Lines Matching defs:cbStackFrame

3098         uint8_t const cbStackFrame = fIsNewTSS386 ? 4 : 2;
3106 || pCtx->esp < cbStackFrame)
3109 Log(("iemTaskSwitch: SS=%#x ESP=%#x cbStackFrame=%#x is out of bounds -> #SS\n", pCtx->ss.Sel, pCtx->esp,
3110 cbStackFrame));
3117 || pCtx->esp - cbStackFrame < cbLimitSS + UINT32_C(1))
3119 Log(("iemTaskSwitch: SS=%#x ESP=%#x cbStackFrame=%#x (expand down) is out of bounds -> #SS\n", pCtx->ss.Sel, pCtx->esp,
3120 cbStackFrame));
3401 uint8_t const cbStackFrame = !(fEfl & X86_EFL_VM)
3408 || uNewEsp < cbStackFrame)
3410 Log(("RaiseXcptOrIntInProtMode: %#x - SS=%#x ESP=%#x cbStackFrame=%#x is out of bounds -> #GP\n",
3411 u8Vector, NewSS, uNewEsp, cbStackFrame));
3418 || uNewEsp - cbStackFrame < cbLimitSS + UINT32_C(1))
3420 Log(("RaiseXcptOrIntInProtMode: %#x - SS=%#x ESP=%#x cbStackFrame=%#x (expand down) is out of bounds -> #GP\n",
3421 u8Vector, NewSS, uNewEsp, cbStackFrame));
3432 rcStrict = iemMemMap(pIemCpu, &uStackFrame.pv, cbStackFrame, UINT8_MAX,
3433 uNewEsp - cbStackFrame + X86DESC_BASE(&DescSS.Legacy), IEM_ACCESS_STACK_W | IEM_ACCESS_WHAT_SYS); /* _SYS is a hack ... */
3506 pCtx->rsp = uNewEsp - cbStackFrame; /** @todo Is the high word cleared for 16-bit stacks and/or interrupt handlers? */
3524 uint8_t const cbStackFrame = (fFlags & IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_ERR ? 8 : 6) << f32BitGate;
3525 rcStrict = iemMemStackPushBeginSpecial(pIemCpu, cbStackFrame, &uStackFrame.pv, &uNewRsp);
3763 uint32_t cbStackFrame = sizeof(uint64_t) * (5 + !!(fFlags & IEM_XCPT_FLAGS_ERR));
3765 rcStrict = iemMemMap(pIemCpu, &uStackFrame.pv, cbStackFrame, UINT8_MAX,
3766 uNewRsp - cbStackFrame, IEM_ACCESS_STACK_W | IEM_ACCESS_WHAT_SYS); /* _SYS is a hack ... */
3808 pCtx->rsp = uNewRsp - cbStackFrame;