Lines Matching defs:value

36 	is an attribute-value pair. 
54 /** Set a key/value pair in the TXT record. Setting an existing key will replace its value.<P>
58 @param value
61 public void set( String key, String value)
63 byte[] valBytes = (value != null) ? value.getBytes() : null;
67 /** Set a key/value pair in the TXT record. Setting an existing key will replace its value.<P>
71 @param value
72 Binary representation of the value.
74 public void set( String key, byte[] value)
77 int valLen = (value != null) ? value.length : 0;
97 this.insert( keyBytes, value, prevLoc);
100 protected void insert( byte[] keyBytes, byte[] value, int index)
101 // Insert a key-value pair at index
104 int valLen = (value != null) ? value.length : 0;
112 avLen = keyBytes.length + valLen + (value != null ? 1 : 0);
121 if ( value != null)
124 System.arraycopy( value, 0, fBytes, insertion + keyBytes.length + 2, valLen);
128 /** Remove a key/value pair from the TXT record. Returns index it was at, or -1 if not found. */
197 Look up a key in the TXT record by zero-based index and return its value. <P>
199 Returns null if the key is present with no value.
204 byte[] value = null;
218 value = new byte[ avLen - aLen - 1];
219 System.arraycopy( fBytes, avStart + aLen + 2, value, 0, avLen - aLen - 1);
224 return value;
230 byte[] value = this.getValue( index);
231 return value != null ? new String( value) : null;
234 /** Get the value associated with a key. Will be null if the key is not defined.
235 Array will have length 0 if the key is defined with an = but no value.<P>
238 The left-hand side of the key-value pair.
240 @return The binary representation of the value.
256 The left-hand side of the key-value pair.
258 @return The value represented in the default platform character set.