Lines Matching refs:page

130 List of page names (eg, "perlfunc") which contain linkable C<=item>s.
307 %Sections = (); # sections within this page
588 # link to page index
633 page names like those that appear in L<> links.
848 # if the page isn't defined then we won't know where to find it
1549 my( $page, $section, $ident );
1554 ( $page, $ident ) = ( $1, $2 );
1555 ### print STDERR "--> L<$par> to page $page, ident $ident\n";
1559 ( $page, $ident ) = ( $1, $2 );
1560 ### print STDERR "--> L<$par> to page $page, section $section\n";
1563 ( $page, $section ) = ( '', $par );
1564 ### print STDERR "--> L<$par> to void page, section $section\n";
1567 ( $page, $section ) = ( $par, '' );
1568 ### print STDERR "--> L<$par> to page $par, void section\n";
1579 ( $url, $fid ) = coderef( $page, $ident );
1583 $linktext .= " in " if $ident && $page;
1584 $linktext .= "the $page manpage" if $page;
1594 $url = page_sect( $page, $htmlsection );
1598 $linktext .= " in " if $section && $page;
1599 $linktext .= "the $page manpage" if $page;
1601 ### print STDERR "got page/section url=$url\n";
1608 $ident = $page;
1609 $page = undef();
1611 ( $url, $fid ) = coderef( $page, $ident );
1615 $linktext .= " in " if $ident && $page;
1616 $linktext .= "the $page manpage" if $page;
1750 my( $page, $section ) = @_;
1753 # check if we know that this is a section in this page
1754 if (!defined $Pages{$page} && defined $Sections{$page}) {
1755 $section = $page;
1756 $page = "";
1757 ### print STDERR "reset page='', section=$section\n";
1760 $page83=dosify($page);
1761 $page=$page83 if (defined $Pages{$page83});
1762 if ($page eq "") {
1764 } elsif ( $page =~ /::/ ) {
1765 $page =~ s,::,/,g;
1766 # Search page cache for an entry keyed under the html page name,
1767 # then look to see what directory that page might be in. NOTE:
1768 # this will only find one page. A better solution might be to produce
1769 # an intermediate page that is an index to all such pages.
1770 my $page_name = $page ;
1773 $Pages{ $page_name } =~ /([^:]*$page)\.(?:pod|pm):/
1775 $page = $1 ;
1789 $link = "$Htmlroot/$page.html";
1791 } elsif (!defined $Pages{$page}) {
1797 # if there is a directory by the name of the page, then assume that an
1799 # if ($section ne "" && $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*[^(\.pod|\.pm)]):/) {
1800 if ($section ne "" && $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*(?<!\.pod)(?<!\.pm)):/) {
1804 # since there is no directory by the name of the page, the section will
1811 # check if there is a .pod with the page name
1812 if ($Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*)\.pod:/) {
1814 } elsif ($Pages{$page} =~ /([^:]*)\.pm:/) {
1882 my( $page, $item ) = @_;
1886 if( defined( $page ) ){
1887 # we have been given a $page...
1888 $page =~ s{::}{/}g;
1893 if( $base ne "$page.html" ){
1894 ### print STDERR "coderef( $page, $item ): items{$fid} = $Items{$fid} = $base => discard page!\n";
1895 $page = undef();
1899 # no page - local items precede cached items
1902 $page = $Local_Items{$fid};
1904 $page = $Items{$fid};
1910 # =item directive, then create a link to that page.
1911 if( defined $page ){
1912 if( $page ){
1913 if( exists $Pages{$page} and $Pages{$page} =~ /([^:.]*)\.[^:]*:/){
1914 $page = $1 . '.html';
1916 my $link = "$Htmlroot/$page#item_" . anchorify($fid);