Lines Matching refs:in
9 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
36 HRESULT OnLowResource([in] DB_DWRESERVE dwReserved);
39 HRESULT RemoteOnLowResource([in] DB_DWRESERVE dwReserved);
42 HRESULT OnProgress([in] HCHAPTER hChapter,
43 [in] DBASYNCHOP eOperation,
44 [in] DBCOUNTITEM ulProgress,
45 [in] DBCOUNTITEM ulProgressMax,
46 [in] DBASYNCHPHASE eAsynchPhase,
47 [in, annotation("__in_opt")] LPOLESTR pwszStatusText);
50 HRESULT RemoteOnProgress([in] HCHAPTER hChapter,
51 [in] DBASYNCHOP eOperation,
52 [in] DBCOUNTITEM ulProgress,
53 [in] DBCOUNTITEM ulProgressMax,
54 [in] DBASYNCHPHASE eAsynchPhase,
55 [in, unique, string] LPOLESTR pwszStatusText);
58 HRESULT OnStop([in] HCHAPTER hChapter,
59 [in] DBASYNCHOP eOperation,
60 [in] HRESULT hrStatus,
61 [in, annotation("__in_opt")] LPOLESTR pwszStatusText);
64 HRESULT RemoteOnStop([in] HCHAPTER hChapter,
65 [in] DBASYNCHOP eOperation,
66 [in] HRESULT hrStatus,
67 [in, unique, string] LPOLESTR pwszStatusText);