Lines Matching refs:dest

628 	andcc	%o1, 0x7, %o3		! is dest long aligned
630 andcc %o1, 1, %o3 ! is dest byte aligned
638 * Special case for handling when src and dest are both long word aligned
734 .bc_al_d1f: ! dest is now half word aligned
737 .bc_al_d2f: ! dest is now word aligned
738 andcc %o1, 4, %o3 ! is dest longword aligned?
741 .bc_al_d4: ! dest is word aligned; src is unknown
754 add %o1, 4, %o1 ! adjust dest by 4
770 .bc_al_d1: ! align dest to half word
778 .bc_al_d2: ! align dest to word
786 andcc %o1, 4, %o3 ! is dest longword aligned?
792 * Handle all cases where src and dest are aligned on word
1168 andcc %i1, 1, %o3 ! is dest byte aligned
1173 .bc_big_d1f: ! dest is now half word aligned
1176 .bc_big_d2f: ! dest is now word aligned
1179 .bc_big_d4f: ! dest is now long word aligned
1601 add %i1, 4, %i1 ! adjust dest by 4
1611 neg %o3 ! bytes until dest is 64 byte aligned
1620 ! Src is word aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned
1633 ! Src is half-word aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned
1650 ! Src is Byte aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned
2092 * and (dest & ~63) - (src & ~63) can be 3 blocks even if
2093 * src = dest + (64 * 3) + 63.
2457 ! i0 - src address, i1 - dest address, i2 - count
2555 or %i5, %i4, %i5 ! merge with upper dest bits (leftover)
2646 ! assumes dest in %i1 and (source - dest) in %i0
3016 andcc %o1, 0x7, %o3 ! is dest long word aligned
3018 andcc %o1, 1, %o3 ! is dest byte aligned
3027 * Special case for handling when src and dest are both long word aligned
3117 .co_al_d1f: ! dest is now half word aligned
3120 .co_al_d2f: ! dest is now word aligned
3121 andcc %o1, 4, %o3 ! is dest longword aligned?
3124 .co_al_d4: ! dest is word aligned; src is unknown
3137 add %o1, 4, %o1 ! adjust dest by 4
3153 .co_al_d1: ! align dest to half word
3161 .co_al_d2: ! align dest to word
3169 andcc %o1, 4, %o3 ! is dest longword aligned?
3175 * Handle all cases where src and dest are aligned on word
3540 andcc %i1, 1, %o3 ! is dest byte aligned
3542 .co_big_d1f: ! dest is now half word aligned
3545 .co_big_d2f: ! dest is now word aligned
3546 andcc %i1, 4, %o3 ! is dest longword aligned
3548 .co_big_d4f: ! dest is now long word aligned
3953 andcc %i1, 4, %o3 ! is dest longword aligned
3956 .co_big_d4: ! dest is at least word aligned
3970 add %i1, 4, %i1 ! adjust dest by 4
3980 neg %o3 ! bytes until dest is 64 byte aligned
3989 ! Src is word aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned
4002 ! Src is half-word aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned
4019 ! Src is Byte aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned
5209 andcc %o1, 0x7, %o3 ! is dest long word aligned
5211 andcc %o1, 1, %o3 ! is dest byte aligned
5219 * Special case for handling when src and dest are both long word aligned
5309 .ci_al_d1f: ! dest is now half word aligned
5310 andcc %o1, 2, %o3 ! is dest word aligned
5312 .ci_al_d2f: ! dest is now word aligned
5313 andcc %o1, 4, %o3 ! is dest longword aligned?
5316 .ci_al_d4: ! dest is word aligned; src is unknown
5329 add %o1, 4, %o1 ! adjust dest by 4
5345 .ci_al_d1: ! align dest to half word
5350 andcc %o1, 2, %o3 ! is dest word aligned
5353 .ci_al_d2: ! align dest to word
5361 andcc %o1, 4, %o3 ! is dest longword aligned?
5367 * Handle all cases where src and dest are aligned on word
5735 andcc %i1, 1, %o3 ! is dest byte aligned
5737 .ci_big_d1f: ! dest is now half word aligned
5740 .ci_big_d2f: ! dest is now word aligned
5743 .ci_big_d4f: ! dest is long word aligned
6139 .ci_big_d2: ! dest is now at least half word aligned
6150 .ci_big_d4: ! dest is at least word aligned
6164 add %i1, 4, %i1 ! adjust dest by 4
6174 neg %o3 ! bytes until dest is 64 byte aligned
6183 ! Src is word aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned
6196 ! Src is half-word aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned
6213 ! Src is Byte aligned, move bytes until dest 64 byte aligned