Lines Matching refs:write
15 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
34 def write(self, text):
65 self.write("ctx.beginPath();")
69 self.write("var %s = \
74 self.write("var %s = ctx.createRadialGradient\
78 self.write("%s.addColorStop(%f, %s);" % (href, pos, color))
101 self.write("ctx.globalAlpha = %.1f;" % float(value))
110 self.write("ctx.fillStyle = %s;" % fill)
117 self.write("ctx.strokeStyle = %s;" % self.getColor(value, alpha))
120 self.write("ctx.lineWidth = %f;" % self.parent.unittouu(value))
123 self.write("ctx.lineCap = '%s';" % value)
126 self.write("ctx.lineJoin = '%s';" % value)
129 self.write("ctx.miterLimit = %s;" % value)
132 self.write("ctx.font = \"%s\";" % value)
135 self.write("ctx.moveTo(%f, %f);" % (x, y))
138 self.write("ctx.lineTo(%f, %f);" % (x, y))
142 self.write("ctx.quadraticCurveTo(%f, %f, %f, %f);" % data)
146 self.write("ctx.bezierCurveTo(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f);" % data)
161 self.write("ctx.rect(%f, %f, %f, %f);" % (x, y, w, h))
165 self.write("ctx.arc(%f, %f, %f, %f, %.8f, %d);" % data)
168 self.write("ctx.fillText(\"%s\", %f, %f);" % (text, x, y))
171 self.write("ctx.translate(%f, %f);" % (cx, cy))
174 self.write("ctx.rotate(%f);" % angle)
177 self.write("ctx.scale(%f, %f);" % (rx, ry))
181 self.write("ctx.transform(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f);" % data)
184 self.write(";")
187 self.write("ctx.restore();")
191 self.write("ctx.fill();")
193 self.write("ctx.stroke();")
194 #self.write("%s.closePath();" % self.obj)