Lines Matching defs:INSTANCE

45 #define INSTANCE(pThis) pThis->VPCI.szInstance
320 INSTANCE(pThis), cszText, ++pThis->u32PktNo, cb));
360 Log3(("%s %s:\n", INSTANCE(pThis), pcszText));
364 Log3(("%s --> %s\n", INSTANCE(pThis), s_aFeatures[i].pcszDesc));
409 LogFlow(("%s vnetIoCb_SetHostFeatures: uFeatures=%x\n", INSTANCE(pThis), fFeatures));
418 Log(("%s vnetIoCb_GetConfig: Read beyond the config structure is attempted (offCfg=%#x cb=%x).\n", INSTANCE(pThis), offCfg, cb));
430 Log(("%s vnetIoCb_SetConfig: Write beyond the config structure is attempted (offCfg=%#x cb=%x).\n", INSTANCE(pThis), offCfg, cb));
448 Log(("%s Reset triggered\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
464 Log(("%s vnetIoCb_Reset: Link is %s\n", INSTANCE(pThis), pThis->fCableConnected ? "up" : "down"));
497 Log(("%s Waking up Out-of-RX-space semaphore\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
523 Log(("%s vnetTempLinkDown: Link is down temporarily\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
542 Log(("%s vnetLinkUpTimer: Link is up\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
567 Log(("%s Driver became ready, waking up RX thread...\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
630 LogFlow(("%s vnetCanReceive\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
646 LogFlow(("%s vnetCanReceive -> %Rrc\n", INSTANCE(pThis), rc));
657 LogFlow(("%s vnetNetworkDown_WaitReceiveAvail(cMillies=%u)\n", INSTANCE(pThis), cMillies));
680 INSTANCE(pThis), cMillies));
686 LogFlow(("%s vnetNetworkDown_WaitReceiveAvail -> %d\n", INSTANCE(pThis), rc));
747 Log4(("%s vnetAddressFilter: not our VLAN, returning false\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
760 INSTANCE(pThis), pThis->config.mac.au8, pvBuf));
766 Log2(("%s vnetAddressFilter: failed all tests, returning false, packet dump follows:\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
794 " off1=0x%x off2=0x%x\n", INSTANCE(pThis), pGso->u8Type,
845 Log(("%s vnetHandleRxPacket: Suddenly there is no space in receive queue!\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
851 Log(("%s vnetHandleRxPacket: No writable descriptors in receive queue!\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
867 Log(("%s vnetHandleRxPacket: The first descriptor does match the header size!\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
897 INSTANCE(pThis), rc));
905 INSTANCE(pThis), cb));
944 INSTANCE(pThis), pGso->u8Type));
950 INSTANCE(pThis), pvBuf, cb, pGso));
1031 Log(("%s vnetSetLinkState: enmState=%d\n", INSTANCE(pThis), enmState));
1049 Log(("%s Link is up\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1057 Log(("%s Link is down\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1070 Log(("%s Receive buffers has been added, waking up receive thread.\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1154 INSTANCE(pThis), pThis->VPCI.uStatus));
1176 Log3(("%s vnetTransmitPendingPackets: About to transmit %d pending packets\n", INSTANCE(pThis),
1192 INSTANCE(pThis), elem.nOut, elem.aSegsOut[0].cb, uHdrLen));
1203 INSTANCE(pThis), uSize));
1244 INSTANCE(pThis), pGso->cbHdrsTotal));
1262 INSTANCE(pThis), pGso->cbHdrsTotal));
1265 " off1=0x%x off2=0x%x\n", INSTANCE(pThis), pGso->u8Type,
1326 "re-enable notification and flush TX queue\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1367 // Log3(("%s vnetTxTimer: Expired\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1396 Log(("%s vnetControlRx: uCommand=%u fOn=%u\n", INSTANCE(pThis), pCtlHdr->u8Command, fOn));
1425 "(u8Command=%u nOut=%u cb1=%u cb2=%u)\n", INSTANCE(pThis),
1439 "(nMacs=%u cb=%u)\n", INSTANCE(pThis), pElem->aSegsOut[1].cb));
1446 " mode (nMacs=%u)\n", INSTANCE(pThis), nMacs));
1457 Log(("%s vnetControlMac: unicast macs:\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1471 "(nMacs=%u cb=%u)\n", INSTANCE(pThis), pElem->aSegsOut[2].cb));
1478 " mode (nMacs=%u)\n", INSTANCE(pThis), nMacs));
1489 Log(("%s vnetControlMac: multicast macs:\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1508 "(u8Command=%u nOut=%u cb=%u)\n", INSTANCE(pThis),
1520 "(VID=%u)\n", INSTANCE(pThis), u16Vid));
1524 Log(("%s vnetControlVlan: uCommand=%u VID=%u\n", INSTANCE(pThis),
1554 "header! (%u < 1 || %u < %u).\n", INSTANCE(pThis), elem.nOut,
1563 INSTANCE(pThis), elem.nIn, elem.aSegsIn[elem.nIn - 1].cb,
1587 Log(("%s Processed control message %u, ack=%u.\n", INSTANCE(pThis),
1666 Log(("%s State has been saved\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1701 LogRel(("%s: The mac address differs: config=%RTmac saved=%RTmac\n", INSTANCE(pThis), &pThis->macConfigured, &macConfigured));
1816 Log(("%s vnetDetach:\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1843 LogFlow(("%s vnetAttach:\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1879 Log(("%s No attached driver!\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1941 Log(("%s Destroying instance\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
1981 Log(("%s Constructing new instance\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));
2008 INSTANCE(pThis), pThis->cMsLinkUpDelay / 1000));
2011 INSTANCE(pThis), pThis->cMsLinkUpDelay / 1000));
2101 Log(("%s This adapter is not attached to any network!\n", INSTANCE(pThis)));