Lines Matching refs:strike

131 // Itterates though each glyph, and if a transform is present for that glyph, apply it to the CGContext, and strike the glyph.
132 // If there is no per-glyph transform, just strike the glyph. Advances must also be transformed on-the-spot as well.
134 (const QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, const BOOL useSubstituion, const int uniChars[], const CGGlyph glyphs[], CGSize advances[], const jint g_gvTXIndicesAsInts[], const jdouble g_gvTransformsAsDoubles[], const CFIndex length)
149 CGAffineTransform invTx = CGAffineTransformInvert(strike->fTx);
165 fallback = JavaCT_CopyCTFallbackFontAndGlyphForUnicode(strike->fAWTFont, (const UTF16Char *)&charRef, (CGGlyph *)&glyphTmp, 2);
169 fallback = JavaCT_CopyCTFallbackFontAndGlyphForUnicode(strike->fAWTFont, &u, (CGGlyph *)&glyph, 1);
208 // apply the transform, strike the glyph, can change the transform back
213 // transform the measured advance for this strike
229 void JavaCT_DrawTextUsingQSD(JNIEnv *env, const QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, const jchar *chars, const jsize length)
233 AWTFont *awtFont = strike->fAWTFont;
234 CGFloat ptSize = strike->fSize;
235 CGAffineTransform tx = strike->fFontTx;
257 CTTypesetterRef typeSetterRef = CTTypesetterCreateWithAttributedStringAndOptions((CFAttributedStringRef) attribString, (CFDictionaryRef) ctsDictionaryFor(nsFont, JRSFontStyleUsesFractionalMetrics(strike->fStyle)));
261 attributes:ctsDictionaryFor(nsFont, JRSFontStyleUsesFractionalMetrics(strike->fStyle))];
281 (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, const jchar *chars, const jsize length, const jdouble x, const jdouble y)
299 JRSFontSetRenderingStyleOnContext(cgRef, strike->fStyle);
304 AWTFont *awtfont = strike->fAWTFont; //(AWTFont *)(qsdo->fontInfo.awtfont);
307 JavaCT_DrawTextUsingQSD(env, qsdo, strike, chars, length); // Draw with CoreText
332 // strike the glyphs immediately in Core Graphics. Otherwise, obtain the arrays, and defer to above.
334 (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, jobject gVector, BOOL useSubstituion, int *uniChars, CGGlyph *glyphs, CGSize *advances, size_t length)
336 // if we have no character substitution, and no per-glyph transformations - strike now!
344 JavaCT_DrawGlyphVector(qsdo, strike, TRUE, uniChars, glyphs, advances, NULL, NULL, length);
364 JavaCT_DrawGlyphVector(qsdo, strike, useSubstituion, uniChars, glyphs, advances, g_gvTXIndicesAsInts, g_gvTransformsAsDoubles, length);
401 (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, jobject gVector, CGGlyph *glyphs, int *uniChars, CGSize *advances, size_t length, jintArray glyphsArray)
407 // which we can use in CoreText to strike the character in another font
443 CGAffineTransform invTx = CGAffineTransformInvert(strike->fFontTx);
467 AWTFont *awtFont = strike->fAWTFont;
477 doDrawGlyphsPipe_checkForPerGlyphTransforms(env, qsdo, strike, gVector, complex, uniChars, glyphs, advances, length);
483 (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, jobject gVector)
502 doDrawGlyphsPipe_fillGlyphAndAdvanceBuffers(env, qsdo, strike, gVector, glyphs, uniChars, advances, length, glyphsArray);
518 doDrawGlyphsPipe_fillGlyphAndAdvanceBuffers(env, qsdo, strike, gVector, glyphs, uniChars, advances, length, glyphsArray);
530 (JNIEnv *env, QuartzSDOps *qsdo, const AWTStrike *strike, jobject gVector, const jfloat x, const jfloat y)
534 CGContextSetFont(cgRef, strike->fAWTFont->fNativeCGFont);
537 CGAffineTransform tx = strike->fFontTx;
542 doDrawGlyphsPipe_getGlyphVectorLengthAndAlloc(env, qsdo, strike, gVector);