Lines Matching defs:command

11 # manual pages to manual pages that can be read by the man(1) command.  It is
12 # a replacement for the pod2man command distributed with versions of Perl
269 # something that *roff would interpret as a command. This is overkill, but
484 # Called for each command paragraph. Gets the command, the associated
486 # the command to a method named the same as the command. =cut is handled
488 sub command {
490 my $command = shift;
491 return if $command eq 'pod';
492 return if ($$self{EXCLUDE} && $command ne 'end');
493 if ($self->can ('cmd_' . $command)) {
494 $command = 'cmd_' . $command;
495 $self->$command (@_);
502 warn qq($file:$line: Unknown command paragraph "=$command$text"\n);
561 my $command = $seq->cmd_name;
573 return [ '\&' ] if ($command eq 'Z');
577 my $literal = ($command =~ /^[CELX]$/);
578 local $_ = $self->collapse ($seq->parse_tree, $literal, $command eq 'C');
582 if ($command eq 'E') {
598 if ($command eq 'B') {
600 } elsif ($command eq 'F' || $command eq 'I') {
602 } elsif ($command eq 'C') {
607 if ($command eq 'L') {
617 if ($command eq 'S') {
623 if ($command eq 'X') {
630 warn "$file:$line: Unknown formatting code $command<$_>\n";
638 # All command paragraphs take the paragraph and the line number.
1080 # Given a command and a single argument that may or may not contain double
1082 # quotes, just return the command followed by the argument in double quotes.
1084 # nroff output the command followed by the argument in double quotes with
1089 my $command = shift;
1125 # Now finally output the command. Only bother with .ie if the nroff
1128 return ".ie n $command $nroff\n.el $command $troff\n";
1130 return "$command $nroff\n";
1134 return "$command $_\n";
1316 =item %s:%d: Unknown command paragraph "%s".
1318 (W) The POD source contained a non-standard command paragraph (something of
1319 the form C<=command args>) that Pod::Man didn't know about. It was ignored.
1333 (W) Pod::Man encountered a C<=back> command that didn't correspond to an
1334 C<=over> command.