Lines Matching defs:SPCurve

23  * Routines for SPCurve and for its Geom::PathVector
29 * The returned curve's state is as if SPCurve::reset has just been called on it.
31 SPCurve::SPCurve()
36 SPCurve::SPCurve(Geom::PathVector const& pathv)
41 SPCurve *
42 SPCurve::new_from_rect(Geom::Rect const &rect, bool all_four_sides)
44 SPCurve *c = new SPCurve();
66 SPCurve::~SPCurve()
73 SPCurve::set_pathvector(Geom::PathVector const & new_pathv)
79 SPCurve::get_pathvector() const
89 SPCurve::get_segment_count() const
99 SPCurve *
100 SPCurve::ref()
112 SPCurve *
113 SPCurve::unref()
127 SPCurve *
128 SPCurve::copy() const
130 return new SPCurve(_pathv);
136 SPCurve *
137 SPCurve::concat(GSList const *list)
139 SPCurve *new_curve = new SPCurve();
142 SPCurve *c = static_cast<SPCurve *>(l->data);
154 SPCurve::split() const
161 SPCurve * newcurve = new SPCurve(newpathv);
172 SPCurve::transform(Geom::Affine const &m)
182 SPCurve::reset()
192 * Calls SPCurve::moveto() with point made of given coordinates.
195 SPCurve::moveto(double x, double y)
204 SPCurve::moveto(Geom::Point const &p)
216 SPCurve::lineto(Geom::Point const &p)
218 if (_pathv.empty()) g_message("SPCurve::lineto - path is empty!");
222 * Calls SPCurve::lineto( Geom::Point(x,y) )
225 SPCurve::lineto(double x, double y)
235 SPCurve::quadto(Geom::Point const &p1, Geom::Point const &p2)
237 if (_pathv.empty()) g_message("SPCurve::quadto - path is empty!");
241 * Calls SPCurve::quadto( Geom::Point(x1,y1), Geom::Point(x2,y2) )
245 SPCurve::quadto(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
255 SPCurve::curveto(Geom::Point const &p0, Geom::Point const &p1, Geom::Point const &p2)
257 if (_pathv.empty()) g_message("SPCurve::curveto - path is empty!");
261 * Calls SPCurve::curveto( Geom::Point(x0,y0), Geom::Point(x1,y1), Geom::Point(x2,y2) )
265 SPCurve::curveto(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
274 SPCurve::closepath()
279 /** Like SPCurve::closepath() but sets the end point of the last subpath
285 SPCurve::closepath_current()
299 SPCurve::is_empty() const
309 SPCurve::is_closed() const
330 SPCurve::last_segment() const
346 SPCurve::last_path() const
357 * equal in functionality to SPCurve::first_bpath()
360 SPCurve::first_segment() const
376 SPCurve::first_path() const
389 SPCurve::first_point() const
407 SPCurve::second_point() const
431 SPCurve::penultimate_point() const
452 SPCurve::last_point() const
469 SPCurve *
470 SPCurve::create_reverse() const
472 SPCurve *new_curve = new SPCurve(_pathv.reversed());
483 SPCurve::append(SPCurve const *curve2,
515 SPCurve *
516 SPCurve::append_continuous(SPCurve const *c1, double tolerance)
562 SPCurve::backspace()
574 * TODO: add comments about what this method does and what assumptions are made and requirements are put on SPCurve
583 SPCurve::stretch_endpoints(Geom::Point const &new_p0, Geom::Point const &new_p1)
595 g_error("SPCurve::stretch_endpoints - arclength <= 0");
612 SPCurve::move_endpoints(Geom::Point const &new_p0, Geom::Point const &new_p1)
627 SPCurve::nodes_in_path() const
644 SPCurve::last_point_additive_move(Geom::Point const & p)