Lines Matching refs:src

8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
14 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
123 andcc %o5, 7, %o0 ! %o0 has src offset
124 bz,a,pn %ncc, .dbcopybc ! if src is aligned to fast mem move
127 .cpy_dbwdbc: ! alignment of src is needed
132 sub %o5, %o0, %o5 ! align the src at 8 bytes.
133 add %o4, %o0, %o4 ! increase difference between src & dst
136 1: sub %o5, 8, %o5 ! subtract 8 from src
146 add %o5, %o0, %o5 ! restore src alignment
147 sub %o4, %o0, %o4 ! restore difference between src & dest
152 .dbcopybc: ! alignment of src is not needed
153 1: sub %o5, 8, %o5 ! subtract from src
192 be,pt %icc, .small_aln4 ! jmp if src and dst are 4b aligned
254 !! src, dst is 4b aligned
290 sub %o5, %o3, %o3 ! %o3 = (-dst&7) - (-src&7)
307 bne,pt %icc, .med_unal ! jmp if src is not 4b aligned
311 be,pt %icc, .med_aln8 ! jmp if src is 8b aligned
315 !! dst is 8b aligned, src is 4b aligned
334 !! dst is 8b aligned, src is 4b aligned,
401 !! dst is 8b aligned, src is 8b aligned
464 !! dst is 8b aligned, src is 8b aligned
486 !! dst is 16b aligned, src is 8b aligned
692 add %o1, 0x8, %o1 ! prepare to round src upward
693 alignaddr %o1, %g0, %o1 ! align src and set gsr align field
703 ! %o3 = (-dst&7) - (-src&7) set in .medium
704 ! = - (-src&7) current
721 ! (never happens, since src/dst 8-byte aligned is a special case
737 brgez,a,pt %o3, .not8_medium ! jmp if - (-src&7) >= 0
740 !! src underaligned, so prep %f0 some more
742 add %o1, %o3, %o1 ! back up src
761 add %o1, 0x8, %o1 ! update src
767 add %o1, 0x10, %o1 ! update src
789 ! Currently, %o1 points to the next double-aligned byte in src.
851 ! %o1 is further into src than %o0 is into dst
871 add %o1, 0x40, %o1 ! update src
908 add %o1, 0x40, %o1 ! update src