Lines Matching refs:use

45 #include "sp-use.h"
514 SPUse *use = dynamic_cast<SPUse *>(old_clone);
515 if (use) {
516 SPItem *orig = use->get_original();
857 SPUse *use = dynamic_cast<SPUse *>(*item);
859 SPItem *original = use;
875 SPUse *use = static_cast<SPUse *>(item->data);
877 *items_node = use->unlink();
1484 SPUse *use = dynamic_cast<SPUse *>(item_use);
1485 while (use && item_use && !contains_original)
1487 item_use = use->get_original();
1488 use = dynamic_cast<SPUse *>(item_use);
1622 // apply the inverse of the region's transform to the <use> so that the flow remains
1627 SPUse *use = dynamic_cast<SPUse *>(item);
1628 if ( use ) {
1629 use->doWriteTransform(use->getRepr(), use->transform.inverse(), NULL, compensate);
1662 SPUse *use = dynamic_cast<SPUse *>(item);
1663 if (use) {
1664 parent = use->get_parent_transform();
2619 Inkscape::XML::Node *clone = xml_doc->createElement("svg:use");
2720 // keep the non-use item in the new selection
2726 SPUse *use = dynamic_cast<SPUse *>(item);
2727 if (use) {
2728 unlink = use->unlink();
2729 // Unable to unlink use (external or invalid href?)
2734 } else /*if (SP_IS_TREF(use))*/ {
2777 SPUse *use = dynamic_cast<SPUse *>(item);
2778 if (use) {
2779 original = use->get_original();
3065 * is moved to the referencing <use> element that is created.)
3071 * For SVG2, set 'refX' 'refY' to object center (with compensating shift in <use>
3096 // Keep track of parent, this is where <use> will be inserted.
3170 // Create <use> pointing to new symbol (to replace the moved objects).
3171 Inkscape::XML::Node *clone = xml_doc->createElement("svg:use");
3182 // Change selection to new <use> element.
3192 * Convert <symbol> to <g>. All <use> elements referencing symbol remain unchanged.
3259 // Need to delete <symbol>; all <use> elements that referenced <symbol> should
3439 // use SPObject::setid when mental finishes it to steal ids of
3751 * to clip the entire group using a few <use>s and generally irritating me.
3830 Inkscape::XML::Node *clone = xml_doc->createElement("svg:use");