Lines Matching refs:ExtPack

113 struct ExtPack::Data : public ExtPackBaseData
132 ExtPack *pThis;
144 typedef std::list< ComObjPtr<ExtPack> > ExtPackList;
249 m->strWhyUnusable = tr("ExtPack::init failed");
441 /* Same as ExtPack::QueryLicense, should really explore the subject of base classes here... */
654 HRESULT ExtPack::FinalConstruct()
670 HRESULT ExtPack::initWithDir(VBOXEXTPACKCTX a_enmContext, const char *a_pszName, const char *a_pszDir)
682 /* pfnFindModule = */ ExtPack::i_hlpFindModule,
683 /* pfnGetFilePath = */ ExtPack::i_hlpGetFilePath,
684 /* pfnGetContext = */ ExtPack::i_hlpGetContext,
685 /* pfnLoadHGCMService = */ ExtPack::i_hlpLoadHGCMService,
686 /* pfnLoadVDPlugin = */ ExtPack::i_hlpLoadVDPlugin,
687 /* pfnUnloadVDPlugin = */ ExtPack::i_hlpUnloadVDPlugin,
688 /* pfnReserved1 = */ ExtPack::i_hlpReservedN,
689 /* pfnReserved2 = */ ExtPack::i_hlpReservedN,
690 /* pfnReserved3 = */ ExtPack::i_hlpReservedN,
691 /* pfnReserved4 = */ ExtPack::i_hlpReservedN,
692 /* pfnReserved5 = */ ExtPack::i_hlpReservedN,
693 /* pfnReserved6 = */ ExtPack::i_hlpReservedN,
705 m->strWhyUnusable = tr("ExtPack::init failed");
738 void ExtPack::FinalRelease()
746 void ExtPack::uninit()
779 bool ExtPack::i_callInstalledHook(IVirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock, PRTERRINFO pErrInfo)
786 ComPtr<ExtPack> ptrSelfRef = this;
806 HRESULT ExtPack::i_callUninstallHookAndClose(IVirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, bool a_fForcedRemoval)
818 LogRel(("ExtPack pfnUninstall returned %Rrc for %s\n", vrc, m->Desc.strName.c_str()));
841 bool ExtPack::i_callVirtualBoxReadyHook(IVirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock)
850 ComPtr<ExtPack> ptrSelfRef = this;
867 bool ExtPack::i_callConsoleReadyHook(IConsole *a_pConsole, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock)
876 ComPtr<ExtPack> ptrSelfRef = this;
894 bool ExtPack::i_callVmCreatedHook(IVirtualBox *a_pVirtualBox, IMachine *a_pMachine, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock)
901 ComPtr<ExtPack> ptrSelfRef = this;
922 bool ExtPack::i_callVmConfigureVmmHook(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock, int *a_pvrc)
930 ComPtr<ExtPack> ptrSelfRef = this;
936 LogRel(("ExtPack pfnVMConfigureVMM returned %Rrc for %s\n", vrc, m->Desc.strName.c_str()));
954 bool ExtPack::i_callVmPowerOnHook(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock, int *a_pvrc)
962 ComPtr<ExtPack> ptrSelfRef = this;
968 LogRel(("ExtPack pfnVMPowerOn returned %Rrc for %s\n", vrc, m->Desc.strName.c_str()));
983 bool ExtPack::i_callVmPowerOffHook(IConsole *a_pConsole, PVM a_pVM, AutoWriteLock *a_pLock)
990 ComPtr<ExtPack> ptrSelfRef = this;
1008 HRESULT ExtPack::i_checkVrde(void)
1033 HRESULT ExtPack::i_getVrdpLibraryName(Utf8Str *a_pstrVrdeLibrary)
1058 HRESULT ExtPack::i_getLibraryName(const char *a_pszModuleName, Utf8Str *a_pstrLibrary)
1079 bool ExtPack::i_wantsToBeDefaultVrde(void) const
1097 HRESULT ExtPack::i_refresh(bool *a_pfCanDelete)
1169 void ExtPack::i_probeAndLoad(void)
1337 bool ExtPack::i_findModule(const char *a_pszName, const char *a_pszExt, VBOXEXTPACKMODKIND a_enmKind,
1429 /* static */ bool ExtPack::i_objinfoIsEqual(PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo1, PCRTFSOBJINFO pObjInfo2)
1469 ExtPack::i_hlpFindModule(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, const char *pszName, const char *pszExt, VBOXEXTPACKMODKIND enmKind,
1483 ExtPack::Data *m = RT_FROM_CPP_MEMBER(pHlp, Data, Hlp);
1485 ExtPack *pThis = m->pThis;
1498 ExtPack::i_hlpGetFilePath(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, const char *pszFilename, char *pszPath, size_t cbPath)
1509 ExtPack::Data *m = RT_FROM_CPP_MEMBER(pHlp, Data, Hlp);
1511 ExtPack *pThis = m->pThis;
1524 ExtPack::i_hlpGetContext(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp)
1531 ExtPack::Data *m = RT_FROM_CPP_MEMBER(pHlp, Data, Hlp);
1533 ExtPack *pThis = m->pThis;
1540 ExtPack::i_hlpLoadHGCMService(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IConsole) *pConsole,
1552 ExtPack::Data *m = RT_FROM_CPP_MEMBER(pHlp, Data, Hlp);
1554 ExtPack *pThis = m->pThis;
1567 ExtPack::i_hlpLoadVDPlugin(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IVirtualBox) *pVirtualBox, const char *pszPluginLibrary)
1577 ExtPack::Data *m = RT_FROM_CPP_MEMBER(pHlp, Data, Hlp);
1579 ExtPack *pThis = m->pThis;
1592 ExtPack::i_hlpUnloadVDPlugin(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp, VBOXEXTPACK_IF_CS(IVirtualBox) *pVirtualBox, const char *pszPluginLibrary)
1602 ExtPack::Data *m = RT_FROM_CPP_MEMBER(pHlp, Data, Hlp);
1604 ExtPack *pThis = m->pThis;
1617 ExtPack::i_hlpReservedN(PCVBOXEXTPACKHLP pHlp)
1624 ExtPack::Data *m = RT_FROM_CPP_MEMBER(pHlp, Data, Hlp);
1626 ExtPack *pThis = m->pThis;
1635 HRESULT ExtPack::getName(com::Utf8Str &aName)
1641 HRESULT ExtPack::getDescription(com::Utf8Str &aDescription)
1647 HRESULT ExtPack::getVersion(com::Utf8Str &aVersion)
1653 HRESULT ExtPack::getRevision(ULONG *aRevision)
1659 HRESULT ExtPack::getEdition(com::Utf8Str &aEdition)
1665 HRESULT ExtPack::getVRDEModule(com::Utf8Str &aVRDEModule)
1671 HRESULT ExtPack::getPlugIns(std::vector<ComPtr<IExtPackPlugIn> > &aPlugIns)
1681 HRESULT ExtPack::getUsable(BOOL *aUsable)
1687 HRESULT ExtPack::getWhyUnusable(com::Utf8Str &aWhyUnusable)
1693 HRESULT ExtPack::getShowLicense(BOOL *aShowLicense)
1699 HRESULT ExtPack::getLicense(com::Utf8Str &aLicense)
1706 HRESULT ExtPack::queryLicense(const com::Utf8Str &aPreferredLocale, const com::Utf8Str &aPreferredLanguage,
1783 HRESULT ExtPack::queryObject(const com::Utf8Str &aObjUuid, ComPtr<IUnknown> &aReturnInterface)
1909 ComObjPtr<ExtPack> NewExtPack;
1980 ComPtr<ExtPack> ptrExtPack = i_findExtPack(aName.c_str());
2160 LogRel(("ExtPack: Executing '%s'", szExecName));
2287 LogRel(("ExtPack: enmReason=%d iStatus=%d stderr='%s'\n",
2350 ExtPack *ExtPackManager::i_findExtPack(const char *a_pszName)
2358 ExtPack::Data *pExtPackData = (*it)->m;
2382 ExtPack::Data *pExtPackData = (*it)->m;
2414 HRESULT ExtPackManager::i_refreshExtPack(const char *a_pszName, bool a_fUnusableIsError, ExtPack **a_ppExtPack)
2419 ExtPack *pExtPack = i_findExtPack(a_pszName);
2495 ComObjPtr<ExtPack> ptrNewExtPack;
2577 ExtPack *pExtPack;
2703 ExtPack *pExtPack;
2938 ExtPack *pExtPack = i_findExtPack(a_pstrExtPack->c_str());
2967 ExtPack *pExtPack = i_findExtPack(a_pstrExtPack->c_str());
2996 ExtPack *pExtPack = i_findExtPack(a_pstrExtPack->c_str());
3052 ExtPack *pExtPack = i_findExtPack(a_pszExtPack);
3073 ExtPack::Data *pExtPackData = (*it)->m;