Lines Matching refs:question

166     kDNSQClass_UnicastResponse = 0x8000 // Top bit set in a question means "unicast response acceptable"
428 // them to hang around for too long in the cache if the host in question crashes or otherwise goes away.
517 DNSQuestion *question; // For queries
1354 // a DNSSEC question. In some cases it is possible that the proxy
1522 mDNSAddr AddressProxy; // For reverse-mapping Sleep Proxy PTR records, address in question
1534 mDNSu8 AnsweredLocalQ; // Set if this AuthRecord has been delivered to any local question (LocalOnly or mDNSInterface_Any)
1547 const mDNSu8 *NR_AnswerTo; // Set if this record was selected by virtue of being a direct answer to a question
1608 // Everywhere else in the code, the determination of whether a question is unicast is made by checking to see if TargetQID is nonzero.
1618 // is not available locally for A or AAAA question respectively. Also, if the
1647 DNSQuestion *CRActiveQuestion; // Points to an active question referencing this answer. Can never point to a NewQuestion.
1650 mDNSu8 CRDNSSECQuestion; // Set to 1 if this was created in response to a DNSSEC question
1766 // If the host has more active interfaces that this it is not fatal -- duplicate question suppression will degrade gracefully.
1767 // Since we will still remember the last eight, the busiest interfaces will still get the effective duplicate question suppression.
1849 typedef void mDNSQuestionCallback (mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *question, const ResourceRecord *const answer, QC_result AddRecord);
1873 // For both ValidationRequired and ValidatingResponse question, we validate DNSSEC responses.
1878 // ValidatingQuestion is used when we need to know whether we are validating the DNSSEC responses for a question
1883 // Given the resource record and the question, should we follow the CNAME ?
1894 domainname * originalQName; // Name of original A/AAAA record if this question is for a CNAME record.
1897 mDNSBool answered; // Has this question been answered?
1907 mDNSs32 DelayAnswering; // Set if we want to defer answering this question until the cache settles
1910 // ThisQInterval > 0 for an active question;
1911 // ThisQInterval = 0 for a suspended question that's still in the list
1912 // ThisQInterval = -1 for a cancelled question (should not still be in list)
1916 mDNSu32 CurrentAnswers; // Number of records currently in the cache that answer this question
1918 // set the next question interval to MaxQuestionInterval
1929 mDNSBool SendOnAll; // Set if we're sending this question on all active interfaces
1930 mDNSBool CachedAnswerNeedsUpdate; // See SendQueries(). Set if we're sending this question
1939 mDNSs32 StopTime; // Time this question should be stopped by giving them a negative answer
1945 // ValidationRequired question
1954 mDNSOpaque64 validDNSServers; // Valid DNSServers for this question
1966 mDNSu8 Restart; // This question should be restarted soon
1994 mDNSBool ExpectUnique; // Set by client if it's expecting unique RR(s) for this question, not shared RRs
2001 mDNSu8 TimeoutQuestion; // Timeout this question if there is no reply in configured time
2010 mDNSs32 pid; // Process ID of the client that is requesting the question
2011 mDNSu8 uuid[UUID_SIZE]; // Unique ID of the client that is requesting the question (valid only if pid is zero)
2012 mDNSu32 euid; // Effective User Id of the client that is requesting the question
2013 domainname *qnameOrig; // Copy of the original question name if it is not fully qualified
2074 DNSQuestion question; // Storage for any active question
2353 mDNSs32 NextScheduledStopTime; // Next time to stop a question
2359 DNSQuestion *CurrentQuestion; // Next question about to be examined in AnswerLocalQuestions()
2652 // is received containing a record which matches the question, the DNSQuestion's mDNSAnswerCallback function will be called
2689 extern mStatus mDNS_StartQuery(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question);
2690 extern mStatus mDNS_StopQuery (mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question);
2691 extern mStatus mDNS_StopQueryWithRemoves(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question);
2782 extern mStatus mDNS_StartBrowse(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question,
2805 extern mStatus mDNS_GetDomains(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *const question, mDNS_DomainType DomainType, const domainname *dom,
2814 extern DNSServer *GetServerForQuestion(mDNS *m, DNSQuestion *question);
2815 extern mDNSu32 SetValidDNSServers(mDNS *m, DNSQuestion *question);
3338 extern void AutoTunnelCallback(mDNS *const m, DNSQuestion *question, const ResourceRecord *const answer, QC_result AddRecord);