Lines Matching defs:Pod

0 # Pod::PlainText -- Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text.
9 # This module is intended to be a replacement for Pod::Text, and attempts to
11 # decisions seemed to produce better output. It uses Pod::Parser and is
18 package Pod::PlainText;
23 use Pod::Select ();
28 # We inherit from Pod::Select instead of Pod::Parser so that we can be used
29 # by Pod::Usage.
30 @ISA = qw(Pod::Select);
39 # This table is taken near verbatim from Pod::PlainText in Pod::Parser,
40 # which got it near verbatim from the original Pod::Text. It is therefore
142 # paragraph, the line number, and a Pod::Paragraph object. Just dispatches
144 # internally by Pod::Parser.
156 # a Pod::Paragraph object. Just output it verbatim, but with tabs converted
169 # a Pod::Paragraph object. Perform interpolation and output the results.
227 # Pod::InteriorSequence object and is expected to return the resulting text.
397 # enhancement over the original Pod::Text.
523 # The old Pod::Text module did everything in a pod2text() function. This
529 # module. But the old Pod::Text module supported passing flags to its
542 my $parser = Pod::PlainText->new (@args);
571 Pod::PlainText - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
575 use Pod::PlainText;
576 my $parser = Pod::PlainText->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);
586 Pod::PlainText is a module that can convert documentation in the POD format (the
591 As a derived class from Pod::Parser, Pod::PlainText supports the same methods and
592 interfaces. See L<Pod::Parser> for all the details; briefly, one creates a
593 new parser with C<Pod::PlainText-E<gt>new()> and then calls either
623 If set to a true value, Pod::PlainText will assume that each sentence ends in two
634 The standard Pod::Parser method parse_from_filehandle() takes up to two
639 input and output disk files instead. See L<Pod::Parser> for the specific
649 indicates a bug in Pod::PlainText; you should never see it.
653 (F) Pod::PlainText was invoked via the compatibility mode pod2text() interface
658 (W) The POD source contained an C<EE<lt>E<gt>> escape that Pod::PlainText didn't
664 the form C<XE<lt>E<gt>>) that Pod::PlainText didn't know about.
668 (W) Pod::PlainText encountered a C<=back> command that didn't correspond to an
680 This is a replacement for an earlier Pod::Text module written by Tom
681 Christiansen. It has a revamped interface, since it now uses Pod::Parser,
682 but an interface roughly compatible with the old Pod::Text::pod2text()
686 The original Pod::Text contained code to do formatting via termcap
689 subclass of it does. Look for L<Pod::Text::Termcap|Pod::Text::Termcap>.
693 L<Pod::Parser|Pod::Parser>, L<Pod::Text::Termcap|Pod::Text::Termcap>,
701 original Pod::Text by Tom Christiansen E<lt>tchrist@mox.perl.comE<gt> and
702 its conversion to Pod::Parser by Brad Appleton