Lines Matching refs:WSDL

152         // Categorises the documents as WSDL, Schema etc
154 // Finds the primary WSDL and makes sure that metadata doesn't have
161 // create WSDL model
172 // ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
174 //Even in case of Provider, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
178 //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
181 //No WSDL, so try to merge features from Policy configuration
196 // Generate WSDL for SEI endpoints(not for Provider endpoints)
199 // create WSDL model
204 // New Features might have been added in WSDL through Policy.
205 //Merge features from WSDL and other policy configuration
227 * This done traversing from primary WSDL and its imports until it builds a
230 * @param primaryDoc primary WSDL doc
313 // wsdlPort will be null, means we will generate WSDL. Hence no need to apply
314 // bindings or need to look in the WSDL
343 throw new ServerRtException("Deployment failed! Mtom policy assertion in WSDL is enabled whereas the deplyment descriptor setting wants to disable it!");
414 * Generates the WSDL and XML Schema for the endpoint if necessary
415 * It generates WSDL only for SOAP1.1, and for XSOAP1.2 bindings
429 // Generate WSDL and schema documents using runtime model
452 * If the WSDL doesn't have the service, it throws an WebServiceException.
456 if (!(primaryDoc instanceof SDDocument.WSDL)) {
458 " is not a WSDL. But it is passed as a primary WSDL");
460 SDDocument.WSDL wsdlDoc = (SDDocument.WSDL)primaryDoc;
463 throw new WebServiceException("Not a primary WSDL="+primaryWsdl.getSystemId()+
466 throw new WebServiceException("WSDL "+primaryDoc.getSystemId()
473 * Finds the primary WSDL document from the list of metadata documents. If
486 if (doc instanceof SDDocument.WSDL) {
487 SDDocument.WSDL wsdlDoc = (SDDocument.WSDL)doc;
507 * Parses the primary WSDL and returns the {@link WSDLPort} for the given service and port names
509 * @param primaryWsdl Primary WSDL
510 * @param metadata it may contain imported WSDL and schema documents
512 * @param portName port name in WSDL