Lines Matching refs:null

62 [[ ${ dir1;} == dir1 ]] 2> /dev/null &&  err_exit 'should not be be dir1'
67 [[ ${ dir2;} == dir2 ]] 2> /dev/null && err_exit 'should not be be dir2'
88 [[ $($SHELL ./bug1 2>/dev/null) == ok ]] || err_exit "PATH in function not working"
101 ($SHELL ./bug1) 2> /dev/null || err_exit "path_delete bug"
103 if $SHELL tdir > /dev/null 2>&1
108 if [[ $($SHELL ls 2> /dev/null) != hi ]]
111 if [[ $(ls -d . 2>/dev/null) == . && $(PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH ls -d . 2>/dev/null) != . ]]
124 do if ! whence notfound$i 2> /dev/null
141 done > /dev/null 2>&1
142 builtin -d date 2> /dev/null
152 then noexec > /dev/null 2>&1
158 builtin -d rm 2> /dev/null
169 got=$($SHELL -c "unset FPATH; PATH=/dev/null; $cmd" 2>&1)
170 [[ $got == $exp ]] && err_exit "$cmd as last command should not find ./$cmd with PATH=/dev/null"
171 got=$($SHELL -c "unset FPATH; PATH=/dev/null; $cmd" 2>&1)
172 [[ $got == $exp ]] && err_exit "$cmd should not find ./$cmd with PATH=/dev/null"
174 got=$(unset FPATH; PATH=/dev/null; whence ./$cmd)
175 [[ $got == $exp ]] || err_exit "whence $cmd should find ./$cmd with PATH=/dev/null"
177 got=$(unset FPATH; PATH=/dev/null; whence $PWD/$cmd)
178 [[ $got == $exp ]] || err_exit "whence \$PWD/$cmd should find ./$cmd with PATH=/dev/null"
182 got=$($SHELL -c "unset FPATH; PATH=/dev/null; whence ./notfound" 2>&1)
184 got=$($SHELL -c "unset FPATH; PATH=/dev/null; whence $PWD/notfound" 2>&1)
188 PATH=/dev/null
194 [[ $got == $exp ]] && err_exit "$cmd as last command should not find ./$cmd with PATH=/dev/null"
196 [[ $got == $exp ]] && err_exit "$cmd should not find ./$cmd with PATH=/dev/null"
199 [[ $got == $exp ]] || err_exit "whence ./$cmd should find ./$cmd with PATH=/dev/null"
202 [[ $got == $exp ]] || err_exit "whence \$PWD/$cmd should find ./$cmd with PATH=/dev/null"
220 PATH=$d: whence rm > /dev/null
227 if [[ $(PATH=$PWD/bin tst 2>/dev/null) != ok ]]
231 if whence ls > /dev/null
246 whence getconf > /dev/null && err_exit 'getconf should not be found'
257 status=$($SHELL -c $'trap \'print $?\' EXIT;/xxx/a/b/c/d/e 2> /dev/null')
259 status=$($SHELL -c $'trap \'print $?\' EXIT;/dev/null 2> /dev/null')
261 status=$($SHELL -c $'trap \'print $?\' ERR;/xxx/a/b/c/d/e 2> /dev/null')
263 status=$($SHELL -c $'trap \'print $?\' ERR;/dev/null 2> /dev/null')
281 { got=$($scr; print $?); } 2>/dev/null
283 { got=$(command $scr; print $?); } 2>/dev/null
285 [[ "$(:; $scr; print $?)" == "$exp" ]] 2>/dev/null || err_exit "unreadable empty script in [[ ... ]] should fail -- expected $exp"
286 [[ "$(:; command $scr; print $?)" == "$exp" ]] 2>/dev/null || err_exit "command unreadable empty script in [[ ... ]] should fail -- expected $exp"
287 got=$($SHELL -c "$scr; print \$?" 2>/dev/null)
289 got=$($SHELL -c "command $scr; print \$?" 2>/dev/null)
295 { got=$($scr; print $?); } 2>/dev/null
297 { got=$(command $scr; print $?); } 2>/dev/null
299 [[ "$(:; $scr; print $?)" == "$exp" ]] 2>/dev/null || err_exit "unreadable non-empty script in [[ ... ]] should fail -- expected $exp"
300 [[ "$(:; command $scr; print $?)" == "$exp" ]] 2>/dev/null || err_exit "command unreadable non-empty script in [[ ... ]] should fail -- expected $exp"
301 got=$($SHELL -c "$scr; print \$?" 2>/dev/null)
303 got=$($SHELL -c "command $scr; print \$?" 2>/dev/null)