Lines Matching refs:undef

48   ok_undef ($class->accuracy(undef));
53 ok_undef ($class->precision(undef));
64 ok_undef (${"$mbf\::accuracy"} = undef);
65 ok_undef (${"$mbi\::accuracy"} = undef);
73 ok_undef (${"$mbf\::precision"} = undef);
74 ok_undef (${"$mbi\::precision"} = undef);
95 ${"$mbi\::accuracy"} = undef;
96 ${"$mbi\::precision"} = undef;
104 ok_undef ($x->accuracy(undef),undef);
107 ok_undef ($x->precision(undef),undef);
124 ${"$mbi\::precision"} = undef;
127 ${"$mbi\::accuracy"} = undef;
132 ${"$mbf\::precision"} = undef;
133 ${"$mbi\::precision"} = undef;
136 ${"$mbf\::accuracy"} = undef;
140 ${"$mbf\::precision"} = undef; # reset
148 ${"$mbi\::precision"} = undef; ${"$mbf\::precision"} = undef;
149 ${"$mbi\::accuracy"} = 4; ${"$mbf\::accuracy"} = undef;
151 ${"$mbi\::accuracy"} = undef; # reset
170 ok ($x->copy()->round(undef,-2),'123.46');
171 ok ($x->copy()->round(undef,2),120);
177 ok ($x->copy()->round(undef,-1,'odd'),'123.5');
187 $y = $x->copy()->round(undef,2);
206 $z = $x->copy(); ok_undef ($z->accuracy(),undef); ok ($z->precision(),2);
226 $x = $c->bzero(); $x->round(undef,5); ok ($x->{_p},5);
228 $x = $c->new(0); $x->round(undef,5); ok ($x->{_p},5);
240 # ${"$c\::precision"} = undef; # reset
241 # ${"$c\::accuracy"} = undef; # reset
321 $x = $mbf->new('740.7')->fdiv('6',4,undef,'zero'); ok ($x,'123.4');
336 # test that bop(0) does the same than bop(undef)
339 ok ($x->copy()->bsqrt(0),$x->copy()->bsqrt(undef));
350 ok ($x->copy()->bpow('0.5',0),$x->copy()->bpow('0.5',undef));
351 ok ($x->copy()->bpow('0.5',0),$x->copy()->bsqrt(undef));
368 $x = $mbi->new('123456')->bsqrt(2,undef); ok ($x,'350'); # not 351
369 $x = $mbi->new('3')->bsqrt(2,undef); ok ($x->accuracy(),2);
371 $mbi->round_mode('even'); $x = $mbi->new('126025')->bsqrt(2,undef,'+inf');
374 $x = $mbi->new('126025')->bsqrt(undef,2); ok ($x,'400'); # not 355
389 $z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,2,undef,'odd'); ok ($z,31000);
390 $z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,3,undef,'odd'); ok ($z,30900);
391 $z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,undef,0,'odd'); ok ($z,30863);
392 $z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,undef,1,'odd'); ok ($z,30863);
393 $z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,undef,2,'odd'); ok ($z,30860);
394 $z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,undef,3,'odd'); ok ($z,30900);
395 $z = $u->copy()->bmul($y,undef,-1,'odd'); ok ($z,30862.5);
398 # these should warn, since '3.17' is a NaN in BigInt and thus >= returns undef
417 ${"$mbf\::accuracy"} = undef;
418 ${"$mbf\::precision"} = undef;
436 ok ($x->bdiv(3,undef,-2),'3.33');
443 ok ($x->bdiv(3,undef,-8),'3.33333333');
549 $x = $mbf->new(1)->bdiv(5678,undef,-63);
552 $x = $mbf->new(1)->bdiv(5678,undef,-90);
613 #ok ($x->round(undef,$Foo::precision),'p' x $Foo::precision);
622 ${"$mbi\::accuracy"} = undef;
623 ${"$mbi\::precision"} = undef;
639 @params = $x->_find_round_parameters(undef,2);
646 eval { @params = $x->_find_round_parameters(undef,2,'foo'); };
649 @params = $x->_find_round_parameters(undef,2,'+inf');
663 @params = $x->_find_round_parameters(undef,-2);
668 ${"$mbi\::accuracy"} = undef;
670 @params = $x->_find_round_parameters(1,undef);
675 ${"$mbi\::precision"} = undef; # reset
694 $x = $c->new(2,undef,1); ok_undef ($x->{_a}); ok ($x->{_p},1);
697 $x = $c->new(2,undef,1)->bzero(); ok_undef ($x->{_a}); ok ($x->{_p},1);
700 $x = $c->new(2,undef,1)->bone(); ok_undef ($x->{_a}); ok ($x->{_p},1);
702 $x = $c->new(2); $x->bone('+',2,undef); ok ($x->{_a},2); ok_undef ($x->{_p});
703 $x = $c->new(2); $x->bone('+',undef,2); ok_undef ($x->{_a}); ok ($x->{_p},2);
704 $x = $c->new(2); $x->bone('-',2,undef); ok ($x->{_a},2); ok_undef ($x->{_p});
705 $x = $c->new(2); $x->bone('-',undef,2); ok_undef ($x->{_a}); ok ($x->{_p},2);
707 $x = $c->new(2); $x->bzero(2,undef); ok ($x->{_a},2); ok_undef ($x->{_p});
708 $x = $c->new(2); $x->bzero(undef,2); ok_undef ($x->{_a}); ok ($x->{_p},2);
719 $c->accuracy(undef);
724 $c->precision(undef);
739 ${"$c\::accuracy"} = undef;
740 ${"$c\::precision"} = undef;
771 $class->accuracy(undef);
774 $class->accuracy(undef);
829 print "# Check: A=$a and P=undef\n";
837 print "# Check: A=undef and P=$p\n";
848 # Perl 5.005 does not like ok ($x,undef)
855 ok ($x,'undef');
887 # 123,,3 means 123 with precision 3 (A is undef)