Lines Matching defs:VHD_SECTOR_SIZE

39 #define VHD_SECTOR_SIZE 512
733 AssertMsg(!(pImage->cbDataBlock % VHD_SECTOR_SIZE), ("%s: Data block size is not a multiple of %!\n", __FUNCTION__, VHD_SECTOR_SIZE));
735 pImage->cSectorsPerDataBlock = pImage->cbDataBlock / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
743 pImage->cDataBlockBitmapSectors = pImage->cbDataBlockBitmap / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
745 if (pImage->cbDataBlockBitmap % VHD_SECTOR_SIZE > 0)
937 uint64_t u64TotalSectors = cbSize / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1024 pImage->cSectorsPerDataBlock = pImage->cbDataBlock / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1026 pImage->cDataBlockBitmapSectors = pImage->cbDataBlockBitmap / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1028 if (pImage->cbDataBlockBitmap % VHD_SECTOR_SIZE > 0)
1037 u32BlockAllocationTableSectors = (pImage->cBlockAllocationTableEntries * sizeof(uint32_t) + VHD_SECTOR_SIZE - 1) / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1050 pImage->uBlockAllocationTableOffset + u32BlockAllocationTableSectors * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE);
1052 pImage->uCurrentEndOfFile = pImage->uBlockAllocationTableOffset + u32BlockAllocationTableSectors * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1510 uint32_t cBlockAllocationTableEntry = (uOffset / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE) / pImage->cSectorsPerDataBlock;
1511 uint32_t cBATEntryIndex = (uOffset / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE) % pImage->cSectorsPerDataBlock;
1520 cbRead = RT_MIN(cbRead, (pImage->cbDataBlock - (cBATEntryIndex * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE)));
1529 uVhdOffset = ((uint64_t)pImage->pBlockAllocationTable[cBlockAllocationTableEntry] + pImage->cDataBlockBitmapSectors + cBATEntryIndex) * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1535 ((uint64_t)pImage->pBlockAllocationTable[cBlockAllocationTableEntry]) * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE,
1554 while ( (cSectors < (cbRead / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE))
1561 cbRead = cSectors * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1580 while ( (cSectors < (cbRead / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE))
1587 cbRead = cSectors * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1618 Assert(uOffset % VHD_SECTOR_SIZE == 0);
1619 Assert(cbWrite % VHD_SECTOR_SIZE == 0);
1626 uint32_t cSector = uOffset / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1634 cbWrite = RT_MIN(cbWrite, (pImage->cbDataBlock - (cBATEntryIndex * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE)));
1651 *pcbPreRead = cBATEntryIndex * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1652 *pcbPostRead = pImage->cSectorsPerDataBlock * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE - cbWrite - *pcbPreRead;
1667 pExpand->idxBlockBe = RT_H2BE_U32(pImage->uCurrentEndOfFile / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE);
1670 for (uint32_t iSector = 0; iSector < (cbWrite / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE); iSector++)
1685 pImage->cDataBlockBitmapSectors * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE, pIoCtx,
1706 pImage->uCurrentEndOfFile + (pImage->cDataBlockBitmapSectors + (cSector % pImage->cSectorsPerDataBlock)) * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE,
1744 pImage->uCurrentEndOfFile += pImage->cDataBlockBitmapSectors * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE + pImage->cbDataBlock;
1775 uVhdOffset = ((uint64_t)pImage->pBlockAllocationTable[cBlockAllocationTableEntry] + pImage->cDataBlockBitmapSectors + cBATEntryIndex) * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
1780 ((uint64_t)pImage->pBlockAllocationTable[cBlockAllocationTableEntry]) * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE,
1797 for (uint32_t iSector = 0; iSector < (cbWrite / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE); iSector++)
1816 ((uint64_t)pImage->pBlockAllocationTable[cBlockAllocationTableEntry]) * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE,
2538 uint64_t u64Offset = ((uint64_t)paBat[i] + pImage->cDataBlockBitmapSectors) * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
2602 + (offBlocksStart * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE);
2609 + (offBlocksStart * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE);
2620 pImage->uCurrentEndOfFile - cbBlock + VHD_SECTOR_SIZE);
2701 uint64_t cbBlockspaceNew = RT_ALIGN_32(cBlocksNew * sizeof(uint32_t), VHD_SECTOR_SIZE); /** < Required space for the block array after the resize. */
2702 uint64_t offStartDataNew = RT_ALIGN_32(pImage->uBlockAllocationTableOffset + cbBlockspaceNew, VHD_SECTOR_SIZE); /** < New start offset for block data after the resize */
2710 uint64_t offStartBlock = (uint64_t)pImage->pBlockAllocationTable[idxBlock] * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
2757 uint32_t uBlock = offStartDataNew / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
2782 pImage->pBlockAllocationTable[idxBlock] = pImage->uCurrentEndOfFile / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
3026 cbBlock += cbBlock / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE / 8;
3076 uint64_t offBlock =(uint64_t)paBat[i] * VHD_SECTOR_SIZE;
3098 && ASMBitTestAndSet(pu32BlockBitmap, (uint32_t)((paBat[i] - idxMinBlock) / (cbBlock / VHD_SECTOR_SIZE))))