Lines Matching refs:KDC

160 			printf "$(gettext "%s entry ADDED to KDC database").\n" $service_princ
167 printf "$(gettext "%s entry already exists in KDC database").\n" $service_princ >&2
239 printf "\t\tkdc = $KDC\n" 1>&3
241 printf "\t\tadmin_server = $KDC\n" 1>&3
260 printf "\t\tkdc = $KDC\n" 1>&3
262 printf "\t\tadmin_server = $KDC\n" 1>&3
356 KDC) if [[ -z $KDC ]]; then
357 KDC="$value"
358 checkval="KDC"; check_value $KDC
445 if [[ -z $profile && $string == KDC ]]; then
446 # It's difficult to sync up time with KDC esp. if in a
447 # zone so just print a warning about KDC time sync.
448 printf "\n$(gettext "Note, this system and the KDC's time must be within 5 minutes of each other for Kerberos to function").\n" >&2
492 printf "\n$(gettext "At least one KDC should be listed").\n\n" >&2
497 if [[ $kdc != $KDC ]]; then
503 printf "\n$(gettext "%s %s is unreachable, no action performed").\n" "KDC" $fkdc >&2
595 cname=$(canon_resolve $KDC)
668 printf "\t$(gettext "[ -T kdc_vendor ] specifies which KDC vendor is the server")\n" >&2
674 printf "\t$(gettext "[ -k kdc_list ] specify multiple KDCs, if -m is not used the first KDC in the list is assumed to be the master. KDC host names are used verbatim.")\n" >&2
675 printf "\t$(gettext "[ -m master ] master KDC server host name")\n" >&2
880 $KCONF -f $KRB5_CONFIG -r $realm -k $kdcs -m $KDC -p SET_CHANGE -d .$dom
1151 KDC=$kdc
1156 KDC=$dc
1224 if [[ -n $KDC ]]; then
1225 dc=$KDC
1590 typeset -l hostname KDC
1701 KDC="$OPTARG"
1702 checkval="KDC"; check_value $KDC
1737 query "$(gettext "Is this a client of a non-Solaris KDC") ?"
1740 printf "$(gettext "Which type of KDC is the server"):\n"
1742 printf "\t$(gettext "mit: MIT KDC server")\n"
1743 printf "\t$(gettext "heimdal: Heimdal KDC server")\n"
1744 printf "\t$(gettext "shishi: Shishi KDC server")\n"
1745 printf "$(gettext "Enter required KDC type"): "
1753 printf "\n$(gettext "Invalid KDC type option, valid types are ms_ad, mit, heimdal, or shishi, exiting").\n" >&2
1813 if [[ -z $KDC ]]; then
1817 KDC="$kdc"
1826 if [[ -z $KDC ]]; then
1827 printf "$(gettext "Specify the master KDC hostname for the above realm"): "
1828 read KDC
1829 checkval="KDC"; check_value $KDC
1837 ping_check $FKDC "KDC"
1840 query "$(gettext "Do you have any slave KDC(s)") ?"
1842 printf "$(gettext "Enter a comma-separated list of slave KDC host names"): "