Lines Matching refs:file
2 # spec file for package SUNWgnome-archive-mgr
4 # includes module(s): file-roller
7 # This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
14 %use froller = file-roller.spec
18 IPS_package_name: desktop/archive-manager/file-roller
30 Requires: SUNWgnome-file-mgr
91 %{_libdir}/file-roller
96 %{_datadir}/file-roller
98 %{_datadir}/gnome/help/file-roller/C
99 %{_datadir}/omf/file-roller/*-C.omf
104 %doc -d file-roller-%{froller.version} README AUTHORS
105 %doc(bzip2) -d file-roller-%{froller.version} COPYING ChangeLog NEWS help/ChangeLog po/ChangeLog
120 %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/file-roller.schemas
149 - Fix l10n package - C locale omf file was in base and l10n package.
194 - inital Solaris spec file created