Lines Matching defs:SF

61 #define	SF(flag)	flag, #flag
67 { SF(QENAB), "Queue is already enabled to run" },
68 { SF(QWANTR), "Someone wants to read Q" },
69 { SF(QWANTW), "Someone wants to write Q" },
70 { SF(QFULL), "Q is considered full" },
71 { SF(QREADR), "This is the reader (first) Q" },
72 { SF(QUSE), "This queue in use (allocation)" },
73 { SF(QNOENB), "Don't enable Q via putq" },
74 { SF(QWANTRMQSYNC), "Want to remove sync stream Q" },
75 { SF(QBACK), "queue has been back-enabled" },
76 { SF(0x00000200), "unused (was QHLIST)" },
77 { SF(0x00000400), "unused (was QUNSAFE)" },
78 { SF(QPAIR), "per queue-pair syncq" },
79 { SF(QPERQ), "per queue-instance syncq" },
80 { SF(QPERMOD), "per module syncq" },
81 { SF(QMTSAFE), "stream module is MT-safe" },
82 { SF(QMTOUTPERIM), "Has outer perimeter" },
83 { SF(QINSERVICE), "service routine executing" },
84 { SF(QWCLOSE), "will not be enabled" },
85 { SF(QEND), "last queue in stream" },
86 { SF(QWANTWSYNC), "Streamhead wants to write Q" },
87 { SF(QSYNCSTR), "Q supports Synchronous STREAMS" },
88 { SF(QISDRV), "the Queue is attached to a driver" },
89 { SF(0x00400000), "unused (was QHOT)" },
90 { SF(0x00800000), "unused (was QNEXTHOT)" },
91 { SF(0x01000000), "unused (was _QNEXTLESS)" },
92 { SF(0x02000000), "unused" },
93 { SF(_QINSERTING), "module is inserted with _I_INSERT" },
94 { SF(_QREMOVING) "module is removed with _I_REMOVE" },
95 { SF(_QASSOCIATED), "queue is associated with a device" },
103 { SF(SQ_EXCL), "Exclusive access to inner perimeter" },
104 { SF(SQ_BLOCKED), "qprocsoff in progress" },
105 { SF(SQ_FROZEN), "freezestr in progress" },
106 { SF(SQ_WRITER), "qwriter(OUTER) pending or running" },
107 { SF(SQ_MESSAGES), "There are messages on syncq" },
108 { SF(SQ_WANTWAKEUP) "Thread waiting on sq_wait" },
109 { SF(SQ_WANTEXWAKEUP), "Thread waiting on sq_exwait" },
110 { SF(SQ_EVENTS), "There are events on syncq" },
118 { SF(SQ_CIPUT), "Concurrent inner put procedure" },
119 { SF(SQ_CISVC), "Concurrent inner svc procedure" },
120 { SF(SQ_CIOC), "Concurrent inner open/close" },
121 { SF(SQ_CICB), "Concurrent inner callback" },
122 { SF(SQ_COPUT), "Concurrent outer put procedure" },
123 { SF(SQ_COSVC), "Concurrent outer svc procedure" },
124 { SF(SQ_COOC), "Concurrent outer open/close" },
125 { SF(SQ_COCB), "Concurrent outer callback" },
133 { SF(IOCWAIT), "someone is doing an ioctl" },
134 { SF(RSLEEP), "someone wants to read/recv msg" },
135 { SF(WSLEEP), "someone wants to write" },
136 { SF(STRPRI), "an M_PCPROTO is at stream head" },
137 { SF(STRHUP), "device has vanished" },
138 { SF(STWOPEN), "waiting for 1st open" },
139 { SF(STPLEX), "stream is being multiplexed" },
140 { SF(STRISTTY), "stream is a terminal" },
141 { SF(STRGETINPROG), "(k)strgetmsg is running" },
142 { SF(IOCWAITNE), "STR_NOERROR ioctl running" },
143 { SF(STRDERR), "fatal read error from M_ERROR" },
144 { SF(STWRERR), "fatal write error from M_ERROR" },
145 { SF(STRDERRNONPERSIST), "nonpersistent read errors" },
146 { SF(STWRERRNONPERSIST), "nonpersistent write errors" },
147 { SF(STRCLOSE), "wait for a close to complete" },
148 { SF(SNDMREAD), "used for read notification" },
149 { SF(OLDNDELAY), "use old NDELAY TTY semantics" },
150 { SF(0x00020000), "unused" },
151 { SF(0x00040000), "unused" },
152 { SF(STRTOSTOP), "block background writes" },
153 { SF(STRCMDWAIT), "someone is doing an _I_CMD" },
154 { SF(0x00200000), "unused" },
155 { SF(STRMOUNT), "stream is mounted" },
156 { SF(STRNOTATMARK), "Not at mark (when empty read q)" },
157 { SF(STRDELIM), "generate delimited messages" },
158 { SF(STRATMARK), "at mark (due to MSGMARKNEXT)" },
159 { SF(STZCNOTIFY), "wait for zerocopy mblk to be acked" },
160 { SF(STRPLUMB), "stream plumbing changes in progress" },
161 { SF(STREOF), "End-of-file indication" },
162 { SF(STREOPENFAIL), "re-open has failed" },
163 { SF(STRMATE), "this stream is a mate" },
164 { SF(STRHASLINKS), "there are I_LINKs under this stream" },
169 { SF(MSGMARK), "last byte of message is marked" },
170 { SF(MSGNOLOOP), "don't loop message to write side" },
171 { SF(MSGDELIM), "message is delimited" },
172 { SF(0x08), "unused" },
173 { SF(MSGMARKNEXT), "Private: b_next's first byte marked" },
174 { SF(MSGNOTMARKNEXT), "Private: ... not marked" },
524 "ADDR", "FLG", "TYP", "CNT", "NQS", "OUTER", "SF", "PRI");