Lines Matching defs:time

304 sub time
306 return $hires ? Time::HiRes::time() : CORE::time();
361 $ping_time = &time();
383 return wantarray ? ($ret, &time() - $ping_time, inet_ntoa($ip)) : $ret;
451 $finish_time = &time() + $timeout; # Must be done by this time
452 while (!$done && $timeout > 0) # Keep trying if we have time
455 $timeout = $finish_time - &time(); # Get remaining time
697 my $patience = &time() + $timeout;
707 } while &time() < $patience && $child != $self->{'tcp_chld'};
759 my $time = &time();
774 if(mselect($rin, $rout, undef, ($time + $timeout) - &time())) {
799 } until &time() > ($time + $timeout) || defined($ret);
859 # of time. Return the result of our efforts.
925 $finish_time = &time() + $timeout; # Ping needs to be done by then
935 $timeout = $finish_time - &time(); # Get remaining time
1098 # Try to connect (could take a long time)
1165 my $timeout = $stop_time - &time();
1234 ($entry->[0], &time() - $entry->[3], inet_ntoa($entry->[1]))
1270 return ($entry->[0], &time() - $entry->[3], inet_ntoa($entry->[1]));
1280 $timeout = $stop_time - &time();
1314 return ($entry->[0], &time() - $entry->[3], inet_ntoa($entry->[1]));
1396 while ($stop_time > time())
1418 printf("$host [ip: $ip] is alive (packet return time: %.2f ms)\n", 1000 * $duration)
1507 superuser privileges and with udp and icmp protocols at this time.
1521 context, the elapsed time as well as the string form of the ip the
1522 host resolved to are also returned. The elapsed time value will
1523 be a float, as retuned by the Time::HiRes::time() function, if hires()
1592 automatically opened the first time C<ping()> is called.
1608 undef. In list context, the host, the ack time, and the