAXDOUBLE
	 vmalloc/vmbest: if _std_malloc then use malloc()/free() not sbrk()
	 remove: check _std_remove
	 procopen: handle pio[{0,1}]=={0,1}
	 setenviron,features/uinstd: test for mvs.390 dll environ hacks
96-12-25 <sfio_p.h> -> <ast_common.h>
	 magic: check strings in !CC_NATIVE code set too
	 system: cmd==0 means check for shell access (xopen)
	 sfhdr.h: fix sfrsrv prototype
	 add __libc_malloc etc for gnu/linux
	 astconf(NiL,path,name) == astconf(name,path,NiL) + no liberror
	 fts_open: if toplist() stat fails return 0
	 ftwalk: handle fts_open()==0 via one phony userf() call
	 sfmode: S_ISFIFO default is SF_SHARE=0
	 features/lib: _WIN32 _lib_vfork=1 by default
	 unsigned<0 comparison and other fixes via sgi.mips4 cc
	 stk.c: use <align.h> ALIGN_BOUND for stkalloc()
	 features/lib,vfork: uwin fix
	 ast_std.h: fix strto[u]ll prototypes with features/types _ast_int_8
	 getsubopt: add for xopen 4.2 compatibility
	 drop function __IMPORT__
	 magic: more magic
	 change #define FILE from Sfio_t to struct _sfio_s
	 state.c: add generated includes that may be hit by std for MAM
	 bytesex: forgot about sizeof(long)=>7; could we fix the name too?
	 vmalloc.h: fix vmnewof() definition
	 sfio.h,stdio.h,ast_common.h: pollution cleanup
	 magic.c: add | op for switch
	 Makefile: stdio.h was on both HEADERSRC and HEADERGEN -- don't do that
	 drop pp:notice to get <sfio.h> ... <ast.h> to work 
	 regex: add [[:<:]]==\< and [[:>:]]==\> for bsd compat
	 mime.c: ignore X-* headers while scanning for Content-*
	 magic.c: check for negative indirect offsets fix dos entry that generated negative indirect offsets
	 vmalloc.h: add vmstrdup() prototype
	 hash.h: add hashgetbucket() macro
	 magic.c: MAGIFILE is now a : file list
	 mnt.c: another 4.4 bsd fix -- users must include <sys/crap.h>
	 common: fix _WIN32 chicken&egg with va_copy
	 sfio: forgot to set f->val along with _Sfi in sfexcept() 
	 Makefile: add mini target for uwin libmini.a
	 sfcvt.c: workaround for flaky long double optimizers
	 features/common: fix to work with va_list==void*
	 regexec.c: fix REG_STARTEND subexpression offsets
	 strmatch.c: don't forget <wctype.h>
	 regrexec.c: fix REG_INVERT end boundary bug that missed last record
	 astconf.c: notify(0,0,"a=b") called for each setenviron("a=b")
	 pathcanon.c: check astconf(PATH_LEADING_SLASHES) to preserve //*
96-11-28 _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE by default if possible: NOTE: assumes xopen
	 regerror: fix for xopen
	 getopt: fix for xopen
	 magic: add ciao virtual database
	 astconf: posix/strict/xopen implies "standard" conformance
	 fs3d.h: hide mount prototype
	 ast_std.h,mnt.c,features/fs: ncr port tweaks
96-10-31 version 5.0
	 add strtoll() strtoull()
	 sfkeyprintf: upgrade to int_max args
	 ast.h: add ssizeof() to work around unsigned botch add shell actions to
	 _DLL*: drop for _BLD_<lib> + __EXPORT__ + __IMPORT__
	 sfio,cdt,vmalloc: kpv update
96-10-11 <ccode.h>: add character code map support
	 procclose: return shell style exit status
	 features/fs: pun statvfs.f_basetype to statvfs.f_reserved7 for mvs
	 uwin: add subdir for uwin additions
	 ast_std.h: swab() is from <stdlib.h>
	 sfio.h: <ast_std.h> if _PACKAGE_ast add mips[1-4], 64-bit
	 port tweaks for sol.sun4 and sun4
96-09-06 strerror: add
	 fmterror: uses strerror
	 str*search: use sfiso646() order
	 strpsearch: add
	 magic: add Magic_t.mime mime type return for magictype()
	 mime.h: add
	 strton: use sfsscanf()
	 strperm: factor in umask() if no who
	 pathtmp: add TMPPATH check
	 libevent: add
	 magic: add discipline to magicopen()
	 mime: add discipline to mimeopen()
96-08-31 regex: fix BM fail table generator
96-08-11 mntread: fix mnt.type for SCO variant add SCO KERNEL_* sysconf() vars
	 fastfind: add findwrite(), fix findread() FF_OFF omission
	 ftwalk: reimplement on top of fts
	 fnmatch,re_comp,regexp: reimplement on top of regex
	 basename,dirname,fmtmsg,fts,ftw,getdate,getsubopt,glob: add
	 hsearch,nftw,realpath,strftime,strptime,swab,tempnam: add
	 tsearch,wordexp: add
	 getcwd: cache last path for easy test
96-07-17 error: sfsync(NiL) ... write ... sfsync(sfstderr)
	 astconf: handle readonly *(DEV|DIR) vars
96-04-01 swapop: fix stupid return value bug
	 features/int.c: fix int_swap generation bug
	 regnexec,regrexec: fix unsigned underflow init error
	 ls.h: fix iblocks() to be in units of LS_BLOCKSIZE
96-02-29 magic: space before function is definition with no call
	 hash: drop hash_info from public interface
	 hash: OBSOLETE hashlast()
	 hash: add Hash_root_t.Hash_last_t to public interface
	 add strsearch() and strnsearch() to complement strlook()
	 add hashkey.h for keyword->long hash
	 pathpath: pathpath(0,0,"",0) disables $0 $_ $PWD relative search
	 sfio: sfstrtod+sfhdr update
	 regex: fix REG_LENIENT to map BRE \[+?|] to ERE [+?|]
	 change _std_malloc iffe test so it doesn't hang on alpha
	 sfhdr.h: features/sfio generates _lib_cvt instead of _i386_cvt
	 ast_hdr.h: add va_copy(a,b) to copy va_list b to a
	 getopt: fix stupid getopt() -> optget() bug
	 sfvprintf: %h? now downcasts
	 regex: handle strto?l() errno in regcomp()
	 sfstrtod: _Sfstrtod_already_defined -> _STUB_sfstrtod
	 ast_std.h: hide valloc() and ignore <strings.h>
	 sfkeyprintf: pass phony va_list for '2'
	 regex: change HIT var type from int to size_t in special()
	 ast.h: add EXIT_STATUS(x) to convert wait() status to sh exit status
96-02-14 regex: add _ to \<...\> isalnum test
	 regex: fix BM inner loop breakout
	 features/types: size_t is signed on some systems! => _ast_size_t
	 sfio: sfrd discipline peek optimization
	 vmalloc: vmalloc.h malloc family macro upgrade
	 tokopen: fix newline bug for non-restore open
	 sfio: no inline for gcc until it emits for -g too
96-02-12 sfio: internal upgrade
96-02-09 regex: Boyer-Moore boundary fix
	 vmalloc: snarf latest
96-02-06 regex: add regrecord() and regrexec() for Boyer-Moore record filtering
	 regex: rearrange regnexec() args to match buffer,count arg style
96-01-31 stk: add STK_NULL to stk.h and stk.c
	 regex: privatize regex.h and fix min re length computation
	 workaround lazy strdup() implementations in features/lib _std_malloc
	 fix stkclose() to free(stream) -- purify missed because of sfio links
	 unused var cleanup
	 port/mnt.c must include <ls.h> to get <ast_fs.h>
	 add SF_FINAL to sfio and stk
	 sfio reads now on natural block boundaries
	 add #!!! <level> <message> !!! to tokline()
	 add REX_BM pre-filter to regcomp/regnexec
96-01-22 add regcomp env.paren overflow checks
96-01-11 add Doug McIlroy's regex (converted to C from C++ by gsf)
	 AT&T Research now
	 sfgetr optimization
	 regex buglets
96-01-05 tweak for win32
95-12-25 add !(...) -> (...)! to fmtre()
	 nt tweaks -- functions with no header proto must be defined extern
95-11-24 version 4.1
	 add mnt.h mntopen mntread mntclose
	 convert fmtfs to mnt.h
	 gcc inlines must also have global library function instantiation!
	 add hashview()
	 fix strtape() internal buffer flow
	 fix mntread() fs/dir transposition for uts mnttab
95-10-31 change features/unistd.c includes to break limits-param cycle
	 add cdt from kpv
	 sfio snarf from kpv
	 add [ht]search for _WIN32
95-10-11 clarify PARANOID pathcheck() warning
	 fix procopen() LIB_SPAWN environ bug with setenviron() cache
	 fix setenviron() bug that forgot to reset environ if == 0
	 add %Z ' ' output format to sfkeyprintf()
	 sfio snarf for sfvprintf fix
	 allow multiple hashscan() with scope caveat
	 add comp/fakelink.h to synthesize a few symlink text patterns
	 add !<xxx> magic to misc/
	 add FTW_TOP to inhibit recursion (for ftw side effects on top level)
	 add memfatal() common malloc fatal exception message
	 add dos \rtest to misc/magic.c/cklang()
	 sftmp() O_EXCL+random to avoid collisions
	 pathtemp() uses sftmp() randomizing
	 features/fs uses SF_APPENDWR
	 sftmp() uses pathtemp() -- don't worry, its not circular
	 a few more _WIN32 compatibility additions
	 realloc fixed to use VM_RSCOPY|VM_RSMOVE instead of obsolete 1
	 add hashlook(tab, oldname, HASH_RENAME, newname)
	 a few more tweaks to satisfy port warnings
	 add _SFIO_INLINE_PRIVATE to provide real function too
	 fix <dirent.h> installation test
	 oops object / shared library compat with _sfgetl2 _sfgetu2
95-09-11 add getopt() compatibility
	 add fstat,lstat,mknod,stat fixes for _x versions in sys/stat.h
	 add getconf CONFORMANCE - posix for things that aren't ast default
	 sfio_t.h: #ifndef _SFIO_H #include "sfio.h" #endif
	 snarf vmalloc from kpv
95-08-11 fix malloc bug in magic
	 update linux and bsd 386 magic entries
	 error_info.auxilliary returns new level, |=ERROR_OUTPUT if msg done
	 drop fnmatch from strmatch for sparc (solaris) until it collates
95-07-17 fix port/astconf universe initialization
	 fix misc/optget opt_info.nopt initialization
	 drop tmset() TZ=... because it only worked when TZ=... was ignored
95-05-09 mongo <ast.h> namespace cleanup
	 drop > 2 year old obsolete interfaces
	 sfvprintf.c fix for (char:8 short:16 int:32 long:64) architectures
	 TMP_MAX back into
	 pathbin() and pathshell() now use astconf()
	 fix pathtemp() to not cache getenv("TMPDIR")
	 fix ftwalk() metaphysical to handle non-dirs too
	 initialize *_info = { 0 }; for ancient ld semantics (NeXT)
	 fix magic() to do vmfree()
	 astconf(X_OK) must prefix lines with "getconf"
	 use <wchar.h> and wctype in strmatch() if available
	 _lib_utime_now checks utime(path,0)
	 _lib_poll_notimer checks poll(x,0,timeout)
	 add another _lib_utime_now check to port/touch.c
	 fix dd_buf cast in dir/opendir.c
	 split getconf.h into conftab.h and conftab.c for :READONLY:
	 use mbtowc() only if MB_LEN_MAX>1
	 sfio char* -> Void_t* cleanup
	 handle old syntax in misc/magic.c
	 sigdata.c holds readonly signal strings
	 pathcheck() does AT&T checks for tools matching PARANOID - yuk
	 unused var cleanup
	 deprecate hash_info in favor of hashlast()
	 fix bad ksh integer interactions
	 dll cleanup
	 magic.c falls back to malloc for now
	 add environ to <ast.h> -- C library global data syms are *RESERVED*
	 sfhdr.h memccpy(1,2,3,size_t) prototype
95-04-01 version 4.0
	 convert to vmalloc
	 allow sigcritical() nesting mismatch to work around vfork() bug
	 add strexpr() primitive for streval() with user handle (like ftwalk)
	 add <magic.h> and magic.c file command magic interface
	 update magic mail message entry
	 fix keyprintf() invisible char count nesting bug
	 add sfstrnew(SF_READ|SF_WRITE) for alternate sfstropen() modes
	 sfstrnew(SF_READ) but reading requires sfseek(), sfreserve()
	 add and to nail C/POSIX limits/unistd macros
	 add getconf() string interface to *conf*
	 _DLL_INTERMEDIATE_DATA for systems that require indirect globals
	 _DLL for building shared libraries with _DLL_INTERMEDIATE_DATA
	 vecfile() restricted to S_ISREG()
	 add spawnveg() for job control
	 convert procopen() PROC_PGRP(id) to spawnveg()
	 fmterror() returns error text given errno (strerror() does same)
	 fmtsignal() returns signal text given errno (strsignal() does same)
	 {sig_name,sig_text,SIG_MAX} -> sig_info.{name,text,sigmax}
	 liberror("",...) omits [%s library] prefix
	 update features/signal.c table
	 add vmdisc() and change vmnewof() to use vmresize()
	 fix to allow refs to previously defined limits
	 fix undefined entries in getconf()
	 magic data in
	 fix stropt() pointer cast
	 vmalloc() exception handler replaces nomalloc()
	 merge sigdata.c into fmtsignal.c -- sun link needs function w/ data!
	 sftmp() bug fix
	 drop local <unistd.h> even with _POSIX_SOURCE
	 fix vmstrdup() macro arg miscount
	 fix to handle enum'd symbolic constants in unistd.h
	 drop malloc() prototypes from vmalloc.h
	 fix sfvprintf() %d argument reference
	 add OSF/1 AES symbol(s) to
	 determine standards prefix from
	 add _CS_SHELL to
	 getpath() default is confstr(_CS_PATH)
	 getshell() default is confstr(_CS_SHELL)
	 unify keyprintf user function args (should have learned by now!)
	 add quad type to magic
	 add astfeature() to unify universe style dynamic features
	 add ftwflags() to determine FTW_* flags from astfeature()
95-03-11 fix stropt() to not modify its *const* arg
	 handle "' quotes and chresc() in stropt() values
	 , treated like :space: between stropt() options
	 fix procopen() fd dup to ignore self-dups
	 add library id[] to misc/state.c
	 add ftwalk(FTW_METAPHYSICAL) for posix -H
	 sfvprintf() now handles balanced () in %()
	 add tmfmt() with buffer size check to replace tmform()
	 add fmttime() calling tmfmt() to fit fmt*() mold
	 add <keyprintf.h> and keyprintf() to support %(...)? in commands
	 add Hash_table_t for size==0 in stropt()
	 add EXTTYPE extended header to tar.h
95-02-14 sfmove() buffer size overflow fix
	 add _SFSTDIO_H to sfio.h
	 rename setenv() to setenviron() -- posix finally decided
	 rename <option.h> opt_* to opt_info.*
	 update features/unistd.c for _SC_* and _PC_* posix additions
95-01-19 (char*)uchar cast in fmtesc()
	 fix hash bucket memory leak in hashlook() [via John Mocenigo]
	 update strings/strtape()
	 fix optget()/optjoin() to handle leading +
	 add ALIGN_ prefix to <align.h> identifiers
95-01-11 change tm/*.c tmset(0) to tmset( to keep user setting
	 fix tmform() %Z null pointer dereference
95-01-01 add this RELEASE file
	 fix strperm() to properly handle "644 file"
	 fix tokline() to return last ' ' terminated line in string
	 fix tokscan() to properly handle \\n splice
	 add fmtesc() to complement stresc()
	 add LS_NUMBER to fmtls()
	 drop spurious optusage() ' '

libardir changes

111-08-31 ar-omf.c: fix FILENAME #pragma prototyped incompatibility
03-09-17 ardir.c: rewind initial peek to open position in case its /dev/stdin
03-04-05 ar-port.c: fix bug that skipped initial long name entry
	 ar-port.c: handle netbsd.i386 ' <long-index>' vs. '/<long-index>'
03-02-05 ar-port.c: handle solaris TYPE_port variation
03-01-30 ar-port.c: handle member name length == 16 (no terminator)
02-10-20 ardir.c: add ardirlist()
02-08-09 ardir.c: ardiropen() fails if !S_ISREG unless ARDIR_FORCE
02-06-11 ar-port.c: handle 4.4BSD `#1/size' long names
02-06-06 #ifndef EILSEQ => EINVAL
02-05-07 first release

libcmd changes

12-06-25 getconf.c: don't defer to native getconf if we are it -- doh
12-06-19 tail.c: be nice and use sh_sigcheck() and tvsleep() to verify interrupts
12-05-31 cat,head,tee: use errno==EPIPE => ERROR_PIPE(errno)
12-05-25 vmstate.c: #include <sfdisc.h> for sfkeyprintf() prototype
12-04-20 chgrp.c,chmod.c,cksum.c,cp.c: default fts_flags()|FTS_META (to disable pure FTS_PHYSICAL)
12-03-26 cp.c: fix --interactive astquery() logic that ignored no&quit!
12-02-14 rm.c: --force ignores no file operands specified
12-01-10 b_* (int, char**, void*) => (int, char**, Shbltin_t*)
11-08-27 pids.c: add getsid() iffe test
10-08-16 chmod.c: add -l alias for { -h --symlink }
11-08-16 chgrp.c: change lchmod() ref to lchown()
11-05-03 cp.c: do not delete src if mv to dest fails -- doh
11-03-28 chmod.c,chgrp.c: fix --symlink logic
11-03-26 rm.c: don't eaccess() check symlinks!
11-01-27 date: add { -R, --rfc-2822, -T, --rfc-3339=type }
11-01-03 chgrp.c: --symlink => --physical
10-12-10 rm.c: fix not-writable logic
10-12-01 tee.c: add iterrupt logic for slow open(1) -- needs to be generalized
10-11-30 chgrp.c: add -N,--numeric to bypass name lookup
10-10-20 cp: add --timestamps (preserv timestamps and permissions)
10-10-20 ln: fix 'cannot replace existing file' logic
10-10-10 cp,mv: add --remove-destination
10-08-11 cp.c,expr.c: use conformance("standard",0) test
10-08-11 cut.c: use mbnsize() instead of mblen() (for ast C.UTF-8)
10-07-28 chgrp.c,chmod.c,cksum.c: fts_path for diagnostics, not fts_accpath!
10-06-14 rm.c: fix -rfu logic
10-06-12 paste.c: repeat after me: do not modify argv[i]
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-05-09 tail.c: fix -0f bug that inially listed the entire file
10-05-06 basename.c: add { -a,--all -s,--suffux=suffix } from BSD
10-04-12 cat.c: fix -v bug that dumped core and make consistent with cmp --print-chars
10-04-11 cmp.c: add --print-bytes, --count=n, --differences=n
10-04-08 vmstate.c: add { method flags } vars for Vmstat_t.mode
10-04-08 mkdir.c: fix check for { S_ISUID S_ISGID S_ISVTX } after successful mkdir(2)
10-04-01 stty.c: add --fd=fd option
10-03-23 tail.c: fix -f large initial offset bug that didn't copy all data
10-03-07 tail.c: sfsync(sfstdout) after all -f done, fix -f partial line
10-03-05 mktemp.c: add --regress=seed for testing
10-03-05 vmstate.c: add
10-01-26 tail.c: -f sleep(1) only if no progress from last round of checks
10-01-20 fts_fix.[ch]: use <fts_fix.h> instead of <fts.h> (see fts_fix.c)
10-01-20 cp.c: free(state) if called from old shell
09-12-10 join.c: <wctype.h> for iswspace()!
09-12-04 cmd.h: fix CMD_DYNAMIC logic
09-12-04 cut.c: handle -d mb
09-12-03 mkdir.c: add --verbose
09-11-30 cat.c,date.c,cksum.c: drop setlocale() call already done by optget()
09-11-30 join.c: handle -t mb
09-11-28 wclib.c: { -w -L } mb independent of -m
09-11-28 paste.c: handle -d mb
09-11-28 uniq.c: handle -s mb
09-11-28 cksum.c: FTS_SEEDOTDIR by default
09-09-09 fds.c: add --unit=fd
09-08-25 tail.c: initialize Tail_t.fifo=0 !!
09-08-15 tail.c: fix fifo logic
09-08-11 wc.c: add setlocale(LC_CTYPE,"C") cleanup, add utf8 optimzations
09-08-10 uniq.c: replace -c 1..9999 sfsprintf() with inline conversion
09-08-01 join.c: fix empty field null pointer deref
09-07-23 pathchk.c: add -P,--path and -a,--all
09-07-02 chgrp.c,chmod.c,cksum.c: fts_flags() default only if not --recursive
09-06-19 cmd.h,cmdinit.c: add ERROR_CALLBACK for ERROR_NOTIFY main() callback
09-06-19 mktemp.c: --unsafe now checks and prints path but does create
09-06-19 tee.c: add ERROR_CALLBACK for tee_cleanup() sfio discipline pop
09-06-18 rm.c: handle interrupts during interactive query
09-06-18 cp.c: handle interrupts during interactive query
09-05-25 tail.c: fix old style option logic to handle --invalid-long-option
09-05-24 tail.c: -r == +1r
09-05-01 mktemp.c: handle foo/prefix, add -p dir and -u
09-03-31 cat.c: handle --no* options
09-03-15 tail.c: fix --timeout termination logic
09-03-03 tee.c: clean up sfio disciplines on error
09-03-03 cat.c: fix -v|-e|-n|-B interaction bugs
09-02-14 tail.c: fix VSC failures
09-02-14 join.c: fix VSC failure
09-02-02 uniq.c: document -number == -fnumber, +number == -snumber
09-02-02 tail.c: fix usage[] for negative offsets, add sun -b
09-02-02 mktemp.c: add
09-02-02 features/utsname: UWIN _UNAME_os_DEFAULT => UWIN
09-01-31 dirname.c: add experimental { -f -r -x } for pathpath(3)
09-01-05 cmp.c: fix EOF diagnostic to conform to posix
09-01-03 mkfifo.c: fix --mode=mode logic
08-12-07 date.c: add %[_][EO]K for [space pad] [full|long] iso docs
08-11-10 stty.c: check for -t grouping so -tostop != -t -ostop
08-10-15 rm.c: handle 'rm -f x x' => exit 0
08-09-08 stty.c: #ifdef guard TAB[012] -- freebsd: damn the posix, full speed ahead
08-06-17 shcmd.h: move to libast
08-04-24 uniq.c: add optget() 'n' option for -1 => -f1
08-04-24 getconf.c: clarify diffs between "name - value" and "name = value"
08-04-01 cut.c: add write error check
08-04-01 paste.c: fix --noserial stream vector access bug
08-04-01 pids.c: add ls/ps style --format=format
08-04-01 stty.c: fix off2 unitialized reference
08-03-28 chgrp.c: add --before=file
08-03-14 pids.c: add
08-03-11 chgrp.c: fix -m to use uid:gid as lookup key
08-02-11 Makefile: add -lmd possibly required by sumlib.o -- hack alert
08-01-30 expr.c: fix <=0 type that broke substr * 1 * -- wow
07-12-13 cp.c: fix builtin state reinitialization
07-11-29 rev.c: honor multibyte locales
07-11-27 cp.c: open non-existent destination with O_EXCL
07-11-27 stty.c: add -t,--terminal-group to list tty pgrp
07-11-27 cksum.c: --silent -s => -S, -s == -x sys5 for gnu compatibility
07-11-11 tee.c: drop ancient bsd compatibility "-" operand => SIGINT
07-10-29 cksum.c: add SUM_LEGACY for -r
07-10-12 cp.c: plug usage string memory leak by using per-builtin state
07-09-21 cksum.c: add sumprint() default scale arg, --scale, --bsd for solaris
07-09-10 chmod.c: add --show,-n
07-07-27 wclib.c: bias <wchar.h> checks for modern unix
07-07-17 cat.c: fix --squeeze-blank to reduce multiple blank lines to *one*
07-05-20 cmd.h: handle msvc's balk at if(0)0=0;
07-05-20 cksum.c: #include <modex.h>
07-05-11 cmd.h: add _CMD_CONTEXT_OK() to verify >= 20070511 context
07-05-09 fds.c: handle ipv6 sockets
07-05-09 cmd.h: <shbltin.h> : cmdquit() => sh_checksig(context)
07-04-25 mkdir.c: force (S_ISVTX|S_ISUID|S_ISGID) after mkdir(2)
07-04-24 procrun.c: add -last intercept => sh_run() and whence -q
07-04-19 uname.c: name operands first checked for CS_NAME, then NAME
07-03-28 date.c: add --unelapsed=scale, -U: fmtelapsed() => strelapsed()
07-03-25 wclib.h: iswspace() requires <wctype.h>!
07-03-11 tty.c: add sysV --line-number, -l
07-02-26 Makefile: sumlib.o: direct extract from +lsum (vcodex someday)
07-02-24 Makefile: tweak cmdext.h action for --mam bootstrap
07-02-09 Makefile: { cmdext.h cmdlist.h } depend on *.c list!
07-02-09 Makefile: +lsum to bring in static -lsum (no dynamic right now)
07-02-07 cksum.c: move from src/cmd/std with ftwalk => fts
07-02-07 getconf.c: handle /bin == /usr/bin in defer logic
07-01-26 chmod.c: don't FTS_FOLLOW if !FTS_PHYSICAL
07-01-23 cut.c: Cut_t variable dimension list[] must be last member
07-01-22 uname.c: fix -h typo that clobbered astconf() state -- ouch
07-01-02 fmt.c: fix buffer splice off by one bug -- what else
06-11-23 cmd.h: because of proto cmdinit cannot be a function like macro
06-11-21 cp.c: fix 06-10-31 const dot[] readonly assignment
06-11-15 cp.c: fix 06-10-31 ln -s enoent bug
06-11-11 getconf.c: let astconf() handle "undefined" vs. ""
06-11-11 getconf.c: fix deferred getconf path search
06-11-11 fmt.c: handle two char { \t } in --usage ouput
06-10-31 global edit to eliminate most non-const static data0
06-10-31 use <cmd.h> for all b_*() implementations; drop <cmdlib.h> 
06-10-31 cmd.h: add CMD_ prefix to { BUILTIN DYNAMIC STANDALONE } 
06-10-31 join.c: tone down /tmp usage vi SFSK_DISCARD
06-10-31 cp.c,rm.c: update to <fts.h> to accomodate non-static data
06-10-29 date.c: "...%H%..." => "...%H" "%..." to avoid SCCS conflict
06-10-26 fds.c: handle sctp
06-10-18 tail.c: fix invalid suffix infinite loop
06-10-11 chgrp.c,cp.c: add sfstruse() error checks
06-10-10 tee.c: add --linebuffer, -l
06-10-06 getconf.c: preserve native getconf(1) known variable behavior
06-10-04 sync.c: add (thanks to Roland Mainz)
06-10-04 getconf.c: add -v specification => run native getconf(1)
06-09-28 stty.c: static setmode() => set() for darwin.i386
06-09-27 head.c: handle -1c => -c1
06-09-19 pathchk.c: pathconf() => astconf()
06-09-11 tail.c: handle compatibility corner cases
06-09-08 date.c: add output write error diagnostic
06-09-04 tail.c: fix initial position for -n0, no args => no -f
06-08-28 uniq.c: add -D,--all-repeated
06-08-25 wc.c,wclib.c: add -L,--longest-line,WC_LONGEST
06-08-24 wc.c,wclib.c: implement -m and WC_MBYTE
06-08-24 rmdir.c: -sp applies to every message, add gnu -e
06-08-23 rmdir.c: add solaris --suppress, -s
06-08-23 mkdir.c: don't add 0300 to -p final dir mode
06-07-17 cut.c: handle last line with no newline
06-07-17 cut.c: --output-delimiter == --line-delimiter
06-06-25 chmod.c: mask -c output with S_IPERM
06-05-09 uname.c: add -o; change -a to match linux
06-05-03 date.c: add --last -L to list last of multiple time args
06-02-14 tail.c: fix -f bug that lost fast stream data
06-02-11 getconf.c: exit 1 if name invalid -- duh
06-01-28 cp.c,rm.c: fix astquery() 'q' to return and not exit()
05-08-11 fmt.c: fix -o to handle raw --usage strings
05-05-17 cat.c,head.c: disable EPIPE error messages
05-04-14 chgrp.c: -f means all non-syntax error messages
05-04-11 fds.c: add from old internal open(1)
05-04-09 cmdext.h,cmdlist.h: generate from source -- about time
05-03-24 features/symlink: verify { lchmod lchown } implementations
05-03-07 date.c: add --listzones to list the time zone table
05-02-14 chmod.c: add --reference=file
05-01-11 cat.c: restore output stream to binary mode on exit
04-12-15 cp.c: add --preserve high resolution time support
04-12-08 date.c: add high resolution time support
04-12-01 cmp.c: fix %6I*ld => %6I*d -- doh
	 fmt.c: handle "n operands n"
	 head.c: handle -cN -nN, N > 4Gb
04-11-22 cmp.c: handle >2G chars/lines
04-11-18 fold.c: add --prepend=text, --append=text
04-10-31 tail.c: use SF_LOCKR macro
04-10-28 tail.c: use strtol() for old stype [+-]number[suffix] -- doh
04-10-22 cp.c: check rename() errno==ENOENT to retain destination
04-10-11 fmt.c: fix -o,--optget sublist bugs
	 tail.c: use strton() for number conversion
04-10-08 pathchk.c: add empty path and -p - first component char
04-10-01 fmt.c: add -o,--optget concatenated usage string format
	 stty.c: context is ERROR_INTERCATIVE
	 rm.c: restore 3d before exit
04-09-24 pathchk.c: fix docs
04-09-14 date.c: add %| and %& --parse docs
04-08-27 cp.c: add FTW_DC check -- duh
04-08-01 fmt.c: handle last char != '
04-07-22 date.c,uname.c: access() => eaccess()
04-07-01 fmt.c: handle large input lines -- ouch
04-06-11 id.c: fix -r to output something!
04-05-27 expr.c: fix `:' op subexpression output
04-04-15 chmod.c: follow symlink for relative mode
04-04-12 Makefile: add STDCHMOD (for osf.alpha)
04-03-19 tail.c: handle -f sfreserve() large chunk failure
04-02-29 cp.c: decouple -f and -i for standard CONFORMANCE
	 cp.c: mv now attempts rename() before remove()+rename()
	 date.c: -f format or +format disables system clock set
04-02-14 cp.c: add -F --fsync to call fsync(2) for each copied file
04-01-05 head.c: -s now uses opt_info.number for >2Gb skip
03-09-18 tail.c: add --log
03-09-11 rm.c: add --unconditional
03-08-11 fold.c: add --delimiter=c to break at c
03-07-28 features/time: change settimeofday() test to 2nd arg of (void*)0
	 expr.c: add {match,substr,index,length,quote}
03-07-15 fmt.c: fix trailing space bug
03-06-20 uname.c: fix -p constant string overwrite
03-06-04 stty.c: add undef to control assignment docs
03-05-31 uname.c: add -f and sysinfo()/confstr() compatibility via astconf()
03-05-27 rm.c: fix inappropriate "/.." append path overflow
	 cut.c: snarf from dgk
03-05-18 rm.c: check st_nlink to verify progress w.r.t. ftwalk/fts
03-05-15 join.c: fix stealth -v2 bug (thanks ahs)
03-05-04 wc.c: drop trailing space for `wc -l < file'
03-03-21 date.c: add %Q/recent/distant/ docs
03-02-19 date.c: fix %+|!flag docs
02-11-14 update for cmdinit() 4th arg and ERROR_NOTIFY for interrupt cleanup
02-10-02 date.c: tmform() => tmfmt()
02-09-30 date.c,uname.c: change execv() calls to procrun(): exec|exit => bad
02-09-06 wclib.c: fix 1 char-at-a-time miscount bug
02-08-19 chgrp.c: convert to use <cdt.h>
02-07-23 join.c: fix comm snarf typo
02-04-05 date.c: add %u
02-01-24 stty.c: ifdef a few more macros for uts (yes, its still running)
01-12-14 date.c: clarify %z doc
01-10-31 mkdir.c: mkdir() on existing dir could fail with errno!=EEXIST
	 uname.c: add execve() loop check for unknown options
01-10-29 tail.c: SF_SHARE on only if not reading through EOF
01-10-11 getconf.c: fix usage typos
01-09-11 cp.c,cmd.h: handle . in argv[0]
	 cp.c: add O_BINARY to all open() calls
01-09-06 tail: input streams must be SF_SHARE -- duh
01-07-16 stty: fix cntl() macro for CC_NATIVE!=CC_ASCII
01-05-31 date: fix /bin/date fallback logic
	 stty: fix a few mismatched flags, -a and -g option logic
	 stty: tone down sane to modify current settings rather than from zero
01-05-01 uname: -i => -h, add sol.sun4 -i, add sgi -R, punt to /usr/bin/uname
01-04-17 date,rm: add
01-03-07 cp: fix readonly string mod on "."
01-01-23 cp: `cp foo' => `cp foo .' only for CONFORMANCE!=standard
00-12-01 cut: multibyte support
00-10-31 mkdir: handle races by checking EEXIST
00-09-20 cp: copy argv to stack before modifying in place
00-05-18 add setlocale(LC_ALL,"")
00-04-30 join: drop weird opt_info.argv reference
00-03-17 expr: add == operator -- duh
	 cp,ln,mv: delay pathcanon() on destination to verify `cp a b/.'
	 getconf: use astgetconf for proper message control
	 ERROR_translate: dictionary update
00-03-08 tail: handle multiple -f files
00-03-07 fmt: add
00-03-07 dirname: handle PATH_LEADING_SLASHES as documented
	 tail: accept + options
00-02-14 chmod: --ignore-umask to ignore umask(2) in symbolic expressions
	 chmod,chgrp,cp: use FTS_NOSEEDOTDIR for correct path construction
	 cat: fix -n (was ignored, wow)
00-01-27 getconf: add "-a" and "-v spec" for sol7.* compatibility
99-09-09 join: fix -j1 vs. -j 1, add --ignorecase
99-06-22 paste: defualt delim in writable string
99-06-16 cat: fix --dos-ouput typo
99-06-11 cp: tighten chown() diagnostics
99-06-08 expr: nothing for NULL string bug fix
99-05-21 paste: fix missing newline columnize bug
99-05-20 mv: do not check for `mv foo foo' since rename() handles it
99-05-01 cmp,comm,cp/mv/ln,expr,fold,getconf,head: long options
	 join,logname,paste,pathchk,tail,tee: long options
99-04-10 uname: long options, stdize -a
	 chmod,head,tail,rev: long options
	 cut: long options, pass regression test 02
99-04-07 cat: long options, fix O_TEXT modes
99-01-11 tail: fix +n
	 join: another ggs/psm bug
	 join: all 1 and/or 2 to be unseekable
99-01-01 cp: fix -p
	 chmod: drop -l option because of clash with l (lock) mode
98-12-25 cat: add -T to sfopen(,,"rt")
98-11-11 chgrp,chmod: cannot open file stream => not found
	 join: fix another ggs/psm bug; thanks guys
98-10-20 cp: fix cp -rp to update dir times too
98-09-22 join: fix ggs null field bug
98-08-11 join: fix last regression test bug
98-05-29 join: add jp->common to handle boundary conditions
98-03-11 cat,cp,rev,tee: fix sfmove() error checks
98-03-01 join: fix bug that emitted records more than once after eof
	 cp: fix sfmove() error check
98-02-14 cp: -R physical, -[HLP], -r getconf(PATH_RESOLVE)
98-01-11 cp: check sfclose() return value
98-01-07 chown,chgrp,chmod: use fts for -R
	 mkdir: fix -p default mode
97-12-07 mkdir: fix umask() reset
97-11-11 chown,chgrp: proper interpretation of -h,-l for lchown()
	 chown,chgrp: only chown() if uid or gid change
97-10-31 mkdir: do umask right
97-08-11 cmdinit: clear opt_info.index to allow multiple calls
	 cp,ln,mv: add
97-07-17 join: fix a few more -a bugs
97-05-31 expr: optget() only if CONFORMANCE==standard
97-04-01 join: fix a few bugs that make it work!
96-12-25 head: sfset(sfstdin,SF_SHARE,1)
	 Makefile: add -last to cmd lib list
	 drop function __IMPORT__
96-08-11 tail: check for truncated file and rewind for -f
96-04-08 update <cmd.h>
96-02-29 uname: -a like std, -l for everything
	 id: add -a (default)
96-02-14 wc: speed up inner loop newline breakout
96-01-30 unused var cleanup
96-01-01 AT&T Research now
	 pathchk: handle getcwd(0,0) error
	 expr: switch to <regex.h>
95-11-11 add expr.c
	 fix cut exit code and -s optimization
95-10-11 add extern b_* to cmd.h
	 add void* context 3rd arg to b_main()
95-05-09 add getconf
	 cat -u avoids mmap
	 add chown|chgrp -m uid|gid map file
	 add chown|chgrp -P for systems with lchown(2)
	 chown|chgrp -P => lstat() too!
	 chmod|chown|chgrp -HLP
95-04-01 version 1.2
	 add rmdir
95-02-14 fix mkdir -p symlink bug
	 fix mkdir '/' skip bug that went one too far

libdll changes

12-07-25 add debug diagnostics
11-10-11 dll_lib.c: add { dllnames() dll_lib() }
10-10-20 dllscan.c: version arg "-" => 0
10-10-19 dllplug.c: fix bug that wiped out dlopen() error message
10-10-19 dllplug.c: un-localize lookup names (happens with cut and paste)
10-10-19 dllscan.c: still no code for implicit libs missed by dlopen()
10-08-02 dllplug.c: fix local path dllcheck() call
10-05-28 dllplug.c: add dllplugin() with dllcheck() version check
10-05-28 dllcheck.c: add dllcheck() to do plugin_version() checks
10-05-28 dllerror.c: add dllerror(int retain) for dll*() and dl*() messages
09-11-17 dllscan.c: handle name[-.]version in dlsopen()
09-04-15 dllopen.c: add, use dllopen() internally to wrap dlopen()
08-05-12 dllscan.c: LIBSUFFIX==.dylib => default plugin version match 0.0
06-10-11 dllscan.c: check sfstruse() return values -- doh
06-01-25 dllplug.c: add errorf() library message for dlopen() error
05-02-14 dllscan.c: "" || "-" => NiL
04-10-01 dllfind.c: drop ksh "builtin" workaround
	 dllscan.c: directory prefix in name limits search to dir and siblings
04-07-22 dllscan.c: access() => eaccess()
04-01-30 dllfind.c: dllplug( then dllplug(0)
04-01-28 dllscan.c: update for new plugin scheme: lib/foo/
	 dllplug.c: add dllplug() for plugin dllfind()
03-03-12 dllfind.c: dlopen() with RTLD_GLOBAL|RTLD_PARENT defaults
03-02-11 dllscan.c: change LIBPATH to <dir>[:<env>[:<pat>]][,...]
03-01-08 dllscan.c: hack version logic again -- is consistency rocket science?
03-01-07 dlfcn.c: fix darwin.ppc dlopen/dlsym/dlclose
02-11-18 dllfind.c: add path,size args (with backwards compatibility checks)
02-11-15 dllfind.c: check for ./path if '.' in path but no '/'
02-08-30 dllfind.c: fix a bug that returned uninitialized value on not found
02-08-28 dllscan.c: handle and display bin as a sibling dir
02-07-31 dllscan.c: add dllsopen,dllsread,dllsclose
	 dllfind.c: use dllsopen,dllsread,dllsclose
02-07-26 dllfind.c: add dllinfo()
02-06-27 dllnext.c: define _GNU_SOURCE to enable RTLD_NEXT
02-03-17 dllfind.c: fix dll prefix search (for cygwin)
02-01-11 features/dll: include <dlfcn.h> only if _hdr_dlfcn&&_lib_dlopen
01-10-31 dlfcn.c: change dlopen() prototype (<dlfcn.h> but no -ldl!)
01-09-25 dllfind: add LIBSUFFIX
01-07-17 dllfind: do at least one dlopen() to prime dlerror()
01-05-29 dlopen: fix dlopen(0,0) for HP
01-04-20 dllfind: use getconf HOSTTYPE LIBPATH LIBSUFFIX
01-02-14 features/dll: fix unbalanced ' quote and ancient hostinfo reference
00-01-26 dlllook: add -- dlsym() with `_' weak prefix fallback
99-04-01 features/dll: drop <stdio.h> -- iffe protos printf
99-03-19 static=1 for all but win32.*
98-06-01 dllfind: fix version search
98-03-11 features/dll: probe for _DLL_RLD_SYM
98-03-01 dllnext: fix to work!
98-01-23 -ldl test moved to lib0ast
98-01-11 update for astconf("LIBPATH")
	 add dllnext(flags) to uncover next layer
	 dllfind() and dllnext() in separate files (for 3d)
97-10-11 move from libast so libast can link static

libexpr changes

12-07-18 exgram.h,exeval.c: handle scanf("%[^#0093;", &v) -- thanks Philippe
11-08-25 exparse.y: fix "begin()" frame symbol table check
11-06-30 extoken.c: enter LABEL: in the parent scope symbol table!
11-06-26 exparse.y: fix bug that lost function return type
11-03-16 exparse.y,expr.h: fix statement_list cons tail recursion
11-03-03 eparse.y: fix function reff node pointer
11-03-03 exeval.c: function env is args[-1]
10-11-30 fix "begin" scope logic that caused tw bug
10-08-18 add static, global and function level variable scopes
09-02-02 exgram.h: drop function ref in call() to avoid eval in exeval()
06-10-11 add exstash() and exnospace() for sfstruse()/vmstrdup() errs
05-10-25 exeval.c: fix I2F unsigned cast
05-04-20 exeval.c: fix sscanf() runtime argument check logic
05-01-11 Makefile: fix exop.h generation to handle spurious #define's
04-12-14 exeval.c: handle printf "%% %x"
04-04-15 exeval.c: handle scanf %s -- forgot that regression test!
04-04-01 exparse.y: drop #pragma prototyped
04-02-26 add scanf() and sscanf()
02-10-02 exeval.c: tmform() => fmttime(), static nmbuf[] => fmtbuf()
02-09-11 expr.h: move exbuiltin[] to private exlib.h
99-09-22 exparse.y,exeval.c: add for(ID[DYNAMIC])
	 exparse.y: ref[i].ref
98-12-25 excc: fmtesq() to handle 
98-11-11 expr.h: add disc matchf for strmatch
	 exlib.h: fix exeval string mem leak with
98-09-11 expr.h: move Exdata_t to last public element of Exnode_t
98-07-17 label: return type INTEGER
	 add exdump() for debugging
98-05-22 STRING * STRING == common chars by position, ' ' for diff
98-05-11 add function args; NOTE: auto's still global
98-04-01 sfprintf Sffmt_t update
98-02-14 fix aggressive freenode
98-02-04 finally drop exstr*() for vmalloc regions
97-12-07 preprint adjusts l count for %[doux]
97-10-31 tweak INTEGER <=> auto conversions
97-10-01 INTEGER is now Sflong_t
97-08-11 add pathfind()
	 add '$' to identifier set
	 eliminate S2B at PROCEDURE level
97-07-17 discipline interface (incompatible but only tw,cql affected)
	 add excc() to generate C expression code
	 drop exinclude()
	 add printf base param (%width.precision.base<format>)
96-12-25 rearrange exparse.y to keep yacc and bison happy
95-08-11 drop exseek(), add exstatement(), exrewind()
	 tune excontext()
95-05-09 drop %token for tokens in %binary,%left,%right to avoid redef errors
	 add EX_CALL and EX_SCALAR to refval|getval|setval elt arg
	 excomp with sp==0 and fp==0 resumes from previous context
	 fix exseek()
	 loosen excast() restrictions
	 fix Oexparse.[ch] generation
95-04-01 add solaris yacc bogus yyact index makefile workaround
	 fix switch newof() size=0!
95-03-19 fix exstore() alignment bug
95-01-11 prepare extoken.c for TRACE_lex==debug-level
	 add exseek() for backup

librecsort changes

12-05-28 rskey.c: fix unsigned comparison to 0
11-10-11 recsort.h,rskeyopen.c: RSKEY_VERSION=20111011, add Rsdisc_t* argument
11-09-27 rsopen.c,rsmerge.c: drop obsolete VM_TRUST
10-05-25 rskey.c: locale-ize and key_m_code()
10-04-22 rskey.c: 'C' codeer => 'E' to make way for posix -C
09-12-09 rskey.c: add h option for key_n_code (IEEE 1541-2002 scales)
09-05-11 rskey.c: add collation mbxfrm() overflow panic (yes I know)
09-05-11 rskey.c: fix mbxfrm() return value logic
07-12-14 rskey.c: fix mb fixed field offset >= 99 key gen 
07-10-30 rshdr.h: default INSIZE == PROCSIZE -- worth ~25% time!
07-10-30 rskey.h,rskeyopen.c,rskey.c: honor locale collation order
07-10-10 rskey.c: handle ascii signed zoned decimal (0x70 => negative)
07-04-16 recsort.h,rskey.c: add RSKEY_KEYS
06-12-15 rskeyhdr.h: increase MAXFIELD to INT_MAX
06-07-17 rsprocess.c: re-key after RS_READ calout
06-06-29 rsprocess.c: set obj key,keylen before RS_READ
06-05-10 rsmerge.c: (car) caught 2 more missing RS_WRITE callouts!
06-04-20 rsmerge.c: no RS_WRITE events for intermediate merge -- doh
06-04-19 finally fixed multi-level merge v record format bugs
06-02-14 recsort.h: always __EXPORT__ rs_disc()
06-02-09 rstemp.c: sfset(SF_READ|SF_WRITE) not needed
05-12-01 -lsync event callout bug fixes -- finally working?
05-11-28 rswrite.c: honor RS_OTEXT
05-11-09 rsmerge.c: fix RS_ITEXT+notify logic
05-10-18 rsprocess.c: RS_READ callouts finally in the right place
05-10-12 rstemp.c: keep temp write SF_WRITE and temp read SF_READ
05-08-22 rsmerge.c: fix RS_WRITE callouts
05-06-30 rsmerge.c: handle all RS_TEXT record formats
05-06-28 add rsnew()+rsinit() to split rsopen() for rsfile*()
05-06-27 rstemp.c: add temp file support and RS_TEMP_* events
	 rsfile.c: add input/output file open RS_FILE_* events
05-06-11 rskey*.c: initialize disc->data via REC_*_TYPE macros -- doh
05-05-15 handle disc->data Recfmt_t
04-10-31 rsmerge.c: fix EOF detection
04-10-15 rs-copy.c: add
04-10-11 recsort.h: change int count to Sfulong_t count
04-09-28 recsort.h: add { RS_TERMINATE RS_DELETE RS_ACCEPT RS_INSERT }
	 rsprocess.c,rswrite.c: initial RS_INSERT code -- not right yet
04-08-11 rskeydump.c: list key.nproc if >1
04-06-15 rsprocess.c: fix V format record read
04-02-11 rskey.c: fix old ast reclen:fieldlen:offset parse
03-10-11 recsort.h: add RS_IGNORE Rs_t.type hint
03-09-18 rswrite.c: fix RS_WRITE exceptions
03-09-06 rskey.c: add 'Z' key_z_code for zoned decimal
03-09-04 rsprocess.c: rs->disc->data==-1 => ibm v format records
03-09-03 rslib.c: rslib() separator expanded to [,\t\r#0093;
03-09-01 recsort.h: add rslib(), discipline stack, extra event arg
03-08-29 recsort.h: add RS_READ and RS_WRITE events
03-08-15 rskey.c: add -Jseed for random shuffle (jumble)
03-05-27 rskey.c: add Ci[o] code set [conversion]
03-05-26 rskey.c: add 'p' packed decimal (bcd)
03-05-23 recsort.h: add Rskey_t.code for global ccode index
03-05-22 rskey.c: handle -k.reclen -k.position.length
03-05-21 recsort.h: add events mask to Rsdisc_t, change Rskey_t disc to pointer
	 rsnotify.c: add
03-03-07 Makefile: generate dll for dr. ek
03-01-21 rsmerge.c: fix typo that kicked in on large (~100K) record sizes
01-01-01 recsort.h: _RSHDR_H => _BLD_recsort; should have been done years ago
00-08-31 rskey.c: fix code() buffer off by one (too far)
00-03-17 rskey.c: consult RLIMIT_DATA for size limits
00-01-25 rskey.c: win32.i386 optimizer generates bad code for key_n_code
99-11-19 rskeylist.c: add usage
99-07-28 rskey.c: factor number of key fields into rs.disc.key
99-03-03 recsort.h: add RSKEYDISC() to get Rskey_t.keydisc from Rsdisc_t*
98-08-11 add rsmerge() write error detection
96-12-25 add (ulong) for alpha 64 bit << bug (ahem..correct stdc interpretation)
	 add (int) for unsigned char subtracts
	 drop function __IMPORT__
	 use vmalloc() for all allocations
	 we're getting sick of bsd: <stdlib.h> has a radixsort() prototype!
	 unroll rs-rasp.c for the compiler; don't trust it!
96-10-31 sfio,dll update
	 drop MAXFIELD restriction by converting to linked list
	 add -k*a to accumulate fields from dup keys
96-10-22 K&R cast cleanup
96-10-17 iffe test for sizeof(long)==8
96-10-15 oops -- regression test bug let rswrite() bug through
96-10-11 all regression tests pass for all methods
96-10-01 rskey discipline and eventf; remove libast dependencies
96-09-20 rskey(kp,s,obsolete)
96-09-18 first working version with -lsort (ok, so -c and -m don't work yet)

libsum changes

12-02-29 sum-sha2.c: bitcount[] order reversed to allow a single noalias buffer copy
09-09-28 sumlib.c: use simple (faster) method name match function
08-06-05 sum-lmd.c: align context to largest int
08-05-01 sumlib.c: add some -lmd verification checks
08-02-11 sum-lmd.c,features/sum: add wrapper for solaris -lmd
07-10-29 sum.h,sumlib.c: add SUM_LEGACY for legacy output format
07-09-21 sum-sha1.c: reinstate Steve Reid's public domain implementation
07-07-26 sumlib.c: drop GPL sum-sha1.c
05-02-14 sumlib.c: split into sum-*.c
05-02-14 sum-sha2.c: add SHA { 256 384 512 }
04-02-29 Makefile: compile with $(CC.PIC) for codexlib/sum $(CC.DLL)
03-12-16 add { crc prng } generic methods and maps[] to these methods
03-12-16 sum.h,sumlib.c: add sumdata()
03-09-29 sumlib.c: fix FNV to use ^ instead of +
03-04-28 sumlib.c: drop md5 `zeroize' for performance
	 sumlib.c: add FIPS 180-1 SHA-1

libuu changes

09-09-24 uulib: add cat method for mail sevenbit|7bit encoding
03-01-07 uulib: check UU_HEADER in bx_header()
01-03-27 uulib: add UU_LOCAL for local path conversion
00-03-06 uulib: !UU_HEADER decode checks for candidate encodings
00-03-04 uulib: add posix decode size check
98-12-25 uu_encode: fix dp->fill usage
98-11-11 uulib: add binhex encode

libvdelta changes

12-02-14 vdelhdr.h,vdio.c: apply patch from philippe.bergheaud
04-03-14 vdelta.h: #if !_DLL => #if !defined(_DLL) to handle empty value
08/11/95 version 2.0 -- new delta layout but old update recognized
04/24/95 back out of latest version -- incompatible deltas generated

libbz changes

10-11-08 bzlib.[ch]: change bzReadGetUnused 3rd arg to void* for strict aliasing
09-04-15 bzlib.c: add bzfopen()
03-05-13 sfdcbzip.c: add SF_DBUFFER exception, SF_SHARE before sfreserve()
02-02-14 blocksort.c: drop -O for msvc
02-01-24 bzhdr.h: rename from bzlib_private.h for 14 char fs
01-01-01 bzlib.h: add _PACKAGE_ast checks
99-09-11 sfdcbzip: return >0 if discipline pushed
99-07-17 sfdcbzip: don't free disc on SF_CLOSE
99-03-17 split library from command, sfdcbzip.[ch]

libz changes

07-11-29 sfdcgzip.c: add seekf() for first buffer rewind
07-06-11 rename ARCH macros to ZLIB_ARCH to cut down namespace pollution
07-05-09 Makefile: :INSTALLPROTO: zconf.h for win32 <ast_*> post edit
07-01-25 zlib.h,gzio.c: add gzbopen() to handle buffered unseekable data
07-01-25 sfdcgzip.c: use gzbopen() to handle buffered unseekable data
05-07-25 __MVS__ tweaks
05-03-21 snarf and merge zlib 1.2.3, drop gzseek64() gztell64()
05-05-11 sfdcgzip.c: change return value to [cgv], add vcunzip read check
04-02-14 sfdcgzip.c,sfdclzw.c: add SFDCNEXT()/SFDCPREV() calls
03-05-13 sfdcgzip.c,sfdclzw.c: add SF_DBUFFER exception, SF_SHARE+sfreserve()
03-03-13 gzio.c: eliminate fixed gzprintf() buffer size via sfio string stream
03-01-20 zlib.h,gzio.c: add gzreopen()
02-09-11 zlib.h: move 64 bit counts to internal_state
02-08-05 add z_off64_t, gzseek64() etc. to preserve old binary interface
	 work around 2^32 file size limitations
02-06-11 add uSize == unsigned _ast_intmax_t; fix header size check
02-05-22 zconf.h: fix __32BIT__ logic
02-03-11 infblock.c: apply double free patch
02-03-09 gzio.c: add stream->fatal to mark fatal errors previously ignored
	 sfdcgzip.c: fix exception return values and mark SF_ERROR on fatal
02-01-30 minigzip.c: error() => mgzerror() to avoid ancient ld dup sym error
	 minigzip.c: [uU] in executable base name => gunzip, otherwise gzip
01-09-18 zconf.h: include <ast_std.h> for __IMPORT__ and __EXPORT__
00-09-11 gzio: don't set verified=1 in check_header() for concatenation
99-11-19 gzio: add missing _PACKAGE_ast
99-09-11 sfdcgzip,sfdclzw: return 1 if discipline pushed
99-08-11 gzio: fix gzread() z_err to keep Z_STREAM_END after check_header()
99-07-17 sfdclzw: don't free disc on SF_CLOSE
99-06-23 fix gzread/gzwrite to return -1 on error (fixes sfio disc loop)
99-02-14 fix SFGZ_SETPOS to flush/sync for mode=='w' only
99-02-04 add SF_CLOSE to output trailer before the underlying stream is closed!
98-12-01 drop lzwWrite and lzwSeek in sfdclzw 
98-11-01 pushed stream buffer size is SF_BUFSIZE
98-10-01 add SFGZ_GETPOS and SFGZ_SETPOS
98-03-19 sfgzip => sfdcgzip

libcoshell changes

12-02-22 coinit.c: handle non-identifier export var names
11-12-13 cowait.c: handle sfpoll() error return on interrupt
11-11-21 cowait.c: poll before blocking read to weed out killed jobs (no 'x' message)
11-08-30 codata.c,coopen.c: drop macro "..." catenation for old cc
10-08-11 coinit.c: force _BLD_DLL for environ intercept
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-05-19 cokill.c: do cowait(co,co,0) to drain pending messages
10-05-15 coshell.h,coopen.c: add CO_ORPHAN for PROC_ORPHAN
10-05-11 coopen.c: add PROC_ORPHAN for CO_SHELL
10-05-10 coopen.c: no atexit() for CO_SHELL
10-04-15 first ksh93u local job pool tests work (service daemon tbd)
10-04-14 cowait.c: add 3rd cowait() arg timeout; 0 Coshell_t* operates on all open coshells
10-04-10 coshell.h: add CO_SHELL for shell using coshell!
09-12-09 coexport.c: add runtime CO_ENV_EXPORT hook that avoids changing environ
08-10-28 coopen.c: close write side of parent msgfd -- doh
08-04-28 coexec.c: check for fd 1,2 equivalence before CO_SERIALIZE 2>&1
07-10-29 coshell.h,coexec.c: fix procrun()/system() intercept logic
07-08-15 add CO_SEPARATE,CO_MODE_SEPARATE for separate shell+wait per action
07-04-09 Makefile: $(CC.PIC) to allow archive to be pulled into other dlls
06-08-22 coshell.h: procrun => coprocrun, system => cosystem
06-08-09 coshell.h: export CO_ENV_MSGFD for COSHELL=coshell
06-08-02 coexec.c: Cojob_t.flags&CO_SERVICE for service requests
06-08-02 cokill.c: cokill() signal==0 => kill CO_SERVICE jobs
06-07-27 coexec.c: drop server cowait() that bypassed caller
06-06-21 coexec.c: add non-block cowait() to drain responses
06-06-11 fix service intercept cleanup
06-05-24 add service=name:init lightweight service intercepts
05-04-19 cowait.c: beef up invalid message tests and diagnostics
05-04-11 drop fixed CO_MSGFD for $_coshell_msgfd
05-04-07 coexec.c: fix !_lib_fork&&_map_spawnve close-on-exec redirection
04-09-22 cowait.c: remove CO_SERIALIZE temporaries after listing -- duh
04-09-01 co*: add CO_SERIALIZE
04-07-22 system.c: access() => eaccess()
04-02-11 coinit.c: fix CO_CROSS PATH initialization
02-10-30 coclose.c: fix reference-after-free bug in coclose()
02-01-31 codata.c,coopen.c: fix CO_MSGFD parameterization
02-01-24 coopen.c: fix small memory leak
01-10-26 coopen.c: hung sfclose(fp) -> close(sffileno(fp)) -- wow
01-09-11 coinit.c: fix coident[] for ancient bsh that die on `test == 1'
	 coinit.c: and fix coident[] to weed out buggy ksh88i trap on exit
01-05-31 co*: add CO_CROSS, expose CO_DEVFD
01-04-23 coquote: add state.type to avoid getenv() overwrite on some systems
01-01-01 cokill: killjob => cokilljob, killshell => cokillshell
00-12-18 coinit: CO_OSH ? "${!-$$}" : "${!:-$$}"
00-10-25 codata: $ZSH_VERSION is not ksh
00-02-14 procrun,system: system(3) returns wait() status (not shell status)
99-11-19 co*: add CO_OSH for bsdi lack of times(1)
	 coexec: CO_IGNORE for all but real ksh
98-06-22 coinit: quote cd path arg

libcs changes

10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-04-12 Makefile: defer share and local generation to first use
08-04-09 csopen.c: fix mkmount() path cleanup
08-04-09 csopen.c: add debug=-1 mkmount() error message
07-06-05 csclient.c: add CS_CLIENT_SEP
06-09-19 css.c: sysconf() => astconf()
06-08-15 csclient.c: fix prompt logic
06-08-14 csopen.c: fix group=name logic
06-08-04 csclient.c: fix CS_CLIENT_ARGV
06-06-11 csclient.c: add
06-05-31 csopen.c,cs.h: add csattach() for non-/dev/fdp/ streams
05-02-04 Makefile: drop -lnetinet (for lynxos)
04-07-22 csopen.c,cssend.c,csauth.c,cslocal.c: access() => eaccess()
04-07-19 cslocal.c: call spawnveg() for standalone 3d
04-03-25 csrecv.c,cssend.c: OPEN_MAX_CEIL => OPEN_MAX
03-08-01 csdata.c: add NoF pure data workaround, drop const + prototyped
03-03-28 msglib.h: add D_FILENO ifdef
02-10-02 features/lib, add ssh, pid to hang warning
	 msglist.c: tmform() => fmttime()
01-12-12 cssfd: CS_POLL_CLOSE now close()'s if not dropped -- double duh
	 csstat: change down test to avoid unsigned long overflow
01-10-31 cssend,csrecv: use msg_accrights over msg_control
	 cspath: don't check /dev/fd/* -- duh
01-05-11 csserve: sync cs.* with css->*
	 csspoll: handl cspoll() EINTR that doesn't set cs.interrupt
01-01-01 cspoll: fix getmsg() flag arg
	 csaddr: fix local host addr initialization
00-06-01 csopen: handle dynamic ip assignment underfoot
00-05-11 csopen: handle /dev/tcp/local/9876/FOO/other
00-05-09 cssfd: CS_POLL_WRITE implies O_NONBLOCK
00-02-14 cschallenge(): add stat() to verify touch()
00-02-03 features/lib: add sys/types.h to htons etc. header refs
00-01-25 genlocal: use package instead of hostinfo
99-10-07 csbind: NODELAY for CS_ADDR_NOW only
99-09-22 cs*: add CS_MNT_TAIL for multi-char mount files
	 css: _UWIN workaround for st_ino verification
99-07-17 csaddr: clear more state->flags bits to avoid prev csopen() carryover
99-05-20 msg*: handle f_basetype and f_fsid for redhat 6.0 linux -- boo
99-05-13 css: fix disc.wakeup logic
	 cspoll: add debug=6 poll trace
99-04-23 csaddr: check for 127.0.0.[01] from hostname lookup == local
98-06-29 cs.h: add Cs == (&cs)
98-06-03 csserve: fix SIGCHLD exit bug
98-02-14 csopen: add PROC_ZOMBIE for systems that don't fork() in csdaemon()
97-11-27 csopen: /dev/tcp/*/inet.*/user for client inet.* authentication
	 css.h: add CSS_AUTHENTICATE for server inet.* authentication
97-11-11 csread: add CS_RESTART to restart on interrupt
	 cslib: CS_AUTH_MODE for authentication file mode
	 cs.h: drop CS_SVC_SERVICE, add CS_SVC_SUFFIX executable name changed from server => `service'.svc
	 csopen: rm CS_MOUNT_PROCESS if no connect and pid invalid
97-07-17 add css.h, csserve() on top of css
	 CS_INTERFACE=2 for thread safe state instead of global cs.*
	 cspoll(CS_POLL_WRITE) events cleared on write
	 cs.h,msg.h: fix dll import/export
97-05-09 cslib.h: check _hdr_netdb,_hdr_netinet_in,_hdr_netinet_tcp
	 features/lib: statvfs.f_fstr
	 msglib.h: <ast.h> before "cs_lib.h"
97-04-01 csport: htons() done too soon
96-12-25 genlocal: add correct nslookup query
	 fix sizeof(long)==4 assumptions
	 install genlocal and genshare in $(INSTALLROOT)/lib/$(ID)
96-02-29 use <hashkey.h>
	 add csport()
	 drop CS_MOUNT_*; use csvar(CS_VAR_*,trust) instead
	 CS_VAR_PROXY ($CS_MOUNT_PROXY) names proxy connect stream
	 csopen() attempts proxy open on local failure
	 hold CS_PROC_FD_TST cssend() fds until next cssend()
	 csread(CS_LINE) really means 1 line
	 fix cslocal() and csopen() fdp initiate timing bug
96-01-31 add warning to local rather than generate on install
96-01-22 no <sys/uio.h> on linux (defined(MAX_IOVEC))
95-11-11 trap 127.0.0.[01] local address alias in cspath() and csntoa()
95-10-31 CS_MNT_OTHER '.' -> '#' to placate NT (trailing . ignored -- thanks)
95-10-11 export -> coexport
	 add dirsize() to cslib.h
	 check _mem_d_reclen_dirent for d_reclen
95-08-11 (done)(handle,EXIT_TERM(signal)) called on csserve() interrupt
		0 return ignores signal
	 csserve() now creates local auth dir if not there, duh
	 fix genlocal hostinfo timeout
95-07-17 fix remote auth off by one error
95-05-09 add linux /proc/<pid>/fd/<fd> to cssend()-csrecv()
	 add bsd4.4 msghdr.msg_accrights -> msghdr.msg_control mods
	 bsd4.4 thinks S_ISFIFO() and S_ISSOCK() are the same!
	 features/cs.c now uses sfio
95-04-01 convert to hostinfo
95-03-19 bsd4.4 stole devname(), so use devpath() in cspath()
94-12-15 csinfo("-",0) gets standard info

libmam changes

10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601

libpp changes

12-06-06 ppline.c: preserve hosted sync even for normal sync
12-02-29 pp.probe: handle predefined function-like macro definitions
12-02-14 ppproto.c: fix "already noticed" logic
11-08-30 ppproto.c: bump BLOCK to 16*1024 for (ppargs.c self-doc!)
11-03-15 ppop.c: add ppok() readonly check for subset of ppop(PP_*)
11-03-02 ppop.c,ppcontrol.c: use ppset() to handle readonly values
10-09-01 RE errors => exit(2)
10-09-01 ppcall.c: no disgnostic for 0 actual args for 1 formal arg
10-06-29 ppargs.c: ignore -H<number> (hpux /opt/langtools/lbin/cpp.ansi)
10-06-16 ppsearch.c: try parent prefix if -I- include search fails
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
09-02-02 pp.probe,probe.win32: check for compiler supplied __FUNCTION__
09-02-02 ppop.c: include pp_default.h/probe at end of builtin script
09-01-20 probe.win32: elide #pragma comment.*linker.*manifest
09-01-06 ppcall.c: fix macro definition overwrite bug -- I know
09-01-05 ppcontrol.c: fix multiple include guard for #include outside guard
08-12-07 pp.h,ppdata.c: fix ancient pptype and ppctype[] off by one
08-11-15 ppsearch.c: '\' => '/' in first step; msvc complains about '\' in #line!!
08-10-31 ppsearch.c: relax pp:nomultiple pedantry
08-10-30 pplex.c: handle =#x S_CHRB|SPLICE bug
08-05-11 ppproto.c: fix proto test 10 regression
07-09-21 ppproto.c: add "Public Domain" to the noticed list
07-08-11 probe.win32: add cl.exe setuid workaround, CC.VERSION[.STRING]
07-06-12 pplex.c: finish -D:preserve logic update for imake
07-06-07 pplex.c: handle -D:preserve S_CHRB splices
07-06-04 ppsearch.c: only apply pp:chop ?old?new? if original not found
07-03-11 add -D-Y pp:pedantic, PP_WARN macro formal parenthesis checks
07-01-26 pp.def,probe.win32: add _WCHAR_T_DEFINED
06-09-23 ppop.c: check -I <dev,ino> for c and TYPE_HOSTED|TYPE_VENDOR attrs
06-09-23 pplex.c: add HOSTED check for "/* appears in // comment" -- doh
06-09-05 pp.probe: add version stamp comment
06-06-29 pp.probe: gcc pp:linefile probe (otherwise it can dump!)
06-06-28 ppproto.c: fix inappropriate __PARAM__ insertion
06-05-09,ppcontrol.c,ppproto.c: add externalize
	 ppfsm.c: handle compatibility ul numeric qualifiers
06-02-28 probe.win32: add wchar_t probe
06-01-11 pplex.c: fix rpcgen pp:passthrough header splice bug
05-12-16 pplex.c: fix imake pp:passthrough comment splice bug
05-09-16 pplib.h: add <string.h> for standalone proto
05-07-31 pplib.h: finally trust __STDC__ headers
05-04-11 pplex.c: fix '"a" #s' catliteral + stringize bug
05-03-29 pp.probe: check $? and stderr messages for pp:lineid
05-02-20 probe.win32: handle /platformsdk mount
05-01-11 ppargs.c: fix -I-S docs
	 ppinput.c: ppproto() only for COMPATIBILITY or PLUSPLUS
04-10-22 ppproto.c: handle `type var[x][y]' arg prototype
04-10-01 pplex.c: really fix directive hidden newline logic
04-08-31 pplex.c: fix directive hidden newline logic
	 ppcall.c: fix '(' peek bug that missed the MARK
04-08-30 add pragma pp:pragmaflags PP_PRAGMAFLAGS, pp:system_header
04-08-11 ppproto.c: intercept "#(define|undef) extern" for __(EX|IM)PORT__
04-07-23 probe.win32: generalize #include dir order search
04-07-22 ppsearch.c: access() => eaccess()
04-05-20 ppproto.c: don't __PROTO__ `int fun __P((int));'
04-04-15 probe.win32: sync up with uwin 2003-08-06 master -- oops
04-04-01 pp.probe: add stdinclude usrinclude path cleanup
04-02-29 ppproto.c: fix bug that skipped prototyped check during notices check
	 ppproto.c: recognize `Copyright nn'
04-02-14 ppproto.c: comment[0]==0 => no notice
04-02-11 Makefile: fix %.yacc to handle cross-compile
04-01-28 pp.h,pplib.h,ppop.c: add PP_RESET to restore original pp.symtab scope
03-12-12 ppcall.c: missing macro actual warned but expanded
03-11-12 ppexpr.c: fix premature #if expression token strip
03-06-21 ppproto.c: fix T_INVALID ? splice bug that did 0?val => 0?vaL
03-06-10 ppargs.c: add -D-d and -D-m
	 ppargs.c: add gnu options { -dD -dM -imacros -include -lang-* -lint }
03-05-19 pplex.c: fix stray SKIPMACRO bug
03-05-18 ppcall.c: add SYM_FUNCTION '(' peek to avoid inappropriate ungetchr()
03-04-30 pp:mapinclude hosted <std.h>="." will search only hosted dirs
	 pp.probe: add pp:mapinclude probe for namespace incursions
03-04-29 ignore()=>ppmapinclude(), add pp:mapinclude
03-03-25 ppop.c: PP_RESERVED now deletes old symbol before redef with lex value
03-03-14 pp.probe: fix the #include_next probe
03-02-28 ppsearch.c: fix -MM bug that missed prefix include hosted mark
03-02-18 pplex.c: handle COMPATIBILITY 
03-01-23 probe.win32: mingw32 tweaks
02-12-17 ppargs.c: document -I-!
02-12-06 -I- pp:noprefix otherwise pp:prefix default
02-11-29 probe.win32: added __INTSIZE, drop dm pp:noallmultiple
02-11-26 pp.def: add STDC_HOSTED
	 probe.win32: add C95 and C99 STDC predefined macros
02-10-30 ppfsm.h: add boundary check to IDSTATE()
02-10-18 probe.win32: update for mingw
02-10-15 ppsearch.c: if PLUSPLUS && not found && no suffix then try with .h
02-10-10 pplex.c: fix does not end with `newline' bugs
02-10-01 ppop.c,ppargs.c: -I-I => -I-M with proper docs; -I-I for PP_IGNORE
02-09-21 pp.probe: add pp:nocatliteral test
02-09-10 add pp:passthrough to match -D-P docs
02-08-30 probe.win32: fix for borland cc -E
02-08-22 ppexpr.c: add __SOURCE__ and #match(string,pattern)
02-06-25 ppproto.c: fix pragma search bug that stopped after 8 comment lines
02-06-11 ppsearch.c: fix ... next include search to skip *all* intermediates
02-05-28 probe.win32: updates for { mingw }
	 ppsearch.c: don't use inherited prefix for <...> -- duh
02-05-24 ppcontrol.c: simplify getline() space canonicalization
	 probe.win32: updates for { digital-mars borland lcc }
02-05-20 ppcontrol.c: update to use regsubcomp(),regsubexec()
02-05-09 ppcontrol.c: inhibit `EOF in directive': newline warning will catch it
	 pplex.c: inhibit `newline in character constant' for hosted directives
02-05-06 probe.win32: add more win32 compilers
02-04-15 probe.win32: handle long long unsigned int
02-04-12 ppproto.c: fix NOTICED check
02-03-15 ppproto.c: fix cpp pp:compatibility double line sync memory fault
02-03-11 pplex.c: add pp:modern to emit \a \v instead of octal forms
02-02-14 ppargs.c: fix -D or -U as last arg core dump
02-01-24 pplib.h: use vmalloc(Vmregion) if _std_malloc
02-01-23 probe.win32: add more msvc predefined macro candidates
02-01-14 ppproto.c: #pragma prototyped noticed -- has notice comment
02-01-10 ppproto.c: fix PROTO_FORCE|PROTO_PASS bug that disabled PROTO_FORCE
02-01-08 pplex.c: fix HEADEREXPAND|HEADEREXPANDALL logic
01-11-22 pplex.c: add pp:headerexpandall for gcc vs. msvc <...> expand diff
	 pp.probe: add pp:headerexpandall test
01-10-20 pplex.c: fix pp:splicespace inside "..."
01-09-11 ppinput.c: use pathnative() for native fs representation
01-08-31 pp.probe: handle -Dmacro(args)=value
01-08-11 ppcontrol: fix ... and __VAR_ARGS__ for C99
	 ppsearch: fix SEARCH_NEXT bug that skipped the include stack
01-08-06 ppproto: preserve #! first line for # comments
01-07-17 fix ksh test to omit pdksh (typeset -u fails)
01-06-26 ppproto.c: fix another buffer boundary bug that didn't preserve OTHER
01-06-06 ppsearch.c: list PP_FILEDEPS headers once
01-06-01 pp.h,ppop.c,ppsearch.c: allow multiple PP_FILEDEPS (-M)
01-05-24 pp.probe: fix pp:hostedtransition probe: only suncc can __STDC__==1?
01-04-25 pp.probe: split macro probe files for compilers that have #line limits
01-04-19 pp.h,pplex.c,ppproto.c: fix { \a \E \v } EBCDIC translations
01-04-16 add pp:splicespace for mvs jcl decks -- the 60's live on
01-04-13 ppbuiltin: add __FUNCTION__ cache for functions that span the buffer
01-03-08,ppbuiltin,ppcontrol,probe: add pp:hostedtransition
01-02-22,ppfsm,pplex,pp.probe,probe.win32: add pp:zeof for ^Z => EOF
01-02-14 ppcall.c: fix macro(tuple*) bug that truncated macro arg expand buffer
	 pplex.c: fix # inside pp:pragmaexpand change ksh test for openbsd /bin/sh
	 ppproto.c: fix buffer boundary bug that lost call nesting
	 ppproto.c: add realloc prototype and memcpy=>memcopy strcpy=>strcopy
01-02-09 ppsearch.c: fix another pp.include null dereference
01-02-07 ppcall.c: fix stack inequality checks 
	 ppcall.c: handle trailing  in macro args
01-02-06 fix readonly buffer write (cpp test 07:2873)
01-02-04 fix -M* to properly handle .cxx .cpp .C input
	 fix IN_BUFFER pop bug that did not reset the token pointer
01-01-01 pp:headerexpand: space ok if not IN_MACRO
	 ppcall: hide if IN_FILE|IN_MACRO|IN_EXPAND
	 pplex: don't complain about ^L or ^Z as last char in file
	 ppsearch: fix #include <.../foo.h> loop
	 ppcontrol: manulally increment IN_RESCAN error_info.line
00-12-25 add EXPOSE to expose hidden macros (for #import ...)
	 probe.win32: add cc path *and* args to first line to avoid hash clash
	 pp.probe: filter out invalid symbols for predefined macro scan, duh
	 pp:headerexpand: limit expansion to IN_MACRO
00-10-31 __STDC__==0 if HOSTED && _UWIN
00-10-26 pplib.h: change SEEK_SET to O_RDONLY for aix
00-10-17 pp.probe: __IMPORT__ => __STDPP__IMPORT__
00-09-18 add __FUNCTION__=#(FUNCTION), #define <a b> c
	 pp.probe: add probe_longlong
	 probe.win32: add #define <long long>
00-09-11 add pp:noproto (NOPROTO pp.option) to disable ppproto()
00-09-01 ppproto: fix buffer slide bug
00-08-11 pplb.h: check for <unistd.h> already included for PROTOMAIN
	 pragma: add pp:pragmaexpand to expand pragma args
	 ppcontrol: always disable pp:* pragma expansion
	 ppcall: fix pp:hide buffer clash
00-06-01 pplex: fix "\\U" and "\\u"
00-05-22 ppsearch: fix uwin #include <C:/foo/bar.h>
00-05-16 probe.win32: update reserved word list
00-05-09 ppcontrol: fix C++ macro >+> invalid fuse
	 ppcontrol: 'macro' expansion only for COMPATIBILITY | TRANSITION
	 c9x: up to date with proposed standard
00-04-01 add allpossible and ALLPOSSIBLE
	 ppmacref: fix ref inside literal catenation
00-02-14 pppopen(): general comments with "bme" (begin middle end) string
00-01-11 pp.probe: hosttype now in C.probe
99-11-19 is[a-z]*( => ppis[a-z]*(
	 ppproto: "..." [A-Z_]+ "..." ignores [A-Z_]+ if PROTOMAIN
99-11-11 ppproto: use astlicense()
99-10-31 ppproto: add PROTO_SHARP, update license parse
	 pplex: fix some MARK bugs seen by #define X "A B <C@D>"
99-10-01 add pp:stringsplit for "...\\n..." => "..."..."
	 add pp:lineid to match PP_LINEID
99-07-17 ppbuiltin: fix getline() canon spacing for numbers
	 ppsearch: fix FILEDEPS not found \\n print
	 pplex: fix spurious FILEDEPS '.' empty character constant message
	 ppargs: fix usage error call and default value
	 ppproto: fix up copyright notice for ksh93 style .author file
	 ppproto: check if notice text if file path
99-06-02 ppproto: add __MANGLE_package_DATA__ & __MANGLE_package_FUNC__
99-05-26 ppcontrol: all pragmas but prototyped need pp:
99-05-25 ppargs: long options
99-05-22 ppproto: changes for full ast vs. PROTO_STANDALONE
99-05-09 ppinput: add #pragma pp:native and (pp.option&NATIVE) for native paths
99-04-22 ppproto: finish type=open notice
99-02-11 #define __STDC__ #(STDC); demote __STDC__ to 0 for HOSTED (thanks sun)
99-02-04 pplex: joined strings separated by \\\n
99-01-11 probe.win32: add _UWIN predef
98-10-20 pplex: a few more (HOSTED|RELAX) checks
	 -D:preserve throws a bunch of stuff -- great for imake (yuk)
98-05-11 pplex: fix "..." off by one line count
98-02-14 ppcontrol: fix HEADEREXPAND missing NUL
98-01-23 ppproto: add _GNUC_ to _WIN32 check
	 ppfsm: don't optimize for
97-11-11 ppcontrol: fix recursive use of pp.hdrbuf for HEADEREXPAND
97-10-31 ppmacref,pp.h: add ppmacref sum arg -- some parts assumed it!
97-10-01 pplex: loosen HEADEREXPAND check
97-08-11 pplex: fix COMPILE pplex() bug that did not reset NEWLINE for S_MACRO
	 pplex: PP_PRESERVE does not pp.pragma <token> ... # <pragma-stuff>
	 pp.def: add UWIN
	 ppcall: fix macro actual arg error checks
97-07-17 ppproto.c: C++ __INLINE__ prefixed with extern __MANGLE__
	 ppop.c: fix PP_RESERVED T_* lookup
97-05-09 pp.def: add MVS :architecture:
	 ppfsm.c: change C_* pseudo codes to not clash with ebcdic
	 pp.probe: fix stdc.$src sed script
97-04-01 ppcontrol.c: fix tokop() for PP_RESERVED
96-12-25 add ms #@ charize to complement # stringize
	 pp.probe now detects preincludes
	 ppproto: allow #ifdef'd function definions before {
	 ppproto: NoN() is not a function
	 pp.key,ppkey.h: add int64
	 ppargs.c: fix -M{DGM}*
96-12-06 add pp:headerexpand for ms that expands macros in expanded <...>
96-10-31 a few more line sync tweaks for EDG C++
96-10-11 fix pp:macref off by one for standalone pp (big suprise)
96-10-01 -D:macref -D-L -> #line (n-2)pragma pp:macref ...
96-08-11 fix transition macro expansion
96-02-29 use <hashkey.h>
	 drop ungetchr() in ppcall that modified macro values
	 tighten the DEBUG PANIC case in ppcontrol.c
	 unify #architecture() and #machine() probe
	 add POSIX,WIN32,X86 to pp.sym
	 tweak pp.probe
96-02-14 pp:noallmultiple works on hosted files too
	 fix #define /* EOF loop
96-01-31 fix ## as arg to stringize macro to have ## value, not #
	 add nonstopux and SYSTYPE_SVR4 to pp.def
96-01-01 AT&T Research now
	 fix catliteral line sync line number bug
	 ppproto() converts non-directive <num>u to (unsigned)<num>
	 switch to <regex.h>
95-10-31 fix PP_COMPILE PP_TRANSITION bug that didn't allow space before #
	 fix PP_TRANSITION wline in definition complaint
95-10-11 fix ppproto() PROTO_PLUSPLUS bug
	 change ignored pp.incref PP_SYNC_POP to PP_SYNC_IGNORE
	 add PP_PEDANTIC to handle gnu oversights (can't beat em ...)
	 add memfatal() call
	 relax newline in quote semantics
	 proto inline -> __INLINE__
	 fix __INLINE__ proto def for __GCC__>=2
95-08-11 pp:preserve for easel (aka IFS) and imake
	 fix pp:reguard ## macro output
	 PP_INPUT *.(s|S|as|AS|asm|ASM) implies pp:nocatliteral pp:spaceout
	 ppargs() can't use isid() until after FSM_INIT
	 -D#... for assert, -D%... for directives
	 __STRICT_ANSI__ && __GNUC__ requires -pedantic for PP_STRICT
	 #include <.../x> for include_next
95-05-09 fix tokop() bug that concatenated adjacent strings
	 don't concatenate directive string literals in proto
	 split pp.mode into pp.mode and pp.option
	 restrict pp.probe hostinfo output to the first token
	 fix EOB/EOF pplex() nonterminating loop
	 unused var cleanup
	 add pp:reguard to emit #define and #undef (for C++ templates)
	 add a few ppproto '\r's for NT
	 fix T_BUILTIN ppsymbol -> ppsymkey pun
	 fix pp:stringspan `#define x "' hang
95-04-01 fix pp:hide for macros defined before the hide
	 fix pp:map getline space canonicalization
	 fix proto `<digits>[uU]'
	 proto does // comments by default (fixes bug introduced 07/17/94)
	 proto does "..." "..." string literal concatenation
	 spice up proto copyright comments for nonexclusive license
	 add hosttype assertion
	 fix proto `typedef type fun(args)'
	 proto copyright finishing touches
	 fix overzealous "empty character constant" message
95-02-14 pp:nopredefined probe info defines are now pp:builtin
	 clean up pp:hosted conflicts
	 tighten up unknown directive warning
	 PP_INPUT *.(s|as|AS|asm|ASM) implies pp:nocatliteral pp:spaceout
	 change newof(0,char,n,0) to newof(0,char,0,n) if 0 init not needed
	 don't emit unkown directives inside #if 0 ... #endif
95-01-19 *strict-* does not force STRICT
	 token##null-last-variadic-arg consumes token (to match gcc)
	 variadic actuals call be one less than arity (to match gcc)
	 fix PLUSPLUS digraph bug that lost comment state
	 tighten up PLUSPLUS //, /*, */ interaction warnings
	 macro formals in "..." for COMPATIBILITY|TRANSITION
	 macro formals in '...' for COMPATIBILITY|TRANSITION|!STRICT
	 STRINGSPAN allows ' in '... too
	 add PP_SYNC_* flags for pp.incref arg 3
	 add PP_SYNC_INSERT for invented file references
	 fix C++ fsm bug that popped out of comment in // /* */ ...
	 PP_INPUT *.(s|S|asm|ASM) implies pp:nocatliteral pp:spaceout
95-01-01 avoid string literal concatenation in pp.probe #if #predicate() tests
	 fix pplib.h memcpy,strncmp PROTOMAIN prototypes (its a nop tho)
94-11-11 fix readonly memory reference in refill
	 add C++ digraphs (digraph = --trigraph)
	 add C++ T_EXPLICIT -- did dos take over C++?
	 fix improper ppproto() C++ __PARAM__ expansion
94-11-01 allow #include string header arg concatenation (yes, its not ansi)
	 #macdef macros are recursive
94-10-01 fix C++ } loop in ppfsm/refill
	 T_NOISES consumes symbol and optional paren group
	 __builtin_* T_NOISES by default
	 fix "..." "...MARK..." join
	 fix STANDALONE */*comment*/
94-09-11 fix pp.probe cp+strip with chmod u+w
94-08-11 add -I<vdb-archive> to handle pax -x ppar header archives
	 fix -D-Q header checkpoints
	 add `pp:chop prefix' to chop prefix/ from include prefix/*/*
	 add pp:keyargs for key=value macro formals/actuals (not for C!)
94-06-01 fix ppcontrol/tokop() that botched pp:id, etc.
	 add pp:plussplice to handle cfront // \<newline> ignorance
	 inhibit trigraph conversion for pp:compatibility, duh
	 new C++ keywords enabled by pp:keyword
	 proto: int fun xxx((yyy)) is macro call, not decl
	 fix !ALLMULTIPLE pp:load to SKIP between duplicated line syncs
	 fix PP_DUMP for pp:noallmultiple, optimize pp:load format
	 fix CPP CACHEOUTX() buffer boundary bug
94-04-01 drop warnings for -X*
	 fix ppproto() %% in comment bug for yacc proto
	 PP_COMMENT now truncates comments to MAXTOKEN-4
94-03-01 no pp:truncate for #pragma pp:macref
94-01-01 fix STANDALONE+PP_TRUNCATE fsm macro bug
	 drop __VOID__ from ppproto.c
93-12-01 release
93-11-11 fix PP_COMPILE+PP_TRUNCATE=8 bug for continue,unsigned,etc.
	 add PP_LINEBASE for compilers that botch long line sync paths
	 fix #if unsigned promotions
	 aggressive interactive line splice flush
	 fix #else inside multiline null dereference
	 fix "..." newline space # COMPATIBILITY CATLITERAL bug
	 fix m(a)b compatibility token pasting [cpp/test/ess.01.c]
	 fix nested @X mark bug [cpp/test/net.02.c]
93-10-11 add FSM_COMPATIBILITY for floating point hex -- yo ansi, anybody home
	 add #else if|ifdef|ifndef for COMPATIBILITY but with warning
	 drop PP_HOSTED, add ppop(PP_CDIR|PP_HOSTED,"-",n), -D-I for pp:cdir
93-10-01 add pp:opspace to tokenize <binop><space>= to <binop>=
93-08-11 drop ancient BCD constant (`...`) detection -- wake up cfront
	 fix PP_TRUNCATE macro fsm bug that missed some expansions
	 fix stringize bug that choked if space preceded #
	 fix <function-like-macro> <identifier> bug that omitted space
93-07-17 minor transition mode fix for string concatenation
	 fix standalone macdef line sync buffer bug
	 pp:noline turns off linesync, pp:line restores it
93-06-22 add pp:prefix to control prefix include compatibility
93-04-01 use probe_verbose in predefined symbol probe
93-03-11 close fd after last file block read -- relaxes open fd limit
	 remove pp.control nesting limit
	 add `#rename old new'
	 __STDC__ not defined for plusplus (until they figure it out)
93-01-22 fix ansi macro args recursion bug
93-01-11 fix '\377'<0 for signed char compilers
	 add RELAX for __STDPP__directive directives
92-12-25 fix #include guard test that omitted IN_tokens for CPP=1
92-12-11 fix pp:truncate for STANDALONE and COMPILE
	 fix pp:allmultiple again!
92-11-30 add pp:final, pp:initial
	 add __STDPP__directive and #(directive) as ??= alternative
	 relax obsolete macro expand warning for _xxx||xxx
	 retain quoted wline when PP_LINEID != ""
	 fix CATLITERAL hidden newline line sync
92-11-11 fix COMPATIBILITY EOF in macro arg list and # in macro body
	 fix [?\] on 4K buffer boundary bug that lost next refill()
	 fix ppproto bug that botched -ih comments
92-10-31 fix standalone -C bug that duplicated output buffer
	 add pp:stringspan to handle gnu "<newline>" extension
92-10-12 fix T_X_GROUP asm bug
	 allow `#define a "b' pp:compatibility hack
92-08-11 add PP_PLUSCOMMENT, pp:pluscomment probe
	 add #(default v,d) #(empty v) #(iterate m,...)
	 compatibility allows #define f(a,,b) for 2 args!
	 probe now handles gcc -E -g3 to get gnu predefines
92-07-17 fix pp:multiple again, fix ppproto() out of bounds
92-07-11 add #import and #include_next probes
92-06-11 fix bug where comments dissappeared after disabled macro in standalone
	 COMPATIBILITY macro recursion bug fix may cause some to be missed
	 PP_MACREF or -D-L- ignores #line until #line with file arg
92-06-01 add pp:ignore
	 fix probe of stdpp to handle -I[-+][CH]
92-05-11 add pp:hide <id>, pp:note <id>, noticed(<id>), exists(<...>)
	 add defined(__STDPP__<pragma>) feature test
	 add PP_CDIR, pp:cdir for C++ extern "C" { ... } include wrapping
	 pp.probe now handles predefines with values other than 1
92-04-11 add inverse proto (K&R -> prototype) to ppproto
92-04-01 release
92-02-29 #include <...> inside <xxx.h> gets next xxx.h on -I list
	 non-libpp generated symbols containing ' ' are not truncated
92-02-11 conversion to new lexer brings time close to reiser (esp. w/gcc -O)
	 combine standalone (ppcpp) tokenizing (pplex) and proto lex tables
	 recode ppproto for standalone operation via PROTOMAIN
	 add PP_NOHASH for PP_COMPILE front ends that rehash T_ID anyway
	 delete PP_NOQUOTE
	 delete #option(strict) test in probe in favor of non-hosted warnings
	 add unsigned to ppexpr()
91-10-11 add pp:truncate <len> for non-flexname compilers
91-09-11 fix ppproto aggression on f(*y); -> f __PROTO__((*y));
91-08-11 switch seterror() to error_info.*
	 add pp:linefile to force file name in line sync
	 add pp:spaceout for probed compilers that don't allow pp override
91-06-11 fix ignored -I/usr/include bug
91-04-11 set SYM_INIT in pp.macref for -U on cmd line
91-01-31 replace pp:pragma and pp:directive with pp:map
	 replace #assert and #unassert with #define #... and #undef #...
	 #assert and #unassert compatibility retained via pp:map
	 replace -D#directive with -D%directive (because of #assert change)
	 add pp:splicecat for \<newline> #define token paste
	 fix \<newline> bug that added space in COMPATIBILITY quoted strings
90-12-11 fix #pragma pp:multiple
90-11-11 generalize handling of non-standard keywords for COMPILE
	 replace pp:identifier/PP_IDENTIFIER with pp:reserved/PP_RESERVED
	 pp*keys* -> ppkey
	 add PP_NOISE
	 (gag) handle msdos paths by changing  to / and retrying on failure
	 (gag) handle msdos :> operator by pplex() '+' return
	 add #pragma prototyped and ppproto.c for prototype conversion
	 add unsigned long arg to PP_MACREF for hashed macro arity+value
90-10-11 0f is not a float constant
	 change -I-M to -I-I, file just lists include files to be ignored
	 fix ppprobe for __STDC__==0 hybrids
	 add pp.flags and PP_[a-z0-9]+ for exported state info
90-10-01 fix standalone ppmacref for directives
	 add `try' to C++ keywords
	 fine tune a few COMPILE error messages
	 privatize pp.h
90-08-11 use opt_again in cmdargs() option parsers
	 (gag) add pp:macref macro reference pragma to handle CC preprocessors
	 (gag) add pp:spaceout to handle ansi + asm hacks
90-07-17 remove spaces from macdef line sync (blew sun cc)
90-06-11 add internal ppsymkey to avoid ppsymbol.value pun for SYM_KEYWORD
90-05-01 fix catliteral bug of `"..." << ' -> `"..." <='
90-04-01 fix `ifndef-define-endif' include wrapper test
90-03-27 add setpreroot() to ppop() [ sleazy but well hidden ]
90-03-22 pp.macref called for all undef's
90-03-20 add <prefix>cpp checks to ppprobe
	 add pp:hostdir before pp:include in ppprobe
	 fix PP_HOSTDIR op with no dir arg
90-03-15 System V CCS compatibility update
	 add -A for PP_ASSERT and -YI,dir for PP_STANDARD
	 add ppincref.c and -H to use it
	 -Xa defines __STDC__ to 0 (gak)
90-03-09 duplicate macro formals cause level 2 error
90-03-01 add #(ARGC) for (variadic) macro arg count
90-02-11 fix line sync number bug in pppush()
89-12-01 ignore leading = in pragma map for old pragma compatibility
	 check for NEWLINE on first macdef line sync
89-11-11 add -1 arg to pp.incref -- include skipped
	 STRICT 0x7e-macro is T_INVALID per standard
89-10-31 put all C keys in ppckeys.c, C++ keys in pppkeys.c
	 add pp:identifier pragma to selectively undo PP_COMPILE keywords
	 add tokop() to ppcontrol to support multi-valued pragmas
	 add #ifndef...#endif include optimization for STRICT
89-10-27 use REF_NORMAL, REF_IF, REF_UNDEF for pp.macref arg2
89-10-17 fix c(x)y compatibility pasting bug
	 #line 1 "f" now marks "f" included
89-10-11 enable -I. during initialization
89-10-01 inhibit pp:linetype syncs for top level #line directives
	 ----- see HISTORY -----

libcodex changes

10-01-15 code-uu.c: add uu-base64-string to encode with no newline separators
09-06-26 codex.h,codex.c: add Sfio_t* Codex_t.op for open/close/read/write apis
08-05-23 code-qp.c: avoid isprint()/iscntrl() for CC_NATIVE==CC_ASCII
07-09-26 code-uu.c: uu_sync() => flush() for encode only -- doh
07-09-22 code-uu.c: fix uu_read() partial reads
07-09-22 codex.c: handle PASSPHRASE=* as documented
07-09-22 codex.c: handle quoted parameter values
06-08-23 code-uu.c: fix remainder output *and* input bugs
05-09-25 add '^' equivalent to '|'
04-02-14 codex.c: SFDCNEXT() and SFDCPREV() now provided by <sfio_t.h>
04-01-11 codex.c: top level composition parse, handle CODEX_INVERT
04-01-10 codex.c: use CODEX_FLUSH to disable SF_SYNC before initf
04-01-09 prepare codex.h for possible { decodef encodef } addition
04-01-04 codexcmp.c: fix return value to match strcmp(3)
03-12-30 codexmeth.c: case-sensitive match on qualified name
03-12-26 add CODEX_OPTIONS='trace=method-name-pattern debug'
03-12-25 codex.c: pop intermediate disciplines on error
03-12-22 add "RETAIN" option for CODEX_RETAIN
	 add "SIZE=size" and alternative codexsize() for expected output size
03-12-18 add to ast -- still working on relationship with { -lvcodex -lz -lbz }
03-12-16 codexlib.c: add cache to codex()
03-12-15 { rot13 qp uu iconv } working
03-12-11 first code

libdss changes

12-06-15 dssopt.c: fix bug that failed to provide closing ]
12-05-31 dssopt.c: handle optegt() style descriptions
12-05-15 cx.h: add CX_DEPRECATED
12-05-15 cxopen.c: handle nested structs
12-02-29 cxopen.c: add "hex" details for external buffer representation
11-10-07 dssopen.c: use generic dll_lib() to load methods
11-09-11 cxmap.c: fix cxsub() to cast <=> string if necessary
11-09-11 add <MAP><PART><EDIT>ed-style-substitute</></></>
11-09-11 dssprintf.c: add edit=<del>from<del>to<del>[flags]
11-09-11 cxopen.c: add edit() builtin
11-09-10 cxopen.c: add cxcvt()
11-09-07 dssprintf.c: fix if/else nesting -- ouch
11-08-22 add cxsizeof()
11-08-22 add sizeof(var), typeof(var), type==type, type!=type
11-08-19 add DSS_BASE for base methods (with dynamic schemas)
11-08-19 dss-print.h: add --all to list name/value for all fields
11-08-18 cxeval.c: (cx->test&0x0100) enables code trace
11-06-21 cxcomp.c: fix back() on empty input stack logic
11-06-15 dssmisc.c: add "< expr-file" expression to dsscomp()
11-06-15 dss-scan.h: add "< list-of-files-file" argv to snan_beg()
11-06-15 dssopen.c: dsslib() scan invalid plugin is just a warning
10-05-04 dssopt.c: check for '[' usage in description, drop [+PATH?...]
10-05-01 cxopen.c: document string type format details
10-04-22 dssprintf.c: %(:details:)s for default %s details
10-04-22 dssopt.c: handle dss default method special cases
10-04-22 dssprintf.c: treat { %d %ld %lld %Ld } as intmax_t
10-04-22 add (type)var and (type)lib::fun() casts
10-04-22 add lib::fun and lib::type plugin lib bindings
10-04-22 fix unary ! logic bugs
10-04-22 add Dsslib_t.variables variable/function table
10-04-21 dssprintf.c: allow expressions in %(...)c
10-04-15 add string=>number CX_CAST callout for stringvar op number
10-04-15 add lazy lookup for self-describing data { e.g. xml json }
10-04-08 dssopen.c: name=="method::..." is schema here doc
08-06-24 dss.h: add per-Dssfile_t vm
08-06-17 cx.h: add Cxtype_t* arg to Cxmatchexec_f for delayed eval
08-05-08 cxopen.c: fix number_external() width logic
07-11-28 cxcomp.c,cxmap.c: fix num=>str cast logic
07-10-26 cxcomp.c: fix s="S"; print(s,s) cast bug
07-10-25 cxcomp.c: pretty up CX_DEBUG instruction code trace
07-10-01 dss.h: add void* Dssfile_t.caller caller defined handle
07-09-27 cx.h: add CX_HEADER_INIT for sun4 K&R
07-09-24 cx.h: add Cxvariable_t.header.index set by cxaddvariable()
07-09-21 dss-return.h: document it via return_beg() -- doh
07-09-20 dssopen.c: fix dss var initialization base type loop
07-09-06 dssopen.c: add dss-return.h
07-09-06 cxcomp.c: handle ()?{}:{...}
07-09-05 cxopen.c,cxcomp.c: handle (<string> op <fundamental-integer>)
07-04-02 dssfile.c: handle empty compressed file peek
07-01-17 dssfile.c: sfdcpzip() => sfdczip()
06-12-04 dssopt.c: add full type description to dssopt()
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
06-02-14 dss.h: always __EXPORT__ dss_lib()
06-02-02 dssopt.c,dss-print.h: add 


< >default print format 05-09-14 dssopen.c: prevent libraries dict double queue insert 05-05-09 cx.h: add CX_QUOTEALL 05-03-08 dss.h: add dssstatic() for static Dsslib_t loading 04-10-20 dss.h: add dssget() dsstype() dssvariable() dsssave() dssdrop() dss.h: add Dssformat_t.savef Dssformat_t.dropf dss.h: add Dsstype_t Dssvariable_t 04-10-11 dss.h: add Dssformat_t.seekf, dssftell(), dssfseek() dsslib.h: add Dssfile_t.seekf, dss_no_f*() dssfile.c: add dss_no_f*() 04-08-24 tag.c: fix malformed input 0 pointer deref 04-05-19 tag.h: add Tagframe_t.attr and TAG_ATTR_conv 04-05-12 dss.h: add DSS_FORCE 04-05-06 cxopen.c: fmtquote() possibly binary message data 04-05-04 cxopen.c: number_internal:   => 0 is ok 03-09-23 add dss.file,dss.format,dss.offset,dss.record 03-09-22 cxopen.c: {library::query ...} searches for query in library 03-09-03 dssopen.c: dsslib() separator expanded to [,\t\r#0093; 03-08-11 dssprintf.c: add %(field:quote=qb:endquote=qe:shell:escape:opt:wide)s dssprintf.c: check variable/type format for ll hints cx.h: add CX_STRING|CX_NUL for string that may contain ' ' tag.c: fix tag data leading and trailing space removal 03-08-08 tag.c: handle &#00; values dss-scan.h: dssfopen() errors ok, will be caught at exit time 03-05-28 cxopen.c: check format.code and do the map in cxcast() 03-05-14 dss.h: add dssformat() macro 03-05-05 dss-compress.h: add bzip docs 03-04-30 dssprintf.c: check for printf io errors -- duh 03-04-29 cxcomp.c: fix stack depth logic to include function formal arguments 03-04-15 dssprintf.c: fix signed/unsigned overflow check 03-04-05 cxmap.c: default delimiters: read { | + }, write { | } cxcomp.c: propagate parse() var for string conversion dssprintf.c: avoid possible floating point underflow/overflow 03-03-27 dssprintf.c: verify that each format spec has (variable) 03-02-28 cxcomp.c: handle (foo)||(bar) 03-02-21 cx.h: add Cxvariable_t.Cxarray_t and Cxvariable_t.Cxstructure_t dssprintf.c: catch omitted format char 03-02-20 cx.h: add Cxformat_t.fixedpoint dssopt.c: add method name+description to fields output 03-02-19 dss.h,dsstags.c: add <PRINT>format</> for default {print} format 03-02-18 cxopen.c: fix externalf buffer extension 03-02-17 dssfread.c: dssfread() file->flags|=DSS_FILE_ERROR on readf error 03-02-14 dssopen.c: dss head query should not be parent cxcomp.c: peek() now skips over isspace() cx.h: add Cxtype_t.Cxtype_t*fundamental for fundamental representation 03-02-11 cxopen.c: change cx em and rm from Vmbest to Vmlast 03-02-11 cxeval.c: execute() optimizations 03-02-07 add Cxpart_t.type and <MAP><ITEM><PART><TYPE> tag.c: rework <#TABLE#> to handle embedded <#INCLUDE#> 03-02-06 dss.h,dssopen.c: add dssrun(), split static queries into dss-*.h 03-02-05 dssfile.c: (*identf)() < 0 means reject input file 03-01-28 cx.h: add Cxtype_t.Cxmember_t* for member info ala Cxmatch_t cx.h: add Cxtype_t.Cxreference_t* 03-01-27 cxopen.c: use <ast.h> base64encode()/base64decode() 03-01-25 cx.h: add Cxformat_t.description for format details cx.h: change cxnum2str() prototype for error detection -- duh 03-01-24 cx.h: cxnumber() => cxisnumber() etc. 03-01-22 cxopen.c,cxcomp.c: add buffer type relational ops 03-01-21 cx.h,dss.h: add Cxdisc_t.locationf and cxlocation() for Cxdisc_t.errorf cxopen.c: add fundamental type internalf/externalf -- oops 03-01-15 cx.h: add Cxtype_t.Cxmatch_t callouts for type specific matching 03-01-14 Cxexternal_f now returns <0 on error, > size on insufficient size 03-01-12 dss.h: add Dssstate_t.file, Dssfile_t.offset for message context 03-01-11 cx.h,cxmap.c: finish external edit support 03-01-08 cx.h: add Cxquery_t.method pattern to match caller method 03-01-07 cx.h: Cxvariable_. member=>members, added member type 03-01-06 cxcomp.c: list() now handles interpreted cx expressions 03-01-04 cxcomp.c,cx.h: add ?: composition op, child=>pass|fail sibling=>next 03-01-02 cxcomp.c: parent now set by defaults() 02-12-25 cxcomp.c: fix unbalanced (...) message cx.h: Cxvariable_t.operand.type => Cxvariable_t.type 02-12-24 cxopen.c: cxbase(),cxnumber(),cxstring(): add cxeval.c: cxbeg() and cxend() now check Cxexpr_t.begun 02-12-20 add <METHOD>name</> to pass remaining tags to name method add <COMPRESS>name</> and Dssmeth_t.compress for preferred {compress} 02-12-18 add Cxdisc_t.loadf; meth==foo checks dss:foo.dss as last resort cxbeg() calls tail first; cxend() calls head first 02-12-17 all regression tests pass after reorganization 02-12-12 reorganize local vs. global state : only variables are dss/cx local 02-12-10 add query composition and rename src to reflect changes 02-12-07 cxparse.c: change dynamic query syntax to { name opts args >out } cxparse.c: handle dynamic and interpeted query composition 02-12-04 cxparse.c: use for constant folding in code() cxeval.c: fix instruction trace long double numeric output format dssfile.c: fstat() file to double check sfsize()==0 02-12-02 cx.h,cxmap.c: change cxstr2num() to all error detection -- novel cxmap.c: add CX_IGNORECASE, <IGNORECASE>1</> 02-11-28 dss.h: Dssident_f takes Dssfile_t* arg dsslib.h: add skip and ident to Dssfile_t for Dssident_f tag.h,tag.c: reorder visit arg, add handle arg to avoid disc clash 02-11-27 cx.h: add CX_BINARY to mark binary representation split dsslib.c info dssopen.c dssfile.c dssprintf.c dssmisc.c 02-11-26 dsslib.c,cxopen.c: add a few more floating=>signed=>unsigned casts 02-11-25 finally give in to Dssformat_t instead of Dsstype_t 02-11-22 dss.h: add DSS_ID, fix dss_lib() export tag.h: add for pathfind() cx.h: export cxinitmap() dsslib.c: add sfdcpzip() error check -- how novel 02-11-21 tag.c: handle <#INCLUDE#>path</> and <#TABLE#>path</> closing </> 02-11-20 move support libraries to dsslibs dir 02-11-19 opaque/opaque.c: add opaque method dssmagic.c: magic support for opaque data dss.h: add variables to Dsslib_t, add dssadd() dss.h: DSS_STATIC for static method link 02-11-18 dsslib.c: drop dss_init(), add libraries to Dsslib_t dsslib.c: drop Dss_t* arg from dsslib(), change dssadd() to dssload() 02-11-16 cx/cxeval.c: set optget() discipline for query ndex\f 02-11-15 flat/flat.c: snarf cdb flat record code cx dynamic queries now defined via dsslib()/dss_lib() 02-11-14 types/num_t.c: add numeric encoding support 02-11-12 finally fix cxvariable() . references for dssprintf() add <NAME><DESCRIPTION><IDENT> nop's for all top level tag input 02-10-31 switch to XML tag specifications (with self documentation) 02-10-17 dsslib.c: add generated methods to the list of all methods 02-10-15 flat/flat.c: add initial XML flat file description support 02-10-11 netflow: add ns_t start,end nanoseconds since the epoch 02-10-09 bgp-ipma.c: add dsslib.c: fix printf double -> integer cast bug when sign bit set 02-09-30 text/text.c: add ipadd_t,time_t: really need a "struct" method 02-09-24 netflow/flow-dump.c: implement dumpfwrite() bgp/bgp.prt,netflow/netflow.prt: move from src/cmd/dss 02-09-11 cx: add Cxquery_t,Cxframe_t and support functions for dll queries cx: change Cxoperand_t keep boolean to refs count cx/cxparse.c: work around sgi cc page boundary bug pt: switch from vm region (16K) per table to malloc-per-entry lsa: fix (int) pointer cast that truncated on 64 bit arch lsa: use fmttime(%K) to list dates 02-09-05 Makefile: optimization bug seems to be in sol*.sun4, not just sol7 02-08-29 dsslist(): no dss_init() missing error message when scanning for dlls 02-08-22 dss,cx: eliminate inter-object globals for darwin dlls 02-08-20 cx/cxopen.c: drop cxvmresize; use ast vmresizef instead lsa/*: add $pragma prototyped for sun4 02-08-19 cx/cxparse.c: handle char const operands on left and right 02-08-14 dss.h: add dss_init() prototype for static method links 02-08-12 lsa: add flat: drop until different from text method dsslib.h: install for independent method dlls 02-08-11 cx/cxopen.c: add cxscope() to push/pop scopes 02-08-09 cx/cxparse.c: cxvariable() now reports "undefined variable" 02-08-08 cx/cxparse.c: handle type1->base==type2->base callout cx/cxparse.c: add /.../ quotes strings (already bowed to =~ and !~) 02-08-07 cx: add cxfree(), cxtell(), cxvmresize() bgp/bgp.h: add Bgpredisc_t, Bgperror_f, Bgpreresize_f 02-08-01 cx/cxvariable.c: set reference value type dss_init: now 3 args, second is option string 02-07-31 dsslib.c: all methods now dlls; dsslist() searchs PATH 02-07-25 bgp/bgpre.c: fix must logic 02-07-19 dsslib.c: dsscomp() now pops cx input stream to previous state cx/cxopen.c: fix =~ typo that checked for CX_EQ instead of CX_MATCH 02-06-26 dsslib.c: add shared lib method dss_init() hook 02-06-19 cxopen.c: add default number<=>string conversions for base==number 02-06-18 netflow: split into { dump fixed flat } method types 02-06-14 dss.h: add dssfopen() Dssflags_t arg; DSS_FILE_READ/DSS_FILE_WRITE cx: add Cxreference_t for structure member references dssprintf: avoid sfkeyprintf() by caching Dssformat_t 02-06-12 netflow: add 02-06-10 cx/cxparse.c: add vm arg for parse time internalf/externalf bgp/bgp.c: add ipprefix_t==ipprefix_t callout 02-06-07 bgp-mrt.c: handle long prefix field line split 02-06-03 bgp.c: add "origination" for data time 02-06-02 bgp.c: fix ipaddr_t/ipprefix_t inequality overloads 02-05-31 bgp-fixed.c: fix read swap 02-05-29 split library and command source 02-05-28 add { =~ !~ } to usage advertize { variable type meth-type } dictionaries drop { itemf infof } 02-05-23 update for reworked cx type interface 02-04-04 add numeric field maps, -I, %include 02-04-03 update bgp fields 02-03-31 first working flat method 02-03-26 first working dssgrep with bgp method 02-03-19 snarf pta bgp and cx libraries for initial implementation

libpz changes

11-09-21 sfdczip.c: set SF_SHARE if uncompress discipline pushed
11-03-07 pzip.h,pzpart.c: handle length@offset variable row size
06-12-18 pzline.c: move to separate plugin source dir
06-10-11 add sfstruse() error checks
06-03-22 pzopen.c: change "input stream close error" to "data corrupted"
05-07-17 pzinflate.c: use sferror() instead of sfsync() -- doh
	 pzsplit.c: drop SF_WRITE sfreserve() to keep writes aligned
05-06-30 pzsplit.c: work around sfreserve() write failure via sfwrite()
04-04-08 add pznospace()
04-02-29 pzip.h,pzline.c: fix pz_init() prototype
03-11-04 pzpart.c: use PZ_HEAD to avoid multiple PZ_UPDATE, fix wrk overflow
03-07-23 pzsplit.c: --split file size limited to --window
03-07-17 pzpart.c: fix "//" partition translation
	 pzpart.c: add include="file", library="..." disabled during include
	 pzpart.c: default split window threshhold is now 16K
	 pzsplit.c: free Id_t when done
03-05-13 sfdcpzip.c: add SF_DBUFFER exception, SF_SHARE before sfreserve()
03-05-05 sfdcpzip.c,sfdczip.c: add bzip support
03-04-15 pzlib.h: add PZ_MARK_PART for partial last input record
	 pzlib.h: add PZ_MARK_TAIL for tail records
	 partial input record is now a warning and handled on inflate
03-03-03 pzhead.c: PZ_FORCE disables unknown input diagnostic
03-02-10 sfdczip.c,sfdcpzip.c: handle PZ_CRC and SFGZ_NOCRC
03-02-06 pzhead.c: fmtquote() FMT_ALWAYS update
03-01-04 pzpart.c: list range only if more than 2 elements
02-12-25 pzip.h,pzpart.c,pzdeflate.c,pzwrite.c: add PZ_SORT
02-12-18 pzwrite.c: add partial row buffer
02-12-12 sfdcpzip.c: move disc arg to the end for discplined consistency
02-12-11 sfdczip.c: add
	 sfdcpzip.c: fix SF_WRITE, set disc.partition if passed in
02-11-22 sfdcpzip.c: fix bug that did not close pz->pz->io (and its fd!)
	 pzpart: check option errors (duh) and accept comment option
02-10-31 pzpart: partition file "/" or "//" or "/gzip/" => gzip compress
02-04-30 pzopen,pzhead: tighten pzip magic check via reasonable version number
02-03-09 pzopen,pzdeflate,pzsync: add fatal error checks
02-02-14 pzopen: disable PZ_UNKNOWN check if PZ_NOPZIP -- duh
02-01-11 pzdeflate: use Sfoff_t for sfmove() return instead of ssize_t
01-08-11 pzinit: add for static discipline library linking
01-07-17 pzlib: call dllerror() on failed dllfind()
01-06-28 pzpartnext: add to iterate over all partitions
	 pzpartition: default partition can be on one line: `"label" size -'
01-02-02 delay buffer allocation until pzpartinit()
	 pzpart: fix non-terminated string bug for url-style paths
01-01-01 pzopen: open new stream instead of using sfstdin for sfdcgzip()
00-12-11 pzpart(): add -X0 => prefix.skip => skip prefix on uncompress
00-10-04 pzhead(): accept empty input for compression -- duh
00-05-31 pzclose(): check for pz->io == 0
00-02-14 PZ_DELAY|PZ_HANDLE|PZ_UNKNOWN for 'unknown format' after pzlib() done
00-01-26 pzlib: dlsym() for NAME and _NAME (some don't map `_' automatically)
99-08-11 discipline cleanup
	 pzdeflate: last record incomplete is an error
	 pzline: add
	 pzpart: add partition#name partition?name=value,...
	 pzclose: add scaled bps to PZ_SUMMARY
	 pzfixed: use size if available and do 2 col freq check
	 pzfixed: add optional pz for tracing
	 pzip.h: add PZ_REGRESS, Pz_t.test, drop PZ_TEST*
	 *: details => options, use optstr() with usage for PZ_OPTION
	 pzpart: fix off-by one max col check
99-07-17 sfdcpzip: don't free disc on SF_CLOSE
	 pzsplit: add
99-06-23 add EOF checks to PZGETP() and PZGETZ()
99-06-21 add Pz_t.fixed, name=value to partition file
99-06-15 pzfixed: fix divide by 0
99-06-04 resize pp->fix after detail changes
99-03-17 add pzfixed()
98-11-11 nmap==0 allowed
98-11-01 add PZ_NOGZIP,PZ_NOPZIP for finer convert control
98-10-20 add Pzdisc_t readf and writef and file trailer
	 add pzconvert() discipline
98-10-15 hide some Pzpart_t details; part access by name only
98-10-01 2.0 format and interface -- Pzpart_t for multiple partitions
98-09-09 1.3 format -- separate <run,off> <val> compression groups
98-08-11 1.0 release

libtksh changes

12-05-04  update sh_sigcheck() => sh_sigcheck(0) -- eventually figure out Shell_t*
10-06-01  sync with ast api 20100601
08-08-08  src/list.c,src/tcleval.c: add temporary sh_eval(p,0x8000) hack
07-03-19  src/var.c: use nv_setref() to initialize references
06-09-19  src/shcompat.c: sysconf() => astconf()
04-07-19  tcl/tclIOUtil.c: treat { O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_RDWR } as values
03-06-13  include/tclInt.h: disable #undef sprintf that masked its prototype
03-04-05  src/var.c: fix off by 1 malloc() call -- for once not gsf's fault!!
	  src/var.c: hack around nv_move() double-free bug -- needs better fix
03-03-12  src/tcleval.c,src/tclIO.c: change sfslen() => sfvalue(f)
02-08-27  tcl/tclNotify.c: XXX add sh_sigcheck() call -- to be cleaned up
02-08-22  enable regex cache initialization
02-06-25  include/nvextra.h: use an addaptable cheat for the namval offset
02-03-17  update ksh private assoc array offsets -- should be a function call
02-01-30  compensate for uts.390 lack of header guards for { select.h time.h }
01-04-19  add HAVE_TIME_H HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H HAVE___FD_MASK tests to tclPort.h
00-02-10  --- Release 7.6 ---
00-02-10  Update README file
00-02-09  Deleted unreferenced vars, dropped tcl 7.5 compatibility,
	  added _PACKAGE_ast <tm.h> routines to tclUnixTime.c, added
	  forward refs to the Tcl_LinkVar() Tcl_UnlinkVar() tk callbacks,
	  changed Makefile library refs
00-02-07  Modified shcompat.c and shcompat.h to handle
          change to ksh93 where nvenv is now private.
00-02-07  Included Tk4.2 in distribution to avoid
          compatibility problems.  Modified Makefile.
00-02-07  Using new packaging provided by gsf 
97-06-24  src/tclIO.c proto tweaks [gsf]

97-04-10  --- Release 7.6b1 ---
97-04-09  tcl_open |command works
97-04-09  Default interp mode is INTERP_TCL
97-03-09  Combined tksh.c interp.c to init.c	
97-03-09  Incorporated changes for Tcl 7.6
97-03-09  waitevent sets interp type to tcl instead of having eval guess
97-03-09  Inserted code to null terminate argv in InterpProc
97-01-20  Integrated in tcl 7.5p1
97-01-20  Integrated tclIO.c written on sfio
97-01-20  using nmake makefile
97-01-20  integrated changes for uwin
96-09-04  Reorganization of directory
96-09-04  Works with Tcl 7.5
96-09-04  Doesn't work with Tcl 7.4, Tcl 7.4 (requires Tk4.0)
96-09-04  Lots of new files, deleted files
96-02-29  Tcl_RegExp*() changed to use posix regex
96-02-29  Tcl_RegExp*() cache change to avoid copying
96-02-29  Tcl_RegExpCompile arg 3 for case ignore match
96-02-29  drop stdarg.h from :: src list
96-02-29  drop malloc.h from tksh.h
96-02-25  unset TK_LIBRARY in tk.ksh
96-02-25  modifications to Makefile, and config.tcl:
          make debug, make BASE=, removed debug option in interface
96-02-25  setsub now creates a null subscript
96-02-25  init.ksh sets argv0 & argv, uses discipline for env instead of trace
96-02-25  bug in Tksh_ConvertList fixed (didn't check errors properly)
96-02-25  Man page updated

96-02-21  --- Release 1.0b2 ---
96-02-21  New version of Tksh paper
96-02-21  Man page updated
96-02-21  ksh version of source accepts standard input ; uses sfio
96-02-15  Tcl_EvalFile works with Tcl mode
96-02-15  Result only printed if stdout is a string.
96-02-13  Added sh_sigcheck to Tcl_TclEval, making it possible to stop an
          infinite loop in a builtin.
96-02-13  Traces turned off in subshell
96-02-11  Added array data field in array discipline, used for array searches.
          TkshMakeArray now called TkshArrayData, separate nv_makearray macro.
	  Search ids allocated like tcl, using array data instead of hash table
	  set.test would pass, except ordering of elements is different (5 fail)
	  however, it meets specs.
96-02-11  Cleaned up tksh.h a bit
96-02-11  Added in .sh.result traced to interp->result
96-02-11  Added builtin setlist
96-02-08  Added Tcl_UpVar, Tcl_UpVar2 functions
96-02-08  regexp.c used instead of shell patterns
96-02-08  fixed bug in proc test (but now file crashes)
96-02-08  changed behavior of "info commands" to strip off tcl_ so that
	  info.test passes
96-02-06  rewrote portions of var.c - now the code is a lot easier to follow.
	  Set up to use the new NV_NODISC flag.  Two more trace tests pass.
	  Note - only one unset disc is called after a function clears scope.
96-02-06  Added pid command
96-02-04  button.ksh invoke does not redirect stderr and stdout to /dev/null
96-02-03  Moved TclOpen and TclRead from tk.c to tclunix.c
96-02-03  File reorganization:
	    New file varcmd.c which has commands associated with vars
              (taken from tclcommand.c)
	    tclcommand.c renamed commands.c, command.c renamed eval.c
	    commands.c has tclinfo.c and tclsource.c
96-02-03  Removed tcllist.c, tclstring.c and tclresult.c and put tclUtil.c
	  into tcl directory (only a couple of changes necessary to tclUtil.c)
96-02-03  Tcl_SetErrorCode.c remvoed from tclerr.c (in tclUtil.c)
96-02-03  Makefile updated accordingly
96-02-03  Fixed bug with bind : #! in bindscript was ignored
96-02-02  Fixed up/down arrow key problem in tk library
96-02-01  Removed printing of "after" for entry widgets
96-02-01  Removed return in Tcl_UntraceVar (return void doesn't work for sgi)
96-01-30  Added in checks to for -lsocket and -lnsl
96-01-30  Added fixstrtod (used in libtk.a on Solaris)
96-01-30  Moved "widget" to scripts directory and made symbolic link to it
96-01-30  Created "tksh" directory for binaries
96-01-29  Changed name of directory "kshmain" to "obsolete"
96-01-29  Fixed ifdef 0 in tk.c
96-01-29  tclinfo.c and interp.c use function TkshLibDir(), defined in tksh.c
96-01-29  tksh_builtin_command sets sh.exitval to 1 on error

96-01-25  --- Release 1.0b1 ---

libtk changes

10-11-12 eliminate strict-aliasing puns
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601

libvcodex changes

11-01-31 Makefile: use `...` instead of $( ... ) for bootstrap build
10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
09-08-19 vchufgroup.c: sync with kpv (new alg)
09-06-22 sync with kpv, add vcgetfname(), vcwalkfname()
09-03-12 vcstrip.c: add
09-03-10 vcalias.c: add qnl
09-02-24 vcalias.c: add rte
09-02-24 vcsfio.c: ignore VC_EOF+ at end of header data
09-02-02 vcsfxsort.c: fix suffix sort stack overflow bug
08-12-07 sync with kpv 2008-11-04
08-09-10 vcsfio.c: handle old binary method header
08-07-23 vcodex.h: add __EXPORT__/__IMPORT__ extern attributes
08-06-04 sync with kpv
06-07-26 vcgetmeth.c,vcextract.c: handle CC_NATIVE!=CC_ASCII
06-02-14 vcodex.h: add __EXPORT__ to plugin declaration
06-02-08 vcsfio.c: simply magic logic by just peeking 4 byte magic
06-01-24 move private builtin methods to private plugins
06-01-16 Nmakefile: add PRIVATE for non-cpl methods
06-01-13 vcgetmeth.c: fix "foo.arg" parse error
05-10-25 vcsfio.c: fix header peek logic
05-09-28 Vchuff/vchhdr.h: add type case to ARRAYMAKE()
05-09-22 vcsfio.c: vczip command support functions for the masses
05-09-16 vcodex.h,vcsfio.c: add vcsfcomp() stub for vczip getmethods()
05-09-15 snarf from kpv, remerge _PACKAGE_ast
05-08-23 vcodex.h,vcsfio.c: add sfdcvcodex() (1:pushed,0:not-needed,-1:error)
05-08-22 vcsfio.c: peek initial header => no consumption on error
05-06-30 vcsfio.c: change vcsfmeth() to return Vcsfmeth_t* and size
05-06-29 vcodex.h: _PACKAGE_ast => <sfio.h>
	 fix !__STD_C for ancient sun4
	 change ident to char* (from unsigned char*) for pedantic cc
	 Vcdelta/vcdtblinit.c: init { _Vcdtbl _Vcdindex } to avoid dyn common
05-06-28 snarf from kpv

libvgraph changes

08-12-07 rename graph => vgraph
08-11-22 graph.h: add _WINIX import/export qualifiers
08-05-21 first release for -lvcodex

libtaso changes

11-12-01 first release

libjcl changes

10-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
10-04-20 run.c: add timout arg to cowait()
07-12-10 path.c: fix <size><suffix> ordering
07-12-07 path.c: handle { '.' '/' } delimiters, '/' for pds
07-12-03 jcl.h: add Jcl_t.flags JCL_GDG for data generations groups
07-12-03 path.c: add data generations group logic
07-11-21 run.c: fix USAGE computation
07-04-09 Makefile: $(CC.PIC) to allow archive to be pulled into other dlls
06-11-11 sym.c: export JCL_SYM_READONLY for exec and verbose
06-11-11 add JCL_SYM_READONLY for command line name=value
06-10-11 add sfstropen()/sfstruse() error checks
06-08-14 run.c: fix coopen() to use COSHELL=pathshell()
06-08-04 run.c: fix JOBNAME export
06-08-04 run.c: use coshell instead of system()
06-08-01 run.c: exit code is EXIT_STATUS(system(...))!
06-05-18 RC cleanup
06-05-17 libjcl.h,open.c,run.c: add JCL_EXEC SYS* redirection
05-10-25 run.c: fix "+" file append mark placement to be first char
	 parse.c: fix literal ' inside PARM=(...) list parse
05-10-11 jcl.h: add JCL_DD_MARKED for paths with size marks
05-09-15 run.c: drop "+" append mark on command arg files
05-09-12 lib.c: add { %%BLANK[n] %%TIME }
	 run.c: create output files if they don't exist
05-09-09 run.c: use fmtquote() FMT_SHELL flag for [$`]
05-08-29 jcl.h: add Jcl_t {date,odate,rdate} and control-m vars
	 open.c: initialize Jcl_t {date,odate,rdate}
	 lib.c: synthesize Jcl_t {date,odate,rdate} control-m vars
	 parse.c: add '$' to control-m var id set
05-06-11 run.c: 1 export per line for readability
	 run.c: export STEP=step-name
	 parse.c: fix SUBSYS=... file catenation bug
	 parse.c: SPACE=n is not a reliable lrecl predictor
05-02-14 sym.c: handle symbol redefinitions
	 find.c: ${%%foo} => ${JCL_AUTO_FOO}
	 jcl.h: fix JCL_CREATE/JCL_WARN bit value clash
	 jcl.h: add JCL_IMPORT env var precedence over map definitions
05-02-11 find.c: add expand() recursion check
04-10-31 jcl.h,parse.c,run.c: add JCL_DD_ALIAS for postponed DD
	 parse.c: handle DD SUBSYS=(name,'DDNAME=x')
04-10-18 path.c: expand() "set" args
04-10-17 run.c: add checkdir() to mkdir -p output dirs
	 find.c: recursively expand set vars
04-09-28 run.c: add more JCL_SUBDIR trace output
04-09-21 jcl.h,run.c: add JCL_SUBDIR
	 parse.c: add "JCL_AUTO_JOBNAME" to jclsym()
	 parse.c: fix expression parse bugs
	 uniq.c: trailing %% is not a file size mark
04-09-20 run.c: add "export JCL_AUTO_JOBNAME=job"
04-09-19 path.c: handle prefix match tail
04-09-15 jcl.h: add Jcl_t.roflags
	 path.c: add expand() for --include ${...} expand
	 path.c: ${...} does lookup() then getenv() -- duh
	 path.c: add *.X prefix match with ${1} ... subexprs
	 path.c: add "export" and { JCL_SYM_EXPORT JCL_SYM_SET }
04-08-11 jcl.h,find.c: add JCL_CREATE for jclfind() create
04-08-08 path.c: provide default disc.{usage,optsetf}
04-08-06 split cmd/jcl => lib/libjcl + cmd/jcl
	 path.c: set options only if usage&optsetf are set
04-06-14 run.c: clean up tmp files on exit
04-06-06 jcl.h,parse.c: parse OUTPUT and DD OUTPUT=*
04-05-31 jcl.h,jcl.tst: add JCL_DD_DIR for SPACE=(*(x,y,z)*)
04-05-24 run.c: handle JCL_DISP_MOD by prefixing dd name with '+'
04-05-20 cpy2dss.c: fix --variable to *also* emit <VARIABLE>1</>
04-05-19 cpy2dss.c: fix --variable to emit terminator and width
04-05-14 cpy2dss.c: add --terminator=char and --variable
04-05-06 cpy2dss.c: handle nested structs and out of sync level indices
04-05-04 cpy2dss.c: promote from test area
04-02-29 parse.c: ignore %%.
	 jclparm(): PARM=(' name=value') => name=value
	 run.c: parms passed as one , separated arg
	 run.c: map dd DSN=&FOO => ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/job.$$.FOO
04-02-11 lib.c,sym.c: fix short by one bugs in stash() and jclsym()
04-01-30 fix '&variable' logic; JCL_LISTSCRIPTS lists INCLUDE paths too
04-01-27 parse.c: fix off-by-one continuation logic
04-01-14 run.c: fix std[3] => std[4] off-by-one declaration
03-11-18 parse.c: add INCLUDE and JCLLIB, fix find search()
03-11-17 find.c: only convert base name upper=>lower in search
	 parse.c: add IF/ELSE/ENDIF
03-10-30 fix DD SYSIN redirection, DD DUMMY
03-10-16 set (recfm,lrecl) via marked() if not already set
	 export DD catenations
03-10-10 variable expansion by the book
03-10-01 first code

August 07, 2012