Lines Matching refs:at

1306          * user is inserting text at the end of the document. Completion
1485 * of an Accessible child is at index 0, the second child is at index 1,
1557 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1558 if (at instanceof AccessibleEditableText) {
1559 return (AccessibleEditableText)at;
1736 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1737 if (at != null && sameWindowAncestor(JSpinner.this, editor)) {
1744 return at.getIndexAtPoint(editorPoint);
1751 * Determines the bounding box of the character at the given
1761 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1762 if (at != null ) {
1763 Rectangle editorRect = at.getCharacterBounds(i);
1781 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1782 if (at != null) {
1783 return at.getCharCount();
1796 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1797 if (at != null) {
1798 return at.getCaretPosition();
1804 * Returns the String at a given index.
1811 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1812 if (at != null) {
1813 return at.getAtIndex(part, index);
1826 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1827 if (at != null) {
1828 return at.getAfterIndex(part, index);
1841 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1842 if (at != null) {
1843 return at.getBeforeIndex(part, index);
1849 * Returns the AttributeSet for a given character at a given index
1855 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1856 if (at != null) {
1857 return at.getCharacterAttribute(i);
1870 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1871 if (at != null) {
1872 return at.getSelectionStart();
1885 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1886 if (at != null) {
1887 return at.getSelectionEnd();
1898 AccessibleText at = getEditorAccessibleText();
1899 if (at != null) {
1900 return at.getSelectedText();
1916 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
1917 if (at != null) {
1918 at.setTextContents(s);
1923 * Inserts the specified string at the given index/
1930 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
1931 if (at != null) {
1932 at.insertTextAtIndex(index, s);
1944 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
1945 if (at != null) {
1946 return at.getTextRange(startIndex, endIndex);
1958 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
1959 if (at != null) {
1960 at.delete(startIndex, endIndex);
1971 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
1972 if (at != null) {
1973 at.cut(startIndex, endIndex);
1979 * starting at the specified index.
1984 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
1985 if (at != null) {
1986 at.paste(startIndex);
1999 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
2000 if (at != null) {
2001 at.replaceText(startIndex, endIndex, s);
2012 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
2013 if (at != null) {
2014 at.selectText(startIndex, endIndex);
2027 AccessibleEditableText at = getEditorAccessibleEditableText();
2028 if (at != null) {
2029 at.setAttributes(startIndex, endIndex, as);