Lines Matching refs:Digest

1 package Digest;
9 "SHA-1" => [["Digest::SHA", 1], "Digest::SHA1", ["Digest::SHA2", 1]],
10 "SHA-224" => [["Digest::SHA", 224]],
11 "SHA-256" => [["Digest::SHA", 256], ["Digest::SHA2", 256]],
12 "SHA-384" => [["Digest::SHA", 384], ["Digest::SHA2", 384]],
13 "SHA-512" => [["Digest::SHA", 512], ["Digest::SHA2", 512]],
14 "HMAC-MD5" => "Digest::HMAC_MD5",
15 "HMAC-SHA-1" => "Digest::HMAC_SHA1",
16 "CRC-16" => [["Digest::CRC", type => "crc16"]],
17 "CRC-32" => [["Digest::CRC", type => "crc32"]],
18 "CRC-CCITT" => [["Digest::CRC", type => "crcccitt"]],
28 "Digest::$algorithm";
65 Digest - Modules that calculate message digests
69 $md5 = Digest->new("MD5");
70 $sha1 = Digest->new("SHA-1");
71 $sha256 = Digest->new("SHA-256");
72 $sha384 = Digest->new("SHA-384");
73 $sha512 = Digest->new("SHA-512");
75 $hmac = Digest->HMAC_MD5($key);
79 The C<Digest::> modules calculate digests, also called "fingerprints"
99 All C<Digest::> modules provide the same programming interface. A
131 use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
139 The following methods are available for all C<Digest::> modules:
143 =item $ctx = Digest->XXX($arg,...)
145 =item $ctx = Digest->new(XXX => $arg,...)
147 =item $ctx = Digest::XXX->new($arg,...)
261 =head1 Digest speed
269 MD4 128 Digest::MD4 v1.3 165.0
270 MD5 128 Digest::MD5 v2.33 98.8
271 SHA-256 256 Digest::SHA2 v1.1.0 66.7
272 SHA-1 160 Digest::SHA v4.3.1 58.9
273 SHA-1 160 Digest::SHA1 v2.10 48.8
274 SHA-256 256 Digest::SHA v4.3.1 41.3
275 Haval-256 256 Digest::Haval256 v1.0.4 39.8
276 SHA-384 384 Digest::SHA2 v1.1.0 19.6
277 SHA-512 512 Digest::SHA2 v1.1.0 19.3
278 SHA-384 384 Digest::SHA v4.3.1 19.2
279 SHA-512 512 Digest::SHA v4.3.1 19.2
280 Whirlpool 512 Digest::Whirlpool v1.0.2 13.0
281 MD2 128 Digest::MD2 v2.03 9.5
283 Adler-32 32 Digest::Adler32 v0.03 1.3
284 CRC-16 16 Digest::CRC v0.05 1.1
285 CRC-32 32 Digest::CRC v0.05 1.1
286 MD5 128 Digest::Perl::MD5 v1.5 1.0
287 CRC-CCITT 16 Digest::CRC v0.05 0.8
296 L<Digest::Adler32>, L<Digest::CRC>, L<Digest::Haval256>,
297 L<Digest::HMAC>, L<Digest::MD2>, L<Digest::MD4>, L<Digest::MD5>,
298 L<Digest::SHA>, L<Digest::SHA1>, L<Digest::SHA2>, L<Digest::Whirlpool>
300 New digest implementations should consider subclassing from L<Digest::base>.
310 The C<Digest::> interface is based on the interface originally