Lines Matching refs:style

237 			   embed basefont style span layer ilayer font frameset frame script small big Area Map/],
433 # For compatibility between old calling style and use_named_parameters() style,
1451 # Return a Content-Type: style header for server-push
1482 # Return a Content-Type: style header for server-push, start of section
1537 # Return a Content-Type: style header
1646 # Return a Location: style header
1686 # $style -> (optional) reference to an external style sheet
1694 $target,$meta,$head,$style,$dtd,$lang,$encoding,$declare_xml,@other) =
1776 # handle the infrequently-used -style and -script parameters
1777 push(@result,$self->_style($style)) if defined $style;
1795 # internal method for generating a CSS style section
1799 my ($self,$style) = @_;
1809 my @s = ref($style) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$style : $style;
1838 push(@result, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n$_\n</style>") for @v;
1841 push(@result,style({'type'=>$type},"$cdata_start\n$_\n$cdata_end")) for @c;
2532 $label = "<span style=\"color:gray\">$label</span>" if $disabled{$_};
2797 # $align -> Alignment style (TOP, BOTTOM or MIDDLE)
4371 style and a function-oriented style. In the object-oriented style you
4381 For example, using the object oriented style, here is how you create
4392 In the function-oriented style, there is one default CGI object that
4409 The examples in this document mainly use the object-oriented style.
4417 argument calling style that looks like this:
4644 param() also recognizes a named parameter style of calling described
4732 You can also use a named argument style using the B<-name> argument.
5239 The last example shows the named argument style for passing arguments
5356 -style=>{'src'=>'/styles/style1.css'},
5396 The B<-style> argument is used to incorporate cascading stylesheets
5540 The old-style positional parameters are as follows:
6396 -or (named parameter style)-
6452 Named parameter style
6464 Old style
6948 (-default). In the named parameter style of calling, you can provide
7355 has limited support for HTML3's cascading style sheets (css).
7357 start_html() method a B<-style> parameter. The value of this
7363 incorporated into a <style> section. Style definitions in B<-code>
7367 B<-type> parameter to the hash pointed to by B<-style>. If not
7368 specified, the style defaults to 'text/css'.
7370 To refer to a style within the body of your document, add the
7375 Or define styles on the fly with the B<-style> parameter:
7377 print h1({-style=>'Color: red;'},'Welcome to Hell');
7379 You may also use the new B<span()> element to apply a style to a
7382 print span({-style=>'Color: red;'},
7411 -style=>{-src=>'',
7416 "Better read the cascading style sheet spec before playing with this!"),
7417 span({-style=>'color: magenta'},
7429 the -style hash, as follows:
7431 print start_html (-style => {-verbatim => '@import url("/server-common/css/'.$cssFile.'");',
7438 <style type="text/css">
7440 </style>
7442 Any additional arguments passed in the -style value will be
7445 start_html(-style=>{-src=>['/styles/print.css','/styles/layout.css'],
7464 start_html(-style=>{-src=>[