Lines Matching defs:prefs_path

180 void InkscapePreferences::AddSelcueCheckbox(DialogPage &p, Glib::ustring const &prefs_path, bool def_value)
183 cb->init ( _("Show selection cue"), prefs_path + "/selcue", def_value);
187 void InkscapePreferences::AddGradientCheckbox(DialogPage &p, Glib::ustring const &prefs_path, bool def_value)
190 cb->init ( _("Enable gradient editing"), prefs_path + "/gradientdrag", def_value);
194 void InkscapePreferences::AddConvertGuidesCheckbox(DialogPage &p, Glib::ustring const &prefs_path, bool def_value) {
196 cb->init ( _("Conversion to guides uses edges instead of bounding box"), prefs_path + "/convertguides", def_value);
200 void InkscapePreferences::AddDotSizeSpinbutton(DialogPage &p, Glib::ustring const &prefs_path, double def_value)
203 sb->init ( prefs_path + "/dot-size", 0.0, 1000.0, 0.1, 10.0, def_value, false, false);
209 void InkscapePreferences::AddBaseSimplifySpinbutton(DialogPage &p, Glib::ustring const &prefs_path, double def_value)
212 sb->init ( prefs_path + "/base-simplify", 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 10.0, def_value, false, false);
219 static void StyleFromSelectionToTool(Glib::ustring const &prefs_path, StyleSwatch *swatch)
250 if (prefs_path != "/tools/text") {
258 prefs->setStyle(prefs_path + "/style", css);
263 SPCSSAttr *css = prefs->getInheritedStyle(prefs_path + "/style");
269 void InkscapePreferences::AddNewObjectsStyle(DialogPage &p, Glib::ustring const &prefs_path, const gchar *banner)
276 current->init ( _("Last used style"), prefs_path + "/usecurrent", 1, true, 0);
283 own->init ( _("This tool's own style:"), prefs_path + "/usecurrent", 0, false, current);
295 if (prefs->getInt(prefs_path + "/usecurrent")) {
299 SPCSSAttr *css = prefs->getStyle(prefs_path + "/style");
304 button->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::bind( sigc::ptr_fun(StyleFromSelectionToTool), prefs_path, swatch) );