Lines Matching refs:Length
1409 uint32_t Length; //!< Number of Unicode Characters in FamilyName
1600 int32_t Length; //!< Range length
1894 /** \defgroup U_PMF_PPTYPERLE PMF Run Length Encoded Path Point Types
1897 U_PMF_PATHPOINTTYPERLE fields specify point types in a path where the path is Run Length Encoded.
2440 uint32_t Length; //!< Number of characters in the string.
2879 int32_t FSFlags, uint32_t Length, const uint16_t *Font);
2900 U_PSEUDO_OBJ *U_PMF_CHARACTERRANGE_set(int32_t First, int32_t Length);
3000 uint32_t FormatID, uint32_t Length, const U_PSEUDO_OBJ *Rect, const uint16_t *Text);
3041 int U_PMF_FONT_get(const char *contents, uint32_t *Version, U_FLOAT *EmSize, uint32_t *SizeUnit, int32_t *FSFlags, uint32_t *Length, const char **Data, const char *blimit);
3055 int U_PMF_CHARACTERRANGE_get(const char *contents, int32_t *First, int32_t *Length, const char *blimit);