Lines Matching refs:cpts
2942 U_NUM_POINT16 cpts; //!< Number of POINT16 in array
2969 U_NUM_POINT16 cpts; //!< Total number of points (over all poly)
2988 U_NUM_POINT16 cpts; //!< Total number of points (over all poly)
3582 char *U_EMRPOLYBEZIER16_set(const U_RECTL rclBounds, const uint32_t cpts, const U_POINT16 *points);
3583 char *U_EMRPOLYGON16_set(const U_RECTL rclBounds, const uint32_t cpts, const U_POINT16 *points);
3584 char *U_EMRPOLYLINE16_set(const U_RECTL rclBounds, const uint32_t cpts, const U_POINT16 *points);
3585 char *U_EMRPOLYBEZIERTO16_set(const U_RECTL rclBounds, const uint32_t cpts, const U_POINT16 *points);
3586 char *U_EMRPOLYLINETO16_set(const U_RECTL rclBounds, const uint32_t cpts, const U_POINT16 *points);
3587 char *U_EMRPOLYPOLYLINE16_set(const U_RECTL rclBounds, const uint32_t nPolys, const uint32_t *aPolyCounts,const uint32_t cpts, const U_POINT16 *points);
3588 char *U_EMRPOLYPOLYGON16_set(const U_RECTL rclBounds, const uint32_t nPolys, const uint32_t *aPolyCounts,const uint32_t cpts, const U_POINT16 *points);
3589 char *U_EMRPOLYDRAW16_set(const U_RECTL rclBounds,const U_NUM_POINT16 cpts, const U_POINT16 *aptl, const uint8_t *abTypes);