Lines Matching refs:msgid

30 msgid  "usb_get_conf_rec:\n"
32 msgid "usb_cmp_rec:\n"
34 msgid "add_entry: driver=%s, path=%s\n"
36 msgid "add_entry: failed to open config file\n"
38 msgid "add_entry: failed to fstat config file\n"
40 msgid "add_entry: failed to read config file\n"
42 msgid "add_entry: token=%x, found=%x\n"
44 msgid "FOUND\n"
46 msgid "open failed"
48 msgid "add_entry: failed to lseek config file\n"
50 msgid "add_entry: failed to write config file\n"
52 msgid "selection=%s idVendor=%d idProduct=%d "
54 msgid "add_entry: failed to lseek config file\n"
56 msgid "add_entry: failed to write config file\n"
58 msgid ""add_entry: failed to write config file\n"
60 msgid "!FOUND\n"
62 msgid "usb_rcm_offline:\n"
64 msgid "usb_rcm_offline: rsrc_fixed: %s\n"
66 msgid "usb_rcm_offline: rcm_request_offline failed\n"
68 msgid "usb_rcm_offline: table = %s\n"
70 msgid "usb_rcm_online:\n"
72 msgid "usb_rcm_online: rcm_notify_online failed\n"
74 msgid "usb_rcm_remove:\n"
76 msgid "usb_rcm_remove: rcm_notify_remove failed\n"
78 msgid "usb_rcm_init:\n"
80 msgid "usb_rcm_init: rsrc is NULL\n"
82 msgid "usb_rcm_init: alloc_handle failed\n"
84 msgid "usb_rcm_info_table:\n"
86 msgid "usb_rcm_info_table: no tuples\n"
88 msgid "usb_rcm_info_table: no table\n"
90 msgid "\n"
92 msgid "%%-%ds %%-%ds"
94 msgid "/devices"
96 msgid "get_error_msg: bad error msg index: %d\n"
98 msgid "set_msg: realloc failed.\n"
100 msgid "ap_id: "
102 msgid "usb_err_msg: Unrecognized message index: %d\n"
104 msgid "0123456789."
106 msgid "verify_params: hardware-specific options not "
109 msgid "verify_params: dynamic ap_id passed\n"
111 msgid "setup_for_devctl_cmd: devctl_ap_acquire failed with "
114 msgid "setup_for_devctl: nvlist_alloc failed, errno: %d\n"
116 msgid "setup_for_devctl_cmd: get_port_num, errno: %d\n"
118 msgid "setup_for_devctl_cmd: nvlist_add_int32 failed. "
121 msgid "device_configured:\n"
123 msgid "devctl_ap_getstate failed, errno: %d\n"
125 msgid "device_connected:\n"
127 msgid "set_configuration: ap_id: %s, config:%d\n"
129 msgid "device supports %d configurations\n"
131 msgid "set_configuration: get serial "
134 msgid "get device path failed\n"
136 msgid "calling add_entry: vid: 0x%x pid:0x%x config:0x%x,"
138 msgid "serial_no: %s\n\tdev_path: %s\n\tdriver: %s\n"
140 msgid "set_configuration: HUBD_REFRESH_DEVDB failed\n"
142 msgid "get_config: get current config descr failed\n"
144 msgid "reset_device: \n"
146 msgid "devctl_ap_getstate failed. errno: %d\n"
148 msgid "devctl_ap_unconfigure failed, errno: %d\n"
150 msgid " devctl_ap_configure failed, errno = %d\n"
152 msgid "fill_in_ap_info:\n"
154 msgid "fill_in_ap_info: get dev descr failed\n"
156 msgid "get iManufacturer failed\n"
158 msgid "getting iProduct failed\\n"
160 msgid "get string descr failed\n"
162 msgid "get_config failed\n"
164 msgid "HUBD_CFG_DESCR_STR failed\n"
166 msgid "cfga_change_state: get device "
169 msgid "Unconfigure"
171 msgid "Unconfigure %s%s\n%s"
173 msgid "cfga_change_state: get device path failed\n"
175 msgid "cfga_change_state: devctl_ap_unconfigure "
178 msgid "Disconnect"
180 msgid "Disconnect %s%s\n%s"
182 msgid "cfga_change_state: devctl_ap_disconnect "
185 msgid "Reset %s%s\n%s"
187 msgid "cfga_private_func: \"config\" not passed\n"
189 msgid "cfg = %s\n"
191 msgid "config = %x\n"
193 msgid "driver = %s\n"
195 msgid "Setting %s%s\nto USB configuration %d\n%s"
197 msgid "cfga_list_ext: list = NULL or nlistp = NULL\n"
199 msgid "cfga_list_ext: devctl_ap_getstate failed. errno: %d\n"
201 msgid "cfga_list_ext: devlink doesn't contain /dev/cfg\n"
203 msgid "usb-"
205 msgid "cfga_msg: msg\n"
207 msgid "cfga_msg: null str\n"
209 msgid "cfga_msg: null q\n"
211 msgid "cfga_help:\n"
213 msgid "usb_confirm: %d\n"
215 msgid "usb_get_devicepath: get device path ioctl ok\n"
217 msgid "usb_get_devicepath: get device path ioctl failed\n"