Lines Matching refs:jint

128     //fprintf(stderr, "\t magicID=%d\n", (jint)isdo->magicID);
202 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copyBits(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, Pixel8bit *pixelsSrc, jint dstPixelsBytesPerRow, Pixel8bit *pixelsDst)
212 register jint y;
223 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copySwapRandB_32bit_TYPE_4BYTE(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc, Pixel32bit *pixelsDst, size_t extraBytesPerRow)
228 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
230 register jint x, y;
239 pixel = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(pixel); // the jint is in big endian format, we need to swap the bits
260 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copySwapRandB_32bit_TYPE_INT(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc, Pixel32bit *pixelsDst, size_t extraBytesPerRow)
265 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
267 register jint x, y;
293 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copyBGR_24bitToXRGB_32bit(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel8bit *pixelsSrc, Pixel32bit *pixelsDst, size_t extraBytesPerRow)
298 register jint skip = ((javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w)*javaPixelBytes; // in pixelsSrc units
300 register jint x, y;
329 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copyRGB_24bitToXRGB_32bit(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel8bit *pixelsSrc, Pixel32bit *pixelsDst, size_t extraBytesPerRow)
334 register jint skip = ((javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w)*javaPixelBytes; // in pixelsSrc units
336 register jint x, y;
365 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copyIndexed_8bitToARGB_32bit(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel8bit *pixelsSrc,
378 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
379 register jint x, y;
396 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copy565_16bitTo555_16bit(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel16bit *pixelsSrc, Pixel16bit *pixelsDst, size_t extraBytesPerRow)
401 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
402 register jint green;
404 register jint x, y;
412 green = ((jint) (((CGFloat) green / 63.0f) * 31.0f)) & 31; // first normalize to value between 0 and 1 and then un-normalize to 5 bit (31 = 0000000000011111)
433 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void removeAlphaPre_32bit(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc)
437 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
439 register jint x, y;
478 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void swapRandBAndRemoveAlphaPre_32bit(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc)
482 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
484 register jint x, y;
514 pixel = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(pixel); // the jint is little endian, we need to swap the bits before we send it back to Java
529 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void swapRandB_32bit_TYPE_INT(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc)
533 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
535 register jint x, y;
557 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void swapRandB_32bit_TYPE_4BYTE(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc)
561 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
563 register jint x, y;
579 pixel = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(pixel); // the jint is little endian, we need to swap the bits before we send it back to Java
589 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void map555_16bitTo565_16bit(jint w, jint h, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel16bit *pixelsSrc)
592 register jint skip = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
593 register jint green;
595 register jint x, y;
603 green = ((jint) (((CGFloat) green / 31.0f) * 63.0f)) & 63; // first normalize between 0 and 1 and then un-normalize to 6 bit (63 = 0000000000111111)
612 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copyARGB_PRE_32bitToBGR_24bit(jint w, jint h, jint nativePixelsBytesPerRow, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel8bit *pixelsDst)
616 static const jint mask = 0x000000ff;
617 register jint skipSrc = (nativePixelsBytesPerRow/sizeof(Pixel32bit))-w; // in pixelsSrc units
618 register jint skipDst = ((javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w)*javaPixelBytes; // in pixelsDst units
620 register jint x, y;
663 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copyARGB_PRE_32bitToRGB_24bit(jint w, jint h, jint nativePixelsBytesPerRow, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel8bit *pixelsDst)
667 static const jint mask = 0x000000ff;
668 register jint skipSrc = (nativePixelsBytesPerRow/sizeof(Pixel32bit))-w; // in pixelsSrc units
669 register jint skipDst = ((javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w)*javaPixelBytes; // in pixelsDst units
671 register jint x, y;
715 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void copyARGB_PRE_32bitToGray_16bit(jint w, jint h, jint nativePixelsBytesPerRow, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel16bit *pixelsDst)
719 static const jint mask = 0x000000ff;
720 register jint skipSrc = (nativePixelsBytesPerRow/sizeof(Pixel32bit))-w; // in pixelsSrc units
721 register jint skipDst = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsDst units
725 register jint x, y;
761 *pixelsDst = (jint)pixelFloat;
776 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE UInt16* copyARGB_PRE_bitToIndexed_8bit(jint w, jint h, jint nativePixelsBytesPerRow, Pixel32bit *pixelsSrc, jint javaPixelsBytesPerRow, jint javaPixelBytes, Pixel8bit *pixelsDst, Pixel32bit* lutdata, UInt32 lutDataSize, UInt16 *indexedColorTable)
785 register jint skipSrc = (nativePixelsBytesPerRow/sizeof(Pixel32bit))-w; // in pixelsSrc units
786 register jint skipDst = (javaPixelsBytesPerRow/javaPixelBytes)-w; // in pixelsSrc units
787 register jint indexOfBest, indexOfBestCached = -1;
791 register jint x, y, i;
926 //fprintf(stderr, "isdo=%p isdo->type=%d, bitsPerComponent=%d, bytesPerRow=%d, colorSpace=%p, alphaInfo=%d, width=%d, height=%d, size=%d\n", isdo, type, (jint)bitsPerComponent, (jint)bytesPerRow, colorSpace, (jint)alphaInfo, (jint) isdo->width, (jint) isdo->height, (jint) size);
1130 //(jint)isdo->type, (jint)isdo->width, (jint)isdo->height, (jint)isdo->imageInfo.bitsPerComponent, (jint)isdo->imageInfo.bytesPerPixel, (jint)isdo->imageInfo.bitsPerPixel, (jint)isdo->imageInfo.bytesPerRow, isdo->imageInfo.colorSpace, (jint)isdo->imageInfo.alphaInfo);
1139 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void processPixels(ImageSDOps* isdo, jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height, void (*processPixelsCallback) (ImageSDOps *, jint, Pixel32bit *, jint, jint, jint, jint))
1141 processPixelsCallback(isdo, (jint) isdo->contextInfo.bytesPerRow, (Pixel32bit *) isdo->nativePixels, x, y, width, height);
1144 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE void syncToJavaPixels_processPixelsCallback(ImageSDOps* isdo, jint nativePixelsBytesPerRow, Pixel32bit *dataSrc, jint x, jint y, jint width, jint height)
1183 jint srcBytesPerRow = isdo->contextInfo.bytesPerRow;
1184 jint dstBytesPerRow = isdo->javaPixelsBytesPerRow;
1185 jint h = isdo->height;
1195 jint widthInBytes = isdo->width * isdo->contextInfo.bytesPerPixel;
1196 jint y;
1240 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE jboolean xorSurfacePixels(JNIEnv *env, jobject dstIsd, jobject srcIsd, jint colorXOR, jint x, jint y, jint w, jint h)
1263 jint offset = (dstIsdo->width*y)+x;
1265 register jint skip = dstIsdo->width - w;
1267 register jint skipPixels = srcIsdo->width - w;
1268 register jint i, j;
1284 red = (jint)(((CGFloat)red/255.0f * (CGFloat)alpha/255.0f)*255.0f);
1286 green = (jint)(((CGFloat)green/255.0f * (CGFloat)alpha/255.0f)*255.0f);
1288 blue = (jint)(((CGFloat)blue/255.0f * (CGFloat)alpha/255.0f)*255.0f);
1329 IMAGE_SURFACE_INLINE jboolean clearSurfacePixels(JNIEnv *env, jobject bisd, jint w, jint h)
1346 register jint i;
1349 register jint skip = isdo->width;
1350 register jint row = 4*w;
1647 static jint ImageSD_Lock(JNIEnv *env, SurfaceDataOps *ops, SurfaceDataRasInfo *pRasInfo, jint lockflags)
1758 jint mode = (((bipriv->lockFlags & (SD_LOCK_WRITE)) != 0)
1770 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_java2d_OSXOffScreenSurfaceData_initRaster(JNIEnv *env, jobject bisd, jobject array, jint offset, jint width, jint height,
1771 jint pixelStride, jint scanStride, jobject icm, jint type,
1842 isdo->javaImageInfo = (jint*)((*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, jImageInfo));
1869 jint transparency = JNFGetIntField(env, icm, jm_transparency);
1870 jint transparent_index = -1;
1888 jint i;
1909 jint mask = 0x00000000;
1920 jint i;
1947 qsdo->javaGraphicsStates = (jint*)((*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, jGraphicsState));
1966 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_java2d_OSXOffScreenSurfaceData_initCustomRaster(JNIEnv* env, jobject bisd, jobject array, jint width, jint height,
1970 jint offset = 0;
1971 jint pixelStride = 4;
1972 jint scanStride = pixelStride*width;
1974 jint type = java_awt_image_BufferedImage_TYPE_CUSTOM;
1987 (JNIEnv *env, jobject dstIsd, jobject srcIsd, jint colorXOR, jint x, jint y, jint w, jint h)
1994 (JNIEnv *env, jobject bisd, jint w, jint h)