Lines Matching refs:byte

54 	! source alignment and copying byte, half byte, or word
58 ! (methods for xword, word, half-word, and byte copies are present)
70 andcc %o1, 1, %g0 ! need to copy byte ?
84 srl %o5, 8, %o4 ! extract first byte
85 tst %o4 ! first byte == 0 ?
87 stb %o4, [%o2] ! store first byte
88 andcc %o5, 0xff, %g0 ! extract second byte
89 stb %o5, [%o2 + 1] ! store second byte
90 bz,pn %ncc, .done ! yup, 2nd byte zero, done
98 srl %o5, 24, %o4 ! extract first byte
99 tst %o4 ! is first byte zero ?
101 stb %o4, [%o2] ! store first byte
102 srl %o5, 16, %o4 ! extract second byte
103 andcc %o4, 0xff, %g0 ! is second byte zero ?
105 stb %o4, [%o2 + 1] ! store second byte
106 srl %o5, 8, %o4 ! extract third byte
107 andcc %o4, 0xff, %g0 ! third byte zero ?
109 stb %o4, [%o2 + 2] ! store third byte
110 andcc %o5, 0xff, %g0 ! fourth byte zero ?
111 stb %o5, [%o2 + 3] ! store fourth byte
112 bz,pn %ncc, .done ! yup, fourth byte zero, done
138 bz,a,pt %ncc, .storedword ! no zero byte if magic expression == 0
144 srlx %o1, 56, %o3 ! %o3<7:0> = first byte
145 andcc %o1, %o4, %g0 ! first byte zero?
147 stb %o3, [%o2 - 8] ! store first byte
149 srlx %o1, 48, %o3 ! %o3<7:0> = second byte
150 andcc %o1, %o4, %g0 ! second byte zero?
152 stb %o3, [%o2 - 7] ! store second byte
154 srlx %o1, 40, %o3 ! %o3<7:0> = third byte
155 andcc %o1, %o4, %g0 ! third byte zero?
157 stb %o3, [%o2 - 6] ! store third byte
159 srlx %o1, 32, %o3 ! %o3<7:0> = fourth byte
160 andcc %o1, %o4, %g0 ! fourth byte zero?
162 stb %o3, [%o2 - 5] ! store fourth byte
164 srlx %o1, 24, %o3 ! %o3<7:0> = fifth byte
165 andcc %o1, %o4, %g0 ! fifth byte zero?
167 stb %o3, [%o2 - 4] ! store fifth byte
169 srlx %o1, 16, %o3 ! %o3<7:0> = sixth byte
170 andcc %o1, %o4, %g0 ! sixth byte zero?
172 stb %o3, [%o2 - 3] ! store sixth byte
174 andcc %o1, %o4, %g0 ! seventh byte zero?
175 srlx %o1, 8, %o3 ! %o3<7:0> = seventh byte
177 stb %o3, [%o2 - 2] ! store seventh byte
178 stb %o1, [%o2 - 1] ! store eigth byte
182 nop ! ensure following loop 16-byte aligned
190 bnz,pn %ncc, .zerobyte ! x has zero byte, handle end cases
191 srlx %o1, 56, %g1 ! %g1<7:0> = first byte; word aligned now
192 stb %g1, [%o2 - 8] ! store first byte
198 stb %o1, [%o2 - 1] ! store eigth byte
200 nop ! ensure following loop 16-byte aligned
201 nop ! ensure following loop 16-byte aligned
209 bnz,pn %ncc, .zerobyte ! x has zero byte, handle end cases
210 srlx %o1, 56, %g1 ! %g1<7:0> = first byte; word aligned now
211 stb %g1, [%o2 - 8] ! store first byte
217 stb %o1, [%o2 - 1] ! store eigth byte
219 nop ! ensure following loop 16-byte aligned
220 nop ! ensure following loop 16-byte aligned
228 bnz,pn %ncc, .zerobyte ! x has zero byte, handle end cases
229 srlx %o1, 48, %g1 ! get first and second byte
230 sth %g1, [%o2 - 8] ! store first and second byte; word aligned now
234 sth %o1, [%o2 - 2] ! store seventh and eigth byte
243 bnz,pn %ncc, .zerobyte ! x has zero byte, handle end cases
246 ba .storeword ! no zero byte if magic expression == 0