Lines Matching defs:config

58 struct config *Configlist_add(/* struct rule *, int */);
59 struct config *Configlist_addbasis(/* struct rule *, int */);
63 struct config *Configlist_return(/* void */);
64 struct config *Configlist_basis(/* void */);
65 void Configlist_eat(/* struct config * */);
90 void Plink_add(/* struct plink **, struct config * */);
171 struct config {
182 struct config *next; /* Next configuration in the state */
183 struct config *bp; /* The next basis configuration */
210 struct config *bp; /* The basis configurations for this state */
211 struct config *cfp; /* All configurations in this set */
224 struct config *cfp; /* The configuration to which linked */
313 int Configcmp(/* struct config *, struct config * */);
316 int State_insert(/* struct state *, struct config * */);
317 struct state *State_find(/* struct config * */);
323 int Configtable_insert(/* struct config * */);
324 struct config *Configtable_find(/* struct config * */);
325 void Configtable_clear(/* int(*)(struct config *) */);
707 struct config *newcfp;
726 struct config *cfp, *bp;
740 struct config *x, *y;
752 cfp = Configlist_return(); /* Get a pointer to the config list */
772 struct config *cfp; /* For looping thru the config closure of "stp" */
773 struct config *bcfp; /* For the inner loop on config closure of "stp" */
774 struct config *new; /* */
786 if( cfp->dot>=cfp->rp->nrhs ) continue; /* Can't shift this config */
787 Configlist_reset(); /* Reset the new config set */
798 bcfp->status = COMPLETE; /* Mark this config as used */
820 struct config *cfp, *other;
856 struct config *cfp;
893 struct config *cfp;
1034 static struct config *freelist = 0; /* List of free configurations */
1035 static struct config *current = 0; /* Top of list of configurations */
1036 static struct config **currentend = 0; /* Last on list of configs */
1037 static struct config *basis = 0; /* Top of list of basis configs */
1038 static struct config **basisend = 0; /* End of list of basis configs */
1041 PRIVATE struct config *newconfig(){
1042 struct config *new;
1046 freelist = (struct config *)malloc( sizeof(struct config)*amt );
1061 struct config *old;
1088 struct config *Configlist_add(rp,dot)
1092 struct config *cfp, model;
1115 struct config *Configlist_addbasis(rp,dot)
1119 struct config *cfp, model;
1148 struct config *cfp, *newcfp;
1186 current = (struct config *)msort((char *)current,(char **)&(current->next),Configcmp);
1193 basis = (struct config *)msort((char *)current,(char **)&(current->bp),Configcmp);
1200 struct config *Configlist_return(){
1201 struct config *old;
1210 struct config *Configlist_basis(){
1211 struct config *old;
1220 struct config *cfp;
1222 struct config *nextcfp;
2451 struct config *cfp;
2580 struct config *cfp;
2666 struct config *cfp;
4063 struct config *a;
4064 struct config *b;
4074 struct config *a;
4075 struct config *b;
4091 struct config *a;
4127 struct config *key; /* The key */
4158 struct config *key;
4217 struct config *key;
4250 struct config *a;
4273 struct config *data; /* The data */
4303 struct config *data;
4359 struct config *Configtable_find(key)
4360 struct config *key;
4378 int(*f)(/* struct config * */);