Lines Matching refs:s1

156   nsString  s1("ijk");
183 pos=theDest.Find(s1);
192 pos=theDest.FindCharInSet(s1);
207 pos=theDest.RFindCharInSet(s1);
225 stringtype s1("hello there rick");
227 PRInt32 pos=s1.FindChar('r'); //this will search from the beginning, and for the length of the string.
230 pos=s1.FindChar('r',PR_FALSE,0,5); //this will search from the front using count. THIS WILL FAIL!
233 pos=s1.FindChar('r',PR_FALSE,0,10); //this will search from the front using count. THIS WILL SUCCEED!
236 pos=s1.FindChar('i',PR_FALSE,5,5); //this will search from the middle using count. THIS WILL FAIL!
239 pos=s1.FindChar('i',PR_FALSE,5,10); //this will search from the middle using count. THIS WILL SUCCEED!
242 pos=s1.FindChar('k',PR_FALSE,10,2); //this will search from near the end using count. THIS WILL FAIL!
245 pos=s1.FindChar('k',PR_FALSE,10,7); //this will search from near the end using count. THIS WILL SUCCEED!
250 pos=s1.FindChar('k',PR_FALSE,100,2); //this will search from a bad offset. THIS WILL FAIL!
253 pos=s1.FindChar('k',PR_FALSE,10,0); //this will search for a bad count. THIS WILL FAIL!
256 pos=s1.FindChar('k',PR_FALSE,10,20); //this will search for a bad count. THIS WILL SUCCEED!
259 pos=s1.FindChar('k',PR_FALSE,10,4); //this will search for a bad count. THIS WILL FAIL!
267 stringtype s1("hello there rick");
269 PRInt32 pos=s1.RFindChar('o'); //this will search from the end, and for the length of the string.
272 pos=s1.RFindChar('i'); //this will search from the end, and for the length of the string.
275 pos=s1.RFindChar(' ',PR_FALSE,-1,4); //this will search from the end, and for the length of the string.
278 pos=s1.RFindChar(' ',PR_FALSE,12,1); //this will search from the middle, and for the length of 1.
281 pos=s1.RFindChar(' ',PR_FALSE,12,2); //this will search from the middle, and for the length of 2.
284 pos=s1.RFindChar('o',PR_FALSE,-1,5); //this will search from the end using count. THIS WILL FAIL!
287 pos=s1.RFindChar('o',PR_FALSE,-1,12); //this will search from the front using count. THIS WILL SUCCEED!
290 pos=s1.RFindChar('l',PR_FALSE,8,2); //this will search from the middle using count. THIS WILL FAIL!
293 pos=s1.RFindChar('l',PR_FALSE,8,7); //this will search from the middle using count. THIS WILL SUCCEED!
298 pos=s1.RFindChar('h',PR_FALSE,3,2); //this will search from near the end using count. THIS WILL FAIL!
301 pos=s1.RFindChar('h',PR_FALSE,3,7); //this will search from near the end using count. THIS WILL SUCCEED!
306 pos=s1.RFindChar('k',PR_FALSE,100,2); //this will search from a bad offset. THIS WILL FAIL!
309 pos=s1.RFindChar('k',PR_FALSE,10,0); //this will search for a bad count. THIS WILL FAIL!
317 stringtype s1("hello there rick");
319 PRInt32 pos= s1.Find("there",PR_FALSE,0,4); //first search from front using offset
322 pos= s1.Find("there",PR_FALSE,0,8); //first search from front using count
325 pos= s1.Find("there",PR_FALSE,4,1); //first search from front using count
328 pos= s1.Find("there",PR_FALSE,5,2); //first search from front using count
331 pos= s1.Find("there",PR_FALSE,6,1); //first search from front using count
334 pos= s1.Find("there",PR_FALSE,6,0); //first search from front using a bogus count
337 pos= s1.Find("k",PR_FALSE,15,1); //first search from end using a count
340 pos= s1.Find("k",PR_FALSE,15,10); //first search from end using a LARGE count
343 pos= s1.Find("k",PR_FALSE,25,10); //first search from bogus offset using a LARGE count
351 nsString s1("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
353 PRInt32 pos= s1.RFind("ghi"); //first search from end using count
356 pos= s1.RFind("nop",PR_FALSE,-1,4); //first search from end using count
359 pos= s1.RFind("nop",PR_FALSE,-1,15); //first search from end using count
362 pos= s1.RFind("nop",PR_FALSE,16,3); //first search from middle using count
365 pos= s1.RFind("nop",PR_FALSE,16,7); //first search from middle using count
368 pos= s1.RFind("nop",PR_FALSE,0,1); //first search from front using count
371 pos= s1.RFind("abc",PR_FALSE,0,1); //first search from middle using count
374 pos= s1.RFind("foo",PR_FALSE,10,100); //first search from front using bogus count
377 pos= s1.RFind("ghi",PR_FALSE,30,1); //first search from middle using bogus offset
476 nsString s1("hello world");
483 nsCString temp1(s1);
484 NS_ASSERTION(temp1==s1,"nsCString Constructor error");
538 nsString s1("rick");
539 result=s1.Equals("rick",PR_FALSE,6);
551 nsString s1(buf2,17);
553 PRInt32 result=s1.Compare(buf1,PR_TRUE,17);
554 result=s1.FindChar('?');
603 nsCString s1("hello there");
604 NS_ASSERTION(s1.Equals("hello there"),kEqualsError);
605 NS_ASSERTION(s1.Equals("hello rick",PR_FALSE,5),kEqualsError);
606 NS_ASSERTION(!s1.Equals("hello rick",PR_FALSE-1),kEqualsError);
617 nsString s1("rickgessner");
619 PRInt32 result=s1.Compare(s2); //assume no case conversion, and full-length comparison...
620 result=s1.Compare(s2,PR_FALSE,4);
621 result=s1.Compare(s2,PR_FALSE,5);
623 PRBool b=s1.Equals(s2);
624 b=s1.Equals("rick",PR_FALSE,4);
625 b=s1.Equals("rickz",PR_FALSE,5);
649 static const char* s1="hello";
701 theDest=s1;
702 NS_ASSERTION(theDest==s1,"Assignment error");
713 nsString s1("hello");
719 theDest=s1+s2;
722 theDest=s1+c1;
725 theDest=s1+" world";
728 theDest=s1+pbuf;
731 theDest=s1+'!';
734 theDest=s1+PRUnichar('!');
754 static const char* s1="hello";
804 stringtype s1("hello");
806 s1+=c;
807 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="hello!","operator+=() error");
810 s1+=c;
811 s1.Append(c);
814 s1+=theChar;
817 s1+=theChar2;
820 // s1+=theLong;
842 stringtype a(s1);
1079 nsCString s1(pbuf);
1080 s1.Cut(3,20); //try deleting more chars than actual length of pbuf
1081 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="wha","Cut error");
1083 s1=pbuf;
1084 s1.Cut(3,-10);
1085 NS_ASSERTION(s1==pbuf,"Cut error");
1087 s1=pbuf;
1088 s1.Cut(3,2);
1089 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="wha up doc?","Cut error");
1097 nsString s1(pbuf);
1098 s1.Cut(3,20); //try deleting more chars than actual length of pbuf
1099 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="wha","Cut error");
1101 s1=pbuf;
1102 s1.Cut(3,-10);
1103 NS_ASSERTION(s1==pbuf,"Cut error");
1105 s1=pbuf;
1106 s1.Cut(3,2);
1107 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="wha up doc?","Cut error");
1152 nsCString s1(kNumbers[0]);
1153 s0=s1;
1161 nsString s1(kNumbers[0]);
1162 s0=s1;
1301 nsAutoString s1(pbuf);
1302 s1.CompressSet("\n ",' ');
1323 nsString s1(" ");
1324 s1.Trim("; \t");
1325 s1="helvetica";
1326 s1.Trim("; \t");
1351 nsCAutoString s1("\n\r hello \n\n\n\r\r\r\t rick \t\t ");
1352 ToUpperCase(s1);
1353 ToLowerCase(s1);
1354 s1.StripChars("o");
1355 s1.Trim(" ",PR_TRUE,PR_TRUE);
1356 s1.CompressWhitespace();
1357 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="hell rick","Compress Error");
1359 s1.ReplaceChar('h','w');
1360 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="well rick","Compress Error");
1362 ToUpperCase(s1);
1363 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="WELL RICK","Compress Error");
1365 ToLowerCase(s1);
1366 s1.Append("\n\n\n \r \r \r \t \t \t");
1367 s1.StripWhitespace();
1368 NS_ASSERTION(s1=="wellrick","Compress Error");
1625 const char* s1="hello..there..rick..gessner.";
1628 nsCString s(s1);
1633 NS_ASSERTION(s==s1,"ReplaceSubstring error");
1878 nsString s1(source1);
1880 s1.Cut(20,50);
1916 nsString s1;
1919 s1.Append("1234567890",10);
1921 s1+="xyz";
1925 int f=s1.FindChar('z',PR_FALSE,0);
2176 nsCString s1(source1);
2178 s1.Cut(20,50);
2210 nsCString s1;
2213 s1.Append("1234567890",10);
2215 s1+="xyz";
2219 int f=s1.FindChar('z',PR_FALSE,0);
2260 nsString s1("debug");
2261 pos=s1.RFind("b");
2262 pos=s1.RFind("de",PR_FALSE,1);