Lines Matching defs:speed
128 Piecewise<D2<SBasis> >speed = derivative(pwd2_in);
154 Point n = rot90(unit_vector(speed(t_cuts[i])))*sign;
164 Point n = rot90(unit_vector(speed.firstValue()))*sign;
170 Point n = rot90(unit_vector(speed.lastValue()))*sign;
171 //speed.lastValue() is somtimes wrong when the path is closed: a tiny line seg might added at the end to fix rounding errors...
174 speed.segs.size() > 1 &&
175 speed.segs.back()[X].size() <= 1 &&
176 speed.segs.back()[Y].size() <= 1 &&
177 speed.segs.back()[X].tailError(0) <= 1e-10 &&
178 speed.segs.back()[Y].tailError(0) <= 1e-10
180 n = rot90(unit_vector(speed.segs[speed.segs.size()-2].at1()))*sign;