Lines Matching refs:random
50 import random
1494 roll = random.randint(0, 10)
1497 if random.randint(0, 1) == 1:
1505 response.body = random.choice(['',
1570 # want to return an error at random to the client. Errors
1625 roll = random.randint(1, maxroll)
1644 code = random.choice(self.errlist)
1681 response.headers["X-Ipkg-Error"] = random.choice(["ENT",
1706 random.randint(0, 10) <= 1:
1717 random.normalvariate(0, 0.8))
1792 badpath = random.choice(self.requested_manifests)
1846 badfn = random.choice(self.requested_files)
1892 badpath = random.choice(self.requested_catalogs)
1908 code = random.choice(errs)
1933 random.randint(1, 1024))
1944 response.body = - random.randint(1,
1969 ncorrupt = 1 + int(abs(random.gauss(0, 1)))
1971 p = random.randint(0, max(0, filesz - 1))
1975 bit = min(7, int(abs(random.gauss(0, 3))))