Lines Matching defs:log

61 	     sqrt log ln
84 'log' => \&log,
282 sub uplog10 () { 1 / CORE::log(10) }
485 # Computes z1**z2 = exp(z2 * log z1)).
496 my $w = $inverted ? &exp($z1 * &log($z2))
497 : &exp($z2 * &log($z1));
648 -CORE::exp(CORE::log(-$z)/3) :
649 ($z > 0 ? CORE::exp(CORE::log($z)/3): 0)
653 return (ref $z)->emake(CORE::exp(CORE::log($r)/3), $t/3);
785 # (log)
787 # Compute log(z).
789 sub log {
792 _logofzero("log") if $z == 0;
793 return $z > 0 ? CORE::log($z) : cplx(CORE::log(-$z), pi);
796 _logofzero("log") if $r == 0;
799 return (ref $z)->make(CORE::log($r), $t);
805 # Alias for log().
807 sub ln { Math::Complex::log(@_) }
816 return Math::Complex::log($_[0]) * uplog10;
822 # Compute logn(z,n) = log(z) / log(n)
828 $logn = $LOGN{$n} = CORE::log($n) unless defined $logn; # Cache log(n)
829 return &log($z) / $logn;
931 # Computes the arc cosine acos(z) = -i log(z + sqrt(z*z-1)).
948 my $v = CORE::log($alpha + CORE::sqrt($alpha*$alpha-1));
956 # Computes the arc sine asin(z) = -i log(iz + sqrt(1-z*z)).
973 my $v = -CORE::log($alpha + CORE::sqrt($alpha*$alpha-1));
981 # Computes the arc tangent atan(z) = i/2 log((i+z) / (i-z)).
990 my $log = &log((i + $z) / (i - $z));
991 return ip2 * $log;
1151 # Computes the arc hyperbolic cosine acosh(z) = log(z + sqrt(z*z-1)).
1160 return CORE::log($re + CORE::sqrt($re*$re - 1))
1171 my $u = &log($t);
1179 # Computes the arc hyperbolic sine asinh(z) = log(z + sqrt(z*z+1))
1185 return CORE::log($t) if $t;
1193 return &log($t);
1199 # Computes the arc hyperbolic tangent atanh(z) = 1/2 log((1+z) / (1-z)).
1204 return CORE::log((1 + $z)/(1 - $z))/2 if CORE::abs($z) < 1;
1209 return 0.5 * &log((1 + $z) / (1 - $z));
1244 # Computes the arc hyperbolic cotangent acoth(z) = 1/2 log((1+z) / (z-1)).
1250 return CORE::log(($z + 1)/($z - 1))/2 if CORE::abs($z) > 1;
1255 return &log((1 + $z) / ($z - 1)) / 2;
1654 z1 ** z2 = exp(z2 * log z1)
1659 log(z) = log(r1) + i*t
1673 log10(z) = log(z) / log(10)
1674 logn(z, n) = log(z) / log(n)
1682 asin(z) = -i * log(i*z + sqrt(1-z*z))
1683 acos(z) = -i * log(z + i*sqrt(1-z*z))
1684 atan(z) = i/2 * log((i+z) / (i-z))
1688 acot(z) = atan(1 / z) = -i/2 * log((i+z) / (z-i))
1698 asinh(z) = log(z + sqrt(z*z+1))
1699 acosh(z) = log(z + sqrt(z*z-1))
1700 atanh(z) = 1/2 * log((1+z) / (1-z))
1704 acoth(z) = atanh(1 / z) = 1/2 * log((1+z) / (z-1))
1706 I<arg>, I<abs>, I<log>, I<csc>, I<cot>, I<acsc>, I<acot>, I<csch>,
1878 log ln log10 logn
1925 caller environment and even overrides some (C<sqrt>, C<log>).