Lines Matching refs:user
367 elif [[ "${user}" != "root" ]]; then
368 sed "s/agetty -a root/agetty -a ${user}/" -i "${rootfs}/etc/inittab"
369 printf " => Autologin on main console for %s enabled\n" "${user}"
371 store_user_message "${user} has autologin on main console"
375 store_user_message "${user} has autologin on main console"
633 if [[ "${user}" != "root" ]]; then
634 printf " non root user requested, creating... \n"
635 chroot "${rootfs}" useradd --create-home -s /bin/bash "${user}" || die 1 "failed to create user ${user}"
636 printf " => user %s created\n" "${user}"
638 store_user_message "Connection user is ${user}"
639 #Home of user
640 auth_home=$(chroot "${rootfs}" getent passwd "${user}" | cut -d : -f 6)
642 printf " deploying auth_key %s for user %s ...\n" "${auth_key}" "${user}"
645 chroot "${rootfs}" chown "${user}:" "${auth_home}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
648 store_user_message "${user} has the ssh key you gave us"
652 printf " setting password for %s ...\n" "${user}"
653 echo "${user}:${password}" | chroot "${rootfs}" chpasswd || die 1 "failed to change password"
656 store_user_message "${user} has the password you give for him"
725 [-F|--flush-cache] [-c|--cache-only] [-u|--user <username>] [-w|--password <password>] [--autologin] [-S|--auth-key <keyfile>]
752 user: user used in auth oriented options (currently: '${user}')
754 password: password for user (currently: '${password}')
757 autologin: enable autologin for user (currently: '${autologin}')
760 auth-key: SSH Public key file to inject into container for user (currently: '${auth_key}')
779 user="root"
782 options=$(getopt -o hp:n:a:FcPv:t:S:u:w:s:m: -l help,rootfs:,path:,name:,arch:,flush-cache,cache-only,private-portage,variant:,portage-dir:,tarball:,auth-key:,user:,autologin,password:,settings:,mirror:,tty: -- "$@")
801 -u|--user) user=$2; shift 2;;