Lines Matching refs:AuthRecord

461 typedef struct AuthRecord_struct AuthRecord;
518 AuthRecord *rr; // For record updates
1073 typedef void mDNSRecordCallback (mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr, mStatus result);
1079 typedef void mDNSRecordUpdateCallback (mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr, RData *OldRData, mDNSu16 OldRDLen);
1456 AuthRecord *members; // List of CacheRecords with this same name
1457 AuthRecord **rrauth_tail; // Tail end of that list
1459 AuthRecord *NewLocalOnlyRecords;
1505 AuthRecord *next; // Next in list; first element of structure for efficiency reasons
1510 AuthRecord *Additional1; // Recommended additional record to include in response (e.g. SRV for PTR record)
1511 AuthRecord *Additional2; // Another additional (e.g. TXT for PTR record)
1512 AuthRecord *DependentOn; // This record depends on another for its uniqueness checking
1513 AuthRecord *RRSet; // This unique record is part of an RRSet
1534 mDNSu8 AnsweredLocalQ; // Set if this AuthRecord has been delivered to any local question (LocalOnly or mDNSInterface_Any)
1546 AuthRecord *NextResponse; // Link to the next element in the chain of responses to generate
1548 AuthRecord *NR_AdditionalTo; // Set if this record was selected by virtue of being additional to another
1593 // are appended after the end of the AuthRecord, logically augmenting the size of the rdatastorage
1629 // Wrapper struct for Auth Records for higher-level code that cannot use the AuthRecord's ->next pointer field
1633 AuthRecord ar; // Note: Must be last element of structure, to accomodate oversized AuthRecords
1705 AuthRecord arv4; // registered IPv4 address record
1706 AuthRecord arv6; // registered IPv6 address record
1716 AuthRecord r;
1717 // Note: Add any additional fields *before* the AuthRecord in this structure, not at the end.
1719 // that this extra memory is available, which would result in any fields after the AuthRecord getting smashed
1746 AuthRecord *SubTypes;
1750 AuthRecord RR_ADV; // e.g. _services._dns-sd._udp.local. PTR _printer._tcp.local.
1751 AuthRecord RR_PTR; // e.g. _printer._tcp.local. PTR Name._printer._tcp.local.
1752 AuthRecord RR_SRV; // e.g. Name._printer._tcp.local. SRV 0 0 port target
1753 AuthRecord RR_TXT; // e.g. Name._printer._tcp.local. TXT PrintQueueName
1754 // Don't add any fields after AuthRecord RR_TXT.
1827 AuthRecord AutoTunnelHostRecord; // User-visible hostname; used as SRV target for AutoTunnel services
1828 AuthRecord AutoTunnelTarget; // Opaque hostname of tunnel endpoint; used as SRV target for AutoTunnelService record
1829 AuthRecord AutoTunnelDeviceInfo; // Device info of tunnel endpoint
1830 AuthRecord AutoTunnelService; // Service record (possibly NAT-Mapped) of IKE daemon implementing tunnel endpoint
1831 AuthRecord AutoTunnel6Record; // AutoTunnel AAAA Record obtained from awacsd
2146 AuthRecord RR_A; // 'A' or 'AAAA' (address) record for our ".local" name
2147 AuthRecord RR_PTR; // PTR (reverse lookup) record
2148 AuthRecord RR_HINFO;
2381 AuthRecord DeviceInfo;
2382 AuthRecord *ResourceRecords;
2383 AuthRecord *DuplicateRecords; // Records currently 'on hold' because they are duplicates of existing records
2384 AuthRecord *NewLocalRecords; // Fresh AuthRecords (public) not yet delivered to our local-only questions
2385 AuthRecord *CurrentRecord; // Next AuthRecord about to be examined
2448 AuthRecord *SPSRRSet; // To help the client keep track of the records registered with the sleep proxy
2644 // Call mDNS_Register with a completed AuthRecord object to register a resource record
2684 extern mStatus mDNS_Register (mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr);
2685 extern mStatus mDNS_Update (mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr, mDNSu32 newttl,
2687 extern mStatus mDNS_Deregister(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr);
2748 extern void mDNS_SetupResourceRecord(AuthRecord *rr, RData *RDataStorage, mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID,
2765 AuthRecord *SubTypes, mDNSu32 NumSubTypes,
2773 extern mStatus mDNS_RegisterNoSuchService(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr,
2808 extern mStatus mDNS_AdvertiseDomains(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *rr, mDNS_DomainType DomainType, const mDNSInterfaceID InterfaceID, char *domname);
3014 // The status callback is invoked to convey success or failure codes - the callback should not modify the AuthRecord or free memory.
3229 extern mDNSBool mDNSPlatformValidRecordForInterface(AuthRecord *rr, const NetworkInterfaceInfo *intf);
3290 extern void mDNSCoreRestartRegistration(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *rr, int announceCount);
3313 extern void CompleteDeregistration(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *rr);
3318 extern void ActivateUnicastRegistration(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr);
3322 extern mStatus UpdateKeepaliveRData(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *rr, NetworkInterfaceInfo *const intf, mDNSBool updateMac, char *ethAddr);
3327 extern void FreeEtcHosts(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *const rr, mStatus result);
3331 extern AuthGroup *InsertAuthRecord(mDNS *const m, AuthHash *r, AuthRecord *rr);
3332 extern AuthGroup *RemoveAuthRecord(mDNS *const m, AuthHash *r, AuthRecord *rr);
3343 extern mDNSBool RecordReadyForSleep(mDNS *const m, AuthRecord *rr);
3370 extern mDNSBool mDNSValidKeepAliveRecord(AuthRecord *rr);
3584 char sizecheck_AuthRecord [(sizeof(AuthRecord) <= 1208) ? 1 : -1];