Lines Matching defs:button
287 p.set_tip( *own, _("Each tool may store its own style to apply to the newly created objects. Use the button below to set it."));
291 Gtk::Button* button = Gtk::manage( new Gtk::Button(_("Take from selection"), true));
296 button->set_sensitive(false);
304 button->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::bind( sigc::ptr_fun(StyleFromSelectionToTool), prefs_path, swatch) );
305 own->changed_signal.connect( sigc::mem_fun(*button, &Gtk::Button::set_sensitive) );
306 p.add_line( true, "", *button, "",
506 _("When on, the Gradient Edit button in the Fill & Stroke dialog will show the legacy Gradient Editor dialog, when off the Gradient Tool will be used"), true);
696 _win_show_close.init ( _("Show close button on dialogs"), "/dialogs/showclose", false);
765 _("Zoom drawing when document window is resized, to keep the same area visible (this is the default which can be changed in any window using the button above the right scrollbar)"));
769 _("Whether dialog windows have a close button (requires restart)"));