Lines Matching defs:MDIOC

681 #define	MDIOC		('V' << 8)
684 #define MD_IOCSET (MDIOC|0) /* set config (metainit) */
685 #define MD_IOCRESET (MDIOC|1) /* reset config (metaclear) */
686 #define MD_IOCGET (MDIOC|2) /* get config (metastat) */
687 #define MD_IOCGROW (MDIOC|3) /* grow config (dyn concat) */
688 #define MD_IOCCHANGE (MDIOC|4) /* change config (metaparam) */
689 #define MD_IOCSET_NM (MDIOC|5) /* set device name */
690 #define MD_IOCGET_NM (MDIOC|6) /* get device name */
691 #define MD_IOCREM_NM (MDIOC|7) /* remove device name */
692 #define MD_IOCGET_DRVNM (MDIOC|8) /* get driver name */
693 #define MD_IOCGET_NEXT (MDIOC|9) /* get next unit id */
694 #define MD_IOCGET_DEVS (MDIOC|10) /* get device list */
695 #define MD_DB_NEWDEV (MDIOC|11) /* add a db replica */
696 #define MD_DB_USEDEV (MDIOC|12) /* patch in a db location */
697 #define MD_DB_GETDEV (MDIOC|13) /* get a db replica */
698 #define MD_DB_DELDEV (MDIOC|14) /* remove a db replica */
699 #define MD_DB_ENDDEV (MDIOC|15) /* get db replica and size */
700 #define MD_DB_GETDRVNM (MDIOC|16) /* get db replica driver name */
701 #define MD_HALT (MDIOC|17) /* halt driver (metahalt) */
702 #define MD_GRAB_SET (MDIOC|18)
703 #define MD_RELEASE_SET (MDIOC|20) /* release a set */
704 #define MD_IOCSETSYNC (MDIOC|21)
705 #define MD_IOCGETSYNC (MDIOC|22)
706 #define MD_IOCOFFLINE (MDIOC|23)
707 #define MD_IOCONLINE (MDIOC|24)
708 #define MD_IOCATTACH (MDIOC|25)
709 #define MD_IOCDETACH (MDIOC|26)
710 #define MD_IOCREPLACE (MDIOC|27)
711 #define MD_DB_USERREQ (MDIOC|28)
712 #define MD_DB_GETOPTLOC (MDIOC|29) /* get locators for opt resync rec. */
713 #define MD_DB_OWNSET (MDIOC|30) /* Does caller own the set */
714 #define MD_IOCGETNSET (MDIOC|31) /* Get the config'd number sets */
715 #define MD_IOCNXTKEY_NM (MDIOC|32) /* get next key from namespace */
716 #define MD_DB_NEWSIDE (MDIOC|33) /* add another side to the db replica */
717 #define MD_DB_DELSIDE (MDIOC|34) /* delete a side from the db replica */
718 #define MD_IOCGVERSION (MDIOC|35) /* get the driver version */
719 #define MD_IOCSET_FLAGS (MDIOC|36) /* set the userflags of a metadevice */
720 #define MD_IOCGETNUNITS (MDIOC|37) /* Get the config'd number units */
721 #define MD_IOCNOTIFY (MDIOC|38) /* notification */
722 #define MD_IOCRENAME (MDIOC|39) /* (Ex)Change/Rename unit identities */
723 #define MD_IOCISOPEN (MDIOC|40) /* Is metadevice open? */
724 #define MD_IOCSETREGEN (MDIOC|41) /* regen ioctl for raid */
725 #define MD_MED_GET_LST (MDIOC|42) /* Get the mediator list */
726 #define MD_MED_SET_LST (MDIOC|43) /* Set the mediator list */
727 #define MD_MED_UPD_MED (MDIOC|44) /* Have the kernel push mediator data */
728 #define MD_MED_GET_NMED (MDIOC|45) /* Get the max number of mediators */
729 #define MD_MED_GET_TLEN (MDIOC|46) /* Get the mediator transport tbl len */
730 #define MD_MED_GET_T (MDIOC|47) /* Get the mediator transport tbl */
731 #define MD_MED_SET_T (MDIOC|48) /* Set the mediator transport tbl */
732 #define MD_MED_GET_TAG (MDIOC|49) /* Get the list of data tags */
733 #define MD_MED_USE_TAG (MDIOC|50) /* Use one of the data tags */
734 #define MD_MED_ACCEPT (MDIOC|51) /* Accept 1/2 n 1/2 */
735 #define MD_GET_SETSTAT (MDIOC|52) /* Get the s_status for a set */
736 #define MD_SET_SETSTAT (MDIOC|53) /* Set the s_status for a set */
737 #define MD_IOCPROBE_DEV (MDIOC|54) /* Force pseudo opens for metadevices */
738 #define MD_IOCGET_DID (MDIOC|55) /* Get device id */
739 #define MD_IOCUPD_NM (MDIOC|56) /* Update namespace */
740 #define MD_DB_SETDID (MDIOC|57) /* Set device id for a locator block */
741 #define MD_IOCUPD_LOCNM (MDIOC|58) /* update locator namespace */
742 #define MD_SETNMDID (MDIOC|59) /* update namespace devid */
743 #define MD_IOCDID_STAT (MDIOC|60) /* get invalid device id's */
744 #define MD_UPGRADE_STAT (MDIOC|61) /* get upgrade status information */
745 #define MD_IOCGET_NUM (MDIOC|62) /* get number of devs and devs */
746 #define MD_IOCGET_TSTATE (MDIOC|63) /* get ui_tstate for metastat */
747 #define MD_SETMASTER (MDIOC|64)
748 #define MD_MN_SET_DOORH (MDIOC|65) /* MN: set the doorhandle */
749 #define MD_MN_OPEN_TEST (MDIOC|66) /* MN: check / (un)lock a md */
750 #define MD_MN_SET_MM_OWNER (MDIOC|67) /* Set mirror owner */
751 #define MD_MN_SET_NODEID (MDIOC|68) /* Set this node's id */
752 #define MD_MN_SET_STATE (MDIOC|69) /* Set mirror state */
753 #define MD_MN_SUSPEND_WRITES (MDIOC|70) /* Blocks writes */
754 #define MD_MN_GET_MM_OWNER (MDIOC|71) /* Get mirror owner */
755 #define MD_IOCGUNIQMSGID (MDIOC|72) /* create a unique message ID */
756 #define MD_MN_MM_OWNER_STATUS (MDIOC|73) /* Return status of SET_MM_OWNER */
757 #define MD_MN_ALLOCATE_HOTSPARE (MDIOC|74) /* Allocate hotspare */
758 #define MD_MN_SUBMIRROR_STATE (MDIOC|75) /* Submirror state change */
759 #define MD_MN_RESYNC (MDIOC|76) /* Resync ioctl */
760 #define MD_MN_SUSPEND_SET (MDIOC|77) /* suspend IO's for a MN diskset */
761 #define MD_MN_RESUME_SET (MDIOC|78) /* resume IO's for a MN diskset */
762 #define MD_MN_MDDB_PARSE (MDIOC|79) /* Re-parse portion of MNset mddb */
763 #define MD_MN_MDDB_BLOCK (MDIOC|80) /* Block parse or record changes */
764 #define MD_MN_MDDB_OPTRECFIX (MDIOC|81) /* Fix optimized record failure */
765 #define MD_MN_SET_CAP (MDIOC|82) /* set capability, eg ABR, DMR */
766 #define MD_MN_CHK_WRT_MDDB (MDIOC|83) /* New master checks/writes mddb */
767 #define MD_MN_SET_SETFLAGS (MDIOC|84) /* Set/reset set flags */
768 #define MD_MN_GET_SETFLAGS (MDIOC|85) /* Gets set flags */
769 #define MD_IOCGET_DIDMIN (MDIOC|94) /* get the minor name for a devid */
770 #define MD_IOCIMP_LOAD (MDIOC|95) /* load the import replicas */
771 #define MD_IOCSET_DID (MDIOC|96) /* set the devid of a disk */
772 #define MD_MN_GET_MIRROR_STATE (MDIOC|97) /* Get the mirror state MN only */
773 #define MD_MN_DB_USERREQ (MDIOC|98) /* MN MT-version of USERREQ */
774 #define MD_IOCMAKE_DEV (MDIOC|99) /* create device node for unit */
775 #define MD_MN_SET_COMMD_RUNNING (MDIOC|100) /* Commd running or exiting */
776 #define MD_MN_COMMD_ERR (MDIOC|101) /* get a message out */
777 #define MD_MN_SETSYNC (MDIOC|102) /* multi-threaded MD_IOCSETSYNC */
778 #define MD_MN_POKE_HOTSPARES (MDIOC|103) /* poke hotspares */
779 #define MD_DB_LBINITTIME (MDIOC|104) /* get the lb_inittime */
780 #define MD_IOCGET_HSP_NM (MDIOC|105) /* get hsp entry from namespace */
781 #define MD_IOCREM_DEV (MDIOC|106) /* remove device node for unit */
782 #define MD_IOCUPDATE_NM_RR_DID (MDIOC|107) /* update remotely repl did in NM */
783 #define MD_MN_RR_DIRTY (MDIOC|108) /* Mark RR range as dirty */
784 #define MD_MN_RR_CLEAN (MDIOC|109) /* Clean RR bits from bitmap */
786 #define MDIOC_MISC (MDIOC|128) /* misc module base */
788 #define MD_MN_CHECK_DOOR1 (MDIOC|126) /* MN: test door to master */
789 #define MD_MN_CHECK_DOOR2 (MDIOC|127) /* MN: test door master-broadcast */