Lines Matching defs:outnvl

115  *   nvlist_t *outnvl
132 * use the outnvl if they succeed, because the caller can not
3168 * outnvl: propname -> error code (int32)
3171 zfs_ioc_create(const char *fsname, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
3259 nvprops, outnvl);
3272 * outnvl: propname -> error code (int32)
3275 zfs_ioc_clone(const char *fsname, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
3300 nvprops, outnvl);
3313 * outnvl: snapshot -> error code (int32)
3316 zfs_ioc_snapshot(const char *poolname, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
3364 error = dsl_dataset_snapshot(snaps, props, outnvl);
3373 zfs_ioc_log_history(const char *unused, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
3487 * outnvl: snapshot -> error code (int32)
3492 zfs_ioc_destroy_snaps(const char *poolname, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
3507 return (dsl_destroy_snapshots_nvl(snaps, defer, outnvl));
3518 * outnvl: bookmark -> error code (int32)
3523 zfs_ioc_bookmark(const char *poolname, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
3544 return (dsl_bookmark_create(innvl, outnvl));
3552 * outnvl: {
3559 zfs_ioc_get_bookmarks(const char *fsname, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
3561 return (dsl_get_bookmarks(fsname, innvl, outnvl));
3569 * outnvl: bookmark -> error code (int32)
3574 nvlist_t *outnvl)
3600 error = dsl_bookmark_destroy(innvl, outnvl);
3637 * outnvl: "target" -> name of most recent snapshot
3642 zfs_ioc_rollback(const char *fsname, nvlist_t *args, nvlist_t *outnvl)
3655 error = dsl_dataset_rollback(fsname, zfsvfs, outnvl);
3661 error = dsl_dataset_rollback(fsname, NULL, outnvl);
5228 * outnvl: {
5275 * outnvl: {
5282 zfs_ioc_get_holds(const char *snapname, nvlist_t *args, nvlist_t *outnvl)
5284 return (dsl_dataset_get_holds(snapname, outnvl));
5293 * outnvl: {
5350 * outnvl: {
5357 zfs_ioc_space_snaps(const char *lastsnap, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
5396 fnvlist_add_uint64(outnvl, "used", used);
5397 fnvlist_add_uint64(outnvl, "compressed", comp);
5398 fnvlist_add_uint64(outnvl, "uncompressed", uncomp);
5416 * outnvl is unused
5420 zfs_ioc_send_new(const char *snapname, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
5474 * outnvl: {
5479 zfs_ioc_send_space(const char *snapname, nvlist_t *innvl, nvlist_t *outnvl)
5548 fnvlist_add_uint64(outnvl, "space", space);
6066 nvlist_t *outnvl;
6087 outnvl = fnvlist_alloc();
6088 error = vec->zvec_func(zc->zc_name, innvl, outnvl);
6092 if (!nvlist_empty(outnvl)) {
6094 outnvl);
6101 if (!nvlist_empty(outnvl) || zc->zc_nvlist_dst_size != 0) {
6104 smusherror = nvlist_smush(outnvl,
6108 puterror = put_nvlist(zc, outnvl);
6114 nvlist_free(outnvl);